Social: Patwar Circle

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Civil Secretariat Social Welfare Department


Jammu, the d'+*$n 2010

SRO: - 96 In exercise of the powers conferred by section 23 of Jammu and

Kashmir Reservation Act, 2004 and all other relevant provisions of a laws
governing the subject, the Governor hereby directs that annexure " B to Jammu and
Kashmir Reservations rules, 2005 be amended as follows:-

(1) In District and Tehsil Kulgam after Patwar Circle Redwana appearing at
S.No 11, the following entries shall be added; namely:-

Name of the Patwar Circle I Name of village

12. Chehlan 1 1.Asthal
13. Guddar I .Guddar,
2. Laisoo

1.Nowporn Kharpora
I .Khargund
1 .Pambay

(2) In District Kupwara Tehsil Handwara after Patwar Circle Zachaldara

appearing at S.No 44, the following entries shall be added, namely;

Name of the Patwar Circle I Name of village

45. Guloora I 1.Kultura
46. Unisoo 1 .Khan00 Baba Gund
47.Villigam 1.Hakainabad
48.Puhrupethi 1.Bunagam
49.Shogpora 1.Geeripom

(3) against Patwar Circle Kralpora of Tehsil and District Kupwara appearing at
S.No 23 after the village Reshigund, the Village Dardsun shall be'added as S.No
Governmentof Jainnru& Iir,r;',..r,..;
,Ciene'ralAdnrini siraii on Depi;i'ciler:,.:

\ . I r . , - i , !
r-le! J.,. a
,i"..[i,.i'i'iii:aiiiori i;,:,.i-
raltarding renEwalof rese'.1, e"1',;.igsry
ir fa.'.'oruof ScheduledCastes& ScheduiedTribes.

Nr:. e (
Cilraular -GAD of 2,0iJ5
Daied: 08 09 - ,l,r-tirti

it has lleen brough'it'i the notice of the Generai r-\llli'rir,itr'rration Department

ilr:ri r:i:, f,:.rrrrrir'i6Etg;enciesprescribetha,tcatest',.'r"f i,5s1r6[ign certificates
issi*e ui.rcl-;illiP"G2!),:i'bp enciosedwith the appiic;lriionqh)' the candidates
behiigirir6. Iio t'{iisrirv(}ri
categoriesas notifieciunoei'..r;r4. This has been
iii.?,.:.; l;o ralires.:ri'edcategoriesundei;gtr'^'Jt4nincluding SCs &
riiT:r..ririi.ilourr',nthe recnrirting'agenciescan ask f'oi sucii certificates under
lii:i{-} 1):).4irr t'espeot of candidatesbelonging tq $C 8: ST categoriss,
r;r:itifiei".,r,rtisircdh'y the competentauthority.underthe earlier SRO i.e SRO
126 are ,!0,i.:,.-, ::riiceilte,din terms of its rule 34 whicli is reiteratedhereinafter
ibf fea"g,' iij ii,'ir.,i
En0e :

".14 Validity of the certificate:-The certificateissuedunder

of 5 yearsfrom the
i];eserr,;[esshall rernainvalid for a p'enoC.
r;tntcof irssue:

I,rovidrlrlthartnothing in the above rule shall apply to the

personsbelongingto the ScheduledCastes,ScheduledTribes,
ii;x-servicemen,Handicapped and candidates possessing
proficiencyin spotts".

Suchord,er/ar:1.ionshavelbeensavedurrdersub-sectien(2) of section24 of
the Jamrnulil Kashmir ReservationAct, 2004. I{ence, the certificateof
being a rnerytberof SC or ST, issuedin favour of any person'is for an
lndefilite per:iod under the said notification and does not require any

trt is, therefcl.e,imlllesserlupon all the recruitingagenciesnot to insiston

prociuctiono1'certiiir,:ates und"t SRO294 in respectof candidates belonging
io SC & Sl' oategorries if the candidatesare ableto producesuchcertificates
aLreaeiy :;:iil'isions of SRO-126
issuecllby the,*onxiletetiitauttro;:ityunder'i11,;
to enstire tha,t ino a.voidableinconvenlence is i:&i;s*.1 the candidates
belor.ging tc iliC 3i i:ilT categorieswho have air*eciy'.:btr'ined category/
rtrservixi"tl t:ei,"i;ifi.:a165; SRO i 26.

