Monitoring COVID-19 Where Capacity For Testing Is Limited: Use of A Three-Step Analysis Based On Test Positivity Ratio

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Policy and practice

Monitoring COVID-19 where capacity for testing is limited:

use of a three-step analysis based on test positivity ratio
Sirenda Vong, Manish Kakkar
World Health Organization Health Emergencies Programme, World Health Organization Regional Office for South-East Asia,
New Delhi, India
Correspondence to: Dr Sirenda Vong (

In an effort to monitor coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), many countries have been calculating
the ratio of cases confirmed to tests performed (test positivity ratio – TPR). While inferior to sentinel
surveillance, TPR has the benefit of being easily calculated using readily available data; however,
interpreting TPR and its trends can be complex because both the numerator and the denominator are
constantly changing. We describe a three-step process where the ratio of relative increase in cases to
relative increase in tests is accounted for in an adjusted TPR. This adjusted value more appropriately
reflects the case number and factors out the effect of changes in the number of tests done. Unadjusted
and adjusted TPRs are then assessed step-wise with reference to the epidemic curve and the
cumulative numbers of cases and tests. Use of this three-step analysis and its potential use in guiding
public health interventions are demonstrated for selected countries and subnational areas of the World
Health Organization South-East Asia Region, together with the Republic of Korea as a reference. To
date, application of the three-step analysis to data from countries of the region has signalled potential
inadequacies of testing strategies. Further work is needed on approaches to support countries where
testing capacity is likely to remain constrained. One example would be enumeration of the average
number of tests needed to detect one COVID-19 case, which could be stratified by factors such as
location and population. Such data would allow evidence-informed strategies that best balance the
highest detection rate with the prevailing testing capacity.

Keywords: COVID-19, laboratory testing, test positivity ratio

Background social measures and implement changes to these measures

with confidence.
On 11  March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) Many countries have used laboratory data to calculate
declared coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) a pandemic.1 a test positivity ratio (TPR) and have used TPR trends to
By mid-June 2020, while the status of the COVID-19 epidemics assess and compare their epidemic response performance
in other WHO regions appeared to be post-peak, the numbers with countries that are judged to have responded well, such as
of cases were still rising in the Americas, African and South- the Republic of Korea, and with those that are not.5 However,
East Asia regions.2 Countries of the WHO South-East Asia interpreting TPR and its trends can be complex because both
Region have been actively engaged in increasing capacity the numerator and the denominator are constantly changing;
for laboratory testing for severe acute respiratory syndrome to date, both the number of positive test results and the number
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), and most have publicly released of tests done have been increasing daily. Moreover, both
daily numbers of tests performed.3 However, there have been values can be influenced independently by many factors. TPR
vast differences among countries in the reported number characteristics depend on whether countries are in community
of tests done per capita. Reasons include differences in transmission mode or at the beginning or end of an epidemic.
individual countries’ epidemiological situations, infrastructures, In addition, low or high TPRs depend on many factors, such as
resources, supply chains and availability of testing equipment. the scale of transmission in the community, the testing strategy
This deficit in testing capacity in the region, which mirrors the and consistency in its application, and implementation issues.
global shortage, is expected to remain a major challenge Unless these factors are considered, TPR will not allow correct
in the months ahead.4 This will further hinder countries’ interpretation of the progression of an outbreak.
ability to estimate the real incidence of COVID-19, which is This paper describes a three-step analysis of TPR to
indispensable to monitor the effectiveness of public health and monitor the progress of an outbreak and the quality of national

