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Dragon Head 

(Japanese: ドラゴンヘッド, Hepburn: Doragon Heddo) is a Japanese manga series

written and illustrated by Minetaro Mochizuki. It was published by Kodansha in Weekly Young
Magazine from 1994 and 1999 and collected in ten tankōbon volumes.[1] It was licensed
in English by Tokyopop, with Volume 10 released 2008-04-01. In 1997, the manga won
the Kodansha Manga Award for general manga. Kodansha USA currently holds the license to the
The series was adapted as a live-action film written and directed by Jôji Iida, released in Japan in
August 2003. It starred Satoshi Tsumabuki and Sayaka Kanda.

Arc 1: Escape from the tunnels[edit]

Teru Aoki (青木 輝), the main protagonist, is riding a train to Tokyo after a school trip. Just before his
train enters a tunnel, Teru briefly sees something in the distance, though he doesn't understand what
he saw. Soon after entering the tunnel, a powerful earthquake derails the train and blocks both sides
of the tunnel with rubble. Knocked unconscious during the derailment, Teru reawakens to find, much
to his horror, that all of his teachers and classmates have died in the crash. Wandering the wrecked
wagons of the train, he finds Nobuo Takahashi (高橋 のぶお), a highly unnerved boy who apparently
was being bullied at school, and Ako Seto (瀬戸 憧子), who is unconscious and wounded.
Teru treats Ako, who wakes up after several days. While they find temporary shelter in the dining
wagon, Nobuo gives in to fear and declares that "something" is lurking in the tunnel with them.
Nobuo's mental state deteriorates to the point where he claims the wrecked train for himself, forcing
Teru and Ako to build a makeshift shelter outside in the tunnel. After days pass with no sign of
rescue, Teru tries to find an escape route and ventures into a partially collapsed ventilation shaft.
Meanwhile, Nobuo becomes deranged, paints his body as if he was a primitive savage, and
mutilates the corpse of a teacher thinking he's still alive. He kidnaps Ako and almost rapes her, but
she manages to escape.
In the ventilation shafts, Teru is suddenly hit by a powerful stream of contaminated water, which
saves him from a previous cave-in that almost buries him alive, and the shaft collapses while the
tunnel is rocked by more powerful tremors. In the chaos, amidst falling rocks and choking steam,
Teru notices Ako being chased by a crazed Nobuo and comes to the girl's rescue. Despite getting
stabbed in the shoulder, Teru manages to overcome and defeat Nobuo before almost killing him with
a rock. He and Ako soon escape after the tunnel starts collapsing and, incredibly, lava begins
flowing in it. They succeed in escaping through the ventilation shafts, but Nobuo is left behind in the
darkness and is never seen again.

Arc 2: Searching for allies[edit]

Teru and Ako surface in the ruins of a wastewater treatment plant. They find that the landscape is
covered by a thick layer of dense ash, and the sky is filled with clouds thick enough to almost blot
out sunlight. A functioning television reveals to them that society has collapsed and that most cities
have been taken over by looters. Ako follows someone to a hospital where they are helped by a
group of teenage survivors. Ako and Teru initially follow this group to Tokyo, but decide to leave after
witnessing them wounding themselves and dancing amidst dead cattle.
During the trek they are almost killed by a sudden mudslide, and soon after they see a squadron of
military helicopters in the sky above them. Following the direction of the helicopters, they arrive to a
deserted town. Exploring it, Teru gets separated from Ako after he notices a helicopter and, thinking
they can be rescued, goes investigating. Aboard the helicopter are Captain Nimura (仁村), pilot
Iwada (岩田), and crewmen Yamazaki (山崎) and Ōike (大池). While Iwada seems to be a voice of
reason, Nimura is an unprofessional loose cannon and chases away Teru when he begs them for
help. Meanwhile, Ako encounters Yamazaki, who left the rest of the crew in search of fuel.
Seeing Yamazaki return wounded and now knowing there's a girl in town, Nimura and Ōike grab
their guns and start searching for her. The stress of the situation, the urge to defend Ako and the
hatred for the soldiers briefly cause Teru to "give in to the darkness" as Nobuo did, preparing
a Molotov cocktail in hiding. After Nimura and Ōike separate in their search, the latter finds Teru in a
crazed state. He tries to reason with him, before noticing the petrol bomb in his hand and trying to
disarm him. Teru's grip slips and the petrol bomb crashes at Ōike's feet, burning him to death. Teru
then confronts Nimura, though the situation is cut short by a huge conflagration which starts burning
down the town. Ako fends off Yamazaki, grabs hold of his gun and forces him to take her to the
The conflagration quickly becomes a powerful firestorm. At the schoolyard where the helicopter
landed, Iwada and Ako take off, leaving Yamazaki behind to be burned alive enormous fire
tornadoes. Nimura and Teru almost share the same fate if not for Ako's insistence to rescue them.
They are saved in the nick of time when Iwada lands the helicopter near them and takes them
aboard. The group leaves the town, now completely engulfed in flames.