Yours fIrli:lrfilliY

(l(h;.rr:sti,ri. .',. i"ianai)
Commissioui:r'1S".;r etaryto Govt'
General Admir:istrarion Department
lio.GA.i-'(A.ciur) Datecl: fl[,09.2006


:i. J-;ivi sioir,ail.'a.slunir,J*rrrmu/I(ashmir
" ln'ri llr:rr
r.'i,I,&,f<;,. s Selection Board,Sd l' :.; l-r'
:\i1 $eiruty Cornmissfoner in the State
/i. i.i*metruy.J&lKPublicServiceCornmission, $ri':agar
\' r /,/\ l \
\r/ \
\Y\rti I
Government of Jammu and Kashmir
Civil Secretariat- SocialWelfare Department

Srinagar, thegd-fUay,200g.
t t )
SRO /7? .- In exercise of the powers conferred
section 23 of Jammu and Kashmir Reservation
Act, 2OO4,
and other relevant provisions of the law in this behali
Government hereby makes following am.ndr.r.rri"
Jammu and Kashmir ReservationRulei, 2005:_
In the said rules:-
1. In rule 6, after sub- rule (2f,the following
shall be added as sub- rule (Bf.-
It shall be the duty of the Liaison Offiier of
the department (as provided in the Rule 26 sub_
rule (3) to maintain the roster for services for
which the department is the cadre controlling
authority and non- maintenance of roster b|
the Liaison Officer.shall be considered as ,,miJ_
cond_uct'as provided in Rule 3 (1) of the Jammu
and Kashmir Government Employees ( Conduct)
Rules and for such mis-conduct he shall be
liable-for any of the penalties from (l) to (VI) as
provided under rule 30 of the Jammu and Civil
Services (Classification, Control and Appeal)

2._ In Rule 7, Sub-rule (41 shall be recast as

"(4) If
in the case of any of the aforesaid categories,
the number of candidates belonging to such
category in the third list falls short of tne number of
vacancies reserved for it, the remaining reserved
vacancies for srich category shall be Ireated as
backlog and the proceduri as provided under
section 5 of the reservation Act slrail be followed.
For convenience section 5 is reflected in annexed
annexure R-1,'

3. In Rule 9, entries (if, (tif and (itil shall be

substituted by the followlng:-

" (a) Where the direct recruitment to a particular

post is at 25oh or less the reservation shall


(i) ScheduledCaste 8o/o

(iil ScheduledTribe lO%

(iiil Sociallyand Educationally Backward Classes

(a)Residentof Backward Area (RBA) loo/o

(b) Actual Line of Control (ALC) 2%

(c) Weak & under Privilegedclass

(SocialCastes) T%;

(b) Where the direct recruitment is more than 25 o/o

the reservation shall be:

(i) Scheduled Caste (SC) 4o/o

(ii) Scheduled Tribe (ST) 5Vo

(iii) Socially & Educationally Backward Classes

(a) Resident of Backward Area (RBA) LOo/o

(b) Actual Line of Control (ALC) 2%

(c)Weak & Under PrivilegedClass

(SocialCastes) I o/o.".

