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A Systems Analysis and Design Semester Project: A Stand-alone Project vs. a

Competitive Project

Article · January 2009


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Ranida B Harris
Indiana University Southeast


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Harris Sat, Nov 3, 4:00 - 4:25, Ellwood 1

A Systems Analysis and Design Semester Project:

A Stand-alone Project vs. a Competitive Project
Ranida Harris
School of Business
Indiana University Southeast
New Albany, IN 47150, USA

Numerous educators have suggested and shown the value in having a real world project for a
Systems Analysis and Design course. These real projects are often structured as semester
group projects. Traditionally I have had each group work on a different client system. I
changed this project structure when an opportunity presented itself to have students complete
projects on the same client in more of a competitive environment, similar to an organization
soliciting bids on analyzing and designing a new system. At the end of the semester, based on
both student comments and the final deliverables, I concluded that there are definite pros and
cons of having stand-alone vs. a competitive semester project. However, if I had to choose
one, I would have students complete competitive semester projects as experience led me to
believe that overall outcomes are better and more positive.

Keywords: group project, Systems Analysis and Design, teaching methods, semester project

projects have provided students with the

1. INTRODUCTION opportunity to apply the material in the book
and that learned in class (Marakas, 2006),
Throughout the years there have been a as well as have the exercise of analyzing and
number of different approaches to teaching designing a system for a client (e.g., Con-
a class on systems analysis and design nolly & Begg, 2006; Misic & Russo, 1999;
(SAD). As opposed to some of the other Noll & Wilkens, 2002).
computer courses (e.g., programming or
hardware), a number of aspects of the SAD However, at the beginning of the fall of
course are less clear and harder to illustrate 2004, I was approached by a colleague
and practice in a pure lecture environment about a potential class project, an informa-
(Griffeths & Oates, 2003). As a result, a tion system for a journal to be used in the
number of instructors and studies have ar- submission and review process. After learn-
gued that the traditional lecture approach is ing about the system background and user
not optimal (e.g., Felder, 1992; Griffeths, needs, I decided that this situation could
1998; Hackney, McMaster, et al., 2003; serve as an excellent learning experience for
Helwig, 2006). students in the SAD class. Additionally, to
ensure that the final product (the deliver-
To improve student learning of the SAD ma- able) was as strong as possible and to moti-
terial, instructors often use projects. These vate student groups, I made the decision
projects range from individual to group pro- that all groups would work on the same se-
jects (Lenox & Woratschek, 2005), and vary mester long project. As it turned out, struc-
from fictional situations to actual cases to turing the class with a competitive group
current real world projects that are drawn project provided for a unique learning ex-
from companies (e.g., Cappel, 2002; Scott, perience with certain advantages and disad-
2006; Surendran, Ehie, & Somarajan, 2005; vantages when compared to the stand-alone
van Vliet & Pietron, 2006). In my classes, I group project.
have always used semester long group pro-
jects drawn from real companies. These

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In the sections that follow, I will describe the ployee(s) at the decision-making level. In
general content of the SAD course. This will this case, the students would have to inter-
be followed by a discussion of my normal view the employee to determine the prob-
approach to a semester (stand-alone) real lem, system needs, and the other necessary
world project and the situation that allowed information. In completing this semester
for the competitive real world project. Fi- long project, all groups work on different
nally, I will summarize findings related to systems in different organizations.
the differences between the stand-alone and
At the beginning of the semester, students
competitive SAD semester projects.
are grouped into teams. During the first few
weeks of the semester, students work on the
initial discussions about what they want to
do, select the organization, and define the
Information Systems Analysis and Design is information system for the project. The pro-
a required course for upper-level students in ject identification is a very crucial step as it
my university. The course objectives for this will have a significant impact on the final
course include: project outcome. On the one hand, projects
with too large a scope, processes that are
1. Understand and use the systems devel- too complicated, or sources of information
opment life cycle. that may be unclear, might result in road-
2. Analyze an existing information system. blocks during the semester and leave stu-
dents feeling discouraged. On the other
3. Generate alternative solutions to an in- hand, projects that are too small or consist
formation systems problem and make of only a few simple processes might result
recommendations regarding the new in students losing interest and making them
system. feel unmotivated. To help students choose
4. Understand and explain the systems de- the “right” project, I facilitate the process by
sign, implementation, and maintenance informally asking about their ideas and give
processes. immediate feedback where possible. In
some cases, I ask students to give me a
5. Work successfully as a group on a com- rough draft of the project’s first milestone
mon problem. (described in the next section) and make
Student grades for this course are deter- suggestions, as well as help them modify it
mined based on quizzes, exams, homework, as necessary.
participation, and a semester-long team pro- Most teams have no problem coming up with
ject (where 20% of the project grade is the system for their projects. Due to stu-
based on peer evaluations). This team pro- dents’ diverse backgrounds, especially at my
ject is one of the highlights of the class, as it university where most students work at least
provides the students with a real-world op- part time, I have seen many different types
portunity to work on a system and com- of projects ranging from a small individually-
prises 30% of the overall grade for the class. owned company to a large national not-for-
profit organization. Regardless of the nature
3. TRADITIONAL APPROACH TO A of the project, the most important require-
SEMESTER REAL WORLD PROJECT ment is students must have access to the
information about the system. Potentials
At the universities where I have taught, in-
include a system that a student has used in
cluding my current position, I have taught
the past, has access to, or knows someone
the SAD class using a semester long project.
who they can ask for information when they
This project is completed by a group, rang-
have questions about the system.
ing from 3-5 students depending on the
class size. The projects are drawn from or- Most projects conclude at the end of the se-
ganizations where the students currently mester. In some cases, however, students
work or have worked in the past. If current continue working on the projects as a part of
or former employers do not provide an ap- their work assignments or personal devel-
propriate setting for the work project, stu- opment. In cases such as these, I would let
dents are told that they can complete a pro- the student ask for permission from his or
ject on a company where they know an em-

