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METAL ANALYSIS (Cu, Fe, Cd, Cr and Hg) OF




March 2018


I, hereby declare that the matter embodied in this project report is the result of
work carried out by me under the guidance of Prof. Thomas, Department of
Chemistry, Christ (Deemed to be University).

Prithvi Moharana (1540547)

March 2018 Name & Signature of the student


This is to certify that the work presented in the project work entitled “Study of Water

Quality by Physiochemical Method (pH, Hardness, COD, DO, Alkalinity, Chlorinity)

and Heavy Metal Analysis (Cu, Fe, Cd, Cr and Hg) of Various Lakes of Bangalore,

Karnataka” is an authentic record of the work carried out by Prithvi Moharana

(1540547) under my guidance and direct supervision.

March 2018
Name& Signature of Your Teacher

Head, Department of Chemistry



I would like to place on record our sincere gratitude to the Vice Chancellor Rev.
Father Thomas C Mathew for his constant support and guidance in making our studies
in the University fruitful. Next we thank the Dean of Science, Dr. Surendra Kulkarni
for his encouraging presence and guidance. We also thank the HOD of the department
of Chemistry Dr. Riya Datta and the coordinator of the department of Chemistry, Dr
Dephan Pinheiro, for their constant accompaniment and leadership in motivating us to
give our best. We would also like to acknowledge our heartfelt gratitude to our
supervisor Professor Thomas K J for his able guidance and constant corrections. It is
only because of his help that we could complete this project in time. Last but not least
we thank the Lab assistants, Ms. Mary and Ms. Revathi for patiently helping us and
for availing the lab and instruments for our use in making our project successful. We
also thank the God Almighty for his guidance and graces without which nothing could
have possible.

Prithvi Moharana (1540547)

March 2018 Name of the student


CHAPTER 1...................................................................................................................6
Objectives of the Work..........................................................................................9
CHAPTER 2.................................................................................................................10
REVIEW OF LITERATURE..................................................................................10
CHAPTER 3.................................................................................................................16
MATERIALS AND METHODS.............................................................................16
For pH..................................................................................................................16
For Hardness........................................................................................................16
For DO (Dissolved Oxygen)................................................................................18
For Alkalinity.......................................................................................................19
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)......................................................................20
For Chlorinity.......................................................................................................21
For Heavy Metal Analysis...................................................................................22
Chapter 4......................................................................................................................23
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS............................................................................23
PH VALUES........................................................................................................23
ALKALINTY VALUES......................................................................................25
DISSOLVED OXYGEN......................................................................................26
CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND....................................................................28
HEAVY METALS ANALYSIS..........................................................................30



The Bangalore lakes occupy about 4.8% of the cities geographical area (640 sq.
meters). For Bangalore four valleys i.e. (Virshabavathy, Arkavathy, Hebbal and
Koramangala) used to cater water for drinking and irrigation. Due to an increase of
population and improper savage management all these valleys are now became a full
of savage and not fit for irrigation, domestic are drinking purposes. This could partly
relate to the fact that reservoirs are perceived to be low value habitat from a
conservation perspective, because the Indian freshwater fish fauna has evolved in
riverine and floodplain habitats largely in the absence of the large permanent lake
systems. Bangalore city drinking water is mainly from Cauvery River. Importance of
water is well known. It is drawn from natural sources for survival. If water at source is
polluted, it is natural that we get polluted water thus causing problems for our
survival. It may be mentioned that the water sources are polluted with the idea to
improve our living standard or to make our life comfortable but in turn it threatens our
very survival. Therefore there is need to study in brief the nature of water pollution so
as to enable us to go for prevention. Water resources are of critical importance to both
natural ecosystems and human society development. It is essential and required for
maintaining a healthy state of all the animals in sustainable ecosystem. The study of
water bodies has gained immense importance in recent years because of their multiple
uses for human consumption, agriculture and industry. Thus the demand for water has
increased with the increase in human activities and therefore, several of the important
concepts in ecology have been developed from studies of the aquatic ecosystems and
organisms. Freshwater has been of great importance to human beings and other
organisms of the environment for sustenance of life and maintaining the balance of
the nature, hence “water is the life blood of the earth”. Lakes are becoming very
important resources throughout the world as they meet basic requirements. Water is a
prime natural resource and a basic human need. Lake ecology and its biodiversity
depend on its natural shoreline and connectivity of lakes. Wetlands, fresh water and
its resources are economically important for the healthy survival of living beings on
earth and so has become a cause of concern during this era of global warming. Lakes

all over the world are drying as they have turned into dumping grounds for sewage,
industry effluents and other hazardous wastes. Encroachment of the lakes, pollution of
air, agricultural and sewage disposal into the lakes and rapid urbanization has
apparently caused undesirable change in the climate and lake structure. The physio-
chemical and bacteriological methods are used to detect the effects of pollution on the
water quality. Most lakes in the Bangalore region were constructed in the Sixteenth
century by damming the natural valley systems. The effect of urbanization has taken
some heavy toll on the beautiful lakes in Bangalore. The lakes in the city have been
largely encroached for urban infrastructure and as result in the heart of the city only
17 good lakes exist as against 51 healthy lakes in 1985. Most of the lakes and tanks
were man-made for purposes of drinking water, irrigation and fishing needs. The
lakes have also served to replenish ground water resources in the vicinity, which are
tapped through wells for drinking water. The most important role since ecology
determines the habitability and abundance of flora and fauna in different sections [40]
though the defilement of water and deterioration of aquatic system is as old
civilization however escalating industrialization, urbanization, developmental and
agricultural activities have brought irreversible changes in such systems. Unplanned
and excessive exploitation and mounting anthropogenic influences in and around
aquatic ecosystem have resulted in pollution problems. Lakes being fragile ecosystem
are vulnerable to such problems. Pollution caused by a plethora of human activities
primarily affects physico-chemical characteristics of water, leading to destructions of
community disrupting delicate food webs and deteriorating the lake environment.
Water quality in lakes depends upon natural degradation process of eutrophication.
Impacts of human activities, which accelerate eutrophication process by several
orders of magnitude then a process that would normally take tens of thousands of
years if left to nature. The hastening of eutrophication is an account of waste water
discharges and agricultural runoff. The physico-chemical parameters of any lake
provide first-hand information about water quality characteristics and pollution in
lake. The aquatic ecosystem presents a great contrast to terrestrial ecosystem and
aquatic organisms display such a wide range of adaptations that they continue to
attract the attention of biologists. Studies on physico-chemical factors influence the
aquatic biota.
PH is a measure of the acidity of alkalinity of water, expressed in terms of its
concentration of hydrogen ions. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is

