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Talk outlines for Mark’s Gospel
Please read this first!
We preachers have the best job in the world!

The word of God gives life to dead people. The word of God feeds
hungry people. The word of God brings Jesus to us.

And we teach this word of God!

2 Timothy 2:15 says: ‘Be a good worker, one who does not need to be
ashamed, one who correctly (rightly) explains the word of truth.’ (NLT)
Preaching Mark
Preaching Mark will help you to do this. It will help you to:
This book combines volumes 1 and 2, previously published in 2006 and 2007
© Phil Crowter/The Good Book Company 2009 • Understand what Mark tells us about Jesus Christ.
• Think how each section is important for your people.
Published by
• Teach the main point clearly.
The Good Book Company Ltd
Elm House, 37 Elm Road
Each section of Preaching Mark helps you to study and preach
New Malden, Surrey KT3 3HB, UK
email: part of Mark’s Gospel. You still have to work hard! We have
UK: given you some help, some ideas. You need to ask God to help
USA & Canada: you to explain those truths to your people.
Here is the best way to use this book. Start at the beginning of
Unless indicated, all Scripture references are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL
VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. Used by permission.
Mark and teach each section in turn. Then your people will
understand how Mark tells his Jesus story.
ISBN: 9781905564514
Printed in India We have the best job in the world. Do it well – with God’s help!

The Pray Prepare Preach project is working in African Pastors’ Book Fund Before you start, take time to read:
partnership with a growing number of Preacher’s Help A. Quick Help: How to prepare a talk on Mark
organisations worldwide, including: African Christian Textbooks (ACTS) Nigeria B. How to use Preaching Mark.
Langham Partnership Orphans for Christ, Uganda
C. About the Gospel of Mark
Grace Baptist Mission Project Timothy
Pastor Training International (PTI)
Also in this series: You can see an example of how to use Preaching Mark in Section
Sovereign World Trust
Preaching God’s Big Picture E at the end of the book.
Africa Inland Mission (AIM)
Worldshare Coming soon: Phil Crowter
Entrust Foundation Preaching Philippians
India Bible Literature Preaching Job
A. QUICK HELP: How to prepare a talk on Mark . . . . . . . . 7

B. How to use Preaching Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

C. About the Gospel of Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

D. Study and Preach Mark’s Gospel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

E. Worked example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

How to prepare a talk on Mark
1. Pray for God’s help

2. Read the Bible section several times.

Use < Background to help you to understand the section.
Use ? Notes to help you to understand difficult Bible verses.

3. Try to find the main point that God is

teaching us in the Bible section.
Use ^ Main point to help you.

4. Pray for your people. Think how this Bible

section will help them.
Use @ Something to work on to help you

5. Write your talk in your own language. Start

with the main points which the Bible teaches.
Use our notes in the PREACH section to help you.

6. Now write a beginning and an end for your talk.

7. Check what you have done.

• Is the main point clear?
• Do you show them what the Bible teaches?
• Do you use word pictures to help your people
understand and remember?
• Do you connect with the people?
• What do you hope will change?

8. Pray that God will speak through your words.

Pray that his truth will change people.

For more help read the next section.

B. How to use Preaching Mark

Every time you prepare a talk, begin

with these things: y STUDY: Mark 1:1-8


• Pray for God’s help.
< Background When we repent we turn round. We
change our mind. We do not go
Mark 1:1-15. This section is
sin’s way any longer. We go God’s
Mark’s start or introduction to his
way. Use a word picture to help.

• Read the Bible section. book. It tells us the main point of

his book. Notice that John and Jesus
preach the same message. When we
have read about Jesus Christ, we too ? Notes
should ‘repent and believe the good
• Mark 1:2, 3. Mark uses the words

• Try to find the main point that God

of Isaiah 40:3. He shows that John
is the ‘messenger’ (prophet) that
^ Main point Isaiah told people about. Isaiah

is teaching us in the Bible section. Jesus Christ has come as God

promised. This is good news. We
uses a picture. A person is making
a good road, ready for the King to
ride on. John is like this person.
should come to Jesus and repent.
• Mark 1:6. John is dressed like the
prophet Elijah (2 Kings 1:8).
Then you can use these notes to help @ Something to work on
• Mark 1:7. John is talking about
1. Pray that God will help you Jesus. Crowds of people listen to

you. There are two pages for each talk. show people how important
and wonderful Jesus is. Mark’s
John, but he does not feel
important. Jesus is much more
important than he is.
good news is Jesus, so we must

The first page helps you to think about preach Jesus!

2. Make sure that they understand

• Mark 1:8. John can only make
people wet. Jesus will wash people
‘repent’ (‘turn away from your from their sin. Jesus will change

the Bible section. The second page sins’). Mark 1:4, 15. ‘Repent’
means more than ‘say sorry’.
people by his Holy Spirit. This
verse talks about what happens
when Jesus makes us a Christian.

gives you headings and ideas for a talk. Read 1 Corinthians 12:13.


