The Goals of Mathematics Education

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The Goals of Mathematics Education

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ Standards for School Mathematics (NCTM,
1989) identified five broad goals required to meet the students’ mathematical needs for the 21st

NCTM recommends that mathematics teachers enable students to:

1. Value mathematics
Students will value mathematics if they see how it plays a role in their real lives and in society.
Thus, your task is to make mathematics learning meaningful to the students by connecting the lesson to
their real-life experiences and allowing students to experience mathematics through actual
measurements and explorations.

2. Reason mathematically
Mathematics trains the mind to think analytically and logically. As the teacher, your task is to
provide activities that will provide students opportunities to reason logically, make conjectures, gather
evidence, build arguments, and arrive at informed and sound decisions. The process of obtaining the
correct answers should be emphasized.

3. Communicate mathematics
To be able to communicate well in mathematics, students must be familiar with the
mathematics register, or the special vocabulary of mathematics. You must be a good model in the use of
correct and precise mathematical terms and phrases. You must also encourage students to verbalize and
defend their answers.

4. Solve problems
Problem solving is the heart of mathematics. Students must be exposed to a variety of problems
– problems that vary in context, in level of difficulty and in mathematical methods required for their
solutions. Students must learn to analyze the conditions in a problem, to restate them, to plan strategies
for solving it, to develop several solutions, and to work collaboratively with others in search of the
solution. Most of all, students must develop the discipline and perseverance to solve a problem no
matter how complex it is.

5. Develop confidence
Taking pride in one’s competence in mathematics is all-important. Sadly, a number of people
find it fashionable to boast of their incompetence in mathematics. To go further in mathematics,
students must develop confidence in their ability to learn and do mathematics. Such confidence is built
on success in mathematical tasks in the classroom.

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