Arc 3: Izu peninsula[edit]

After Teru falls unconscious due to his injuries, the helicopter gets lost in a massive, thick ash cloud.
Because it's impossible to fly directly through the cloud without damaging the helicopter's engine,
they decide to take a detour through the Izu peninsula. Iwada worries about the lack of fuel,
wondering if they even have enough to reach Izu. Before they can gather much, the road starts to
collapse into the sea and they have to fly away.
In Izu, they are greeted by a survivor who tells them that a tsunami hit, reaching far inland, and that
the main town has been taken over by looters. The survivor, who has medical training, tells them
Teru has tetanus, due to the untreated wound inflicted to him by Nobuo. Iwada repairs the helicopter
while Ako and Nimura, much to his annoyance, go to the town searching for medicine and fuel. To
keep Nimura from doing anything dangerous, he is given weapons but no ammunition, which Ako
carries instead, to give him only in emergencies. They are also given radios to remain in contact with
As Ako and Nimura camp out for the night, they briefly see lights in the distance. The next day, they
find mutilated bodies at a nearby lake as well as a frightened young man and his companion, a
seemingly disabled boy with strange scars on his head. Inhabitants from the town appear and attack
them in a frenzy. The silent boy gets badly burned on his arm, but incredibly doesn't make a sound,
as if completely numb to pain. A policeman shoots and wounds Nimura, and he, Ako, and the
scarred boy are brought to the town.
Ako and Nimura find that the town has been barricaded to prevent those inside from escaping. Due
to the tsunami, Izu has now become an island separated from mainland Japan. This isolation has left
the survivors without food and, due to the dire circumstances, has driven them to go mad and
murder their relatives, with plans to stage a mass suicide. However, the sight of Ako makes them
even more crazed, wanting to sacrifice her before their kill themselves. Fortunately, Nimura, Ako,
and the scarred boy, Kikuchi, manage to escape from the mob, though they can't leave town.
The trio run to a building filled with gasoline, where the mob plans to kill themselves in a
makeshift funeral pyre. They manage to reach the town's hospital, though in the process Ako kills
some of the townspeople to defend herself. Ako and Nimura briefly barricade themselves, and she
finds the much-needed medicine for Teru. As Ako tries to find out an escape route, she notices that
Kikuchi has wandered off. When she finds him, he mentions a certain painting believed to be related
to the events, and calls himself Dragon Head.
Soon after, the trio are cornered in the hospital by the townspeople. Nimura and Ako fight them off
and escape on a motorcycle, while Kikuchi is left alone and beaten by one of the aggressors.
However, Kikuchi scares off his attacker when he doesn't die of his injuries, and mocks everyone for
the fear they feel. Nimura, on the other hand, explains that he looks out only for himself, but says
that he is different from the townspeople — he is afraid to die, unlike them.
Meanwhile, a smaller group of townspeople find the radio in the forest and call Iwada, pretending to
have hostages. They lure Iwada to their location and attempt to commandeer his helicopter. He is
forced to land, but while they argue over who gets to fly away, he dispatches them with a rocket
launcher. He takes off again to the town, but he is wounded when one of the invaders manages to
enter the helicopter and shoots one of his ears off with a gunshot. Iwada fends him off and resumes
his flight.
Ako and Nimura climb to the top of the pyre building just as the ash cloud moves over the Izu
peninsula. Iwada reaches them and they manage to load fuel barrels on the helicopter before
leaving. As the town is completely engulfed in the massive cloud, a townsperson ignites the pyre and
blows the building up, burning to death with the other survivors. As they fly away, Teru's group sees
Kikuchi on the rooftop, on fire and showing no expression, a sight that greatly disturbs Ako.
After the group finds a safe place to land at the home of an anonymous woman, Ako treats Teru.
The two agree to stick together and look for their families in Tokyo. Remembering the words from
Kikuchi, Ako reaches a nearby building where, reading through some books, manages to link the
"painting" he spoke about to Mount Fuji. Everyone comes with them except for the woman, who
warns Teru and Ako not to give in to fear and that fear itself can be faced and conquered.

