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JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist for Case Reports

Reviewer : Rosnidar Sumardi Date: 24 Agustus 2021

Author : Orhan Onalan, MD; Birgul Elbozan Cumurcu, MD; And Lutfu Bekar, MD
Year : 2021 Record Number : 01

Yes No Unclear
1. Were patient’s demographic characteristics clearly √
2. Was the patient’s history clearly described and

presented as a timeline?
3. Was the current clinical condition of the patient on

presentation clearly described?
4. Were diagnostic tests or assessment methods and the √
results clearly described?
5. Was the intervention(s) or treatment procedure(s) √
clearly described?
6. Was the post-intervention clinical condition clearly √
7. Were adverse events (harms) or unanticipated events √
identified and described?
8. Does the case report provide takeaway lessons? √

Overall appraisal: Include √ Exclude Seek further info

Comments (Including reason for exclusion)
Dalam case report tidak dijelaskan secara rinci informasi genetic yang relevan pada pasien,
karena selain paroxetine menghambat sitokrom CYP2D6 yang menyebabkan metabolisme
metoprolol rendah kemungkinan juga disebabkan karena pasien poor metabolism untuk CYP2D6
dimana gen yang mengekspresikan enzim untuk sitokrom CYP2D6 kurang. Selain itu, tidak
dijelaskan secara rinci gejala yang dialami pasien untuk mempertimbangkan penggunaan alat
pacu jantung permanen.

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