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Ductility of a Ti-6Al-4V alloy produced by

selective laser melting of prealloyed powders

Luca Facchini
Department of Materials Engineering and Industrial Technologies, University of Trento, Trento, Italy
Emanuele Magalini and Pierfrancesco Robotti
Eurocoating s.p.a., Ciré di Pergine, Italy
Alberto Molinari
Department of Materials Engineering and Industrial Technologies, University of Trento, Trento, Italy
Simon Höges
Department of Laser Technology, University of Aachen, Aachen, Germany, and
Konrad Wissenbach
Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology, Aachen, Germany

Purpose – The aim of the paper is the study of the change in the mechanical properties (and in particular in ductility), with the microstructure, of a
biomedical Ti-6Al-4V alloy produced by different variants of selective laser melting (SLM).
Design/methodology/approach – Ti-6Al-4V alloy produced by different variants of SLM has been mechanically characterized through tensile testing.
Its microstructure has been investigated by optical observation after etching and by X-ray diffraction analysis.
Findings – SLM applied to Ti-6Al-4V alloy produces a material with a martensitic microstructure. Some microcracks, due the effect of incomplete
homologous wetting and residual stresses produced by the large solidification undercooling of the melt pool, are observable in the matrix. Owing to the
microstructure, the tensile strength of the additive manufactured parts is higher than the strength of hot worked parts, whereas the ductility is lower.
A pre-heating of the powder bed is effective in assisting remelting and reducing residual stresses, but ductility does not increase significantly, since the
microstructure remains martensitic. A post-building heat treatment causes the transformation of the metastable martensite in a biphasic a-b matrix,
with a morphology that depends on the heat treatment. This results in an increase in ductility and a reduction in strength values.
Originality/value – The study evidenced how it is possible to obtain a fully dense material and make the martensite transform in Ti-6Al-4V alloy
through the variation of the SLM process. The stabilization of the microstructure also results in an improvement of the ductility.

Keywords Alloys, Mechanical properties of materials, Manufacturing systems, Powders, Ductility

Paper type Research paper

1. Introduction techniques is the possibility to create complex networks with

open and interconnected porosity both in the core material and
Ti-6Al-4V is an a-b titanium alloy widely used in the onto the surface (Hollander et al., 2006; Ponader et al., 2007).
aeronautical and medical fields because of its chemical and The energy for consolidation of the powders is provided by
mechanical features along with well-documented either a laser beam (selective laser melting (SLM)) (Hollander
biocompatibility (Ping Li et al., 2006). It is mostly processed by et al., 2006; Bourell et al., 2002; Over et al., 2003) or an
hot working, but in the last few years rapid prototyping electron beam (electron beam melting (EBM)) (Cormier et al.,
techniques, based on sintering/melting of powders, have been 2002; Mitchell, 1999). The common feature of these
developed for the production of complex geometries, directly technologies is the melting and rapid solidification of a
from 3D CAD-data. One of the main advantages of these
powder layer; under specific process conditions, solidification
results in a fully dense solid body.
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
The authors thank Dr Mirco D’Incau and Ing. Ivan Lonardelli for
supplying the XRD analyses, also the Provincia Autonoma di Trento,
which co-founded the project.
Rapid Prototyping Journal
16/6 (2010) 450– 459 Received: 20 March 2009
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited [ISSN 1355-2546] Revised: 17 July 2009, 9 November 2009
[DOI 10.1108/13552541011083371] Accepted: 12 April 2010

Ductility of a Ti-6Al-4V alloy produced by melting prealloyed powders Rapid Prototyping Journal
Luca Facchini et al. Volume 16 · Number 6 · 2010 · 450 –459