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her team before continuing with the project which included the information about the
outside the classroom. journal, editorial board, review board, and
the annual meeting of the Academy of Busi-
4. THE SITUATION THAT ALLOWED FOR ness Disciplines. Students were also en-
A COMPETITIVE REAL WORLD PROJECT couraged to setup an initial interview with
the graduate assistant who works for The
During the fall of 2004, an interesting situa- Journal for any further information regarding
tion presented itself. I was approached by the organization and the information system
one of the co-editors of the university- (i.e., paper reviewing process). Additionally,
affiliated journal (The Journal). The co- students also had the opportunity to observe
editor told me that The Journal had been the graduate assistant as she performed her
around since 2000, but that the system used job. The deliverables for this milestone in-
to manage the submission, review, decision, cluded a description of the organization, in-
and publication process had not been up- formation system description, and the prob-
dated in a while. At this point I asked the lem statement specifying the needs for the
co-editor a number of questions to deter- new/improved system.
mine if this was a problem that could be ad-
dressed in my SAD class. After receiving feedback from me on the first
milestone, students started working on the
After this discussion, I made the conclusion second milestone. The purpose of this mile-
that analyzing and designing a system for stone was to identify and analyze the cur-
The Journal would be an ideal semester pro- rent information system in the organization,
ject for the systems analysis and design as well as to describe the new conceptual
class. I also decided that since the goal was system (ER Diagram) that will address the
to arrive at the best possible system for The problem and fulfill the system requirements.
Journal, all groups in the SAD class would The deliverables for this milestone included
work on this project. Thus, there would be a a stakeholder analysis, current system char-
number of deliverables, from which the co- acteristics (i.e., system purposes, scope,
editors and I could choose the best one for components, etc.), current system Data Flow
The Journal’s purposes. Additionally, by Diagrams, new system criteria, and an en-
having all groups work on the same project tity-relationship diagram of the new system.
with the same information, the teams would
in effect be in competition with each other. In addition to the information received from
the graduate assistant, a Joint Application
The project was organized into multiple Development (JAD) session was conducted
segments or “milestones.” Students re- in the classroom, with tables and chairs set
ceived an instruction sheet specifying the up to resemble a meeting room. Both co-
requirements and due dates for each mile- editors of The Journal and the graduate as-
stone. There were five milestones associ- sistant were invited to the “meeting” with
ated with this project: the “system analysts.” Students came to
1. Identification of the organization and the class on that day with a list of questions
information system they would like to ask the “manager” and
the “users.” During the JAD session, stu-
2. Analysis of the current system and re- dents sat with their team, and each team
quirements analysis took turns asking questions. The instructor
3. New systems description and Baseline acted as a facilitator.
Project Plan The purpose of the third milestone was to
4. Group presentations and prototype recommend a new system solution and to
demonstration complete the Baseline Project Plan. Based
on the previous milestones, each project
5. Prototype and final report team researched several possible design
The primary purpose of the first milestone strategies, selected one design solution that
was to ensure that students understood the would best solve the business problem at
context of the organization and the informa- hand, and made recommendations how to
tion system with which they were dealing. proceed with the new system. Deliverables
To get started, each project group received for this process would then be used to guide
a copy of the previous issue of The Journal the project throughout the project life cycle.