4. In rule 10, the roster provided therein shall
substituted bY the following: -
quota regulatlng
A. 1OOpotnts roster where dlrect recrultment

a. Scheduled Caste
b. Scheduled Trlbe
c. Resident of Backward Atea
d. Actual Llne of Control


1OO Polnts Roster

1. Unreserved

2. Unreserved

3. Scheduled Caste

4. Backward Area

5. ScheduledTribe

6. Unreserved


8. Unreserved

9. Unreserved

10. Social Caste

1 1 . Unreserved

T2, Unreserved

13. Unreserved

1.4. Backward Area

15. Scheduled Caste

- Y-
16. ScheduledTribe

t7. Unreserved

18. Unreserved

19. Unreserved

20. ALC

21". Unreserved

22. Unreserved

23. Unreserved

24. Backward Area

25, Scheduled Tribe

26. Unreserved

27. Scheduled Caste

28. Unreserved

29. Unreserved

30. Unreserved

31. Unreserved

32. Unreserved

33. Unresefved

34. Backward Area

35. Unreserved

36. Unreserved

37. Unreserved

38. Scheduled Tribe

39. Scheduled Caste

40. Unreserved

+t. Unreserved

42. Unreserved

43. Unreserved

44. Backward Area

45. Unreserved

46, Unreserved

47. Unreserved

48. Unreserved

49. ScheduledTribe

50. Unreserved

51. Scheduled Caste

52. Unreserved

53. Unreserved

54. UnreServed

55. Unreserved

56. Backward Area

57. Unreserved

58. Unreserved

59. Unreserved

60. Scheduled Tribe

61. Unreserved

62. Unreserved

63. Scheduled Caste

64, Unreserved

65. Unreserved

66. Backward A{ea

67. Unreserved

68. Unreserved

69. Unreserved

70. Scheduled Tribe

7I. Unreserved

72. Unreserved

73. Unreserved

74. Unreserved

75. Scheduled Caste

76. Backward Area

77. Unreserved

78. Unreserveo

79. Scheduled Tribe

80. Unreserved

81. Unreserved

82. Unreserved

83. Unreserved

84. Unreserved

85. Unreserved

86. Backward Area

87. Unreserved

88. Scheduled Tribe

89. Scheduled Caste

90. ALC

91. Unreserved

92. Unreserved

93. Unreserved

94. Unreserved

95. Unreserved

96. Backward Area

97. Unreserved

98. Unreserved

99. Scheduled Tribe

100. Unreserved

B. 1OO polnts roster where direct recrultment quota regulating

such service. class. category or qrade ls more than 2Syo

a. Scheduled Caste O4/o

b. Scheduled Trtbe Q1o/o

c. Resident of Baclnrard Area LO/o

d. Actual Line of Control Q2o/o

e. Weak and Under Privileged Class (Soctal Caste) OLh

LOO Points Roster

1. Unreserved

2. Unreserved

3. Unreserved

4. Backward Area

5. Scheduled Tribe

6. Scheduled Caste

7. Unreserved

,wd 8. Unreserved

9. Unreserved

1 0 . Social Caste

1 1 . Unreserved

1 2 . Unreserved

1 3 . Unreserved

L 4 . Backward Area

1 5 . Unreserved

1 6 . Unreserved

1 7 , Unreserved

1 8 . Unreserved

1 9 . Unreserved

2 0 . ALC

2 r . Unreserved
2 2 . Unreserved

2 3 . Unreserved

2 4 . Backward Area

2 5 . Scheduled Tribe

2 6 . Unreserved

2 7 . Unreserved

28. Unreserved

2 9 . Unreserved

3 0 . Unreserved

3 1 . Scheduled Caste

3 2 . Unreserved

3 3 . Unreserved

3 4 . Backward Area

3 5 . Unreserved

iJ6. Unreserved

3 7 . Unreserved

3 8 . Unreserved

3 9 . Unreserved

4 0 . Unreserved

4 T , Unreserved

4 2 . Unreserved

4 3 . Unreserved

4 4 . Backward Area

4 5 . Scheduled Tribe