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Vong and Kakkar: Monitoring COVID-19 where capacity for testing is limited

response. To demonstrate its utility, we apply this analysis to Examples of use of the three-step analysis
selected countries and two subnational areas of the WHO
South-East Asia Region and, as a reference, to the Republic Annex Fig. 1 shows graphs A, B, and C for the following countries/
of Korea. The results should help optimize testing strategy states and time periods: 1. Thailand (13 January–3 June 2020);
and stimulate further work to improve outbreak response in 2.  Republic of Korea (31  December 2019–25  May 2020);
countries where testing capacity is limited. 3.  India (30  January–3  June 2020); 4.  Maharashtra, India
(5 April–4 June 2020); 5. Sri Lanka (28 January–3 June 2020);
6. Kerala, India (1 April–3 June 2020).
Three-step analysis of test positivity ratio First step: The observed TPR trend (graphs  A in Annex
Fig.  1) is interpreted with reference to the epidemic curve.
The analysis uses an “observed TPR” and an “adjusted TPR”. Observed TPR trends can be either relatively unchanged
(graphs 3A, 4A, 6A) or follow the shape of the epidemic curve
Observed TPR (graphs  1A, 2A, 5A). For the latter, the observed TPR trend
The observed TPR is derived from the daily data reports appears to be a proxy for the trajectory of an epidemic, with
published on official websites and is calculated by dividing lower rates at the beginning and end and higher rates at the
a day’s number of reported cases of COVID-19 by the peak.
number of tests for SARS-CoV-2 performed on the same Second step: The observed TPR is interpreted against
date. This observed TPR differs from the actual TPR in that cumulative cases and cumulative tests and the correlation
the denominator is the number of tests done, which will between the two (graphs  B in Annex Fig.  1). Correlation
always be more than the number of suspected cases tested between cumulative cases and tests indicates the effect of
because a proportion of cases will be tested more than the denominator, i.e. the increase in the number of cases is a
once. However, since all other factors are relatively constant, result of increased testing (graphs 3B, 4B). Lack of correlation
the observed TPR serves as a reasonable proxy for the real (i.e. logistic growth for cases versus exponential growth for
value. tests, as seen in graphs 1B and 2B) indicates that the increase
in cases is independent of the increase in tests done, provided
Adjusted TPR that the testing strategy has not changed.
For the adjusted TPR, the daily observed TPR is multiplied by Third step: Both the observed TPR and the adjusted
the daily ratio of increase in cases to increase in tests. The TPR are interpreted with reference to the epidemic curve.
adjusted TPR on day t is the observed TPR on day t multiplied Since the adjusted TPR appropriately takes into account the
by the ratio of relative increase in cases on day  t to the influence of the numerator and has the effect of increasing
relative increase in tests on day t. The adjusted TPR therefore or decreasing the observed TPR, an increasing adjusted
appropriately takes account of the influence of the numerator TPR trend reliably reflects a true increase in cases relative
and factors out the effect of the denominator. to an increase in tests. Similarly, when the adjusted TPR is
The adjusted TPR for day t is calculated as: decreasing in accordance with the epidemic curve, this is
a signal that the number of cases actually is declining. Any
adjusted TPRt = observed TPRt * zt, where zt = r_caset / r_testt
discordance between the adjusted TPR and the epidemic
The growth rates of cases and tests on day t, respectively, are curve is then explained by factors such as a change in
calculated as: testing strategy. This is an especially useful indicator for
monitoring the progress of an epidemic when the observed
r_caset = Ct − Ct – 1 / Ct–1 and r_testt = Tt − Tt–1 / Tt–1
TPR is flat.
C is the reported number of cases at day t or t − 1; T is the
reported number of tests done at day t or t − 1. Illustration of the three-step analysis
The examples shown in Annex Fig.  1 and described below
Three-step analysis demonstrate the application of the three-step analysis
The observed TPR and the adjusted TPR, together with the of TPR and its potential use in guiding public health
reported data on cases and tests, are visualized graphically in interventions.
three separate steps to assess and compare trends.
Outbreak and post-peak community transmission
• First step, graphs A: Observed TPR (7-day moving (1. Thailand and 2. Republic of Korea)
average); tests done (7-day moving average); cases • Key trends: The increase in cases (logistic) was
reported (epidemic curve). independent of the increase in testing (exponential). The
• Second step, graphs B: Observed TPR (7-day moving observed TPR trends followed the shape of the epidemic
average); tests done (cumulative); cases reported curve (graphs  1A, 2A). This was confirmed (graphs  1C
(cumulative). and 2C) by the exaggerated adjusted TPR closely
• Third step, graphs C: Observed TPR (7-day moving mirroring the epidemic curve. Note that, for Thailand, the
average); adjusted TPR (7-day moving average); cases number of tests corresponds to the reported number of
reported (epidemic curve). patients under investigation and not the actual number of
tests performed.
In addition, increases in cases (r_case) and tests (r_test) that • Interpretation: This was the expected trend in the adjusted
are exponential are calculated using the LOGEST function in TPR. This indicates that the testing strategy was consistently
Microsoft Excel. and effectively applied throughout the epidemic.

