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自然 3上 教師手冊


1 Plants everywhere P.02


2 Magnets P.30


3 Air P.52


4 Dissolving P.82
1 Plants everywhere


2 3

1 What are plants?


教學目標-語言層面 Communication

核心素養 學習表現 Language of learning

自-E-A1 自-E-B3 ti-Ⅱ-1、ai-Ⅱ-1、ah-Ⅱ-1 重點詞彙
自-E-A3 Plants- living things that use sunlight to make food
Leaves- usually green, flat parts of a plant
Ground- land
Sunlight- the light of the sun
先備知識 學習內容 Survive- to live
曾觀察過植物在大自然中的分佈 INa-Ⅱ-6、INa-Ⅱ-7 延展詞彙
與生長情形 a drip tip

Language for learning (language skills)

● Listening:
教學目標-學科層面 ■Please point to stated pictures (words)

1. 藉由觀察,與同學分享植物在大自然中生長的樣貌。
● Speaking:
Name objects, pictures

2. 能察覺不同植物所長的根、莖、葉、花、果實和種子等各部位外形和數量並不相同。
Can you tell me what this is?
3. 能在問題情境中,學會運用學得的知識來解決問題。
■ Answer WH- Questions

Look at the picture. What does a plant need?

● Reading:

思考要點與文化理解 Cognition and culture ■ How do plants use sunlight?

■ How do plants use water?

1. 說出植物如何運用陽光、水。
● Writing:
2. 列出植物在不同環境的適應方式。
■ Fill in the important ideas as you read the chapter.
3. 解釋植物存在與世界的關係。
Language through learning
1. What are plants?
2. Can you point to the picture?
3. Plants use sunlight to make food.
4. Plants also use water to make food.

4 5
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 給學生看課本圖片,讓學生說說這是 Students must convey the word to

什麼植物。 their team using only drawings.
2. 邀請學生說明日常生活中在那裡可以 Students cannot use words,
看到植物。 symbols, sounds or gestures.
3. 字彙遊戲-- Pictionary Limit the time to one minute.
指導程序參考 Each correct word gets a point.
Divide the class into two teams. The first team to get 4 points is the
Teacher writes words on slips of winner.
paper for students to choose. 4. 教師帶學學生進行課文閱讀。
Have one person from each team 5. 討論課文問題。
comes up to the front.
Have the student draw what they
see on the slip.

What are these plants? What are plants?
Where can you find plants? What is your favorite plant?
Can plants grow anywhere? Can you find plants at our school?
Do plants only grow in the ground?

6 7
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 複習本課單字。 1. 帶學生閱讀課文。
2. 帶學生閱讀課文 。 2. 指導學生認識植物生存也需要水分。
How do plants use sunlight? 3. 植物由根部來吸收水分後,傳送到身
Plants use sunlight to make food. 體各部位。
3. 指導學生認識陽光對植物的重要性, 4. 不同的植物有不同的根系發展方式,
植物運用陽光來產生養分。 老師可延伸教導軸根與鬚根。
4. 向日葵需要較多的陽光來合成養分, 5. 教師可以選擇搭配影片,幫助學生認
但松樹所需的日照量比較少。 識植物生長所需。
Sunflowers need sunlight to grow.
Pine trees use leaves to get sunlight.
5. 指導學生不同棲地的植物所需的日照


We need to eat food to stay alive. How do plants make their own food? How do plants use water?
Look at the picture. What do you see? How can plants take in water?
Do you think sunflower needs sunlight? Where does water go inside the plant?
Do you think pine tree needs sunlight? Does the water go to the leaves?

8 9
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 教師可以展示仙人掌等沙漠植物,讓 1. 帶學生閱讀課文解釋沙漠植物因缺
學生將課文與生活連結。 水,所以通常葉子都是細小且尖尖
2. 帶學生閱讀課文。 的;雨林植物因雨水多,為了快速把
3. 讓學生知道植物分布在世界各地,不 落在上的葉子上的雨水排掉,所以葉
同的地點植物會有不同的特色。 子發展出drip tip。
Plants live all over the earth. 2. 討論課文問題。
Not all plants look the same. 3. Explore habitats
4. 這些植物有些有特別的部位發展出不 (1) 帶領學生進行校園觀察探索,看
同的功能,來幫助他們適應環境。 看不同的地方有什麼不同的植物。
They have parts that help them live (2) 想一想為什麼不同的植物有不同
in different places. 的生長地點。
(3) 潮濕的地方與陽光強烈的地方,
(4) 同一種植物長在日照強與日照弱
4. 請學生完成課本P.8-9。

1. 老師要能引導學生知道不同地區由
2. 帶領學生進行觀察時,要能引導學

What are these plants? What is a desert?
Where can you find these plants? Deserts can be dry and hot or cold.
Can these plants grow anywhere? Plants that live in dry deserts grow long roots in order to get deep water.
Our earth has many climates. What is a rainforest?
Different places all have different climates and plants. Rainforests are hot and humid with a lot of rain.
Plants there usually have drip tips.

10 11

2 What are the parts of a plant?


教學目標-語言層面 Communication

核心素養 學習表現 Language of learning

自-E-A1 自-E-B3 ti-Ⅱ-1、ai-Ⅱ-1、ah-Ⅱ-1、tc-Ⅱ-1 能聽懂相關生字並運用
自-E-A3 1. Root-the part of a plant that usually grows underground
2. Stem-the part of a plant that supports the branches, leaves, flowers
3. Fruit-the part of a plant that has seeds , such as apple or strawberry
4. Seed-the small part of a flowering plant that grows into a new plant
先備知識 學習內容 5. Carry-to take from one place to another
已有簡單辨識植物外型的基礎概 INb-Ⅱ-6、INb-Ⅱ-7
念 Language for learning (language skills)
● Listening:
■ Please point to stated pictures(words)
教學目標-學科層面 ● Speaking:
Name objects, pictures

1. 藉由觀察,認識植物的根、莖、葉、花、果實和種子等各部位。
Can you tell me what is this?
2. 能察覺不同植物所長的根、莖、葉、花、果實和種子等各部位外形和數量並不相同。 ■ Answer WH- Questions

3. 能在問題情境中,學會運用學得的知識來解決問題。
What are plants?
● Reading:

■ How do plants use sunlight?

思考要點與文化理解 Cognition and culture ■ How do plants use water?

● Writing:

1. 說出植物有不同的部位。 ■ Fill in the important ideas as you read the chapter.

