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Exposing the phony photographers who exploit models



Hard-hitting Uncensored

Beware the
evil and ruthless


who trump up fake

abnormal sex charges !



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The "CHRISTY" Electronic, a multi-purpose trouble detector will check
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There are millions of electrical appliances in constant use— in the city, on
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Annually America- uses more and more electrical appliances
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If you ate mechanically inclined (can hold and use tools) you can qualify for this
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4804 N. K.dxio Av.. Chicago 25, III. REPAIRING
Mail me FREE without any obligation, illustrated hook on Electrical Appliance
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Name Age

— —

How to Make
YOUR Body 1

Bring You
A SKYE Publication


Associate Editor EDWARD L. MclEAN
Production Editor CAROL LEAKE
Art Editor RALPH BRYDE Fun in swimming! . . , See page 12.


Birthday suits in the moonlight. ,


Two wives were too many for him!


Inside story of the drug peddlers.


Violence in a crowded airplane.


"Model agency" crook in action.


">>eath far an unwilling sweetheart.
have a body that peo-
ple pity! I was once a
skinny, 97 lb. weakling
such a poor specimen that EXPOSE! -YOU CAN BE FRAMED ON A
was constantly self-con-

scious, embarrassed. But PERVERSION RAP! 28

later I discovered the se-
The new angle for blackmailers.
cret that turned me into
the holder of the title,
"The World's Most Per-
fectly Developed Man." DEATH OF A LIVING DOLL 38
I'd like to prove that the
same system can make a
She dared to argue with her killer.


Do you want big. Delinquency around the globe!
broad shoulders a —
fine, powerful chest
biceps like steel -arms — LAST ORGY OF A BLONDE BARFLY 40
and lees rippling with
muscular strength — Booze + Bums — Danger
stomach ridged with
bands of sinewy

muscle and a build ihoto of thi_ _ ATTORNEY FOR THE DEFENSE 50
you can be proud of? vho holds the title.
Then iust give me "The World's Most A great lawyer defends the innocent.
the chance to prove Perfectly Developed
"Dynamic Tension" Man."
what you need.
Crime never pays.
Just tell
me where
you want handsome, powerful muscles. Are you fat .and
flabiiy! Or skinnv and pawky? Are van short-winded, pep- ON THE RECORD 8
less? T)o yn« hold bark and let- others walk off with the Latest crime photo flashes.
prettiest Eirls. best inbs. etr. ' Tben write fnr details
about "Dynamic Tension" and learn how I can mafee you
a healthy, confident, powerful HE-MAN.
"Dynamic Tension" Is an entirely NATURAL method.
Only 15 minutes of your spare time daily is enough to
show amazing results— and it's actually fun! "Dynamic Oddities In the hews.
Tension" does the work.

inCC-M Not
EDITC y 32 pft ee Illustrated Book Is Yours
for $1.00 or 10c Bat FREE — Illustrations on pages 12, 17, 23, 28, 29, 39 and 40
Send for mv book, "Evcrlastlne MAY, 1956
Health and Strencth." 32 paced. were specially posed by professional models.
[•.-.:'-:<''. -.'.hh r^-i-'i'.-TS^'':--. -Mi •:?.'..<;-
able advice. This book Is a re*l
prize for any fellow who wants a
VOL 13
Cover ektaehrome by Al Puhn.
better butld. Yet I'll send yon a
cony abf'utely FREE. Rush contain NO. 3
Charles Atlas, Dept. I6G5. 115 East
23rd St., New York 10. I Cover color printing by The Regensteiner Corporation, Chicago, Illinois.

CHARLES ATLAS, Dept. 1665,

115 East 23rd Street, New York 10, N. T.
fiend me —
shsnhrtelv FREE — a cop? of your famous TRUE CRIME, Vol. 13, No. 3, May
1956. Published bimonthly by Skye Pub-
book. "Ererlastlne Health and Strenplh" —
32 pases, lishing Co., Inc., executive, editorial and advertising offices at 270 Park Avenue,
crammed with nhntocrsphs. answers to vital rrewstlons. New York 17, N. Y. Arthur Bernhard, Publisher; Raymond J. Peck, Advertising
and laluable adriee. This hoofr is mine to beep, and Director; Alan Sills, Genera! Manager; Bob Salomon, Circulation Manager.
sending for it dGes not oblipate me In any way. Annual subscription (six issues) SI. 50 in the U. S., Canada, and P.A.U.; $2.00
foreign. Twenty-five cents a copy. Manuscripts and art material accompanied
Name .

(Please print or write plainly!" by stamped self-addressed envelopes will be carefuliv considered, buf the publisher
and editors will not be responsible for loss or damage. Copyright 1956 by Skye
Address Publishing Co,, Inc. All rights reserved. Re-entered as second-class matter at the
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I 1 t 01O U^mhG.
City ....

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Out Simple Method Proves Tim Con

learn fo Draw at Home la Spare Time
TRIPLE tragedy was enacted in Studio

V.T OU can leam Commercial An, City, California, recently when a world-
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ing, etc. right at home, in spare
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time. No previous an training neces- then committed suicide. Pruett Carter, 64,
sary. Soon be your own boss— work
at home, pick vour own working hours.
depressed over chronic illness, shot his
Or earn big money as staff artist for wife, Theresa, 50, and his son, Deal, 35,
advertising agency, newspaper, mag-
aline, dept. store, etc. Or make Art a before putting a bullet through his own
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22-piece art outfit given with your first
brain. Mrs. Carter's body is studied by
lesson AT EXTRA CHARGE. NO Police Sgt. Pat Kealy (r.) while Sgt. Ken-
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FAMILY quarrel in a Miami trailer

courtended in death for Mrs.
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Wuit 800 Left! Hurry! bed her 15 times in the back with
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it ft" \ No catches or into his car and fled. A few hours

f I ^\ re ' ewM '* later he was found lying on a
sidewalk without a shirt on (be-
low). He had taken a huge dose
of bichloride of mercury. Police
\/y^$y discovered later that McGrath
WITH ANY ROD had swallowed raw eggs and
"eN milk before taking the poison,
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(continued on page 10)
Valuable Subscription
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Three months sub-
AW MWrlVXUTfSr scription FREE and
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BLOODY scene in Groesbeck, Texas, was the aftermath of a marital bustup. Mrs.
Automatically eliminates noisy buzzing and static due to Audrey Andrews (above) lies fatally wounded near her father, Barnard Bryant, and
electric appliances motors, etc. Safe, insulated. SEND NO
MONEY. Pay on arrival only (1.38 for one, 3 for (4.98 plus her uncle, William Bryant. The trio were shot to death by Mrs. Andrews' husband,
C.O.D. postage. (Send cash and we pay postage.) Enjoy radio
T.V. like never before or money back Write today to
Guy Andrews, Jr., infront of the Limestone County courthouse. Andrews feared that
MILLER 8 CO., Dept. 882, 230 H. Michigan, Chicago 1, III. his wife's father and the uncle were plotting to permanently destroy his marriage.

LOOSE FALSE TEETH After gunning them down with a shotgun, Andrews (below) killed himself. He
RELINED AT HOME TIGHTENED $1.00 holds the stick with which he fired the shotgun, lying at his feet, to kifl himself.
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suffer with attacks of Asthma and choke
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Who are Troubled with
ffeffihq t/p
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PAS' Nervousness- Tiredness,

Loss of Physical Vigor

40 Men as they grow older too

often become negligent and take TION
very commonly occurs in
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This negligence can prove and Excess Increase in weight . . .

signs that the Glands are not func-

Tragic, resulting in a condition
tioning properly.
where expensive and painful sur-
Neglect of such conditions or a
gery is the only chance.
false conception of inadequate
If yon, a relative or a friend treatments cause men to grow old
have the symptoms of 111 Health before their time leading to
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indicated above, the trouble premature senility, loss of vigor in

The Excelsior Institute is completely equipped to give
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The Excelsior Institute is an institution devoted
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By Walter R. Porges

true crime Headline Case

NEIGHBORS along Norwita Didn't he care about her and the

TO Place in Venice, California,
there was nothing unusual about
children? Why couldn't he be a
good husband like other men who
the sounds of loud and violent lived near them? Did he want to
quarreling coming from the home drink himself into the grave?
of Floyd and Christina Hunt at No. Floyd lurched around the room,
1126. Most people in the neighbor- shouting vile insults at his wife.
hood knew Floyd and Christina and One thing led to another and finally
their three children. They also knew he accused her of going with other
that the 27-year-old painter occa- men. Suddenly, in a furious rage, he
blundered over to the shotgun FIRST wife, Christina, was felled
sionally drank too much and that at
those times, in particular, his thick which was leaning against the wall. by shotgun blast from her husband.
voice would carry out of the win- He picked it up and mustered
dows and into the street as he hurled thickly: "This has been coming to
insults and abuse at his wife. you for a long time!" The gun went
One day in particular, October off with an ear- shattering roar. SECOND wife, Mildred, sipped a
16th, 1937, neighbors and passers-by Christina Hunt moaned quietly cup of java seconds before death.
were shocked by the unusual vio- and sagged to the floor, staining the
lence of the domestic quarrel they carpet with her blood. She lay per-
could not help hearing. Several fectly still, her breath coming in
thought to themselves that this in- 'short gasps. Floyd Hunt looked
cessant arguing would some day end down at his wife, her body torn and
in violence. The voices at No. 1126 bleeding from the charge that had
Norwita rose to an almost unbear- ripped into her. His whiskey -cloud-
able degree of loudness and abuse. ed brain could think of only one
The front door opened and Floyd thing to do— flee!
Hunt came out. Muttering under his A short time later, the Hunts'
breath, he slammed the door furi- three children came home from the
ously behind him and hurried off playground. Obediently, they were
down the street, as neighbors returning at the time their mother
watched from behind their window had specified earlier in the day.
curtains. They opened the door, romped
Several hours later, when quiet through the hall, and burst into the
had long since returned to the resi- living room. For a second they stood
dential street, Floyd Hunt returned. petrified. Their mother lay on the
Under his arm he cradled a .410 floor, covered with blood. From time
gauge shotgun. A
little unsteadily, to time her lip trembled slightly -

and obviously a little the worse for Her choked breathing was explosive
a bout with the bottle, he walked in the .quiet room.
up the path to his front door. From Screaming, the children ran to a
a near-by playground his children neighbor's home and sobbed out
watched him open the door and go their horrible story. After a moment
in. of disbelief, the man raced across the
Once inside, the familiar drama lawn to the Hunts' house. One
began. Christina berated her hus- glance into the living room con-
band for his constant drinking. (confinued on page 46)


What sinister figure heads the ring

of narcotics peddlers that infests

every corner of the globe?

Here's the lowdown on the evil syndicate called

ADVANCING, conquering al-

ways, never retreating; more
forebodingly sinister than the
H-Bomb or any of Atom Age
Man's ghastly engines of destruc-
tion; insidious, vicious, incredibly
monstrous— the world wide traffic in
smuggled dope today spreads its
multiple, clutching tentacles over
the earth and casts its foul shadow
on every continent.
Millions — billions — of dollars, in
the coin of virtually every nation, is
changing hands as an illicit global
drug market flourishes and the dope
cartels, from the most obscure, re-
gional ring to the vast international
syndicates, grow fatter and more
menacingly powerful.
Contraband drugs, ranging the
scale from marijuana to the most
insidious and lethal of them all—

"MAfNLINERS" must have 'their daily

shot of dope or they suffer dire tortures.
heroin -are being sluiced into this heroin aboard the Saint Lo, a French English bank note —10 pounds leads the nation in drug addiction,
country by way of the Mexican "and freighter docked in New York. doesn't sound like very much. But as well as in convictions for nar-
Canadian borders, and through In no wise meaning to disparage 10 pounds of pure heroin when cut, cotic violations.
many Atlantic, Pacific and Gulf the efforts of the Customs men, who re-cut, and cut again and again, ad During 1953-54, there were 8,785
ports. strive valiantly against insuperable infinitum, is worth billions when arrests made in New York State
The smugglers, who now regard odds, it should be pointed out that sold retail on the blackest of all for breaches of the drug laws and
diamond- running as pretty small the heroin taken from the French Black Markets. 6,838 convictions. It was estimated
stuff when stacked up against the ship represented no more than a If the 60,000 American users are that about 95 per cent of the ad-
fabulous profits derived from the two- day supply for the known ad- to survive, and get their daily bang dicts involved are residents of New
felonious fetching of illicit drugs, dicts in the U.S. of heroin (sometimes called Horse York City.
admittedly find it an amazingly soft In 1953, the Customs Service suc- or just H) no less than 3,650 pounds Something of the scope of World
touch. ceeded in snagging 16 pounds of of dope must enter the country il- Wide Dope, Inc., was made graph-
Soft, primarily, because of the heroin; in 1 954, a minuscule 2 legally each year. ically clear recently when police of
woefully undermanned U.S. Cus- pounds, but did much better in The U.S. Customs Service is an the U.S., Peru and Bolivia smashed
toms Service, whose New York Har- 1955, with a score of 23 pounds in old, honorable and proud organiza- a two-continent dope combine
bor watchdogs in the past eight the first eight months, thanks to tion, tracing its history back to the which was all set to dump millions
years, for example, have knocked the Saint Lo take. days of George Washington's ad- of dollars worth of cocaine on the
over only one really worthwhile At least 10 pounds of pure heroin ministration. But it simply does not American Black Market.
batch of contraband— and that no is required every day to satisfy this have enough fingers with which to Raiders who swooped down on
more than a mere token seizure, a country's 60,000 addicts, it is esti- plug all the holes in the dyke, a the cartel's two laboratories in Peru
thimbleful, when you take into ac- mated by experts on the U.S. Treas- barrier against the flood of dope that found raw opium worth $20,000
count all the big ones that got away. ury's 250-man Narcotics Squad. works more like a sieve. and 12% kilos of pure, uncut cocaine
NARCOTICS Commissioner Harry J. An- REPUTED to be the world kingpin of We refer to the confiscation, last When you're thinking of potatoes While on the .subject of New worth $200,000, according to infor-
siinger is in favor of stiffer penalties. the dope peddlers, is Lucky Luciano. August, of 21 pounds of almost pure or coal in the bin— or even an York, statistics show that the city (continued on page 59)
WAS ON MONDAY, November gers aboard. Many of the voyagers She recognized Clendenin as Sally narrowly missing an Air Force lieu-
IT 21st, 1955, when the Seattle- already were seated, some of them Shedd's boy friend-a jilted boy tenant who already had seated him-
Tacoma Airport in the State of friend-and felt that he had come self in the same pair of seats, next
fastening their seat belts prepara-
Washington was suddenly turn- tory to the take-off, when the last aboard the craft to fnake trouble. to the window. The lieutenant was
By Paul Warwick ed topsy-turvy by the explosive ef- man in the line on the ramp ducked As the girl started brisky ahead unable to offer immediate interfer-
fects of a broken heart. his head to walk from the ramp into to warn .Sally that Bob Clendenin ence, because he had fastened his
A giant, four-motored plane was the aircraft. was on board, he brushed by her seat belt before Clendenin's pur-
standing on the runway. Its bur- This last man aboard was Robert and rushed down the plane's aisle pose was seen.
nished nose was pointed toward Clendenin, 26, a young stockbroker to the side of Sally— then grabbed As the stewardess, mortally
Los Angeles, next port of call for from New York. her and forced her into a seat on wounded, crumpled down on the
true crime Headline Case the forty passengers who were Sally Shedd, the 25-year-old the standing plane. seat, Clendenin rose to the aisle
walking— tickets and credentials in stewardess, walked forward in the Then, with only a few muttered and started for the plane's open
hand— up the ramp that led into the plane with another passenger. She words and without unnecessary door, yelling as he went:
big flying ship's interior. did not see Clendenin when he en- gestures, he snatched a pistol from "Don't follow me — and keep
Two United Air Line hostesses, tered. But the other stewardess saw the brief case he carried and fired away!"
Sally Shedd and a friend, stood just him — and immediately became four rapid shots. Two of the slugs Despite this threat, the Air Force
inside of the plane, at the head of
alarmed, sensing that there was se- ripped into Sally Shedd's chest; the lieutenant, who now had loosed
the ramp, welcoming the passen- other two lodged in the seat—one (continued on page 72)
rious trouble in the air.

When this guy fell in love, he fell hard . . .

He vowed that if the pretty airline stewardess

rejected him, they'd share

FOUR SHOTS for his beloved

arid two for him spelled tragedy.

ANOTHER man was

but the first
her goal,
one; .'wouldn't quit.
true crime Photo Expose
THINGS begin innocently enough, with the photographer po- THEN, true to his sinister motives, the cameraman gets frisky
litely arranging the unsuspecting young girl for clothed shot. and starts to pull model's skirt higher over her shapely legs.

LATER, the girl is shocked when her new "employer" suggests COMPROMISE is reached when the girl agrees to appear in
that she pose in a very brief bikini costume. She refuses. a one-piece suit. Photographer pretends to snap her picture.

TWO MEN left the neon-
fronted bar and ambled casu-
ally down the darkened street.
of the pair, older than his
companion, was immersed in the
conversation that had started in the
bar. He chattered on about books
and politics in a way that only those
who have ever been lonely in a
large city could understand.
The stranger had found a willing
listener in the young fellow walking
beside him-and all it had cost him
was the price of a few beers.
The youth eyed his new-found
friend coldly and contributed only
an occasional "Yeah, ya can say that
again." and "Politics is sure a
strange business, all right ." . .
(continued on page 56}
true crime Feature Case

One love had mode him kill and

another had trapped him . . .

When they strapped him in the

electric chair he had a sad song SATURDAY night was his loneliest night.

on his lips

By Charles L Burgess

Wallace, comely mother of four Further questioning revealed that

LIEUTENANT John A. Meister of children, had not succumbed easily the slain woman's husband, Arthur,
the Lorain, Ohio, Police De-
partment studied the body- to her murderer. was serving a life term in Ohio
carefully. The woman lay "Who found her?" he asked De- State Prison for the holdup murder
sprawled beside the rumpled bed, tective Bevan. of a local novelty shop owner. Meis-
her arms raised above her head as "Her thirteen-year-old son," re- ter wondered if it had any connec-
if to ward off the cruel blows that plied Bevan. "He came home from tion at all with Mrs. Mary Wallace's
had battered her features into an school about twenty minutes ago death.
unrecognizable pulp. The stab wound and ran screaming into a neighbor's "Did you see or hear anything
in her throat was deep and had house next door." unusual around here today?" he
bled profusely. Meister grimaced. It must have asked;

Kneeling beside the body, Meister been a terrible shock to the young- "No, sir. A few minutes after I
touched the swollen lips and raised ster. His observation of the room saw Mary, I left to visit with my
the blackened eyelids. Death, he was interrupted by the arrival of sister on the other side of town. I
judged, had come mercifully some Dr. S. C. Ward, Lorain County cor- only returned a few minutes before
six hours before. She was fully oner. the Wallace children came home
dressed in a light colored dress, silk While the physician examined the from school."
and patent-leather, spike-
stoclcings body, Meister went outside and Meister concealed his disappoint-
heeled pumps. questioned the neighbor. The wo- ment. The neighbor's home was the
Meister got to his feet and looked man was still somewhat shaken, but only one within a hundred yards of -

around the shabbily furnished room. able to answer his questions. the murder house. While it seemed
Everywhere was chaos. Chairs were "When did you last see Mrs. Wal- odd that Mrs. Wallace should be
overturned or broken, light cords lace?" he began. murdered on the very day that her
were ripped from their sockets, a "Around eight-thirty this morn- nearest neighbor was away, Meister
window was smashed and the tele- ing," she replied. "She
was hanging reasoned that the slayer could very
phone wires were cut. Mrs. Mary some wash out to dry on the line." well have been someone who was
strangled, her right jaw was broken entering Mrs. Wallace's house, but
and a shoulder dislocated." the grief-stricken man could not
"Any idea when it happened?" furnish any clue to his identity.
asked Meister. "Mary had very few friends after
"Making a rough guess, I'd say Arthur was sent up," he explained.
some time around nine-thirty or ten "Folks seemed to stay away and of
o'clock this morning." course she resented it. If it wasn't
While the coroner was making for the help the relief office gave
arrangements to remove the body, her, I don't know what she'd have
Meister again studied the still form done."
beside the bed. Despite the inhu- The father said that about a week
man beating, he could still see before the murder the slain woman
traces of a pretty, vivacious woman. was wearing a diamond ring.
Lighting a cigarette, Meister "She said some man gave it to
strolled into the kitchen. On the her, but she wouldn't tell me his
table were five cups and saucers. A name," he went on. "She said he
few feet from an overturned chair wanted her to divorce Arthur and
was a broken plate. From this he marry her, but she wouldn't hear
deduced that the killer had shown of it."
up shortly after the children left for Meister frowned as he jotted
school, and that the titanic struggle down a description of the ring.A
had started right here in this room. thorough check of the murder
INSPECTOR John A. Meister caught
bright reflection behind the house had failed to reveal the ring.
wood stove caught his attention. Had the fat man taken it?
elusive fat man killer after seven years.
Peering closely, he saw that it was Returning to his office, he found
a bloodstained bread-knife. He one of the slain woman's neighbors
found a piece of string and looped it waiting for him. He said that around
around the handle before giving it 10 o'clock that morning he had seen
to Lab Technician Marvin Hunker. George Dance hanging around the
"Check it carefully for prints," he Wallace home.
close enough to the victim to know directed. "He was behaving mighty peculi-
of her friend's movements. Acheck of the woman's posses- arly," said the neighbor. "First, he'd
"Did Mrs. Wallace have many sions revealed no signs of money or knock on the front door. Then he'd
visitors?" jewelry. However, an oblong- peek in some of the windows, and
"There was only two that I knew shaped envelope interested him. finally he went around to the back."
of," said theneighbor woman. "One "It's the same kind used by our "How long was he back there?"
was George Dance who owns a local relief office," he told Detective "About a half-hour or so."
truck farm out in the country some- Bevan. "According to the date, it After the man was excused, Meis-
wheres. Mary bought vegetables off was mailed two mornings ago." ter digested his story carefully. Just
him, or he gave them to her, I don't "Which means she cashed it yes- about everyone in Lorain knew or
know which." terday," said Bevan. "Robbery had heard of George Dance. He sold
"And the other one?" asked. Meis- could have been the motive." vegetables from a small truck. He
ter. Meister shook his head. "I don't recalled that George was a bachelor
"I never did know his name. He think so. Robbers seldom kill unless
was one of the biggest men I've cornered. This was something more
ever seen. He was at least six-feet- personal. Like a rejected suitor, for
five if he was an inch and he must instance."
have weighed close to 300 pounds." After the body was photographed
"How you see him?"
often did from several different angles, it was
"Twice, was all. He wanted to removed to a waiting ambulance
date Mary, but she wouldn't have from the funeral home where the
anything to do with him." autopsy would be performed.
Meister wrote down the big man's Questioning the other residents
description in his notebook. Next, along the street only deepened the
he talked to the victim's four chil- mystery still further. Meister learn-
dren, but none of them saw the fat ed that the slain woman was some-
man or even knew of his existence. what of an enigma in that she sel-
Excusing the neighbor and the dom, if ever, spoke to anyone and
children, Meister looked around the almost never went anywhere. One
partially snow-covered street. The woman was positive that Mrs. Wal-
house was situated at the end of lace was afraid of someone.
New Mexico Avenue in what was Nor could the victim's father, who
known as the Cromwell district. It lived on nearby Georgia Avenue,
was sparsely settled by honest steel shed any light on his daughter's
workers and their families. more A murder.
ideal spot to commit murder would "Mary was a good girl, lieuten-
be hard to find. ant," he said sadly. "I'm sure you'll
Returning inside, he found Dr. find that out as you go along."
Ward preparing to leave. Meister described the fat man
"It's one of the most brutal mur- that the neighbor woman had seen
ders I've ever seen," said the phy-
sician, shaking his head. "She was
bludgeoned a half dozen times with
a ball-peen hammer. You'll find it
on the bed. Yet as severe as those
blows were, they didn't kill her.
The stab wound in her throat sev- VICTIM had no idea her fat killer's pas-
ered an artery. In addition, she was sionand hunger for her was so intense.
and lived out on McLean Street. Dance readily admitted hanging depots for anyone buying a ticket
Had he become enamored of Mary around the victim's home early that within the past 12 hours who re-
Wallace and killed her when she morning, but swore that he had re- sembled the fat man. The maneuver
turned him down? It was a possi- ceived no answer to his repeated drew a blank.
bility he couldn't afford to overlook. knocking. He said that he had felt The autopsy report reached Meis-
Meister requested that a complete sorry for Mrs. Wallace and had ter's desk early the next morning.
description of the fat man as well often given her some of his vege- It shed little light on the investiga-
as the missing ring be broadcast tables without charge. tion other than to say that Mrs.
throughout the East. He asked that "But I wasn't in love with her or Wallace had died from the stab
all hockshops and second-hand jew- was she with me," he said earnestly. wound, and that she was not crim-
elry stores be especially alerted. "She was an awfully nice woman, inally attacked.
Next, he conferred at some length and I did all I could to help her." "At least we know it wasn't a sex
with Chief of Police Theodore Meister described the fat man, crime," said Meister. "Now we can
Walker. but Dance only shook his head. concentrate on the rejected suitor
"Keep after that ring," advised "She never mentioned anyone like theory with more confidence."
the chief. "I've got a'hunch you'll that," he said. During the night a round-up of
catch your killer that way." "Okay, George, that will be all all police characters in and around
Accompanied by Bevan, Meister for now," said Meister, rising. "But the eity was made. Scores of tall,
drove to the truck farm owned by don't go away. We may want to heavily -muscled men were picked
George Daiice. The latter, a tall, you again."
talk to up and brought to Headquarters for
sparely-built man in his early 50s, "The fat man is our killer," he questioning. However, by morning
answered their knock with a scowl. toldBevan when they were back in all of them had furnished airtight
"What do you guys want?" he the car. "But the part that stumps alibis for theirwhereabouts at the
demanded truculently. me is how he managed to keep his time of the crime.
"The answers to some questions," identity a secret from everyone." The milkman and newsboy whose
said Meister. "Do we ask them here Keeping his attention on the road, route included the little frame house
or do you want to come downtown?" Bevan nodded. "Maybe he met Mrs. on New Mexico Avenue were also
Dance moved grudgingly aside Wallace at some secret rendez- questioned, but to no avail. Neither
and the officers entered a neatly vous?" of them had seen or heard anything
furnished living room. Meister frowned. "I hardly think unusual while making their rounds.
"I understand you visited Mrs. so. The neighbors claim she seldom A wave of excitement swept
Wallace's home this morning?" left the house. Besides, she had Headquarters late that afternoon
asked Meister. those four kids to take care of." when a heavy-set man was picked
"Since when is that a crime?" They found bad news awaiting up trying to thumb a ride out of
"It so happens," said Meister, them when they reached Headquar- the city. Bearing deep facial scratch-
watching the man's face closely, ters. Hunker reported that he could es, he was hustled to Lieutenant
"that she was murdered this morn- find no legible prints on either the Meister's office for questioning.
ing." hammer or the bloodstained bread- The suspect said he was Mike
Dance's mouth popped open. "
knife and that the only clear prints Minosky, an unemployed laborer.
"Mary? Murdered?" he cried. in the house were made by the mur- He vehemently denied having had
Even though the man's surprise dered woman. anything to do with the slaying, or
seemed genuine, Meister hammered Undaunted, Meister and Bevan even knowing Mrs. Wallace,
away at him for more than an hour. checked all the bus and railroad (continued on nag* 48)

