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Name of Student: Ria May B.

Apiado Subject Teacher: Estella Cayabyab

Year Section: BTVTE IV-A FSM Subject: EDUC 113

MODULE 2: Action Research 1

Lesson 1: Embedding Action Research for Reflective Teaching


A. After reading an example of a classroom-based action research, answer the following

questions. Expound and discuss your answers.

1. What exactly is the classroom problem that Meriam wanted to help address or

Meriam want to solve the consistent occurrence of high-level noise in the classroom
that can affect their performance in the class and can lead to unfinished tasks at the end of
the lesson, which was caused by the following: students talking in their seats and not
listening to the teacher; students doing things other than the assigned task; students talking
while walking around the room; students making unnecessary noise and movements such
as tapping their desks/tables, and so on.

2. What processes helped Meriam to think of the possible cause why a problem

She was urged to go to the library and research the on how to effectively handle a
similar circumstance and based to the collected information she choose the best
possible causes of that problem based on her validation and observation.

3. What exactly was the action that Meriam wanted to implement?

By setting guidelines and monitoring the remedial lessons, so that students will
kept busy and motivated to complete their assigned tasks.
4. What was the expectation of Meriam regarding the effect of the action she
wanted to implement?

She believed that if the amount of noise in the classroom was reduced, there
would be a higher opportunity for students' learning results to improve.

5. What are the results of the implementation of the action?

The intervention monitoring and using guidelines resulted in a decrease in the

number of students engaging in noise behaviors during remedial sessions. Monitoring
students' activities in remedial sessions enhanced their behavior, and the impacts of
monitoring will eventually lead to improved learning outcomes, such as completing
prescribed tasks at the end of the session.
Lesson 2: Understanding Action Research Concepts, Processes and Models

A. On the left column below are the significant stages of implementing an action research
based on the conceptual framework discussed previously. On the right column, describe
the processes applied by Meriam in her action research, corresponding to each

Steps in the Conceptual Framework Corresponding Step or Processes in the

Sample Action Previously Presented Action Research
1. Diagnosing (Identifying a Merriam has done classroom
problem) observations, and she noticed that in
many of the classes there was consistent
occurrence of high level noise.

2. Action Planning (Considering Merriam conducted a research why

alternative courses of action) there's a high level of noise of students
during their clases, and from the collected
information she choose the best possible
causes of that problem based on her
validation and observation.

3. Taking Action (Selecting a Meriam think of the best solution to the

course of selection) problem, and then she decided to set
guidelines and conducts monitoring in
the remedial lessons, with the help of
her co-student interns they implement it
and take the action. While they're
implementing the action, Meriam ask her
co -intern student to observe and used
the observation sheet that Meriam
herself developed.

4. Evaluating (Studying the Meriam studied the data from the

consequences of an action) observation sheet and then she come up
with findings and analysis. She concluded
that the actions that has been taken in
the remedial sessions had a positive

5. Specifying Learning (Identifying As a general finding or result of the

general findings) action that was taken by Meriam , they
find out that there's a decrease on the
level of noise behavior of students in the
classroom and this leads to the
improvement to the learning outcome of
the students.
Lesson 3: Matching Problematic Learning Situation with Probable Action
Earlier it was mentioned that for a single problem, there could be many possible actions to
consider and finally select what specific action to take. To decide on the most appropriate action
to solve the problem, following are some questions you can consider as guidelines:
a.Is the action doable? Can it be done within a reasonable period of time?
b. Is the action “best” or the “most appropriate”? Will the action benefit all pupils or a
majority of them?
c.Is the action in keeping with educational or pedagogical principles?
d. Does the action have a sound theoretical basis?

Following are hypothetical examples of classroom problems. Notwithstanding careful

study, write the action you believe is the best or the most appropriate, for that problem. Consider
the criteria above.

Classroom Problem Suggested Action to Solve the Problem

1. Students low performance in To address learners' low math performance,
mathematics the teacher could use appropriate visual
aids for improved comprehension, and he
or she should strive to discuss the topic
slowly but steadily and with additional
2. Poor reading ability of students To increase students' reading abilities,
remedial lessons/classes should be given to
those who cannot read in order to help
them improve their reading performance.
3. Students shouting at the top of their To handle this issue, it is necessary to
voices establish norms and rules before the
instructor begins his or her lecture in order
to reduce noise, and another way is to
identify and monitor those pupils who are
4. Frequent absences from classes To reduce student absences, it is necessary
to draw the students' attention to them and
undertake one-on-one counseling to
determine the reason for their absences.
After you've figured out what's causing the
problem, you can take the appropriate
5. Students not paying attention to the To gain the attention of the students, the
teacher instructor must be presentable, have
improved instructional resources, such as
giving presentations, and most importantly,
improve their instructional techniques or
teaching method. Having a sense of humor
is also required.
6. Students sleeping in class To handle pupils who are sleeping in class,
the teacher must create an energetic,
engaging, friendly, group interaction and
conducive to learning in which all students
may actively engage and enjoy the lesson.

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