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The fourth milestone involved group presen- 5. SUMMARY ABOUT FINDINGS COM-
tation and prototype demonstrations. Each PARING STAND-ALONE VS. COMPETI-
presentation was made to the co-editors of TIVE PROJECTS
The Journal and the graduate assistant. Un-
After having completed the semester where
like real project bidding, however, all “com-
there was the competitive real world project
peting” project teams were presented in the
to design a system for The Journal, I re-
same room as audiences.
flected on the process and outcomes, both in
After the presentation, I met with the “us- the forms of actual output (the group deliv-
ers” and asked for their feedback on the pro- erable) and student comments. My com-
jects. They were very impressed with the parison was between the stand-alone and
student presentations and were amazed by competitive projects, and these differences
how much students had accomplished given are provided in Appendix A.
the limited time, resources, and information.
The first difference was in the actual student
The prototype systems, although designed
learning. My conclusion was that students
to perform the same functions, were very
learned in both types of projects, but that
different, and each exhibited its own
the learning was different. In the stand-
strengths and weaknesses. For example,
alone projects, students learned a great deal
one group designed the system menu that
about their own client’s system and in the
was simple and easy to understand, yet cov-
process applied the material discussed in the
ered all the system functionalities. On the
SAD class. Additionally, students were un-
other hand, another group proposed several
able to rely on what the instructor or other
creative and meaningful report layouts that
students knew about the system, thus they
reflected the users’ needs. Based on the
had to become the absolute experts. How-
feedback from the journal editors, the “ulti-
ever, when there were competitive projects,
mate” system was a combination of the su-
students also learned the material, but just
perior design features from each group
learned it in a different way. When all stu-
(e.g., using the menu design from one and
dents were completing the same project,
the report design from another). This feed-
students again applied the class material
back was then passed along to the students.
and were able to learn from groups that ap-
I made the point to tell them that this
proached issues differently and/or completed
probably is how it works in the real world.
work/structured the system in a different
No single system is perfect.
and often better fashion. For example,
As a part of the last milestone, each group some groups had a better overall design
was required to turn in the project prototype whereas others had superior functionality
and the final report. The final report con- including reporting capabilities. In this way,
sisted of all the work from the previous mi- students could see how others dealt with the
lestones organized in the recommended same system, but chose to design it in a dif-
format for the Baseline Project Plan. The ferent way. Additionally, students learned
prototype had to contain all proposed forms that there are multiple solutions to any
and reports for the new system as described problem and that no system is perfect, with
in the new system description. The final the best systems often taking ideas from
report also included a user manual that de- multiple places.
scribed how to start up and use the proto-
A second difference involved the actual in-
type system.
terviewing of the client. When semester
After assigning the project grades, I received projects are completed independently as
permission from the groups to modify the stand-alones, groups conduct each of the
prototype systems they turned in for The interviews by themselves. Conversely, in
Journal. Using their prototypes as the start- the case of the competitive projects, the in-
ing points, I spent one weekend during the terview with the client took place in the
break modifying their systems and was able classroom. By having all students at the
to give it to the journal. It took approxi- same interview, they are able to use the in-
mately five months overall from the time formation gained from other group’s ques-
class started the project until The Journal tions, often ones they would not have
received a high-quality database system. thought of asking. Additionally, students get
to listen to and observe both how and what