When you see this symbol , you

need to read what the Bible says. most important point in a few words.
Think about this point. Can you see
this is what the Bible section is
STUDY PAGE: teaching? Try to make sure that this
point is very clear in your talk.
Understand the Bible
The first page helps you to understand part chooses something from the Bible
the Bible section. section which you need to think
< BACKGROUND: It is very about. It is important to work hard to
important to think about what comes understand the Bible. Think carefully
before and after the section. We will about how to teach the point in this
look at a few verses each time. section. We may use a word picture to
However, those verses fit into Mark’s help you.
big story about Jesus. Always ask how
? NOTES: This section tells you about
a section is like other things in Mark.
difficult Bible verses. It will help you
Ask how it helps us to understand who
not to make mistakes when you are
Jesus is and why Jesus came.
The Background section will help you
to do this.
^ MAIN POINT: We have put the
8 9
PREACH PAGE: • We show you what the Bible says. speaking to us. We need to know 2. OTHER THINGS YOU WILL NEED
We want people to listen to the Bible. how the Bible teaching changes us. TO DO
Teach the Bible Keep reminding them of what the Here is an example: • Think how to start your talk. Your
The second page helps you to teach Bible says. If they have a Bible, ask people need to see why it is
the Bible section. You must also do them to find the verse you are talking
g We have the best news to tell! important to listen today. Tell them
your own work. This page gives you about. This symbol will help what you will teach them from the
Think of people who have not heard
ideas. You must take the ideas and use you know when to do this. Bible. Tell them why it is important
the good news about Jesus. How will
them in the best way. We give you the you tell them? for them.
bones, but you must put the meat on • We explain what the Bible is
the bones! teaching. You need to think how to • Think how to end your talk.
explain the Bible so that your people • We give you one or two ideas. You Remind them of the main points.
understand. You know your people. We need to think of more ways to Give them something to think about,
P PREACH: Mark 1:1-8 do not know your people. Your words connect the Bible to your people. or something to do.
are better than our words. You know the people. You know how
When you have good news, you do
Mark 1:1-3
not keep quiet. You tell people
about it! [Think of an example.] God
the Bible needs to change their lives. • Pray! You are telling the people
THE GOOD NEWS gave John a job to do. He must tell
In Mark 1:1 ‘gospel’ means ‘good people the good news about Jesus. • We sometimes use a word picture. God’s truth from God’s word. Pray
news’. The good news is a person! Mark 1:2-4, 7, 8.
Usually good news is when
something happens. But the best g We have the best news to tell!
Here is an exampIe from the notes that God will use your words to
news is when this person comes. Think of people who have not
God had promised this person for
hundreds of years. Isaiah the prophet
heard the good news about Jesus. on Mark 1:16-20. speak to the people. Pray that God’s
How will you tell them?
spoke about him (Mark 2:2, 3).
truth will change people.
• Jesus is the Christ (Mark 1:1).
‘Christ’ is not just another name WHAT WE SHOULD DO! X Imagine this. You see someone who is
that Jesus has. It is his job. Jesus’
job is to be the ‘Christ’ or king that
God sent. Think how excited you
Mark 1:4
busy at work. He has a good job. He • Always use your own language.
Many people think that Jesus does
would be if the most powerful ruler
in the world came to see you! Jesus
not matter. They may believe Jesus
has come, but it does not change
has a house and a family to look after. Never say things in English, if the
is far more important, because he is
the king of heaven.
• Why is it wrong to think like this?
You tell him to leave his work and people do not speak English well.
• Jesus is God’s Son (Mark 1:1).
When we truly believe that Jesus is
God’s Son, we will bow and
John told people to ‘repent’
(change the way they think)
follow you. You will not pay him
worship him. We will believe
everything he says. We will give our
lives to him.
because King Jesus was coming.
They must hate their sins and ask money. What will he tell you to do? He
Jesus to forgive them.
• Jesus came to wash us clean
inside. (Mark 1:8). Jesus did not
g Heaven’s king has come!
will tell you to go away! But when
come to punish us for our sin! Jesus
came to forgive us! This is why John
• Will you do nothing?
• Will you leave Jesus out of your
Jesus says ‘Follow me’, what happens?
‘baptised’ people (dipped people in
water). He baptised people to show
that Jesus was coming to wash them
from their sin.
• Or will you repent and believe in
Jesus? The word picture may not be good for
17 your people. In your village, people
may not have jobs which bring
money. A Bible teacher must find a
better word picture to help the people
1. THINGS WE HAVE WRITTEN TO understand. You will need to find
HELP YOU many more word pictures to help
teach the Bible truth. Be very careful
• Two or three headings. THESE ARE
that the word picture teaches what the
WRITTEN LIKE THIS. These headings
Bible is saying.
will help you to teach the Bible clearly. If you need further help, we have shown how to prepare a
You can change the headings to make • We show you how to connect the talk from this book. Turn to the end, and you will see an
them better for your people. Bible teaching to your people. example of how to use this book to Preach Mark!
It is important to hear God’s word

10 11
C. About the Gospel of Mark
1. WHO WROTE IT? Remembering this will help us to
Mark wrote it. Mark was not one of understand the stories about Jesus.
the 12 disciples. He is probably Mark does not tell these stories just
‘John Mark’, who we read about in so that we know what happened.
Acts 12:12, 25 and other places. Mark has a better reason. He tells us
Probably, Peter told Mark all the the stories about Jesus to help us
things that happened. Then Mark understand who Jesus is and why
wrote them down in his Gospel. he came. He wants us to repent and
believe (Mark 1:15).

Remember this big message when

2. WHEN DID MARK WRITE IT? you preach Mark’s Gospel. The
Most likely between A.D. 40 and stories all fit together. They have a
A.D. 65. So, Mark is the earliest message. Mark’s Gospel is the big
Gospel. Matthew and Luke use parts message about Jesus, not lots of
of Mark’s Gospel. This is why some different stories.
sections in Matthew and Luke are
the same as Mark. So, when we preach on one story,
we ask ourselves questions like this –

• Why does Mark put this story in?

3. WHY DID MARK WRITE IT? How does it fit?
Mark tells us why he wrote it, in
Mark 1:1. ‘The beginning of the gospel • What does it tell us about who Jesus
about Jesus Christ, the Son of God.’ is, or why Jesus came?

He tells us the good news (‘gospel’) • How does it help us to trust in Jesus?
of Jesus Christ. Mark’s Gospel is not
just the life story of Jesus. It is about
the good news of: Mark divides his Gospel into two
• who Jesus is
• why Jesus came • WHO JESUS IS; Mark 1-8
• why Jesus died.
• WHY JESUS CAME; Mark 9-16
This is Mark’s big message.

12 13

Mark chapters 1-8 Mark chapters 9-16

Mark 1-8 is about who Jesus is. Mark 9-16 is about why Jesus
Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, came. Jesus came to suffer and die
Mark 1:1; 2:7; 4:41; 8:29. for sins, Mark 10:45.

Try to remember this plan. It will

help you to understand Mark.
You can see the two halves in
Mark 8:29, 31.

In Mark 1-8, Jesus has shown the disciples many times who he is. But they
have not understood. At last, in Mark 8:29 Peter sees who Jesus is! Jesus
immediately starts to teach his disciples why he came (Mark 8:31). But the
disciples do not understand that Jesus must die. So, as Jesus goes towards
Jerusalem and the cross, he teaches the disciples that he came to die (Mark
D. Study and Preach Mark’s Gospel