... .....Tins.... fji •»>>>»* Mjj

, i
1 lh ! - till

DETECTIVE William Bevan shows the cut telephone wires in the victim's home. Killer wanted to make sure there was no
outcry. The murder house (r.) on New Mexico Avenue stands as grim reminder of a tragedy that left four children motherless.
Juvenile delinquency
is rampant all over
Special Report
the world today . . .

How do youthful hoodlums

of other countries

compare with ours? By Lester Wallingford

smirking, marauding,
literally murder-
tire neighborhoods with their depre-
ous, teen-age youths are on the Perhaps one of the most shocking
prowl today in more than one factors to be found in the upsurge
great metropolitan center of the of teeming youth crime around the
world. world is that it has become unde-
No longer does New York com- niably "co-ed"-as we shall try to
mand the spotlight for its juvenile illustrate, not by speaking in wide
delinquency; its more than 100 generalities, but by the citing of
street gangs, whose wars in 1955 actual cases of record.
alone resulted in six killings and But first For more than two

the permanent .disfigurement of years,London has been rocked by

scores of boys. a rash of violence committed by
But now London, England, comes young male delinquents, who call
to the forefront with its lethal themselves "Teddy Boys."
leagues of ''Teddy Boys" and "Teddy With the possible exception of
Girls" their tendencies towrard violence,
Italy is plagued by a wave of one of the most remarkable distin-
youth crime, perpetrated by its own guishing marks of the Teddy Boy
gangs of Villetoni— literally, "Young gangs is the costume which mem-
Bulls." bers affect, not to say arrogantly
Even Moscow admits that the flaunt.
problem is getting out of hand be- The costume the
of typical Teddy
hind the Iron Curtain, where ju- Boy is more a uniform, inspired by
venile gangs beat up schoolmates, the sartorial atrocities sported by
terrorize teachers, and disrupt en- the dandies of the era of King Al-
"EDWARDIAN" youth chats with his Teddy Girl sweetheart in TEDDY GIRLS puff on "sticks" and swap stories of their esca-
a London dance hall while others rock with wild jazz tempos. pades as they stand on sidelines of Birmingham dance halt.

bert Edward VII, son of Queen Vic- ties point out, one girl would attach south of London, where Gunner
toria. Edward reigned from 1901 to herself to the leader of a gang. Sydney John Page, of the Royal
1910 and, you might say, was quite But today, young girls by the Artillery, was charged with crimin-
a dresser. score bedazzled by these glorious ally assaulting a 17-year-old.
This uniform may, of course, have Edwardian garbs, join the mobs. The gunner pleaded not guilty—
variations, motivated by some in- And, in the opinion of some authori- and was found not guilty. What is
dividual affectation. But overall it ties and social workers, they be- pertinent to our story, however, is
is unmistakable in general design. come even more of a problem than the testimony— under questioning—
Following an example:
is their male consorts. of his accuser, Yvonne Joan Hall.
Dark suit with velvet-collared "She makes dates with members Prosecutor Anthony Cox outlined
jacket, padded tremendously at the of rival gangs," says Rev. Douglas the case:
shoulders and reaching, usually, al- Griffiths, who runs a youth club in Page and the girl fell into con-
most to the knees. "Drainpipe" London's slums, "and then gets the versation one night and he escorted
trousers taper to bottoms that hug kick of watching the boys fight her home. When the time *.xme to
the ankles. The tie is tightly knot- over her." part, "Page committed an offense
ted, a mere string affair, most fre- As she grows in number, the after a struggle" (said the prosecu-
quently seen in the form of a bow Teddy Girl has developed her own tor) ,
whereupon she whipped a
with dangling ends. The vest is distinctive costume which, as might razor blade from her pocket, slashed
gaudy, most always double-breast- be expected, is a modified version of the soldier across the face and he,
ed. Boots are heavy, crepe-soled. the boy friend's. That is to say, quite understandably, took off hur-
These are surface details. Scot- it features everything but the drain- riedly.
land Yard is more concerned about pipe pants and the unruly mop of When the prosecutor had con-
such concealed Teddy Boy "acces- uncut hair, another distinguishing cluded, the judge offered:
sories" as a length of bicycle chain mark of virtually all Teddy Boys. "Young girls do not normally
(for slugging) worn under the The Teddy Girl also has adopted walk around with razor blades in
jacket lapel and fish hooks (for one of the Teddy Boys' favorite ^ac- their pocket."
slashing) worn in the cuffs. cessories"— the razor blade, as a Yvonne: "I had been using it for
Which brings us back to the rising weapon, of course. sewing."
ranks of Teddy Girls who have We'll cite just one case here— Then, under further questioning,
found this outlandish plumage ir- which came up in Hampshire As- the girl said she had not minded
resistible. Time was when, authori- sizes, at Winchester, about 45 miles when Page kissed her, but strenu-
STREETCORNER kids talk of gang doings in froni of candy PUNKS caught in stolen car ore typical of kids who get in

store. Note peg pants on boys— skirts, sweaters on gais. trouble. Bushy haircuts, "cool" clothes mark them as hood lums.

ously objected to what happened which later) the multiple gangs of oned on the back; shoes optional,
a little bit later. New York— and particularly New but occasionally heavy-soled Cfor
Defense Attorney Stuart Priestly York—not only have their "uni- kicking adversaries or victims while
then asked Yvonne if she made a forms" but they have their teenage down) ankle-high boots. Never a
statement referring to Page as a molls as well. ,
hat— and infrequently a haircut.
Teddy Boy and herself as a Teddy But they differ in many respects. The girls of the gangs, as un-
Girl. Except for the common, and highly wholesome a collection of young
Yvonne: "I can't remember." accurate, denomination of "hood- females as were ever at large upon
Then Yvonne admitted she was lum," they have no overall cover- the earth, imitate this uniform, most
wearing a tight black skirt at the ing title, such as the Teddy Boys. of them in its entirety, right down
time of her encounter with Pager They derive their identifications to the jeans— only theirs seem in-
"But," she added, "it wasn't as from the names of the gangs to variably to have somehow managed
tight as those worn by the Teddy which they belong. to acquire an even snugger fit.
Girls." There are the "Falcons," the One gets a fairly clear picture of
Again the judge interposed; "Do "Golden Guineas," the "Navajos"— the character of these teen-aged
you know Teddy Boys have some- and so on into the hundreds. molls when he knows that only
thing of a tradition for slashing As to apparel, or uniform, the recently more than 50 of them en-
with razor blades?" youthful hoodlums of New York gaged in a violent battle on Look-
Yvonne: "No, I don't." wouldn't be caught dead, much less out Hill in Brooklyn's big Prospect
Judge: "Come along, now. Even I alive, in the elegant Edwardian sar- Park.
know that." torial monstrosities of the London The melee was broken up after
The girl stuck to her denial that Teddy Boy. five courageous Youth Squad detec-
she was one of the mob, winding up But to come right down to it, both tives waded into the midst of the
her testimony with: costumes are so outrageously offen- clawing, kicking, belt-swinging hoy-
"But, I admire Teddy Girl clothes sive to good taste, there isn't much dens, who were just wheeling into
because they are the fashion." choice. The New York juvenile high gear. Ten of the combatants
Gunner Page, who neither tried gangster's outfit is much simpler to were extricated from the maelstrom
to defend himself nor offer any wit- describe, however. Skin-tight blue of flying feet, fists, and heavy-
was promptly acquitted.
nesses, jeans, preferably faded and much buckled belts and taken in custody.
Like the Teddy Boys and Girls the worse for wear; leather jacket, Eight were 15 years old, two 16.
of London and England, (more of with the name of his gang emblaz- (continued on page 66)
true crime Feature Case
WAS SLIM, shapely and breeding, a college graduate, yet he roadhouse owner faced eacn other
blonde. And she was dead— very seemed content to run a cheap road- alone again.
dead. Someone had put four house. In fact, within recent weeks, "All right," the police officer be-
bullets into her beautiful body. he'd got into a gunfight with an- gan, "where is your .45?"
Her corpse was found in a lonely other roadhouse owner. The case "Are you kidding? I've got a .38
field in a suburb of Milwaukee one was coming up in court soon. revolver and you know it."
chilly morning two years ago. First, Chief Branson asked, "You "I know you've got a .38 that
"Who'd ever want to kill anyone knew Gloria Johnston, didn't you?" doesn't fit too well in your holster.
as good-looking as that?" sighed an "Sure." Grady Burt admitted with And the reason it's a little out of
officer. a smile. joint is that it's too small for the
"WelL there's one consolation," "Pretty well?" holster— the holster is made for a
spoke up Chief of Police Branson, "I suppose." .45 revolver."
"we shouldn't have too much trou- "Was this gunfight you had over a little bigger.
"So I like holsters
ble identifying her." her?" What does that prove?"
He was right. Within minutes "I wouldn't say so," Burt answer- "There were powder mark flecks
after the inevitable gathering of ed easily. "Oh, and one more thing, in thepalm of your hand. How did
curious onlookers, someone recog- chief. Just bye-the-bye. I didn't they get there?"
nized her. She was Gloria Johnston. kill her." "Again— so what? I told you I
It turned out that she was from "Do you have a .45?" liked to practice firing that .38."
Milwaukee, a member of one of its "No," replied Burt. "Ah, but, Mr. Burt, if you had
most prominent and highly-respect- "I'd like to see your gun." been shooting that .38 of yours there
ed families. She'd always had her "Sure thing." wouldn't be any of those flecks in
share of suitors, had been married Still smiling suavely, Burt led the palm of your hand. I'll tell you
twice and was now separated from the police chief into his sleeping something you never learned in col-
her second husband. quarters. Hanging up on the wall lege. You can't get those powder
It could not be said that there was a holster and gun. flecks in your palm from firing a
was a dearth of suspects. The viva- "I can save you the trouble of revolver. A revolver sprinkles them
cious blonde had been extremely Grady Burt said as the
looking," around the back of your hand.
popular. The problem was to find two men entered the door. "It's a Those powder marks of yours came
someone who could be classified as .38." from an automatic. Now, where's
a suspect and who also had a .45. The police chief made no reply. that other gun?"
For it was a .45 that had taken He stood for a moment and stared at Grady Burt broke down and ad-
the life of the blonde. Apparently the holster. Then he said, "I'd like mitted he had had a .45 and 'also
she'd gone out with someone who you to come back down to Head- that he'd killed the pretty blonde.
had turned on her as they stepped quarters with me for a paraffin test." He claimed it had been during a
out of the car. The four heavy bul- The suave man remained com- violent argument and pleaded self
lets had struck her with such force pletely unruffled. defense.
that they had gone through her "I indulge in target practice all But, like his .38 revolver and its
body and plowed into the ground. the time," Burt smiled. "So, sure, over-size .45 holster, his .story was
Police Chief Branson began you'll find some gunpowder marks a "little too small" for credibility.
rounding up suspects. He talked to on my hand—the result of firing Burt was sent to the penitentiary
many of them. my .38 revolver." for life.
Among them, he questioned one "In that case," said Police Chief
Grady Burt, proprietor of a road- Branson, "you can have no objec-
house. The police chief never had tion to taking a test." editor's note: Alt navies are ficti-
been able to quite fathom Burt— An hour or so later, the test com- tious as presented in this case.
handsome, apparently of good pleted, the chief and the handsome
She liked her booze and she was just crazy about men

Too bad that she couldn't handle both at the same time!

that Helen
it was not surprising
Olsen should fatally
at 2:30 on the morning of Novem-
ber 7th, 1952. He had turned in an
sailed for Georges Bank the night
before Helen died.
burn herself— at least not to the alarm- just in time it turned out, for Fitzgerald checked with Sko-
cops and firemen who investi- the flames were rapidly spreading grud's owners. He learned that this
gated the case. What they couldn't to the rest of the 20-famiIy apart- was true. He forgot about the fish-
predict was the amazing turn of ment. Families huddled in their ing captain, turned his attention to
events a week after the death was night clothes on the sidewalk out- the local bistros.
listed as accidental, and the case side while the firemen exitnguished There wasn't one that Helen had
officially closed. For a forsaken the flames. missed. Drunk or sober, her radiant
woman, eaten by the cancer of It was not till they traced the presence was like a breath of fresh
jealousy and teetering on the thin flames' origin to Helen's apartment air in the murky barrooms of Bay
tightrope between love and hate, that they found her. She lay, mag- Ridge. Everyone knew her.
was to quite unwittingly lead the nificent in death and naked as the Strangely, she had not been seen
baffled police to the tenuous trail of day she was born, on the floor just that last fatal night. Apparently she
the actual murderer. inside her own doorsill. Her out- had entertained serious company,
At 28, Helen Olsen had every- stretched arms told only too gra- at home.
thing a woman might reasonably phically how narrowly she had Next day the autopsy report came
want. She was tall, with the mag- missed reaching the revivifying through from Kings County Hospi-
nificently proportioned figure of a fresh air. How close she had been tal. Helen Olsen had died of burns
Viking goddess. She had a beautiful when the gaseous poison of the and asphyxiation. There was no
face crowned by a glory of natural smoke filled her lungs and cut her sign of violence. Death was ap-
golden hair. She had three lovely down. Her charred bedroom left no parently accidental.
children and a man who was slav- doubt where the fire had originated. Though her unknown drinking
ishly devoted to her. As in all cases of fire fatality, the partner had failed to come forward,
Yet Helen Olsen was desperately, Bureau of Fire Investigation had the police had no alternative but to
unrelentingly unhappy. Her face been summoned. Assistant Fire list her death as accidental and close
and figure had led her to nothing Marshal John Tiedemann, together the case. They figured it probably
but trouble. Her three children by with Detectives Edward Fitzgerald was, anyhow. Just another unhappy
her two divorced husbands had been and Walter Murray of the 68th pre- kid who'd taken too many drinks
taken away from her. The one man cinct had begun the investigation. and smoked one cigarette too many
who really loved her— her fiance- It appeared to be strictly routine. in bed.
was away at sea most of the time. There were, of course, the empty And there the case remained dor-
She had no choice, she felt, but to whiskey bottles on the linoleum- mant for a week. Till a phone rang
solace herself with lesser men, and covered kitchen table— three of them on the city desk of the now-defunct
with the whiskey bottle. and two glasses, one rimmed with Brooklyn Eagle.
That was Helen Olsen's real
lipstick. Helen Olsen had enter- It was the voice of a woman,
trouble— the bottle. And because the tained a male drinking companion pitched high with hysteria, shrill
police and the Bureau of Fire In- that night, and Murray and Fitz- with anger.
vestigation who were studying her gerald went looking for him. "I know something .about the
death soon understood that, they They talked to Helen's mother, Helen Olsen death," she said. "It
decided— quite logically— that Helen who lived but a few blocks away isn't what the police think. That
had got intoxicated and had set fire in the Bay Ridge section. She told woman was deliberately set on fire."
to her bed while smoking. Besides, of Helen's background, of Einar "Who's this?" Reporter Dave En-
who'd want to harm her? If any- Skogrud, her present fiance, "a fine gel inquired.
thing, she had more friends than man," and captain of a scallop drag- "Never you mind," the woman
was good for her. ger out of New Bedford. Skogrud said. "Just see Walter Larson." And
The smoke had been seen by a put into Fulton Fish Market every she hung up.
passerby, billowing through the three weeks or so. He took a shower Engel phoned Chief Fire Marshal
windows of her Brooklyn apartment and came to see Helen. His ship had Martin Scott, head of the Bureau of
SAVE 75% Fire Investigation. "Probably a
nut/' he told Scott. "But I thought
going together on and off for years.
He had lived with her briefly after
— ON - you ought
on it," Scott
coming ashore. But they could-
He now saw her infre-
n't get along.
promised. "Thanks for calling."
Scott phoned Kings County DA
Meanwhile, he met Helen Olsen.
MID-WEST SUPPLY FIRM! | Miles F. McDonald, who talked it They never formally dated, he said,
Terrific values. JOo've got to m I over with his chief of the homicide but met frequently in barrooms
bureau, Assistant DA Louis Andre- and drank together. Sometimes
SHIRTS 79C 1 ozzL And Fitzgerald and Murray
were sent back on the investigation.
when she'd had too much, he'd take
her home.
They checked on every Walter "One night about three weeks ago
What a buy: 4 (« the price of m! Tbtw •Mrts . Larson in the Brooklyn telephone Iwas drinking with Helen," Larson
though used, art washed. steriUied
tone, isugli wee*. Ir Wm
or tan,
and ready fee I
book. In Bay Ridge there are plenty said,"when Annie came in.
Sen*1 — aaot mMr*%%, xatk lit*. of them. It was none of them. "She had it all built up in her
Sold lor J.fS new
to match
M W%t
"Let's go back on the bar beat,"
Murray suggested. "That's where all
mind about how Helen was taking
me away from her. Though I hadn't
Uob«<ievrt<« Bareaina! S«Ww«wf *} for $3.75
her friends are." And after a while seen much of Annie lately, any-
they found Waiter Larson. how.
COVEI MIS... wear 'em me*
? |«t9 I
* He was big, a red-faced ex-sea- "Well, anyway, she called us both
Mew ivn man with the complexion of a man about every name that's in the book.
IWcMMMrMMi. 3 hr $5.75 I
who's seen too much dirty weather Then she broke a beer glass over
SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! Yes* wwy the bar and tried to slash Helen's
hack it you can beat these baroairrt anywhere! Yeu and done too much drinking. He
canH tee* t* order TODAY lor immediate delrver,! I now had a shore job as a loader face. It's lucky I caught her arm—
Pay peatman or send money with yoor order and
tave postage. $1.00 deposit en C.O.O. orders. I at the Brooklyn Port of Embarka- and just in time, too. Then the bar-
GALCO SALES CO. Dept. 415 1 tion. tender threw her out."
"You guys are crazy," he told Fitzgerald asked, "And you think
^ 7120 Horvord Ave. • Cleveland ^O^Jj
the assembled police officers. she's trying to get you in trouble
over Helen's death?"
Larson shrugged. "What else
People 60 to 80 could it be?"
Murray leveled him with a look.
APPLY FOR OLD LINE LEGAL "We'll leave that for later," he said.
RESERVE LIFE INSURANCE He added, "But we'll try to help
you out. We'll talk with Annie An-
Let us send you information dersen. What's her address?"
about a $1,000 whole life policy Larson shrugged. "I don't know.
for people up to age 80.
She's always falling behind in her
rent and moving. But she never
No one will call on you. You wanders far from Bay Ridge."
handle entirely by mail. Write "We'll find her," Fitzgerald prom-
(giving age) to Old American ised.
Insurance Co., 1 West Ninth, Ittook no very skillful sleuthing.
DeptLS20-M, Kansas City, Mo. Annie Andersen's presence was
known in every bar in Bay Ridge
and welcomed while she had a
buck. But when she became plaster-
5E[nET5&P5(ILI115 ed, she got noisy and profane— and
ifh a &iau» lift and by t ra.
openly amorous. Refused more
im of the PsaSmi. you may obtain drinks, she would scream and throw
the grace ef Gad, the favor of Princes,
and tna Lave of your (allow maa." tays glasses till hustled out through the
the author.
Here are some ef the amazing things door.
he Cell* you about; Psalm to receive
Instruction or Information through a
KILLER was jealous of barfly girlfriend Nobody knew just where Annie
Drtam or Vision. Psalm to escape dan.
ger. Psalm to Became safe from Enemies.
lived. From her appearance it might
Psalm to receive GOOD after committing have been a trash bin or coal pile.
heavy tin. Pialm to make you fortu-
nate in everything you try to do. Pialm But bartenders promised to notify
to free yourself from Evil Spirits. Pialm "Maybe so," Murray said. "But
the police at her earliest appearance
between Man and Wife.
MIDGET BIBLE FREE did you ever know Helen Olsen? Do —and this wouldn't be long, every-
•u:-r? !h- ' you
in the Wane.) atcny prop)* feet that Ibis
cl Lime:, you know she's dead?" body knew.
. te la obtain rng things yeu desire.
your name and Wl'Mi To- "Sure I did. Drank with her many
It was that night, to be exact. At
oey and pay mtmiii only SI. 4* plus postao* on delivery.
positively GUMtJUrTEE mat you will b* more than ert- times. Say. what's this all about?"
liShted within ; e*yi er yovr monoy will be return** McLean's Bar. Annie liked to go
promptly on request. Order now. Murray said, "Someone carried
there for a stimulating argument.
LARCH, 118 E. nth. Dept. S45-D New York 16>
a torch for her. A
lighted one."
This time she^ hadn't even warmed
Larson stared at him. "And you
think I did it?"
up before Murray and Fitzgerald
Fitzgerald shrugged. "Somebody arrived. The bartender had phoned
does." They told him about the them to hurry before the glasses
started flying.
phone call.
Larson listened in apparent She was a tall; gaunt woman, with
HOOVER Uniforms
A permanent bisj-incam e fcnai ness for
amazeir nt. Either he was a con- large, bony features, bad teeth and
startling blue eyes. She teetered on
you—spare or fdl time; Experience summate actor, or he was genuinely
not neces-nry. Take orders for fa- surprised. her high heels, surveying them owl-
mous HOOVER line of smart, cofot- ishly, and demanded, "What do ya
fnl uniforms Tor waitresses, beauti- f "This is incredible," he said.
dans, nurses, doctors, etc.— including /
Nylon, Dacron. Orion. HOOVERA "You'll have to believe me. want?"
UNIFORMS ere known everywhere/
for smart, dressmaker styling pins top/ "I had nothing to do with Helen "What do you know about the
quality end value. Cemraatoto Stylo
Olsen's death. But I believe I know death of Helen Olsen?" Murray asked.
Preaawtattow. actual sample fa- i
brics, full instructions for starting f who made that phone call." "Nothin'."
— all supplied Fn*. Write today.
He told of a woman named Annie "So that's why you phoned the
HOOVER UNIFORMS' Andersen. He and Annie had been Brooklyn Eagle? About nothin'?"
Dosrt. CC M.Y.
"How d'you know it was me?" Murray and Fitzgerald. "I'm no an-
"Larson says you were jealous.
Says you're trying to pin Helen
Olsen's death on him."
A crafty look stole over her wrin-
kled face. "Well, it's true— that I
But I'm no killer, either. And I
never set
Annie Andersen
"I don't
died. I
fire to