The optimization of the process has the following main tasks: 2. Technologies and experimental procedures
The production of a fully dense material (except for the
porous surface layers, when needed), which is obtained by the 2.1 The SLM process
optimum combination of the four main process parameters: The parts were produced in an EOS EOSINT M 270 machine
the power of the energy source (P), the scan speed (v), the or in an experimental machine at Fraunhofer ILT. In the first
hatch distance (d) and the thickness of the single layer (l) case, a power of 195 Wand a scan speed of 225 mm/s were used.
using a fixed beam diameter (D) (Simchi and Pohl, 2003). The SLM process at Fraunhofer ILT was instead carried out in
The control of the residual stresses, caused by the an experimental machine built at ILT in which an neodymium-
localization of the thermal input, which may lead to doped yttrium aluminium garnet laser developed at ILT is used
distortion of the pieces, as well as to the formation of cracks. to melt the powder with a maximum laser power of 180 Wand a
The control of the as-built microstructure, which is strongly wavelength of 1,064 nm.
influenced by the large solidification undercooling of the Energy involved in the melting of the metal powder is
melting pool. directly proportional to the power of the beam and inversely
to the scan speed, the hatch distance and the layer thickness
Residual stresses are almost unavoidable. They are influenced (Simchi and Pohl, 2003). As stated above, the optimum
by the building strategy (Kruth et al., 2004) and are combination of these four main process parameters leads to
significantly smaller in EBM than in SLM since the former full density of the part. Investigation of the parameters was
process is carried out with preheating of the powder bed to an carried out following a systematic procedure, consisting in
average temperature of about 6008C (Facchini et al., 2009), fixing three of the four parameters and varying the fourth,
which reduces thermal gradients. thus evaluating the contribution of the single parameter.
Titanium alloys typically undergo thermomechanical An argon gas atomized powder, with spherical morphology
processes. Their conventional microstructure can be and particle size below 50 mm, was used. Its nominal
fundamentally classified by the size and the arrangement of composition is reported in Table I.
the two phases a (hcp) and b (bcc) (Leyens and Peters, 2003; Parts were built under an Ar protective atmosphere, with a
Collings, 1984). Depending on the working temperature and nominal beam power of 120-200 W and a beam diameter of
the cooling rate, the resulting microstructure can be lamellar 200-600 mm for a melt pool diameter of 200-300 mm.
or globular, fine or coarse. The lamellar microstructure is
usually preferable for fracture toughness, fatigue crack 2.2 Chemical and microstructural analysis
propagation and oxidation behaviour, whilst the globular The oxygen and nitrogen contents were analyzed by gas
microsctructure is better for strength, ductility and fatigue fusion in a Leco TC400 analyzer, while carbon and hydrogen
crack initiation. contents were analyzed by combustion and by IR
The microstructure after rapid prototyping is quite different spectroscopy in a Leco CS125 and Leco TCH600 analyzer,
from that typical of hot worked parts, since the large respectively.
undercooling promotes the formation of an acicular/lamellar The microstructure was investigated under an optical
hcp phase, which is inherently less ductile than the globular microscope after polishing and etching with Kroll reagent.
microstructure formed during hot working. In EBM, the X-Ray Diffractometry (CuKa radiation on a Rigaku 3D-Max
as-built microstructure of Ti-6Al-4V contains acicular a, and diffractometer) was used for the quantitative analysis of the
b -phase, and does not find a correspondence in the microstructural constituents.
international standard for biomedical applications (ISO
20160). It cannot be modified by heat treatment; 2.3 Mechanical testing
nevertheless, the mechanical properties of the alloy satisfy the Batches of five to six samples for tensile testing were obtained
standard requirements (Facchini et al., 2009). from a job of bars with a rectangular cross-section, which
In SLM, the solidification rate is higher than in EBM, since were built up perpendicularly to their main axis. All the
no pre-heating is applied to the growing part and the working batches were machined in order to obtain the specimen
geometry for tensile testing, according to the ASTM E8M
zone. This results in a finer microstructure and larger residual
standard. Specimens have a rectangular section, with an
stresses. Pre-heating has another eminent effect: it assists, in
overall length of 89.64 mm and a reduced section length of
terms of energy, the remelting of the just-consolidated
31.76 mm.
substrate, allowing incomplete homologous wetting due to
oxide films to be avoided (Das, 2003). Table I Nominal chemical composition of the Ti-6Al-4V pre-alloyed
In fact, if a contamination layer of oxide is present on the
powder used in the process
just-built metallic substrate, melted metal powder cannot
properly wet the substrate itself. Surface remelting of the Chemical element SLM powder (%) ISO 5832-3 requirements (%)
underlying substrate is effective in the elimination of the oxide
Al 5.970 5.5/6.75
layer; as a consequence, the molten metal can spread and wet
V 4.010 3.5/4.5
the substrate.
Fe 0.056 ,0.3
In this work, the fabrication of a Ti-6Al-4V alloy by SLM
has been investigated. Once the process parameters had been O 0.160 ,0.2
adjusted to obtain a full dense material, attention was focused H 0.0034 ,0.015
on residual stresses and microstructure. Several process N 0.010 ,0.05
variants were investigated in order to reduce thermal C 0.013 ,0.08
gradients and modify the microstructure, and their effect on Ti Balance Balance
mechanical properties was studied, with particular reference Note: Standard requirements reported
to ductility.

