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Project Summary: Blockchain for the GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC SECTOR ENTITY A

With an aim to maintain its technological edge, The GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC SECTOR ENTITY A
engaged EY as a Knowledge Partner to plan and execute a series of events to support the
Blockchain ecosystem in the state.

A multi-step approach was undertaken to execute this vision rapidly and at scale:

1. PERSON: The initiative was kicked off with one of the largest Blockchain in the country held
from 19-21 January 2018. The PERSON received an event day attendance of 270
participants. A total of 60 teams participated of which 54 teams completed the PERSON
with final submissions. Hyperledger and Ethereum were used on ENTITIES cloud stacks.
The PERSON was carefully designed by the EY team, in consultation with the government,
to generate relevant and usable Blockchain reference solutions. 5 use cases were prepared
and teams developed solutions on one of these:
a. Cross-Domain multi-stakeholder decision making (e.g. tree-felling that needs
approvals by multiple departments)
b. Tracing the Chain of Custody of Agricultural/ Horticultural/Forest produce
(e.g. traceability of LOCATION mango, a mango that is local to LOCATION and
other southern states)
c. Identity and Ownership Management (e.g., managing a single identity with all
information residing with the resident, and being handed to various entities
that need authentication, only with the resident’s consent, thereby increasing
security and privacy)
d. Incidence-based payment systems (e.g., Direct transfer of benefits, subject to
a resident meeting various eligibility criteria over a period of time, or based on
evidence of incidence of specific events)
e. Real-Time record maintenance (e.g., maintenance of land-records across-
multiple departments, with a single-view/shared ledger, along with adequate
enforcement of rules and privacy)

In order to develop cross practice capacity on PERSON within EY, teams from multiple
Partners were engaged as mentors. Each mentor was aligned to a use case that would
benefit their respective business use-cases of blockchain. These joint efforts resulted in a
22-member EY mentor team which worked with participants on all 5 use cases throughout

Powered By Global Markets - EY Knowledge

the PERSON. 1Participants created concept videos which were judged by a panel of 9 judges
(suggested by IEEE) from leading firms such as ENTITIES and others. Some highlights of the
event are available on video and on the website.

Feedback from the hackathon was unanimously superlative across the participants, the
government, the mentors (from other companies), and the judges. 2 key differentiators
were the availability of a large number of knowledgeable mentors (from EY), and the
degree of preparation that had gone in, into defining the problem statements, identifying
the tech

stacks, and ensuring that the cloud providers had these stacks available on ready to run
dockers/containers and VMs.

The judges selected 10 winners from the PERSON, with prizes ranging from AMOUNT
REMOVED lakhs (1 winner) to AMOUNT REMOVED (4 x fourth place teams). The winning
teams comprised startups, as well as college students.

The 1st prize winner of the Hackathon was ENTITY,


a LOCATION-based startup comprising graduates of XXX, LOCATION University and other leading
colleges. Their concept of a self-sovereign “SuperIdentity,” which consolidated all IDs of an
individual to create a virtual ID persona, utilized both Blockchain, strong distributed encryption of
documents and AI.

The government is now exploring the potential of converting taking the best concepts to a PoC
stage on a government provided sandbox environment, with a standardised blockchain technology

A video summary and website are available. Please click on the links herewith.

2. Blockchain Conclave: After the success of the Hackathon for the developer community in
LOCATION, a high-profile Blockchain Conclave was organized on 15 February at the ITC
Gardenia for knowledge sharing by global and national Blockchain experts with leading
members of government, private sector and the startup community in LOCATION. The
Conclave saw attendance by 300 participants and featured 12 speakers, including those
from Europe and the UAE, on the following 3 themes:
a. Cryptocurrencies, FinTech and the rise of a new economics
b. PERSON in Governance and Service Delivery
c. The Social Impact of Blockchain


A video summary and website are available. Please click on the links herewith.

The EY mentor team comprised: PERSONS
3. Blockchain Roadmap for LOCATION: A draft Blockchain roadmap was prepared by the EY
team for the Government, and was released for public consultations. The key components
of the consultation paper focus on enablers in different aspects such as skills (developing
and recognizing Blockchain certifications), providing a sandbox environment for blockchain,
cloud infrastructure (empanelling cloud vendors and providing cloud credits), creating a
Blockchain Lab and incubation space, and developing a Blockchain Governance Committee
for the state. The detailed provisions are publicly available at this LINK DELETED.

4. LOCATION Blockchain Stack and PoC development: As a next step to the Blockchain
roadmap, the EY team is now focussing on helping the client develop a Blockchain Stack for
LOCATION. This stack would serve as a platform for state-wide, India-wide and global
development on Blockchain for the state. This move would position LOCATION significantly
ahead of other states in the country working on Blockchain.

As a part of this process, the EY team is also assisting the client in developing two live
Blockchain PoCs within government agencies. The two areas chosen as of now are land
records and the chain of custody and traceability of agricultural produce.

Engagement Partner – PERSON (EMAIL ID DELETED)

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