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CN First Quarter Activity 11

Countable Nouns and Uncountable/Mass Nouns
Name __________________________________________________ Score ___________________________

Section _________________________________________________ Date ___________________________

 Count nouns are nouns which can be counted as one or more. These nouns also have plural
forms. Number words can be used before nouns to show their exact quantity.
Examples: a chair one bag ten tables the building
 Mass nouns are nouns which cannot be counted. Generally, they cannot be pluralized.
They can only be measured using quantifiers or counters. Counters can be made plural.
Examples: a kilo of - rice, sugar, beef, meat, fish
a bag of - flour, cement, sugar, starch
Counters/ Quantifiers for mass nouns can be:
liter, cupful, bar, bottle, kilo, drop, truckload, sack, can, spoonful, slice, bundle,
bolt, glass, ears, loaf, and pint

I. Read the dialogue below. Pick out the count nouns and mass nouns and write them under the
correct heading.

Mrs. Lafuente: Charlotte, please buy some items from the supermarket. To make it
easier for you, get a pen and paper and make a grocery list.

Charlotte: Yes, Mother. What should I buy?

Mrs. Lafuente: Cookies,fruits,onions, milk, sugar, coffee, chocolates, cooking oil, and

Charlotte: Is this all, Mom? I’m ready now.

Mrs.Lafuente: Yes, that’s all. Thank you and please be careful.

Count Nouns Mass Nouns

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.

II. Write C if the nouns are countable and M if not.

1. ball _______________ 6. glasses _______________

2. coconut _______________ 7. meat _______________
3. cream _______________ 8. milk _______________
4. DVD _______________ 9. pen _______________
5. gasoline _______________ 10. water _______________

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