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Part I
TESTS FOR INTENSIVE CLASSES ..............................................................7

Oral Examination ............................................................................................8

TICKET 3 ............................................................................................10
TICKET 4 ............................................................................................11
TICKET 5 ......................................................................................12
TICKET 6 ............................................................................................12
TICKET 7 ............................................................................................13
TICKET 8 ............................................................................................14
TICKET 9 ............................................................................................15
TICKET 10 ..........................................................................................16
Written Examination......................................................................................17
TEST 1 ..............................................................................................18
TEST 2 ..............................................................................................22
TEST 3 ..............................................................................................26
TEST 4 ..............................................................................................30
TEST 5 ..............................................................................................34
TEST 6 ..............................................................................................38
TEST 7 ..............................................................................................42
Test 8 ..................................................................................................46
TEST 9 ..............................................................................................50
TEST 10 ............................................................................................54
Answer Keys ................................................................................................58
Part II
TESTS FOR BILINGUAL CLASSES ............................................................65

Oral Examination ..........................................................................................66

TICKET 1 ............................................................................................67
TICKET 2 ............................................................................................67
TICKET 3 ............................................................................................68
TICKET 4 ............................................................................................69
TICKET 5 ............................................................................................70
TICKET 6 ............................................................................................70
TICKET 7 ............................................................................................71
TICKET 8 ............................................................................................72
TICKET 9 ............................................................................................72
TICKET 10 ..........................................................................................73

Written Examination......................................................................................74
TEST I ................................................................................................75
TEST II ..............................................................................................79
TEST III ..............................................................................................83
TEST IV ..............................................................................................87
TEST V ..............................................................................................91
TEST Vl ..............................................................................................95
TEST Vll ............................................................................................99
TEST Vlll ..........................................................................................103
TEST lX ............................................................................................107
TEST X..............................................................................................111
Answer Key ................................................................................................115

Appendix ....................................................................................................120

SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................124


Part I
Oral Examination

I. Read the text and answer the following questions (20 points):

The New TV Shows

I remember watching TV many hours a day when I was a child. One of the
programmes that I liked very much was “Candid Camera”. There, ordinary
people were tricked into doing ridiculous things and sometimes they were very
funny. But as I grew up, things changed. The European television introduced
what we call today “reality shows”. They turn common people into “stars” by
putting them in unusual situations. Some of them are locked in a small house
with cameras running twenty four hours a day. Others are filmed in a hostile
environment where they have to find food and shelter or they have to face the
thing that they are most afraid of. In all these cases the viewers are those who
decide who should leave or stay. The TV companies like this kind of shows
because they are cheap to produce and attract young viewers. But even if many
people are attracted to watch or participate, there are critics who believe that
programmes like these are humiliating and they can be dangerous for society.

1. What is the main idea of the text?

2. What kind of people participate in these shows and why?
3. Why do TV companies prefer to produce this kind of shows?
4. What is the critics’ opinion? Do you share it?

II. Some people say that you shouldn’t “put off till tomorrow what you
can do today”. Do you agree? (10 points)
4 Roxana Boangiu • Mirela Dincu

Written Examination

I. Read the sentences and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each
space (10 points):

1. They … for Paris two weeks ago.

A leave B will leave
C have left D left
2. How long … English?
A have you studied B did you study
C have you been studying D were you studying
3. If he … hard, he will definitely have good results.
A worked B works
C is working D will work
4. Who … to when I called you?
A were you talking B did you talk
C have you talked D are you talking
5. Now I’m not in the mood so I think I ... my room tomorrow.
A tidy B am tidying
C will tidy D will be tidying
6. You … be John. I’ve heard a lot of good things about you.
A could B may
C must D should
7. I … my lawyer next week to discuss about this issue.
A see B am seeing
C will see D have seen
8. He … stay home than go outside with his friends.
A would rather B will
C could D may
9. Let’s visit the museum, ... we?
A do B can
C will D shall
10. Sometimes I … TV until late at night.
A am watching B watch
C will watch D watched

II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
first sentence (10 points):

1. The last time they saw their grandson was when he was ten.
They ...
2. “Why don’t we send him an e-mail?”
Carla suggested ...
3. “I always feel guilty after I fight with my classmates.”
She said ...
4. The thieves stole the painting despite the improved security system.
The painting ...
5. I don’t want to study Spanish- Italian would be better.
I’d ...
III. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space.
Use only one word in each space (10 points):