142 WHO South-East Asia Journal of Public Health | September 2020 | 9(2)
Vong and Kakkar: Monitoring COVID-19 where capacity for testing is limited

Likely community transmission or uncontrolled large and • Interpretation: The testing strategy was consistently
numerous clusters, at least in some subnational areas applied but skewed towards lower yield detection rates,
(3. India) indicating a possible need for strategy optimization to
• Key trends: The observed TPR was relatively flat overall improve detection.
or decreasing during 1  April–5  May, while cases were
increasing. From 6  May, the observed TPR started to
increase steadily (graph  3A). The exponential growths in Developing further tools to inform testing
cumulative tests (10.3%) and cases (8.7%) were similar strategies in capacity-limited settings
(graph 3B). After 6 May, TPR trends mirrored the epidemic
curve, and the adjusted TPR increased faster than the The WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia has been
observed TPR (graph 3C). using TPR and its trends as part of its obligation under the
• Interpretation: The flat observed and adjusted TPRs up to International Health Regulations, 2005, to monitor the epidemic
5 May are explained by the cumulative case trend mirroring in the region and for risk assessment purposes.6 WHO has
that of tests, since the increase in the number of cases was produced guidance on reporting COVID-19 data7 and has
mostly due to an increased number of tests. From 6  May recommended that countries also consider using existing
onwards, the increase in the adjusted TPR mirrored the hospital-based severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) and
epidemic curve and reflected a significant change in testing primary care influenza-like illness (ILI) sites, or whichever
strategy, shifting from a low-yield to a higher yield approach. syndromic respiratory disease systems may already be in
This included, for example, the suspension of testing of place for surveillance.8 Harnessing these sentinel surveillance
asymptomatic cases and resulted in a higher case-detection data based on random sampling and testing of SARI and ILI
rate. cases to monitor the epidemic trajectory would indeed be very
helpful. However, most countries in the WHO South-East Asia
Likely community transmission in a subnational area Region have had limited capacity to share this information with
(4. Maharashtra, India) WHO with the timeliness that effective monitoring requires,
• Key trends: Testing numbers increased and peaked around since they have been overwhelmed with their COVID-19
29  May (graph  4A). The increase in the observed TPR response activities. Since the three-step analysis described
was relatively uniform apart from a dip during 10–21  May in this paper uses data already available, it could be a useful
(graph 4A). Cumulative tests and cases grew exponentially, complement to sentinel surveillance for COVID-19 to monitor
not mirroring each other (different growth rates of 5.9% and the epidemic.
8.4%, respectively, graph  4B). The TPR trends matched More importantly, the authors have been using TPR
the epidemic curve in multiple periods; the adjusted TPR and trends to detect and raise questions on potential
trends significantly exaggerated the observed TPR trends inconsistencies between data and their interpretation on
while matching the epidemic curve during these periods the response performance. Use of the three-step analysis
(graph 4C). has allowed the WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia
• Interpretation: The testing strategy was responsive. to engage national health authorities. An example was the
However, variations in the adjusted TPR suggest there instance of a consistently low TPR while cases rose in the
were inconsistencies in applying the testing strategy, as the context of community transmission, as shown in graph  3A.
number of cases increased steadily. This situation was explained by a low-yield detection strategy
combined with under-detection. As testing capacity had been
Clusters of cases in a country (5. Sri Lanka) limited, the regional office suggested that the health authorities
• Key trends: There was a steady increase in the number should review their testing strategy and its implementation to
of tests performed (graph  5A). However, observed TPR shift from a low-yield to a higher yield strategy.
trends were relatively unchanged (graph  5A). Cumulative A major contribution of use of the three-step analysis in the
tests and cases grew exponentially, but the curves do not region to date has been to signal potential inadequacies of
match (graph  5B). Observed TPR trends matched the testing strategies in settings in which testing capacity is limited.
epidemic curve, with amplified adjusted TPR trends during We therefore propose a review of testing strategies that allows
the epidemic peaks (graph 5C). a basic assessment and comparison of the average number of
• Interpretation: The testing strategy was consistently tests needed to detect one COVID-19 case. The review could
applied, with the adjusted TPR reflecting the epidemic assess how this yield effectiveness might be sustained for
curve. each country, in the light of projected testing needs and overall
testing capacity. For individual countries, testing strategy could
Clusters of cases in a subnational area (6. Kerala, India) be further informed by assessing the yield effectiveness by
• Key trends: TPR was low but mirrored the epidemic category. First, especially for large countries, this would be by
curve (graph 6A). Clusters of cases were the transmission geographical location (e.g. by subnational level) and by type of
pattern until a very large increase in cases at the end of transmission dynamics (i.e. no circulation, clusters of cases,
May (graph 6A). Cumulative tests (3.7%) and cases (1.6%) community transmission). The estimates would then inform
grew exponentially but for limited periods (graph  6B). testing strategy in terms of the populations to be prioritized
The observed TPR mostly reflected the epidemic curve; for testing. Second, yield effectiveness could be estimated and
adjusted TPR trends exaggerated the effect of observed compared among population categories, such as asymptomatic
TPR trends, but more significantly from mid-May onwards cases, contacts, ILI cases, SARI cases, vulnerable populations
(graph 6C). and health-care workers.