considered to be neutral. Substances with pH of less than 7 are acidic; substances with
pH greater than 7 are basic.

Water hardness can be most simply described as the level of mineral in the water.
Hard water has a lot of dissolved mineral and soft water has very little dissolved
mineral in the water. The most common mineral in water is calcium; however, other
minerals can also be present. Most people's tap water is either slightly hard or soft
depending on where it comes from. It is a measure of the quantity of divalent ions (for
this discussion, salts with two positive charges) such as calcium, magnesium and/or
iron in water.  There are many different divalent salts; however, calcium and
magnesium are the most common sources of water hardness.
Alkalinity is the capacity of water to resist changes in pH that would make the water
more acidic. Alkalinity is the strength of a buffer solution composed of weak acids
and their conjugate bases. It is measured by titrating the solution with a monoprotic
acid such as HCl until its pH changes abruptly, or it reaches a known endpoint where
that happens. Alkalinity is expressed in units of meq/L (milliequivalents per liter),
which corresponds to the amount of monoprotic acid added as a titrant in millimoles
per liter.

DO refers to the level of free, non-compound oxygen dissolved in water or other

liquids. It is an imperative factor in assessing water quality because of its influence on
the organisms living within a body of water. In limnology, dissolved oxygen is an
essential factor second only to water itself. A dissolved oxygen level that is too high
or too low can harm aquatic life and affect water quality. Oxygen dissolves in surface
water due to the aerating action of winds. Oxygen is also introduced into the water as
a by-product of aquatic plant photosynthesis.

Chemical oxygen demand (COD) reflects the concentration of organic compounds

present in wastewater. This measures the total quantity of oxygen required for
oxidation of organics into carbon dioxide and water. The oxidation of organics in
wastewater is carried out by the action of strong oxidizing agents. Generally, acidified
potassium dichromate is used as an oxidizing agent for the determination of COD.

Originally chlorinity was defined as the weight of chlorine in grams per kilogram of
seawater after the bromides and iodides had been replaced by chlorides. To make the
definition independent of atomic weights, chlorinity is now defined as 0.3285233
times the weight of silver equivalent to all the halides. The chlorinity of seawater is
generally determined in order to permit the calculation of salinity, although other
methods of determining salinity can be used.

Heavy metals are not biologically degraded like many organic pollutants; thus, heavy
metals tend to accumulate, particularly in sediments in association with organic and
inorganic matter, and involves adsorption, complex formation and chemical
combination. [1] Heavy metals such as Pb, Cr,Mg, Co, Fe, Hg, etc. are of special
concern because they produce water or chronic poisoning in aquatic animals. [3] And
can damage various organs of the body causing neurological, reproductive and kidney
malfunctions. It can also result in high blood pressure and anaemia. [4]

Objectives of the Work

Wetlands are currently degraded by both natural and anthropogenic activities, which
deteriorate their quality, and push them to the brink of extinction in the process of
unplanned development, giving rise to the need for suitable conservation strategies.
Unfortunately, over the years, less attention has been given to wetland losses world
over, including Bangalore. The degradation of the wetlands has altered their
functions, affecting the ecological balance. The objectives of carrying out the
physico-chemical and biological analyses of water bodies are as follows:
Since the quality of aquatic life depends on the water quality, a thorough assessment
of the water quality is an integral part of wetland evaluation. The assessment of the
chemical criteria of the water body helps in:
• Evaluating the chemicals that cause toxicity to aquatic life.
• Studying the long-term effects on the ecosystem.
• Conducting the status and monitoring of wetland resources by studying their
physico-chemical and biological parameters.



In the first article reviewed, P.G. Smitha , K. Byrappa and S.N. Ramaswamy’s
studies took place in the districts of Karnataka. Utilizing these water samples, various
titration methods were implemented for a clear analysis of alkalinity present in the
river sample. It is noted that the alkalinity of the water source is more significant than
its pH because it takes into account the principal constituents that influence the
water’s ability to regulate the pH of the medium. Alkalinity increases as the amount
of dissolved carbonates and bicarbonates increase. Bore wells are abundant with
bicarbonates whereas streams are more acidic in nature. Whereas the pond and open
well have similar acidic strength and bicarbonates, carbonates salts present. [1]

By Anitha Pius & Charmaine Jerome & Nagaraja Sharma: There is a tremendous
increase in demand in the city for good quality groundwater resource. The present
study monitored the groundwater quality using geographic information system (GIS)
techniques for a part of Bangalore metropolis. Physicochemical analysis data of the
groundwater samples collected at predetermined locations form the attribute database
for the study done. It was seen that alkalinity have high values in the central area. The
high alkalinity can be associated with the large number of electroplating units and
pharmaceutical industries located within this area. Ninety percent of the water
samples showed high alkalinity with concentrations ranging above 200 mg/L which
may be due to decay of organic matter and weathering of rocks and minerals. The
high alkalinity value could also be due to the action of carbonates upon the basic
material in the soil. The results showed that the overall water quality of Peenya
industrial area and its environs is very poor and unsuitable for drinking purposes. [2]