Music helps your mind develop (0) and grow, my parents (1) … say, and I
have found this to be very true. It is a very well-known (2) … that participating
in a music program in school (3) ... help your brain develop to a higher level and
faster than other students. Music actually improves communication (4) … the
right and left sides of the brain, allowing you to gain better comprehension and
memorization skills.
Some people say that (5) ... is good to have music in schools. They claim that
music is everything.
If you listen carefully you can hear the music of Math, History, of a foreign
language and even of Physical Education.
How can music (6) ... associated with all these disciplines? Everybody knows
that music is based (7) … the rhythmic subdivisions of time. On the other (8) ...
the music you hear or play is usually an indication of the time and environment
in which it (9) … created. Music is a very important part of our life, and if we
take it (10) ... who knows what the world would be like.

IV. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines
are correct but others contain an unnecessary word. If a line is correct
9) at the end of the line. If the line has a word which should
put a tick (9
not be there, write the word at the end of the line. There are two
examples done for you at the beginning (0) and (00) (10 points).

The Food of the Future

6 Roxana Boangiu • Mirela Dincu

A lot of food that we eat today contains genetically modified ingredients 0 9

and usually without our knowledge. This is an issue that has entered in 00 in
the media in a lot of the countries. Supporters of this technology 1
claim that it sustains the food security around the world as the 2
population increases. It is no to doubt that as time goes on the science 3
behind genetic engineering is being improving. Things that were seen only 4
in the movies a few years ago become now very real. Biotechnology 5
could to be the wave of the future and genetically modified food will provide 6
alternatives to help increase of food production. But is genetically modified 7
food safe? Do we actually need it? The potential benefits are exciting 8
although there are real concerns on about biodiversity, the ecosystem 9
and people’s safety if it has not been tested yet properly. 10

V. Read the text below and decide which word best fits each numbered
space (10 points):

The Wax Museum

One of the (0) … interesting and original museums in the 1) … is Madame
Tussaud’s Wax Museum, 2) … in London. A visit here gives you the 3) … to
get closer to the celebrities you love: singers, actors, sportsmen, politicians. The
museum is divided into two sections: statues of the most recent times and
historical people and events. The 4) … tells you about Madame Tussaud and
about her successful profession.
The story of how the figures are made is fascinating. The most difficult job
of the 5) ... working there is to find hair that 6) … closely the hair of the
celebrities. Believe it or not, it is 7) … hair, donated and bought by the museum.
The clothes of the statues are amazing. They were 8) … and donated by the
actual celebrities. Some of them are created by 9) … fashion designers. If you
want to10) … the wax figures or to take a photo you can even touch them. After
a while you don’t know who is real and who is frozen in time.

0. A most B more C many D much

1. A world B universe C earth D planet
2. A established B identified C located D found
3. A fortune B chance C destiny D accident
4. A adviser B attendant C teacher D guide
5. A people B stuff C crowd D children
6. A combines B unites C associates D matches
7. A true B real C veritable D actual
8. A worn B dressed C taken D given
9. A famous B glorious C big D celebrated
10. A research B inspect C examine D study

VI. Read the text below and use the word given in capitals at the end of
each line to form a word that fits in the space (10 points).


Manners are constantly changing from one century or one generation to the
next. For 0 GENERATE
example a … was originally meant to show that the man was not carrying
a sword or dagger in his hands. The … of certain manners from one decade to
next finds its answer in that they make life … for everybody. Home is where
you learn to get along with people, to respect the rights and ... of the others.
Try to listen when others in the family have ... to say. Even a little brother
who can’t yet read or an … grandmother who seems quite old has the right to
opinion. It is important for the members of a family to consider each other’s …
Another important part of family good manners is … You share the TV set and
the telephone. You share the work. This means … up after yourself and
sharing the responsibility for the … of everyone in the house.
8 Roxana Boangiu • Mirela Dincu

Part II

Oral Examination
I. Read (in silence) the text below and express your opinion about the
ideas it contains. Support your opinion with examples and arguments.
(20 points)