know how Helen

had nothing
her clothes, like

to do with
called the Eagle, I mean. Larson Anybody who knows anything in
killed her." Bay Ridge can tell you that Helen
"How do you know?" Murray Olsen never meant nothing to me.
asked. It's all up Annie
"He was always foolin' around mind." OCCASIONS!
with her when her man's away at Murray and
Fitzgerald agreed
sea. And he's mean enough." that it could be. They again checked
"How?" all the bars where Helen and Larson
"One night he got mad me.
at —and Annie—hung out. Like many
He put a match to my nightgown sections of New York, Bay Ridge
and walked out. Lucky I wasn't is a small, neighborlycommunity
toodrunk to put it out." within a large city. Everybody
Fitzgerald said, "Larson claims knows everyone else— particularly
he only knew Helen Olsen casu- in the taverns.
ally." Helen Olsen had done a lot of
"He's lying," Annie Andersen drinking with Larson. When they
shouted. were drunk he'd sometimes paw-
"'We'll find out," Fitzgerald prom- ner. But Helen had drunk with
ised. many other men who did the same
They called in the Fire Investiga- thing. As did Larson with other
tionBureau again. The apartment women. There was no evidence that
was again carefully examined. Helen was Larson's special girl.
Helen Olsen had been in bed "Annie was jealous of Helen be-
when the fire started. It was un- cause she was so much better look-
questionably well underway before ing," a bartender said. "Specially
she became aware of it. She had the night she went for Helen with
leaped out of bed, staggered toward a broken beer glass. Said' she'd
the hallway door in the nude. scar her for life."
But the poisonous smoke had al- Fitzgerald and Murray continues
ready done its work. She collapsed their rounds. They got a description
and died within a foot of the fresher of every man Helen had ever drunk
air of the hallway. with. They ran them all down,
Unquestionably she had been checked out all except a tall, sandy-
drunk. Yet not too drunk to wake haired man with a big jaw. He'd
up. It seemed obvious that the fire been seen with Helen a couple of
had not started in her bed, as first times, the latest about 10 days ago.
thought. And nobody had touched But nobody knew who he was.
a match to her night dress, for she Probably wasn't important, anyhow.
wore none. Nobody 'd seen them on the murder
Her dress closet was between her night.
bed and. the open window. The lat- "Maybe Annie's lying," Murray
ter had fanned the flames, blowing said to Fitzgerald. "Maybe she isn't.
them toward the door, for the room One thing for sure— she knows how-
Helen Olsen died." Now you can look smart and ,

was more badly burned- near the stylish with sensational low J
window. "You think maybe she did it?" priced glamorous dresses that J
have been cleaned and pressed *
The bed was badly charred, but Fitzgerald asked. — in good condition for all oc-
Atremendous assort-
the investigators examined the Murrav shrugged. 'Could be. ' casions!
ment of gorgeous one and two
dress closet, determined that the We'll find out." piece modern styles in all beau-

fire had started there. Larson was brought from his cell.
tiful colors —
in a variety of
luxurious fabrics of rayons, cot-
Helen's dress, her undergarments, Despite her protests, Annie Ander- tons, gabardines, woolens, silks,
etc. Expensive dresses—original
shoes and stockings—or what was sen was ushered into the small of- value up to $401
left of them— had been flung on a fice.
FREE! 12 Different Sets of But-
nearby chair. She had not been near "Now," Murray said. "Do you ton Cards! 5 to 8 matched but-
tons on each card. Worth a few
the closet that night, could not have still accuse Walter of setting
Helen Olsen? Did he once set
dollars —but yours FREE with
started the fire. There were no to dress order.

packages of cigarettes around, only fire to your nightdress?"

Annie looked at the big man, sit- MONEY BACK GUARANTEE COUPON!
butts in an ashtray on the kitchen I GUILD MAIL ORDER HOUSE, Dept. 911 I
table. Besides the fire had not start- ting tense on the edge of his chair. (On* ef the eld* it end lorgoit moil otdtt nooses of its kind)

ed in the kitchen. His gaze met her blue eyes steadily. I 103 E. Broadway, New York 2, N. Y.
Her glance dropped to the floor. Rush my 5 aworted dresses in siie circled below !
Beyond a doubt, Helen Olsen had J
I with Free Button Cards. Enclosed find $1 de- J
been asleep or drunk on the bed "Yes," she said. I posit, balance C.O.D. plus postage. Money re- J
turned if not completely satisfied. Canadian and
when it did start. And somebody Larson sank to his knees on the I
| foreign order* accepted.

else had done it: Walter Larson, for floor. "Annie. For God's sakes, An- Circles™
Gill's Sizes7. 8. 10. 12. 14 are 5 for S2.75
instance. Annie Andersen, vindic- nie. Tell them the truth. You're !
1 Junior Miss Sizes 9. 11. 13. IS are 5 for $3.75

tive, drunken slut that she was, had crucifying me. You know I never 1 Siies 13, 14, 16, IB. 20. 38, 40. 42, 44, 5 for $3.75 I
ISiiesl4Vi.l6'4.18Vi.20 ,/i,22'/1 ,24W,3for*3.75l
turned a closed case of accidental burned you. You know Helen Olsen I Extra Large Size* 46. 48. 50. 52 are 5 for S4.7S |
death by fire into a search for a never meant nothin' to me. Don't I Q Check here to save C.O.D. fee. Send full }
amount with 25<t postage.
vicious and inhumanly callous mur- let me fry, Annie. Please don't." |
''This is a serious charge," Mur-
( j
The police took Larson into cus- ray warned her. "You could send an j
Name.. I

innocent man to the chair." Address . I

tody. The big, red- faced ex -sailor
_Zone State_
trembled with fear. "Look," he told "He did it," Annie repeated stub- I Cit£
- J

Piles May Lead to bornly, and stalked from the room. Then, two days later, Chester El-
Larson broke into great choking liott walked into the Bay Ridge
sobs, then wept uncontrollably. precinct station. He was a tall man
Associated Ailments "What do you think?" Murray in his early 40's and wore glasses.
FREE BOOK Explains Causes, asked Fitzgerald later. "I understand you want to see
"That we'd better talk to Annie." me," he said pleasantly.
Effects and Treatment "I still say he did it," she insisted. "It's about Annie Andersen,"
If yon have Piles, Fistula, rectal abscess, or
any rectal or colon disorder —
here is good news.
Said Murray, "That's not what Murray said. "Do you know her?"
we came to talk to you about. Why Elliott grimaced. "Only too well,

are you so sure that Helen was I'm afraid."
t Danger* murdered?" "Do you know where she was on
of Delay "Because Walter Larson is a fire- the night of November 6th and
bug," she said. "Anyone who'd try 7th?"
to set fire to one woman would do "Only for the 6th," Elliott quip-
Write today— MeCleary Clinic and Hospital. the same to someone else." She ped. "She got drunk and was home
C588 Elms Blvd., Excelsior Springs I, Mo. for — stopped talking, her eyes bright in bed by midnight of the seventh.
your FREE copy of their 130 page, illustrated
book. with fear, then, "Say, you don't I know because I put her there."
think did it?"
I Fitzgerald and Murray looked at
"You were jealous of her," Fitz- each other, crestfallen. One strong
gerald pointed out. "You tried to eut murder suspect had just flown out
her up." the window.
GET YOUR "I hated her. She could've had "Do you know Walter Larson and
any man she wanted. And she had Helen Olsen?" Fitzgerald asked.
and nuke him yours FOR-
to take Walter. "Larson, I know slightly. I only
Why lake chances
women who
"But I was too drunk the night knew Helen Olsen by sight and by
may be using mjtsterioui she died. Besides, she'd never let me reputation. I'm sorry to hear she's
T This is your chance
...... .1 and use Secrets of
inside her apartment. Would never dead."
Sex Appeal so powerful that even bad women can keep
good men while food efrls (to without.
drink with me in her kitchen." They asked, "Did Annie Andersen
HOW TO WIN AND HOLD A HUSBAND "How do you know she drank ever tell you that Larson tried to
contains the rery essence of confidential advice thit a with someone?" Murray shot. set her night dress on fire?"
Kreai I-ow and Mprritse Expert has given to thousand!
of women— all reduced to simple set of rules— an easy "It was in all the papers," Annie Elliott blushed a deep scarlet.
formula tfett you can learn to use to WIN TOCR MAN".

(0-DAY TRIAL Ju=t send your ntrae md address today said. Then he began to laugh. Somewhat
and on delivery deposit only f2 plus pottage «ith yotw
Postman. (Or send *2 with order to save r.O.D. and post-
"And how do we know you were embarrassed, he said, "Annie An-
fte.l Use for 10 day*. I positively GUARANTEE that too drunk?" Fitzgerald asked. dersen never wore a night dress.
JOU will be more than delifrtited or vour rnonev back
nrernDtlr and no questions asked. Order At Once. "Ask anyone," Annie said. "Ask She always slept in the raw"."
LARCH. HIEast 28 St.. Dagt 445 P, N»w Tar* 14 Chester Elliott-he took me home He admitted knowing Annie and
that night. Put me to bed." Larson had lived together, and that
AFRAID? Elliott was a truck driver who she was highly jealous of him. How
Is Your Life as It Should Be? Most of
us would like to have it 'the way ice
lived in a furnished room on 49th much Larson liked Helen Olsen, he
want. Unfortunately, things don't work Street. Annie Andersen said. Fitz- didn't know.
out thai way, sometimes. Perhaps
something is missing! FAITH -HOPE - ? gerald and Murray went there at "Just one more question," Murray
Then you need cur Genuine Rhodium
Plated Holy Cross, to look at think . . .
once. said. "Where did you go after put-
and pray to. Comes In a STUN- Elliott was out of town on a long ting Annie to bed that night?"
AND IS PULL OF FIRST haul, his landlady said. He was not "I went home to bed by myself,"
DIAMONDS on a BEAUTI- expected back for several days. Elliott said.
TO YOU AT ALL TIMES. The She gave them the name of his firm After he'd gone, Fitzgerald said
LORD'S PRAYER is tn toe center of
our CROSS. Wonderful as a GIFT to and promised to tell him to con- lightly,"Looks like we've done a
your loved ones. DON'T BE AFRAID
TO BELIEVE IN IT AND YOU WILL tact the police. masterful job of detection. We've
LLES3 THE DAY THAT YOU Meanwhile, they continued ques- eliminated both our suspects and
BOUGHT IT. Only (3.00 with order
(C.O.D. $3.50) Money Back in 1 days If
net satisfied. BELABOR, I2S BROAD
tioning Larson and Annie Andersen. we're right back where we started.
4. Murray and Fitzgerald doubted One thing's for sure, if Annie never
EP ttf wltn every CROSS, a copy of one of the smallest that Annie had committed the mur- wore a nightdress, Larson couldn't
Bibles in the World, to fit your purse or pocket.
der. They agreed that Helen would have fired it."
INTRODUCTORY OFFER never let her into her apartment Murray j ust sat there, silent,
after their previous fracas. And thoughtful. Finally he picked up
there had been no signs of a strug- the intercom, called Personnel. "See
gle there. Besides, only one of the if there's a police record on Chester
two whiskey had been rim-
glasses Elliott," he ordered.
med with lipstick. They concluded Fitzgerald looked at him, ques-
that Annie's confirmed knowledge tioningly.
of the manner of Helen's death was "You remember the descriptions
based on either a tremendously in- of all the guys who Helen went
tuitive feminine hunch, or that she bar-crawling with?" Murray asked.
had correctly fingered Walter Lar- "I think so."
son because she had inside informa- "And one of them had sandy
tion that he set the fire. hair and an over-size, projecting
About Larson, the detectives lower jaw, like Elliott."
weren't quite sure. Discounting sev- "But that man didn't wear
eral arrests for drunkenness he had glasses," Fitzgerald protested.
no police record. There was nothing "Maybe he just didn't wear them
to indicate he was capable of such that particular night."
a cruel murder— nothing, that is, ex- Within minutes there was a dos-
FREE pcmwanj**n*w*
tor otfacnincr fa Joe*, t
ocfuaUr pJoyi.
thatt o TOUHS. cept the word of the drunken Annie sier on Chester Elliott on Murray's
WtfTI TODAY Andersen. desk. Elliott had first been arrested
Just as she continued to accuse in 1932, for disorderly conduct. Sen-
«e pay eaefcaan $1.9t ptui CO.D. .. him, Larson steadfastly denied the tence was suspended. Three years
COS), and puilnf. «nd (I .ft whft order -weli day ail killing. He blamed Annie's jealous later he was arrested for felonious
tMppmg d™»»*.) 7-day MONEY-WOC GUAHAHTES. Tale
ud wat tage of thn big introductory offer today. (Sony, no passion for his very dangerous pre- assault. The charge was dismissed.
C.Q.O. fa AfO, ftO, or awMrf* U.SA.
U Sate, Stw-U* 5103-H, lra««y *tek. M. J. dicament with the law. In 1936 he was arrested again for
disorderly conduct. Sentence was "Come on, Elliott. Tell the truth!"
suspended. He was arrested again in He finally did. The jig was up and
1948— for grand larceny. The charge he knew it. He admitted setting the
was dismissed. In 1951 he was ar- fire deliberately. nei mmik itunms fm aims
rested again for felonious assault. "I got up out of bed," he said. get acquainted, *w «iti
Ix-.llltlflll Miitiif)
The charge was dismissed. Despite "Helen stayed there. She was very
l[ .;

rntiirKrmrm <>f any KEi|>-

his five arrests, Chester Elliott had drunk. photo or Bccalivr. Be sure
Ii> include color of h;iir, eyw mill
never spent a single day in jail. "I asked her for a date over the clothing, and our Bargain
"And guilty or not guilty of these weekend. She told me that she Offer for haUiiR vour enlarjte-
mini iH'uiiiifuIly hand -colored in
various charges, that doesn't make couldn't go because she had a date oil and mounted in a handsome frame. Limit 2
lo a customer, l'tcaw enclose 10?* lo cover cost «t
him a murderer," Fitzgerald said. with someone else. While I was get- handling and mailing each enlargement. Origin:;!
"No," Murray agreed. "But it ting dressed, she turned over facing returned. H> trill **rj SIOO.OO fur rhildrm's «>
aduh\~ pieturrs wwrf in tun advrrtimie. Act NOW!
makes him a potentially bad actor. the wall and fell asleep."
Or a very good actor if you consider That made him mad, Elliott said. HOLLYWOOD FILM STUDIOS, BfptF-w
7021 Santa Mowico My*, Hollywood 38, Calif.
the frank, innocent way with which And he was jealous of her other
he cooperated with us. date. He lit a cigarette, stood look- NEW MECHANICAL AID FOR HYPNOSIS
"Here's something else," he said, ing down at her as he smoked, ad-
pointing to the dossier. "In not one miring her. And his jealousy, his
of these mug shots does Elliott wear terrible longing to possess her alone
for himself, mounted till it became
They showed the photographs to a frenzy of rage, a whiplash goad-
the bartender who'd described ing him to maniac fury.
Helen Olsen's drinking companion. "The door of the clothes closet
He looked at the pictures care- was open," he related, "so I threw
fully. "That's him, all right," he the cigarette inside. I thought I'd ... Plus Power Key of 25 SECRETS
said. "I'd remember that pugnacious fix her. I'd burn up her clothes so Hypnotize and Control Others
'Hvpno, " the an»xir.g new mechanical de- SI 00
jaw anywhere." she couldn't keep her date with this vice. fits in the palm of your hand. Hypnottats
time u«ed devices based on similar principles
"But you don't remember what other guy." Then he walked into 10 bring about a trance in others as well as
themselves At the atrange secrets and powers ol
night he and Helen Olsen were in the kitchen, he said, and downed ftvjjsusi*
are revealed to you. Develop your latent
spark to subject the wills o{ wen and women to your
here together?" Murray asked. a drink of Scotch. o«n But iilea^e me ihlr power carefully. Thoac
The bartender wiped some suds "I sat there about 20 minutes watching you perlorm will be amazed at your won-
derful 81ft You'll thrill Ihrm at all parties and
off the mahogany, shook his head. drinking whiskey," he continued. "I Mtherlnas Complete with instructions and power key
Don't delay Order now!
ol 25 Hypnutii- Secrets
"Nope. Only that it wasn't the mur- saw a slight haze of smoke, but f Empty tend M 00 to

der night."
Apparently satisfied, Murray said
didn't do anything about it. I had
four or five more drinks."
Pork Ptei
CO.. A-11S
Brwofchf. H. V.

to Fitzgerald, "At least that makes

an awful liar out of Elliott. He said A
Then he heard the roar of flames.
huge ball of fire leaped from the
LUCKY s&gm
he knew her only by sight." clothes closet. He said, "I took my LODESTONES? ?|
When they tried to find him, he topcoat from the kitchen and ran MAGNETIC LODESTONES
truly LEGENDARY as the
was away on another long haul. out of the apartment. cient Romans and Greeks usrtt
"I guess I just blew my top," he
"Have him come in and see us when thought that MAGNETIC LODESTONES were cloaked
he gets back," Murray told his boss. summed it up. Offer our LEGENDARY BRAND pair ol highly MAG-
"It's about Annie Andersen." Thus, Annie Andersen, by trying NETIC LODESTONES. the same tvpe that the AN-
CIENTS may have iivfd. Our LEGENDARY BRAND ol
Elliott waltzed into the station to put the finger on one man, had highly MAGNETIC LODESTONES comt to you In a red
flannel bag. together with a ^o-callcd Taii^nsn.iiir 5e:;l
house three days later. A friendly unwittingly pointed out the real ol
2C. s.s u\ :hs ZVr. arid 71h
Louis de Claren-.ont. All items lor FOUR
smile lighted his face. "Heard you killer. Walter Larson was exonerat-
wanted to see me," he said, extend- ed of any guilt and Annie, because
ing his hand. "Always glad to help she had never accused him under
the police. Do anything I can." oath was not held for perjury. Lar-
"Sit down," said Fitzgerald. "And son swore he would never again get
tellus whyyou lied about Helen." tangled with a jealous woman.
Elliott protested he didn't know Elliott was arraigned in Brooklyn
her. At least not by name. Felony Court on Saturday, Novem-
"But you told us you knew her ber 22nd, just two weeks after the
by sight and reputation," Murray killing* He was indicted and charg-
pointed out. ed with first-degree murder.
"No, I didn't," Elliott said. "I He went to trial on May 25, 1953,
misunderstood you." inKings County Court and the next
They put him in a lineup. The day interrupted the proceedings to
bartender picked him out. They plead guilty to first-degree man-
grilled him some more, flashed his slaughter.
photo around other bars. Judge Carmine J. Marasco accept- Gil Ready Now for text Eliminations
He'd been seen with Helen Olsen ted the plea and sentenced Elliott MEN-WOMEN
several times. Nobody could say on July 21st to 7 to 15 years in Sing Peat Office ClarJts-
for sure about the murder night. Sing. He is still there.
They questioned him again, didn't Though there can be no sympathy Cterfcs
tell him that. for Elliott, he had been put there / Franklin Institute

Murray said, "We were told you by an ironic quirk of fate, by his / Dtpt. M-H7
/ Rochester 4, N. Y.
took Helen Olsen home." He didn't endeavor to help Annie Andersen
say when. out of her predicament when she Aim Both to ma, FREE of
.'chorae, portiol Hit of U. 5.
Elliott said, "But I didn't go in was suspected of the murder herself. ' Civil Service big pay iobi. Send

the house."
£»rly *>b» A
^ FfiEE 36-pos* illustrated booklet
describing soloriej, vocotions,
"There were two whiskey glasses 0~ benefits, work, etc. Tall me how to
on the kitchen table," Murray re- editor's note: In order to protect prepare for «w of these teitt.

minded him. persons innocently involved in this M>M Y

Coupon /
"But I didn't kill her," Elliott case, the names Einar Skogrud, Tod»y f
said. He was taking it for granted Walter Larson and Annie Andersen SURE / Name
police knew he'd seen drunken are fictitious as used here. * /
/ Address Age?
Helen on the fiery murder night.
AIR CONDITIONING BLACK COFFEE Finally, Hunt became eligible for
parole. The members of the parole
MAKE Si TO $5 AN HOUR AS TOU LEARN board were impressed by his eager-
soy thai centra! air <ondilioning
be inHolled in 2 million new home)
AND BULLETS ness to start life again. He was hon-
yearly. Already the shortage of mechanics estly penitent about the tragic
ii otute. Many
earn lo SI 25 a week and
(continued from page 15) events of 1937. The board approved
up. New Shop Method trains you at home. You gel
his request and paroled him on
23 training kits — build and keep an oir conditioner,
freeier. refrigerator or milk cooler. Write for 2 FREE
February 19th, 1946.
firmed the story. With shaking hands
COMMERCIAL HADES INSTITUTE he ran to the phone and called .
On that day, early in the morning,
1400 Grecnteaf Bept.R-313 Chitogo 36, HI.
Venice police.
Floyd Hunt walked through the
A short time later, the usually
grim doors of Chino for the last time.
quiet street was crowded. Uniformed He glanced at the early sun, smiling
LOSS OF VITALITY at him through the trees. For the
PAIN IN HIPS. LEGS policemen, plainclothes detectives,
medical examiners, reporters, and firsttime in many years, Floyd Hunt
OR BACK, NERVOUSNESS felt that life was worth living and
photographers besieged the house.
These symptoms may be caused by Glandular Inflam- that he would make a fresh start.
mation, a condition common to men over 40. The A search for Floyd Hunt was
He started working again as a
Kansas City Clinic, which has treated patients from quickly organized. Police called on
every part of the country, has published a booklet
all his friends. None had seen the
house painter. He started to build a
which tells about a NON-SURGICAL treatment proved
successful in thousands of cases. Write for your man for several days. The officers new life, trying to forget his past.
FREE BOOKLET today. It may save you years of
then began making the rounds of And, inevitably, he started drinking
suffering. Address Desk P-24
his business acquaintances. again. . . .

