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Food, Glorious Food me, ” Q a) Fill in: bake, boil, poach, steam, fry. 1 Youcan «aN gg by Cooking it in boiling water without its shell 2 YOU CAN nnn M EGG By COOkIng it in boiling water with its shell 3 To. . vegetables, cook them in a covered container over boiling water. 4 To .. chicken, cook tin a pan of hot ol. 5 To bread, cook itn the oven for about forty minutes. b) Name some foods which can be fried, poached, baked, boiled or steamed. Eggs, chicken, mushrooms and bacon can be fried. ]Q Underline the odd word out. eS a bar of chocolate, soap, bread a carton of orange juice, bacon, milk a slice of bread, ham, butter, cake ‘cup of coffee, meat, tea, hot chocolate ‘a bow! of salad, cake, soup, cereal ‘glass of milk, wine, beer, cheese, Coke a bottle of Coke, beef, water, lemonade a jar of honey, jam, potatoes, mustard a bag of flour, sugar, ketchup, crisps box of vinegar, chocolates, biscuits 1 2 a 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J] Put the foods in the list under the correct headings. Can you add more foods to the list? vegetables - dairy products - fish - seafood - meat - fruit - poultry broccoli, watermelon, chicken, turkey, salmon, trout, peaches, cheese, butter, yoghurt, beef, peas, lamb, ‘eggs, cabbage, cucumber, brussels sprouts, lettuce, prawns, mussels, veal, apricots, strawberries Grammar: Countable/Uncountable Nouns {2 Which of the words in thelist go with: a; an; some? Which are countable? Which are uncountable? In pairs, act out short dialogues, as in the example. apple, sweets, hamburger, pasta, orange juice, chips, tea, banana, coffee, milk, chocolates, apricot, eggs, Jacket potato, hot dog, grapes, biscuit, peach, bacon SA: Would you like some bacon? SB: Yes, please. And can I have some chips, (00? SA: Of course. Do you want a peach? SB: No, thanks. I'd rather have an apple. SET Gia aah see nee mn ‘© We use some in affirmative sentences w uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns. There is some spinach left. There are some carrots in the fridge. ‘© We use any in questions and negations uncountable nouns and plural countable J} Fillin some, any, much, many, a few or litle. Then, act out similar dialogues using the prompts below. ‘* Spanish omelette: eggs, onions, cheese, milk, ham ‘pizza: mushrooms, tomatoes, ham, butter, cheese ‘A: Have we got what we need for the cheeseburgers? B: Let me see. Well, there are 1) . burgers, but there aren't 2) rolls at all A How 3).. rolls do you need? B: Just 4). I need 5) cheese, too. A How 6) . cheese is there in the fridge? B: Not 7) . but | only need 8) A: Is there 9) ketchup left? B: Only 10) . but we don't need much, so don't Buy 11) «We haven't got 12) ‘mustard at all, though A tilbuy 13) then.

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