EAPP Chapter 3

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Lesson 1- Writing Concept Paper


Multiple Choice. Choose only the letter of the correct answer. Write
your answers in your activity notebook.

1. What academic writing that tells what the project is all about, the reasons
of conducting the project as well the process of carrying it out?
A. Research Paper C. Concept Paper
B. Critique Paper D. Position Paper
2. Another name of concept paper is
A. Summary of Document C. Review
B. Document D. Report
3. Why is a concept paper necessary?
A. It gives opportunity to fund sources. C. It explains the idea clearly.
B. It document the steps orderly. D. It brings societal change.
4. Which is NOT an important part of a concept paper for academic research?
A. Statement of the Problem C. Rationale
B. Timeliness D. Budget
5. What detail should you include in writing the project description part?
A. Review of Related Studies C. Expected Outcome
B. Proponent’s Agency D. Budget
6. This way of presenting the concept uses examples to develop the ideas in
the paragraph.
A. Explanation C. Explication
B. Clarification D. Definition
7. Why do you need to include the distinguishing feature in formal sentence
A. To present the unique qualities of a term.
B. To recognize it from the other terms.
C. To be different in some terms.
D. To be specific in meaning.
8. A concept paper is purposely written in order to
A. Present a feasible project worth future funding.
B. Show ones skill in conceptualizing ideas.
C. Get possible source of income.
D. Communicate ones intention.
9. You are planning to conduct a study on the “Effectivity of Online Learning
on Physics Subject to Grade 12 students. You are tasked by your Research
teacher to present a concept paper on that topic. Which format are you
going to use?
A. Concept Paper for Academic Research C. Book Review format
B. Concept Paper for Project D. Thesis format
10. Synchronous learning is online or distance education that happens in real
time, whereas asynchronous learning occurs through online channels
without real-time interaction. This is an example of
A. Informal Definition C. Clarification
B. Formal Definition D. Explication

B. Write E if the statement shows an effective way of writing a concept

paper; and N if otherwise.

1. Rino fails to indicate the page number in his concept paper.

2. Andrew included a literature review for his term paper.
3. Geryl includes in the references all journals he used but excludes the books he
4. Maxine sticks to one format every time she submits concept paper to
various agencies.
5. Dally uses different style and approach in presenting the ideas in a concept
paper which is fit to the context of discipline.

Activity 1 Concept Map

What comes first to your mind when you read the word
Concept Paper Defined
A concept paper is a summary document of a project
proposal that tells what the project is all about, the reasons
for conducting the project and how it will be carried out. This paper also provides an
overview of the project, and help funding agencies eliminate proposals that are likely to be
It has several uses:
 Serves a foundation of the full proposal
 Determines whether the project is feasible or not
 Piques the interest of the potential funding agencies
 Obtains informal feedback on the ideas prior to preparing the full proposal.
 Helps in addressing social issues which plague our society.

Parts of a Concept Paper

The parts of a concept paper may also vary depending on the nature
of the project/activity when it is used in a specific discipline. Below are the
two outlines of a concept paper based on the context.

Concept Paper for a Project

Use the structure below when you want to propose a certain tangible
project in your discipline.
 Cover Page contains
 Proponent’s name
 Proponent’s contact number, email address
 Proponent’s agency
 Date of submission
 Introduction contains
 Short description of proponent’s agency, major accomplishments and
capability to undertake the proposed project.
 Reasons why the funding agency should support the project
 Rationale or Background contains
 State the problem to be solved
 State the project’s significance
 Project Description contains
 Objective of the project
 Methodology (Action Plan)
 Timeline
 Anticipated outcome
 How the outcome will be evaluated

 Project Needs and Cost contains

 Budget, item description and amount
 Personnel or equipment needed
Concept Paper for Academic Research
Use the structure below when you intend to present an idea or concept for a research you
want to pursue.
 Title Page contains
 Research title
 Name and school
 Date of submission

 Background of the Study contains

 State the field you are researching on
 State the problems to be addressed by the research, provide statistics and
previous studies to prove your claim
 Reasons in conducting the research
 Theoretical and practical implications

 Preliminary Literature Review contains

 Provide theoretical framework
 Provide major related literature review at least 5
 Provide brief synthesis of the reviewed
literature and studies.