2. 說出植物不同部位與人類生活的關係。
3. 能思考植物生活需求與世界的關係。
Language through learning
1. What is this plant?
2. Can you tell me what features does it have?
3. What plants do you know?

12 13
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 給學生看課本圖片(p.10),讓學生說 Seed種子-the small part of a

說這什麼是植物 flowering plant that grows into a
2. 邀請學生說明認識哪些植物其外觀和 new plant
圖中的樹形類似的? 5. 字彙遊戲---- vocabulary bingo
3. 請學生回答看到的圖片中,植物有什 Ask students to draw a 4x4 grid on
麼部位? a piece of paper, then write down
4. 認識字彙,教師可以拿字彙圖卡或實 vocabulary words in the boxes.
體部位展示,並討論問題 Teacher read the words out loud.
Root根-the part of a plant that Students put a chip on the boxes.
usually grows underground When students have four across,
Stem莖-the part of a plant that diagonally, or vertically they yell
supports the branches, leaves, out "Bingo!"
flowers Have students read out the words
Fruit果實-the part of a plant that that gave them bingo.
has seeds , such as apple or

What is this plant? Is an apple a fruit?
Can you tell me what does it have? Do apples have seeds?
What plants do you know that have fruit? Can you find any fruits in our school?
Do plants have root? stems? fruits?

14 15
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 複習本課單字 1. 帶學生閱讀課文
2. 閱讀課文短文,並用”What are the 2. 指導學生認識植物各部位的功能
basic parts of a plant?帶出各部位的 3. 帶學生進行問題討論
名稱本篇強調陸生植物大都有根、 4. 教師可以選擇搭配 影片,幫助學生
莖、葉、花、果實、種子,這也是它 認識植物生長所需
3. 帶領學生討論下列問題:


Each part of a plant is useful. What are the parts that help plants get water?
What are roots’function? What helps the plants hold the soil?
What are stems’function? Which parts are on the end of the stems?
What are leaves’function? Which part make most of their food?
What are flowers’function? How do leaves make food?
What are fruits’function? Which part attracts bees?
What are seeds’function?

16 17
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 複習課文短文並再次搭配下列提問, 2. 教師要能引導學生,陸生植物生長有
解釋植物各部位功能,並讓學生回答 其順序性大都從根、莖、葉、花、果
The roots support the plant and 實、種子的順序來成長
take in water from the ground. 3. 各部位有其功能性,教師搭配「猜猜
The stem carries the water from 箱子裡有什麼」的活動,把不同的可
the roots to the leaves. 食用植物如:根莖類的洋蔥、馬鈴
The leaves use sunlight and air to 薯、紅蘿蔔,花菜類如花耶菜、金針
make food. 花,葉菜類如菠菜、小白菜,果實類
The flowers grow into fruit. 的蘋果、茄子、豌豆等等提供給學生
The fruit have seeds that can grow 觸摸、辨認,讓學生把生活中的可食
to a new plant. 植物與植物各部位連結
4. 請學生完成課本14-15頁

1. 教師可參考搭配影片,並改用”杯
watch?v=N-l-gsWOKzk The plant

Each part of a plant is useful. Is apple a fruit?
How about roots’function? Which part of the plant is an apple?
How about stems’function? Which part of the plant is a carrot?
How about leaves’function? Which part of the plant is a potato?
How about flowers’function? Do apples have seeds?
How about fruits’function? Can seeds grow to a new plant?
How about seeds’function?

18 19
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 複習本課單字 4. 請小組討論植物遇到了什麼問題,並
2. 配合課本P16-17 進行Problems and 將答案畫在海報上
Solutions 的活動 5. 使用think-pair-share 策略進行班級
3. 本頁主要帶學生比較葉子狀態,觀察 分享
4. 請小組討論植物遇到了什麼問題,並


Look at the picture. How about roots’function?
The leaves are wilted. What support the plant and take in water from the ground?
Do you know what happened? How about stems’function?
What can you do to help the plant? What carry the water from the roots to the leaves?
How about leaves’function?

20 21

3 Grow plants


教學目標-語言層面 Communication
核心素養 學習表現 Language of learning
自-E-A1 自-E-B3 ti-Ⅱ-1、ai-Ⅱ-1、ah-Ⅱ-1、tc-Ⅱ-1 重點詞彙
自-E-A3 observe- to watch closely
compare- to describe the similarities or differences
sort- to separate into groups or types
先備知識 學習內容 classify
植物在不同的環境有不同的生長 INb-Ⅱ-6、INc-Ⅱ-1
狀態,外在環境條件會影響植物 Language for learning (language skills)
生長 ● Listening:
Please point to stated pictures(words)
教學目標-學科層面 ● Speaking:
Name objects, pictures

1. 透過觀察,察覺影響植物成長的要素。 Can you tell me what is this?

2. 透過引導,認識植物成長的階段。 ■ Answer WH- Questions

3. 察覺不同植物葉子的外觀如大小、顏色和氣味都不相同,並能依此進行分類。 Look at the picture. What does a plant need?

● Reading:

■ How do plants use sunlight?

思考要點與文化理解 Cognition and culture ■ How do plants use water?

● Writing:

1. 在課本圖片輔助下說出植物生長需求要素。 ■ Fill in the important ideas as you read the chapter.

2. 在課本圖片輔助下說出植物生長的階段。
3. 能找出葉子特性並進行分類。
Language through learning
1. What are plants?
2. Can you point to the picture?
3. Plants use sunlight to make food.
4. Plants also use water to make food.

22 23
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 配合課本圖片(p.18-19),讓學生說說 5. 帶學生討論問題
課本人物在做什麼邀請學生說明種植 植物為什麼需要水?
植物需要什麼條件 若沒有水植物會發生什麼問題?
2. 邀請學生說明認識哪些植物?有種植 植物為什麼需要空間?
過嗎? 若植物空間不夠會發生什麼問題?
3. 請學生回答看到的圖片中,植物有什 植物為什麼需要陽光?
麼部位?複習植物各部位的名稱 若沒有陽光,植物會發生什麼問
4. 帶領學生思考並回答植物生長需要什 題?
麼條件 植物為什麼需要空氣?
6. 結論 All the plants need these 5
terms to grow.

What is this plant? Why does a plant need water?
Can you tell me what does it have? Why does a plant need space?
Where can you find plants? Why does a plant need sunlight?
What does a living plant need? Why does a plant need soil?
Why does a plant need air?