Ductility of a Ti-6Al-4V alloy produced by melting prealloyed powders Rapid Prototyping Journal
Luca Facchini et al. Volume 16 · Number 6 · 2010 · 450 –459

Tensile tests were carried out with an Instron 8516 servo- Figure 1 Microstructure of the material produced by hot working and
hydraulic machine, following the ASTM E8M standard and annealing
according to the ISO 6892 standard indications. A 0.2 mm/min
cross-head speed was applied. An axial extensometer was
employed for the elongation measurement, with a gauge length of
12.5 mm.
Elastic modulus (E), yield stress at 0.2 per cent of elongation
(sy), ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and percent elongation at
fracture (1) were determined from stress-strain curves. The
fracture surface of broken specimens was examined by an
environmental scanning electron microscope using gaseous
secondary electrons.
In order to obtain a good comparison with Ti-6Al-4V
produced by traditional processes, ten tensile specimens were
machined from a wrought and annealed bar, and then tested.

3. Results and discussion

The presence of interstitial elements (oxygen, hydrogen, 50 µm
nitrogen and carbon) is critical for the ductility of the alloy. (a)
In fact, these elements are a-stabilizers (and a-phase is less
ductile than b). Moreover, oxygen and nitrogen distort the
hcp lattice, limiting the mobility of dislocations and
embrittling the material (Leyens and Peters, 2003).
The results of the chemical analysis of SLM parts are
reported in Table II. Carbon and oxygen contents are in
agreement with the ASTM and ISO prescriptions; the
detected amounts do not greatly affect the mechanical
As previously described, the microstructure of the Ti-6Al-4V
alloy can be lamellar or globular. Hot working and annealing
produce a typical a-globular microstructure, because of the
strain involved in the process. Semiatin et al. (2005) found
that heat treatment of an acicular microstructure in the
biphasic a þ b field produces some globularization of the
a-phase only in the case of pre-strained material, and even in
this case the kinetics are quite slow. The microstructure of the
hot worked and annealed material considered in this work is 20 µm
shown in Figure 1, where an a-globular phase in an
a þ b matrix is observable. The presence of the b-phase
(8 per cent) is confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis Note: Globular a -phase (light) in a biphasic a + b matrix
(Figure 2).
Figure 3 shows the tensile stress-strain curve of the wrought
alloy. The material has a peculiar strain hardening behaviour, Figure 2 XRD pattern of the hot worked and annealed material
with a very low strain hardening rate. In consequence, the
UTS and the yield stress are quite similar. The ductility is
good, and well associated to the microstructure, as reported in
Leyens and Peters (2003). hcp-Ti
Such a microstructure is associated to the mechanical bcc-Ti
properties reported in Table III.
Intensity (a.u.)

Table II Chemical analysis on tensile specimens: oxygen, hydrogen,

nitrogen and carbon percentages
SLM ASTM F1472 ISO 5832-3
O 0.1900 ^ 0.020 , 0.20 , 0.20
H 0.0049 ^ 0.0005 , 0.015 , 0.015
N 0.0041 ^ 0.0002 , 0.05 , 0.05
C 0.0280 ^ 0.0031 , 0.08 , 0.08
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Note: Requirements for ASTM and ISO standards are reported
2ϑ (°)

Ductility of a Ti-6Al-4V alloy produced by melting prealloyed powders Rapid Prototyping Journal
Luca Facchini et al. Volume 16 · Number 6 · 2010 · 450 –459

Figure 3 Stress-strain curves for the material produced by hot working Figure 4 Microstructure of the material produced by SLM
and annealing
Stress (MPa)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 50 µm
Strain (%)

Table III Tensile properties of the material produced by SLM compared

to the wrought material and to the ISO standard
Hot worked and annealed SLM ISO 5832-3
E (GPa) 104 ^ 2 110 ^ 5 –
sy (MPa) 790 ^ 20 990 ^ 5 . 780
UTS (MPa) 870 ^ 10 1,095 ^ 10 . 860
A (%) 18.1 ^ 0.8 8.1 ^ 0.3 . 10