 Statement of the Problem/Objectives contains

 State the general problem in one sentence
 State your specific research questions of

 Methodology contains
 Context and participants of the study
 Instruments to be used
 Data collection procedures
 Data analysis scheme to be used

 Timeline contains
 Duration of the research (Gantt chart)

 Reference contains

 List of books, journals, and other resources cited in your paper

Activity 2. Venn Diagram

Using the Venn diagram, provide similarities and
differences between the two structure or format of a Concept Paper for a
Project and the Concept Paper for an Academic Research.
Concept Paper Concept Paper
for a Project for an Academic

Activity 3- Simulation
Imagine that you are the SK Chairman in your
Transfer barangay during this time of COVID-19
pandemic. You want to propose a hand washing
area to be installed in the local terminal in your barangay as one of the
prescribed protocols. However, your SK funds for this year cannot suffice
the project’s completion. Present a short description of this project to a private institution in
order to obtain funds for this noble cause. Write your answers in your notebook following
the format below.

Project Title

Short Description:
Cost Estimates:
Lesson 1.2- Concepts In Different Fields


A. ART - is a diverse range of human activities in creating visual, auditory or performing

artifacts (artworks), expressing the author's imaginative, conceptual ideas, or technical skill,
intended to be appreciated for their beauty or emotional power.
B. LAW - is commonly understood as a system of rules that are created and
enforced through social or governmental institutions to regulate conduct. It has been variously
described as a science and the art of justice

C. "TECHNICAL-VOCATIONAL - it involves the study of technologies and related

sciences and acquisition of practical skills relating to occupations in various sectors of economic
life and social life, comprises formal (organized programs as part of the school system) and non-
formal (organized classes outside the school system) approaches."


study that deals with the relationship between individuals, families, communities, and the
environment in which they live.

E. AGRICULTURE AND FISHERY [AGRIFISHERY] - this refers to cultivation of

crops through soils and other medium growing of trees, raising of livestock, poultry, or fish w/c
includes harvesting, processing and marketing of product of farm activities and practices.

F. INDUSTRIAL ARTS - is an educational program which features fabrication of objects

in wood or metal using a variety of hand, power, or machine tools. Industrial Arts is commonly
referred to as Technology Education. It may include small engine repair and automobile
maintenance, and all programs usually cover technical drawing as part of the curricula.


extensional term for information technology (IT) that stresses the role of unified
communications[1] and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless
signals) and computers, as well as necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage,
and audiovisual systems, that enable users to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information.

H. POLITICS - It is the way in which we understand and order our social affairs, and
acquire greater control over the situation.
Basic Concepts:

a. Order - Study of politics seeks to study how human life in the aggregate is ordered.
b. Power - A term of influence. Who rules? In accordance with the law, or is it just or the
c. Justice - When the power is exercised in the interest of the ruled, there is justice.
d. Politics - is all about the way human beings are governed, which involves order, power,
and justice. It is not just an abstract study.

I. RELIGION can be defined as a social institution involving beliefs and practices based
on the sacred.

Religion- Key Concepts

a. Profane - is an ordinary element of everyday life.

b. Sacred - is set apart as extraordinary or holy and worthy of honor
c. Faith - is frequently portrayed through the use of rituals and totems.
d. Rituals - are formal, ceremonial behaviors that represent religious meanings
e. Totems - is an object that is collectively sacred.
J. SCIENCE - is the study of how the universe works Scientific Concepts
a. Hypothesis - A tentative explanation in which there is very little evidence available to
support the concept.
b. Generalizations and Theories - A concept that has supporting evidence and is becoming
increasingly accepted by the scientific community as truth
c. Laws - A concept that is widely accepted by the scientific community.