A short time afterwards, Hunt was In 1949, Floyd Hunt, now 39, met
920 Oak St.. Kansas City 6, Mo. arrested at the home of a friend. an attractive 29-year-old woman,
Minutes later, word was flashed to Mrs. Mildred Marsh. Mrs. Marsh,
Police Headquarters that 24-year- mother of three children by a pre-
old Christina Hunt had died of her vious marriage, worked at the Uni-
wounds. versity of California at Los Angeles
By then, Hunt 'was sober enough as a cashier in the Student Union
lo understand fully what had hap- in Kerckoff Hall.
pened. He readily admitted shooting The two began to see each other
his wife after a violent argument. regularly and, a few months later,
He said that he went to the home Floyd Hunt proposed. He and Mrs.
of his brother and borrowed the Marsh were married the same year.
shotgun on the pretense that he was They settled in Santa Monica and
going hunting. life became routine. Every morning
Hunt went on trial for murder in Mrs. Hunt kissed her husband good-
January, 1938. A few days after the bye and went to her job at UCLA.
trial began, he dramatically inter- Floyd Hunt continued working as
rupted the proceedings and pleaded a house painter, and the two ap-
guilty. The jury took a short time peared on the surface to be a happy
to reach their verdict. A grim-faced couple.
judge solemnly pronounced sentence The only thing that kept the mar-
in Superior Court. Floyd Hunt was riage from being a truly happy one
to be committed to the penitentiary was Hunt's drinking. At first, it be-
win for a period of from five years to the gan harmlessly enough, with just a
end of his natural life. drink or two after dinner. But, as the
Upon hearing the sentence, Hunt years went by, his apparent reso-
slumped into a chair, sobbing: "If tion to stay on the wagon became
I only had that night to live over tod much to carry out. From time
again. People can't understand what to time he would stop at bars on the
liquor can do to a person the ter-
. . .
way home from work, and would
rible things it can make them do." finally bluster into his house in a
The moody house painter was sent drunken stupor. Mildred Hunt beg-
to San Quentin prison shortly after- ged her husband to stop, principally
wards to begin his sentence. Al- because she feared for his health.
though he was regarded by inmates In 1954, Floyd Hunt's weakness
They seek you out, they come tearing and guards alike as a man hard to began to catch up with him. One
your doors, they won't iet you go! They are get along 'with, he gave prison au- day, while coming home from a visit
yours, YOURS ALONE. In these confidential
thorities no trouble. Long hours by to a bar, he fell to the ground,
books you'll find ancient love magic and mod-
ern techniques Don Juan and the Man-
. . .
himself in hiscell set him to brood- clutching at his heart. It was only a
About- Town . And ways to make the male
. . ing even more than he had while mild heart attack, but a doctor ad-
personality more potent and irresistible! he was living with his wife. Beyond vised him to stop drinking. Mildred
It's a double secret - Intimate Romance and the grim walls of the prison, strife Hunt begged her husband to follow
social strategy. That's why YOURS ALONE the doctor's advice. And for a while,
swirled through a distant continent
offers in 2 complete books an Ait of Lore and a
Way ol the World. Single, engaged or married, and one day the rumble of bombs at he did.
you'll be thrilled with your new power. It's so far-off Pearl Harbor catapulted the But, after he had recovered from
easy when you know how! Only $2. Money-back country into war. his attack, temptation once more
In the prison, life changed little became too great for Floyd Hunt to
from day to day. Floyd Hunt lived overcome. He began drinking again,
only for the time when he would and from time to time came home
| Sere YOL'SS ALONE in plain *rapp«r. If na> walk forever out of those massive completely drunk. Instead of getting
• lighted, may return it in 10 dcyi far refund.
better, the situation was becoming
gates, back into the free world. In

1 encloH J2. Ya« pay all poitaa..

J 1944, six years after he had entered steadily worse. Neighbors of the
I Lj Send C.O-D. I'M pay postman %2 plus postal
San Quentin, Hunt was transferred couple, who were living at No. 844
to Chino. Almost a year later, the Pacific St., Santa Monica, heard
1 Addr«f> war ended outside the gates, but Hunt's drunken raging several times
I en Hunt remained at war, brooding bit- a week, just as his neighbors had
Canada & Foreion — H 5
L_ terly about his misfortunes. heard the same abuse 18 years pre-
viously on the quiet street In Venice. looked at the sign in front: "Kerck-
And like Hunt's neighbors in 1937,
f hoff Hall" it read. This was it. FORCES You To Save
they shook their heads sadly, won- It was about 20 minutes after $100.00 a Y.
dering how long Mildred Hunt could eight when he stepped just inside
stand up under such treatment. the door of the big room from which
Mildred Hunt herself didn't know came the unmistakable clatter of
how much longer she could take it. dishes and silverware. He looked
She confided to Captain Nick Janise around the room, his eyes darting
of the UCLA campus police that her swiftly from table to table as some
husband beat her on several oc- 300 students sat eating their break-
casions after he had come home fast at the small tables.
drunk. She told the officer that vio- For a few seconds he stood in the
lent arguments were a common doorway and then suddenly his
thing in her house. She said that gaze froze on a table at which sat
Hunt had killed his first wife and more than a dozen white-frdcked
that she feared for her own life. men and women. One woman in
Finally, Mildred Hunt could stand
her life with Floyd Hunt no longer.
On August 28th, 1955, she moved
particular held his eyes as he started
towards the table. As he walked
nearer, the conversation of the cafe-
"With God
All Things are Possible!"
away from him. Hunt was furious teria employees on their break be-
Are you faCint: difficult problems? Pmt Hearth T
and his drinking became worse than gan to reach him . . Meney or Jrt TmoMm? U Brisk? Len
er Family TmbUt? Would you like to have more Hu-
ever. After a few weeks, he traced Mildred Hunt, sipping coffee and ptaets. SwttM and "fitttf FartWM" In LlftfT
If you have any at the<e PnUtM, or others like them,
his wife to a Santa Monica address chatting with some of her fellow- d*ar friend, then here Is wonderful MEWS
of i r*m»rk-
and pleaded with her to return to workers, was glad that it was time ahie HEW WAV OF PRAYER thit is feeding thousands
to jlorlnus new happiness and jty'
him. When his pleas proved to be for a break. The early hordes of Ju-I dip ihis Message rv*r sod null with your June,
aoMttss itnd 3c stamp to LIFE-STUDY FELLOWSHIP,
of no avail, he threatened her. That hungry students had stormed the Dei E3H NsreWfl. Cm». We wilt rush this wonderful

NEW MttMft ef PRAYER mm! FAITH U yau by AIR

device didn't work, either. Finally, cafeteria and left it and its workers MAIL »bs»lallly FREE!
he left. exhausted. She sipped her coffee
Afraid, Mrs. Hunt moved again, again, then suddenly stopped, as
this time to Los Angeles. Again, a though she were aware of someone
few weeks later, Floyd Hunt caught staring at her from behind. She
up with her and demanded she re- turned slowly in her chair, and her
turn. She refused and the next day eyes met those of Floyd Hunt as he
moved back to a different address in stood a few feet from trie table.
Santa Monica. For a moment, she felt ill. Then,
Late in September, according to as she looked more closely at her
a 35-year-old concession operator at husband, the panic left her. He
the cafeteria, Mrs. Hunt moved in seemed to be sober and his face was
with him at No. 704 x4 North Coro- more calm than at many times dur-
nado Street. The man said that he ing their years of married life. He
was going to marry Mrs. Hunt after came closer, bent towards her, and
she divorced her husband. On Sep- spoke to her quietly.
tember 16th, he said, Mrs. Hunt took Mildred Hunt rose from the table
out a $1,000 life insurance policy and she and Floyd went to an empty
and named her father as beneficiary. table a few feet away and sat down.
On the morning of October 25th, Some of her fellow workers glanced
Mrs. Hunt went to work as usual. apprehensively towards the pair
The morning rush of students kept from time to time, sensing Mildred's
her busy taking in money at the cash fear.
register. She was undoubtedly too Quietly they watched as Floyd
busy to remember that it was Floyd Hunt rose to his feet. He looked
Hunt's 45th birthday. . . . down at his wife, seated in the other
chair at the table. Then, slowly and
deliberately, he took his right hand
Floyd Hunt dressed slowly. As he out of his pocket. A woman scream-
straightened his tie before the mir- ed as she saw the gun in his hand.
ror he frowned at the man who Without blinking an eye, Hunt pull-
stared back at him— a man whose ed the trigger. The shots crashed
face plainly showed the bitter years explosively through the crowded
of mental strife behind him. For a hall.
second he stood and looked at him- Mildred Hunt gasped, sat still for ZIP FRONT - SHOULDER EZf STRAPS
self. So this is what it's like to be 45! a moment and slid slowly to the Here's a glamoriaer to comx you into smooth,
bulgeless, yet femininely curved line* from shoul-
Thinking of the years he had spent floor.Workers and students threw der 10 thigh. Yes, yours can be thai long, lithe
in prison he smiled to himself with- themselves to the floor in panic. The look with such lightness and matchless comfort
you'll move like airy flowing beauty.
out a trace of humor. bullet hole in Mildred Hunt's head
It was about eight o'clock when spouted blood as her life ebbed away • Perfectly proportioned brassiere top lifts and
Floyd Hunt arrived on the UCLA in seconds. separates • Deep down front panel smooths and
flattens All elastic hip molder coaxes that "ex-
campus. Students scurried past him Floyd Hunt stood for a moment, cess baggage" into young, graceful curves • Full
on the way to classes as he walked looking down at the body of his length front zipper for dressing ease - yet firm fit
Then he slowly raised his arm, • Off the shoulder straps end cut or strain •
slowly and deliberately among the wife. Extra-long adjustable garteirs.
buildings of learning. One or two pointing the gun into his own Bust sizes 32 to 42, 53-98 Bust sues 44 to 56, $4.98
students looked at him from their mouth. At the last instant, a grim FREE 10 DAf TRIAL OFFER
windows as they dressed for their smile flashed over his features be- THE S J. WEG.MAN CO.. Lynbrook. N.Y. .

Rush my Fleure Molder by return mail. If I *« not

nine o'clock classes. Not one gave a fore he pulled the trigger and ended IM« satisfied I mty return it after 10 days for fell
purchase price refund. Bust die ..

second thought to the man. his own unhappy life. Q Send C.O.I>. I'll pay postman *3.»S for *4.W|
Floyd Hunt continued his slow "Happy Birthday, Floyd," he
Wexmul'i p»s postaw.
O I enclose payment.
pace until he came to a building thought to himself, ironically . . .

from which came the subdued chat- "Happy Birthday."

ter of several hundred voices. He THE END
"Seems do remember a big guy

being brought in several times for

vagrancy," Meister said, "but I
BIG PAY! SEND FOR 2 NEW FREE BOOKS (continued from page 33}
never figured him to be the fat man
Learn the No.t trade — get into America'! largest indus-

Earn up to $113 a wee* and more. Enjoy security

try. "How did you get those scratch- we're looking for."
thousands of mechanics needed to service 50 million tori
es?" asked Meister. "How about his prints or mug-
and 10 million trucks. Mew CTI Home Training prepares
you in just o few months. Tools and Tune-Up Kii >enl. Minosky smiled ruefully. "My shot?" asked Walker.
Write for FREE BOOKS. wife and I had a fight last night. I "We don't bother to book vags,"
was trying to get out of her life said Meister dourly. "Anyway, I've
when you guys picked me up." a feeling we'll find out that Harlan
When a check of the man's story is a phony name."
Where Is Your revealed he was telling the truth, he
At the lieutenant's suggestion, a
round-up was begun of local
was released.
vagrants on the chance that one of
Rupture? The first break came two days
later when a Main Street jeweler them might remember the heavily-
built suspect. They struck paydirt
called Lieutenant Meister. He said
that a man resembling the fat man two days later when one of them re-
had purchased a ring similar to the called being hauled in with a man
one given to Mrs. Wallace. answering the fat man's description.
Hurrying to the store, Meister "Only his name wasn't Harlan,"
questioned the proprietor. The lat- he said thoughtfully. "It was Nai-
ter said that the ring had been pur- berg. Frank Naiberg."
chased about a week before the "Did he ever say anything about
murder. himself?" asked Lieut. Meister.
If you have reducible rupture, check this "He said his name was Harry The man started to shake his
diaftram and mail immediately. Yoo will
Harlan and that he was going to head, then changed his mind. "Yeah,
receive in reply the moat welcome news
it seems he told me once that he
you ever had. give it to the prettiest girl in town,"
Name said Greedy. "I recognized the ring
was sure glad they didn't book vags
in this town. I asked him why, but
Street __. from the heart-shaped cluster of
City .... State small diamonds." he wouldn't explain. Later, he told
"How much was the ring?" me the cops in Dearborn, Michigan,
312-F State Street Marshall, Mich. "One hundred and twenty-five book you for spitting on the side-
He gave me ten dollars
down and promised to pay eight A call to the Dearborn authorities
PUMPS OUT JM GALLONS PER HOUR revealed that Frank A. Naiberg had
dollars a month."
•'What address did he give you?" been booked and fingerprinted in
WELL-HOUSES, that city for vagrancy on July 8th,
FLOOD AREAS The jeweler frowned. "That's the
DRAINER solves 1937. They promised to forward his
°" drain problems. funny part. He said he resided in
Ends breakiws bsilfne and fingerprints and I.D. photograph via
.imping juLm. Pumps out all
rurhl down to floor. OPER.
Walker's Hotel. I didn't think any-
WITHOUT airmail.
SPEEDY DRAINER thing about it until after he left.
two garden Then I checked the directory. "We'll have him in a cell in less
— — "ran
.i lencths of
than a week," Meister predicted. "A
tl 1

ot!w^ end out°o£ w ln^

off There's no such hotel in Lorain."
" QrtTurn
area. on faucet and wateli
um P 1[i e out 30o csiions
guy that big can't possibly hide."
lifetime brass: no marine parts to
hmt Meister stared at the man, dumb-
It looked like the lieutenant was
in* fi^ui
infer now.
CMS. i™ PWT p aWMpT Money fid Zvamtee!™*3**' " founded. "Walker's Hotel" was an
right when word came from San-
MERIDIAN CO, Jtt M*UB Art, Dfft D-22 New Ystk IT expression used by the town's vag-
rants when they were locked up in
dusky that a man answering Nai-
berg's description had been picked
the basement of the city jail. It
came by that name because of Chief up trying to thumb a ride out of
Walker. town. However, a comparison of his
prints with the wanted man's soon
Thanking the man for his help,
"ENERGY! WTWJii Meister returned to Headquarters
exonerated him as a suspect.
Weeks passed, then months, with-
where he briefed Chief Walker on
join the strange twist the case had taken. out a word on the fat man or his
whereabouts. It was as if he had
Do you fee! run-down on the job or at home?
Muscle tone gone? Nervous? Don't let it get you vanished from the earth.
"We'll get him sooner or later,"
down! Whether it is due to a sub-clinical defi-
ciency or the lack of rich red blood, science
has the answer for BOTH! Fortify your diet!
Dr. Burkard M.D. gives you miraculous VITERONE
CRIME QUIZ said Meister grimly. "As long as we
have make a mis-
his prints, he'll
capsules (crystalline BI2, plus vital nutritive QUESTION:
elements) used by thousands of satisfied men John and his sweetheart take somewheres. somehow. Wait
all over the WORLD. Yours to try for less than
they ever cost before! agree to commit suicide. John and see."
Rushed in confidential wrapper. kills his sweetheart but, los- This time the veteran officer was
SPECIAL OFFER! ing his nerve, doesn't "
himself. What crime has John Meanwhile word drifted in that
committed? Naiberg had been seen in Fort
Wayne, Indiana, and later in Den-
ANSWER: ver, Colorado.
Murder, probably in the first "He's undoubtedly heading for
degree, since there is a legal the coast,'' said Meister. "I'll alert
presumption against suicide; the California authorities."
in the absence of proof of Years passed without Naiberg be-
such a fact, the law "would ing brought to justice for his brutal
presume both malice and pre- crime. The dossier on the Mary
meditation. If a suicide note Wallace case had long been rele-
seal $5 1st an csaSiMlltn HOW! were produced, it probably
CmIiD M.0.D OieekD gated to the unsolved files by the
C.0.0.O would reduce the crime to
I prefer 100 VITEROKE npiuies at HQ Lorain police.
murder in the second degree. Then, suddenly, on the morning
3006 Olympic Station, Bevefly Hills, Calif. YOUR LEGAL ADVISOR
(Fry/71 of March 27th, 1945. the telephone
by Samuel C. Kling, Permabooks.) rang on Meister s desk. Now an in-
spector, Meister scooped up the re-
ceiver. His caller was H. B. Fletch-
er, an FBI agent in Los Angeles.
"Are you still looking for a man
named Naiberg?" asked Fletcher.
Meister's hands shook with ex-
citement. "I sure am. Do you have
"We've got him, all right. A week
ago he applied for a job with an
inter-state trucking outfit here in
Los Angeles. To get it he had to be
fingerprinted. That did it."
Set CSeSRS am) CASH horn ywr Mil-
jobb—bo »<•* \b SPARE TIME at bam*
—or «pnnd

brings the fabulous profits of Plastic

Sealing and Plastic Laminating
within the reach of the small opera-

idiine witl
leam to operate the
coupon [or Free facta about
the newest and most [asclni
pi I heme operated
the first time a simplified machine

few minutes practice

with our Magic Mail Plan can
tail orders
pouring In dairy
In every

envelops. No

send you

a selling.
ill to brine

1SI1 Janris Av., Beat. i-TM

We even supply toe dr-
back cash and orders,
a minute. Rust] your name. We'll
FREE and postpaid pictures, prices.

, Chicsoj 24,

Meister couldn't believe his ears.

Mary Wallace had been I WARNER ELECTRIC CO., 1511 Jatvb Av.
slain on the Mofa Thou ion fc rf Bwwrtifal tot Creations
COSTUME JEWELRY e CIGARETTE BOXES { D*Pt. L 793 , ductf. 24, ill.
morning of February 17th, 1938. ... taking out of
At no cost to me, please nodi oor
details postage prepaid. I am
More than seven years before! the machine a Plastic
Sealing Job ordered —

by mall only 11c In I

The next day, Inspector Meister, material coat, brines

back #2.38 In cash
accompanied by Chief of Police by mail. Capacity of
macblce: fas.oo
Walker, started the long trek to profit par hour of

California by car. Upon their arrival

in Los Angeles, they learned that
Naiberg had confessed to the mur- OPPORTUNITIES
der of Mary Wallace. He said that
after leaving the Wallace home he for EVERYBODY
had hitch-hiked from town to town, lier's Classified Dipartm
adopting a circuitous route in order For tlattWtd tphftrlning ratet, write la V n H. Sttwart, 9 Sowti Cffnt oa Str—t, Cfecoga 6 {Mmn*i—Apr -May) 6
to tnrow the authorities off the track. OF INTEREST TO MEN
Once in Los Angeles, he secured = eiisse;. On!---!?.. :;;-or <:.iV.-:-r;
nericar! School. Dept. X4!8, Dreiet at 58fh.
odd jobs around the city. In 1941 he
met and courted a pretty, auburn-
haired waitress. They were married
two years later.
Returned to Lorain, he said he iBiffl Big Plastic Book. I crisis

killed Mary Wallace because she 'ERtS" ;"'ma:

wouldn't return his love. During . i Desk-M -SO'. Chafawa,_Mis!
SALESMEN WANTED pens. Genera! Manager, Writeaway Pen Company, £
the lengthy session he kept shaking AOVERTISiNG BOOK MATCHES -cash jr _
his head and muttering, "If I only Lai'-;: ~5.?i -=355. Cats for
ail busine $200 WEEKLY CLEAN iNG Ve™itan™Bfin"fls.' Fn
parties. Free powerhouse selling kit, low Burl*. 24340Q. Wicni-a 13, Kansas.
them take my prints."

hadn't let :;l;J?.jf- Cis'r c.-:::;rr. sions." Superior BUY WHOLESALE 25.000 !!fi;"3.'Catalog' 25c." W
Wa* Deyt. 0-4L6. -f.jC Greener;. rtcago 19. •

1474-G7 Brna';.--::-. New York City 35.

Naiberg revealed that he had sold S50.000.0G IN " Yssri. Mir- Wanted- Join"' ir too salesmen UNLIMITED EXPORT-IMPORT Opportunities! !

the ring to a man in Reno, Nevada, i. No if

'0,000.00 year. Many beginn.- U'.^t;-::'0. Univc-riji S^fv:l:.vs. CM.- t--r: I- :

A. Wihsojri.

about two weeks after the murder. PC, f
The 32 dollars he had taken from Many jobs open. Start high as 1350.00 month. Qua!
Espe.'iencF- otters ^-irvirsii O.-A Free 3S-page si

Mrs. Wallace's handbag he had _ nts sair.ssle tests

nursed along for food.

Frank A. Naiberg went on trial
for his life in the Lorain County
Courthouse in Elyria. With Judge
Guy Find lay presiding, the trial
lasted three days with the jury re-
turning a verdict of guilty of mur-
der ill the first degree. Judge Find-
lay promptly sentenced him to die
in the electric chair on the night
of January 9th, 1946. OLD COINS * MONEY WANTED
Three days before his execution W. Myers, 637
. So. ! san Bernardino.
in the Ohio State Penitentiary, -
Governor Frank J. Lausche gave _ ED UC AT! ON A L OPPOBTUNITIES ;o"rt5piete 3!i"toin
at" home.
Free catalog. National inst::^, Desk.
the killer a month's reprieve on the Chicago 1 1.
;2, :59 East Ontario,
basis of supposedly new evidence in HIGH SCHOOL-. - NO. LT3S5SS Stu : ,
.-. -
EARN'EXTRA MONEY SeM:.m a .r:'!:;. i Book ; : Matches.
the case. Free samole kit f^-rnishErj. Mi:chc-3rp, Dept. GH-3. Chicago
32. lili nois.
When this new evidence failed to _ — CTI. 70 M l-'i
". • :. C-kano 26. STAMP COLLECTING
materialize, however, Naiberg was MUSIC 3 MUSCfAL "INSTRUMENTS ""
rescheduled to die on Saturday ELECTRIC GUITARS. AMPLIFIERS, wholesale. "
c3i:lf..i, Carvln. 8MM, Covina." Calif.
night, February 9th. As the huge, SONGS— SONG POEMS
wanted bv lams recording com-
pany. Musjc Makers. Sc= ??C/C. Hc;i,v,03i, Calif._
powerfully - built slayer walked BOOKS t PERIODICALS HOME SEWERS WANTED
slowly towards the execution cham- FREE ILLUSTRATED HYPNOTISM CSSoqueT "Write" SEW BABY SHOES at_hom^. No canvassing;" S40.00 weekly
Hv D r:otist. 1324 W^ishire, Los Angs !7W, California. __
ber, he sang, "Saturday Night Is

The Loneliest Night In The Year." GM71 FTTv. CRiMiNAL LAW COURSE necessary for detectives. Write
It was a mournful ending to a
Jack, i Box 2433 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin,

cold-blooded and senseless murder.