Bhateria, R., & Jain, D. in the article Water quality assessment of lake water: a review
comments that for many people, heavy metal pollution is a problem associated with
areas of intensive industry. However, roadways and automobiles now are considered
to be one of the largest sources of heavy metals. Zinc, copper, and lead are three of
the most common heavy metals released from road travel, accounting for at least 90

of the total metals in road runoff. Lead concentrations, however, consistently have
been decreasing since leaded gasoline was discontinued. Smaller amounts of many
other metals, such as nickel and cadmium, are also found in road runoff and exhaust.
About half of the zinc and copper contribution to the environment from urbanization
is from automobiles. Brakes release copper, while tire wear releases zinc. Motor oil
also tends to accumulate metals as it comes into contact with surrounding parts as the
engine runs, so oil leaks become another pathway by which metals enter the
environment. On the road surface, most heavy metals become bound to the surfaces of
road dust or other particulates.. The soluble form of metals is thought to be more
dangerous because it easily is transported and more readily available to plants and
animals. pH tends to be a master variable in this whole process. pH is a measure of
the concentration of hydrogen (H+) ions dissolved in water. H+ is the ion that causes
acidity; however, it is also a cation. As a cation it is attracted to the negative charges
of the soil and sediment particles. In acid conditions, there are enough H+ ions in to
occupy many of the negatively charged surfaces of clay and organic matter. Little
room is left to bind metals, and as a result, more metals remain in the soluble phase.

Jumbe and Nanini in the article Heavy Metals Analysis and Sediment Quality Values
in Urban Lakes analysed heavy metals such as Cd, Co, Cu, Cr, Mn, Pb, Ni and Zn in
lake bed sediments using comparative sediment quality guidelines from various
derived criteria. The selection of sampling points was based upon inflow and outflow
regions of the lakes; geographical proximity of industrial units in relation to their
effluent discharges; proximity of residential sites located on the banks of the wetland
systems; drainage patterns and accessibility towards the lakes. Digestion and analysis
of the samples were done by microwave-assisted digestion and atomic absorption
spectrophotometry respectively. They suggests that that the level of sustained metal
contamination of the fragile urban wetlands has not receded even after the recent
urban wetlands rejuvenation works were completed. This prolonged presence in
excessive levels of the studied heavy metals in the bed sediments casts doubt on the
choice and effectiveness of the any mitigation measures in the long run. [5]

The study conducted by Begum, Abida et al., in their article Nutrients and Heavy
Metal Profile of Madivala Lake, Bangalore South, Karnataka says that in the fishes
caught from the ponds in bangaloe carries high heavy metal concentration. The
maximum concentration of heavy metals was found in Kidney and liver, the order of
heavy metal level in various argons is Muscle >Gills >liver >kidney. The Order of
heavy metal concentration in Muscle Pb >Cd>Ni>Cr, in Gills Pb =Cd>Ni>Cr, in
kidney Pb >>Cd>Ni>Cr and in liver Pb >Cd>Ni>Cr The presence of elevated levels
of Pb and Cd in almost argons is a serious matter of concern and the potential for
human exposure to heavy metals from eating fish caught in the lakes .The probable
source of the pollutants is anthropogenic, arising from agricultural activities,
Electroplating materials and lubricants used near the lake. The potential risk for
human exposure to these metals emanates from the fish caught in the lakes and
subsequently consumed, as there are already significant levels of these metals in the
fish species analysed. [1]

The World Health organization has given quality parameters of water in Guidelines
for Drinking Water Quality [6]. The permissible amount of heavy metals are
mentioned in it. The source and harmful effects of these metals are also mentioned in
this paper.
Cadmium metal is used in the steel industry and in plastics. Cadmium compounds are
widely used in batteries. Cadmium is released to the environment in wastewater, and
diffuse pollution is caused by contamination from fertilizers and local air pollution.
Guideline value 0.003 mg/litre. Levels in drinking-water usually less than 1 mg/litre.
Total intake of cadmium should not exceed 1 mg/kg of body weight per day.
Absorption of cadmium compounds is dependent on the solubility of the compounds.
Cadmium accumulates primarily in the kidneys and has a long biological half-life in
humans of 10–35 years. There is evidence that cadmium is carcinogenic. The kidney
is the main target organ for cadmium toxicity.
Chromium is widely distributed in the Earth’s crust. It can exist in valences of +2 to
+6. In general, food appears to be the major source of intake. Provisional guideline
0.05 mg/litre for total chromium value. Chromium and its salts are used in the leather
tanning industry, the manufacture of catalysts, pigments and paints, fungicides, the
ceramic and glass industry and in photography and for chrome alloy and chromium

metal production, chrome plating and corrosion control. Hexavalent compounds are
carcinogenic by inhalation and are corrosive to tissue.
Copper is both an essential nutrient and a drinking-water contaminant. It has many
commercial uses. Guideline value 2 mg/litre. Concentrations in drinking-water range
from £0.005 to >30 mg/litre, primarily as a result of the corrosion of interior copper
plumbing. IPCS concluded that the upper limit of the acceptable range of oral intake
in adults is uncertain but is most likely in the range of several (more than 2 or 3) but
not many milligrams per day in adults.
Iron is an essential element in human nutrition. Estimates of the minimum daily
requirement for iron depend on age, sex, physiological status and iron bioavailability
and range from about 10 to 50mg/day. Mercury is used in the electrolytic production
of chlorine, in electrical appliances, in dental amalgams and as a raw material for
various mercury compounds. Methylation of inorganic mercury has been shown to
occur in fresh water and in seawater, although almost all mercury in uncontaminated
drinking-water is thought to be in the form of Hg2+. Food is the main source of
mercury in non-occupationally exposed populations; the mean dietary intake of
mercury in various countries ranges from 2 to 20mg/day per person. Guideline value
0.001 mg/litre for total mercury. Mercury is present in the inorganic form in surface
water and groundwater at concentrations usually below 0.5 mg/litre, although local
mineral deposits may produce higher levels in groundwater.