The as-built microstructure of the material produced by SLM

has a very fine, acicular morphology (Figure 4). The XRD
analysis indicates the presence of hcp phase only (Figure 5).
The hcp pattern can be attributed to both the a-phase and the
a0 martensite, as they have the same crystalline structure and
very similar lattice parameters (Kubiak and Sieniawski, 1998;
Jovanović et al., 2006; Malinov et al., 2002). 20 µm
Because of the very large solidification undercooling, the
microstructure is interpreted as martensitic, with the typical (b)
needles visible on the etched metallographic section (Figure 4). Note: Oriented martensite plates containing acicular hcp phase
Differently from EBM, where the formerly produced
martensite (with a very high solidification rate of the melt Figure 5 XRD pattern of the as-built material
spun) is transformed into a þ b mixture by soaking at the
process temperature (Gil Mur et al., 1996), here the metastable
martensite remains the only phase present at room temperature.
The material produced by SLM is fully dense (relative hcp-Ti
density 99.7 ^ 0.1 per cent), but the metallographic
observation evidenced the presence of microcracks (length
Intensity (a.u.)

50/100 mm; Figure 6), as a consequence of incomplete

homologous wetting (Das, 2003).
Figure 7 shows the tensile stress-strain curve of the as-built
material. The yield stress is higher than in wrought alloy,
because of the martensitic microstructure, but the combined
effect of martensite, microcracks and residual stress is
responsible for low ductility, as shown in Figure 7.
Figure 8 shows the fracture surface of the as-built material.
The morphology is mainly ductile, but deformation is quite 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
poor around pre-existing cracks, because of the poor work 2ϑ (°)
hardenability of the alloy.
Tensile properties are summarized in Table III, including In order to assist the remelting of the just-consolidated material
reference to those predicted by ISO 5832-3 and comparison with and to reduce residual stresses, the process has been suitably
those of the wrought alloy. The as-built material has a higher modified following literature references (Over, 2003). This
strength but a lower ductility than those taken as a reference. solution actually eliminates cracks in the as-built material,

Ductility of a Ti-6Al-4V alloy produced by melting prealloyed powders Rapid Prototyping Journal
Luca Facchini et al. Volume 16 · Number 6 · 2010 · 450 –459

Figure 6 Microcrack in the material produced by SLM Figure 8 Fracture surface of the as-built material

100 µm

Figure 7 Stress-strain curves for the as-built material
Stress (MPa)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Strain (%)

but the microstructure is still acicular martensitic, as shown by (b)

Figure 9 and confirmed by XRD analysis. than that of the as-built alloy, but ductility is increased up to
After the modified process, the tensile behaviour does not 10.6 ^ 0.6 per cent.
improve significantly (Figure 10), comparing them with those of In order to prevent the memory effect of the martensite to
Figure 7; yield stress and UTS are increased up to 1,040 and alpha transformation during heat treatment and obtain a
1,140 MPa, respectively, but ductility is still low, around 8 per cent. biphasic microstructure, a second variant has been introduced
The presence of martensite is then responsible for the low in the process as a combination of heat treatments (Over,
ductility. Martensite is a metastable phase, which can be 2003; Hollander et al., 2006). The microstructure resulting is
transformed by heat treatment. A post-SLM heat treatment was shown in Figure 14: it consists of coarse lamellae of a-phase,
then carried out, obtaining the microstructure shown in with some globulization in isolated regions (Figure 14(b) and
Figure 11. It is biphasic, with columnar a-phase crystals (c)). The amount of b-phase is 7 per cent, as measured by
formed at the boundaries of the original martensitic plates and an XRD analysis (Figure 15).
a-b mixture within. The amount of b-phase is 6 per cent, as The stress-strain curves related to such a microstructure are
shown measured by XRD (Figure 12). The microstructure is shown in Figure 16. The tensile properties are very similar to
quite different from the globular microstructure of a wrought those of the previous case, but ductility is slightly increased,
alloy, since alpha phase nucleates and grows in the interplate due to the lack of texture in the alpha phase. Properties are
regions, developing a texture. There is a clear memory effect in reported in Table IV, and compared to those of the as-built
the martensite to alpha transformation. In wrought alloy, instead, material and of the references.
a-phase nucleates in the highly strained regions, which are
homogeneously distributed in the cross-section, and grows
4. Conclusions
symmetrically; this leads to the globular microstructure.
The mechanical properties are significantly improved by Ti-6Al-4V is an a-b titanium alloy widely used in orthopaedic
this process, as expected. Figure 13 shows the tensile stress- and dental surgery because of its biocompatibility. Its
strain curves of the heat treated materials; strength is lower mechanical properties strongly depend on its microstructure.