5 Bcautifal Ties— $1, Prepaid. Newest fashions, Splendid Hobby at Vocation
finest fabrics, values up to $3.50 from bank-
editor's note: The names George rupt stores & mfg. close-outs. If not satisfied
Prepare in spare time. Practical
basic training. Long-&;t;ib!ished school.
Dance and Mike Minosky used- in ret-orn 4 ties get $1 back. Keep your FREE
I^Send for free booklet, "Gpjwrtimities in
tie. FREE 16 blades with 10 ties, 1 or more
this story are fictitious in order to
f Modern Photography" and particulars. Sent
protect innocent people.
1 people ordering. Sell to dealers. 30 ties St 100
blades— $5. Refund g
postage prepaid. No obligation.
CO., , N. 835 Divwiay Pwkway, D«pt. 1505, Chicago M r

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GREAT CITY Chicago echoed to the magnificent pleadings
EASY TERMS- Direct To You
has many things which
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there inevitably came a time when AT SENSATIONAL SAVINGS
1TE be justly proud.
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It is the rail
center of the world, the pork
Today, another great attorney
carries on the tradition of the old-
he had more cases than he could
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than 50 of the most magnificent ; Mt,. Starta: '

time criminal lawyer -serving the some of the less complicated cases
butcher and wheat miller and tool- monuments you have ever seen...
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maker and steel producer, of Amer- and who normally devote their ef- at prices so low they are almost
.... .irg
cit;n. Diploma awanied. ica. These are material boasts, to be fee, securing justice for the friend-
Sr. r-M:^; „.r,
f- r !rc,.
forts to corporation practice. unbelievable. Imagine!A beau-
f..- Wirld War II ar.^ Kvts'i Vol
sure, but the Windy City has also less.
This modern Darrow is Luis Kut- One of his most notable cases genuine Rockdale Monu-
been the hatchery for this country's happened about 20 years ago when
SOCFt.^2 Ply ever-growing cultural life. Its sons ner, a 45-year-old lawyer who ment, complete with carved
and daughters have been in the paid for his legal education by
Kutner learned, through a chaplain,
inscription, shipped to you for FREE.
of 22 men who had been held in the Illustrated Catalog. Big
front ranks of literature, painting, working as a wrestler in weekend $14.95 Fulf Price, and Rockdale Pays The
Mm gFCT bouts at local arenas. county jail for almost six months two-color catalog of more
ASSOHTEP 3 PLY^nVlON music, philosophy, and other arts. Freight. Deal direct with factory for lowest prices. than 50 superb Models to
SU^nfcss StS?l
Lp.der H6 ID. Trill tO 'or St AS 13. Tclt IlOt-fc Tr*t without having been tried or con-
Chicago was the town which gave Kutner's willingness to consider choose from. Send for your
300- lO0r2OI«J.Ti'M 150 SOIO.T-H
S£ aoo t»! Trsi

Abe Lincoln his first push towards any worthy cause has drawn people victed. When he investigated, he Guaranteed to satisfy or money refunded in full. freecopy tnday.
ITS' 35 ID Tftl IIS' TS lb. Test 1 2! 1

of every race and creed to his office.

found that none of the 22 had been
.V.,'1'1- lint--. v.i.',-,: :. m : -s^r length*. the Presidency. It saw John Altgeld You can use our easy payment plan if you prefer. Only 10% down.
S.n.l rlwk .it.- ...

U„ |.,iy |..;.!:ii!r. charged with a crime, though each

Hs has never turned one away and

in his great days. lis courtrooms ROCKDALE MONUMENT COMPANY. Dept. 195
had been picked up on suspicion. •JolietJIIinois
Kutner's principle in this case was The new evidence was taken
READING GLASSES that each man was entitled to be court, but various judges rejected

FOR FOLKS OVER <90 charged or released within a reason-

able time.
it and refused to reopen the case.
Kutner didn't give up. He found
He went into federal court on the grocer's son, then in the army
behalf of ail 22 men, under an old in another state. He admitted he had
English law known as Jailhouse De- lied at the trial. Actually he had
livery. This provided that the jail fired at the four youths and had hit
had to be cleared every 30 days the customer.
and that each prisoner would have Rebuffed by the state courts, the
NOW — reading glasses for eltieriy folks who
his day in court. Kutner's plea was parole board and the governor, Kut-
don'l wear glasses regularly nr.d who have dif-
nt-ultv readinq :^-'.v~:-i;.-e:.'. :he Bible and doing that the 22 men were entitled to ner went into federal court with his
fjinty work It's no kin-or necessary to struggle
and squint with an old -fashioned magnifying their day in court. Judge Charles E. new evidence and the testimony of
glass because ihe amazing new Precision Eye
Glasses bring you a magnifying glass for each
Woodward agreed. Since no charges the grocer's son. Observing that "the
cue and help stop squinting, eye-strain and had been filed against any of them, sovereign state of Illinois was af-
discomfort. Permit restful reading—hour after Judge Woodward ordered all 22 forded every opportunity to rectify
hour, like you never did before. Try them in
your own home on a five day trial plan that men released. This was the largest a gross miscarriage of justice," the
leHves no room for doubt number of men ever freed at one judge ordered the four men released.
PRECISION EYE GLASSES time in federal court on a writ of This marked the first time in
A Blessing tor Elderly Folks
habeas corpus. American legal history that a group
: or i Another chaplain, Father Eligius of men charged with murder were
Weir of Stateville Penitentiary, freed from prison by a federal writ
SEND NO MONEY brought an unusual case to Kutner's of habeas corpus. Particularly grati-
attention. Four young men were fying to Kutner were two happy
serving a 14-year term for a holdup sequels to this case.
attempt they admitted and a natural One of the boys studied to be a
PRECISION OPTICAL LAB., Inc. life sentence for a murder they priest and the other three became
Sept. 270 E Rothelle. 111. vigorously denied. They had already solid citizens in differentfields, with
served ten years, enough to satisfy regular jobs. And the State of Illi-
Do you feel alone. ..afraid? the robbery transgression. nois recently enacted a law that per-
Now you can have this On a warm July morning in 1935, mits a rehearing of any case where
the four teen-age boys strode into a convict has some evidence of
Glorious New ELECTRIC a South Side grocery store to rob it. wrongful conviction.
to bring you Divine Comfort and Protection
They had heard it was a collection
station for the crime syndicate. The
To date, 1,011 prisoners have been
freed through Kutner's court ac-
owner and a customer were in the tions. During '^nany visits to State-
Do you long for spiritual peace
and security? Now you can enjoy store. In the confusion that fol- ville Penitentiary to talk to clients,
in your own home the same thrill
you feel at the glow of Prayer lowed, the customer fell dead, a .38 he observed prison routine and
Candies In your church. This new caliber bullet in his chest. The came to some definite conclusions
brings the hallowed symbol of youthsfied but were caught. about our penal system. He contends
the Saviour to your home, giving
you a feeling of nearness to God They admitted the stickup at- that our custom of punishing a man
that nothing else seems to do.
but denied having

| The Candlestick ut gleaming pol- tempt, their first, for a transgression benefits neither
ished brass is topped by a pure
crystal bail. Inside the crystal. fired a shot. The gun one of them the individual nor society.
the Cross glows with a mellow

light. .casting a halo of God's

I .
carried was a .38 caliber revolver- With increased lawbreaking
Love and Protection around your
I enough to convict them of murder. crowding the penitentiaries and al-
I room. This Electric Prayer Candle
I lasts for years. Fortunately, by The four men told Kutner a dif- most daily prison riots, Kutner
special arrangement we can offer these for only H.98,
on our unconditional Money-Back Guarantee. But you ferent story: The customer had been argues that there is only one solu-
roust act quickly send lor yours today,
. . .
killed by the grocery's son, who had tion—a program of rehabilitation
{or promptness: With each Electric
Prayer Candle tt will send you one of testified that he was asleep in the that will thoroughly train the in-
I link oiif beautiful Hon:* Altars— another pre-
cious Symbol for your Bedside! Shining rear of the store and had been dividual in moral conduct and a use-
in sold and many other colors, the Home Altar makes a
wonderful companion to your Electric Prayer Candle.
awakened by the fatal shot. ful occupation. He believes that
Ifs FREE If you send for the Prayer Candle today. Kutner began backtracking. It most convicts now learn only how
LIFE STLDY FELLOWS HIP, Box 63QS-E. Sunt tan, f>nn.
took him months to locate the gun to be smarter criminals. He admits
used in the robbery. Then he ob- that some can't be reformed, but in-
Your own . Your frionds
tained the bullet taken from the vic- sists that society will gain even if
. .
tim. Ballistics tests quickly es- only a small percentage of those
With yourpWymg writ. Tit*
J. \ fortune teller's iccrel meaning*. tablished that the holdup gun had released become good citizens.
A jfrinled on itidwi for •adi card
wiA fayoet dtart.
not fired the murder bullet. THE END
Oriy $1.69, U.S. « Cm,- ft* CB.ft.


697, C»pf. 37
N- J.




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Send today for a FREE BOOK and
(continued from page 12)
- - - - ON*
9 Dwitm
Wort* »tr—t. Oka— 2, IWmii shoulders, sits , a handsome, fair-
haired young man.
REVER Uma, BbSecUn HU STAMP SUE pM» yrtrts He, too, is nude.
9m mm m mwmmmm
m*t* ttm anr >fctm!
BttttBI m fciftmi esrts,
Sim, ctmtsrs, ttc Attaea SUM to
sM«Wt, rsteriH Mtornrt w8* ifcttt
vrlmtod aaf pawi ptato stSMas,
In the moonlight, high above the
water as if suspended in space, the
naked couple are locked in each
other's arms

On a terrace behind them, where

the shadows are deeper, another
couple are embracing.
Gay voices are heard from the
lake and the shore, where other
nude figures-girls and men-may
Get GENUINE DIAMONDS be seen playing.
The girls are young, high-breast-
from New York's Leading Pawnbroker ed, clean-limbed and curved of
One of the nude revelers in this
scene isa seductive little sprite-

SAVE up to 50% And More all of 15

years old.
of the
But most of the
men are in their 30's.
girls are in their
VALUABLE ADVICE AND 10 DAY APPROVAL OFFER! board are called to interrupt their
• NOW enjoy the thrilling excitement of owning genuine diamonds you have love-making.
been waiting for at a bargain price. Kaskel's, New York's leading pawnbroker And the pair on the terrace re-
established in 1882, wants you to see his of-
luctantly tear themselves from each
fers before you buy. You save up to 50#
DIAMOND BARGAINS and more with this direct plan. You don't other's arms.
Others come up from the water.
risk a single penny. You take no risk what-
inBrand New 14 Kt. soever because Kaskel's money back guar- Some don clothes. A few of the
antee, if not satisfied, protects you 100%. girlsare seen giving their dripping
Gold Settings Like You are furnished with a written, sworn boy friends brisk dryoffs with
bond that is actually notarized and sent to Turkish towels.
These Are Included! you with your selection. Here you have un- Then a bottle is passed around.
matchable bargains that defy competition. First a crock of gin. Somebody
Here you have a choice of many types of wants whisky. A bottle is pro-
brand new, artistic mountings in 14 Kt.
gold- or platinum. Kaskel's lay-away plan
duced and is passed from hand to
permits you to secure any size genuine dia- hand, lip to lip.
mond regardless of your income. Diamonds The shrill laughter of the young
are acknowledged to be as good as money in girls, gay and
provocative, rises
the bank and when you buy them at Kaskel's above all of the other sounds in the
low, low prices you have rich enjoyment, night.
pleasure and protection all in one. Couples ease away from the group
to dissolve in the shrubbery or other
Send for FREE CATALOG of shadowy retreats.
These pictures give you an idea And now, what may have started
of the beautiful, brand new, Bargains... NO OBLIGATION off as a prankish nude swimming
14 Kt. gold and platinum mount- Send today for our big illustrated party, takes on the look of an orgy.
ings for the first grade genuine catalog just off the press. It is
yours just for the asking and with- This was one of the "party nights"
diamonds Kaskel's offers you. out obligation. It is not only of the Platers Club, held at the
Hundreds of diamond bargains* crammed from cover to cover with
public bathing lake after closing
to select from , . . they include the most exquisite and exciting
settings you ever laid your eyes on hours.
diamond rings, diamond pins, . . . but it also contains important

diamond watches, diamond ear- ad nee about diamonds that is Needless to say, the Platers and
rings, diamond bracelets can . . .
priceless. You are also told about their girls have come to this spot
Kaskel's special lay-away plan and
be yours for $25. up to $5,000. full details about the 100# pro- uninvited.
CASH or CREDIT. you prefer . w tective money back guarantee and
sworn written bond. Get these
To get to the lake and the scene
facts. They are free! Just sign of their sex romp in the raw, they
your name to the coupon below and had to climb a six-foot wall and
receive the most surprising catalog
of diamonds you ever saw by return force their way through a natural
postpaid mail. barrier of heavy brush.
Our references: Your own bank Judging from the popularity of
or a nv^ mercantile agency. these revels, however, they were
well worth the trouble to the par-
™" *~
TcASKEL'S, DeptTssT ticipants.
I 41 West 57th St., New York 19, N.Y.
Send me absolutely free, by return postpaid mad
I The unclad young man we met
end without obligatioi y of your big free _ on the diving board at the be-
I catalog of genuine dii Also send 1 ginning told something of the Plat-
me the free advice about diamonds ond the I
ask el plan. ers Club, membership in which ap-
IK parently is regarded as something
NAME - - — I rather special.
"We are having a buttonhole
I badge made for members with the
letterP engraved on it," he said.
'Then, of course, apart from or- One leading psychiatrist, speak- .33 c*}. fll«t>k (juirlriae
dinary Platers there are Master ing for publication, said recently:
Platers. "There is nothing wrong with
"To qualify as a Master Plater, nudism and near nudism.
you must have bathed (in the "Discarding clothing does many
nude) with seven different girls." people a world of good because it
This frank statement was made means they can temporarily shed
to a curious London newspaperman the worries of work and everyday UD9 Sixth An..
who had observed the Platers at living. BIS THREE, Inc.,
play. "It relieves tension."
None of the club members, how- This liberal statement was made Sensational Device Tests Eyes.
ever, were quite so straightforward after an announcement that beach-
the following night— when police es all over England would now .MAKE BIG MONEY!
swooped down on a similar nude permit young couples and their SELL GLASSES!
frolic just before dawn. children to sun themselves nude.
''Most of the girls were teen-
Said beach inspectors from
agers,'' said one of the raiders. "One Blackpool, on the northwest coast,
girl was only 15. to Margate on the eastern shore:
"There were seven men and five "No fuss will be made about the
girls at the lake ." nude sun bathers— so long as they
. .

Quibbling somewhat in the pres- don't make a nuisance of them-

ence of the constabulary, one of the w il to diclids and oilier?. Lrt thrm u# it Fr» ind *1
young men said: (What constitutes a nuisance was
"At one time,I think some of the. not made clear.)
girlswere swimming in the nude. During the summer season of
"Men also were naked. But we 1955, many British beaches were
were on the other side of the lake. so filled with naked bodies, male
"We did it for a lark," he con- and female, old and young, they YOUTHFUL
tinued. "We all had quite a few looked more like nudist camps than
drinks at a party and decided to go public seaside resorts. FLATTERY
for a swim to cool off. And, as time goes on, there is
"We took a bottle of liquor with every indication that more clothes
us .
. are going to come off. FULL FIGURE
There were considerably more "Margate boasts a completely free
than the seven men and five girls and continental outlook," said the
frolicking at the lake when police mayor, Lieutenant Colonel Charles
arrived. Witts. "Everyone wants a holiday
But when a Southport sergeant tan, and Margate wants holiday-
e nerged from the bushes and shout- makers to get what they want."
ed in stentorian tones, "Stand A fine tolerance for the utterly
where you are," most of those who undraped form also is shown in
were not naked clambered over Paignton, where mixed bathing in
the wall and fled. the buff is permitted, with no
Those remaining had their names threat of interference by police.
"taken.'' But, as turned out, the
it As one Paignton housewife put
most serious charge they faced was it:
"trespassing." "My husband and I go bathing
And this is interesting as an in- in the nude together at every op-
dication of the dwindling of mod- portunity. We know a lot of young
esty—of modesty, at. least— in staid, couples who do the same.
austere old England. "There is nothing immoral about
By and large today, Britishers it if you have a clean mind."
no longer regard nudists as "cranks." THE END AMAZING HIDE-A-WAY
Have alluring curves instead of sagging, heavy wide
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$2 98
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Bow many for $5.85)

Bust Siie Cup Size
j O Send C.0.0. 1*11 pay postman $2.98 plus postage

". . . And I'll call the story, 'The Sad Case of the No-Buy Editor!'
Q 1 enclose $2.98. Wegman's pay postage

They found the wallet and the
TURN SPARE TIME into PERVERSION RAP! gold watch underneath the kid's pil-
READY CASH (continued from page 29) "Okay, wise guy," a sergeant de-
manded, "explain this!"
as a welcomed and respected
LUCKY HEART REPRESENTATIVE The kid shook his head wildly. "I
The kid walked slowly along, as never saw that stuff before! Don't
MVn. wonwn of all bki--' Make th<e wtt'ra
muncy Fou n.f.l ffir tiif ti.i,-;^ j-.-kj aurij though he was stalking a foe. go plantin" nothin' on me, now," he
aJ. '*
.!ti-: ilv f « .

i.-s.i~:j!v. r:-.:?:-!::.]:.!'
:k-m:.r;^:> =

He looked over his shoulder and yelled. "I got friends at city hall and
No lH
!U«^to-hiiusf n-lhnx rmjwrrtl.
tftfic!-'!> ;mii n^hboTv.
up and down the deserted street. they-"
There was no one in sight. It was He was hustled quickly out of the
Wr'll show j«o banc. **vl yon room and half dragged-half carried
With one lightning-swift move- down the steps.
ment, the youth dropped hack one Later, at the emergency hospital,
step and simultaneously thrust an
bfc :

AiTNnw: the youth was brought before his


Fite?: uisi
f?.r / u; 1./"!^ ED E E arm across the older man's neck
and knifed his left knee into the
victim for identification.
CAKE OFFEK, DISPLAY The older man nodded and said,
small of his back.
Lucky Heart OFFER The other man, caught complete-
"He's the one, all right."
Deptil-EF The cops were about to take the
400 Mtifccm Si.. Memphis 2. Term. ly by surprise, uttered only a pitiful
kid away, when a sly look passed
cry before his windpipe was block-
over his face and he halted them.
ed and ruptured by the brawny arm
SEWS LEATHER of his assailant.
"Okay, okay, I'm the one," he told
AND TOUGH TEXTILES the cops, "but I ain't to blame. He
He collapsed in the other man's picked me up in the bar and bought
LMI A MACHINE grip and was dragged into a dark-
ened doorway. There, the youth re-
me drinks. He can't deny that, can
leased him and slugged him fiercely
three times over the forehead with The youth didn't wait for an
s ' : , :
answer, but plunged ahead.
a homemade blackjack.
WEAR. RUGS AWNIJIGS, It was quite unnecessary, for the
"Then he wanted me to come up
to his apartment with him." The kid
older man had been ko'd by the

.-. -
. .
: .

GEAR. »nd other loufih
mugging grip. looked at the cops with mock-inno-
- Herd's the
cent eyes. "I didn't know what he
h*ndl«t tool va-j-;: fver
But there was a deeper reason
I times Iti mi:; cc?: e-;:acs
was apparent
for the sapping. That
meant. I-I'm sorta young and I just
• en- I*jies o( d:amor J — in the youth's twisted features as never met one of his kind before,
! needles *Rs! ianc-i-::-, he swiftly frisked his victim's cloth- y'know?"
ing. He muttered wildly under his
The man on the bed looked at his
breath while he extracted a wallet accuser with shock and disbelief on
Ave. Drot A-537. New York
his bandaged face. Then ne looked
ii 1

and a gold watch from different

pockets. at the cops and was horrified at
Stashing the loot into his own their cool stares. One of the officers
jacket, he straightened up and look- dropped his eyes in embarassment.
ed at his victim with a glowing "Anyway," the youth went on,
hatred. Impulsively, he lashed out "we left the place together and we
at the unconscious man's head with were no sooner half way down the
a kick so savage it drew blood. block when he started to put his
The mugger turned and hurried hands on me.
down the street. "I don't go for that kinda stuff,"
Nearly half an hour later, a cruis- he protested, looking at the cops for
ing police patrol car caught the in- approval. "I'm normal, what 1 mean
ert figure of the mugging victim in is I don't want no damned fairy
itsprobing searchlight. touchin' me, y'know?"
The vehicle halted abruptly and The man on the bed had covered
two cops emerged. They ran over his face with his hands and was
to the man and, within minutes, an quivering with pain and shock.
Your "leKrtis" depends an .when, where, how, ambulance carried him to the City' Dimly, he could hear the kid drag
how much, with wham — and a lot mare. It calls Emergency Hospital. on with his story. He tried not to
for the nghf /ine and the sure touch And what There he recovered sufficiently to think. His head was pounding with
you don't know ran hurt you' give the officers a good description a thousand hurts and his throat
EVERY DETAIL PICTURE-Clc AH of the youth who had attacked him. burned from the strangling he'd
lay questions, doubts and feors to rest. Get
The data was put on the police been given. And, now, he had to
straightened out and "cued up" with the best-
radio and all squads joined in the listen to this!
selling FROM FREUD TO KINSEY, now in its
Then a cold, rasping voice cut
ninth large printing. A!! the answers you need
in plain mon-arrd -women talk- every detail pic- It didn't take them long. The room through his pain with a question:
ture-dear ! Exciting entertainment fram Cover to clerk at a fieabag hotel reported that "You want to press charges
"'' a youth with a blood-tipped shoe against this punk, mister?"
money back guarantee had checked in less than an hour He opened his eyes and looked
Order FROM FBEUD TO KINSEY in pta.n wrapper before. into the stiff, hostile faces of the
new If not pleased, return it for refund of pur
He had paid in advance for a police officers. They believed the
chase price. Don't go another night w:lhout it!
'buck a night" room on the top floor. kid, that much was obvious.
The officers raced up the stairs of The victim had a swift premoni-
the dilapidated hotel, taking them tion of the ugly publicity that would
I two at a time. result from a trial if the kid stuck
! They knocked on the youth's door to his fantastic story.
and drew their pistols. Who would believe him? What
i Sleep in his eyes, the mugger would his employer think? Would
I opened the door a crack and the his fellow workers make smirking
I burly cops pushed in and had him jokes behind his back?
handcuffed before he could put up And, what would his wife say
C*«nMM * Foretpjo— coo — S* I

J a fight or attempt to get by them. about it? Not what she would say-
for she would surely stick by him—
but what reservation would she
have thereafter when she submitted New Style Craze-means
to his lovemaking? Good lord! What
should he do? HUNDREDS OF
He covered his eyes and managed
to croak out: "No, let's forget it. It
was all just a big mistake. .
." .
The kid sneered triumphantly at in your pocket!
the officers. One of the cops made a
gesture of disgust toward the victim.
The lousy fag! 10-5ECOND DEMONSTRATION
The kid would be booked for NO COMPETITION- MAKES SALES EASY!
vagrancy— a 30-day charge— but his NO SALES EXPERIENCE NEEDED
victim would be branded for life by The flex-with-the-step principle that makes
his refusal to prosecute. Flexiclogs sell on sight is patented —
eliminates competition because it cannot be
How often does an incident such duplicated or imitated by anyone. Both
as the one above occur? Ask any men and women recognize the beauty of
case-hardened police reporter and Flexiclogs' polished, lacquered hard maple
finish; the comfort of the arch supporting
he'll tell you the "homo alibi" has
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street corner punks and hard luck Flexiclogs are not sold in stores and the MAKING FACTS FREE!
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Get any two young hoodlums to- Miss D. B. of El Cajon, California made your name and address. We want to PROVE to
gether with time on their hands and over $3,000 in a few months. If you can you that Flexiclogs can mean hundreds of dollars
make a simple 10 second demonstration the in your pocket. We want to PROVE that if you
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suggestion: "Let's go out and roll- ever dreamed of having. No sales talk no — late.
The full
story of money -ma king Flexiclogs
Fill out this coupon right now.

some queers!" gets an eager re- experience necessary; no competition.

sponse. TESTIMONIALS— Three months of spare-time FLEXICLOGS, Inc., Dept.27E, New KoJftofe, Wh.
sales brought Mrs. Edward Lee, Chicago, Illinois, me
But their idea of a "queer" is any several hundred dollars in Flexiclogs sales.
Please send complete information showing
how I can begin right away to Make
just Bie
man who can be slugged and intimi- Miss Dorothy G. Ayres of Philadelphia averaged Money in Spare Time or Full Time out of the
over $200 a month in easy part-time sales show- growing; Nation-wide Craze tor Flexiclogs. It
dated into silence by the homo- understood that everything you send will be

ing new Flexiclogs.

sexual charge. mailed to me FREE and without obligation, and
thatn 1

Indeed, the chances of a true

homosexual of the obvious type be-
ing frightened by such a smear is
much less than that of a hetero-
sexual male faced with the same flexiclogs, Dept. 27 e, New m*™, wa.
Many homosexuals make no Through Prayer, you can
secret of their deviation. Since there
is no danger of- friends and rela-
You actually talk to God. Ask
tives being surprised by any laven-
der revelations, they are quite im- can ho** Him for Better Health. He
mune to blackmail. will answer your prayers!
But the heterosexual male is ex-
tremely fearful of any "gay" allega-
The pressures to be "normal," a •3529* '"'Boi»;««,
ass? .