Water quality, habitat structure, flow regime, energy source and biotic interactions are
the major environmental factors that determine water resource integrity [10]. The
physical and chemical attributes of water are the critical components of a water
resource. They include temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, hardness, turbidity,
concentration of soluble and insoluble organic and inorganic, alkalinity, nutrients,
heavy metals, and an array of toxic substances which may have simple chemical
properties or their dynamics may be complex and changing, depending upon other
constituents in the geological strata, soils, and land use in the region [11].

Chemical oxygen demand (COD) determines the oxygen required for chemical
oxidation of most organic matter and oxidizable inorganic substances with the help of
strong chemical oxidant. In conjunction with the BOD, the COD test is helpful in
indicating toxic conditions and the presence of biologically resistant organic

substances (Sawyer and McCarty 1978). COD values in Sankey tank water was
71.44 ± 12.32 mg/L (March 2012), 37.94 ± 1.41 mg/L (April 2012) and
21.91 ± 3.19 mg/L (May 2012). In Mallathahalli lake water, it was
153.78 ± 27.40 mg/L (March 2012), 40.70 ± 2.63 mg/L (April 2012) and
40.48 ± 2.04 mg/L (May 2012). Khuhawari et al. (2009) associated higher values of
COD with increased anthropogenic pressures on lakes and it is evident from the
results that COD values of both the lakes were very high, an indication of flooded
organic matter.[14]

The concentrations of chloride, Nitrate and Ammonium varied considerably and there
was a wide spectrum of results. The Minimum and maximum concentrations for
chloride were( 0.12&72.14 in May, 0.12 & 65.45 in June and in July 0.9 & 45.32
mg/L ), for nitrate ( 0.13 & 33.43 in May ,0.11 & 4.99 in June and in July ND & 3.34
mg/L) and for ammonium were (0.7&1.85 in May 0.5 & 1.89 in June and in July ND
& 1.54 mg/L). The concentration of sulphate, Chloride , Nitrate and Ammonium in 14
stations of Bangalore South ranged from 1- 16 % (Max in Bomannahalli, Begur Road
and H.S.R Layout , 15-16 %), 0- 68 % (Max in Madivala 68 %), 0- 31 % (Max. in
Koramangala, 31 %) 2- 15 % ( Max. in Begur Road & Electronic city, 15 %).[15]

Temperature of water is basically important because it effects biochemical reactions

in aquatic organisms. A rise in temperature of water leads to the speeding up of
chemical reactions in water, reduces the solubility of gases and amplifies the tastes
and odour. It is also observed from the present study that, the colour of the lake water
is also Greyish black to Dark blue because of Weeds and green algal growth
population. Electrical Conductivity(EC ) - Higher the concentration of acid, base and
salts in water, a higher will be the EC. Dilution of water during the rains causes a
decrease in electrical conductance. Chloride found in the range of 142.5 mg/l to
231.6mg/l, at all the sampling points within the desirable limit as per BIS standard.
Phosphate found in the range of 1.49 mg/l to 9.2 mg/l. Fluoride found in the range of
1.1 mg/l to 1.8 mg/l, at sampling point 7 & 12 exceeds permissible limit and
remaining sampling point are between the desirable and permissible limits as per BIS
standard .[16]

The scientists conducted the analysis of dissolved oxygen using Winkler’s method on
Nalanda Lake. They aimed at determining the variability of dissolved oxygen in the

lake with the weather changes for four weeks. Main objective of this research was to
determine the DO concentration in selected Non-point source and developed the DO
consumption model by using a Mathematical Equation. The scientists selected five
different sample location points. DO variation was studied during four weeks. Totally
20 samples were analysed. DO was measured by DO meter. They were able to make
conclusions about their experiments concluding that in the rainy season the lake had a
high amount of DO concentration in the water. But in dry season less amount of DO
concentration was detected in the water, because dissolved Oxygen depends on the

The Physico-Chemical studies of Madiwala lake were conducted by the above

mentioned person. The water samples were collected from a point near the middle of
the lake and analyzed for important water quality parameters like total dissolved
solids, pH, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand, nitrate, orthophosphate and
Common water quality parameters like turbidity, temperature, total hardness,
sulphates, total alkalinity, electrical conductivity. The results were compared with the
values stipulated by WHO for drinking water quality. The pH exceeded the maximum
limit of 9.0 recommended in the standards for treated wastewater. BOD exceeded
permissible limit of 6 mg/l said by the WHO standards. The nitrate levels were within
limits prescribed by all drinking water standards. All other parameters were all well
within permissible limits. The water is safe based on most of the chemical parameters
examined; the water may be unsafe due to poor microbial quality. The present study
was carried out from March, 2012 to February, 2013. The study provided the much
needed baseline data to review the problems associated with the water quality.

Assessment of Physico-Chemical parameters of Bellandur Lake, Bangalore was done

during the month of March 2013. Lake water is a source of drinking and domestic use
for rural and urban population of India. A total of twelve samples were collected by
the scientists on the basis of their importance. The analysis was carried out for the
parameters like Temperature, Colour, Turbidity, Electrical Conductivity, Total
Dissolved Solids, pH, Total Hardness, Calcium, Magnesium, Alkalinity, Sulphate,
Nitrate, Chloride, Phosphate, Fluoride, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Biological Oxygen
Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD). The study report discusses
about the analysis of lake water quality.