K. SPORTS - a contest or game in which people do certain physical activities according to a

specific set of rules and compete against each other

Four Related Concepts of Sports

a. Leisure - An attitude of freedom or release from the demands of ordinary life.

b. Play - Sports is a manifestation of play
c. Games - Any form of playful competition whose outcome is determined by physical
skill,strategy or chance employed singly or in a combination
d. Competition - A rivalry in which opponents strive to gain something at the expense of
each othe

Lesson 2- Three Ways of Elucidating

a Concept
Activity 5 Fix Me!

Arrange the jumbled letters to form word. Use the synonym in parenthesis as your guide in
unlocking the word.

1. TIONFIDENI ___________________ Hint: meaning

2. R I F I T I O N C L A C A __________________ Hint: clearing up
3. CAEXPLITION __________________ Hint: explanation

Three Ways in Elucidating a Concept

Before writing a concept paper, you must first learn how to explain your
concept of your project or research. Basically, there are three ways of
explaining a concept.

1. Definition – explaining the concept by answering, “What does it

mean?” This makes of an illustrations, examples, and description to
clarify the term. A definition can be done in three ways:

a. Informal Definition – giving of a parenthetical or brief explanation.

Example: Tocopherol (Vitamin E) is naturally found in vegetable oil, fish,

and nuts.
b. Formal Definition - giving of the term to be defined, the category, and the quality that
makes the term different from other terms in the same category

Vitamin E is a light yellow fat-soluble vitamin that acts as anti-oxidant.
(term defined) (category of the term) (quality)
Biology is a branch of science that studies living organisms.
(term defined) (category of the term) (quality)

c. Extended Definition – is a detailed way of defining a term and is usually a one paragraph.
It incorporates various patterns of formal, informal, comparison and contrasts, narration,
description, classification, cause and effect to explain a concept.

First described in 1907 by Alos Alzheimer, a German pgysician, Azheimer’s
disease is an adult-onset neurological disorder of unknown etiology (cause) manifested by
loss of memory, impaired thought processes, and abnormal behavior. When the illness
begins before the age of 65, it is termed Alzheimer’s disease; when onset is after 65, it is
referred to as senile dementia of the Alzheimer’s type.

Signal Words for Definition

The following signal words are useful when explaining a concept by definition.

as defined, for example, for instance, is defined as, means,

such as, to define, to illustrate

1. Explication – is a method of explanation in which sentences, verses, quotes, or phrases

are taken from a literary or academic work then interpreted and explained in a detailed way.
You may begin by analyzing how the text was constructed and end with a concise conclusion
by restating your major arguments. Explication not only illuminates a piece of literature, but
also serves to remind the readers about its historical setting and formal properties of style and
In the final stanza of his poem The Road Not Taken, Frost talks about his
dilemma of coming upon two diverging paths, and not knowing which one to choose. The
third line is very important, as it delivers an idea of choosing between the two divergent

The tone in this stanza shifts from regretful to optimistic. The two roads
symbolically represent individual choices. The mood is neither depressed nor unhappy, but
the poet sighs because he knows what the complexities our life may have for him. Whether he
has chosen a right or a wrong path, it has a compelling impact on his life. The phrase “less
traveled” suggests the theme of individualism.

From: The Road Not Taken (by Robert Frost

2. Clarification – it is a method of explanation in which the points are organized from a general
abstract idea to specific and concrete examples. The analysis of the concept is done by
looking at the examples and specifying its characteristics.