WHO South-East Asia Journal of Public Health | September 2020 | 9(2) 143
Vong and Kakkar: Monitoring COVID-19 where capacity for testing is limited

As a caveat, seeking highest yield (i.e. the highest detection Authorship: SV conceived and designed the monitoring tool and the
rates) could be misleading. For instance, mainly testing study; SV and MK contributed to the acquisition of the data, to the
patients with SARI as community transmission is evidenced analysis and interpretation of the data and to drafting the manuscript.
will increase yield, as these patients are more likely to have Both authors read, reviewed and approved the final manuscript.
SARS-CoV-2 infection; however, cases with mild symptoms or
that are asymptomatic may not be detected and the disease How to cite this paper: Vong  S, Kakkar  M. Monitoring COVID-19
could consequently spread. A change in testing strategy runs where capacity for testing is limited: use of a three-step analysis
the risk both of increasing and of decreasing case identification. based on test positivity ratio. WHO South-East Asia J Public Health.
These data would allow evidence-informed discussion on 2020;9(2):141–146. doi:10.4103/2224-3151.294308.
the approach that best balances the highest detection rate with
an acceptable number of tests needed; the approach would
be based on feasibility and acceptability and would take into References
account limited testing capacity. Indeed, obtaining the highest
sensitivity of detection would not be within the reach of countries 1. World Health Organization. Timeline of WHO’s response to
COVID-19; last updated 30 June 2020 (
of the region. In the context of this limited testing capacity, the room/detail/29-06-2020-covidtimeline, accessed 5 July 2020).
WHO has recommended that testing is prioritized for people 2. World Health Organization. WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
who meet the WHO criteria for a suspected COVID-19 case.4 Dashboard; 2020 (, accessed 11 June 2020).
In addition to increasing yield effectiveness, the priority is to 3. Worldometer. COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic; 2020 (https://www.
identify and isolate patients with respiratory symptoms, who, accessed 11 June 2020).
are more likely to transmit to others.9 4. Laboratory testing strategy recommendations for COVID-19: interim
guidance. Geneva: World Health Organization; 21 March 2020
In conclusion, as testing and isolating many infected (
cases may not be achievable in capacity-limited settings, COVID-19-lab_testing-2020.1-eng.pdf, accessed 11 June 2020).