y STUDY: Mark 1:1-8 P PREACH: Mark 1:1-8



When you have good news, you do
not keep quiet. You tell people
about it! [Think of an example.] God
gave John a job to do. He must tell
< Background When we repent we turn round. We
In Mark 1:1 ‘gospel’ means ‘good people the good news about Jesus.
change our mind. We do not go
Mark 1:1-15. This section is news’. The good news is a person!
sin’s way any longer. We go God’s Mark 1:2-4, 7, 8.
Mark’s start or introduction to his Usually good news is when
way. Use a word picture to help.
book. It tells us the main point of something happens. But the best g We have the best news to tell!
his book. Notice that John and Jesus news is when this person comes. Think of people who have not
preach the same message. When we God had promised this person for heard the good news about Jesus.
have read about Jesus Christ, we too ? Notes hundreds of years. Isaiah the prophet How will you tell them?
should ‘repent and believe the good spoke about him (Mark 2:2, 3).
• Mark 1:2, 3. Mark uses the words
of Isaiah 40:3. He shows that John • Jesus is the Christ (Mark 1:1).
is the ‘messenger’ (prophet) that ‘Christ’ is not just another name WHAT WE SHOULD DO!
^ Main point Isaiah told people about. Isaiah that Jesus has. It is his job. Jesus’
uses a picture. A person is making job is to be the ‘Christ’ or king that Mark 1:4
Jesus Christ has come as God a good road, ready for the King to God sent. Think how excited you
Many people think that Jesus does
promised. This is good news. We ride on. John is like this person. would be if the most powerful ruler
not matter. They may believe Jesus
should come to Jesus and repent. in the world came to see you! Jesus
• Mark 1:6. John is dressed like the has come, but it does not change
is far more important, because he is
prophet Elijah (2 Kings 1:8). them.
the king of heaven.
@ Something to work on • Why is it wrong to think like this?
• Mark 1:7. John is talking about • Jesus is God’s Son (Mark 1:1).
1. Pray that God will help you Jesus. Crowds of people listen to When we truly believe that Jesus is John told people to ‘repent’
show people how important John, but he does not feel God’s Son, we will bow and (change the way they think)
and wonderful Jesus is. Mark’s important. Jesus is much more worship him. We will believe because King Jesus was coming.
good news is Jesus, so we must important than he is. everything he says. We will give our They must hate their sins and ask
preach Jesus! lives to him. Jesus to forgive them.
• Mark 1:8. John can only make
2. Make sure that they understand people wet. Jesus will wash people • Jesus came to wash us clean
g Heaven’s king has come!
from their sin. Jesus will change inside. (Mark 1:8). Jesus did not
‘repent’ (‘turn away from your
people by his Holy Spirit. This come to punish us for our sin! Jesus • Will you do nothing?
sins’). Mark 1:4, 15. ‘Repent’
verse talks about what happens came to forgive us! This is why John
means more than ‘say sorry’. • Will you leave Jesus out of your
when Jesus makes us a Christian. ‘baptised’ people (dipped people in
Read 1 Corinthians 12:13. water). He baptised people to show
that Jesus was coming to wash them • Or will you repent and believe in
from their sin. Jesus?

16 17
y STUDY: Mark 1:9-15 P PREACH: Mark 1:9-15

JESUS BEGINS TO TELL GOD SPEAKS! Israel chose not to trust God. But


Mark 1:9-11

It was time for Jesus to begin his

Jesus did not fail the test.

g Satan tempts us to follow an

easier way. Remember Jesus. He
work. His work was to bring the
< Background XWord picture example: imagine said no to Satan. He trusted God.
good news.
Mark 1:1-15. This section is that you are very ill. You hear that We can ask Jesus to help us to say
Mark’s start to his book. Mark wants the hospital has a cure. This is • What is the first thing that Jesus no to Satan.
us to see who Jesus is very good news! So do you stay at did (Mark 1:9)? Jesus was
(Mark 1:1, 11). He wants us to turn home and die? No, you go to the ‘baptised’ (put under water) to be
away from our sins and believe the hospital! The good news about an example to us. Everyone who
good news (Mark 1:15). Jesus is for today. follows Jesus should be baptised. JESUS PREACHES!
Mark 1:14, 15
• What did God think of Jesus as
^ Main point ? Notes Jesus began his work (Mark 1:10, Jesus has passed the test. Jesus
11)? Do you remember that John comes out of the desert to preach
Jesus is God’s Son. God says so. Jesus • Mark 1:9. ‘The Jordan’ is the
told people how special Jesus was? the good news. John cannot preach
has come to tell the good news. So name of the river in which John
(Mark 1:4-8) Now God speaks from the good news any longer. (Why
we should believe it and turn away baptised people.
heaven! John was right about Jesus. not? Mark 1:14). So now, Jesus tells
from our sins (‘repent’). • Mark 1:10. What is the dove? A Now God says that Jesus is his Son. people the same message as John
dove is a white bird. God was We must believe him. did.
showing how pleased he was with
@ Something to work on Jesus. He gave the people a picture SATAN TEMPTS! • What is that message?
Mark 1:15.
Have you told the good news of His Spirit coming down on
Mark 1:12, 13
about Jesus many times? Perhaps it Jesus. His Spirit looked like a dove. The good news is that people do
is not new to your people. Perhaps God was pleased, but Satan (the not have to wait any longer. The
• Mark 1:13. After Satan had
they think that they can wait until devil) was angry. God wanted Jesus king has come. The person who can
tempted Jesus, God sent angels to
they are older. Think how to show to bring the good news. Satan forgive their sins has come. It is
look after him (Matthew 4:11).
them why Jesus’ message is so wanted to stop Jesus. Satan tempted time to do something.
important. Think of a word picture • Mark 1:15. ‘The time has come’. Jesus to follow an easier way.
to help them. Show them why they God had promised Israel a Messiah (‘Tempt’ means to attract someone g We do not have to wait to have
must turn away from their sins, and (Saviour) in the Old Testament. to do wrong.) But Jesus did not our sins forgiven! Jesus has come!
believe in Jesus today. They have waited for many years. listen to him. Praise God for Jesus. Turn away
But now this time has come. Jesus from your sins (‘repent’) now, and
This is like God’s people Israel in
will be the King of God’s kingdom. follow him. [Explain what repent
the desert (in Exodus and
Jesus will rule over God’s people. means – see notes on Mark 1:1-8.]
Numbers). Israel failed the test.

18 19
y STUDY: Mark 1:16-20 P PREACH: Mark 1:16-20


3 FOLLOW ME! Mark 1:16-20

Jesus shows that he has power to

Mark 1:17
give orders.
< Background @ Something to work on Jesus had a special job for these
X Imagine this. You see someone men. Jesus does not want everyone
Mark 1:1-15. Mark has told us Help your people to see that Jesus
who is busy at work. He has a to stop doing their usual job. He
that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of has power to give orders.
good job. He has a house and a does not call everyone to be
God. John has told the people that
family to look after. You tell him preachers.
Jesus will come soon. God has told We do not like anyone to tell us
us that Jesus is his Son. what to do. We want to choose how to leave his work and follow
• What was the special job that
we live. A real Christian is someone you. You will not pay him
Mark 1:16-20. Jesus called these fishermen to
who does what Jesus says, like these money. What will he tell you to
do? Mark 1:17
Now Jesus begins to show who he fishermen. Think how to teach your do? He will tell you to go away!
is. In Mark chapters 1-5, Jesus does people this. Think of a word picture But when Jesus says: ‘Follow Before, they caught fish. Now they
many things to teach the people to help them to understand this.. me!’, what happens? must ‘catch’ people. Jesus will teach
who he is. He shows that he has the them to tell people the good news
power to tell them what to do. • What did Simon and Andrew
about him. Then some will come
Read Mark 1:22, 27 for two do when Jesus told them to
into his ‘net’, his kingdom. Jesus
examples. follow him (Mark 1:18)?
was calling them to become
In this section, Mark 1:16-20, we see ? Notes They did not argue. They did not preachers, like him.
the power Jesus has over some go home to talk with their families.
• Mark 1:16. ‘Sea of Galilee.’ This is
‘fishermen’ (men who catch fish). Immediately, they followed Jesus. g The most important job is to
a small lake in the area of Galilee. tell people the good news. Jesus
These men became special followers They left their work. Now they
Try to find it on a Bible map. Jesus may not want you to leave your
of Jesus. We call them his disciples. were no longer fishermen. They
spent most of his time in this area. job. He may not call you to be a
were followers of Jesus.
• Mark 1:16. ‘Simon.’ Later, Jesus preacher. However, he does want
• What did James and John do all Christians to ‘fish’ for people.
gave him the name ‘Peter’. Simon
^ Main point when Jesus told them to follow He does want us to help people
(Peter), Andrew, James and John
him? Mark 1:20 come under Jesus’ rule.
Jesus, God’s Son, has power to tell us were 4 of the 12 disciples of Jesus.
what to do. g Jesus has power to give orders. g Think of people who do not
When we read the Bible, Jesus has understand about Jesus. Ask God
power to tell us what to do. Jesus to help you tell them the good
tells us to leave all our sin. He news about him.
tells us to begin a new life of
obeying him. He says ‘Follow me!’