Arc 4: Discovery[edit]
With the helicopter's engine now able to withstand the ash cloud, the group decides to attempt to
travel through it. On the other side, they find a darkened wasteland covered by rivers of lava and see
the wrecks of Nimura's helicopter squadron. Mount Fuji has vanished, and in its place they find a
gigantic crater. They fly inside the hole to see how deep it goes, but ascend when they are
overcome by fear. Considering the environmental conditions, the group theorizes that Mount Fuji
had either suffered a catastrophic volcanic eruption or had been hit by a meteor.
Flying through the ash cloud again, the group find themselves in a location where the sky is brighter
and the ash falling is almost snow-like. They land on top of a shopping mall to search for supplies.
The location has already been looted and the structure is dangerously unstable. They leave when a
powerful tornado forms nearby and moves in the direction of the mall. In the ensuing chaos, Iwada,
Ako, and Nimura manage to take off in the helicopter while the roof of the mall collapses beneath
Teru. He survives by hiding in an elevator, where he falls unconscious.
When Teru wakes up, he comes across the wreck of the helicopter and a makeshift grave for Iwada,
who died in the crash. Although initially overcome by despair, Teru looks inside the helicopter and
finds and a note from Ako, which tells him that she and Nimura are heading for Tokyo on foot.
Hopeful to see Ako again, Teru embarks on the long trek to follow them. Along the way, he
encounters a wounded man, who incoherently babbles about Tokyo being both Hell and Heaven. In
a fit of madness, the man runs away and falls off a cliff. After giving him a hasty burial, Teru resumes
his journey and arrives in ruined Tokyo.

Arc 5: Tokyo ruins[edit]

Teru wanders through the corpse-littered streets of Tokyo, clinging to the hope of finding other
human beings. Distraught and tired, Teru stops near the entrance to the subway, where he briefly
hears a voice. Following the source, Teru finds that someone has put radios in the subway tunnels,
which all repeat a garbled message. Deeper into the underground, the boy finds a man-made cave
that leads him to another station, under which lava is flowing. Terrified, Teru goes even deeper, and
finds himself in a massive warehouse where a group of survivors, led by a self-declared scientist,
have stockpiled supplies. Many members of his group are covered with self-inflicted wounds, while
others are painted and armed like Nobuo.
The scientist explains that the group's supplies are experimental compounds which numb fear. After
consuming them for a prolonged period of time, the survivors of his group stopped feeling fear
completely and, longing for it again, started wounding themselves. Disturbed by what he sees and
hears, Teru leaves the group and makes his way to the surface. Teru finds his now-collapsed
apartment building, where he finds another note left by Ako urging him to go to their school.
Meanwhile, the scientist's group attacks a patrol of foreign soldiers, and a fleet of ships from another
country is seen anchored in what was once Tokyo Bay.
Teru reaches the school meets Ako and Nimura, but Nimura pulls a gun on him and says he is
taking Ako for himself. He holds Teru at gunpoint, and Teru opines that without fear — either by
being numbed to it, or just never needing it — life is lessened. Unnerved, Nimura declares that he
saw the graves where the victims of the disaster were collected, and among whom were Teru's
whole family. He then shoots Teru before being subdued by both him and Ako. Teru discharges
Nimura's gun in the air and leaves him alive before leaving with Ako. Nimura, alone, is left wondering
about himself.
Foreign soldiers storm Tokyo and are attacked by the survivor group. The scientist, now holding a
pair of severed heads, says to a soldier that he helped bring about the apocalypse. A document
discovered by other soldiers indicates that three nuclear weapons were on Japanese soil, that the
governments of Japan and other nations have vanished, and that no one seems to know exactly
caused the catastrophe. During the chaos, a volcano suddenly emerges in what was once central
Tokyo. Teru and Ako sit together and watch the volcano, and Teru reflects that the world is what you
make of it, and that even with the world in ruins good or evil still both have chances to triumph,
leaving a faint glimmer of hope for things to adjust themselves in the future.

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