interrupting the chain of transmission must rely on substantial 5. Cohen J, Kupferschmidt K. Countries test tactics in “war” against
organization efforts and dedication to listing, tracing and COVID-19. Science. 2020 Mar;367(6484):1287–8. https://doi.
org/10.1126/science.367.6484.1287 PMID:32193299
quarantining all contacts. From the start of the epidemic, the
6. International Health Regulations (2005), 3rd edition. Geneva:
WHO Health Emergencies Programme of the regional office World Health Organization; 2016 (
has emphasized improving the quality of contact tracing as its publications/9789241580496/en/, accessed 25 August 2020).
primary objective when supporting Member States. 7. Global surveillance of COVID-19: WHO process for weekly reporting
aggregated data. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020 (https://,
accessed 4 July 2020).
Disclaimer: The authors are staff members of the World Health
8. Operational considerations for COVID-19 surveillance using GISRS:
Organization. The authors alone are responsible for the views interim guidance. Geneva: World Health Organization; 26 March
expressed in this publication and they do not necessarily represent the 2020 (, accessed 4 July
decisions or policies of the World Health Organization.
9. Frieden TR, Lee CT. Identifying and interrupting superspreading
events – implications for control of severe acute respiratory syndrome
Source of support: None coronavirus 2. Emerg Infect Dis. 2020 Jun;26(6):1061–6. https://doi.
org/10.3201/eid2606.200495 PMID:32187007
Conflict of interest: None declared.

144 WHO South-East Asia Journal of Public Health | September 2020 | 9(2)
Annex Fig. 1  Three-step test positivity analysis applied to six geographical areas

a a a
1A. Thailand 1B. Thailand 1C. Thailand
25% 10 000 200 200 80%
25% 250 000 3500
180 180 70%
3000 160
20% 8000 160
20% 200 000 60%
140 2500 140
15% 6000 120 120
15% 150 000
100 100 40%

New cases

New tests
1500 80

New cases
10% 4000 80 10% 100 000 30%

Observed TPR
Cumulative tests

Observed TPR
Cumulative cases
60 1000 60
5% 2000 40 5% 50 000 40
Observed (red)/adjusted (black) TPR

20 20

0% 0 0 0 0%
0% 0 0
13-Jan-20 3-Feb-20 24-Feb-20 16-Mar-20 6-Apr-20 27-Apr-20 18-May-20 13-Jan-20 3-Feb-20 24-Feb-20 16-Mar-20 6-Apr-20 27-Apr-20 18-May-20 13-Jan-20 3-Feb-20 24-Feb-20 16-Mar-20 6-Apr-20 27-Apr-20 18-May-20

2A. Republic of Korea 2B. Republic of Korea 2C. Republic of Korea

20% 20 000 1000 1000 16%
20% 900 000 12 000
18% 18 000 900 900 14%
18% 800 000
16% 10 000 800
16 000 800 16% 700 000 12%
14% 14 000 700 14% 700
600 000 8000
12% 12 000 600 12% 600
500 000
10% 10 000 500 10% 6000 500 8%
400 000

