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Priority Assessment Data - Fit Y by X of Days by Priority 2 Page 1 of 2

Oneway Analysis of Days By Priority




Low Medium High Each Pair

Priority Student's t

Oneway Anova
Summary of Fit
Rsquare 0.025351
Adj Rsquare 0.022252
Root Mean Square Error 4.057332
Mean of Response 2.337658
Observations (or Sum Wgts) 632

Analysis of Variance
Sum of
Source DF Squares Mean Square F Ratio Prob > F
Priority 2 269.321 134.661 8.1801 0.0003*
Error 629 10354.562 16.462
C. Total 631 10623.884

Means for Oneway Anova

Level Number Mean Std Error Lower 95% Upper 95%
Low 67 4.22836 0.49568 3.2550 5.2018
Medium 245 2.05633 0.25921 1.5473 2.5654
High 320 2.15719 0.22681 1.7118 2.6026
Std Error uses a pooled estimate of error variance
Means Comparisons
Comparisons for each pair using Student's t
Confidence Quantile
t Alpha
1.96374 0.05

LSD Threshold Matrix

Low High Medium
Low -1.3766 1.0007 1.0736
High 1.0007 -0.6299 -0.5755
Medium 1.0736 -0.5755 -0.7199

Positive values show pairs of means that are significantly different.

Priority Assessment Data - Fit Y by X of Days by Priority 2 Page 2 of 2

Oneway Analysis of Days By Priority

Means Comparisons
Comparisons for each pair using Student's t
Connecting Letters Report
Level Mean
Low A 4.2283582
High B 2.1571875
Medium B 2.0563265
Levels not connected by same letter are significantly different.
Ordered Differences Report
Level - Level Difference Std Err Dif Lower CL Upper CL p-Value
Low Medium 2.172032 0.5593677 1.07358 3.270486 0.0001*
Low High 2.071171 0.5451094 1.00072 3.141625 0.0002*
High Medium 0.100861 0.3444346 -0.57552 0.777242 0.7697

Excluded Rows 10

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