20 21
y STUDY: Mark 1:21-28 P PREACH: Mark 1:21-28


Mark 1:21, 22

What made Jesus a powerful

Mark 1:23-26
< Background ? NOTES The evil spirit was scared because he
• A loud voice? knew who Jesus was. He knew it was
Mark 1:16-20. Jesus has power • Mark 1:21. ‘Sabbath.’ The Jews true that Jesus is the Son of God.
to tell us what to do. Jesus said: met to worship God on the • Lots of good stories?
‘Follow me!’ The fishermen left their Sabbath. They met in a building Because Jesus is the Son of God, he
nets and followed him. called a ‘synagogue’. A teacher No. That is not what Mark means. has power over all evil spirits. If we
Mark 1:29-45. Jesus has power read from the Old Testament, and That is not why the people were so trust Jesus, we do not need to be
to heal. taught the people about God. surprised. The people were afraid of evil spirits. Jesus is
‘amazed’ (very surprised) because stronger than all evil spirits. Jesus
Mark 2:1-12. Jesus has power • Mark 1:22. The ‘teachers of the they knew that Jesus spoke the has defeated the devil at the cross.
to forgive sins. law’ often taught at the truth about God. He did not teach
Mark has told us that Jesus is the synagogue. They had studied the like the teachers of the law. Jesus
g Ask Jesus to save you from fear
Son of God. Now Mark shows us the Old Testament (‘the law’) for many did not just teach them about the of evil spirits. Trust in the power
power (‘authority’) of Jesus the Son years. Old Testament. Jesus taught them of Jesus over your whole life.
of God. new things as well (Mark 1:27).
• Mark 1:24. The evil spirit said
And these new things fitted with
Jesus’ name so that he could have
the old things they knew.
^ Main point power over Jesus. Jesus had greater
power. Jesus made the evil spirit THE PEOPLE WERE
g Many people teach us wrong
Jesus, God’s Son, has power to teach
us the truth.
keep quiet. things. They may be good VERY SURPRISED
speakers. Only believe them if they Mark 1:27, 28
tell the truth about Jesus. Believe
@ Something to work on them if what they say comes from • What were they most surprised
the Bible. (‘amazed’) by (Mark 1:27)?
Mark does not mean that we can
have the special powers that Jesus g Jesus has power to teach. What • What question did they ask?
has. He wants us to see how special Jesus says is true (John 14:6).
The people were not just excited
Jesus is. He wants us to see that
because Jesus had special powers.
Jesus is the Son of God. Your talk
They knew that he was someone
should be about Jesus. Pray that
special. They knew that his
people will see how powerful Jesus
teaching had power. [Connect this
is. Then they will trust Jesus. They
with your people.]
will trust what Jesus says.

22 23
y STUDY: Mark 1:29-45 P PREACH: Mark 1:29-45


Jesus shows that he has power
over all kinds of sickness.
Mark 1:35-39

< Background make a picture of his power. [Help the people to imagine what is
Nothing is too hard for Jesus! Jesus Mark 1:29-31. Simon’s happening.] It is early in the
Mark 1:21-28. Jesus has power had all that power, and yet he did mother-in-law. morning. Jesus is trying to have a
to teach us the truth. not come just to heal people. It is quiet time on his own. Everyone is
more important to tell people the Mark 1:32-34. All kinds of up already. They are looking for
Mark 2:1-12. Jesus has power diseases and evil spirits.
good news. Jesus. Many people want Jesus to
to forgive sins.
Mark 1:40-42. Leprosy. heal them. And what does Jesus say
Mark is showing us the power (Mark 1:38)?
(‘authority’) of Jesus the Son of God. ? Notes Here are some points to notice –
Jesus is not being unkind. Jesus is
In Mark 1:29-45 he gives us some
• Mark 1:40. ‘Leprosy.’ This is • Jesus healed people immediately very clear what he came to do. He
more examples of Jesus’ power.
probably not the same disease as (Mark 1:31, 42). Jesus only had to did not come just to heal people.
Mark also shows us that Jesus has
the leprosy we have today. The speak, or to touch someone, to He came to tell people the good
not come just to do miracles.
word is used for some kinds of heal them. This is because Jesus news about who he is. Jesus is not
Mark tells us three times why Jesus skin disease. The Old Testament has God’s power. ‘the healer’; he is ‘the Saviour’. He
came (Mark 1:38, 2:17, 10:45). tells us about people with these must visit many towns. Everyone
• Jesus healed people out of love.
skin diseases. They had to stay must hear the good news.
Mark 1:29-45. Notice how gentle Jesus is in
away from the people. They were
Mark 1:31. Notice how he cares
^ Main point not allowed to meet to worship g Many people today want Jesus
for the man in Mark 1:41.
God (Leviticus 13 v 45, 46). In to heal them. But Jesus did not
Jesus, God’s Son, came to preach. It
Mark 1:44 Jesus tells the man to • Jesus touched the man with come just to heal people. It is far
is more important to tell people the
go to the priest so he could leprosy, in Mark 1:41. People were more important for Jesus to save
truth about Jesus than it is to heal
worship God again. It is sad that afraid of leprosy. People with us from our sins. What good is it
the man did not obey Jesus. leprosy had to live away from if Jesus heals our sickness but we
everyone else. But Jesus was not still go to hell?
afraid. His power is stronger than
@ Something to work on leprosy.
This section is much longer than the • Jesus did not want to become
other sections we have been looking famous (Mark 1:43-45). Jesus did
at. You do not need to talk about not want people to come to him
everything in the Bible section. Use just for his miracles. He wanted
the examples of Jesus’ healing to them to understand who he was.