New cases

New tests
8% 400

New cases
8% 8000 400 6%

Observed TPR
Observed TPR
300 000 4000

Cumulative tests
Cumulative cases
6000 300 6% 300
200 000 4%
4% 200
4% 4000 200 2000
Observed (red)/adjusted (black) TPR

2% 100 000 2%
2% 2000 100 100
0% 0 0 0%
0% 0 0 0
31-Dec-19 21-Jan-20 11-Feb-20 3-Mar-20 24-Mar-20 14-Apr-20 5-May-20 31-Dec-19 21-Jan-20 11-Feb-20 3-Mar-20 24-Mar-20 14-Apr-20 5-May-20 31-Dec-19 21-Jan-20 11-Feb-20 3-Mar-20 24-Mar-20 14-Apr-20 5-May-20

3A. India 3B. India 3C. India
10 000 20%
160 000 10 000 10% 4 500 000
9% 9000 18%
9000 9% 4 000 000 200 000
140 000
8% 8000 16%
8000 8% 3 500 000
120 000 14%

WHO South-East Asia Journal of Public Health | September 2020 | 9(2)

7% 7% 7000
7000 3 000 000 150 000
6% 100 000 6% 6000 12%
2 500 000
5% 5% 5000 10%
80 000 5000
2 000 000 100 000
New cases

4000 8%

New tests

New cases

Observed TPR
Cumulative cases

60 000

Cumulative tests

Observed TPR
1 500 000
3% 3000 6%
3% 3000
40 000 2% 1 000 000 50 000
2% 2000 2000 4%
500 000
Observed (red)/adjusted (black) TPR

20 000 1%
1% 1000 1000 2%
0% 0 0
0% 0 0 30-Jan-20 20-Feb-20 12-Mar-20 2-Apr-20 23-Apr-20 14-May-20 0 0%
30-Jan-20 13-Feb-20 27-Feb-20 12-Mar-20 26-Mar-20 9-Apr-20 23-Apr-20 7-May-20 21-May-20 30-Jan-20 13-Feb-20 27-Feb-20 12-Mar-20 26-Mar-20 9-Apr-20 23-Apr-20 7-May-20 21-May-20

4A. Maharashtra, India 4B. Maharashtra, India 4C. Maharashtra, India
40% 18 000 3500
3500 40%
40% 600 000 80 000
35% 16 000
3000 3000 35%
35% 70 000
14 000 500 000
2500 30% 30%
60 000 2500
Vong and Kakkar: Monitoring COVID-19 where capacity for testing is limited

12 000
25% 400 000 25%
25% 50 000
10 000 2000 2000
20% 20%
20% 300 000 40 000
8000 1500

New tests

New cases
New cases


Observed TPR
15% 30 000 15%

Observed TPR
Cumulative cases

Cumulative tests
6000 200 000
1000 1000
10% 10% 20 000 10%
100 000
500 5% 10 000 500
Observed (red)/adjusted (black) TPR

5% 2000 5%

0% 0 0 0 0%
0% 0 0
5-Apr-20 12-Apr-20 19-Apr-20 26-Apr-20 3-May-20 10-May-20 17-May-20 24-May-20 31-May-20 5-Apr-20 12-Apr-20 19-Apr-20 26-Apr-20 3-May-20 10-May-20 17-May-20 24-May-20 31-May-20 5-Apr-20 12-Apr-20 19-Apr-20 26-Apr-20 3-May-20 10-May-20 17-May-20 24-May-20 31-May-20