Nowadays people look down on gullible persons, laugh at them and don’t
even take them seriously. They are defined as both stupid and lacking common
sense. Gullible people believe everything they are told. For example if
somebody tells him “Hey, did you notice gullible is written on the ceiling?”,
the gullible person would immediately look upwards, to the joy of the others
who know there is nothing there.
Still, there is another matter to be brought up. Are gullible people really
stupid or their only problem is that they trust the others too much? Each of us
can be at least once in the situation of taking a piece of information for granted
when facing circumstances we know nothing about.
Each of us has been at least once gullible, that is the source of cheap laugh
for others. Does it mean that we are all stupid?
People should be given the opportunity to trust their friends without being
taken advantage of and labeled accordingly. Our society should promote trust
and not make fun of it. Thus, gullible persons’ view on life may just be better
than that of most of our fellows.

II. Do you consider that teenagers today have become more and more
addicted to telephones? Explain and expand. (10 points)

Written Examination
I. Read the following text. Five sentences have been removed from the
text. Choose from the sentences A-F the one which fits each gap (1-5).
There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. (5 points)

Kurt Cobain

Kurt Donald Cobain was the leader of Nirvana band, the one to reshape the
sound of the nineties.
Born on February, 20 1967, near Seattle, Cobain was a sickly bronchitic
child. His mother was a waitress, his father an auto mechanic and their divorce
made things worse for Cobain. (1) …
He was fascinated by the British band Sex Pistols and he tried several times
to form his own band. In 1989 Nirvana was able to record the first album and
step by step they grew more and more successful, until they became overnight
Cobain became a victim of heroin in the early 90’s. (2) … . He soon found
out that he and the term “control” had very little in common. He also worried
that his band had lost the moral principles and it was attracting the wrong kind
of fans.
In February 1992 Cobain married Courtney Love, already pregnant and in
August he received medical treatment for heroine abuse. (3) ….
During the winter of 1993-1994 Nirvana set off a European tour, which
caused him throat problems. Few months later he was rushed to hospital in a
coma. (4) … .
On the 5th of April he put a shotgun in his mouth and pulled the trigger,
leaving a suicide note to his wife and the 19 month-old daughter. (5) … . His
death also brought about teenagers committing suicide in US & Australia.

A His child, Francis Bean Cobain was born shortly after

B It turned him into an anti-social, withdrawn child, becoming for a
certain period of time a living under a bridge homeless.
C The reason was his attempt to commit suicide.
D He claimed to use it as a shield against the pain of stomach ulcers.
E It ended with the words “I love U, I love U!”
F He loved both his daughter and his wife very much
10 Roxana Boangiu • Mirela Dincu

II. Read the text below. Use the words given in capitals below the text to
form a word that fits in the space. The words are given in the order
they should be used. There is an example at the beginning. (10 points)

Internet Addiction Disorder

Do some people have problems with (0) spending (0) SPEND

too much time on the Internet? Sure they do.
Some people definitely spend a lot of time
watching TV, working etc, but can we draw the
conclusion that TV and work (1) … involves (1) ADDICT
something pathological? Probably not. Teenagers
spend many hours talking on the phone to people
they see every day. Do we say they are addicted
to the telephone? Of course not. If (2) … started (2) SCIENCE
defining addiction as social (3) …, then we would (3) INTERACT
all be addicted to every social relationship.
Their only problem might be a strong desire to not
want to deal with other problems in their lives.
There’s not a big (4) … among these people and (4) DIFFER
those who may deal with a (5) …, anxiety or (5) DEPRESS
(6) … problems. Instead of becoming (6) RELATE
(7) …, not feeling like talking to anybody for example, (7) WITHDRAW
these kind of people stay online. This would be
the only (8) …. It’s not the technology that is addicting, (8) DISTINCT
it’s the (9) … . (9) BEHAVE
And behaviours are easily (10) … . (10) CURE

III. Read the following sentences. Choose the alternative which suits the
meaning best. (15 points)

1. Of course. We meet /are meeting at 12 pm at your place.

2. She said she will/would do her best to impress them.
3. If you paid/will pay attention to it, you would understand it better.
4. While they were walking/walked the dog, a storm started.
5. I was so tired because I had been studying/was studying for a couple of
6. Ann graduated/has graduated from college five years ago.
7. We can’t come to a conclusion until they will announce/ announce the
latest news.
8. I really wish you were/are here now.
9. The city center is being/ is rebuilt at present.
10. I had already finished/ finished my meal when my friends came in.
11. You would have handled the situation much better if you had paid/paid
more attention to it.
12. I’m leaving/ l leave tomorrow morning
13. She apologized for being late/ to be late and then she entered the room.
14. It was so hot/ such a hot that we decided to sunbathe.
15. The cookie was so sweet/ such sweet that she couldn’t help eating it.

