Let's Do It: Activity 5: Riddle Time

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Let’s Do It

Activity 5: Riddle Time

Directions: Read each sentence carefully and apply what you have learned from the
previous part of the module.

Complete the table by writing the meaning of the highlighted word, the clue and
the type of clue. The first one is done for you.

Type of Context
Riddle Sentence Meaning Clue
1. Unlike Cody, who is
obedient, Sean is a rebellious Unlike, follower antonym
2. Phobias, such as
heights, water or
confined space are
difficult to eliminate.
3. In class, Anne was a
that her grumpy
behaviour negatively
affected everyone.
4. Archaeology is the
scientific study of
prehistoric cultures by
excavation of their
5. Justine’s parrot was
loquacious, but
Gavroche said very

Let’s Do More

Activity 6: Context clue challenge

Once again, challenge yourself by writing the meaning of the underscored

unfamiliar word and the clues given in the sentence. The first one is done for you.

1. Mrs. Villanueva was a picture of frailty as she slowly tried to move around her room
with an old cane.
Frailty means weakness
Clue/s: slowly tried to move around
2. The sudden slamming of the door startled the housekeeper and made her drop the
jar she was carrying.
Startled means
3. I watched in apprehension as the man tried to show us how to use the store’s new
Apprehension means
4. The young woman was surprised that the ten-year-old boy outwitted his uncle and
won first place.
Outwitted means

5. The suspect who was trying to escape caught hold of the protruding branches and
began to climb.
Protruding means

6. A number of volcanoes are dormant but they could erupt any time.
Dormant means

7. Belle eluded recognition by donning a wig.

Eluded means
8. Richard possesses great stamina, while his brother tires easily.
Stamina means

9. The medication was intended to alleviate the pain, but it only worsened her condition.
Alleviate means

10. Despite the inclement weather, the seniors still decided to have the trip.
Inclement means

Let’s Remember This

Key Takeaway

 Context clues are bits of information from the text that, when combined with
prior knowledge, allow you to decide the meaning of unknown words in the
story or article you are reading.
 As a reader you must act similar to a detective and put together clues from
sentences surrounding an unknown word in order to make an intelligent
“guess” as to what the definition of a word is.
 These words or phrases are built into the sentences around the new or difficult
word. By becoming more aware of the words around a difficult word, you can
make logical guesses about the meanings of many words.
Authors use many different types of context clues when writing texts such as,
antonyms, definition, synonyms and example.
Let’s Test Ourselves

Activity 7

Read the statement/s CAREFULLY. Use the given context to find out the
meaning of the ITALICIZED word and write the letter of the best answer on a separate

1. The release of political prisoners was considered an apotheosis of freedom.

a. declaration b. glorification c. consideration d. clarification

2. As the bus passed I saw many mountains and hills in the distance and even in the
darkness I could make out these almost- regular undulations of the land.

a. wavelike motion b. flattering portion

c. unfamiliar surrounding d. uncomplicated passage

3. No matter where you go, the Internet is following you. Almost every portable device is
being made with an Internet connection. Most new TVs and many other appliances
come with Internet connections as well. The Internet is truly ubiquitous.

a. it is fuzzy and will bite you b. it is everywhere

c. it costs too much money d. it causes rashes
4. Speaking rudely to the judges was rash behavior. You really hurt your chances of

a. an itchy skin condition b. funny

c. trying to hide or disguise a piece of cheese d. with little thought or consideration
5. Wherever he goes, the esteemed Dr. Sanchez is applauded for his life saving

a. held over boiling water b. very old

c. unable to chew gum d. greatly admired

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