24 25
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 閱讀課文短文 Stage 5
Stage 1 植物完整的長大了,他具有根、
種子種植在土壤裡 莖、葉、花、果實
Stage 2 2. 課文問答
種子先長出根,根往下 生長,抓住 聽聽老師描述,對的描述豎起大拇
土壤 指,錯的描述大拇指向下
Stage 3 老師進行各階段描述
Stage 4


Can you tell everyone the growing stage of a plant? Did you know that popcorn kernels and beans are also seeds?
If the statement is true, give a "thumbs up." Do you know how seeds grow into a plants?
If the statement is false, give a "thumbs down." Do you still remember the parts of a plant?

26 27
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 教師準備10種不同的葉子,展示給學 5. 探索校園撿葉子囉!
生看,讓學生發表其不同的特徵。 帶領學生進行到校園找葉子,看看
2. 教師介紹Classify的意思。 不同的地方有什麼不同的植物
3. 本單元的二分法,是選擇一個特徵, 想一想你的葉子有那些部分很相似
如顏色、形狀…...等,以這個特徵為 呢?
基準,將葉子進行二分類。例如: 6. 請學生完成課本P.23
4. 閱讀課文步驟,學習分類的程序


1. 教師準備的葉子要大小不同、顏色

Step 1: Observe
How many different plants can you find?
Step 2: Compare
How are the plants alike? How are they different?
Step 3: Sort
Place the leaves.

28 29
2 Magnets


30 31

1 Magnets all around us


教學目標-語言層面 Communication

核心素養 學習表現 Language of learning

自-E-A1 自-E-B3 ti-Ⅱ-1、tc-Ⅱ-1、ai-Ⅱ-1 、ai-Ⅱ-3 重點詞彙
自-E-A3 Magnets- Objects that can pull or push away another magnet.
Magnetic poles- Magnets have two poles,south and north pole. and
North pole.
Magnetic field- Areas around a magnet
先備知識 學習內容 Metals- A hard material such as iron, steel, gold
已有簡單辨識那些物品可被磁鐵 INd-Ⅱ-8 、INe-Ⅱ-7
吸引的基礎概念。 Language for learning (language skills)
● Listening:
■Please point to stated pictures(words)
教學目標-學科層面 ● Speaking:
Name objects, pictures

1. 藉由操作,發現並規納區別物哪些體是否有磁性。
Can you tell me what is this?
■ Answer WH- question

What is a magnet?
What things can be attracted by a magnet?
● Reading:

思考要點與文化理解 Cognition and culture ■ Magnetic poles and mahnetic field

■ Strong side and the weak side in a magnet

1. 能知道磁鐵能吸引部分的金屬。 ● Writing:

2. 能說出磁鐵同極相斥、異極相吸的特性。 ■ Fill in your prediction and results as you read the chapter.

Language through learning

1. What is a magnet?
2. What things are attracted by magnets?

32 33
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 讓學生說一說教室裡有哪一些東西可 1. 字彙遊戲-- memorize game

以被磁鐵吸引 指導程序參考
2. 教師帶領學生熟習重點單字,確認學 Put the vocabulary cards on the
生熟悉意思。 blackboard randomly
Divide students into two groups.
Give students 30 sec to memorize
the position of the cards.
Ask all students lay down on the
Flip all the cards and ask students
to raise hands. Takea guess.
Students who answer correctly get
10 points. The team get 50 points
will be the wining team and get

What things can be attracted by magnets? What can a magnet do?
Where can you find magnets? What things are attracted by magnets?
What is a magnet? Can you find magnets in the classroom?

34 35
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 教師可以帶學生進行教室內或是生活 1. 教師帶領學生一起歸納會被磁鐵吸引
常見的磁鐵討論,或者直接讓學生一 的物品大多是金屬製品
人一個磁鐵去嘗試教室裡哪一些物品 2. 進行課文閱讀
會被磁鐵吸引,最後再做歸納。(小 3. 介紹常見的磁鐵種類
2. 教師帶學學生進行
3. 討論課文問題

What things can be attracted by magnets in the classroom? Can you find magnets in the classroom?
What things are attracted by magnets? Do all metals can be attracted by magnets?
Magnets are only attracted to special metals. Iron, cobalt and nickel are magnetic metals. Do magnets attract all metals?

36 37
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 教師帶學學生進行課文閱讀 1. 教師帶領學生一起歸納會被磁鐵吸引
2. 討論課文問題 的物品大多是金屬製品
2. 進行課文閱讀
3. 介紹常見的磁鐵種類
4. 回家功課完成p.31-32

1. What are magnetic poles? How can we find a magnetic field?
2. I have two magnetics, how can I make them repel to each other?
3. I have two magnetics, how can I make them attract to each other?

38 39

2 Magnets have two poles.


教學目標-語言層面 Communication

核心素養 學習表現 Language of learning

自-E-B3 ti-Ⅱ-1、tc-Ⅱ-1、ai-Ⅱ-1 、ai-Ⅱ-3 重點詞彙
自-E-A3 repel(push) - To move something back
attract (pull) –To move something closer to
pole – A side of a magnet where the pull and push is the strongest

先備知識 學習內容
Language for learning (language skills)
已有簡單辨識那些物品可被磁鐵 INd-Ⅱ-8、INe-Ⅱ-7
● Listening:
■ Please point to stated pictures(words)
● Speaking:
Name objects, pictures

教學目標-學科層面 Can you tell me what is this?

■ Answer WH- Questions
1. 學習磁鐵有兩極並藉由操作發現磁力有強弱端。
How many poles in a magnet?
Is it north pole or south pole?
● Reading:

■ What are magnetic poles?

■ Which side is the string side in a magnet?

思考要點與文化理解 Cognition and culture ● Writing:

■ Fill in you predictions.

1. 能知道磁鐵能吸引部分的金屬。
2. 能說出磁鐵同極相斥、異極相吸的特性。
Language through learning
1. What are the two poles of a magnet?
2. Magnets can attract and repel each other.

40 41
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 配合課本請學生分別相吸和相斥 1. 教師引導學生發現同極相斥,異極相
2. 教師帶領學生熟習單字,可以展示或 吸的特性
是使用歌曲pull and push ,讓學生 2. 邀請學生標示出,如果四個磁鐵都是
熟悉。 漂浮或是四個磁鐵都相吸的磁極狀
3. 字彙遊戲 態。(如果底面為南極的狀態下)
請學生操作磁鐵,聽教師指令展示 3. 教師可以出題目讓學生標示看看
attract and repel
4. 教師展示四個分離的磁鐵環,請學生


Why do the magnets float in the air? If you bring two poles the same, what will happen?
Look at the picture. What happened? It you bring two poles different, what will happen?
Can you label the magnetic poles?