24 25
y STUDY: Mark 2:1-12 P PREACH: Mark 2:1-12


Mark 2:1-7
Mark 2:8-12

< Background ? Notes [Help the people to imagine what is Anyone can say the words ‘your
happening. Tell the story so that the sins are forgiven’. How do we know
Mark is showing us the power • Mark 2:3. ‘A paralytic.’ This man people feel the shock of Jesus words in if it is true? How do the people
(‘authority’) of Jesus the Son of God. was paralysed. He could not walk Mark 2:5. What do the crowds think know that Jesus can forgive sins?
In Mark 1:29-45 he gave us some because his legs did not work. Jesus will say? What does the man
more examples of Jesus’ power. Jesus shows them that his words
want Jesus to say? Why are Jesus’
In Mark 2:1-12 Jesus shows a • Mark 2:4. The houses had flat are true (Mark 2:8-12). [Tell the story
words so shocking?]
different kind of power. He shows roofs. They had outside stairs so so your people can imagine what it
that he truly is God. you could get onto the roof. It was X [Use a story to help your people.] was like. Help your people to feel the
easy to make a hole in the roof Imagine a very sick boy. There is surprise of the crowds.]
and it was easy to mend it again. no cure for him. The family
^ Main point hears of a special doctor who is Jesus has the power to forgive sins
• Mark 2:7. ‘Blaspheming.’ This because Jesus has the power to
visiting the village. He can heal
Jesus has power to forgive sins. Only means ‘speaking against God’. We make the man walk. Only God has
the boy. They go to him. They
God can forgive sins. So Jesus is ‘blaspheme’ if we say that we can that power. So Jesus is God.
long to hear him say: ‘Yes, I can
God. do things that only God can do.
heal him’. Instead, he says: ‘You
need to have your sins forgiven!’ g ‘Your sins are forgiven.’ These
How would they feel? are wonderful words because Jesus
@ Something to work on
What would they say? has the power to say them! Jesus
Perhaps some of your people do not came to earth to forgive sins. Jesus
think that their sins are a big g Are these the very best words died on the cross to forgive sins.
problem. They would like God to that you could hear Jesus say to Jesus promises to forgive our sins
help them in many ways. However, you? Is it the most important thing when we trust him. If this is the
they do not want him most of all to in your life to have your sins most important thing in your life,
forgive their sins. Think how to use forgiven? then trust Jesus today to
this story to help them. Jesus speaks forgive your sins.
Some people were very shocked
in a very personal way with this
(Mark 2:7). In one way they were
man! Some people would think that
right. Only God can forgive sins. It
Jesus was rude to talk about their
would be very wrong for you or me
sins. But Jesus knows what our
to say: ‘Son, your sins are forgiven’.
biggest need is.
Jesus is claiming to be God!

26 27
y STUDY: Mark 2:13-17 P PREACH: Mark 2:13-17

THE KIND OF PEOPLE WHO JESUS CALLS SINNERS [Also, show why ‘good’ people do not

Mark 2:17
Are you the kind of person Jesus
calls? Are you a sinner? [Talk about
want Doctor Jesus. They think that they
are good already! They do not need him
to forgive their sins.]
X Tell a story about a healthy
< Background that they are bad. You want them to the surprise of what Jesus says. Jesus woman who visits the doctor. She
ask Jesus to make them good. came for sinners!!]
In Mark 2:1-12 Jesus shows that he tells him all about how well she is!
has the power to forgive sins. So ? Notes • This is good news for bad people! She does not let the doctor
now, Jesus shows that he did not • Mark 2:14. ‘Levi’ is another name Everyone hated all these ‘sinners’ and examine her. She does not need
come for good people. He came for tax collectors. But Jesus came for the that! She just wants him to be
for Matthew.
sinners. Jesus came for people who worst people! He loved them! pleased with her! Of course, the
• Mark 2:14. ‘Tax collectors.’ These
need him to forgive their sins. • This is bad news for good people! doctor will not waste his time with
were Jews who collected taxes for
See who Jesus did not come to call healthy people! Jesus did not come
Mark 2:17 is the second time that the Romans. Most people hated
(Mark 2:17). ‘Righteous’ people are for ‘good’ people, because they do
Jesus tells us why he came. (See tax collectors, because they worked
good people. The Pharisees think not need a Doctor.
Mark 1:38.) for the other side. They thought that they are good enough already.
that a true Jew would never help They are not happy for Jesus to eat WHAT JESUS CALLS
^ Main point the Romans. Most tax collectors
were also cheats. They became rich
with bad people (Mark 2:16)!
Jesus did not come for good people. • This is important for saved
because they kept too much Mark 2:14
He came for sinners. people! If Jesus has forgiven us, we
money for themselves.
will want to tell others about Jesus. Levi loves money. Jesus calls him
• Mark 2:15. ‘Sinners.’ We know So what kind of people will we tell? away from his money. He follows
@ Something to work on
that everyone is a sinner. But the Will we only tell nice people, or Jesus. [Show the people how this is a
People still think that Jesus chooses Jews called only some people people who go to church? Or will we complete change of life for Levi.]
good people! Most people think that ‘sinners’. These were people who tell bad people?
Jesus calls us to leave behind our
they are good people! They think lived a bad life. For example, the
that Jesus is pleased with them Jews called prostitutes ‘sinners’. Tax WHY JESUS CALLS wrong way of life. He calls us to
leave our sins. He calls us to turn
because they are good people. This collectors and ‘sinners’ were often SINNERS round and follow Jesus.
section teaches that this is wrong. friends. The Jews hated them all.
Mark 2:17
You need to think and pray how to
• Mark 2:16. ‘Pharisees.’ They were Jesus explains why he came for
say this. g Tell a story about a person who
people who tried very hard to keep sinners. It is because they need him!
You want bad people to see that does not take the medicine which the
God’s laws. They were very strict. [Use Jesus’ picture of a doctor to help
Jesus came for them! You want doctor gives her. Will she get better?
They thought that they were good your people understand this.] Only sick
them to ask Jesus to save them from people. g Will you take the medicine that
people go to the doctor. Jesus can make
their sin. Jesus gives? Will you ask him to
all our sins better. He died on the cross to
forgive you and leave your wrong
Some people think that they are do this. Ask Jesus to forgive all your sin
way of life?
already good. You want them to see and make you well.

