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Vocabulary 20 points

1 Add two words to each column. (5 points)

1. Sports verbs 2. Insects 3. Furniture 4. Fruit 5. Jobs
catch fly bed banana actress
…………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… ……………………
…………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… ……………………

2 Write the words and phrases according to the definitions. (5 points)

1. A room with a fridge and a cooker. ………………………………
2. Winter clothes for your hands. ………………………………
3. Very good-looking. ………………………………
4. It’s similar to a blanket. ………………………………
5. A tropical forest. ………………………………
6. Eat the morning meal. ………………………………
7. An orange vegetable. ………………………………
8. A sport people do under water. ………………………………
9. The opposite of lazy. ………………………………
10. A reptile with no legs. ………………………………

3 Complete the sentences with appropriate words. There can be more
than one correct answer. (5 points)
1. He’s eating spiders! That’s …………………… !
2. There’s a small …………………… with an apple tree behind the cottage.
3. I don’t want to go out tonight. Let’s …………………… and watch TV.
4. My favourite book is The Hobbit. The …………………… is J. R. R. Tolkien.
5. I love going on rides at an …………………… .
6. …………………… are domesticated animals. We get milk from them.
7. There are two …………………… on a football pitch.
8. It’s hot in the bedroom. Turn on the …………………….
9. They …………………… food and clothing for poor people in India.
10. Dr House works in a …………………… .

4 Complete the dialogue with suitable words or phrases.

There can be more than one correct answer. (5 points)
Vic: Hi, Kevin. Are you going to ICT?
Kevin: Yes, the lesson starts at 10.15. Hey! I like your new 1. …………………… , Vic.
Vic: Thanks. I bought them at Cool Clothes in the 2. …………………… .
Kevin: Look – new computers!
Vic: Yes. Mr Holden told me they were 3. …………………… the computers this week.
Kevin: We’ve all got new 4. …………………… ! This is 5. …………………… !
Vic: Can you help me? I don’t know how to 6. …………………… this laptop.
Kevin: There’s a 7. …………………… on the right side.
Vic: Oh, I see it now. I want to 8. …………………… from my pen drive and then I can print.
Kevin: I see there’s a new colour 9. …………………… , too.
Vic: That’s good. There are a lot of photos in my geography project.
Kevin: What did you write about?
Vic: The 10. …………………… and lakes of Canada.

Grammar 30 points
1 Complete the sentences with one or two words. There can be more
than one correct answer. (7 points)
1. Angela’s eyes are …………………… blue as her mother’s eyes.
2. You live above our flat. Your flat is bigger than …………………… .
3. …………………… a lake near the town?
4. If you run fast, you …………………… win the trophy.
5. We have got …………………… warm blankets.
6. You …………………… kick the ball in basketball.
7. …………………… any buns in the bakery yesterday.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (8 points)
1. Owen …………………… (buy) new golf clubs a week ago.
2. The engineers …………………… (work) now. They went home at 5.00.
3. The pilot usually …………………… (fly) to France.
4. …………………… you …………………… (wear) your new trousers tomorrow?
5. Lisa’s in the bathroom. She …………………… (have) a shower.
6. Jake is a vegetarian. He …………………… (eat) ham or fish.
7. This pie is delicious. …………………… you …………………… (make) it?
8. I …………………… (hire) a boat at the lake next week because I don’t want to go fishing.

3 Match A and B. Then complete the sentences with the correct form
of the verbs in brackets. (5 points)
1. Yesterday, Sara …………………… (buy) a new swimsuit
2. We …………………… (go) shopping this afternoon
3. If it …………………… (rain) tomorrow,
4. Danny …………………… (not play) basketball
5. Mike …………………… (make) dinner
… a. we …………………… (not go) camping.
… b. if he …………………… (not feel) better.
… c. because hers …………………… (be) too small.
… d. and his parents …………………… (watch) TV.
… e. because we …………………… (need) fruit and vegetables.

4 Complete the text. Write one or two words in each space.
There can be more than one correct answer. (10 points)
Alain Robert 1. …………………… a very unusual job. He is a free-solo
climber. Companies hire him to 2. …………………… buildings for publicity
and many of the buildings 3. ………………… very tall. People call Robert
the “French Spider-Man”, because he 4. …………………… climb very high
and he rarely 5. …………………… any climbing equipment. In 2011,
Robert 6. …………………… to the top of the Burj Khalifa Tower in Dubai.
At 828 metres, the Burj Khalifa is 7. …………………… building in the world!
…………………… Robert going to look for an ordinary job? Never!
Free-solo climbing is 9. …………………… than other jobs, but Robert
…………………… stop doing it. He loves his work.

Writing 10 points
Write a paragraph about a person you know. Include:

 how you know the person

 what the person is like
 the person’s job / routine
 a nice thing the person did

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