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KEDB _ Silent Installation


Mounika Vemuri



Why Silent installation? What are the parameters needed for it?
We will go for silent installation for two reasons

1. If the size of the .exe is too large

2. If it is calling three or more MSIs

.EXE File:

Run the .exe file from a command line

To determine which switches are available in the package, use one of the following Help switches when
you run the package at a command line:
 /?
 /h
 /help

The following table lists the command-line switches that are supported by Microsoft Self-Extractor
 /quiet - Runs the package in silent mode
 /passive - Runs the update without any interaction from the user.
 /norestart - Prevents prompting of the user when a restart of the computer is needed.
 /forcerestart - Forces a restart of the computer as soon as the update is finished.

For Installshield .EXE File:

The following are the command line parameters:

This option causes Setup.exe to automatically generate a silent response file (.iss), which is a record of
the installation input, in the systemroot folder (typically C:\WinNT).
This option performs a silent (unattended) installation.

This option allows you to specify the alternate location and name of the response file (.iss file). If the -f1
switch is not used when you run silent installation, Setup searches for the response file Setup.iss in the
same folder as Setup.exe.

This option allows you to specify an alternate location and name of the log file. By default, the Setup.log
log file is created and stored in the systemroot  folder (typically C:\Winnt).

Prevents Setup.exe from checking the available memory during initialization. This switch is necessary
when running Setup on a computer with more than 256 megabytes (MB) of memory. If it is not used,
Setup.exe reports insufficient memory and exits.

Silent installation for Microsoft Applications:
To specify silent installation options in Config.xml

1. Open the Config.xml file using Notepad.

2. Locate the line that contains the Display element, as shown in the following example:
<!-- <Display Level="full" CompletionNotice="yes" SuppressModal="no"
AcceptEula="no" /> -->

3. Modify the Display element entry with the silent options that you want to use. Make sure that you
remove the comment delimiters, "<!--" and "-->."

For example, use the following syntax:

<Display Level="none" CompletionNotice="no" SuppressModal="yes"
AcceptEula="yes" />
These options will direct Setup to run silently, prevent the prompting of users to enter information,
and prevent the installation from waiting for user interactions.

4. To suppress restarts, add the following lines:

<Setting Id="SETUP_REBOOT" Value="Never" />
<Setting Id="REBOOT" Value="ReallySuppress"/>

5. Save the Config.xml file.

Where we will get the kernel drivers?

Path of Kernel drivers:

Msinfo32.msc - System Summary\Software Environment\System Drivers.

What are Machine Scripts in Deployment Config?

Machine Scripts are the package can be configured to execute scripts at time of deployment, publishing
or removal. These Scripts will run for all users.


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