28 29
y STUDY: Mark 2:18-22 P PREACH: Mark 2:18-22


Read Mark 2:18-20
Read Mark 2:21-22

< Background ? Notes X [Use an example like this. You may Jesus uses two pictures to say
think of a better example.] In something very important. Jesus
Mark’s Gospel is not just a collection • Mark 2:18. ‘Fasting.’ If you ‘fast’ some churches people think that did not come to fit in with the
of stories about Jesus. It is important you do not eat food for a long time, all good Christian men wear a ways of our religion. Jesus came
to see this. Mark’s Gospel is one often a whole day. In the Old tie. The Bible does not say we to give us new life.
story. It is a story that will end with Testament, God’s people fasted at must wear a tie to church, but
the death and resurrection of Jesus. special times to show they were • Explain the two pictures of the
that is the church rule. They
Did you notice how the story is sorry for their sin (Leviticus 16, think that if a man does not cloth and the wine. Make them
already moving towards the cross? Exodus 34:28, Nehemiah 1:4). The wear a tie he cannot be a good into stories to help the people to
At first, everyone is very surprised Pharisees fasted often, to make God Christian. imagine what will happen.
and pleased with Jesus. They love pleased with them. Probably, the
The Jews thought that all good Jews The Jews had so much religion, but it
his teaching and healing. They disciples of John the Baptist fasted
fasted. The Old Testament did not was hard and stiff, like the wineskins.
think Jesus is a very good man. because they were sorry for their sin,
tell them to fast often, but that was Our rules can be like the old
Then Jesus does things that some and they were waiting for the
their rule. Jesus was not against wineskins. Jesus came to give us the
people do not like. Mark 2:7, Messiah to come.
fasting. But he did not tell his new wine of the gospel! His truth is
16. Now some people think that
• Mark 2:19, 20. ‘Bridegroom.’ Jesus followers to fast. So they thought full of life and love. He wants to
Jesus is bad! They begin to hate him.
uses an Old Testament picture that Jesus could not be a good Jew. change us from the inside, not make
Mark 2:18 – 3:6. Notice how
(Hosea 2:16-20, Isaiah 54:5). God is us keep rules on the outside.
this section of the Bible ends, in
the Bridegroom, who will marry his • Why was it the wrong time for
Mark 3:6. So what happens when Jesus pours
people. The wedding is a time for Jesus’ followers to fast? Explain
this to your people. Jesus was his new wine into the old skins of
joy, not for fasting! Jesus is really
God’s Messiah. It was a time for our rules? The wineskins burst!
^ Main point saying that he is the bridegroom.
joy, not a time to be sad. Jesus will not let us keep the skins
His followers will be happy, not sad.
Jesus did not come to fit in with the of religious rules.
It will be like a wedding.
ways of our religion. He came to g It is very easy to make the
give us new life. This new life • Mark 2:22. ‘Wineskins.’ Wine was g Do you want the new wine of
same mistake as these Jews.
changes us inside. stored in leather goat skins. The Jesus? Do you want him to forgive
Do you have rules that are not in
skins stretched when the wine you and to change you? Do you
the Bible? Do you judge other
fermented (bubbled). The skins want his love to fill you so that you
Christians by your rules?
could not stretch a second time. So follow all his ways? Or do you want
A Christian life is not about rules.
new wine burst old skins. a religion that is like hard
It is about being like Jesus.
wineskins? You cannot have both.

y STUDY: Mark 2:23-28 P PREACH: Mark 2:23-28

JESUS IS THE LORD OF THE THE SABBATH IS The Sabbath is made for man.

Mark 2:27
Sometimes it is good to break the
However, the Jews were like a man
with a heavy bag on his back. It is
so hard to walk. The bag is full of
thousands of little laws that he has
< Background ? Notes law! Tell a story about this – to keep. It is so hard to live like
The Jews are watching Jesus. They X A boy is so hungry that he will that. God does not want us to live
• Mark 2:24. ‘Pharisees.’ Jews who
want to show that he really is a bad die. You find him, but you have like that. Jesus will never tell his
were very strict about keeping laws.
man. Will he keep all their laws? no food. In your neighbour’s disciples not to pick a few ears of
They not only kept Old Testament
Mark 2:18, 24 and Mark 3:2. house there is food, but your grain on the Sabbath (Matthew
laws but also made many of their
neighbour is not there. You must 11:28-30)!
The Jews were very strict about the own laws. One of their laws said
Sabbath. The Sabbath is the holy that you must not pick grain on the not steal, so the boy dies.
day of the Old Testament. Sabbath. This was because God says Did you please God when you did JESUS IS LORD OF
Exodus 20:8-11. that you must not work on the
Sabbath. If you pick grain, you do
not steal? No! You let the boy die.
It is right to take the food (and
Mark 2:23-28 and the next section Mark 2:28
are both about the Sabbath. The work, because you harvest the grain! give it back later!). Sometimes we
Their laws had become very silly. need to break the law. Jesus shows The Jews thought that they were
Jews think that Jesus breaks the
this by telling the story about lords of the Sabbath! They were the
Sabbath rules. • Mark 2:25, 26. Jesus teaches the
David. [Tell this story.] people who had the right to tell
people using the Old Testament. In people what to do on the Sabbath!
^ Main point Leviticus 24:5-9 God taught that God gave us his laws because they
are the very best way to live. The Jesus says: ‘No, you are wrong. You
only priests were allowed to eat the
Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath. He Sabbath (and every one of God’s understand God’s laws wrongly. I
holy bread from the ‘tabernacle’
keeps God’s laws in the right way – laws) is made for man. God’s laws am Lord of the Sabbath. I
(God’s holy place). However, in 1
but do we? are to help us. They are not to hurt understand God’s law rightly. I
Samuel 21:1-6, David and his men
us. God wants us to obey his laws. have the right to tell people how
ate this holy bread because they
That is very important. But God to keep God’s laws.’
were very hungry. They were not
@ Something to work on priests, but they had a great need. So does not only love his laws. He
God was happy for them to eat it. loves us too.
The Pharisees ask Jesus about the g Do you try to keep God’s laws
Sabbath. But Jesus’ answer is about God gave us the Sabbath law to like the Jews? You have many little
• Mark 2:28. ‘Son of Man.’ Jesus
holy bread. Think about this. Jesus help us. [Teach the people about the rules that are like a heavy bag on
often called himself ‘the Son of
shows them that the way they think 4th Commandment.] It is very your back.
Man’. It is a name which the Old
is all wrong. What is wrong with the important to have one day to rest Or do you keep God’s laws like
Testament uses. It says that he is
way they think about God’s laws? and to think about God. God Jesus? It is a joy to obey God,
powerful as well as human.
wants us to rest from our normal because you love his ways.
work, because that is good for us.

