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An Essay 4

o are your friends?

How do you spend your free time?

Do you have a passion or hobby in your life?

Have you traveled outside of your country, city?

Mind all the aspects that could reveal your life to the reader to the fullest extent – let your personality
come through an essay. Look at how it is done in the essay sample below!

Essay Sample – My Life Is … some people, life is hard, cruel and merciless. Thes people see life as
punishment throughout their entire lives. They, therefore, resigned themselves to fate, believing all is
finished. To them, nothing that they do can ever be good. They take delight in committing crimes and
maiming others to avenge their ill-fortune. They lost every sense of direction and most times, some of
them go as far as committing suicide, just to escape the injustice life has meted out to them.

Life is beautiful and yet life is not a bed of roses. Though it is full of ups and downs, it has many facets of
blessings and successes. To some people, life is hard, cruel and merciless. Thes people see life as
punishment througho followed up consistently even if things seem blurred or unyielding at first.

Also, the mind is the center of everything. It controls your thoughts and beliefs. A focused mind has
never failed. A positive mind helps one to discover talents and potentials. Great men and women, both
living and dead, had their minds focused on something and nothing deterred them from achieving their
dreams. Each of them had a belief, sho

v followed up consistently even if things seem blurred or unyielding at first.

Also, the mind is the center of everything. It controls your thoughts and beliefs. A focused mind has
never failed. A positive mind helps one to discover talents and potentials. Great men and women, both
living and dead, had their minds focused on something and nothing deterred them from achieving their
dreams. Each of them had a belief, sho

followed up consistently even if things seem blurred or unyielding at first.

Also, the mind is the center of everything. It controls your thoughts and beliefs. A focused mind has
never failed. A positive mind helps one to discover talents and potentials. Great men and women, both
living and dead, had their minds focused on something and nothing deterred them from achieving their
dreams. Each of them had a belief, sho

followed up consistently even if things seem blurred or unyielding at first.

Also, the mind is the center of everything. It controls your thoughts and beliefs. A focused mind has
never failed. A positive mind helps one to discover talents and potentials. Great men and women, both
living and dead, had their minds focused on something and nothing deterred them from achieving their
dreams. Each of them had a belief, sho

followed up consistently even if things seem blurred or unyielding at first.

Also, the mind is the center of everything. It controls your thoughts and beliefs. A focused mind has
never failed. A positive mind helps one to discover talents and potentials. Great men and women, both
living and dead, had their minds focused on something and nothing deterred them from achieving their
dreams. Each of them had a belief, sho

ut their entire lives. They, therefore, resigned themselves to fate, believing all is finished. To them,
nothing that they do can ever be good. They take delight in committing crimes and maiming others to
avenge their ill-fortune. They lost every sense of direction and most times, some of them go as far as
committing suicide, just to escape the injustice life has meted out to them.

But there are those who see life as a challenge, a channel of discovery and innovation, a prospect for
success and a gateway to wealth. To them, life is sweet, colorful and kind. No matter the situation these
people find themselves, they keep pressing on, believing in a cause, a cause to succeed and get the most
out of life. No wonder an adage says, “Where there is life, there is hope.” Personally, I belong to these
people who enjoy life.

The will to succeed or fail lies within an individual jurisdiction. You can live life to the fullest with utmost
satisfaction and fulfillment if you determine with all your mind, body and soul to succeed. On the other
hand, life can be miserable to you if you take everything for granted and wait on fate to play itself out.
The setting of goals and strategic plans that will strive no matter the odds which may move against you
is one of the basic things needed to get the best out of life. These goals which must be result-oriented
should be

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