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Week 2

Name: ________________________________ Score: ________

Grade & Section: __________________ Date: October 12-16, 2020

Activity 1: Choose the letter of the crrect answer. Write the letter on the space provided before
the number.

1. Which proponent of the communication model says that Communication

a) SchrammModel c)Shannon-Weaver
b) b) CharlesOsgood'sModel d)Dance

2. This theorist refers transmission model of Communication as

that involvessignal.
a) Shannon-Weaver c)Schramm
b) CharlesOsgood's d)Dance

3. It is the medium that transmits the signal from the transmitter to

a) Thechannel c)receiver
b) messenger d)television

4.The is to whom the message is intended to besent.

a) thechannel c)sender
b) Thereceiver d)barrier

5. He showed Communication as a dynamic or two-way process in which

there is interactive relationship between the source and the receiverof
the message.
a) Osgood c)Shannon
b) Schramm d)Weaver

6. The following elements are added to the Transactional Model,EXCEPT:

a) nonverbalcommunication c)context
b) feedback d)meaning

7. Transactional Model says people can be both sender and receiver, is

c) Osgood c)Shannon
d) Schramm d)Weaver

8. Communicationis
a) verbal only
b) from ONLY one to manyonly
c) transmission of information with passiverecipients
d) a process

9. Which of the following is NOT true of the Shannon Weaver Model

a) message does not consist of written and spokenwords
b) the model does not introduce the concept ofnoise.
c) It is a two-wayprocess
d) all of theabove

10. The following are the main elements of Wilbur Schramm's simplified
communication model (1954),except;
a) barrier c)channel
b) speaker/Source d)receiver

Activity 2: Write Aif you agree to the statement and Dif you disagree. Please write your
answer in BIG LETTERS in the column provided.

Statements Agree /
1. In the Shannon - Weaver Model of Communication, the
receiver can only receive the message.
2. If the role of the receiver in this model is to only receive the
message, then it means that there is no way the sender will know
whether the sent message was understood or not.
3. The linear model is a one-way direction of communication
which promotes advice and influence rather than mutual
between receiver and sender.
4. Feedback from the receiver happens in the Shannon -
Weaver Model.
5. The decoder changes the message into a signal then sends it
over the communication channel.
6. The Shannon-weaver model is considered as the mother of all
communication models.
7. This model is said to have effects more on building
relationship with the communicators rather than understanding
the messages.
8. The channel is the medium the sender uses to transmit the

9. Shannon-Weaver model is different from transmission
10. In a linear model, the element of feedback is present.

Activity 3: Fill out the empty boxes with a simple scenario reflecting a linear model of

Right! the Shannon - Weaver model is considered as the

mother of all models and is also known as the
transmission model. It was being criticized because the
model does not include feedback among its elements.

Now let us take a look at the second model of

communication. You may watch video here. (insert video)

Shannon-Weaver Model Similarities Transactional

Activity 4: Enumeration

The 3 basic characteristics of Transactional Model


The 4 characteristics of linearmodel


The two other names of linearmodel


The other name of transactionalmodel

10. _____________________________________________________________

Activity 5:Create Venn diagram on your Communication Activity Notebook, thencompare and
contrast the first 2 models of communication discussed in this module and afterwards,
discuss your diagram and the most striking characteristics/differences between the twom
Activity 6: Read and Answer the questions to the best of your ability based from the lessons you
have learned.

1. Go back to your memory lane and recall a situation when you sought for a piece of advice from a friend.
What was thesituation:
What was theadvice:
Why do you think your friend was able to give you that piece ofadvice?

has no common experience, do you think there will be an understanding among peoples in the world? Defend your answer

he Interactive Model of Communication is used, meaning there is the common sharing of a field of experiences. How does t
3. How does the field of experience make communication better and more effective?

Activity 7: How well do you know the models? Fill it out with the necessary information indicated in the
first column.

Communication Models of Communication

Features Linear Transactional Interactive


Striking Feature


Best Time to Use
Activity 8: This is a 1-minute follow-all-instructions activity. Your Teacher will provide
you a copy of what to do. Do not write anything on this activity sheet. You start as
soon as the teacher tells you to do so and stop when time is up.

1. Read all instructionsfirst.
2. Write your favorite color anywhere on thepaper.
3. Draw a big circle at the center of yourpaper.
4. Write your birthday at the upper right corner of yourpaper.
5. Write a big “#1” below the bigcircle.
6. Write your Nickname below yourbirthday.
7. Draw a box in the lower left corner of thispaper.
8. Draw any object that represents your dream profession inside
the bigcircle.
9. Write the name of your crush inside thebox.
10. Draw a star on top of the bigcircle.
11. Write the lesson of this module right after#1
12. Draw a smiley anywhere on yourpaper.
13. Put a checkmark before#1.
14. Write “I love Oral Communication” anywhere on yourpaper.
15. Ignore all other instructions and write your name on top of

this lesson, we need encoding to be able to put in the right message we intend to send to our listeners and we also need fe
Activity 9: Self-checking
Greatjob! You have completed the lesson successfully!
Before going to the next lesson, check the icon that best
shows your learningexperience.

I have understood the lesson well and I can even teach what I learned to others.

I have understood the lesson but there are still other things that I need to review and relearn.

I need to do additional work to be able to master the lesson.

need help in some tasks.

hings that you need to relearn. If you have checked the third icon, it would be best if you read more from the links given above and ask
Activity 10: Reflect and Answer.

There may be better or best models though! Experts made improvements on the models of communication based on their

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