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Setting : The Sun rays are glowing , the smell

of poisonous jungle flowers are spreading , The
taste of moisture is in the air , The Birds
chirping in the old birch trees , where are we ,
we are in JUMANJI

Characters : Spencer , fridge , Jack

Black , Karen Gillian , Rhys Darby , Nick
Jonas , Alex wolfff ,
Indirect ( Arabic boy ) , Indian Security ,

Exposition :
The characters are in school , all of them did
something bad so they are suspended , school
principal gave the a choice of cleaning the
school basement or getting suspended for 3
days , so they all agreed to clean the basement
Rising action : When they start cleaning the
basement , fridge found a old jumanji video
game , so him and spencer started playing it
was a six player game so all of them chose a
character the suddenly the students started
evaporating into the game

Climax : when the spawned in the game all of

them were so scared to they started to know
who is who and what is going on , all of them
had mysterious tattoo’s they looked like ( lll )
Fridge saw a rhino so they started running
fridge had a backpack bigger that him so he
was the slowest , the rhino killed him , when
everybody ran away they saw something shine
in the sky and it was fridge , but he had 2 lines
instead of 3

Falling action : they saw an in game guy and

he let them ride in his 4x4 truck to look
around he told them that they need to return
the heart of jumanji ( the game ) back to the
stone, they started looking and they found the
stone , but it was in one of hands of biggest
gangs in the game ,

End : They got the stone and returned it to the

stone then they finished the game ,

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