4 6 . Unreserved

4 7 . Unreserved

4 8 . Unreserved

4 9 . Unreserved

5 0 . Unreserved

5 1 . Unreserved

5 2 . Unreserved

5 3 . Unreserved

5 4 . Unreserved

cJ. Backward Area

5 6 . Scheduled Caste

5 7 . Unreserved

5 8 . Unreserved

5 9 . Unreserved

6 0 . Unreserved
-f b ^

5L Unreserved

62. Unreserved

63. Unreserved

64. Unreserved

65. ScheduledTribe

66. Backward Area

67. Unreserved

68. Unreserved

69. Unreserved

7O. Unreserved

7L. Unreserved

72. Unreserved

73. Unreserued

74. Unreserved

75. Unreserved

76. Backward Area

77. Unreserved

78. Unreserved

79. Unreserved

80. Unreserved

81. ScheduledCaste

82. Unreserved

83. Unreservecl

84, Unreserved

85. ScheduledTribe

86. Backward Area


87. IJnreserved

88. Unreserved

89. Unreserved

90. ALC

91. Unreserved

92. Unreserved

93. Unreserved

94. Unreserved

95. Unreserved

96. Backward Area

97. Unreserved

98. Unreserved

99. Unreserved

100. Unreserved

5. In Rub 2i, ctruse {iit shail be substitutedby ths foffowing:.

"(ii) A person
be bomin thatclassandnoton the basisof actualpiacticing classshould
o:ttne o..uprtion

6. In Ruh 22, after crause{fif, the foflowing shail be added

clause(lii|: ar
"(iii) Anv
n9rc9ng?pointed againstanyavailablevacancy
ol lit beinga residentof bachrardlrca or an area adjoining on the basis
shallbe postedin sudr area as providd undersubsdctions(2) line of control
section3 of theAct and (3) of
Forconveniene,.sub_sec{ions (z) and(g}of section3 of theJammuand
KashmirReservation Act,20M areren'ecteo in dnnexuren-1.
Byorderof theGovemment
of Jammuandleshmir.

(Dr,R K Jerathlns
to Govt.
1. Jointsecretaryto Govemment of IndiaMinistryof personnelpubtic
All FinancialCommissioners.
Principalsecretaryto HisExcellency, the GovemorJ&Kstate.
PrincipatSecretaryto Hon'bleCfriefir|iniser.
All PrincipalSecretary's
to Govemment.
ResidentCommissioner, J&KNewDelhi,
All Commissioners / Secretraries
to Govemment.
DivisionalCommissioner, Jammu/Kashmir.
secretaryto psG / service serection.Board / BopE / Legisrative
Agsrmbly/councit t J&Kstatecommission to eaJt$vard
All DeputyCommissioners. cfass$.
AllHeadof the Departnnnts.
PrincipalPrivateSecretaryio ChiefSecretary,
Privatesecretaryto Hon'bleMinisten/Mlniiterof
information. statefor
lriv3je to principar
secretrary secretary
16. GeneralManagerGovemment

Social Welfare Deptt

t"Ol,":,:,:.U?].r10 (3)of secrion
3 and section5 of the
Jalnmu and Kashmir ReservationsRules, 2OO4.

" (2).Notwi*.,.'offffig for the tim; beintil to thecontrary
nst il;;. ,
uny"u.'"uh;;;; ;; ?""tt"_lr.'"T ?,3til."ilj.
residentof backwarour."
"ri"""r."'"0:oining line of
insuch Actiral
:r"#:1,:l1lifiT" ;;; ;;" perioo "pr""i-i",-
provided ,n"r_11
".":. th..
been appointedis not-availabtepost against which he has
postedin the nearest in-sucfr area, he shall be
aOiacentUa.f.*i.O *r.".
^ (3) Any personwho, after
or reservation,decline to beingappointedon the basis
serve i" ai" reservedas provided
(2) shall b; l;"li; to termination
:#r";.-"0-section fronr
(Providedthat no order
of termination shall be issued
" reasonable
"pp"ltr"itv of beingheardto

