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Mohamed Kouwati

Research Question: What are the effects of Aspirin, (Acetyl Salicylic Acid) on
plant growth, Lentil (Lens culinaris)?/ How does Aspirin, (Acetyl Salicylic
Acid effect plant growth on Lentil, (Lens culinaris)?

Topic: Biology, Plant growth

Methods and Materials

Material to be used:

1. Lentil (Lens culinaris) –seeds brought from (Turkey) and obtained

from the grocery store
2. Aspirin (Acetyl Salicylic Acid) brought from the pharmacy (Lyfja)
3. Cotton, brought from a grocery store
4. Transparent cups were brought from Turkey
5. 5mL syringe cylinder brought from the pharmacy (To pour the
solution into the plant)
6. 20 cmRuler obtained from home
7. Mobile Camera obtained from home, to take pictures of the results
8. 2 plates to place the transparent cups on them
9. Pen to mark the cups


1) 30 transparent cups will be split into 6 groups, 1 controlled group,

5 experimental groups. Each experimental group will contain a
different concentration (150,225,300,375,450mg/L)
2) All the cups will have three pads of cotton
3) Each cup will contain 20 seed of the specie
4) Water will be kept in room temperature for at least 5 hours
5) 50mL of solution will be poured into the experimental glasses

6) 5mL of water will be poured into the controlled group every day to
make sure the cotton pads don’t get dry
7) The cups will be marked according to the concentration it gets.
8) All of the plants will be exposed to indirect sunlight and will be
place at the same place in a stable room temperature
9) The species will be observed once a day for 15 days
10) After one day, 5 mL of water will be poured again to the
11) Measurement of root length and number of leaves will take
place after 2 weeks of growth.
12) Data will be recorded.


January: Find subject, and topic

February: Do some background researches and Contact my supervisor

March: EE reflection + EE meeting

April: Focus on the Final exams

May 1st - 20th : Get more articles about my topic + EE meeting + Second
reflection ? + mini experiment (small one) draft

May 21st: Send my supervisor and IB coordinator my : EE reflection + EE

essay plan + Reading list + Research question + Topic

May 22nd: Do the mini experiment

May 23rd: write the results and start carrying out the big experiment + Buy

May 25th: set up the experiment an a controlled place and plant the plans

May 26th - June 2nd: Observe the plants and record the results daily

Jun 3rd: Convert the data into a digital form and start Writing the EE
June 4th: Start making a skeleton for my EE document and start writing the

June 6th - June 13: Write the Investigation

June 15th: write the conclusion

June - 16th - ???: Finish EE


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