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Unit(1) B1

Vocabulary and Use your English

1 When my baby brother was born he……………….3kg.He wasn’t a big baby.
a height
b weighed
c build
2 Can you ……………..a secret? We’re planning a surprise party for Grandma.
a have
b get
c keep
3 This engagement ring has been ………. in the family for four generations.
a passed away
b found out
c passed down
4 That’s not true! Jack is ayoung man.He does well at school and he works in a restaurant at
theweekends. -
a hard-working
b generous
c easy-going
5 My mum made our family tree and she that one of her ancestors was from the Phillipines! Isn’t that
6 a looked for
b foundout
c lookedlike
7 You can see Ian has his grandfather’s .He has the same red hair and green eyes.
a genealogy
b generations
c genes
8 I can’t walk around in these old shoes any more.
a reliable
b elderly
c scruffy

9 Ben and Mike look so different .Ben’s tall………………… and Mike is short and a bit over
weight .How can they
be twins?
a slim
b straight
c blonde
10 After ten years of ,the couple decided to start a family.
a birth
b wedding
c marriage
11 How many of your are coming to your birthday party?
a relative
b friend
c cousins
12 I almost………………… to pieces when I lost my job.
a paid
b fell
c got

13-Julie’s parents were when she was born. They decided to start a family quite late.
a young
b middle-aged
c lazy
13 Veronica, you your father. You’re both so easy-going and kind with people.
a takeafter
b looklike
c passdown
14 Many people have fascinating stories to tell about their past.
a overweight
b jealous
c elderly
15 I can’t believe that my neighbors are…………… divorced.
They always looked so happy together.
a having
b falling
c getting
16 The twins are going to ……………… a visit to their relatives in Scotland.
a get
b pay
c have
17 My aunt Daisy alwaysme compliments .The last one was about how pretty my hair was.
a pays
b has
c keeps
18 They fell in …………….when they first met and then lived happily together for years.
a sympathy
b love
c marriage
19 Does a DNA test give you …………………..information?
a reliable
b clever
c honest
20 Is your brother always so ?He speaks so slowly and quietly.
a unkind
b nervous
c relaxed
1 The leaves on the trees in Grandpa’s garden colour in autumn.
a arechanging
b change
c changes
2 Sally and Ken ………………of getting married in the summer.
a thinking
b think
c are thinking
3 We didn’t find information about our family tree on this website.
a an
b any
c many
4 They trick son their grandma.I don’t think it’s funny at all.
a alwaysplays
b always are playing
c are always playing
5 ‘Does Harry have any brothers or sisters?’‘No, .’
a he isn’t
b doe she
c he doesn’t
6 I watched really interesting documentary about genealogy last night.
a a few
b a
c many
7 I what the problem is .Could you tell me again?
a don’t understand
b am not understanding
c understand
8 Betty a guest list for her wedding at the moment.
a writes
b writing
c is writing
9 Mary’s more nervous as the date of her wedding day gets closer.
a gets
b getting
c is getting
10 Mum cut John’s……………… very well.
a thehair
b hairs
c hair
11 We get-togethers with our relatives from Canada.
a never have
b have never
c are never having
12 Do your grand parents give you advice?
a an
b a few
c much
13 My aunt late for work.
a is often
b often is
c is often being
14 We’re making food for the party.
a lots of
b a few
c a number of
15 your uncle next weekend?
a Do you see
b Are you seeing
c You are seeing
16 Would you like sweets?
a some
b a little
c much
17 That’s a lovely family house! Who to?
a it belongs
b is it belonging
c does it belong
18 This is furniture that my grandfather made.
a a
b an
c the
19 The French a lot of onions.
a are eating
b eat
c eats
20 Joanne’s sister has saved up……………. money for the party.
a a few
b alittle
c many

( /20marks)

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