Section S
S.Vacancles to be carrled
(11 Subject to the provisioirs
hereinafter contained, if
sufficient number br """uioli.,l. a
any reserved""j:j:y during.a "", available from
posts shall remain vacant recruitment p.*.._,^rfr.
ano shalr be carred forward
the next recruitmentprocess: to
Providedthat. nothing herein
launching of a special contained shall prevent
d;i;;;; il;ron asency to fill the
carried forward "i"il_,..:
from personsbelongrngto 91 {",tirs l}pn.utions exclu sivety
such category,
(2) If in the first. attempt
candidatesare not available, of recruitment, suitable
*uJonJ^.tr.mpt may be made
in the sarne recruitmeni y"a;";;;
candidatesare not available, ii .u., then suitable
it "i'"*"ies shall be treated
as backlogvacancies.
In subsequentyear, when
-^_ .- gl
reserved recruitrnentis made for
vacancies, thj ba;klog
notified: uu."".irs sltall also be
Providedthat the total number
including backlogvacancies of reservedvacancies
shalr noi exceedthe percentage
reservedfor such categories.
(a) The reserved vacancies
periodexceedingthreeyears remaining unfilled for a
shall be tieateAas deserved.

Civil Secretariat Social Welfare Department


Jammu, the d'+*$n 2010

SRO: - 96 In exercise of the powers conferred by section 23 of Jammu and

Kashmir Reservation Act, 2004 and all other relevant provisions of a laws
governing the subject, the Governor hereby directs that annexure " B to Jammu and
Kashmir Reservations rules, 2005 be amended as follows:-

(1) In District and Tehsil Kulgam after Patwar Circle Redwana appearing at
S.No 11, the following entries shall be added; namely:-

Name of the Patwar Circle I Name of village

12. Chehlan 1 1.Asthal
13. Guddar I .Guddar,
2. Laisoo

1.Nowporn Kharpora
I .Khargund
1 .Pambay

(2) In District Kupwara Tehsil Handwara after Patwar Circle Zachaldara

appearing at S.No 44, the following entries shall be added, namely;

Name of the Patwar Circle I Name of village

45. Guloora I 1.Kultura
46. Unisoo 1 .Khan00 Baba Gund
47.Villigam 1.Hakainabad
48.Puhrupethi 1.Bunagam
49.Shogpora 1.Geeripom

(3) against Patwar Circle Kralpora of Tehsil and District Kupwara appearing at
S.No 23 after the village Reshigund, the Village Dardsun shall be'added as S.No
(4) In District and Tehsil Kupwara after Patwar Circle, Dardpora appearing at
S.No 27, the following entries shall be added; namely :-

Name of the Patwar Circle Name of village

28. Maidanpora 1 .Gaga1

(5) against Patwar Circle Hassan Noor of Tehsil Pahalgam District Anantnag
appearing at S.No 10 after the Village Rukh Chandrigam, the village Chandrigam
shall be added as S.No 02.

(6) against Patwar Circle Biddar Hayatpora of Tehsil and District Ananthag
appearing at S.No 21 after the Village Verkoma, the village Bider Hayatpora and
Hangulgund shall be added as S.No 03.

(7) against Patwar Circle Hakhoora Badesgam of Tehsil Doom District Anantnag
appearing at S.No 10 after the Village Gasipora the village Ara Khoshipora shall
be added as S.No 04.

(8) against Patwar Circle Kurigam of Tehsil Doom District Anantnag appearing
at S . N ~12 after the Village Patinsgras the village Cheki Badwani shall be added
as S.No 03.

(9) In Tehsil and District Budgam after Patwar Circle Shoom appearing at S.No
19, the following entries shall be added; namely;-

Name of the Patwar Circle Name of village

2O.Garind Kalan I 1.Garind kalan
2 1 Soibugh 1. P a p u s

(10) In District Budgam Tehsil Chadoora after Patwar Circle Dadompora

appearing at S.No 23, the following entries shall be added; namely;-

Name of the Patwar Circle Name of village

24.Khanda I .Sanzipora

(11) In District Pulwama Tehsil Tral after Patwar Circle Dadsara appearing at
S.No 12, the following entries shall be added; namely;-
Name of the Patwar Circle Name of village
13 .Looragam I. P a m