42 43
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 教師引導學生發現同極相斥,異極相 1. 教師展示馬蹄形磁體鐵和棒狀磁鐵
吸的特性 2. 教師帶領學生預測磁鐵在一處會吸最
2. 請學生按照圖片完成任務 多。
magnetic match 3. 畫一畫迴紋針會如何分布在磁鐵上
rings 漂浮磁鐵 4. 展示不同形狀和大小的磁鐵,和準備
Step 1: Prepare a balloon stick 數個迴紋針讓學生自己操作看看,並
and four circular magnets. 記錄。
Step 2: Put one circular magnet
into the stick.
Step 3: Put another magnet with
opposite pole into the stick.
Step 4: Repeat the action.
環磁極Draw the magnetic match

Can you show me how to do that? Which sides the strongest are in a magnet?
What color is it?
Do they repel or attract each other?

44 45
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 教師引導學生選擇出正確答案,並引 1. 教師引導學生閱讀後作答
導學生整理磁鐵特性。 2. 教師邀請學生統整磁鐵單元學習到的
Magnets are attracted to metals. 內容
Magnets have two poles. 3. 可以邀請學生製作海報(內容包括:
Magnets can push and pull What things can be attracted to
magnetic things. magnets ?
2. 比賽誰可以吸引最多的迴紋針,討論 Magnets have two poles. Magnets
迴紋針都吸引在哪處。 can repel and attract. )
3. 回家練習: p. 39 Magnets are attracted to metals
Magnets have two poles.
Magents can attract and repel each
4. 展示海報和邀請學生說一說海報內容

How many poles does a magnet have? What willl happen if a magent breaks into two pieces?
Which side is the strongest? What happens if a bar magnet is broken in half?
Which part attracts the most paper clips? What did you find?
How many paper clips are attracted by bar magnets?

46 47

3 Magnetic games


教學目標-語言層面 Communication
核心素養 學習表現 Language of learning
自-E-B3 ti-Ⅱ-1、tc-Ⅱ-1、ai-Ⅱ-1 、ai-Ⅱ-3 複習重點詞彙
自-E-A3 Magnets- Objects that can pull or push away another magnet.
magnetic poles- Magnets have two poles. South and North pole.
magnetic field- Areas around a magnet
metals- A hard material such as iron, steel, gold.
先備知識 學習內容 repel(push) - To move back
已有簡單辨識那些物品可被磁鐵 INd-Ⅱ-8 、INe-Ⅱ-7 attract (pull) –To move closer to something
吸引的基礎概念。 pole- A side of magnet where the pull and push is strongest

Language for learning (language skills)

教學目標-學科層面 ● Listening:
■ Following teacher instructions.
1. 學習磁鐵特性 ● Speaking:
2. 運用磁鐵特性設計相關簡易遊戲。 Name objects, pictures

Can you tell me what is this?

■ Answer WH- Questions

How to do to attract magnets?

思考要點與文化理解 Cognition and culture ● Reading:

■ Understand the instructions on the textbooks.

1. 能知道磁鐵能吸引部分的金屬。 ● Writing:

2. 能說出磁鐵同極相斥、異極相吸的特性。 ■ Fill in your predictions and results as you read the chapter.

Language through learning

I can use magnets to repel or attract things.

48 49
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. Magnet Maze 1. A flying butterfly

Step 1: Step 1: Observe
Draw your own maze on the paper Why the butterfly can attract by
plates. the magnet?
Step 2: Step 2: Do
Prepare two magnets. Attach one Put the scissor between the
magnet on the maze and the other butterfly and the magnet.
one put it on the bottom of the Step 3: Explain
maze. Discuss the reason why the
Step 3: butterfly falls down.
Play with your friends and try to 2. 將預測結果紀錄在課本p. 44
find the way out on their’
s maze. 3. Make your own magnetic game 教
2. 教師引導學生利用磁鐵設計迷宮,並 師引導學生利用磁鐵設計磁鐵玩具或
且使用相斥或相吸去走迷宮,問學生 是遊戲,並畫出來完成後再請學生上
哪種方式比較容易。 台發表

How can you use a magnet to get the way out? When does the butterfly fall down?
What can I do ?
Why does the butterfly float in the air?

50 51
3 Air


52 53

1 Air is all around us


教學目標-語言層面 Communication

核心素養 學習表現 Language of learning

自-E-A1 自-E-B1 po-Ⅱ-1、ai-Ⅱ-2、po-Ⅱ-2 、 重點詞彙
自-E-A3 自-E-C2 ah-Ⅱ-2 air-gases that surrounds the earth
breathe-to draw air into the lungs and let it out
space- an empty area or place
around-in all directions or to all sides
先備知識 學習內容 alive-living
1.觀察空氣無色無味、占有空間 INa-Ⅱ-2 延展詞彙
2.生活中感受到風的存在 INd-Ⅱ-4 Record
Language for learning (language skills)
● Listening:
教學目標-學科層面 ■ Who needs air to stay alive?
1. 察覺空氣無所不在 ■ What is the way you tell your friends that air is all around us?
2. 知道生物呼吸需要空氣 ● Speaking:
Tell your friends that air is all around us.

● Reading:

■ What is air?

■ It takes up space, but it does not have its own shape.

思考要點與文化理解 Cognition and culture ■ Air is all around us.

● Writing:
1. 能在課本圖片輔助下說出空氣的特性。
■ Write or draw your ideas to explain the idea.
2. 能圈出需要空氣維生的物件。
3. 能以自己的方式說明空氣的存在。
Language through learning
1. Tell your friends that air is all around us.
2. Write or draw your ideas to explain it.
3. Animals and plants both need air to stay alive.
4. Find out the things that need air to stay alive.

54 55
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 給學生看課本圖片,引導學生說說圖 As each person catches the ball,

片代表什麼?空氣在哪裡呢? they need to come up with another
2. 我們可以看到空氣嗎?你怎麼知道有 word that learned in this book.
空氣存在呢? If they repeat a word that has
3. 認識字彙 already been said or can’ t think of
4. 字彙遊戲---- shout a word a new one within a few seconds,
指導程序參考 they are out!
To play the game, grab a ball and 5. 教師帶學學生進行課文閱讀
have all the students form a circle. 6. 討論課文問題
Post the vocabulary words on the
Begin by tossing the ball at a
student. That student will shout a
word and throw the ball to another

教導Air takes up space. Air does
not have shape. 的概念時,教師可

What is air? What is air?
Can you see air? You cannot see the air, but you can feel it. Who need air to stay alive?
Moving air helps parachute stay up. Can we see air?
Why do we say "air takes up space"?
Why do we say "air does not have shape"?

