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DIASS  SOCIAL CONTROL - refers to encouraging

adherence to social norms and minimizing,

MODULE 6: SHAPING SOCIETY THROUGH SOCIAL eliminating or normalizing deviant behavior.
 SOCIAL REFORM - emphasizing the necessity of
SOCIAL WORK having social reform, social workers have always
believed that the lack of food, housing, employment
 A profession and a vocation - "vocare" which and education and recreational opportunities are
means calling. the real cause of social problems.
 Engage even in the simplest act of kindness and
concern toward others.  INFORMAL - internalized beliefs and norms and
 Promotion of "Social change, problem solving in influence face-to-face exchanges such as ridicule,
praise and ostracism.
human relationships, and the empowerment and
liberation of people to enhance well-being" (Homer,
 FORMAL - includes law and regulations and actions
2006). by governmental representatives such as police and
social workers.

 Social Welfare - encompasses social work are SOCIAL SERVICES

primarily related to the level of practice.
 are provided so that the members of society can
 Social Welfare institutions - (programs and function effectively within a society.
organizations) that are established to prevent,  contribute to political stability
alleviate, or contribute to the solution of recognized 1. By exhibiting apparent efforts to alleviate problems
social problems in order to directly improve the that might result in serious discontent and that
well-being of individuals, groups, families, could be used to criticize the current economic and
organization and communities. political structure.
2. By defining social problems as caused by individual,
 Social welfare as an academic discipline. Study of
family, or group factors rather than by structural
agencies, programs personnel and policies. - and economic factors.
Studying social welfare especially in societies where 3. By promoting values and behaviors that support
the values of social justice and equality are higly political stability.
regarded. 4. By supporting authority and related hierarchial
 Social workers are concerned with "people who are 5. By replacing class with group conflict.
vulnerable, who are struggling to participate fully in
society" (marginalized individual). SOCIAL WORK DURING COLONIAL PERIOD

CONTEXTUAL FUNCTION  A combination of church work and charity

 During Spanish colonial period, hospital and
 RELIEF OF PSYCHOLOGICAL DISTRESS AND orphanages were established by the church, the
MATERIAL NEED - People are able to cope better religious orders, and other individuals who saw the
and function effectively in their social environment. act of giving as "route to salvation".
 By the time of American, charitable activities
 PROVIDING FOR BASIC SURVIVAL NEEDS - gradually extended to public coordination and
Providing adequate nutrition, clothing, shelter and provision of welfare services.
medical care. It involves creation of opportunities to
enhance psychological well-being and social
COMMONWEALTH GOVERNMENT 3. Promote the effectiveness and humane operations
of systems that provide people with resources and
 These events brought public welfare legislation and services. This foal focuses on the systems which
programs into a wider and broader scope, which individual interact with specifically on the available
even extend to rural areas. sources for serving the people.
 During Japanese interlude, emergency relief work
became the focus of all government, religious and A. Program developer
charitable institution. B. Supervisor
C. Coordinator

 A Social Welfare commission under the office of the 4. Develop and Improve Social Policy – this goal
President was founded. It signified formal centers on the systems people interact with
recognition of Social Welfare as a responsibility of specifically on the laws/statutes and social policies
the State in 1947. that underlie such resources. Social workers are
1. Establishment of Social work schools in and around planners and policy developers.
2. The formation of the Philippine Association of Social
3. The funding by the Uniten Nations Childrens'
Emergency Fund.
4. The enactment of Republic Act 4373 whih regulated
the practice of Social Work and the operation of
Social Work agencies. - Department of Social
Services and Development.


 DSWD (Department of Social Welfare and

Development) was reorganized and offered by areas
of concentration. Family and community, children
and youth, women, disabled and elderly people and
emergency assistance/disaster relief. Some of the
tasks from the national level were relegated to the
level of municipalities. (Local health, day care
centers, clinic, LGU & NGO's)


 To primary goal is to fulfill the social, financial,

health and recreational requirements of all
individual in society.
1. Enhance the problem solving, coping and
developmental capacities of people. -focus of the
goal is on the individual where the social worker
serves primarily as an enabler- a counselor, teacher,
caregiver and behavior changer.
2. Link people with system that provide them with
resources, services, and opportunities - focuses on
relationship between individuals and the systems
they interact with. The social worker serves
primarily as a broker.
empower groups at risk and promote social and
CORE VALUES OF SOCIAL WORK economic justice.
 The development and testing of professional
knowledge and skills related to these purposes.