32 33
y STUDY: Mark 3:1-6 P PREACH: Mark 3:1-6


Mark 3:5
Mark 3:6
• What things in Mark 3:1-6 show These Jews were very strict with
< Background @ Something to work on
that their hearts were hard and their religion. Everyone thought
Many Jews started to hate Jesus. Most people today think that Jesus stubborn? (A ‘stubborn heart’ that these Jews were the good
Jesus said that he came for bad was a good man. They do not hate means that we will not accept the people who were going to heaven.
people! Mark 2:17. him like these Jews. They just take truth, we will not change.) Think Do you think it is possible for
Jesus did not keep to their rules! no notice of him and get on with of a word picture to show what a religious people like these to hate a
Mark 2:18, 23. their own lives. We need to show hard heart is like. good man? They hated Jesus so
our people that we must not do that Tell the story to show how good much that they tried to murder
Jesus showed them from their own
to Jesus. If we truly understand and kind Jesus was, and how cruel him! In the end, these religious
beliefs that they were wrong about
Jesus, we will love him or hate him. the leaders of the Jews were. They people killed Jesus on the cross.
their religion!
Mark 2:19-22, 25, 26. We will love him for coming to be did not care about the sick man at Why did they want to kill Jesus? It
our Saviour. Or, we will hate him for all! And they hated Jesus because was because he healed someone on
And Jesus even dared to say that he showing us that we are bad people. he cared about the sick man. the Sabbath. He broke their rules.
was Lord of the Sabbath.
Jesus asks a very easy question in We can see that there must be
Mark 2:28.
Mark 3:4. We know why they did something very wrong with their
So now the Jewish leaders look for a religion!
? Notes not want to answer it! It was
way to trap Jesus. They want to get
because their hearts were hard.
him into trouble. Mark 3:1-6. • Mark 3:1. ‘Shrivelled or paralysed g A religion that is all about rules
They did not want Jesus to do
hand.’ The man’s hand did not is a very dangerous religion. It is
good. They only wanted Jesus to
work. wrong to call ourselves Christians
keep their rules.
but have a religion that is all
^ Main point • Mark 3:2. The Jew’s rules said that
about rules. It is wrong to be angry
you could not heal a person on
We can be very religious but hate g Is your heart growing hard? with Christians who do not keep
the Sabbath. Jesus shows why this
Jesus! [Think of examples like the ones our rules.
is wrong.
g Do you love Jesus, or do you
• Mark 3:6. ‘Herodians.’ These were
g Do you listen to the Bible, but love your rules? Do you want to do
friends of Herod and the Roman
only do the things you want to? good, or to make sure that you
government. Usually the Pharisees
Do you tell people about Jesus, but keep all the rules? When Jesus
hated the Herodians. Now they
never help them in life? Do you looks at you, is it like Mark 3:5?
join to kill Jesus.
get angry when someone says that Ask Jesus to forgive you, and to
you are doing wrong? give you a soft, loving heart.

34 35
y STUDY: Mark 3:7-19 P PREACH: Mark 3:7-19

CROWDS FOLLOW who will truly believe in him. He will


Mark 3:7-12
teach them and show them what
God really wants his people to be
like. Jesus does not want them to be
like the Jews with all their rules. He
Do you follow the crowds? Do you
< Background ^ Main point will give them a new heart, so that
like a popular speaker or a crowded
they love God. [Explain about ‘old
We have seen that many Jews do Jesus calls 12 disciples. Jesus chooses church? That is not wrong. But to
Israel’ and ‘new Israel’ if you think that
not want Jesus. They should who he wants, to belong to the new follow Jesus means much more than
will help your people.]
welcome Jesus as their Messiah. But family of God. following the crowds.
These 12 men will be ‘apostles’, sent
they hate him because he will not Jesus was very popular. Wherever he
keep their rules. So now Jesus turns @ Something to work on by Jesus to do his work. They will
went, the crowds followed him. They
belong to Jesus’ new family. What
away from them (Mark 3:7). Jesus Many people think that we have to were excited about Jesus. They
kind of people will Jesus choose?
chooses 12 people to be his special choose Jesus. That is partly true. wanted Jesus to heal them. In Mark
disciples. Most of the Jews do not However, in the Bible Jesus always 3:7, Jesus left the Jews who hated We have met some of them already.
believe, like Israel in the Old chooses us first! (John 15:16) In him. But many ordinary Jews still They are not very good people. They
Testament. They do not want Jesus, Mark 3, the crowds choose Jesus for crowded near Jesus. are not people who are strict with
so Jesus calls a new ‘Israel’ to follow the wrong reason. They soon go their religion. They are not clever
Jesus did not want to be popular.
him (Mark 3:13-19). Notice the away from Jesus. But the disciples people. They are ordinary people.
Jesus knew that most people wanted
number 12. There are 12 disciples who Jesus chooses, stay with Jesus. Some are fishermen (James, John,
him for the wrong reason. Soon they
like there were 12 tribes (families) of Simon, and Andrew). One is a tax
? Notes would leave him, because they did
Israel. collector (Matthew). We will see that
not like his teaching. Later they
• Mark 3:12. Jesus did not want evil at first they often fail! Jesus has to
would shout: ‘kill him on a cross!’
MOST JEWS 12 DISCIPLES spirits to say who he was! Even teach them and change them.
Jesus did not say that he was the g Do you follow Jesus for the right However, they are the people who
Son of God. He wanted people to reason? Or, do you just follow the Jesus wants. And they are the people
very religious Jesus’ new Israel
see it. crowd? [Talk more about the right who come when Jesus calls them
new family reason to follow Jesus] (Mark 3:13).
like Israel • Mark 3:14. ‘Apostles.’ These 12
of God
men had a special place in Jesus’
g Jesus still calls those he wants.
do not want Jesus follow Jesus plans. They were like the JESUS CHOOSES 12 He chooses us! Not to be his
foundation stones in the church.
Mark 3:13-19 apostles, but to follow him. He calls
From now on, Jesus will take special Jesus gave these men special
all sorts of people [give some
care to teach his disciples. He does powers (like casting out demons). Jesus leaves the crowds behind to
examples]. Praise God if Jesus has
still teach the crowds, but Jesus We must be careful when we teach choose 12 special men. Jesus knows
called you because he wants you!
mostly wants to teach these 12 about the apostles. We must not that the crowds will soon leave him.
Praise God if you have heard his call
disciples. think that we should do Jesus wants men who will stay with
and followed Jesus(John 10:27, 28).
everything that they did. him. He chooses them to be people