56 57
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 複習課文短文 1. 帶學生閱讀短句
2. 詢問學生「你知道誰需要以空氣維生 2. 帶領學生進行課本Problems and
呢」? solutions回答
3. 教師帶學生進行討論,參考Teacher 3. 教師先解釋問題,鼓勵學生以寫下或
talk 畫圖方式來呈現
4. 進行課本問題討論 4. 引導學生可以進行 實驗驗證,例如
Who needs air to stay alive? 將塑膠袋裝滿空氣後,壓入水中,若
5. 帶學生認識living things and 冒出泡泡就代表有空氣存在
nonliving things
6. 輔導學生圈出正確答案

與辨別living things and nonliving

How do we know if something is living? We all know that air is all around us, but we can not see it.
Living things can breathe. How would you tell your friends that air is all around us?
That means living things need air. Write or draw your ideas to explain it.
Does a bear breathe? Yes.
Does a flower breathe? Yes.

58 59
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 教師展示紙飛機飛翔 6. 帶領學生進行戶外活動並學習測試紙
2. 帶領學生看課本進行make a paper 飛機能飛多遠並記錄
airplane. 7. 教師需指導起始線的概念,務必讓學
3. 請學生先看課本的摺紙步驟 生知道在進行比較時中有一致的標準
4. 教師解釋摺紙步驟,帶學生完成課本 很重要
基礎紙飛機後,鼓勵學生自己發明其 8. 學生可以自己設計表格來紀錄射程
他的摺法 9. 本頁重點在教學生能夠仔細跟著課本
5. 帶學生閱讀課本內容並解釋: 步驟來摺紙飛機。因為難度不高教師
Go to a large open area and use 可選擇不要每個步驟教授,而是讓學
a string to be a starting line. Stand 生自己看圖練習做
behind the line and throw the paper
plane. How far can your airplane go ?

起點必須相同,所以我們需要use a
string to be a starting line

What is an airplane? Why do we need a starting line?
What is a paper airplane? What it means that use a string to be a starting line?
Do you know how to make a paper airplane?

60 61

2 Air takes up space

CLIL4Cs架構 Content
教學目標-語言層面 Communication

核心素養 學習表現 Language of learning

自-E-A1 自-E-B1 po-Ⅱ-1、ai-Ⅱ-2、 重點詞彙
自-E-A3 自-E-C2 ah-Ⅱ-2、an-Ⅱ-1 blow up-to fill with air or gas
prove- to show to be true or correct
evidence- something that gives proof or a reason to believe
先備知識 學習內容 experiment- a carefully planned test used to discover
something unknown
知道空氣無所不在 INa-Ⅱ-2、INd-Ⅱ-9
Language for learning (language skills)
● Listening:
■ Blow up the balloon in the bottle.
教學目標-學科層面 ■ What can this experiment tell us?

1. 察覺空氣占有空間。 ● Speaking:
2. 察覺空氣的形狀可以改變。 Can you blow up the balloon in the bottle? Why?

■ Air takes up space.

● Reading:

■ When a balloon is filled with air, it looks round.

■ The air inside the balloon takes the shape of its container.

思考要點與文化理解 Cognition and culture ■ But if you pop the balloon, the air goes out.

● Writing:
1. 能操作實驗並理解實驗步驟。
■ It proves air takes up space.
2. 能夠說出這些實驗都在說明空氣佔有空間。
3. 理解空氣與人類生活的關係。
Language through learning
1. Can you blow up the balloon in the bottle? Why?
2. What can this experiment tell us?
3. It proves air takes up space.

62 63
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 給學生看課本圖片,帶學生討論這頁 請學生解釋(explain)為什麼會這樣?
的課本描述什麼呢? 8. 學生口說發表並畫圖紀錄。
2. 你想要怎麼做呢? 9. 教師總結解釋:保特瓶在套住氣球
3. 要完成這個活動需要什麼器材? 後,瓶內就是密閉空間,原本保特瓶
4. 與學生討論課文文句的意思 裡就存有空氣。瓶內的空氣會對氣球
5. 認識詞彙 產生壓力,吹氣的同時,這股壓力也
blow up-to fill with air or gas 一直在壓著氣球,所以氣球吹不大。
6. 帶學生一步一步跟著老師解釋來做 但是用英文解釋時,可以用簡單的英
7. 運用POE策略進行探究 文讓學生理解。
請學生先預測(predict)當拿起保特 Air, actually takes up space, so you
瓶對氣球吹氣時會發生什事? 學生 cannot blow up the balloon.

Can you blow up a balloon? Let's predict what will happen.
It may be easy for you. Can you write it down (or draw it)?
But when you put the balloon in an“empty”soda bottle like this……….. Let us observe what happens.
Can you still blow up the balloon? Can you explain what you seen?

64 65
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 詢問學生還有沒有什麼方法可以證明 4. 閱讀課文
空氣占有空間呢? What is prove?....
2. 閱讀課本內文 5. 帶領學生認識 prove-to show to be
When a balloon is filled with air, true or correct
it looks round. The air inside 教師先解釋prove的意思,並佈題讓
the balloon takes the shape of 學生腦力激盪問題如何證明,鼓勵學
its container. But if you pop the 生以寫下或畫圖,以下為例題
balloon, the air goes out. Can you find out which toy car has
3. 詢問學生本段課文要表達的意思是什 more mess? Guess and prove.
麼? Water can take the shape of the
container it is in. How to prove it?


Does air have its own shape? Can you find out which toy car has more mess? Guess and prove.
Why did the shape of the balloon change? Water can take the shape of the container it is in. How to prove it?
What happens to the air?

66 67
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 帶學生閱讀文本 5. 與學生討論實驗過程需要注意什麼細
2. 認識課本的實驗四步驟 節才能確保實驗會成功
步驟1: 將水倒入水族箱中 6. 討論過程失敗要如何改進。例如:衛
步驟2: 拿一個透明杯子並把衛生紙 生紙要注意什麼,杯子要如何放…
緊塞在杯底,並倒持杯子確 7. 教師解釋原理
認衛生紙不會掉下來 Teacher talk
步驟3: 將杯子倒持直直壓入水中 Why do this happen?
步驟4: 將杯子直直拿離水族箱,一 Water cannot enter the glass
直到杯子完全離開水面。查 because it is already filled with air.
看衛生紙是否有濕掉。 8. 本頁重點在教學生能夠仔細跟著課本
3. 請學生說出本實驗需要什麼器材 步驟來進行實驗並理解活動證明空氣
4. 請學生畫下實驗結果 占有空間。

1. 本頁課文文字內容多,對於學生理

Why does this happen?

