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Jonel Torres Peolio BSOA 1H


Module 1:


In your own understanding how will you define the following terms?

1. Globalization : The term globalization refers to the rising interdependence of the

world's economies, cultures, and populations, as a result of cross-border trade in
commodities and services, technology, and investment, people, and information
flows. Over many years, countries have formed economic alliances to enable these

2. Contemporary : Things that are contemporary are either happening at the same
time or happening now. Contemporary art is recent art. In history class, if you hear
that one famous person was a contemporary of another, that means they lived at the
same time. Contemporary can also describe things happening now or recently.

3. Contemporary World : Contemporary history is either a subset of the late

modern period, or it is one of the three major subsets of modern history, alongside
the early modern period and the late modern period. The term contemporary
history has been in use at least since the early 19th century.

4. Philosophy : Philosophy is the study of broad and fundamental issues such as

reality, existence, knowledge, values, reason, cognition, and language. The word
"philosophy" is derived from the Ancient Greek (philosophia), which meaning
"love of wisdom."

5. Dimension : a measurable dimension of some kind, such as length, width, depth,

or height.
A. Base on the discussion, how will you define the following terms?

1. Globalization: The term globalization refers to the rising

interdependence of the world's economies, cultures, and populations, as
a result of cross-border trade in commodities and services, technology,
and investment, people, and information flows. Over many years,
countries have formed economic alliances to enable these flows.

2. Dimension: You could provide the painters with every dimension of

the rooms you want painted, such as depth, height, and width.
Dimension can describe something less tangible, such as the magnitude
or extent of something, in addition to physical objects.

3. Contemporary World : the circumstances and ideas of the present age;

"in modern times like these" modern times, modern world, present
times. times - a more or less definite period of time now or previously
present; "it was a sign of the times"

B. Answer the following questions:

1. Do you think that your chosen course can compete with the
challenges of globalization? Yes or No? Support your answer.
Yes, is because Globalization is about the interconnectedness of people and businesses across
the world that eventually leads to global cultural, political and economic integration. It is the
ability to move and communicate easily with others all over the world in order to conduct
business internationally.

2. Among the dimensions of Globalization, as an Office Administration

Student, on what dimension do you want to involve yourself? And why?
As a student what we perceive ourselves to be,” and involves aspects of image and esteem. How
we see ourselves and how we feel about ourselves influences how we communicate with
others. What you are thinking now and how you communicate impacts and influences how
others treat you.

3. In your own perspective, do you think Philippines can compete with

the global competition? Yes or No. Support your answer.
Yes, because The Philippines competitiveness is improving significantly in some aspects of our
economy. We can say that businesses around the world are more confident now in investing in
our country. Kudos to the people in the government who are truly exerting efforts to provide us
with more tangible results rather than the blah blah promises we used to hear every day.

4. If given a chance, what invention do you want to create that would

help the Philippines to uplift the economy and survive to the current
global competition? This pandemic has caused substantial disruptions in the domestic
economy as community restrictions have limited movement of people and reduced business
operations nationwide. As we are now living with the new normal, the use of digital technology
and digital transformation have become important for Filipinos in coping with the present crisis,
moving towards economic recovery, and getting us back on track towards our long-term

C. Explain the 5 Stages of Globalization in your own words.

STAGE 1 : An arm's length service activity of a primarily domestic

company/institution that expands into a new market overseas by
partnering with local dealers and distributors.

STAGE 2 : The company/institution takes on these responsibilities on its


STAGE 3 : The domestic-based company institution begins to carry out

its own manufacturing, marketing, and sales in key foreign markets.

STAGE 4 : The company/institution gains a full insider position in these

markets, backed up by a comprehensive business system that includes
R&D and engineering. The headquarters mentality, on the other hand,
remains dominant.

STAGE 5 : The company/institution transitions to a truly global mode of

operation. Global localization occurs at this stage, which means that the
company/institution serves local customers in markets around the
world by responding to their needs. This necessitates an organizational
transition, in which the company's operations must be denationalized.


INSTRUCTION: Find an article (online or offline) that talks about


Write or post the printed article in the space provided.

he first of those articles is this analysis of the new Global 500 by

Geoff Colvin. He writes: "Despite dire predictions, globalization
didn't die. It evolved. Onshoring, nearshoring, and reshoring
have become imperatives for businesses...whose supply chains
snapped in 2020."
TOKYO, Sept 1 (Reuters) - Asia's factory activity lost momentum
in August as a resurgence in coronavirus cases disrupted supply
chains across the region, raising concerns faltering
manufacturing will add to economic woes caused by slumping

Southeast Asia, a low-cost manufacturing hub for many global

companies, was hit particularly hard with factory activity
shrinking in Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia because of virus
outbreaks and output suspensions, surveys showed on

In a worrying sign for the global economy, China's factory

activity also slipped into contraction in August for the first time
in nearly 1-1/2 years as COVID-19 curbs, supply bottlenecks and
high raw material prices weighed on output.
Export power-houses Japan, South Korea and Taiwan also saw
manufacturing activity expand at a slower pace in August, a sign
chip shortages and factory shutdowns in the region could delay
a sustained recovery from the pandemic-induced slump.

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