"regular guy," are everywhere: in

the family, the church, in social and
business life.
It is no wonder, then, that the
heterosexual male must beware of
any hint of a homosexual element
in his makeup. Dear friend: Pa you haw* a hearth problem? Are
Even such a notorious figure as you worried btnui of licbmi, poWi, physical
Serge Rubinstein shied away from handicaps* Medico) imm
a lorn cannot euro
oil our il't and pain*. We need a stranger If you nave even an* of these health
the subject. POWER, an Almighty Healer So guide rh» hand* ... or any other ... if yaw are in need
Years ago, when he lived in and minds of our doctors. Fortunately there it
each a POWES. It i*. HE, and HE alone, wh*
Lowe and Power and Strength —
far your copy of this wonderful nei
Southern California, he took tennis enables our men of medicine t* relieve pain Enclose Sl.*> tn full payment, on aw
and distress, ewe the tick, strengthen oar bodies. Guarantee, Apply these time-tested .
lessons from the great champion. your awn life. Let (hem da far you wi
Big Bill Tiiden. SOB WANTS TO HELP YOB have dene far so many thousands of atl
you. Yau'H Most the day you did.
The tennis star, now deceased,
had served a prison sentence for LIFE STO8T FELLSWSCIP

"having carnal relations" with a MX 6305 H

15-year-old boy. LIFE STUDY FELLOWSHIP
BaiGSOSH Karat**, Conn.
One day, an acquaintance of Ru- Dear Friends: I need Gad's help in
binstein's asked him if he knew that fulnew book —
THROUGH PKAYEt. I am enclosing
Tiiden was being shadowed by the "HOW TO fUn BETTER HEALTH which please send me a nav
police because they hoped to catch o» you possibly can!
him committing another homo- wi you haw ta secure or increase goad
sexual act with a minor. (They later stre ng then mind and bo dy, and live a

succeeded in this.)
Rubinstein's acquaintance, (he la evert erne paw or licit nest. Written in simple,
everyday language, these principle* and prayers
was reputed not to have any help brms Tfou physical health, men tal poise City _ Sana
friends), kidded the financial wizard and spiritual w
el l b e ing .
G Chech here if you went the book sent C.O.O.
and asked him if the tall athlete had Pay Postman S2.H plus

f rtione don at le*Il. but t. O. Lor kin, ichof
made any passes at him once they
were off the court.
Serge Rubinstein's immediate re- .ToAnySuiu
ply was: '"That's the end of the ten- I Doable the life of your
cost and vest with correctly
PER MONTH nis lessons. Tilden is a great teacher, J
I matched pants. 100,000 pe ttern sT^

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most of it dear profit for me!
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His companion expressed amaze-
ment that a man who was notorious

Ever? pair hand tailored to your measure.
Onr match sent FREE for your O. K. befor*
pants are made. Fit guaranteed. Sand doe*
of cloth or vtst today.
309 S. Store St. Dsftt.93
as a convicted draft-dodger and
widely reputed to be a swindler of
Many rata have discovered bow to be
independent, to be free of bosses and lay-
offs. L. A. Eagles grossed more than $200
hts first week. Others report gross up to
millions of dollars should be afraid
of being linked with a homosexual.
$12,000 per year. How much you make
Rubinstein's reply was blunt and TON, D. C. Help Stop Crime? Train at^
realistically accurate. !iome. Earn bis muney. Amazing train
depends largely on you. You need so inscuuraisfr.HT! the NATION'? CAPITA
special skill, no large investment. "My enemies on Wall Street and (center nf iaw enforcement) by former U. S 1
No shop ntwory. Our electric rug on the newspapers can call me all GOVT AGENT and NAVAi. INTELLI-
washer cleans ruga, carpets right on floor GKNCE officer exposes actual methods u*td by Crimi-
helps to show their natural color and kinds of scoundrel, but they respect nals- Write for FREE BOOK. State, aga-
in*, ar nations I Detective Training Sena*!
beauty. So efficient and safe, used me. I can afford any other name but 1791 Menree St., N. C. D*j>t.S65
largest hotels and railroads. 'homosexual'," he said. "They could
You take no risk.
laugh and whisper me into bank-
Machines fully guar-
anteed. ruptcy with that. YOU CAMEA songwriter
Write for full infor- "No, 1 sympathize with Tilden
mation including how We will write a complete song from
tomake big profits in because I believe in sexual freedom, your original song title. For further in-
your own business. but I must end the lessons." formation write to . . .
Coming from a man whose affairs
VON SCHtADfl MFG. CO., 539 H" PL, XAC*B, WIS. with dozens of beautiful women RANDOM RECORDING CO.
Without obligation, send your Kit booklet contain.
were widely known and reported in 1 072M NECK LANE, ELIZABETH, N.J .

inf information about your sr

newspaper gossip columns, this
how I eaaatart rayotci p
statement underscores the hetero-
sexual's realization that the public
is all too quick to believe a "fairy"
When you
matter of
arc satisfied that
val«s— writ* di«,
you have invented a
without obligation, for
accusation. full infcitnatien on what steps you should talcs to
secure a Patent.
Vagrant punks and busboys with- BEAVERS
out jobs are not the only predators.
Registered Potent Attorney
Shrinks Hemorrhoids Perhaps the most dangerous is the 1090 Columbian Building, Washington 1, D. C
unprincipled vice squad cop who
New Way Without Surgery uses his position and his badge to Amazing Medical Tablet!
Finds Healing Substance That
s bulldoze an innocent man into pay-
Relieve* Pain — Shrinks Hemorrhoids ing large sums to avoid a contrived Dry-Tabs STOPS
For the first time science has found a
arrest for sodomy.
new healing substance, with the astonishing
ability to shrink hemorrhoids and to relieve There have been numerous and BED WETTING'
pain — without surgery.
In case after ease, while gently relieving
despicable instances of corrupt No Electrical Devices* No Diets
pain, actual reduction (shrinkage) took
members of police vice squads using No Rubber Sheets No Alarms •
place. the homosexual approach to trap
Most amazing of all —
results were so perfectly innocent men in lucrative nil!. siscsnniT hirst mutusvsiT husks
science has round » simple. flTerlive
thorough that sufferers made astonishing blackmail plots. It works like this:

statements like "Piles have ceased to be a

problem!" One of the cops remains in the functional BEH
in „ios: rasps. Sri-
The secret^ is a new healing substance background, unseen by their in- ir.M -lu.,.;
DRY -TABS to he amazingly
iBio-Dyne*' — discovery of a world-famous tended victim, who often is not a unalBED WETTING . . .

research institute. The same, medical treatment

This substance is now available in sup- sex deviate. The other cop ap- pmied for bcih children and
To-Tafce Tablets ran be
pository or ointment form under the name proaches their mark and makes a SON-HABIT FORMING.
Preparation //.* Ask for it at all drug count- SO HARMFUL DRt'G. Just Follow Simple Directions.
suggestive play. If their intended
ers—money hack guarantee. 'Ret. v. S. Pit. Off victim rises to the bait, Cop No. 2 SEND NO MONEY
wrapper. On arrival
pay postman
only 13 00 pins C.O.D.
rushes in and the dismayed fellow is age an the fraatsnt&j of complete satisfaction or mon?y back.
Enclose cash, we pay postage. Tell your friends about ihit.
TOR MIN ONLY? placed under arrest.
Sometime this unsavory form of
CUT nUMEal C§„ 7«C Ensiifp
Bret SS3 S Ctlnu 48, II!
Jt^rp hssi SL-Tsrsttt .

police activity, called "entrapment"

by the learned lawyers, ends up at
the station house, and the prisoner
is actually booked and eventually
ends up in court. .1* MG. POWDER
But all too often it's a clear cut Crafted arier famous

BOOKS case of blackmail, with the cops

letting it be known that they can be
German Luger design.
Nolan oir or CO' gun.
This Is bwegun thai actually
a small
had and that for cash they'd be will-
ing to forget the whole matter. And
I! caliber leod bulleti fired by
charge. Beouiitul
iwtTi for target ahooting. A" steel
. .

barrel in knurled styrene stock. Overall

usually, if he possibly can, the vic- length 8 3 j inches. This ocioiingly low

tim will pay — and perhaps pay price due lo boll and cop design. Direct
loctory-tD-you. sales. Comes with 30 bullets.

LAHCH BOOH more than once before they're done Send for extra butieta oravoHabte ot stores.
El CO.
In this climate of fear, the black-
Money back if not satisfied. Limited quantity. Delivered free.
mailer flourishes like a foul, ugly ,

EARN to $1500 MONTHLY weed. He can not be trampled out

: Iilmdi. Africa,
permanently unless we change nar-
U. S. A., or 'other foreign coontrin. All Trade),
Labor, Clerical, Drivert, Mechanic i. Engineer), etc. row, intolerant sexual attitudes. As
Mm; biurets. Tax-free earning). Chance to travel. long as fear of exposure remains a
Fare paid if hired. Make and lave j fortune.
Application form). Opportunities for vomcn siso. terrifying threat to a man's social
Writs Dept. 7 3 V
For free information and economic well-being, there will
1020 oread, Nework, N. J.
three banks and were waiting for a Several of the prisoners, said
DOPE, INC. "contact" to pick the junk up when James C. Ryan, District Supervisor
they were tagged by agents acting of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics,
(continued from page 19} on "information." were long-time chums of Lucky
The ring down Mexico way had Luciano and one of the smashed
mation released by U.S. Narcotics "sacks and sacks" of drugs on hand, gang bosses-Settimo (Big Sam)
agents. In Bolivia, another $10,000 Gliedman said, ready for shipment Accardi. 52, a New Jersey racketeer,
worth of cocaine was grabbed. to the booming U.S. market. who was fighting deportation— was
While not so profitable by a long It is a rare day when any big- at one time Lucky's close associate.
shot, this same syndicate dabbled in time dope operation is uncovered "A member of Accardi's family is
marijuana, which was smuggled that the name of Lucky Luciano, known to have been in touch with
across the Mexican border. fabulous king of the death-dealing Luciano recently," said Ryan. "I
Mexico, of course, figures fre- trade, is not mentioned prominently, wouldn't be at all surprised if this
quently in the Black Market reports. and with distaste. whole operation did not lie close to
In June, as an illustration, a sealed Thus when three big rings of nar- Luciano. He's there somewhere, a
indictment disclosed that the U.S. cotics distributors were cracked shadow lurking in the background."
Narcotics Squad had seized 5% wide open in New Jersey, Manhat- The raids followed seven months
pounds of pure cocaine, to the value tan and Brooklyn last August, it of fabulous Sherlocking, with two
of $2,500,000 in the retail market- was reported that their international Italian- language hep aces on Ryan's
and had collared two couriers for connections reached across the sea staff masquerading as chip-heavy,
an international dope ring. to the Italian haunts of deported out-of-town dope distributors. This
The indictment, opened by Fed- Luciano. fearless, feckless pair infiltrated the
eral Judge Robert Inch in Brooklyn, The series of whirlwind raids rings with such overwhelming suc-
June 10th, charged Muriel M. Marfa, netted 11 men, four and one half cess that they spent some $50,000
3.1, and Miguel A. Hernandez, also pounds of heroin, 10 autos and four of the taxpayers' money buying up
31, both of Mexico City, with "im- guns. evidence.
porting, shipping and possessing" Although the three gangs operat- One of the gang members was so
drugs illegally. ed independently, said U.S. Attor- completely bamboozled by one un-
Marfa and Hernandez took off ney Lloyd F. MacMahon, they co- dercover agent that he took him to
from Mexico City May 14th, accord- operated with each other and han- Mexico, where he thought— incor-
ing to Assistant U.S. Attorney Ho- dled a nationwide distribution of 75 rectly — that he could purchase
ward B. Gliedman, toting the co- pounds of pure heroin monthly. heroin at a lower price than the ring
caine in false suitcase bottoms. After the heroin was given the was paying its European suppliers.
Following orders, when the pair customary 21 cuts before being sold Although it probably didn't bother
arrived in New York they stashed at retail, it brought it a tidy $3,780,- him too much, the agent was bitter-
the dope in safe deposit boxes in 000 a month, or $45,360,000 a year. ly reproached by his travelling com-

HMA IF YOU LIVE in constant dread of attacks of Bronchial Asthma—

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HOW TO GROW panion, Amelia Santagata, of Kear-

ney, New Jersey, after his arrest.
During this same month of Au-
gust, on the 5th, Canadian police

LONG BEAUTIFUL NAILS demolished an international dope

ring and seized, along with two
men and a woman, five pounds of
IN 7 MINUTES! heroin and one pound of raw opium.
Value: $1,000,000.
The raid, which was pulled in
NATURAL NAIL FORMULA BUILDS OUT SHORT Toronto with the aid of Royal Cana-
NAILS! Net a Polish. Not a "falsie", but a treatment to LENGTHEN dian Mounties, followed nine months
of investigation, during which the
NAILS! Repairs torn nails. gang was kept under constant sur-
They got their narcotic supplies,
Canadian authorities said, from
France and Germany.
Mention of France brings to mind
the strange case of Louis (Loulou)
Metra, 50, a chunky, affable, mild-
mannered man, who .was chief of
the French National Vice and Nar-
cotics Squad.
Metra had been a Parisian cop
AFTER since 1925, and was noted for his
remarkable talent irt capturing the
Upset because your nails just won't grow? and grows with your regular nail. It can confidence as well as the persons of
Embarrassed to show your hands in public be cut, filed, and polished— yet it's so strong
because of short, broken-off nails? Now, it can't break or tear . . . even when you're
shady characters.
amazing new NAIL-GRO gives you the cleaning house, washing dishes, doing laun- The Paris underworld feared
long, beautiful, tapering nails you always dry, playing the piano, or typing. What's Metra. And in the shadowy haunts
wanted, NAIL-GRO is a liquid plastic more, these nails are so sturdy, nail-biters
material applied directly to fingernails just can't chew them. Colored nail polishes stay of Montmartre the word was, "Lou-
like nail polish. Discovered by medical on NAIL-GRO twice as long as they do on lou'll get you, if you don't watch
science, it sets to a clear, hard surface — regular nails . and nail polish remover
looks and feels like your regular nail . . . takes polish off faster and easier!
To the accompaniment of deep
• Completely harmless — the same material used by
sighs of relief among the criminal
element of Paris, Metra retired from
practicing dentists and surgeons.
the force in 1948. With an office
• Builds nails to the length and shape you want. in Montmartre, he hung out his
shingle as a private eye.
• Creates everlasting nails that look, act and feel like
As it came about, numerous of his
regular nails. old friends among drug addicts
• Not a polish or a "falsie"— but a plastic nail you visited him regularly. Indeed, they
brush on. called with such persistent regu-
larity that the suspicions of his
• One application lasts indefinitely. former colleagues in the French
Place nail form under nail
anfl apply powder with wet • Adheres to your nail and grows out with your nail.
constabulary were aroused.
brush just like nail polish. So they began watching Metra's
• Stronger than your regular nail! Can't break or tear. office with a telescope from an
• Ideal for problem children who are nail-biters.
apartment across the street. One
day they saw two known women
• Smooths torn nails—preventing runs in stockings users visit Metra, and depart with
When natf hardens, remove and snags in clothing. a bulky package. These females
nail-form. Nail Is now were followed to their apartment
ready for filing and polish-
ing; looks and feels com-
INTRODUCTORY OFFER! where they were surprised in the act
pletely real. of boiling down a mess of opium
on the kitchen range.
sr 998 FULL
But, there was no definite proof
on which to charge, much less to
Send no money. Give £J
50 NAILS! • SUPPLY convict, Metra of supplying the drug
NAIL-GRO a thorough and the vigil was continued.
free trial in your own
home. You'll be delighted A professional NAIL-GRO treatment in a beauty salon Metra, naturally, was a hard man
with its spectacular results
would cost you $16.50! And the complete NAIL-GRO kit to catch off base, because he knew
. . . with the lovely, long,

tapering nails it builds. is sold at all leading department stores for $5. But right the book of cop dodges by heart
Order today on raooey- and might be said to have authored
"*". Mail r^ now— during this special, introductory offer— NAIL-GRO is
risk coupon toNAIL-GRO. yours for only 52.98! You get enough for 50 nails— a full some chapters in it.
D*p».W-3 31 W. 47th St.
year's supply! One day not so long ago, how-
N«w Tort. 36, tt. T.
Copyright 1955 Nail-Cro Co. ever, Metra plunged into the trap.
He parked his car in fashionable
NAIL-GRO CO., D*pl. *P-3 W«l 47th Street Hew York 36, N. Y.
Boulevard Suchet and stepped cas-
Yes, want the loan beautiful nails NAIL-GRO can give me. Rush me
kits at S2.98 each, plus 30? Fed. Tax CCD. postage charges. When NAIL-GRO arrives,
fc ually to the sidewalk.
I will pay postman the low introductory price. BUT I am not buying— am simply trying. If
NAIL-GRO doesn't give me lovely, long, tapering nails after
one application— if it does not
Then, convinced he was not being
tailed, and observing no familiar
black Citroen— the standard squad
car of the French detectives—in the
vicinity, he returned to his own
CHECK HERE TO SAVE MONEY. Enclose payment with order and pay all WE machine.
postage and shipping charges. (Add 30; Fed. Tax for each kit). Same money-back Picking up a brief case he began
walking toward the entrance to the

flat a French nobleman, the

of horse" after receiving pain-killing the very beginning, and were even
Marquis de la Cour de Balleroy. injections in hospitals or nursing more at loggerheads when the hear-
And then buddies
his old from the homes. ings ended.
station house jumped him, after Only a short while ago, and upon However, some shocking facts
tumbling out of a Buicfc convertible the advice of the United Nations were exposed for the first time.
—not a Citroen. Opium Board, which is determined- No one can say, actually, how
A parcel containing two pounds ly fighting international dope traffic, many dope addicts are at large in
of raw opium, it was charged, England followed the action of 50 the U.S., and New York Frank DA
was found in Metra's brief case— other governments and banned the Hogan branded them all as "a
and the onetime scourge of the deadly drug. menace to society." Estimates of the
Parisian vice, and dope rackets was When the ban was announced in number of users considered nearest
himself ignominiously collared for Britain, assurance was given that the mark ranged from 150,000 up.
dope peddling. this sinister substance, which first It also was emphasized that the
''I have only one favor to ask," kills pain and then kills the suffer- problem of addiction has increased
Metra appealed to the detectives. er, will not work any hardship or in this country, rather than dimin-
"Please don't handcuff me." misery on the ailing. There is avail- ished, since the adoption 40 years
While known dope addiction in able, in unlimited quantity, a satis- ago of the Harrison Act making the
the U.S. has declined to a ratio of factory substitute, the government peddling of narcotics a Federal
one person in 3,000 (60,000 addicts) announced, called methodone. And offense with heavy penalties.
in 1955 from one in 400 (300,000 methodone, it was declared, can do Incidentally, there are a number
addicts) in 1930, Anslinger says, everything that heroin can— except of leaders who regard these penal-
use of drugs has vastly increased in make an addict. ties as much too light. Among them
Asia. The dope evil, and what to do is Representative Henry J. Latham,
Japan, according to Anslinger, about far from being a clear-
it, is New York Republican, who intro-
which had no recorded dope addicts cut proposition. This fact was dra- duced a bill June 19th prescribing
until recent years, now is concerned matically, and sometimes angrily, the death penalty for anyone con-
with the problem of growing addic- demonstrated at the Senate Sub- victed of selling dope to minors.
tion, fostered by illegal drugs smug- committee hearings, before which "Any person who sells or induces
gled in. Today, Anslinger said, there a long procession of experts testified. the use of narcotics by the young is
are between 25.000 and 50,000 ad- Much time was given to discus- lower than the basest murderer,"
dicts in Japan. sion of increasing the severity of said Latham.
As the reader perhaps is aware, penalties, in the cases of dope sellers "There is but one way to stop
heroin, most vicious of all drugs, is and smugglers, and of making some this. Impose the death penalty on
a derivative of opium. And, more drastic change in the handling of these utterly contemptible persons
than any other drug, it possesses
- users. who peddle narcotics to children."
an insidious power to enslave vic- On
the latter issue, the experts J. Edward Lumbard, U.S. Attor-
tims, many of whom "get on the were cleft down the middle from ney for the Southern District, New


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York, called for stiffer punishment "then the first thing that should
ARTHRITIS-RHEUMATISM for dope pushers of all categories, be done is to construct a State and
advocating life imprisonment for Federal building.
VITAL FACTS EXPLAINED third offenders. In this stand he was "On the first floor there should
FREE DESCRIPTIVE BOOK in disagreement with Assistant New be a bar for alcoholics. On the sec-
How crippllilfdeformities may be iFoideri. TbU amstiaf
FREE BOOK explains why ordinary methods (Its only
York Mayor Henry Epstein, who ond, a narcotics dispensary for all
temporary relief—If that. Describes a dmciess method
cf treatment successfully applied in thousands of eases. contended that more stringent laws addicts. And on the third and top
for thb M-pace FREE BOOK today. No obligation.
BALL CUWIC DEPT. 65B Emiuer Suit*, Ma. would not lessen addiction. floor, a brothel for all the sex
"Let us not forget," said Lum- deviates."
DETECTIVE TRAINING bard, "that selling narcotics is noth- Meanwhile, in another quarter a
Robert B Phillips. Sr., founder 35 years' detec-
campaign was underway to stem the
tive experience. Former U 5 Government ing short of murder on the instal-
special agent Our course is very reasonable ment plan and that for those who rising tide of teen-age traffic in
and easy lo master. Careers for men and persist in this pernicious traffic, no "goof balls" and "thrill pills."
women, young and old For free information
write to Phillips Secret Service System. 1917-R penalty is too great." These skull-busters are concocted
North Kenneth Ave.. Chicago 39. Illinois. Lumbard recommended that the from barbiturates and amphetamine
maximum sentence be raised from (benzedrine) according to
the current five to 15 years for Commissioner George P. Larrick of
Art enchanting perfume < first offenders; from the present ten the Food and Drug Administration,
charm, clinging for
hours like lovers tooth to part. up to 25 for second offenders. Also, racketeers are even now exploring
Just a tiny drop is enough. Full Lumbard urged increasing maxi- its possibilities. Thus far, however,
size bottle 98c prepaid or
$1.32 C. O. D. Directions free. mum fines to $25,000. The existing he said, his agency has found no
One bottle FREE if two ordered. maximum is $2,000. full-sized adult ring involved in the
MUSES, P. fl. Box S1S, ptfLU Another U.S. Attorney, Leonard shoddy business.
Aalidsx Stftty Marker, Ftertti
P. Moore, was in favor of allowing Incredible as it may seem, 798,000
Federal Narcotics agents to tap tele- pounds of barbiturate drugs were
phone wires in their efforts to run produced in 1954— enough to make
down the big shots in the dope (we'll spell it out) three billion
racket. "goot balls." That's billions, not
Sixes Widths
)0 te 16 AAA to f EC "The law against wiretapping in millions.
SPECIALIZE in large tixet only . - urn 10 such cases," he said, "is like giving With the traffic increasing yearly,
a AAA !o EEE. Low-Top*; Win?
Hend-Sewn Mottmmi; Cordo-ans.- criminals high-powered automobiles Thomas J. Scott of the Tariff Com-

Dreu Onfordi; Wort Sheet; Son; SBp- while law enforcement agencies are mission revealed that in 1952 ben-
Rubberi. Enjoy the finest in (H,
zedrine manufacturers turned out

restricted to a horse and buggy."

