Adware Description

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What is adware?
Adware is a type of unwanted software. Once it has infected your device, adware exposes you to
unwanted pop-ups and ads, redirects your searches to advertising sites, and collects your data for
marketing purposes.

Examples of Adware
 Fireball:
Fireball is a browser hijacker, which means it modifies your browser to serve its creator’s
purposes. Fireball sets as defaults contain tracking pixels that gather data about users to
use for marketing purposes. Also, Fireball has the ability to execute any code on the
infected computer and download browser extensions or other software.

 DollarRevenue:
Dollar.Revenue is dangerous adware program made by the company of the same name. It
displays advertisements on the infected PC and installs the UCMore Toolbar to track
internet searches. It usually comes bundled with another program. DollarRevenue is a
terrible adware program and you should get rid of it as soon as it infects your computer. 

 DeskAd:
DeskAd is considered to be malicious software, a destructive adware program that has
infected several homes users and many more businesses.  It is packaged as ad-supported
software that provides targeted advertisements. DeskAd has been known to redirect a
user's web requests to other locations on the internet, often sending them to sites
compromised with malware.  


 Your web browser’s homepage has changed
There are various browser extensions you can use to automatically change your browser’s
homepage to photos of beautiful landscapes or motivational quotes. However, if  instead of a
beautiful Seaview you see a redirect to an unknown address, then you could have been targeted
by adware.
 Your web browser is much slower than usual
Seeing the spinning beach ball of death may be irritating - but there’s nothing wrong with it.
It’s just a sign that your computer is engaged in processor-heavy activity. However, if
something similar often happens to your browser, then don’t rush into installing a new one - it
could be a sign of adware infection.

 Your web browser frequently crashes

If your browser is so slow it makes any high-load activity almost impossible, it is just “throw-
the-laptop-out-the-window” annoying! But things get even worse when your browser crashes
in the middle of your favorite series or game. While this could indicate more serious problems
or issues with a software update, it is still worth checking your computer for adware.

 Suspicious error messages appear out of nowhere

Seeing frequent error messages is both irritating and creepy. If numerous errors start to ruin
your online experience - it is time to get rid of them by removing adware. Rest assured that
you’ll be able to kill two birds with one stone if you follow this advice!

 Software starts installing without your permission

Seeing unknown software installed on your computer is a nightmare - even if you’re not a
control freak. It is also one of the most common signs of adware, which you installed -
intentionally or not - by skipping one of the licenses you agreed to. If some of the signs above
seem familiar - and present in your day-to-day life - then it is likely you have adware installed
on your PC or Mac. So, here’s how to find it on your own.

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