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1 – Answer
Alice Saddy faced many problems in managing work from top to bottom for
some reasons. Firstly, developing the plan for a particular case is one of the
most important aspects of the association. But, because of the lack of strong
establishment of direction and workload, it was difficult for the supervisor
of support services to identify and assign cases to support workers. So, in
this case, they should make a simple structure in which supervisor support
service can help them to retain flexibility for employees’ projects. They can
effectively manage rising demand, benefit people, and support workers.
There are many advantages to the simple structure at Alice Saddy, such as:
It will reduce the repetition of tasks and confusion among supervisor
support services. It would be easy for the supervisor to evaluate the
performance and define a professional development plan for employees. A
simple method will be helpful for supervisors to identify the needs of
people, new people supported and support workers.
The second aspect is getting feedback and transforming services, because
Lack of communication and cross-structure in the organisational structure,
supervisor support services become confused about providing services. If
they create a simple structure, it would be easy for supervisor support
services to communicate with their support workers and ask for feedback
directly, so supervisors and support workers would not be confused about
their work. However, it would be easy for the supervisor of support
services to choose, analyse, or indentation of the requirements of the
person, flexibility of evaluation, and then assign it to a support worker who
would have matching skills to support that person. They can supervise and
guide their support workers without creating conflict. It is difficult for
supervisors of support services to work efficiently because of the lack of
communication, but the simple forwarding structure will help them to
carry out work smoothly. The supervisor of support services will need to
give response to their case only and the supervisor of support services will
be free in their role to give priority to support workers for people
supported. Because of this simple forwarding structure, supervisors at all
levels will do work smoother as there will be flexibility in decision making.
Question.2- Answer
From the case, it is clear that the main reasons for support workers'
frustration and confusion are lack of proper communication and direction
of work. I suggest they should make a separate chain of employees’
structure (single team from upper to bottom) which can be easy to control,
focus and direct. There would be a manager according to the number of
people supported and under them, a supervisory support service and then
a support worker. But they would all be on one single team. For example, if
there are four managers, 90 support workers and 9 service supervisors,
then they will format their organisation into a team like one manager and
an under manager. There would be 2 supervisors and around 20 to 22
support workers. This will create a single team from top to bottom, and,
like this company, it can create teams according to the growth of the people
supported. And each manager will choose their case, identify it, and then
pass it to matching support workers. The supervisor can observe their
support workers easily.
There are many advantages to this single and separate managing structure.
First, managers have to respond to only their team, and it would be easy for
them to give direction and feedback to support workers. Moreover,
managers will give training to their support workers according to their
requirements. If a support worker needs help, then they will inform their
team’s supervisor, who will inform only their manager. However, it will
reduce confusion, conflict and frustration among the support workers. If
there is any problem created in the team, it will not affect other teams. With
this style of organisation structure, it would be easy for a manager to get
support from another manager for a specific case. Finally, I would like to
say, if there is growth in the future, Alice Saddy will format the same team
structure by hiring a new manager and supporter.

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