 Food supplier
 Rescuing people on the street


 University of the Philippines - Diliman in 1950

 Formal institutionalization of the Department of
 aims to educate current and future social workers
 Inherent dignity and worth of all persons on integrative social work practice anchored on
 Natural and social rights capacities and critical and culturally relevant "theoretical
responsibilities. perspectives" with the strategic goal of being
"center of excellence in social work education in
 Value of unity in diversity, individual difference,
Southeast Asia"
pluralism in society  The department offers academic programs which
 Free society are people-centered and anchored on practical
 Growth and development of the individual, the realities of the social work profession.
family system and the community.  It envisions its graduates to be responsive and
 Social justice and political, economic and social relevant in realizing the empowerment and social
transformation of member of the society.
well-being of all people.
 Social workers as agents and advocate of change. SOCIAL WORK
 Promotion of professionalism, responsibility,
 A baccalaureate degree is necessary
 Masteral degree (optional)
 Professional practice deeply rooted in cultural  Stepping stone: Voluntary work in communities
values. such as NSTP or youth ambassador
 Institutionalize and enforces a code of ethics.
MODULE 7: PROFESSIONALS AND PRACTITIONERS IN  protects and restricts the title of "social worker"
SOCIAL WORK  gains public and governmental recognition in the
form of licensing and setting a level of qualification.
 The promotion, restoration, maintenance, and
enhancement of the functioning of individuals,  Listen to others with understanding and purpose
families, groups, organizations and communities by  Elicit information and assemble relevant facts to
helping them accomplish tasks, prevent, and prepare a social history, assessment, and report.
 Create and maintain professional helping
alleviate distress and use resources.
 The planning, formulation, and implement of social  Observe and interpret verbal and non-verbal
policies, services resources, and programs needed behavior and use of knowledge of personality
to meet basic human needs and support the theory and diagnostic methods.
development of human capacities.  Engage clients, including individuals, families,
 The pursuit of policies, services, resources, ang groups and communities in efforts to resolve their
programs through organizational or administrative own problems and to gain trust.
advocacy and social or political action, so as to
 Discuss sensitive emotional subjects supportively access the various benefits and priveleges that they
and without being threatening. are entitled to.
 Create innovative solutions to client's needs. 5. Mental health and substance abuse social work -
 Determine the need to terminate the therapeutic Areas of social ork where the main clients struggle
relationship. with addiction, substance abuse or mental health
 Conduct research or interpret the research findings problems.
and professional literature. 6. Military veterans social work - provide asssitance to
 Mediate and negotiate between conflicting parties. military and combat veterans to overcome post-
 Provide inter-organizational liaison services. traumatic stress and slowly adjust to life and family
 Interpret and communicate social needs to finding outside combat.
resources, the public, or legislators. 7. Psychiatric social work - provide therapy and assess
the psychiatric health of clients (to understand the
CAREER OPPORTUNITIES situation’s legal and clinical context)


 adoption WORK
 public assistance
 counseling  Children
 service to single parent  Community
 day care services  Family services
 school social services  Corrections
 services to minority groups and to veterans  Group services
 Medical clinics
 recreational activities
 Mental health
 social services in a medical or mental hospital
 Public assistance
 anti-poverty programs
 School and social work
 social services in nursing homes and other services
 Aged
to the elderly
 Substance abusers
 marital counseling
 Mental-developmental disabilities
 drug and alcohol counseling
 Other disabilities
 services to the emotionally disturbed
 Occupational and social work
 abortion counseling
 family planning services MODULE 9: SETTINGS, PROCESSES, METHODS & TOOLS
 service to persons with a physical disability IN SOCIAL WORK
 sexual counseling
 research/social action/fund-raising WHEN DEALING ISSUES WITH INDIVIDUAL, FAMILIES
a. Identify as precisely as pssible the problem(s) of the
1. Child, family and school social work - reaching client
out/rehabilitant children who have experience b. Generate possible alternative solutions to the issue
trauma/abuse, undergoing stress and anxiety, or problem of the client
suffering from severe illness. c. Evaluate the alternative solutions
2. Community social work - effective implementation d. Select the solution(s) to be used and set goals,
of infrastructure building, volunteering, and making sure the client is set as well to help
fundraising efforts. Link to community-based non- himself/herself
profit organizations that helps during e. Implement the solution
crisis/disasters. f. Follow up to evaluate how the solution(s) worked.
3. Hospice and palliative care social work- provide
assistance to those seriously ill or terminally ill. LEVELS IN SOCIAL WORK
4. Medical and health social work- Assigned in
 Micro level
clinics/hospitals to help clients with emotional,
 Mezzo level
financial & physical struggles. Assist the clients to
 Macro level
 One-to-one basis
 Families and small groups
 Organization & communities


a. Department of Social Welfare and Development

National Council of Social
- Primary government agency to ensure the
protection of social welfare rights and the
promotion of social development.

b. Development (NCSD) Foundation of the Philippines

- a nongovernmental and advocacy organization
established in 1949 then known as the Council f
Welfare Agencies in the Philippines it marked the
beginning of Non-governmental organization (NGO)

c. International Federations of Social Workers (IFSW)

- global organization striving for social justices,
human rights, ad social development through the
promotion of social work, best practice models and
the facilitation of international cooperation. It has
about 116 member-countries which it helps by
"providing a global voice for the profession"

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