Ductility of a Ti-6Al-4V alloy produced by melting prealloyed powders Rapid Prototyping Journal
Luca Facchini et al. Volume 16 · Number 6 · 2010 · 450 –459

Figure 9 Microstructure of the material produced by modified SLM Figure 11 Microstructure of the material produced by SLM and heat
treated (variant 1)

50 µm
50 µm

20 µm
20 µm
Note: Martensite plates still visible (b)
Notes: A biphasic microstructure developed into the prior martensite
plates; light a -phase precipitates at the former plate edges

Figure 10 Stress-strain curves for the material produced by modified

Figure 12 XRD pattern of the material produced by SLM and heat
treated (variant 1)
900 hcp-Ti
800 bcc-Ti
Stress (MPa)

Intensity (a.u.)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Strain (%) 2ϑ (°)

Ductility of a Ti-6Al-4V alloy produced by melting prealloyed powders Rapid Prototyping Journal
Luca Facchini et al. Volume 16 · Number 6 · 2010 · 450 –459

Figure 13 Stress-strain curves for the material produced by SLM and Rapid prototyping techniques are currently being developed
heat treated (variant 1) for the production of complex prostheses, directly from
3D CAD-data. These techniques uniquely allow the
1,200 functionalization of the surfaces by building up, in one single
1,100 step, a porous surface layer with a tailored trabecular structure,
1,000 which is able to enhance the interaction with the tissues. The
900 mastery of the process necessitates obtaining the full density,
800 the minimization of the residual stresses and the control of the
Stress (MPa)

The as-built material coming from the SLM process has a
martensitic microstructure; the matrix is composed of acicular
a-phase, while no b-phase is present. Some microcracks are also
400 observable in the matrix; they are due to the effect of incomplete
300 homologous wetting and residual stresses produced by the large
200 solidification undercooling of the melt pool.
100 A proper modification of the standard process is effective in
0 supporting homologous wetting during the melting of the
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 powder and reducing residual stresses, but ductility does not
Strain (%) increase significantly, since the microstructure remains

Figure 14 Microstructure of the material produced by SLM and heat treated (variant 2)

50 µm 20 µm

(a) (b)

50 µm 20 µm

(c) (d)
Notes: Coarse lamellae of a-phase; b -phase appeared; globalization of a -phase occurred in isolated regions

Ductility of a Ti-6Al-4V alloy produced by melting prealloyed powders Rapid Prototyping Journal
Luca Facchini et al. Volume 16 · Number 6 · 2010 · 450 –459

Figure 15 XRD pattern of the material produced by SLM and heat Table V Summary of different procedures for rapid manufacturing of
treated (variant 2) Ti-6Al-4V
Yield Breaking
hcp-Ti Microstructure UTS stress elongation
Hot worked Globular a in 870 ^ 10 790 ^ 20 18.1 ^ 0.8
a þ b matrix
Intensity (a.u.)

EBM acicular a þ b 915 ^ 10 830 ^ 5 13.1 ^ 0.4

SLM acicular a0 1,095 ^ 10 990 ^ 5 8.1 ^ 0.3
Modified 1,140 ^ 10 1,040 ^ 10 8.2 ^ 0.3
SLM acicular a0
SLM 915 ^ 5 835 ^ 5 10.6 ^ 0.6
variant 1 Lamellar a þ b
30 40 50 60 70 80 SLM 990 ^ 15 870 ^ 15 11.0 ^ 0.5
variant 2 Lamellar a þ b
2ϑ (°)
Globular a
Note: Microstructure and mechanical properties
Figure 16 Stress-strain curves for the material produced by SLM and
heat treated (variant 2)
1,200 Figure 17 Stress-strain curves for the material produced by different
1,100 process variants; a comparison
1,000 1,200
900 1,100
800 1,000
Stress (MPa)

700 900
Stress (MPa)

