Activity 04 - Intellectual Revolutions

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Activity name and number: Activity 04 - Intellectual revolutions that defined society: Darwin

A. Complete a table like the one below by writing five arguments that anti-evolutionist say about
evolution, and what does evidence/science say about evolution. An italized example is given below. (10

What Anti-evolutionists Say What does science/evidence say

E.g. Evolution is just a theory Theory and hypothesis are not the same. Theory
is a corroborated explanation of an aspect of the
natural world. It has been repeatedly confirmed
and accepted as ‘true’
1. Humans descended from monkeys and yet When populations of organisms become
there are still monkeys separated from the main branch of their family
and develop adequate distinctions to stay
indefinitely separate, new species emerge by
splintering off from existing ones.
2. Mutation can only eliminate traits. It cannot Biology has catalogued many traits produced by
produce new features point mutations changes at precise positions in
an organism's DNA.
3. Nobody has ever seen a new species evolve Speciation is possibly uncommon, and it may take
centuries in certain circumstances. Recognizing a
species during its formative stage may be difficult
since scientist may argue on which specie it
4. Natural selection is based on the reasoning Rather than classifying organisms as more or less
that the fittest are those who survive fit, one can estimate how many offspring they
would produce in a given situation.
5. Evolution is not experimental so it cannot be This rejection of evolution as a whole lacks key
checked or rejected. differences that separate the discipline into at
least two categories: microevolution and

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