(12) against Patwar Circle Thana of Tehsil Thanamandi District Rajouri

appearing at S.No 12 after the Village Bhatteli , the village Khanyal kote shall be
added as S.No 02.
(13) against Patwar Circle Ujhan of Tehsil Thanamandi District Rajouri
appearing at S.No 12 after the Village Dhandkote , the village Ujhan shall be
added as S.No 02.
(14) against Patwar Circle Ghambir Mughlan of Tehsil and District Rajouri
appearing at S.No 03 after the Village Kotli , the village Mohra Kalaban shall be
added as S.No 03.
(15) against Patwar Circle Berrame of Tehsil Bhadenvah District Doda appearing
'at S.No 23 after the Village Bhatoli ,the village Kuthyara shall be added as S.No

(16) in District Bandipora after Tehsil Bandipora appearing at S.No (ii) another
Tehsil namely Sonawari shall be added as S.No (iii) and the following be added as
Patwar Circle to the so added new Tehsil with Village shown against ir namely:-

Name of Tebsil 1 Name of Patwar Circle I Name of Village

Sonawari I Gundi Saderkote I Sandoonara

By order of the Government of Jammu and Knshmir

Secretary to Government
Social Welfare Department

No; SWEBCCl4 1D009

Copy to the:-

Financial 'Commissioner/Principal Secretaries1 CommissionerlSecretaries to

Divisional Commissioner JammuKashmir
Director Information JBK Jammu
All Deputy commissioners
Secretary State Commissioner for Backward Classes
Secretary Legislative AssemblyICouncil.
Principal Pvt Secretary to Chief Secretary
Special Assistant for Hon'ble Minister
Pvt. Secretary top Hon'ble Minister for State Social Welfare
Pvt. Secretary to Secretary Social Welfare Department

of Government Gazette.
Stock file.
. 4
General Manager Government Press for imm iate publication in next issue

(Tsering ~ k o ' '~ )

Under Secretary to Government
Social Welfare Department
(4) In District and Tehsil Kupwara after Patwar Circle, Dardpora appearing at
S.No 27, the following entries shall be added; namely :-

Name of the Patwar Circle Name of village

28. Maidanpora 1 .Gaga1

(5) against Patwar Circle Hassan Noor of Tehsil Pahalgam District Anantnag
appearing at S.No 10 after the Village Rukh Chandrigam, the village Chandrigam
shall be added as S.No 02.

(6) against Patwar Circle Biddar Hayatpora of Tehsil and District Ananthag
appearing at S.No 21 after the Village Verkoma, the village Bider Hayatpora and
Hangulgund shall be added as S.No 03.

(7) against Patwar Circle Hakhoora Badesgam of Tehsil Doom District Anantnag
appearing at S.No 10 after the Village Gasipora the village Ara Khoshipora shall
be added as S.No 04.

(8) against Patwar Circle Kurigam of Tehsil Doom District Anantnag appearing
at S . N ~12 after the Village Patinsgras the village Cheki Badwani shall be added
as S.No 03.

(9) In Tehsil and District Budgam after Patwar Circle Shoom appearing at S.No
19, the following entries shall be added; namely;-

Name of the Patwar Circle Name of village

2O.Garind Kalan I 1.Garind kalan
2 1 Soibugh 1. P a p u s

(10) In District Budgam Tehsil Chadoora after Patwar Circle Dadompora

appearing at S.No 23, the following entries shall be added; namely;-

Name of the Patwar Circle Name of village

24.Khanda I .Sanzipora

(11) In District Pulwama Tehsil Tral after Patwar Circle Dadsara appearing at
S.No 12, the following entries shall be added; namely;-
Name of the Patwar Circle Name of village
13 .Looragam I. P a m