200 Hot working and annealing
100 SLM
300 EBM
0 Modified SLM
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 SLM variant 1
100 SLM variant 2
Strain (%)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Table IV Tensile properties of the material produced by SLM and SLM Strain (%)
heat treated (variant 2), in comparison with reference data
Hot worked SLM heat
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Ductility of a Ti-6Al-4V alloy produced by melting prealloyed powders Rapid Prototyping Journal
Luca Facchini et al. Volume 16 · Number 6 · 2010 · 450 –459

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cast Ti-6Al-4Valloy”, Materials and Design, Vol. 27, pp. 192-9. some R&D projects for Eurocoating s.p.a. – Italy; these
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Rombouts, M. and Lawers, B. (2004), “Selective laser innovative materials including plastic, metals, ceramics
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Kubiak, K. and Sieniawski, J. (1998), “Development of the improvement of the production/manufacturing process.
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Leyens, C. and Peters, M. (2003), Titanium and Titanium international market leader company, manufacturer of acrylic-
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Technische Hochschule Aachen, Shaker, Aachen.
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parts and tools using laser melting”, Proceedings of the Engineering at the University of Padova, Italy and his PhD in
Second International WLT-Conference on Lasers in Metallurgical Engineering at the Turin Polytechnic
Manufacturing, Munich, Germany. University, Italy. Since 2003, he has been the Head of the
Ping Li, J., de Wijn, J.R., Van Blitterswijk, C.A. and Department of Materials Engineering and Industrial
de Groot, K. (2006), “Porous Ti6Al4V scaffold directly Technologies, of the University of Trento. He is also the
fabricating by rapid prototyping: preparation and in-vitro Head of the Metallurgy Group of the Department. His main
experiment”, Biomaterials, Vol. 27, pp. 1223-35. research areas are: production and heat treatment of special
Ponader, S., Vairaktaris, E., Heinl, P., von Wilmowsky, C., steels and irons (ADI and CGI); hot and cold working of
Rottmair, A., Körner, C., Singer, R.F., Holst, S., steels and non-ferrous alloys; surface engineering of steels and
Schlegel, K.A., Neukam, F.W. and Nkenke, E. (2007), titanium alloys; powder metallurgy (production, heat
“Effect of topographical surface modifications of electron treatment, mechanical, tribological and corrosion properties
beam melted Ti-6Al-4V titanium on human of sintered steels and non-ferrous alloys); metal injection
fetalosteoblasts”, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research moulding; nanomaterials by powder metallurgy (milling and
Part A, Vol. 84A No. 4, pp. 1111-19. consolidation of metallic powders); laser melting and EBM of
Semiatin, S.L., Stefansson, N. and Doherty, R.D. (2005), metallic powders; spark plasma sintering of functionally
“Prediction of the kinetics of static globularization of graded materials, composite and ceramics; cryogenic
Ti-6Al-4V”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, treatment of steel and non-ferrous alloys. He is the author
Vol. A36, pp. 1372-6. of more than 300 publications in international and national
Simchi, A. and Pohl, H. (2003), “Effects of laser sintering journals and conference proceedings.
processing parameters on the microstructure and
densification of iron powder”, Materials and Engineering, Simon Höges received his Diploma in Physics at the
Vol. A359, pp. 119-28. University of Aachen, Germany with a thesis on process
simulation of melt flow behaviour in small melt pools.
Since then, he has been working as a Research Assistant and a
About the authors
PhD student at the Department of Laser Technology. He
Luca Facchini received the MSc in Materials Engineering at works on the process development of SLM for biomedical
the University of Trento, Italy, with a thesis on the production applications.

Ductility of a Ti-6Al-4V alloy produced by melting prealloyed powders Rapid Prototyping Journal
Luca Facchini et al. Volume 16 · Number 6 · 2010 · 450 –459

Konrad Wissenbach is a Research Assistant at the laser radiation. He received his Diploma in Physics at the
Fraunhofer ILT and Head of the Department “Surface University of Darmstadt. He then worked as a Research
Treatment” with the main foci in laser cleaning, laser Assistant at the Institute for Applied Physics in Darmstadt
cladding, alloying and dispersing, laser heat treatment, rapid in the field of laser surface technology with the main focus in
prototyping and rapid manufacturing by SLM, laser polishing laser hardening. He received his PhD with a thesis on
and structuring as well as functionalization of coatings by transformation hardening with CO2-laser radiation.

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