The study is conducted at Bangalore, Karnataka. The water samples were collected
from four different lakes, named as Ulsoor Lake, Hebbal Lake, Madiwala lake and
Bellandur lake of Bangalore and analysed for a periods of two months, December-
January 2017-18.
The water samples were collected in a sterilized plastic container of one litre and were
analysed for various physiochemical parameters. The procedure for analysis was
followed as per standard methods of analysis of water. The parameters analysed were
pH, Total Hardness, Chloride, Total Alkalinity, Dissolved oxygen and different heavy
metal detection was done.

For pH

Apparatus Required- pH meter with electrode, beakers

Chemicals Required- Water samples from different sources, buffer solution.
Determination of pH
1. Switch on the pH meter and connect the banana socket of pH electrode with the
instrument and allow it to warm up for 15 to 20 minutes.
2. Insert the electrode in buffer solution of 4.00 pH and adjust the desired value by
using CAL control.
3. Wash the electrode and carefully insert it into another buffer solution of 9.20 pH
adjust the value again by using the CAL Knob.
4. Now insert the electrode in the water sample 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively and note
down the pH values for each of the samples

For Hardness
1. Preparation of standard zinc sulphate solution (approx.0.01M): Weigh accurately
the given zinc sulphate crystals (approx. 0.719g). Dissolve in distilled water in a

250ml standard flask. Add a few drops of dilute sulphuric acid and make upto the
mark and shake.
2. Standardization of EDTA: pipette out 25ml of Zinc sulphate solution, prepared,
into a clean conical flask. Add 2 test tube of distilled water, ¼ test tube of buffer
solution of pH 10 and a pinch of Eriochrome black T indicator. Titrate against EDTA,
till the colour changes from wine red to blue. Repeat the titration for concordant titre
3. Estimation of hardness of water: Pipette out 50ml of the given sample of hard water
into a conical flask. Add about 1ml of buffer of pH 10 and add a pinch of Eriochrome
black T indicator. Titrate the solution against EDTA taken in the burette slowly till
the colour changes from wine to blue. Repeat the titration for concordant titre values.
1. Preparation of standard zinc sulphate solution:
Mass of zinc sulphate crystals (in 250ml) = w g
Molecular mass of zinc sulphate = 287.6
Molarity of zinc sulphate = w*4/287.6 = M1
2. Standardization of EDTA
Volume of standard zinc sulphate pipetted = V1 = 25cmᶾ
Molarity of zinc sulphate = M1
Volume of EDTA required = V2
Molarity of EDTA = M2
3. Estimation of hardness of water
Volume of hard water pipetted = 50ml
Volume of EDTA required = V3
Molarity of EDTA = M2
1ml of 0.01M EDTA= 1mg of CaCO3
I ml of M2 Molar EDTA = 1*M2/0.01 mg of CaCO3
V3 ml of M2 molar EDTA = 1*M2*V3/0.01 mf of CaCO3
= Z mg
Total hardness of water = Z*1000000/50000 ppm

For DO (Dissolved Oxygen)

Apparatus: 2 reagent bottles (100- 200) ml, 2 conical flasks of 250 ml each, 50 ml
burette, 20 ml pipette, burette stand, volumetric flasks 50ml each, 2 to 3 beakers.
Reagents required: 40% MnSO4, Winkler’s reagent or alkaline iodide, concentrated
H2SO4, starch solution of 1% concentration and 0.0125 N sodium thio sulphate
Preparation of reagents:
 40% MnSO4 solution- Dissolve 40 grams of manganous sulphate crystals in a
little volume of distilled water and make the final volume to hundred ml.
 Alkaline iodide- Dissolve 500 g of NaOH or 700 g KOH and 135 g of NaI or
150 g of KI in distilled water and dilute to litre.
 1% starch solution- Dissolve 1 gram of starch in little volume of distilled
water and make the final volume to 100 ml. Heat the starch solution for 2
hours in a water bath.
 Standard sodium thio sulphate 0.025N- Dissolve 6.205 g of sodium thio
sulphate in freshly boiled and cooled distilled water and dilute to one litre.
 Find out the exact volume of a reagent bottle by measuring the volume of
water it can hold with the stopper. Fill the bottle with the water sample.
Stopper the bottle so that extra water overflows.
 Add 1.5 ml of 40% manganous sulphate solution with a pipette, keeping its tip
well below the surface of the water in the reagent bottle.
 Similarly add 1.5 ml of alkaline iodide to the sample; stopper the bottle
carefully without enclosing air bubbles.
 Shake the bottle well by inverting the bottle several times. Allow the ppt to
settle down. After a few seconds add 1 ml of conc. Sulphuric acid. Stopper the
bottle and shake well.
 Wash the burette with distilled water; rinse it with standard sodium thio
sulphate solution and fill it with the same.
 Take 20 ml of the sample in a conical flask and add five drops of starch
solution; the sample turns blue.
 Titrate the sample against the standard NaHSO4 taken in the burette.
 Complete disappearance of blue is the end point.