Water cannot enter the glass because it is already filled with air.

68 69
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 帶學生閱讀文本,複習課本的實驗四 4. 讓學生進行實驗
步驟 5. 實驗完後,請學生說明實驗結果
步驟1: 將水倒入水族箱中 6. 討論
步驟2: 拿一個透明杯子並把衛生紙 請小組討論前後兩個實驗有什麼不一
緊塞在杯底,並倒持杯子確 樣?
認衛生紙不會掉下來 7. 使用 think-pair-share 策略進行班級
步驟3: 將杯子倒持直直壓入水中 分享
步驟4: 將杯子直直拿離水族箱,一
2. 本次實驗我們要做一些修改,將杯子
改為斜斜放入水 中。
3. 讓學生進行實驗

Look at the glass. The water does not go into it. Why? When you tip the glass a little bit, the bubbles go out, there is space in the glass.
Tip the glass a little bit, and tell me what happens. Water goes in.
What happens in the glass when the bubbles go out? The tissue gets wet.

70 71
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 帶學生複習文本,讓學生熟悉實驗過 6. 教師可補充影片,增加學生聽的經驗
程與文字內容 https://www.youtube.com/
2. 複習單字air, bubbles, glass, space, watch?v=2P69KlrttYg。
3. 帶領學生完成課本問題
4. 進行影片補充
5. 若有需要可以再做實驗澄清學生觀念

Look at the glass, the water does not go into it. Why? When you tip the glass a little bit, the bubbles go out, there is space in the glass.
Tip the glass a little bit, and tell me what happen. Water goes in.
What happen in the glass when the bubbles go out? The tissue gets wet.
Please fill in the blanks.

72 73

3 Air has weights


教學目標-語言層面 Communication

核心素養 學習表現 Language of learning

自-E-A1 自-E-B1 ti-Ⅱ-1、tr-Ⅱ-1、 重點詞彙
自-E-A3 自-E-C2 ah-Ⅱ-2、an-Ⅱ-1 scientific method- is a process for experimentation that is used to
explore observations and answer questions.
ask questions,observe,predict,test,record,explain
先備知識 學習內容
知道空氣佔有空間 INa-Ⅱ-2、INd-Ⅱ-2 Language for learning (language skills)
INd-Ⅱ-9 ● Listening:
■ A problem may have many solutions.
■ Using the scientific method can help you find out the answer.

教學目標-學科層面 ● Speaking:
Does air have weight?

1. 認識科學方法 ● Reading:

2. 知道如何運用科學方法尋找答案 ■ Inflate the balloons until they are the same size and tie the opening.

3. 學會驗證空氣佔有重量 ■ Tie them on the each end of the hanger .

■ Adjust the place of balloons so that they are balanced on the hanger.

■ Take the scissors and cut a small hole in one balloon.

● Writing:
思考要點與文化理解 Cognition and culture
■ Write or draw your ideas to explain why.

1. 能理解與說出科學方法。
2. 能依據課本指示進行操作並說明程序。 Language through learning
3. 能完整記錄觀察結果。
1. Does air have weight?
2. Do this to see if your guess is right.
3. What can you do if you do not have hanger?

74 75
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 告訴學生生活中常常會有很多問題需 3. 帶領學生認識科學方法的幾個步驟
要找出答案,有時我們也要去學著辨 Step1 ask questions
別資訊是否正確,此時就需要用到科 Step2 observe
學方法 Step3 predict
2. 教師解釋科學方法: Step4 test
Scientific method is a way for Step5 record
people to study and learn things Step6 explain
and find out the answer. 4. 教師可適時補充影片讓學生以趣味的
Without a good method, we 方式認識科學方法
wouldn't have science or the 5. 教師提出問題讓學生想想如何用科學
knowledge we have today. 方法找到答案
Does air have weight?
Can you find a way to check?
6. 讓學生以小組方式討論想法
7. 記錄想法與分享


What is scientific method ? Does air have weight?
Can you tell me what is it ? How do we know?
Is it important?
When do you need to use scientific method?

76 77
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 拋出問題讓學生思考 (這個步驟就是 6. 認識課本操作步驟並與學生討論如何

ask question) 做
2. Does air have weight? 圖1是什麼意思?
3. 帶領學生預測答案 (這個步驟就是 圖2是什麼意思?
predict) 圖3是什麼意思?
4. 教導學生預測完後我們就要來驗證 圖4是什麼意思?
(這個步驟就是test) 圖5是什麼意思?
5. 帶學生進行課本活動操作,首先認識 7. 過程需要注意什麼?
實驗材料 8. 你看到什麼結果?

Does air have weight? Why do you need to blow up the balloons until they are the same size?
How do you know? Why do you need to adjust the place of balloons so that they are balanced?
How can you prove it?
What can you use if you don't have a hanger?

78 79
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 教師進行teacher talk 的提問 6. 實驗時兩個汽球務必要幾乎一樣大

2. 複習課本操作步驟,並請學生解釋他 7. 實驗若不成功有可能是綁氣球在衣架
會如何操作 上時,未取得平衡點,要將兩個汽球
3. 依照課本說明,進行操作 擺放平衡,勿讓衣架歪掉
4. 操作完,讓學生進行觀察記錄(這個 8. 完成本頁結論
步驟就是record) Air has weight.
5. 教師總結
When the air in one balloon goes
out, the balance changes.
The balloon became lighter.
So you can make a conclusion
that air has weight .

1. 本頁教師務必引導學生做結論,讓

Does air have weight? Does air have weight?
How do you know? When the air in one balloon goes out, what do you see?
How can you prove it?