IV. Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits
each space. There is an example at the beginning. (10 points)


The word “perfume” (0) B from Latin, “per” meaning “through” and
“fumus” meaning “smoke”, that is nice smell that (1) … through the air from
burning incense.
Incense was the first form of perfume, discovered (2) … the Mesopotamians
about 4,000 years ago. It had many uses, embalming the dead with perfume
being only one of them.
Perfumes were also (3) … in the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs and they are
(4) … mentioned in the Bible.
(5) …of the perfumes were so (6) … that 3300 years after Tutankhamen’s
death some (7) ... of fragrance could be detected the moment the tomb was
opened. It is (8) … that the embalming lasted between 40 to 70 days to complete.
Romans celebrated perfumes, (9) … . They came to apply perfume three
times a day. They perfumed their pet dogs, horses and birds (10) … released to
(11) …perfumes from their wings, too. Tables, candlesticks, draperies and
cushions were also perfumed.
Nefertiti surrounded (12) ... with containers with myrrh, flacons filled with
sweet oils and jars of unguents. Cleopatra experimented a lot the power of scent.
She (13) … Mark Anthony on a ship with perfume sails and her (14) … was
announced by clouds of (15) ... .

(0) A starts B comes C initiates D begins

1. A Flies B Runs C Goes D Limps
2. A By B From C At D Near
3. A Located B Found C Initiated D Created
4. A Easily B Mostly C Usually D Frequently
5. A Some B Any C Few D No
6. A Powerful B Hard C Strong D Heavy
7. A Footprints B Fragments C Appearance D Traits
8. A Plain B Known C Admitted D Experience
9. A Already B To C Alike D Too
10. A Were B Have C Had D Being
12 Roxana Boangiu • Mirela Dincu

V. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space.
Use only ONE word in each space. There is an example at the
beginning (0). (10 points)


On April 10, 1912, (0) the Titanic, world’s largest ship, left England (1) …
her way to New York City. Her passengers were (2) … blend of the world’s
richest people. She was thought (3) … as the safest ship ever built, so safe (4)
… she carried only 20 lifeboats– enough (5) … carry only half of her 2,200
passengers and crew. The reason for carrying this number of lifeboats was that
(6) … was considered an unsinkable ship, so they would take them only to save
the survivors of other sinking ships, if any.
In the fourth day of her journey, on the night of April 14, Titanic struck (7)
… iceberg. The impact was fatal (8) … the water four degrees below freezing
soon poured through the ship. It was plain that there weren’t (9) … lifeboats for
all the passengers and even though all of them were provided life jackets it was
clear that some of them wouldn’t make it. The biggest ship (10) … made slowly
slid under the water two hours and forty minutes after the collision.

VI. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines
are correct, and some have a word which shouldn’t be there. If a line
is correct, put a tick ( ) by the number. If a line has a word which
should not be there, write the word in the space. There is an example
at the beginning (0). (10 points)

The word Buddha signifies one who is being awake, 0 being

meaning woken up to reality . This name has been for first 1…
to a man named Siddhartha, born in the Nepal 2,500 years 2…
Buddhists do not consider him to be a god, in fact he didn’t 3…
not pretend to be one. He was an Enlightened human being, 4…
able to “decipher” life in its the most profound way possible. 5…
the story holds that he had a cloistered upbringing but he 6…
soon left from home in search for Truth. He practiced 7…
meditation, even of austerity and, in spite of being at a certain 8…
moment on the point of death, he realized he hadn’t been 9…
found Truth yet. That is why he tried some other ways of 10 …
reaching it. He sat down under the pipal tree, a large
Indian tree, and swore not to move from that spot until he
won Enlightment. His wish came true after 40 days, when
he finally achieved Enlighment, that is a state of being that
goes above all the earthly things.

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