 Calculate the amount of oxygen per litre of the sample using the formula given
DO (mg/ L) = V1N * 8 * 1000 * V2 / V4 * (V2 – V3)

For Alkalinity
Materials required:
• 0.02N HCl (1.8 ml of conc. HCl in 1000ml distilled water)
• Phenolphthalein
• Methyl orange
1. Pipette out 20ml of water sample into a conical flask. Add 1-2 drops of
phenolphthalein, Rinse and fill the burette with 0.02N HCl.
2. If pink colour develops in the sample titrate the water sample in conical flask
with0.02N HCl till the pink colour just disappears.
3. Note down the reading and repeat to get three concordant readings.
4. Again take 20ml of the water sample in conical flask and add 2-3 drops of
methyl orange indicator to it.
5. Titrate it using 0.02N HCl till just a red colour is obtained.
6. Record the observation and repeat to get three concordant readings.
Using the following formula, the total alkalinity of water samples are calculated, here
only methyl orange alkalinity is done =
1. Phenolphthalein alkalinity in terms of calcium carbonate equivalence:
(acid) = (water sample)
N1 V1 = N2 V2
0.02 x V1 = N2 x 20
N2 = 0.02 x V1 / 20
Strength in terms of CaCO3 equiv. = N2 x Equivalent weight of CaCO3
= N2 x 50 g/l + X g/l
Phenolphthalein alkalinity = X x 100mg/l = X x 1000 ppm
2. Methyl orange alkalinity in terms of CaCO3 equivalence.
(acid) = (water sample)
N1V1 = N2V2

0.02 x V1 = N2 x 20
N2 = 0.02 x V1 / 20
Strength in terms of CaCO3 equiv = N2 x equivalent weight of CaCO3
= N2 x 50 g/l = Y g/l
Methyl orange alkalinity or total alkalinity of water sample = y Y, 1000mg/l

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

Apparatus required: Burette, pipette, conical flask, beakers, round bottom flask,
condenser, and water bath.

Chemical required: K2CR2O7, Mohr’s salt solution, ferroin indicator, sample water,
HgSO4, silver sulphate reagent.

Indicator: Ferroin End point: Reddish brown colour.


1. Standard potassium dichromate solution: (.0167M)

2. Sulphuric Acid Reagent –Catalyst Solution:
3. Standard Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate solution(0.1N):


1. Add 2.5 mL of the sample to each of the two COD vials and the remaining
COD vial is for blank; t this COD vial add distilled water.

2. Immerse the flask in cold water and slowly add 3.5ml silver sulphate
sulphuric acis reagent with continuous shaking through the open end of
condenser attached.

3. Now add 1.5ml of K2Cr2O7 to this solution and mix the content of the

4. Cap tube tightly, switch on the COD digester and fix the temperature at 150
degree and set the time at 2 hours.

5. Place the COD vials into the block digester at 150 degree and heat for two

6. The digester automatically switches off. Then remove the vials and allow it
to cool to the room temperature.

7. Meanwhile, get ready with the burette for the titration.

8. Fill the burette with the ferrous ammonium sulphate solution , adjust to zero
and fix the burete to the stand.

9. Perform a blank titration using distilled water in place of sample solution

exactly following the same steps. Record the volume of Mohr’s salt solution
used as Yml.

For Chlorinity

Burette, Pipette, Erlenmeyer flask, Measuring cylinder


1. Chloride free distilled water

2. Potassium chromate indicatorStandard silver nitrate solution
3. Standard sodium chloride
4. Aluminium hydroxide suspension


1. Take 50ml of sample(V) and dilute to 100mL.

2. If the sample is coloured add 3mL of allumnium hydroxide, shake well,
allow to settle, filter, wash and collect filtrate.
3. Sample is brought to pH 7-8 by adding acid or alkali as required.
4. Add 1 mL of indicator(potassium chro.mate).
5. Titrate the solution against standard silver nitrate solution until a reddish
brown precipitate is obtained. Note down the volume(V1).
6. Repeat the procedure for blank and note down the volume(V2).


Chloride concentration in chloride mg/l of the water sample = volume of AgNO3 X

Normality of AgNO3 X 35.5 X 1000/ volume of sample taken

For Heavy Metal Analysis

Preparation of samples
Water samples (500 ml) were filtered using Whatman No.41 filter paper for
estimation of dissolved metal content and preserved with 2 ml nitric acid to prevent
the precipitation of metals. [1]
Sample analysis for heavy metals:
A Shimadzu type Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) 6880 model with
Air-C2H2 flame type of an average fuel flow rate of between 0.8-4.0 L /min and the
support gas flow rate between 13.5-17.5 L /min was used for sample analysis and
operated as per the equipment manual. The single element hollow cathode lamps for
respective metals were of Heraeus. The atomic absorption analysis standards for the
given elements were made from the metal compounds. The reference standard for Cd,
Cu, Cr, Hg and Fe were made from the 1000 ppm stock solution which was prepared.
Calibration curves for various elements obtained from these standards were of first
order reaction. The samples were finally injected into the Flame AAS and the reading
was directly measured by a computer in ppm. [5]




Hardness Values in ppm of CaCOȝ equivalent in grams of CaCOȝ

Soft 0 – 60 mg/L
Medium 60 –120 mg/L
Hard 120 - 180 mg/L
Very Hard > 180 mg/L
Hardness Chart (for drinking water)