FREE Style Soot!
Dope "pushers" are, as most 52,000 pounds of their product,
KIMC-SIZC, IMC everyone knows, the retail peddlers. enough to roll into five billion
Ranked among the lowest form of (again, it's billions) 200 million
amoebae peopling the racket, they "thrill pills."
constitute a double threat. Use of these drugs, neither of
DO YOU In fact, it has been estimatedby which may be obtained legally with-
no less an authority than Manhat- out a doctor's prescription, said Lar-
tan's General Sessions Judge Jonah rick, "leads to a breakdown in
WANT Goldstein that 99 per cent of con- moral standards and is a factor in
victed pushers are also users. Also, juvenile delinquency."
says Judge Goldstein, 30 per cent "Barbiturates," he said, "actually
POWER? of all persons convicted of any are more detrimental to the individ-
Power to make you ijctoriscs e all you underrate? crime are addicts, literally driven to ual and society as a whole than
Pow-r la rcurke people id mi re fmxi Power to earn
mono? ; Power to jam popuia rit) lo«s» Power H> — malefaction because they could ob- morphine.
make snjone fo!i;"i i"'.u • i
=: 1 send you informa-
:::S"i!: n-ti This.
tain money for dope in no other "When barbiturates are with-
wore masterful and exert (fester in'fluenst You will way— and the heroin user needs drawn from an addict, sometimes
be able tn break nrtv'aifinj misenneepilcns. IF YOU from $15 to $100 a day. the result is death."
DIATELY REFUNDED. J est send jour name and Some time before the Senate Sub- Returning once more to the racket
address. Pay on delivery J3.GU plot pestaaa or send
J3.W cash or numey crder in I Hill i iay postage, committee opened its hearings in in heroin and other opium deriva-

<,ni* r : Tatlsrr
WfMVt-rad ink on Emtia
anic Seal <! Uirjr. in New York, a startling proposal for tives, Commissioner Anslinger ex-
breaking the back of the drug racket pects to see some prodigious prog-
SECULAR PRODUCTS, Dept. 132-b was offered by the New York Acad- ress against the dope evil in Ohio.
125 BROAD ST., NEW YORK 4. N. Y.
That state has just recently enacted
emy of Medicine.
This bold plan which has worked stringent laws and penalties— sever-
"LIFETIME" very well in Sweden, would provide est in the nation— and has adopted
Sim. Dlnmond |98 a legalized, low- cost supply of one that is entirely original. It pro-
Ulnars With

Written Guarantee Grade-A drugs for addicts and, said vides a sentence of two years for in-
Engajement rln» omits
far Sett a 33-page Academy would
report, ducing—or even trying to induce—
risshlna simulated Soli- have the effect of putting the dope person to use or administer nar-
taire Diamond. Wedding
band reaturea Urie brilliant Mm. Black Market out of business. cotics unlawfully.
DUmnndi. These rlnsa come in 14k yellow goW An 1 **/
The dope-using pushers, it was Finally, pondering over Congress-

. side lira, diamardj a.
e«en twice thii bargain price offer* this lifetime tuaran-
pointed out, would no longer have man Latham's bill specifying the
«e- _. alt paid orders. C.OJ). wrjen 4Se
We pay postait. or to sell to support their addiction, death penalty for selling dope to
r order. Money back (uarantee. Scale rirta; Uie.
and would be only too happy "to minors, one recalls what happened
415 LHfeftee Ave., Own*. IS1I-F . Hew Yet* 17 forego this dangerous occupation if in dope saturated Nationalist China
they were furnished their needed a few years back, when the gov-
drug. Thus the bulk of the traffic ernment stopped the opium traffic
would substantially disappear." cold.
Perhaps the most vociferously It was simple. All they had to
of antagonistic critic of the Academy's do to discourage dope dealers was
to chop off the heads of any who
rutrsins aide, hospital attendant, infant
nurse, nurse-companion, doctor's ofllee, proposal was Narcotics Commis-
etc. Course endorsed by physicians.
57 th year. Equipment Ineluiled. Men sioner Anslinger who, when asked got caught at it. One year, as many
n-oraen. 13 to 89. High school not re-
Easy tuition par menu. Trial plan. Write today. for comment, practically blew a as 1,000 heads of opium purveyors
CHICAGO SCHOOL OF NURSING gasket. * rolled from the chopping block.
"5 25 East Jacks™ BM.. Cfcieage
. 4. 111.
i free booklet and IS simple Itann Buaei- "If a plan like that is given seri- That did it.
ous consideration," said Anslinger, THE END
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senses . . . super-
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• GOVT. HUNTER. You can hunt and get Workers keep daily food and growth
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At Tillsonburg, Ontario, Gerald
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The family television set was JL }
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They were his wife, Edna, 36, and 10 DAY TRIAL FREE! Order today at our risk. If not com-
pletely satisfied return the eyelashes after 10 days'
his hired man, Hendrick Werk- trial for full rtfand.
And they were holding hands. Dept. 492-E lynbrook, New York
Raes told police he did not in-
terrupt them. Instead, he said, he
went to his bedroom, got his .22- EXPERT DICE
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When police arrived they found with stirring eiercises. $2 postpaid. {* flails osty.i

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Deimw Wisdaa.Mt Se.-iijSi.te fl«.,Btpt.T>2 ,Ckltt 40, III.

Coroner R. E. Weston said there
Like a Pair of Shorts were at least four slugs in the head
Amazing Telerisiw Isventien!
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American Bar Association, which
THE K1NLEN CO. Dept. BD-56W gave him quite a start.
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Tells nil about this BO-y car-old
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I am enclosing S9.95. Rush me one SHING#>5"i^
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The measure ar-Gund my waist is Vigorously, the drunk explained
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permanent threats, hooligans do
whatever they want with impunity."
Italy, too, has been rocked by an

EYEFUL! (continued from page 37)

outburst of juvenile violence.
From Rome comes a report of a
boy who murdered his mother, fath-
erand sister— and "laughed when he
One last word about the youth was brought before the court."
gangs of New York, which may And another report of youths,
clear up a misunderstanding on the armed with revolvers being nabbed
part of many students of juvenile asmembers of a narcotics gang.
delinquency, both in this country Violent crimes by youths in Italy
and abroad. have spiraled from an annual total
We refer to the "Zoot Suit." That of 4,721 in 1953 to nearly 6,000 last
horrendous garment, that "reet year. This number is expected to be
pleat" or "solid set of threads," is exceeded when the tally is made for
as extinct as the dodo, as out- 1955.
moded as the celluloid collar and Hooliganism also has increased in
high, button shoes. the streets, cafes, theaters and at
With its extravagantly pegged sports events, where gangs of rowd-
trousers and wide-shouldered long ies rampage, disturbing the peace,
jacket, it came into being during frightening lawful citizens, and
World War II. Generally, youths picking brawls.
who wore it were called "Zooters" But with the Teddy Boys and
and all who wore it, along with the their girls running wild, and drunk-
name, were thought to be involved eness among Britain's youths under
in organized juvenile crime. 21 reported alarmingly on the in-
But the point we wanted to clear crease, London, apparently more
up is that the Zooters, as a group, than any other city, was harassed
were never gang members. Of by the problem of youth crime and
That's what confronted this lucky male! course, there were many individual what to do about it.
"He forgot that he was a porter and had boy gangsters who, in those days, Take the case of 19-year-old
only one eye . He availed himself of
. . arrayed themselves in these fright- Donald Brown, Teddy Boy, who
those rights which his calling gave him ful garments— if they were so utter- wanted "to be somebody." We en-
to act like a brute. Brutal he was accord- ly lacking in taste. counter him standing in the dock
ingly — and happy!" Thus begins a
. . .
We don't get very much out of at Old Bailey Court.
gay evening session of PLEA- THE Moscow about juvenile gangs. But Brown hears a judge, lawyers, a
SURE PRIMER. Thousands are now en- we do get enough to report that
joying Rollicking Bedside Fun, and you doctor and a psychiatrist discuss his
will too, when you possess this ideal bed-
authorities are extremely concerned case . . .

side companion. Here's entertainment about the mounting problem of de- He came from a broken home,
for open minds and ticklish spines. linquency among teen-agers. they said. No parental care. Foster
Here's lusty, merry recreation for un- Moscow, also, is worried about an parents. Institutions. Began his
squeamish men and women. Here's life eruption of what used to be called wrong-doing when he was seven . .
with apologies to none. Collected, select- "'flaming youth," crowds of young Became Teddy Boy. Wanted
a to be
ed from the best there is, this zestful people who have developed a fanat- in the limelight.
Primer is an eye-opener ARE
. . .
ical enthusiasm for autos of the '"hot Now, at last, Teddy Boy Donald
PLEASURE PRIMER 10 DAYS AT rod" type, together with a paralyz- Brown has achieved his ambition.
OUR EXPENSE. IT IS GUARAN- ing allergy for work and study. He was certainly in the limelight.
TEED TO PLEASE OR YOUR Meanwhile. Moscow is busily He was, indeed, somebody . . .

PURCHASE PRICE WILL BE RE- blaming "survival of the capitalist somebody who, a few minutes later,
FUNDED AT ONCE! past" and "poisonous American in- was sentenced to death for murder
fluence" for the whole thing. Which and was taken away to the cells.
causes one to wonder how these A jury had convicted him of the
flaming youths— stylagi— could pos- savage, senseless slaughter of 65-
sibly be influenced by the U.S., year-old Herbert (Buster) Blades in
since they never get to see American his tobacco shop at Stonebridge,
movies, to read American books Willesden. And Justice Glyn-Jones
and periodicals, or even to become toldBrown:
familiar with Western fashions. , "You have been properly con-
Recently Colonel S. I. Khlysalov victed of the cold-blooded and cruel
wrote to the Komsomol Pravda, the murder of a blameless old man.
Young Communist League's news- The evidence of your background
paper, complaining bitterly that and emotional and moral immatur-
youths at Moscow Public School 355 ity,upon which the jury, no doubt,
had ambushed and beaten- up his based their recommendation for
son because his daughter had ex- mercy, together with all other facts,
posed the depredations of the will be fully considered by the
school's hooligan gangs. proper authority."
1 0-DAY TRIAL OFFER This was not the first instance Prosecutor Christmas Humphreys,
of such gangsterism in public during the trial, read a statement in
schools, the paper admitted, and ob- which the Teddy Boy told what had
Pl**»e send THE PLEASURE PRIMER on 10- served in its columns: happened on that dav, last June
day trial. If I'm not pleaied, I get my purchase
price refunded at once. "We are forced to say that cases 13th.
Send CCD, 111 pay peatman 98c plus postage. of beating Komsomol (Communist "I went across the road," Brown
G I wcloae |L You pay «ll pelage. Youth League) and Pioneer (Child was quoted, "and into the shop. I
Communist League) members have knew Buster very well. I said, 'let's
occurred before. have a beer just to celebrate.' He
"But no decisive measures have said, 'O.K.' and went into the back
Crty... been taken. In an atmosphere of room to wash his hands at the sink.
Davy Crockett Frontier
life b here for your kid-
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No matter how rough the kiddies abuse this heavy plastic
kiddies live in the great outdoors just like America's giant Davy Crockett playhouse tent it will withstand their
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house tent brings the wild woolly West right to your have used extra heavy plastic to ensure long, long wear. It
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10 DAYS FREE TRIAL Send your newly created, colorful, compiete giont Davy
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Order your giant Davy Crockett playhouse tent at our risk. Set delighted after 10 day trial I will return for full refund of
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I enclose $1.00 plus 25c for postage, for each giant Davy
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"I was behind him and let him

! 103 JAPAN ... PIUS have it with my Bowie knife. He
didn't say anything. I carried on-
87 FOREIGN FLAG STAMPS! sticking it into him."
Brown 40 pounds,
stole about
went to a West End movie, and
shoved the knife under a seat. After ONLY WITH THE
visiting other movies and a dance
hall, he rode a bus to Folkstone, "MADE SIMPLE"
where he took in a play— its title, METHOD

Y»D Co* Mssttr of Vital
For stamp collectors and seeking EVERYONE Finally, he checked in at a Folk- Stud, is Just a hw Wnfa!
an exciting new hobby. Get this big valuable
collection oi 103 genuine, all-different postage stone hotel where, he said, he took SIMPLE! PRACTICAL!
stamps from Japan . . , heart of the exotic a "number" -of aspirins. EACH COMPLETE!
Orient! Strange exciting issues picturing weird "Nothing happened at first," Are YOUbeing held back jobwise and socially because
death masks, dancing pagan gods, sacred Shinto
temples. Brilliant pictorials, sensational com-
Brown went on, "but later I began there are serious pAPS in your education? If so, {or if
you want to "brush-up"), you don't have to take long,
memo rati ves. scarce airmails, stamps picturing to feel tired. I didn't want to cause costly course* to master any of these vital subjects.
the Great Buddha of Kamakura, majestic Mt. any trouble in the house, so I went Each ii now fully covered in a "Made Simple" book,
Fuji, the fabulous Mikado. Guaranteed worth downstairs. with amazing new •hort-cut methods that teach you
more than $2.25 Standard Catalog prices.
at QUICKLY, EASILY— in weeks instead of year.!
found the manager and told
"I NOT "digests" but BIG SW s 1I~ books with y
PLUS 87 gorgeous flag stamps of 87 different large type and clear illustrations -for only $1.00, J
foreign countries! EXTRA: other exciting of- him what I had done, that I'd killed MATHEMATICS Mode Simple
fers. Bargain Catalog, valuable manual "How for money and now I was going
. . .
t, ». irULINC Ulke. •» TW til? •*
to Recognize Rare Stamps". Enclose 10c jor to die for it ..." ** r«*, mi m. ikmii, i.i., rjni t«t™«
mailing costs. Supplies limited SEND TODAY Leslie Parham, the hotel manager,
toil *nrt!Hlii-*ddifi», Mlntlw, lUtipli-


takes up the story:
"On the evening of June 13th,
Brown came down from his room,
holding out a tumbler and saying
he had just taken 100 aspirins.
"Brown said, 'Here, take this, it's

esaetl* hnw to pliL-

my blood money,' He offered me a
mm, wni ji» uiuaif-along with eompletr. aaay tn wad bank notes. I told him to

[earn Instruction*. Imnim your Jor »tim you find after 7

of ENGLISH Mode Simple
Br the life
~~' -)?!::':



.-".r -.:.7.i v.-

Pay pMlnon
put it back in his pocket and not kf MTIHt WlLSWHOf, l*.B., tm* AITINR

had been ZIICER, <hS.. Iwviw

tor. tl Eajlh*,
be Then he said he
f Mfip
Instant "pocket Chord Firmer /worth's 3. DO

SMh 5108. Bradtey Bexk, H.

< of


When Brown was


taken to a hos-
W<V> * ! <>> t'-Y •» *«*

pital, a nurse quoted him

as saying,
FLORIDA'St^HlW, "If I don't go now, Til go soon."
Another witness at the trial was
PHYSICS Med* Simple
Dr. Abbott Hobson- When he ex- tr 1M N. fttVUM, rS.B., bmli t„l
•I rhjfiu, tttftl tmrmtf
Low ttvinit c
Orean.S^c£«s River- amined Teddy Boy Brown, the doc- *>Kkaiiu-nKla&a(J! fcehjot-,, Lmti, ttBrp
Ht'«rtoI Citrus Bf it. etecOrat drinking watci
I<tr»[for vacation or retirement! WriteforFKEE tor said, "he showed no remorse." f Hwl . lfcrtro <f twmi • tH rnfuthim • I
Lij!,! • b*K• K-t.n • ktosMfcH • FlHRk.
phutos ami information. Send name,
Dr. Hobson was asked if he ques-
Bax S2« Orange
36 -

- City. Florida tioned Brown as to whether he had

• Eliitranin ttSt wJ TV • K«!n> tbpiii
(Mil Twin • 57 Inii IifHiaals Tfcat t*»

seen any account of the murder

Mm • -17t limtnr™ . -m*-mm*m
in the papers. Mode Simple
said the stories
the doctor replied."He
made him feel good.

WW. H. COMlft, MlB., Itwiiu rntnw,
Mtcga •! tt» ttA. a*i EDWUSS W. .
»n«io» ridntr, tami* JiHmI •» I
To Be $e» To Mute
Smt on« w mot. of your but pom He said, 'I felt at last I was some-

Doomed September 13th to die on

the gallows, early in October the
sentence was commuted to life im-
prisonment. PiHWtU M*4ti*fJ B*d OrWt CMftfWH *

BETTER HAIR It remained for Max Kay, a

teacher at an "approved school" for
tifHj e* ftranwirt
N nwifr'm
ec Nrric*.

LAW Mod* Simple

T«*r r**nl *

b?MCX UST, Irwnrf « Lt*, I

delinquents, to round out the por- —
Thru Body Chemistry trait of the Teddy Boy, after he
Sm imi • (Him Hw m h WtMag
•I FwA • «k*l • ttnttut IkHil tiMin -
• Sm*ti

ImutH if Tlrk • IhmIImhi fojiij • PheiL.

; A completely different plan, escaped the hangman. Brown had •kit • i«»«ni*iB«B tl Eiatoitn * rrin-

i basic to all hair stimulation, been dismissed from the institution

i with or without other meth- and offered a chance "to lead a
: ods. decent life," Kay said.
"A few weeks later," Kay went
on. "Brown returned to the school
on a social visit. The circle of
Browns development had been com-
pleted. Here was the finished prod-
uct -the final edition -the Teddy I MADE StMPU BOOKS, INC., Dept. M-230
| 320 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. T.
Boy at last. I Hme wnd mt ioofa rlwcked below. It b uodentoDd ttu!
am utMied
with iSimb, tlwoi mmy wtom
"He had not had his hair cut since J
it I
no* ratirriy
gu mck (at a full rriumt.

leaving us and it was piled in a tl.M

For detaila, suggestions on thick mass of waves. He wore a
care ot hair, which vitamins dark suit. The enormously shoulder-
to avoid, etc., FREE, send padded jacket reached down to his
this coupon to Basic Reme- knees . . .

dies, Dept. KM 1 , 140 N. 'It expresses my individuality,'

Echols St., Monmouth, Ore. he said. 'I'm not just the "same as nim-No CO D
No obligation. No agents. the other fellow'."
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HERE'S A PROF/TABlP It may be safely ventured, one they were surrounded by a menac-
would think, there were many other ing gang of Teddy Boys-"about 16
BUSINESS FREt! fellow;; Donald Brown would have or 18"-who were shouting, '"Let's
cheerfully admitted being "just the jump them and get him (Porter)
MONEY MAKIN6 OPPORTUNirvT same as"-his fellow Teddy Boys. away."
No ps|n-ri.'iifi- n.'i'ti.'ii ;<> a=.'t a- our Local
Of course, the reprehensible re- A score of the combatants were
>«[!.! fo-Mwi-^VA.ri; iVi:::^ S! :sfri.. pertoire of the Teddy Boy is not arrested and when brought into
kvri-y l:'j>i::s..~-i

tis!i;i? f!!:Lr:ji.:iTvil
{ijrivi'n i pri.-jn-.-i. AiiviT-
'it: /;:r-;;-v- i- n
restricted to mayhem, murder and court there was laid out on the
up to tuiinv !
i-jirn !- nf ::.ii;Lir- r;v.
other such forms of violence. As bench a display of weapons which
WY-Ul,]iiv:i!! S:L!L-]-:i:Li :
. !: n:L-s;f s-'iiKK. V-riti. witness what took place in Bath, included a switch - blade knife,
famed resort in southwest England,
737 WATCH STREtT. lengths of bicycle chain, a sharp-
last June. ened screwdriver, and several belts.
It should be pointed out first, Most of the defendants were fined
however, that in addition to the and put on probation. But Teddy
tidal wave of youth crime, Britain's Boy Porter, who kicked Sergeant
teenagers have been seized in the Whitmore as he lay on the ground,
grip of a fantastic mania for jazz was sentenced to prison for six
and hot music generally. months.
By the thousands they jam-pack A similar outbreak occurred
dance halls and other large arenas around the same time at Trow-
to slaver, and swoon, as if in the bridge. A group of soldiers from the
possession of devils, as their favorite

nearby School of Infantry attended,
jive bands and swing singers give
BALD? out with hot licks.
not in uniform of the Army, but
Teddy Boys.
rather in that of the
LOSING HAIR Recently, 3,000 such fanatical When he was called to the hall,
aficianados thronged the Aquaria Constable Cecil Whitemarsh testi-
Palais at Brighton. They climbed on "fighting was going on ail
Today you have new hope litr hjir fied,
chairs and tables to view their idols,
regrowth for it bis heen proved over," with soldiers (in uniform)
ihjt.even though you jrehjid.iht and not a few young ladies— among and civilians arrayed against the
hair roots may fx; aitv e to pro- -them, of course, Teddy Girls— were
duct- new hiir>. Thooiauds **« Teddy Boys.
so sent by the sultry rhythms that
ammplishtii ttk with ifu.- j making One youth, Arthur Giles, White-
BrandcnfeU Sisteni- Sec "he to re" they fell to the floor, overwhelmed
marsh found "lying on the floor, his
and' after -pictures ai left! Write in their frenzied ecstasy.
now FKEK information: face covered with blood." Later in
for lull
The Teddy Boys traveling, as court 20-year-old James Dennis
Carl Brandenfels wolves do, in packs are to be found ,

