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Criminal Law and Procedure III


1.Concurrent sentences -გაერთიანებული, ერთობლივი სასჯელები. სასჯელების ერთდროულად

2.Consecutive sentence-თანმიმდევრული სასჯელები; თანმიმდევრულად მოსახდელი სასჯელები
3.Cumulative sentence -განაჩენი დანაშაულთა ერთობლიობის მიხედვით ; განაჩენთა ან სასჯელთა
4.Seizure ['siːʒə]--დაყადაღება
5.To summon witness -მოწმის მოთხოვნა
6.To confront witness-დაპირისპირება მოწმესთან
7.To cross-examine -ჯვარედინი დაკითხვა, ერთდროულად პოლიციის რამდენიმე გამომძიებლის
8.Be presumed innocent - უდანაშაულოა სანამ არ დაუმტკიცდება ბრალეულობა.
9.Beyond a reasonable doubt -გონივრული ეჭვის გარეშე, დასაბუთებული ეჭვის არარსებობისას.

Build your legal vocabulary

Complete the sentences with the words from the box

(1) I plead ( or take) the Fifth (2) Grand Jury (3) bail (4)contraband

(5) cumulative (6) set bail (7) concurrent (8)Speedy Trial

The concept of .............................allows for a defendant’s release from custody before a trial. At an initial
court hearing , a judge will normally................................. .. for the defendant. The amount of it will depend
on the nature of the crime and on the defendant’s links to the community. The purpose of it is to ensure the
return of the accused at subsequent proceedings.

.................................... is property that is unlawful to possess.

...................................... a refusal to answer a question because the answer may lead to evidence of a
crime involving that person.

................................... constitutional requirement that a criminal defendant’s trial not be unreasonably


Tata Vepkhvadze’s lecture notes

....................................................... a jury (normally of twenty-three jurors) that will decide whether there
is sufficient evidence to charge a defendant with a crime.

When two or more sentences are imposed on a defendant to be served one after the other, they are called
consecutive or ................................... sentences. If they are to be served at the same time, they are called
..................................... sentences.

Complete the texts

Miranda Warnings

When arrested, suspects must be told, before being questioned, that they have the
following constitutional rights:


Any statements made by the accused that were obtained in violation of this rule are
inadmissible ( cannot be received) as evidence in court.

In addition to being told of certain rights when arrested, defendants in criminal cases have the following

1. The right to
2. The right to
3. The right to
4. The right to
5. The right to
6. The right to
7. The right to
8. The right to

Tata Vepkhvadze’s lecture notes

Tata Vepkhvadze’s lecture notes

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