There was no significant change in the pH value during the observation period; the
observed values were in the range 6.9 to 9 indicating slightly acidic to slightly
alkaline nature. Acidic water can also cause problems for human consumption. While
slightly acidic water is not dangerous, on its own, it can be quite dangerous when
combined with other compounds. Water with a pH that is less than 6.5 can leach
metal ions, including iron, manganese, copper, lead and zinc from plumbing fixtures
and pipes. This, in return, can be quite dangerous. On the other end of the pH scale,
water that has a pH greater than 8.0 can be difficult to disinfect. The standard pH
range for a particular water to be used for drinking or usage according to WHO
should be in the range 6.5-8. And as from the above results the pH of Madiwala,
Ulsoor and Hebbal lake was acceptable for usage but the pH of Bellandur lake is not
at all acceptable as the pH is more than 8.5 hence very high amount of salts are
present in the water and hence it is not fit for usage. The Environmental Protection
Agency classifies a pH value above 8.5 or below 6.5 as a "secondary contaminant" in
drinking water. Alkalinity in water comes from a high concentration of carbon-based
mineral molecules suspended in the solution. Water with high alkalinity is said to be
"hard." The most prevalent mineral compound causing alkalinity is calcium
carbonate, which can come from rocks such as limestone or can be leached from
dolomite and calcite in the soil. This is the major reason for the Bellandur lake to be
highly alkaline.
As we can see from the hardness chart anything above the value of 180 mg/L the
water is said to be very hard containing high amounts of dissolved salts of calcium
and magnesium. The major reason for high hardness values is due to presence of
carbonates, bicarbonates, sulaphates, chlorides etc which are responsible for high

hardness values. Hardness is an important parameter in decreasing the toxic effect of

poisonous element. The hardness was found to be in the range of 200 to 300 mg/l
which was above the desirable limit. As we can see the hardness of bellandur lake is
very high this is due to indiscriminate use of detergents by the households and also
discharge of household waste and industrial effluents into the lakes. Not only
bellandur lake but also other 3 lakes have high hardness values which shows the
amount waste disposal into the lake making all the lake’s water unfit for drinking and

No SAMPLES ( g/l)
1. Madiwala Lake 0.07
2. Ulsoor lake 0.03
3. Bellandur lake 0.012
4. Hebbal lake 0.2

Alkalinity of natural waters is due primarily to the presence of weak acid salts
although strong bases may also contribute (i.e. OH) in extreme environments.
Bicarbonates represent the major form of alkalinity in natural waters; its source being
the partitioning of CO2 from the atmosphere and the weathering of carbonate
minerals in rocks and soil. Other salts of weak acids, such as borate, silicates,
ammonia, phosphates, and organic bases from natural organic matter, may be present
in small amounts. From the above table it is seen that Bellandur lake has the least
value, indicating its low ability to neutralize acids present in the water. However
higher alkalinity levels in surface would easily buffer the acid rain and other acid

wastes, prevent pH changes that are harmful to aquatic life, which is seen in Hebbal
lake , Madiwala and Ulsoor lakes.
The normal range for pH in surface water systems is 6.5 to 8.5, and the pH range for
groundwater systems is between 6 to 8.5. Alkalinity is a measure of the capacity of
the water to resist a change in pH that would tend to make the water more acidic.
From the above graph it is seen that, there is a tremendous difference between the
alkalinity of Bellandur lake and Hebbal lake. It is seen that, Hebbal lake has relatively
lower pH compared to Bellandur, which indicates much higher alkalinity in Hebbal
compared to Bellandur. The lower the pH, the higher the concentration of bicarbonate
will be. This shows how a lower pH can lead to higher alkalinity if the amount of
bicarbonate produced is greater than the amount of H+ remaining after the reaction.
This is the case seen in Hebbal lake. If this alkaline water later comes into contact
with the atmosphere, it can lose CO2, precipitate carbonate, and thereby become less
alkaline again. The higher the pH, the more bicarbonate and carbonate ions there will
be in the water.

As a result, Bellandur lake is highly unfit for drinking or usage for household work.
Though it is seen that there are certain advantages of drinking high alkaline water, but
with the help of waste water treatment, reverse osmosis etc, these lake waters can
easily be treated and used for day to day purposes.


Standard value of DO- 5.0- 10 mg/ L (ppm)

WATER SAMPLES dissolved oxygen (ppm)

Madiwala lake 3.1 ppm
Ulsoor lake 2.3 ppm
Bellandur lake 0.1 ppm
Hebbal lake 3.7 ppm

1 2 3 4

A lake normally hosts a balanced ecosystem. But when unwanted organic matter start
to flow In to the lakes from the nearby settlements in the form of sewage the microbes
present in the lake water tend to utilize the dissolved oxygen present in the water to
aerobically decompose the organic matter. This tends to be worse when there is
growth of Plant mass in the form of algae and other weeds in excess amounts. So
when these plants die they are decomposed by microbes too making the dissolved
oxygen more depleted.
Water temperature and the volume of moving water generally tend to affect the
dissolved oxygen levels. Oxygen dissolves easier in cooler water than warmer water.
Adequate dissolved oxygen is important for good water quality and necessary to all
forms of life.   Dissolved oxygen levels that drop below 5.0 mg/L cause stress to
aquatic life. Lower concentrations cause greater stress .  Oxygen levels that go below
1-2 mg/L for a few hours may result in large fish kills.
 It can be understood from the results that bellandur lake had the least dissolved
oxygen levels. This is because the land around the lake is used as a dumping ground
by builders and housing societies in the area. Since the early 2000s, nearby areas have
been dumping untreated sewage and industrial waste into the lake unchecked. The
combination of all these factors has led to a decline in the once robust ecosystem of
the lake which now resembles a stinking cesspool. The water can no harbour life nor
can it be used for drinking or even for irrigation.
The other three lakes also had values corresponding to the stress levels which occurs
when dissolved oxygen levels are below 5 mg/L.
Therefore from the analysis conducted on dissolved oxygen, the four analysed lakes
are unfit to harbour a balanced ecosystem.


HEBBAL 60mg/l
ULSOOR 216mg/l






1 2 3 4

COD is closely related to BOD or Biochemical Oxygen Demand, the difference being
that BOD is a test of the level of organic matter that can be biologically oxidised
while COD is a test of the amount of organic matter that can be chemically oxidised.
The higher the BOD/COD the more oxygen stripping capacity the discharged effluent
has when discharged into receiving waters and the more potential for damage to
biological life in those waters.