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questions other students ask. In this proc- the quality of their deliverables. When we
ess, students learn from each other, as the discussed this project in class, since they are
client is the same, but students get to see working on the same project, where appro-
questions other groups would ask. After the priate, I would answer specific group ques-
interview session, I asked students about tions that one group may have had, but I
the most challenging part of this exercise. would provide the question and answer to all
Many of them said that, although they had groups in the class. Students also would
prepared a set of questions to ask and the informally talk about their systems, and in
order to ask those questions, they had to the competitive project situation, students
modify what they had in the real time basis. were often sharing their information and
Because of the unique setting where all the providing helpful solutions to other groups.
groups were at the interview, many ques- Student feedback informed me that this as-
tions were redundant. Students had to pect of being able to ask other groups about
change the order of the questions or change the same project was helpful in overcoming
the question itself, as the other groups were obstacles and arriving at the best possible
asking what they have planned. Similarly, solution. Additionally, comments received
they had to change questions based purely during the semester as well as those after
on the client answers which may have been the semester (formal school evaluations)
unanticipated. Both of these challenges mentioned that my answering questions was
forced students to think “on their feet” and quite helpful to not only the group asking
demonstrated the difficulty in engaging in a the question, but the other groups in the
quality client interview, where one attains all class as well.
the information needed, but does not waste
A fifth difference I observed was that the
valued client time. Overall, I thought for the
potential for students to cheat was much
project component of interviewing the client,
higher in the competitive project, thus re-
the reasons discussed made the competitive
sulting in less creativity in a number of
group project a better learning experience.
situations. When projects are completed as
A third difference is the exposure to other stand-alones, each group works on a unique
client systems. When the SAD class is struc- system with unique requirements. Thus, the
tured to have a competitive project, stu- potential for cheating is much less. Addition-
dents gain an in depth knowledge of one ally, when each client system is unique,
organization’s system. However, when the groups have to come up with their own solu-
class is structured with stand-alone group tions for problems with the systems they are
projects, each group learns a great deal working on. However, in the case of the
about their client’s system and also learns a competitive projects, the system and system
little bit about other clients’ systems, pri- requirements are the same. Further, as dis-
marily through group project peer assess- cussed in the previous paragraph, groups
ments and end-of-the-semester presenta- are able to share information, ideas, and
tions. In this respect, students are exposed thoughts, all of which often decrease the
to more systems when semester projects are creative process and increase the potential
stand-alone. for cheating. As a result, I did a number of
things (e.g., ask for online copies of each
A fourth difference is the ability to build off
paper so they could be compared; system-
of each other. In the stand-alone group pro-
atically ascertain if each student understood
jects, students are able to use/build off of
the system and its requirements via home-
classmates thought processes and poten-
work and testing) to encourage each group
tially integrate things other groups are doing
arriving at their own solutions and to dis-
by using them in their own client system’s
courage and penalize cheating. Nonethe-
projects (Janicki, Kline, Gowan, & Ko-
less, instructors must be aware that the po-
nopaske, 2004). On the flipside, in competi-
tential for cheating is elevated in a competi-
tive semester group projects, students are
tive group project environment.
able to ask others in class for project help
(as they have the same client and system). A sixth difference is the instructor ability to
They are also able to be in the same client assist student groups with their projects.
interview, see what other groups are doing Regardless of the project, the instructor
when project milestones are discussed, and should have an in depth knowledge of the
use all of this information to help improve SAD material, and can use that to help stu-

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dents. Additionally, when the project is a what motivated them to produce the ex-
competitive project with only a single client tremely high level deliverable, and I often
system, the instructor is able to specialize heard things related to the fact that the sys-
and learn a great deal more about that sys- tem was to be used by a real-world client, it
tem than if each group had a different sys- would be used by their University – thus
tem. As a result, when semester projects making them want to do the best job possi-
are competitive, the instructor is able to ble, and they wanted to do a better job than
know more about and provide more client the other groups in class.
system specific help.
A seventh difference is the perceived pres-
sure between groups. Comparing the stand- Teaching the systems analysis and design
alone and competitive groups, the pressure class is always a challenge and many in-
between groups was considerably higher structors have shown the efficacy in using a
when all groups had to analyze and design real world semester project. Up to this point
the system for the single client (the com- I had always had student groups complete
petitive semester project). This is not different stand-alone projects. However,
meant to say that pressure is a good or a when the opportunity presented itself, I ex-
bad thing, although I believe that there is plored the opportunity of having students
healthy pressure similar to what employees complete the same real-world group project
experience in an organizational setting, but in a more competitive environment. The
just that pressure which did help to motivate results, based on both the quality of work
the groups was different depending on the and student comments, revealed that groups
structure of the semester project. When we felt pressure to work harder, enjoyed the
discussed the project in class throughout the competition, and ultimately produced higher
semester, students would often discuss or quality projects. All in all, I have concluded
show me the progress of their work. With that I will not shy away from and will actu-
the small class size, it is highly likely that ally try to have more competitive group pro-
other project groups heard parts of our con- jects, as the benefits of these projects far
versation, and they even joined our discus- outweigh any potential drawbacks.
sion to learn more about what we were talk-
ing about. It was not uncommon at all to 7. REFERENCES
hear other groups say something like “wow,
that’s a good idea,” “our group did such and Cappel, J. J. (2002) “A Systems Analysis and
such things for our project,” or “what do you Design Case: ABC Church.” Journal of
think if we were to do this differently.” For- Information Systems Education, 12 (4),
tunately, these students were very helpful pp. 233-243.
with each other in the way that they did not Connolly, T. M., and C. E. Begg (2006) “A
view this type of intervention as a threat to constructivist-based approach to teach-
their project scores (as I had told them the ing database analysis and design.” Jour-
projects would not be graded on a bell nal of Information Systems Education,
curve, but as separate projects, and all 17(1), pp. 43-54.
groups could do things differently, but still
receive a high grade if it was deserved). Felder, R. (1992) “How about a quick one?”
Based on personal discussions as well as Chemical Engineering Education, 26(1),
end-of-the-semester teaching evaluations, pp. 18-19.
students definitely enjoyed working on a real Griffeths, G. (1998) The Essence of Struc-
project, learning from each other, and actu- tured Systems Analysis Techniques.
ally wished we had devoted more time in Prentice Hall, New York.
class to the project.
Griffeths, G., and B. J. Oates (2003) “Lec-
A last difference was the overall quality of ture-free Teaching for Systems Analysis:
the final deliverable. Although the projects An Action Research Study.” Proceedings
delivered by students were strong in both of Informing Science and Information
the stand-alone and competitive semester Technology Education Joint Conference,
projects, the overall quality of the systems Pori, Finland.
was higher when the projects were on the
same client. I asked some students about