80 81
4 Dissolving


82 83

1 What is dissolving?


教學目標-語言層面 Communication

核心素養 學習表現 Language of learning

自-E-A1 自-E-A3 pe-Ⅱ-1、pe-Ⅱ-2、 重點詞彙
自-E-A2 自-E-B1 ai-Ⅱ-2、an-Ⅱ-1 能聽懂相關生字並運用
自-E-C2 Dissolve- (of a solid) to be absorbed by a liquid, especially when
mixed, or (of a liquid) to absorb a solid
Mix- to (cause different substances to) combine, so that the result
先備知識 學習內容 cannot easily be separated into its parts
認識日常生活中之調味品及在水 INb-Ⅱ-2、INa-Ⅱ-3 Water- a clear liquid, without color or taste, that falls from the sky as
中溶解性質。 INe-Ⅱ-2 、INa-Ⅱ-4 rain and is necessary for animal and plant life
Temperature- the measured amount of heat in a place or in the body

教學目標-學科層面 Language for learning (language skills)

● Listening:
1. 能辨識調味品具有可辨識的外形特徵及單字。 ■ Point at stated pictures, words, and phrases
2. 察覺溶解的現象,並認識有些調味品和粉末食材能溶解在水中。 ■ Follow one-step oral directions

3. 認識有些粉末是可溶物,有些是不可溶物。
● Speaking:
Name objects, and pictures

■ Answer Can- (Can you see- )questions

思考要點與文化理解 Cognition and culture ● Reading:

■ Match icons and symbols with words.

1. 能理解溶解的現象。 ● Writing:

2. 能發現溫度對溶解的影響。 ■ Fill in your predictions and results

3. 能舉例可溶解與不可溶解的物質。

Language through learning

1. I think ________________ can be dissolved
2. I think_________________ cannot be dissolved.

84 85
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 讓學生說一說廚房常見的調味品具有 1. 教師帶領學生練習單字
可辨識的外形特徵及單字。 2. 閱讀課文短文
2. 教師示範一項溶質溶於水,邀請學生 3. 字彙遊戲---
說明看到的現象。 vocabulary
heart attack game
Ask students to write down
vocabularies and cut it into pieces.
Group your students and number
the vocabulary (one for pepper,
two for sugar)
The first player needs to say the
first word while he/she shows the
If the word matches, then all
players need to touch the card.
Give winners prizes.

I will mix some salt in the water. What can you see?
Can you see the salt dissolve in the water? What happens when salt is dissolved in water?
How long does it take salt to dissolve in water?

86 87
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 短文閱讀 教師引導學生預測會完全溶解的物質
2. 預測常見的廚房調味物質,哪些可以 依序操作完實驗後,請學生發表
溶解,哪一些不可溶。 Step 1: Six glass of water (100 ml in
3. 教師可以展示溶解時,引導學生要攪 each).
拌到沒有沉澱才叫做有完全溶解。 Step 2: Mix each.
4. 教師展示廚房常見的調味劑和粉,讓 Step 3: Stir them 1 minute.
學生預測哪些物質可以溶解,完成 Present
p.75 Say: We find out _________
5. 邀請學生說一說實驗結果
Make a speech
I think ___________ can be
I think ___________ cannot be
6. 完成課本p.77-78

Can salt be dissolved in water? How can you make sugar dissolve faster?
What do you think? What are three ways to speed up dissolving?
Can you point out what can be dissolved in this experiment?
Can you say how you found out?

88 89

2 Rate of dissolving


教學目標-語言層面 Communication

核心素養 學習表現 Language of learning

自-E-A1 自-E-A3 pe-Ⅱ-1、pe-Ⅱ-2、 重點詞彙
自-E-A2 自-E-B1 ai-Ⅱ-2、an-Ⅱ-1 能聽懂相關生字並運用
自-E-C2 Temperature- the measured amount of heat in a place or in the body.
Stirring –When you stir faster, you will speed up the dissolving
先備知識 學習內容 Size-A solute will also dissolve faster if the size is small.

知道生活中溶解的現象,有些物 INb-Ⅱ-2、INa-Ⅱ-3
質可溶、有些物質不可溶。 INe-Ⅱ-2 、INa-Ⅱ-4 Language for learning (language skills)
● Listening:
■ Point at stated pictures, words, and phrases
教學目標-學科層面 ■ Follow one-step oral directions

● Speaking:
1. 察覺攪拌及提高水溫都可以使糖溶解得更快。
Name objects, and pictures

2. 察覺物質可因加熱而改變形態,這些改變可能和溫度有關。 ■ Answer Can- (Can you see- )questions

● Reading:

■ Match icons and symbols with words

● Writing:

思考要點與文化理解 Cognition and culture ■ Fill in your predictions and results

1. 能理解溶解的現象。
2. 能發現溫度對溶解的影響。 Language through learning
1. Temperature can speed up dissolving.

90 91
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 帶領學生閱讀短文 1. Matching game

2. 展示三種可以加快溶解的方式 Step 1: prepare flashcards and
3. 字彙遊戲 – matching game practice with students
Step 2 :Mix up the cards.
Step 3: Lay them in rows, face
Step 4: Turn over any two cards. If
the two cards match, keep them.
Step 5: The player with the most
matches wins.

How do you make a solute dissolve faster? How can you make sugar dissolve faster?
s practice words together. What are three ways to speed up dissolving?

92 93
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 確認學生理解上次實驗的發現,帶領 1. .配合課本p.82-83
學生閱讀課本p.80的單字 詢問學生所需的材料
2. 生活中的應用,教師展示拐杖糖糖衣 可以怎麼做
溶解的圖片 2. 邀請學生預測哪一個溫度的拐杖糖衣
3. 短文閱讀 (配合課本P.81) 溶解的最快
帶領學生閱讀後,確認學生理解後進 3. 分配工作後做實驗
行實驗。 Step1: Prepare 200 ml of water.
Step2: Put one candy cane
Step3: Count down 2 minutes
Step4: Check and discuss with
4. 討論不同溫度的拐杖糖的狀態並將結

What happened to the candy cane? What can speed up dissolving?
What do you think? Which temperature of water dissolves more candy?
What materials do we need to prepare?

94 95

3 Let’s make lemonade


教學目標-語言層面 Communication
核心素養 學習表現 Language of learning
自-E-A1 自-E-A3 pe-Ⅱ-1、pe-Ⅱ-2、 重點詞彙
自-E-A2 自-E-B1 ai-Ⅱ-2、an-Ⅱ-1 能聽懂相關生字並運用
自-E-C2 Dissolve- (of a solid) to be absorbed by a liquid, especially when
mixed, or (of a liquid) to absorb a solid
Mix- to (cause different substances to) combine, so that the result
先備知識 學習內容 cannot easily be separated into its parts
認識日常生活中之調味品及在水 INb-Ⅱ-2、INa-Ⅱ-3 Water- a clear liquid, without color or taste, that falls from the sky as
中溶解性質,知道生活中溶解的 INe-Ⅱ-2 、INa-Ⅱ-4 rain and is necessary for animal and plant life
Language for learning (language skills)
教學目標-學科層面 ● Listening:
Follow one-step oral directions
1. 察覺溶解的現象,並認識有些調味品和粉末食材能溶解在水中。
● Speaking:
2. 能知曉溶解的物質仍在水中,並沒有不見。
Name objects, and pictures

■ Answer Can- (Can you see- )questions

● Reading:

■ Match icons and symbols with words.

