Min Max Upload Process in RP: Step Navigation

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Min Max Upload Process in RP

1.2.1 Download xlsm format for Measures, prepare the csv file and upload to UCM

Step Navigation
1. Open browser and enter below url to open Google search page-


Search with specific application version like below search sample and open the first link-

Step Navigation
2. Press Ctrl+F and type - Supply Chain Planning Measures and press enter.
It will navigate to the below page.

Step Navigation
3. Click on below highlighted link – ‘ScpMeasuresImportTemplate.xlsm’ and save the file when it prompts
you to save.

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Min Max Upload Process in RP

Step Navigation
4. Go to browser download and open the xlsm file.

Enable editing after file is opened.

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Min Max Upload Process in RP

Step Navigation
5. Go to second tab of the file and delete all the lines from row 12 to row 27.

PLEASE NOTE- This step is only required to be deleted if you are downloading fresh xlsm template
from google path as it contains sample data set provided by Oracle for user reference. If you already
have a used file in your local system for the same application version then you can re-use it as per
business need.

Save it in your local system in some specific folder where he/she can generate the csv file for the same after filling the data
set in xlsm file-

Step Navigation
6. Refer steps to upload Client specific Min/Max quantity for majors and minors in xlsm file-
You need to fill-up following fields in below explained manner and once done just save the file.

PLEASE NOTE: Before you start filling the data in xlsm file, just turn off auto save option in excel.

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Min Max Upload Process in RP

Constant / Derived
Column Name in FBDI Value


Uploaded Minimum Quantity
MEASURE_NAME Constant or
Uploaded Maximum Quantity
PRD_LVL_NAME Constant Item
PRD_LVL_MEMBER_NAME Derived BT100N-4HSXH-F-R (Item Name)
ORG_LVL_NAME Constant Organization
Derived ABB (Major/Minor Name)
VALUE_NUMBER Derived 3 (Max/Min Value)

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Min Max Upload Process in RP

Step Navigation
7. After completion of filling data set in ‘Measures’ tab, navigate to the first tab- ‘Instructions and CSV

Click on ‘Generate CSV File’ to generate csv file to the location in your local system where you are
maintaining your xlsm saved file version.

Step Navigation
8. Once csv is generated it will show below message (refer screenshot outside this section). Just click ‘Ok’.
And close your excel workbook. While closing excel workbook, If it asks below message just click
‘Don’t Save’.

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Min Max Upload Process in RP

Step Navigation
9. Go to local folder/drive where you created csv.
Just select the ‘Measures’ csv file and zip it by referring below step-

PLEASE NOTE: Do not change the name of ‘Measures’ csv file. System will not accept if anyone
change the file name of csv.

Step Navigation
10. Zip file will be created like below screen. If required we can change the name of zip file but not csv file.
In next we will load this zip file to the Oracle cloud UCM path – scm/Planningdataloader/Import.

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Min Max Upload Process in RP

Step Navigation
11. Go to Oracle Cloud environment.
Navigator: Tools > File Import and Export

Step Navigation
12. Click ‘+’
In ‘Upload File’ page-
Browse and get ‘Measures.zip’ file from your local system
Choose Account – scm/planningDataLoader/Import
Click- ‘Save and Close’

4.2 Submit flat file collection process to load the Shaw min max zip file to the Oracle database.

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Min Max Upload Process in RP

Step Navigation
13. Go to Navigator: Supply Chain Planning > Replenishment Planning-

Step Navigation
14. Click on ‘Tasks’ panel > Click on – ‘Load Planning Data From Files’-

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Min Max Upload Process in RP

Step Navigation
15. In ‘Load Planning Data from Files’ page, select below parameter values-
Source System – OPS
Collection Type – Net Change
Data File - <select latest file uploaded by your id and see the time and also see the file name same as
uploaded zip file like here is ‘Measures.zip’

Click ‘Submit’ to submit the collection process which should take up the data from csv file which is
present in zip file and load it into the Oracle database tables for Measures entity.

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Min Max Upload Process in RP

Step Navigation
16. Go to Navigator: Tools > Scheduled Processes-

Step Navigation
17. Go to Navigator: Tools > Scheduled Processes-

Click ‘Refresh’ and make sure ‘Load Entity’ process is ‘Succeeded’.

In case it is completing in ‘Warning’ inform to support team to investigate and revert on it.

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Min Max Upload Process in RP

4.3 Submit Replenishment Plan in refresh mode and validate Shaw min-max values in plan output-

Step Navigation
18. Go to Navigator: Supply Chain Planning > Replenishment Planning-

Step Navigation
19. Click on ‘Tasks’ panel > click on ‘Manage Plans’-
Search NTWK Replenishment Plan – NTWK-RP

Click on ‘Actions’ > ‘Run’-

Submit in ‘Refresh with Current Data’ mode-

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Min Max Upload Process in RP

Step Navigation
20. Monitor the plan run process and make sure all process threads should complete normal like below

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Min Max Upload Process in RP

Step Navigation
21. Refresh the page in ‘Manage Plans’ and open Network Replenishment Plan- DM-NTWK-RP / NTWK-

PLEASE NOTE: Below screenshot is from test plan is just for explaining the procedure.

Select ‘Page Layout’ as ‘RP Layout’-

Refer table- ‘Min-Max Update’ to see all the item-org combinations for which you uploaded external
min-max values to the system using External file load process.

Step Navigation
22. End of Procedure.

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