Activity 2

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Activity #2

1. Ask somebody to relay a difficult experience where he/she has to choose between two pressing
outcome and result. Make a reflection essay about his/her story.

Family will always be the one of the most precious thing we have in this world since they are everything
we really have in life. Losing a love ones is like having the rug swept from under you. Imagine, we make
plans every day for our family and do not think that there is a day in just one blink of an eye our love ones
can be taken away from us. Losing a love one’s is like you are in a horror movie, it is too fearing,
traumatic and devastating, especially when the decisions of the life of your love ones is in your hands.
When I ask my eldest cousin, she said to me that the most difficult experience is she needs to choose
between letting go her mom which is in the comma, but the result is her mom will never ever go back
again or continuing fighting the life of her mom, but her mom will continue sacrificing from the comma.
No one would ever think to go into such a difficult situation like that because I think that the most
difficult choices that has negative outcome because it is about the life and death. It’s too difficult but she
has no choice but to choose fighting for her mom’s life and waiting her mom to let go by herself because
for my cousin at least she has no regrets and she would say to herself that she do her very best and she
fight for the life of her mom but the most saddest part of it is her mom is already let go her life because
the doctor said that her brain is already dead and there is no chances to survive. Sometimes, God let us
happen this to us to make us much stronger, to make us who we really are right now, Life is not just about
happiness and joy because there are times that we need to feel sadness and pain because if we feel happy
every time, we will not recognize it as happiness and pleasure, and sadness will also help us and guides us
through multiple emotional and necessary journeys throughout our lives. We need to accept the fact that
everything that we have in this world is just temporary because we are citizens of heaven and death will
always be part of our lives, and we also need to realize that we will go through difficult times like making
decision with two outcomes but always remember that you always be careful and always choose what is
right and the choice of your heart.

2. Write an essay on your thoughts about ethics and its importance to Today’s Society.

We encounter ethics in our everyday life, it has a large influence in today’s life and as well as in the
future. When we are just a child our parents taught us what is right and wrong like it is wrong to lie and
steal other people belongings and as we grow older, we are continuing to learn about ethics and the
complexity about it. Ethics helps a person to look what is right or wrong /moral or immoral in his actions,
choices, and decisions. In ethics we will learn about the morality, conscience, dignity, respect and many
more so that it is an effective guide towards life success. Ethics is important in our society because they
guide our decisions, it determines our future, and it makes us who we really are right now. It taught to us
that cheating is wrong and a crime but when we go to school it easy for us to cheat in our exams,
assignments, and seatworks to get a higher grade. Sometimes we do not see that cheating is a wrong thing
to do because we force by ourselves to do it since we are being put in the difficult situation so that we
commit to cheat to make our life much easier even it is wrong, so ethics is there to help us prevent the
wrong doings and to help us decide a morally right decisions despite of having difficult situations.

3. Cite and provide a brief explanation (at least 2) of cultural relativism. Identify the conflicting
issue of your chosen example with regards to your morality.
Cultural relativism is about the “theory of morality”, it’s the viewpoint that all the beliefs, traditions
and ethics are relative to the individual social context and any action of one’s society can be right if it is
acceptable in their culture. These beliefs are appraised sometimes by other people, moral or maybe
immoral because it depends on their own perspective, and you don’t have the right to judge what is good
and evil because there is no existence of standards of morality. (1) “Abortion” is one of the most serious
and controversial topics in the society, it is an argument between life and death. Abortion is one of the
common methods of termination of pregnancy, it’s the way of removing the fetus from the uterus. There
are two forms of abortion the first is the spontaneous abortion or miscarriage wherein you don’t have the
plan to abort it but for some cases like incidents and complications the fetus undergo with abortion and
the second one is the induced abortion wherein it is performed purposely. Abortion is commonly
happened nowadays across the world especially in the Philippines but in the Philippines, it is not legal
because it’s a form of Illegal killing of humans and Filipino’s believe that it is an act of crime so that it is
not accepted in the Filipino society but there are certain countries who legally considered abortion as a
moral act like in China. Abortion in Chinese society and government is legal because it’s the way for
them to contain their population and to maintain and maximize their welfare or wealth, they have a law
called “one child policy” wherein Chinese people don’t have the right to have a child more than one,
because if they attempted to give birth more than one, the Chinese government will kill it and mostly the
victims of this are the baby girls. Of course I will considered abortion as morality wrong because for me
killing babies is not the proper way to maintain a wealthy government because there is some proper ways
like family planning or using contraceptives while doing sexual activities and I believe in Christ because
it is one of its commandments which is (do not kill) and I also believe that every lives has a matter and
every child there is one hope for the world because the children is our future. (2) “Consuming the dead”
this practice is doing by the Yanomami tribe in the Amazon rainforest bordering Venezuela and Brazil,
they are not agreeing with the idea of burying the dead because they believe that there should no physical
trace of the body that should be left in order to allow the spirits to rest in peace and they also believe that
the soul of their lost loved ones will reside within them so that the deceased family consumed the dead
people by their ash and bone powder that is being obtained after the cremation by mixing it into a plantain
soup. For me I would not consider it as morality wrong because it is their belief/culture, and it is their
way to preserve the memories of their love one’s to them and their way in mourning their lost love ones
and I don’t have the right to judge it because my culture is different from them.

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