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Hackney, R., T. McMaster, et al., (2003)

"Using Cases as a Teaching Tool in IS
Education." Journal of Information Sys-
tems Education, 14(3), pp. 229-234.
Helwig, J. (2006) “Using a “Real” Systems
Development Project to Enrich a Sys-
tems Analysis and Design Course.” In-
formation Systems Education Journal, 4
Janicki, T. N., D. Kline, J. A. Gowan, and R.
Konopaske. (2004) “Matching Employer
Needs with IS Curriculum: An Explora-
tory Study.” Information Systems Edu-
cation Journal, 2 (21).
Lenox, T. L., and C. R. Woratschek. (2005)
“The Pros and Cons of Using a Compre-
hensive Final Case Project in a Database
Management Systems Course: Marvin's
Magnificent Magazine Publishing House.”
Information Systems Education Journal,
Marakas, G. M. (2006) Systems Analysis &
Design: An Active Approach. McGraw-Hill
Misic, M. M., and N. L. Russo. (1999) “An
Assessment of Systems Analysis and De-
sign.” Journal of Systems and Software,
45, pp. 197-202.
Noll, C. L., and M. Wilkens. (2002) “Critical
Skills of IS Professionals: A Model for
Curriculum Development.” Journal of In-
formation Technology Education, 1(3),
pp. 143-154.
Scott, E. (2006) “Systems Development
Group Project: A Real-world Experience.”
Information Systems Education Journal,
Surendran, K., I. C. Ehie, and C. Somarajan.
(2005) “Enhancing Student Learning
Across Disciplines: A Case Example Us-
ing a Systems Analysis and Design
Course for MIS and ACS Majors.” Journal
of Information Technology Education, 5,
pp. 257-274.
Van Vliet, P. J., and Pietron, L. R. (2006)
“Information systems development edu-
cation in the real world – a project me-
thodology and assessment.” Journal of
Information Systems Education, 17(3),
pp. 285-294.

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Appendix A

Differences Between Stand-alone and Competitive Semester SAD Projects

Stand-alone Projects Competitive Projects

Good, but different from Overall Learning Good, but different from stand-
competition projects alone projects
Interviews are conducted Interviewing the Better than stand-alone projects,
individually Client as groups can use all information
gathered and learn from each
Better, as groups gain con- Exposure to Different Groups gather an in-depth knowl-
siderable knowledge of their Client Systems edge of one client’s system
own client’s system, as well
as exposure to other
group’s client’s systems
Students are able to use Ability to Build off of Students are able to ask others in
others’ thought processes and Share Informa- class for project help (as they
and potentially take things tion with Each Other have the same client and sys-
other groups are doing and tem), the client interview is the
use them in their projects same, and when project mile-
stones are discussed, groups can
use them to help each other
Increased creativity and Creativity/Potential Potential for decreased creativity
minimal potential for cheat- for Cheating and considerably higher chance of
ing, as all of the projects cheating, as groups can talk with
are stand-alone each other and share information
Some, based on instructor’s Instructor Ability to Much better, as the instructor has
general SAD knowledge, but Help Student Groups general SAD knowledge and
minimal in relation to the greater information about a single
client’s system client’s system
Minimal, as students realize Perceived Pressures Much higher (in a good way), as
that their project will be between Groups students are motivated to per-
compared to others, but form at an extra high level as all
that the system is different deliverables are on the same cli-
ent and easy to compare
Good, but often times not Final Deliverable Better, primarily as a function of
as good as possible based the improved client interview,
on potential initial holes in instructor’s better knowledge of
the client interview and mi- the system, and group competi-
nimal motivation to “one- tive pressures
up” other groups

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