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Second point of your topic: El pasado

El “por qué” de tu topic Razones

I have chosen/decided to speak about my topic be-


Por qué empezaste tu topic Una frase con el pasado continuo sobre
por qué empezaste tu topic

When I was 8 years old, I was going to my gran’s

house and I wanted to learn to cook like her.

I was playing many sports at school, but I preferred

to play ….

Cuánto tiempo llevas haciendo esto.

I have been verbo+ing for .................... months/years

I have been studying economics since 2013 since.................. (fetcha)/ I was a child

Preguntas comunes en esta parte del topic:

Hay que imaginar cómo el examinador podría adaptar la pregunta a tu topic.

Have you won any prizes or competitions? I have won/ I haven’t won....
Have you done this activity in a group/team/orchestra? I have played clarinet in a music group.
Who are the other people in the team/orchestra/group? They are my friends.
How many people are in the team/orchestra/group? There are 8 people in the group.

Have you ever had a bad experience? When I was teaching, one of the children started to cry.
Are other people in your family teachers? Yes, my mother has studied teaching.
Have you ever failed an exam? I have never failed an exam/ I have failed many exams!
Have you ever had an injury? I have never had an injury because I am careful.

How often do you play poker? If I have time, I play poker every week.
Where do you do this activity? I play volleyball on the beach, but if it rains, we will…..

Para viajes:

How did you travel there? I travelled by plane because….

How many hours did the journey take? The journey took 2 hours
What was the weather/food like? The weather was good, the sun was shining every day.

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