Signal Words for Clarification

After all for instance namely that is
As an example in other words put another way to be specific
Consider the following example in particular specifically
To clarify for example in short stated differently

Justice is a broad concept which encompasses a wide set of ideas, most of which also
branch out into smaller notions. For instance, it can refer to the sentencing of a criminal based
on due process. When an individual gets what he deserves, even outside the hands of the law,
it is also considered justice in some context. This may come in the form of vigilante justice, in
which a person dissatisfied with the system doles out punishing to wrong-doers. Poetic justice
is also another related concept which is used in literature to show how the good is always
rewarded while bad forces always meet a grim end. In the context of this paper, justice will be
clearly delineated into any instance in which the law is successfully and fairly applied to
an individual, resulting in either an arrest or a release. To illustrate, if a theft is caught
and tried in court through due process, and is found to be guilty and then sentenced
accordingly, it can be said that justice was served. However, if the same thief is caught in the
act by a band of villagers and was beaten right then and there, it will be considered justice in
the context of the paper, as the process has not undergone due process.
Source: English for Academic & Professional Purposes for SHS page

Activity 6 Let’s Get Formal

Write a formal definition of the following terms:

1. Internet

2. Social media

Activity 7- Concept Building

Think of any topic of your interest. Explain your idea or concept using one of these ways:
by definition, explication or clarification. Provide an illustration or drawing of that concept
you want to expound. Your concept presentation will be rated using the rubric below.

Rubrics for Rating Your Concept Presentation

Features of the Concept Presentation Evident
5 pts.
2 pts.
The introduction covers the background for the concept and the thesis
The paragraphs of the body explain, explicate, or define the concepts.
Each paragraph uses at least two supporting details to clarify the
The conclusion presents the summary of the concept paper and restates
the thesis.
Adequate transitions make sure that paragraphs and ideas in the
sentences are connected and organized.
Uses simple language in order for the reader to easily understand the
The essay is free of grammatical errors and all sources were listed in
the reference.
The illustration presented enhances the concept explanation.
(Adapted from: EAPP ADM)


Multiple Choice. Choose only the letter of the correct answer. Write
your answers in your activity notebook.

11. What academic writing that tells what the project is all about, the reasons
of conducting the project as well the process of carrying it out?
A. Research Paper C. Concept Paper
B. Critique Paper D. Position Paper
12. Another name of concept paper is
A. Summary of Document C. Review
B. Document D. Report
13. Why is a concept paper necessary?
A. It gives opportunity to fund sources. C. It explains the idea clearly.
B. It document the steps orderly. D. It brings societal change.
14. Which is NOT an important part of a concept paper for academic research?
A. Statement of the Problem C. Rationale
B. Timeliness D. Budget
15. What detail should you include in writing the project description part?
A. Review of Related Studies C. Expected Outcome
B. Proponent’s Agency D. Budget
16. This way of presenting the concept uses examples to develop the ideas in
the paragraph.
A. Explanation C. Explication
B. Clarification D. Definition
17. Why do you need to include the distinguishing feature in formal sentence
A. To present the unique qualities of a term.
B. To recognize it from the other terms.
C. To be different in some terms.
D. To be specific in meaning.
18. A concept paper is purposely written in order to
A. Present a feasible project worth future funding.
B. Show ones skill in conceptualizing ideas.
C. Get possible source of income.
D. Communicate ones intention.
19. You are planning to conduct a study on the “Effectivity of Online Learning
on Physics Subject to Grade 12 students. You are tasked by your Research
teacher to present a concept paper on that topic. Which format are you
going to use?
A. Concept Paper for Academic Research C. Book Review format
B. Concept Paper for Project D. Thesis format
20. Synchronous learning is online or distance education that happens in real
time, whereas asynchronous learning occurs through online channels
without real-time interaction. This is an example of
A. Informal Definition C. Clarification
B. Formal Definition D. Explication

B. Write E if the statement shows an effective way of writing a concept

paper; and N if otherwise.

6. Rino fails to indicate the page number in his concept paper.

7. Andrew included a literature review for his term paper.
8. Geryl includes in the references all journals he used but excludes the books he
9. Maxine sticks to one format every time she submits concept paper to
various agencies.
10. Dally uses different style and approach in presenting the ideas in a
concept paper which is fit to the context of discipline.

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