Crask was found guilty of assaulting

Boa 7121 St. H*t*m. Oregon in attendance at all such orgies of
Giles and given a stiff fine. The
rock and roll. And not infrequently
judge denounced him in angry
their irrepressible tendencies toward
HOT WATER QUICK! trouble-making turn these clam-
bakes into riots.
"We are sorry," said the judge
sternly, "that we can't order you to
Which returns us to Bath. It was
be. flogged."
Saturday night— the big night at the
Pavilion. The dance was in full The British are a realistic people
swing. Everybody was having a gay and they are wrestling with the
SEND NO MONET <V*tDS19 S problem of the Teddy Boys, as well
and loud, but a lawful, time.
BOIL.QWiH, Broit-Jy .Dept. j -JJ . CjtlC*6Q4», III.
Then the Teddy Boys swooped as mounting youth crime in general.
down on the merry-makers like a Authorities are desperately trying
gang Storm Troopers. Girls
of to put an end to such shocking juv-
screamed, some fainted, and some enile behavior as the recently dis-
when they covered secret society of teenage
>^S5> Soft-Soothing ^§§§1
fled recognized those
drainpipe trousers and velvet col- youths, who inflict self-torture on
lared jackets. themselves by burning.
FOOT CREAM Immediately a general knock- "They term themselves strong
down - and - drag - out free-for-all and tough guys and inflict this
erupted, while individual fights burning upon themselves to give
went on all over the dance hall. The that impression," said Chief Inspec-
Teddj' Boys brought their bicycle tor Kenneth Critchley. "But this
corns. Stainless. Free Diabetic
identitycard. Order tod»y. Post- chains and belts with weighted time they have overstepped their
paid except COD'3.
buckles into play, while knife mark and inflicted punishment on
1 Dect.50-j*F KsnMSCttjS. We. J blades flashed in a dozen quarters. someone else."
or E*p ei
The came and plunged into
the milling mass of shouting, curs-
The inspector referred
youths arraigned in Juvenile Court
to three

DETECTIVE ing, fighting youths. Among the first for abducting a 12-year-old boy and
1' M Write to
St., N. Y. was Sergeant Edmund Whitmore. torturing him mercilessly by re-
The courageous cop tackled one of peatedly burning him with cigar-
Are vou Retting; cut of life all
the Teddy Boys' ring-leaders, Ed-
ward James Porter, 23, a dock-
Thus, the chronicle of youth crime
you want? To make your life
jLiL:,E-.:cci-:fI ui.hi'pov— is some- worker. on an international scale.
thing missing'' Faith hope 5 — And what to do about it?
Cur :-i-K GOLD PLATED Detective Inspector Glyn Evans
HOLY CROSS encruited with
Ssa'.Ll:;^! SIMULATED DIA- was to tell later of how "Whitmore The Duke of Edinburgh recently
MONDS and fully ENCLOSED was knocked down and while on the offered a plan. The Queen's husband
in CLASS, can be used in the
privacy a( jour own home. It is floor was kicked in the small of the asked 19.000 Londoners to contrib-
.-..lie u'-n' people -swear by
BLESS the day they bouel
back by Porter. Evans said he rushed ute $2.80 each to sponsor a Teddy
it. Don't be afraid to I
work for you. Only S3. 00 Porter and dragged him out by the Boy in joining, one of London's 250
with order or S3 50 COD.
hair of his head. boys' clubs.
If not satisfied, money
back in 7 days. GET The injured sergeant was taken And so matters stand.
STARTED on the tight
road TODAY! to a hospital, seriously injured. Some day— may be— somebody may
rn "
EOtr *i!h every CROSS, a copy of one of the smallest
Bibles in the World, to fit your purse or pocket. According to Evans, as they were come up with the answer.
tZS BBOAD STREET NEW YORK 4. X. V. taking Porter to the police station, THE END
They DREW their way from "Rags to Riches"
Now they're helping others do the same
ALBERT DORNE was a kid of the doubted he had talent. Today, he is
slums who loved to draw. Before an illustrator with a leading advertis-
he was 13, he had to quit school to ing agency in New Orleans.
support his family. Although he John Busketta is another. He was a
worked 12 hours a day —
he managed pipe-fitter's helper with a big gas com-
to study art at home in "spare time." pany until he enrolled in the school.
Soon people were willing to pay good He still works for the same company
money for his drawings. At 22 he was but now he is an artist in the adver-
earning $500 a week as a commercial tising department, at a big increase
iHe rose higher and higher to
in pay.
become probably the most fabulous
money-maker in the history of adver- Don Golemba of Detroit stepped up
tising art. from railroad worker to the styling
department of a big automobile com-
Dome's "rags to riches" story
unique. Norman Rockwell left school
is not —
pany on the basis of his work with
the school. Now he helps design new
at 15. Stevan Dohanos, famous cover
car models.
artist, drove a truck before turning to
art.Harold Von Schmidt was an or- A salesgirl in West Virginia enrolled
phan at 5. Robert Fawcett, son of a in Famous Artists Schools. After com-
distillery worker, left school at 14. And pleting her training, she became ad-
Austin Briggs. who once couldn't af- vertising manager of the leading store
ford a cold-water flat, now lives in a in Charleston.
magnificent home over 100 feet long. "Where are the famous artists of to-
A plan to help others: Nearly ten years morrow?" Dome is not surprised at all
by the success of his students. "Op-
ago, these men gathered in Dome's
luxurious New York studio for a fate-
ALBERT DORNE — From the window of hit portunities open to trained artists to-
skyscraper studio, this top, money-making art- day are enormous." he says. "We con-
ful meeting. With them were six other
equally famous artists —
Al Parker.
ist can see the slums where he once lived. tinually get calls and letters from art
buyers all over the U.S. They ask us
Jon Whitcomb. Fred Ludekens. Ben
5,000 drawings specially for the for practical, well-trained students-
Stahl, Peter Helck. John Atherton.
Almost all had similar "rags to riches'' school's magnificent home study les- —
not geniuses who can step Into full-
sons. And after they had covered the time or part-time jobs.
fundamentals of art. each man con- "I'm firmly convinced." Dome goes
Dome outlined to them a problem
tributed to the course his own special on, "that many men and women are
and a plan. He pointed out that artists -hallmark" of greatness. For example, missing an exciting career in art sim-
were needed all over the country. And Norman Rockwell devised a simple ply because they hesitate to think
thousands of men and women wanted way to explain characterization and that they have talent. Many of them
very much to become artists. What
the secrets of color. Jon Whitcomb do have talent. These are the pe nle
these people needed most was a con-
showed hew to draw the "glamour we want to train for success in art . . .

venient and effective way to master the

girls" for which he is world-famous. if we can only find them."
trade secrets and professional know-
Dome showed step-by-step ways to Unique art talent test: To discover peo-
how that the famous artists them- achieve animation and humor.
selves had learned only by long, suc- ple with talent worth developing, the
cessful experience. "Why can't we."
Finally, the men spent three years twelve famous artists created a re-
asked Dome, "develop some way to working out a revolutionary, new way markable, revealing 8-page Talent
bring this kind of top-drawer art to correct a student's work. For each Test. Originally they charged $1 for
training to anyone with talent ... no drawing the student sent in, he would the But now the school offers it
matter where they live or what their receive in return a long personal let- free and grades it free. Men and wom-
personal schedules may be?" ter of criticism and advice. Along with en who reveal natural talent through
the letter, on a transparent "overlay," the test are eligible for training by
The idea met with great enthusiasm. the instructor would actually draw, in the school.
In fact, the twelve famous artists detail, his corrections of the student's
quickly buckled down to work taking — work. Thus there could be no misun-
Would you like to know if you have
time off from their busy careers. Look- valuable hidden art talent? Simply
derstanding. And the student would
ing for a %vay to mail coupon below. The Famous Art-
have a permanent record to refer to
explain drawing ists Talent Test will be sent to you
as often as he liked.
techniques to stu- without cost or obligation. And it
dents who would School is launched; students quickly suc- might lead you to become one of the
ceed. The Famous Artists Schools "famous artists of tomorrow."
be thousands of
miles away, they
«whose classrooms are the students'
turned to the war- own homes and whose faculty is the
most fabulous ever assembled in art j
born methods of 1 Studio 1 77-E, Westport, Conn.
education* now has 5,000 active stu-
modern visual I I want to find out if I have art talent aorth
training. What dents in 32 countries. The famous art- developing. Please send me -without obligation
your Famous- Artists Talent Test.
ists who started the school as a labor I
better way could
you teach the art of love still own it, run it, and are
of making pic-
fiercely proud of what it has done for ,
Miss (Please Print
NORMAN ROCK- tures. they rea- its students.
| Address
WELL— this best-loved soned, than Den Smith is a good example. When
American artist left through pictures? he became a student three years ago,
j City. Zone. State
school at is. They made over Don knew nothing about art, even

m m
A COFFIN way and, late in 1 955, went to
World Series games together.
There was correspondence, of
raa atop cokktnc rniuka Easltob. beatd
as roar vocabulary, mpr*<i up 7007 nxfcn, im-
provB tnt *v*flinc. acquire real uTitiaa/ rfcill. Ian
T tti 'sKieia" of flu*at coev«r**tioo. Hun*lr«l» of
FOR TWO course, and Bob Clendenin was able
BH and mum hive baeome affective tptatizrs. to find frequent reasons for showing
(continued from ]
t 21) up on the Pacific Coast, where
Cotn littla. Tale* oniy 15 miaul** s da» at home. «-B«** Sally's duties as a stewardess kept
bsoaJM m*Q*d TREE npea ratiinat. Sand card or le'.tar NO A

On T IwttHwf. Pitt MS* . 3S C J—**—, Chta— 4 himself from the belt, stepped over her most of the time. Bob's father,
the body of Miss Shedd and grap- also in the investment business, rep-
DONT TAKE DOPE FOR pled with Clendenin— who fired still resented a New York house in Salt
MUSCULAR ACHES, PAINS another shot that went wild. Lake City, Utah, where Bob had a
The crazed young lover and the custom of dropping in occasionally
officer wrestled down the aisle un- to pick up the new knowledge he
MriB with ttarten. OMMcNrrtM KtM Hat RaWtt tscifHtM d?**». til, at the door, the lieutenant flung needed to forward his own career
*t Snt
man *H mm SIn MrncaMatmtorBm
SMtan kkI nl!*m. No imCcia*, ao take tat It iftar
blai tbt p*bi as) «*t
(too* ta
Is *bk* for iw. Clendenin away from him and on as a stock and bond salesman for
Nttnatara Ml Mr maty (act SbM beffli ol laSriEs
the firm his father represented.
tatty. !rr It d» 1 M Mk . . . » nfnMaf M tt*M Sunt MM to the ramp.
dBB* mtEE ;kb"to no atvt Batfirltri dj Mo Mr rvbavfag Halfway down the plane ramp, Bob Clendenin, however, lived in
Send only $1 today to BATHRFTtS COMPANY, stillstaggering from the Air Force New York in a fourth-floor walkup
D«pt. «M, 74*0 S. Exdwrf Aw., Chkcga 49, "L man's push, Clendenin put the pistol apartment which he shared with
to his neck and pulled the trigger. another man.
- NEW GIRDLE With blood streaming from him, he This friend, shocked by the news
raced another 25 feet— slipping a which reporters brought him on the
DISCOVERY! new clip into his automatic as he night after the Seattle-Tacoma
ran. Airport slaying and suicide, recov-
Double Zip-Up Gives Finally, he stopped his mad rush ered sufficiently to tell newsmen of
Double Tummy Control for escape, placed the gun to his the last sight he had remembered

Easy-On "No-Pri — temple and fired again, this time

with "an effect that was to be fatal
of Clendenin.
"Last Thursday, five days before
No Tug" three hours later in the small hospi- the fatal episode," he said,
"Bob and
tal, not far from the airport, at I were awakened by a phone call,
Renton, Washington. At the same presumably from Sally. I'd met
small institution, young Sally Shedd She was very
Sally once or twice.
was pronounced dead on arrival by pretty.
examiners. "Bob did the talking. When he
Clendenin first met the girl in hung up, though, he didn't seem
New York in September of 1954, especially disturbed. But he said-
when she was in the eastern city to even at that hour in the morning—
appear as bridesmaid in the wedding that he was going out for a long
of one of Clendenin's fraternity walk.
brothers. "Later in the day, however, when
The love affair which blossomed I woke up, I found a note from Bob
after that meeting, according to which said:
friends of the couple, was not a " 'I'm going to Los Angeles to see
spectacular romance— at least in its Sally'."
earlier stages. And also, apparently, The friend also told reporters
its growth in strength was some- that Bob seemed "completely ad-
what a one-sided process, with justed and had a wonderful sense of
Clendenin's passions increasing, al- humor.'-'. Since the two young men
most day by day, while those of first met at the University of Wash-
Sally Shedd seemed to pursue a ington in 1952, the friend added, he
calm and unperturbed, though gen- had never known Clendenin to be-
ial, course. come particularly upset or worried
The obviously
couple, attracted to about anything that happened.
each other— for she was shapely, The positive evidence from Seat-
blonde and pretty, while he was tle about his friend's behavior— on
handsome— went to dances together. that ill-fated plane— seemed unbe-
They saw the best shows on Broad- lievable to Bob's room-mate.

Is a married woman respon- No. A reasonable and honest
sible for the crimes she com- mistake of fact will excuse
mits? the defendant.

Yes. She is criminally respon- Upon the prolonged disap-
sble for any offense commit- pearance of John's wife, John
ted of her own free will. She is arrested for her murder.
is not responsible, however, The body is never found or
for crimes, other than treason accounted for. May John be
or murder, committed under convicted?
pressure of her husband.
No. It is not enough to show
QUESTION: merely that the body is miss-
John takes Henry's watch in ing; there must be direct
the belief that it belongs to proof of death.
him. May John be found {From YOUR LEGAL ADVISOR
guilty of larceny? by Samuel G. Kttng. Permabooks.)

After Sally and Bob were dead,

however, in that small Renton hos- Bass Fishermen will
pital which was the nearest such
refuge to the airport, discoveries
were made which indicated that Bob Say I'm Crazy . .
Clendenin's love for Sally was a
current which ran more deeply and
more turbulently than anyone who until they try
knew him, including Sally, had
The other stewardess on the
my method!
plane, Sally's best friend, told po-
lice that Sally had been trying to
But, after an honest trial/ if you're
"break of!" with Clendenin so that at all like the other men to whom
she, Sally, could marry a Seattle told my strange plan, you'll guard it with your last breath.
man. Saliy had given that conclu- Don't jump at conclusions. I'm not a manufacturer of agold mine. Because with this methodyou can fish with-
sive information to Bob, said the any fancy new lure. I have no reels or lines to selL I'm in a hundred feet of the best fishermen in the county
a professional man and make a good living in my pro- and pull in ferocious big ones while they come home
girl, on a date he and Sally had the
fession. But my all-absorbing hobby is fishing. And, empty handed. Nospecial skill is required. The method
night before the tragic airport ex- quite by accident, I've discovered how to go to waters is just as deadly in the hands of a novice as in the

plosion. that, everyone else says are fished out and come in hands of an old ti mer. My method will be disclosed only,
with a limit catch of the biggest bass that you ever to those few men in each area who'will give me their
Sgt. Don Graddon of the Seattle saw. The savage old baas that got so big, because they word of honor not to give the method to anyone else.
were "wise" to every ordinary way of fishing. Send me your name. Let me tell you how you can
police also found two letters in
This METHOD NOT is spinning, trolling, casting, try out this deadly-method of bringing in big baas from
Clendenin's suitcase after the young fly fishing, trot line fishing, set line fishing, hand line your "fished out waters. Let me tell you why I let
man was ~ushed to the hospital in fishing, live bait fishing, jugging, netting, trapping, you try out my unusual method for the whole fishing
seining, and does not even faintly resemble any of season without risking a penny of your money. Send
the futile effort to cancel out his these standard methods of fishing. No live bait or your name for details of my money-back trial offer.
attempt at suicide. prepared bait is used. You can carry all of the equip- There is no charge for this information, now or at any
mentyou need in one hand. other time. Just your name is all I need. But I guar-
Two of the letters were addressed, Thewhoiemethodcanbelearnedin twenty minutes antee that the information I send you will make you
but unmailed, of course, to Sally. — twenty minutes of fascinating reading. All the ex- —
a complete skeptic; until you decide to try my method!
tra equipment you need, y ou can buy locally at a cost And tier., your own catches will fill you with disbelief.
One of them said: of less than a dollar. Yet with it, you can come in after Spnd your name, today. This will be fun.
"You are probably right that I am an hour or two of the greatest excitement of your
life, with a stringer full. Not one or two miserable 12
ERICK. FARE, Ubertyvtfte 1 mfo&i
not the right man for you." or 14 inch over-sized keepers — but five or six real
Eric K, Fare, Ubcrtyvlll* 1 Illinois
The other protested: beauties with real poundage behind them. The kind |

that don't need a word of explanation of the profes- ! Dear Mr. Fare: Send me complete information i
"Please try to understand. I love sional skill of the man who caught them. Absolutely | without any charge and without the slightest ob-
ligation. Tell me how I can learn your method of
legal, too— in every state.
you." j
This amazing method was developed by a little
The other note found by police group of professional fishermen. Though they are
was addressed, strangely enough, to public guides, they rarely divulge theirmet hod to their
patrons. They use only when fishing for their own
Sally "s father, Charles T. Shedd, of no man on your waters has
tables. It is probable that
San Francisco. This was a much ever seen it, ever heard of it, or ever used it. And
when you have given it the first trial, you will be as
more elaborate communication than ciosed-mouthedas aman who has suddenly discovered [_City . ...Zone State...

the other two.

"In June," it said, "we fell so
much in love that we wanted to get
married. We did not get married
because of me. At that time, I did
not have a job,"
Then Clendenin went on to de-
scribe his love for Sally as "the
most beautiful, never-to-be-forgot-
ten experience of my life."
Sally was in Seattle, he continued,
he was in New York. And he asked
her to transfer to a post with United
Air Lines on the Eastern seaboard—
but the transfer never was made by
Meanwhile, Clendenin wrote to
his beloved's father, Sally's ardor
had cooled. She had told him she
could not marry him.
"And that," he wrote, "is why I
am on my
way to Seattle.
"I talked to her Friday and she
told me it was all over and for me to
forget it.
"For her, Mr. Shedd, I would give
up myjob or anything. I'm going to
get her— or die trying.
"I do feel, sir, that as a husband
for Sally, I would fill the bill as well
as anyone.
"I write you because you are her
"I also write this because, if some-
thing goes wrong and the two of us
die together, she and I (and I feel I
can speak for her) would like to be
buried together in the same coffin
and in the same grave."
Amazing Mysteriously Scented 100 Year Old Gypsy Fish Bait Oil Formula


— It makes no difference what bait you use
a piece of cloth . . .
plug, minnow, worm, fly or even
it doesn't matter whether you fish rivers, creeks, lakes, ponds

or the ocean ... no matter what kind of fish you are after . and whether you . .

still Ssh v, ith pole and bobber, cast, troll or spin ... all you have to do is dab a
littleGYPSY FISH BAIT OIL on the bait and you'll catch more fish, larger
fish cverytime. It works any day, any time of day or night. In season, the fish
don't live that won't strike bait scented with Gypsy Fish Bait Oil.

Fishing experts are just learning what wandering
Romany Gypsies found out 100 years ago hungry . . .

or not any fish strikes any bait scented with Gypsy Fish
Bait Oil. It excites them through the thousands of smell
organs that cover their bodies. Like a shark goes wild
at the smell of blood, so all game and pan fish go craav
at the first whiff of Gypsy Fish Bait Oil. They all streak
madly ro fight for your bait and usually the biggest fish
wins! You'll keep hauling 'em in when everyone says
tish aren't biting!


"I have been using Gypsy Fish Bait Oil 2 years now and have never
EXPERIMENTAL FISHING. In an effort to prove to the folks around Destiu. Fla., found anything to compare with it. A group of fishermen were sitting
that the product known as Gypsy Fish Bait Oil actually works, this fidd trip out of along a stone crib in the Portage River. They were using night crawlers
Destin on the Teknicolor was arranged, with Skipper Tim Boone. All in all, 1,295 pounds for bait and weren't catching annhing. 1 cast my line in on the other
of fish wis landed including red snap pet .grouper, amberiack and the big 264-lb. Warsaw. side of the crib and before the sinker hit the bottom I had a 6 pound
The anglers arc from left to tight: Pete Thome, Joe Love Jr., Charlie L'pchurch, Buster silver catfish. And 1 repeated this 4 times before any of the others caught
N'iquet, Stew Keith, Joe Love Sr., and Roy Martin, all of Panama City. Gypsy Oil was a fish. I snowed them my worms and to this day they couldn't figure how
a every piece of bait and the results were astounding. I cart catch big fish right where they only got nibbles and a few small
bullheads. They don't know I used Gypsy on my bait and they didn't.
f Th* Guff Sfrwm SrwfwnonJ. Last night another party and I caught 24 catfish on tods and reels in
5 hours using Gypsy. Rush rhis order as I am about out. The big catfish
"in is starting and I am nearly out of bah and I would not know what
i do without it." Ray Hathaway, 226 E. 6th St., Pott Clinton, Ohio.

With every bottle of Gypsy Fish Bait Oil you'll get free a
large waterproof plastic pouch. Ideal for lunches, tobacco,
matches, anything you want to keep dry and fresh. Yours
to Keep even it you return Oil for money back. Mail order today!
Look caught by Roy H. Martin with the
at these beauties Mt. McMahon and party
aid of Gypsy Fish Ban Oil! They 're possible world records. with 150 bass and catfish
Mail coupon. from Lake Kentucky.Tenn. SEND NO MONEY-You fish "On- Approval"
Be as skeptical as you like ... go ahead and say we're crazy. But mail coupon
or write for your double size trial of the Gypsy Fish Bait Oil that's making
experts out of amateurs all over America. On arrival put up as deposit SI .98
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D. postage thro postman. Use the next
time you go fishing and if you aren't delighted return what's left for money


"Gypsy Fish Bait Oil does everything you "Hurry up that order of Gypsy, I'm out of
say. Have been fishing Chain-of- Lakes it. Your fish bait oil is the only real fish

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Caught June 19, 1955 large mouth bass, pickerel and northern were worthless."
by Ray Oachei of
C St M Grocery Store,
pike. Also use Gypsy still fishing to get
croppies, blue gills. I caught a 19-inch
Oakie Frazier, Box 1833, Logan, W. Va.
Roy Ambrose, John Layer and John Layer, off 23-i 7 S. Nicholas, Fresno,
channel cattish and VA pounds bull EXPERT PRAISE] GYPSY
the fish they caught in northern lakes using Gypsy Fish California. Used live min-
heads." "I have used Gypsy dope bait for 3 years
Bait Oil. Mail the coupon. nows dabbed with Gypsy Mrs. D. Loring, P.O. Box 352, and have made wonderful catches. Both
Fish Bait Oil.
Elmburst, 111. in fresh water and on deep sea trip. It is
a pleasure for me to recommend Gypsy
Letters Praising Gypsy Pour in From Everywhere OTHER SCENTED BAIT "I am enclosing
Fish Bait Oil and your company to all
my friends."
check for 3 more bottles Gypsy. I have
"Gypsy Fish Bait Oil works wonderful. Put it OR (IcCarty, Dubay Colony,
any bait, then put the line dawn where you can B.D. #1, Daney, Wise.
see fish and van can see how they fight for it."
Mr. E. Bener, 5823 N. Athena Ave.,
Portland. Oregon ID pounds, t used pole and bobber. All my FISHERMAN'S P8Q BUSTS £0, DEPT. 270 E
friends keep asking me what I'm using." im Mansi Art, Sknafbin S. Abbas.
7] FISH IN TWO OUTINGS Esteflar Scott Grady, Ark. Send one Gypsv Fish Bait Oil and Free Fisherman's pouch. I'll pay J1.98
FRIENDS, HEBE* I JESSE'S SECRET plus C.O.D. postarjs on arrival on guarantee I can return Gypsy after first
"Gypsy Fish Bait Oil is the best ever for really
test trial for money back and keep pouch for my trouble.
catching fish! The first time I used it on my bait 'Boy. oh boy! 1 catch more fish using Gypsy Fish
I caught 30 fish and the next time fished i
1 Bait Oil than all my friends put together. They Send 3 Gypsy {3 Free Pouches) . . . MJI Remittance enclosed.
caught «
fish. And they ware the largest I've keep ashing how can I do so well but 1 just laugh Send postage paid.
ever caught." at them and say you got to know how it's done."
Louise Moore, Rwte 6, Box 280, Dublin. Ga.


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