(12) against Patwar Circle Thana of Tehsil Thanamandi District Rajouri

appearing at S.No 12 after the Village Bhatteli , the village Khanyal kote shall be
added as S.No 02.
(13) against Patwar Circle Ujhan of Tehsil Thanamandi District Rajouri
appearing at S.No 12 after the Village Dhandkote , the village Ujhan shall be
added as S.No 02.
(14) against Patwar Circle Ghambir Mughlan of Tehsil and District Rajouri
appearing at S.No 03 after the Village Kotli , the village Mohra Kalaban shall be
added as S.No 03.
(15) against Patwar Circle Berrame of Tehsil Bhadenvah District Doda appearing
'at S.No 23 after the Village Bhatoli ,the village Kuthyara shall be added as S.No

(16) in District Bandipora after Tehsil Bandipora appearing at S.No (ii) another
Tehsil namely Sonawari shall be added as S.No (iii) and the following be added as
Patwar Circle to the so added new Tehsil with Village shown against ir namely:-

Name of Tebsil 1 Name of Patwar Circle I Name of Village

Sonawari I Gundi Saderkote I Sandoonara

By order of the Government of Jammu and Knshmir

Secretary to Government
Social Welfare Department

No; SWEBCCl4 1D009

Copy to the:-

Financial 'Commissioner/Principal Secretaries1 CommissionerlSecretaries to

Divisional Commissioner JammuKashmir
Director Information JBK Jammu
All Deputy commissioners
Secretary State Commissioner for Backward Classes
Secretary Legislative AssemblyICouncil.
Principal Pvt Secretary to Chief Secretary
Special Assistant for Hon'ble Minister
Pvt. Secretary top Hon'ble Minister for State Social Welfare
Pvt. Secretary to Secretary Social Welfare Department

of Government Gazette.
Stock file.
. 4
General Manager Government Press for imm iate publication in next issue

(Tsering ~ k o ' '~ )

Under Secretary to Government
Social Welfare Department
.'Kc) 7 - A -In exercix oi'ibe yowns ~oili&l,t*&, by R l r i plovim cu
claose (0)of section-2 of the Iamrnu and Kashmir Krseh9at.ionAct, 20W, i111d
1 oftllc J&I< Slate C ~ ~ j r , l l i i n . ; ; t firi
iii ill&:~tuoi~isleoda~io~~ , n jJ;l~l;i.~~~d Ci;ls;;ci.
here by direct that "in Aiint:x:~re f)" to lv1,1!11u
1.Ii; :)n\~cn~~l?.ccol and Kns,holil.
Rt:scnlatio~lRulcs, 2005, after serial Nu. 25, ihc.rollowing; rllilll bo uddcd

By nrilcr of the Government of Jarnn~r~

and Kaqhmir,

Ccin~ Secr-etawy PU Gh);,c~.b~~r~~:ii
Soc ttr! Vtr::8fi~re

ho: SWEIBCCl25h010 ~atet.1:.?-07..3,()

Copy to the :-
1 . All Fina~~~ceCorn~nissio:~er/P~~i~r~:i;s;ll i~:.t~ri:t~iir~ie~/~~~!.~~~
Secretaries to Govt. --' --. .-...- - .
2. Principal Secretary to His Excellency tile Go~~e~.nor of J& K,
3. Cormnissioner Sccretarv to Hon'ble Chief Minister..
4. Divivional Co~nh~issioner J~inrnui'Kastlmil..
5. AII Deputy Cormrissioi7er-. -. .-.,- -
6. AII Thad of Department ...-.._ _ _-- ___ .__ _ . . . _ .
7; Director 1nf01-111atioii J&K Sri!\a.gur'.
8 . Gcncral Manager Govt. Press Sr-inagal.:Jm.):n~1.1.
9 . Pvt. Secretar~; to Advocate g~'1ela.lJ&K. J:t!nl~.l~!.
1 0 . P d t . Secretary to Hon'ble Chief Xlinister.
1 1 2 v l . Secretdry to Secrebl-ySocial,Welfarc* Ucparrme.~~t.
12.Stock file: f'I A*''

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