5A. Sri Lanka 5B. Sri Lanka 5C. Sri Lanka

160 15%
10% 2500 160 10% 75 000 1800
140 13%

140 1600

8% 2000 8% 60 000 1400 120 11%

1200 100 9%
100 6% 45 000
6% 1500 1000
80 7%
New cases

4% 30 000

New tests
1000 60 5%
New cases

Observed TPR
Cumulative tests

60 600

Observed TPR
Cumulative cases
rved (red)/adjusted (black) TPR

400 40 3%
25% 50 000
10 000 2000 2000
20% 20%
20% 300 000 40 000
8000 1500

New test

New cas
New cas

15% 30 000 15%

Observed T

Cumulative t
6000 200 000
1000 1000
10% 10% 20 000 10%
100 000
500 5% 10 000 500

Observed (red)/adjust
5% 2000 5%

0% 0 0 0 0%
0 0
Annex0%Fig. 1, continued  26-Apr-20 3-May-20 10-May-20
12-Apr-20 19-Apr-20 Three-step test17-May-20 24-May-20 31-May-20
positivity analysis applied to5-Apr-20
six 12-Apr-20 19-Apr-20 26-Apr-20 3-May-20
geographical areas 10-May-20 17-May-20 24-May-20 31-May-20 5-Apr-20 12-Apr-20 19-Apr-20 26-Apr-20 3-May-20 10-May-20 17-May-20 24-May-20 31-May-20

5A. Sri Lanka 5B. Sri Lanka 5C. Sri Lanka
160 15%
10% 2500 160 10% 75 000 1800
140 13%
140 1600

8% 2000 8% 60 000 1400 120 11%

1200 100 9%
100 6% 45 000
6% 1500 1000
80 7%

New cases
4% 30 000

New tests
1000 60 5%

New cases

Observed TPR
Cumulative tests
60 600

Observed TPR
Cumulative cases
400 40 3%
40 2% 15 000
2% 500
Observed (red)/adjusted (black) TPR

20 20 1%
0% 0 0
0% 0 0 28-Jan-20 18-Feb-20 10-Mar-20 31-Mar-20 21-Apr-20 12-May-20 2-Jun-20 0 0%
28-Jan-20 11-Feb-20 25-Feb-20 10-Mar-20 24-Mar-20 7-Apr-20 21-Apr-20 5-May-20 19-May-20 28-Jan-20 11-Feb-20 25-Feb-20 10-Mar-20 24-Mar-20 7-Apr-20 21-Apr-20 5-May-20 19-May-20 2-Jun-20

6A. Kerala, India 6B. Kerala, India 6C. Kerala, India
10% 140 10%
10 000 140 10% 120 000 1800
9% 9%
9000 9% 120
120 1600
8% 100 000 8%
8000 8%
100 100 7%
7% 7000 7%
80 000 1200
6% 6000 6% 6%
80 80
5% 5000 5% 60 000 5%
800 60

New tests
New cases
4% 4%

New cases
4% 4000

Observed TPR

Observed TPR
Cumulative tests
40 000 600

Cumulative cases
3% 3000 3% 40 3%
2000 2% 20 000 2%
20 200 20
Observed (red)/adjusted (black) TPR

1000 1% 1%
0% 0 0
0% 0 0 0 0%
1-Apr-20 8-Apr-20 15-Apr-20 22-Apr-20 29-Apr-20 6-May-20 13-May-20 20-May-20 27-May-20 3-Jun-20 1-Apr-20 8-Apr-20 15-Apr-20 22-Apr-20 29-Apr-20 6-May-20 13-May-20 20-May-20 27-May-20 3-Jun-20
1-Apr-20 8-Apr-20 15-Apr-20 22-Apr-20 29-Apr-20 6-May-20 13-May-20 20-May-20 27-May-20 3-Jun-20

cases tests observed TPR adjusted TPR

TPR: test positivity ratio. Both observed and adjusted TPRs plotted as 7-day moving averages.
For Thailand, the number of tests corresponds to the reported number of patients under investigation and not the actual number of tests performed.
Exponential growth in tests = 10.3% and in cases = 8.7%.
Exponential growth in tests = 5.9% and in cases = 8.4%.
Exponential growth in tests = 3.7% and in cases = 1.6%.
Vong and Kakkar: Monitoring COVID-19 where capacity for testing is limited

WHO South-East Asia Journal of Public Health | September 2020 | 9(2)

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