COD is normally higher than BOD because more organic compounds can be
chemically oxidised than biologically oxidised. This includes chemicals toxic to
biological life, which can make COD tests very useful when testing industrial sewage
as they will not be captured by BOD testing.Chemical oxygen demand (COD) value
found in the range of 14mg/l to 70mg/l. COD test which measure the oxygen required
for the oxidation of all the substance present in water, included those are not
biologically decomposable. COD is a reliable parameter for judging the extent of
pollution in water. The COD of water increases with increasing concentration of
organic matter. Chemical oxygen demand were found higher, in bellandur lake water
samples as that of other lakes. This may be explained by the high population density

in the catchment area and consequently the large quantity of sewage produced by the
settlement. Also the topography of the land is such that the slope is towards the lake
allowing the run off to flow into the lake leading to further contamination.

Higher COD levels mean a greater amount of oxidizable organic material in the
sample, which will reduce dissolved oxygen (DO) levels. A reduction in DO can lead
to anaerobic conditions, which is deleterious to higher aquatic life forms.

BALLENDUR 148.3mg/l
ULSOOR 79.8mg/l
HEBBAL 88mg/l

1 2 3 4

The standard value for chlorinity is 200mg/l. Physio chemical analysis of lake water
was analysed based on parameters like DO, COD, Alkalinity, Chlorinity, Hardness,
pH , Heavy Metals etc. The reading of such parameters help us to determine the
condition of the lake compare to the standard values of the parameters. Among the
four lakes Bellandur Lake is heavily polluted and has highest amount chloride ions
present in the lake compare to rest of the other lakes. Ulsoor lake contain least amount
of chloride ions in comparison to the other lakes. High amount of chloride in waters

can be toxic to many forms of aquatic life. Aquatic species of concern include fish,
macro invertebrates, insects, and amphibians. Elevated chloride levels can threaten
the health of food sources and pose a risk to species survival, growth, and/or
reproduction. Chloride toxicity increases when it is associated with other cations such
as potassium or magnesium, which may occur once the ions of road salt have
dissolved and migrated at potentially different rates. Chloride is not toxic to human
health at low levels but does pose taste and odor issues at concentrations exceeding
250 mg/l. Several public water supply wells have also been abandoned due to


The analysis of heavy metals like Cu, Fe, Cd, Cr and Hg of four lakes in Bangalore
(Madiwala, Belandur, Ulsoor and Hebbal) was carried out using AAS. The metal
values detected was compared with few standard parameters. The study showed that
all the lake waters contained the copper level in the permissible range but the iron
level was above the permissible amount. The heavy metals Cd, Cr, and Hg were not
detected in these four lakes. The Belandur Lake had the highest readings for both Cu
and Fe content among all the four lakes. The Belandur Lake had the Cu presence of
0.0348ppm and the Fe content of 0.493 ppm. The Cu content was least in the
Madiwala Lake and the Fe content was least in the Hebbal lake water. The heavy
metal presence in water was in the order Belandur>Ulsoor>Hebbal>Madiwals in Cu
content and Belandur>Madiwala>Ulsoor>Hebbal in Fe content.
Amount of Metals present in ppm
Lakes Cu Fe Cd Cr Hg
Madiwala 0.0295 0.4118 Nil Nil Nil
Belandur 0.0348 0.493 Nil Nil Nil
Ulsoor 0.0337 0.3522 Nil Nil Nil
Hebbal 0.0332 0.2542 Nil Nil Nil
Primary Drinking water
standard 0.3 0.005 0.1 0.002
Surface Water Quality 1 0.02 0.05 0.002
WHO 2 0.3 0.003 0.05 0.001
Table: The heavy metal detected in various lake water and the standard permissible
content according to various parameters.

Metal content
concentration in ppm ----->

Cu Fe Cd Cr Hg

Chart showing the comparison of heavy metal contents among the lakes

Since the amount of Cd, Cr, and Hg are absent, it doesn’t mean that these lakes are
free of that heavy metals and had good parameters. Rather this absence could be due
to the performance error. There were many limitations in the metal analysis that we
have done. The number of sample per lake was only one with which the finding of the
exact metal content is not possible. The surface level water was collected from the
lake. Thus the metal concentration might be very less in the collected sample. Lack of
treatment method of the lake water also might have negatively impacted the result.
The water was collected and kept for few days which might have resulted in the
sedimentation of the metals resulting in the absence of exact reading.


Lakes are a dynamic inland aquatic system that supports and maintains a balanced
adaptive community of organisms having diverse species composition, and the
functional organization of all the organisms supports a unique biotic integrity. Lakes,
the major life supporting systems, are facing ecological degradation today, due to
undesirable anthropogenic activities. Industrial, agricultural and domestic wastes are
continuously discharged into water-bodies. Such pollutants, particularly heavy metals,
can endanger public health by being incorporated into the food chain. Water pollution
is not only an aesthetic problem, but a serious economic and public health problem as
well. Periodical monitoring of the water quality is thus required to assess the
condition of surface water. This will be helpful in saving the lake from further
degradation. In view of the importance of fish to diet of man, it is necessary that
biological monitoring of the water and fish meant for consumption should be done
regularly to ensure continuous safety of food. Safe disposal of domestic sewage and
industrial effluents is not practiced.
Hence, by comparing the derived values to the required standard values, the water
samples from the four lakes are no longer suited for harbouring aquatic life and are
unsafe for drinking due to the presence of large amounts of organic matter suspended
in the water. These lake waters should be subjected to various treatments before it is
made available to the public. Care should be taken not to pollute the polluted lakes no
more and thus these lakes should be protected and saved for the future.


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