思考要點與文化理解 Cognition and culture ● Writing:

■ Fill in your predictions and results

1. 能理解溶解的現象。
2. 能發現溶解的糖,可以因為重量增加而被檢測。
Language through learning
1. Sugar can be dissolved in lemon juice.
2. The weight of water changes because sugar dissolves in the water.

96 97
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 教師帶領學生先認識所需要的材料, 1. 學生實際操作,教師小組走察協助
請學生說一說 2. 討論各燒杯中的情形,溶液重量是否
2. 教師帶領學生閱讀步驟,講解安全規 有差異,為什麼?並紀錄於表格中。
200 ml 需要8顆檸檬(每組)
First, Measure the height and
Mix 50 mg ,30mg and 10 mg of
sugar in different beakers with
lemon juice.
What do you see?
Step1: Prepare 20 ml of lemon
juice and measure the weight.
Step2: Put 50 mg , 30 mg and
10 mg of sugar in the beakers
Step3: dissolve Sugar in the lemon
Step4: Measure the weight again.
Step5: Let’s have some lemonade!

Can sugar dissolve in water? How do we know sugar dissolves in?
The weight is ______g. What did you find?
How much sugar can you dissolve in water?

98 99
教學活動建議 教學活動建議

1. 教師和學生討論不見的糖在哪裡? 如 1. 教師帶領學生完成實驗填寫總重,觀
何證明糖在水中溶解了? 察各組的實驗結果。
2. 將檸檬果汁讓紀錄完成的學生享用。 2. 比較原本的檸檬汁重量和加了糖之後
3. 閱讀p.89
4. 回家功課p.90

Where is the sugar? How we know sugar dissolve in water?
Can sugar dissolve in water? What did you find?
The weight is ______g.

100 101
臺北市國民小學雙語教材 自然 第一冊三年級上學期
發 行 人:臺北市政府教育局曾燦金局長 指導教授
承辦單位:臺北市政府教育局中等教育科 張育傑:臺北市立大學地球環境暨生物資源學
執行單位:臺北市立大學全英語教學研究中心 系主任
指導委員 劉述懿:臺北市立大學師資培育及職涯發展中
洪哲義:臺北市政府教育局副局長 心主任暨全英語教學研究中心主持人
陳素慧:臺北市政府教育局主任秘書 CLIL 指導教授
諶亦聰:臺北市政府教育局中等教育科科長 劉述懿:臺北市立大學師資培育及職涯發展中
劉述懿:臺北市立大學師資培育及職涯發展中心 心主任暨全英語教學研究中心主持人
主任暨全英語教學研究中心主持人 主編
企劃編輯 陳佩雯:臺北市士林區文昌國小主任
李亦欣:臺北市政府教育局雙語推動辦公室課程 編輯委員
督學 黃翊忠:臺北市士林區文昌國小教師
黃獻司:臺北市政府教育局雙語推動辦公室課程 丁怡汝:臺北市南港區東新國小教師
督學 課程顧問
賴佩莉:臺北市政府教育局雙語推動辦公室課程 吳書平:臺北市立大學地球環境暨生物資源學
督學 系副教授
執行編輯 蘇慧君:臺北市立大學地球環境暨生物資源學
吳國誠:臺北市立大學全英語教學研究中心專案 系助理教授
教師 劉思岑:臺北市立大學地球環境暨生物資源學
張嘉原:臺北市立大學師資培育及職涯發展中心 系副教授
組長 美編設計
吳美慧:臺北市立大學全英語教學研究中心專案 點點實業有限公司
教師 萬兆豐股份有線公司

出版日期:中華民國 109 年 6 月初版

聯絡專線:(02)2871-8288 #3701
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Bilingual Instructional Materials of Taipei Elementary Schools , Grade 3, Semester 1

Editorial Supervision Advisors

TSENG,TSAN-CHIN: Commissioner of the Education Bur- CHANG,YU-CHIEH: Director of the Department of Earth
-eau, Taipei City Government and Life Science, University of Tai-
HUNG,CHE-YI: Deputy commissioner of the Education -pei
Bureau, Taipei City Government LIU,SU-I: Director of the English-Medium Instru-
CHEN,SU-HUI: Chief secretary of the Education Bureau, ction Research Center and the Center
Taipei City Government for Teacher Education and Career Develo
CHEN,YI-TSUNG: Chief of the Secondary Education Divi- pment, University of Taipei
-sion of Education Bureau, Taipei City
Government Advisor of CLIL
LIU,SU-I: Director of the English-Medium Instruction LIU,SU-I: Director of the English-Medium Instru-
Research Center and the Center for Teacher ction Research Center and the Center
Education and Career Development, University for Teacher Education and Career Develo
of Taipei pment, University of Taipei

Administrative Editors Editor-in-Chief

LI,YI-HSIN: Inspector of Education Bureau, Taipei City CHEN,PEI-WEN: Director of Taipei Municipal Wen-
Government -chang Elementary School
HUANG,HSIEN-SSU: Inspector of Education Bureau, Tai-
-pei City Government
HUANG,YI CHUNG: Teacher of Taipei Municipal
LAI,PEI-LI: Inspector of Education Bureau, Taipei City Wenchang Elementary School
TING,YI-JU: Teacher of Taipei Municipal Dongxin
Project Editors Elementary School
WU,KUO-CHENG: Teacher of EMI Research Center, Uni- Consultants
-versity of Taipei
WU,SHU-PING: Associate professor of the Department
CHANG,CHIA-YUAN: Chief of the Center for Teacher Edu-
of Earth and Life Science, University of
-cation and Career Development, Taipei
University of Taipei
SU,HUI-CHUN: Assistant professor of the Department
WU,MEI-HUI: Teacher of EMI Research Center, Uni-
of Earth and Life Science, University of
-versity of Taipei Taipei
YAO,YI-CHUN: Program manager of EMI Research Center,
LIU,SSU-TSEN: Associate professor of the Department
University of Taipei
of Earth and Life Science, University of
TSAI,CHIN-I: Program manager of EMI Research Center, Taipei
University of Taipei
Art Editor
Tientien Industrial Corporation Limited
Wonderful Synergy Inc
Copyright© 2020 by the Education Bureau of Taipei City Government and EMI Research Center of University of Taipei.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the permission in writing from the publisher.
First published in June, 2020.
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