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Shantanu became the King of Hastinapura.

Over time he grew famous all over the known world

because of his skills and valour. An expert archer, he lived by The Law. One day he went deep into
the forest, hunting, all alone, on the banks of the Ganges. By divine will he had a vision of Ganga- a
damsel. Her complexion was like the hues of lotus petals. Her clothes were drenched in water. In
beauty she outshone the attractive mistresses of learned men.

Overwhelmed, the king asked, ' Who are you lady? Are you from the lands of the immortals? Are you
a Serpent? Are you human? Your beauty cannot be described in words. I am mesmerized. Please be
my mistress.'

Ganga replied,' I shall be your wife so long as you honour the condition I lay down. I shall do
whatever I wish, you will not question me. The day you question me I shall leave you and go back to
my abode.'

The king accepted her condition and allowed her to do whatever she wished. Ganga accepted
Shantanu as her husband and the couple went back to the city. He gifted her jewels and expensive
clothes. Ever faithful, the king spent time sporting with the queen. In time the queen begot a son
whom she carried to the banks of the Ganges. She drowned him in water. Seeing this, the king was
devastated yet he didn't question her. Seven children were born. All of them were drowned by their
mother. The king silently watched. When the eighth child was born the king finally questioned her.

Angry, the king asked, "O Witch! Where from have you come? Wretched Sinner! How can you
murder your own child? You're stone-hearted, indeed."

Saying so the king snatched the child from her.

Ganga said, "You've chosen your son over me. According to the condition I will leave you now. You
will never see me again. Take care of your son. I shall reveal my identity to you. I am Ganga, renowed
in the Three Realms. The children begotten by me are the Eight Vasus. They were born as humans
due to Sage Vasistha's curse. Terrified, the Vasus requested me to be their mother. So, I married

Shantanu said," Why did the sage curse them?"

Ganga said," Varuna's son Vasistha was doing penance in the Himalayas, at a scenic place. He had a
cow named Kamadhenu. Daksha's daughter and Kashyapa's mistress, Surabhi, was her mother.
Vasistha lived there with the cow and his sons. One day the Vasus, sporting with their wives, reached
the place. One of the ladies, seeing the cow, asked her husband about it. Her husband said that it
was the sage's cow, full of divine qualities. The man who drinks her milk is blessed with long life,
health and beauty. The lady then requested him to steal the cow. She wished to gift the cow to her
friend. After repeated persuasions the husband stole the cow. When the sage saw that the cow was
missing he looked for the cow deep inside the woods. Unable to find her, he sat down in meditation
to find out the reality. Mad with anger, he cursed the Eight Vasus to be born as humans. When they
begged his forgiveness the sage said that since he never speaks an untruth, they would have to
spend a year on earth, at least. However, the one who stole the cow would have to live a full life.
They requested me to give them birth and drown them as soon as they are born. So I became your
queen and did what I was asked to do. This son of yours is a Vasu. He cannot grow without a mother.
Let me nurture him now, when he attains youth, I shall return him to you."

Saying so, Ganga, left the place with her newborn child. The king returned back to his palace in tears.

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