36 37
y STUDY: Mark 3:20-35 P PREACH: Mark 3:20-35

Mark 3:22-30
Mark 3:20-21, 31-35

< Background ? Notes Does it surprise you that some Jesus’ own family did not all love
people hate Jesus so much? Why do Jesus (Mark 3:20-21). They said
Many Jews hate Jesus. Jesus turns • Mark 3:23. ‘Parables.’ Pictures or people hate Jesus when he only that Jesus was crazy. They tried to
away from the old Israel and stories with another meaning. See does good things? stop Jesus from doing his work.
chooses disciples to belong to his Mark 4:1-20. They did not think Jesus should
new ‘Israel’ Mark 3:13-19. There The Jews in Mark 3:22 are work so hard and care so much.
are now two groups. There are • Mark 3:25. ‘House.’ Jesus means important leaders. Many people
people who do not believe in Jesus, the people in the house, the listen to them. What they say g Do you care like Jesus? Or do
and people who follow Jesus. family. about Jesus is so unfair. Can you you think that a little religion is
In Mark 3:20-35 we see who belongs understand why they hate Jesus so enough? Do you think that
• Mark 3:28-30. Many people are
to this new family of Jesus. much? following Jesus must not take over
afraid that they have done the sin
your life? Think carefully - do you
that cannot be forgiven. Mark 3:28 Jesus shows that what they say is
really love Jesus?
is very clear. All sins can be stupid (Mark 3:23-27).
^ Main point
forgiven. We may have said
Of course Jesus is not working for Jesus’ true family does what Jesus
Some people hate Jesus and refuse to something terrible about Jesus.
the devil! If he were working for says (Mark 3:31-35). Jesus does not
believe. The new family of Jesus do God will forgive us if we ask him.
the devil, he would not drive out go at once to see his brothers and
what Jesus says. The sin (or ‘blasphemy’) against
demons! mother. This is a real shock to the
the Holy Spirit is something
people! But Jesus says that his true
different. The people in Mark 3
[X Use the pictures that Jesus gives us family are the people with him.
@ Something to work on refuse to see who Jesus is. Jesus
to make this clear.] They are the people who listen to
does wonderful things and they
There is no middle group. Many of what he says. And they do the will
say that he has a devil! If the Holy Jesus warns them that what they
our people want to be in the of God.
Spirit shows us who Jesus is, and say is serious (Mark 3:28-30).
middle. They do not want to hate we hate Jesus, then we cannot be
Jesus, and they do not want to These Jewish leaders thought they
forgiven. If you love Jesus and g It is possible to be like Jesus’ own
follow Jesus. If they are not ‘for’ want him to forgive you, then you were going to heaven. They brothers and sisters. They want to
Jesus, then they are ‘against’ Jesus. have not done this sin. thought that they were at the top control Jesus. They do not want to
Help them to see that. If they do of the list! But no one who hates come under his word. A real
not do what Jesus says, then they Jesus has God’s forgiveness. Christian is someone who obeys
cannot belong to the family of Jesus. Jesus’ teaching. [Tell Jesus’ story
[Explain what Jesus means by the sin in Matthew 7:24-27.] Do you
that will not be forgiven – see note] belong to the real family of God?

38 39
y STUDY: Mark 4:1-20 (1) P PREACH: Mark 4:1-20 (1)


Mark 4:1-3,9
Mark 4:10-12

This is the first of two talks on There was a large crowd of people Notice what happened when Jesus
@ Something to work on
this Bible section. The first talk is finished his story. The story made
listening to Jesus. They did not all
about why Jesus uses parables. The Listen carefully to what Jesus says in them think. They knew Jesus spoke
have the right kind of ears!
second talk is about the parable of Mark 4:11, 12. (We explain this on about them. Yet only a few people
the sower. the next page.) It may sound hard • What kind of ears does Jesus want stayed to ask Jesus about his story.
to us. We must not shut out what us to have?
< Background Jesus explains his story. But first he
Jesus says. We must not change explains why he teaches with parables.
Already, Jesus and his teaching have g We can be in the crowds that come
Jesus’ words to make them say what It is to find out the people who want to
divided people into two groups: to church. We can listen to the Bible
we want. If God has made you a know the truth (Mark 4:11, 12).
and the talk. We can even say that it
• people who turn away from Jesus teacher, you must teach what the
was a good talk. But we only have What Jesus says may surprise us. Jesus
Bible says.
• people who believe in Jesus good ears when God’s word goes uses parables to keep people out!
From now on, Jesus spends most of into our lives and changes us. Jesus knew his story would turn
his time with the second group. He The crowds knew that Jesus’ story people away, but he did not mind
? Notes that! In fact, Jesus wants to make sure
teaches his disciples and the people about the soils was about them. In
who will listen to him. • Mark 4:2. ‘Parables.’ Stories which Mark 4:9 Jesus is saying: ‘So what that these people stay outside! He
teach about God and God’s will you do about it?’ The story tells does not want people to follow him
Jesus’ parables also divided the
kingdom. Often people were not the truth about them. Will they take for the wrong reasons. Jesus tells us
crowds into two groups.
notice? Will we take notice? here that he tells parables to judge
Mark 4:1-20. ready to hear the truth in a direct
people. What do we learn from this?
way. So Jesus told parables to make
X [This is very important. Find a
people think. Often Jesus’ parables Jesus is not judging people who do
^ Main point picture to help the people. This one
showed up their sin. Jesus’ not know about him. These people are
may help.] You watch a football
parables divided people into two Jews. They should have welcomed
‘He who has ears to hear, let him match. You enjoy the match. You
groups. People who wanted to Jesus, their Messiah. But they had
hear’ (Mark 4:9). cheer when your team scores a
listen and people who did not. A hard hearts. They refuse to listen to
goal. You talk about the match
(When you teach the Bible, look out parable is like a sieve, or a filter. It Jesus. So Jesus judges them. He does
afterwards. But the match does
for verses like Mark 4:9, which are separates what is good from what not teach them in a direct way.
not change you! You come to
like a key to unlock the teaching. is bad. Instead He tells parables which they
church. You enjoy the meeting.
This parable is about how we listen will not understand well. Just as the
You sing the songs. You even talk prophet Isaiah had said (Mark 4:12).
to God’s word. So at the end of his
about church. But does it change
parable, Jesus tells us to be very
you? Or is it just like when you g Jesus’ words either change us or
careful how we listen.)
watch a football match? judge us. What about you?

40 41
y STUDY: Mark 4:1-20 (2) P PREACH: Mark 4:1-20 (2)


g We all hear good seed! Does that

PARABLE OF THE SOWER Mark 4:14-20 seed change your life? Does it make
you turn from your sin and trust in
X Imagine four different people Jesus? Does it make you love and
who are like the four soils. Talk
obey him? The only soil that pleases
< Background @ Something to work on about what happens when they
God is the one that gives him crops.
hear God’s word. Help the
Jesus’ parables split the crowds into Everyone likes to think that they are
people to see who they are most
two groups. Jesus is happy for most ‘good soil’. We need to help people
like. After the talk, the people A MESSAGE FOR SOWERS
of the crowd to go away after the to see that what matters is a crop. Mark 4:11
could get into groups to think
story. A few stay to find out what We can love to hear God’s message, more about the soils.
the parable really means. but that is no good to the farmer. Jesus told this story to his disciples.
He only looks for crops at harvest • The path (Mark 4:4, 15). The They must learn to be people who
Mark 4:10 time. devil is like a bird looking for seed. sow God’s word. When God teaches
He hates God’s word to go deep us these things, we must tell them to
Remember, Jesus wants to teach his What are those crops? What does others! We become sowers. Sowers
disciples. One thing he teaches into our lives. He wants us to forget
God look for in our lives, which very quickly. must learn two things.
them is how to sow. This parable show that his word has changed us?
has lessons for soils and lessons for • The stony soil (Mark 4:5-6, 16- 1. Only a few will be saved.
What pleases him?
sowers. 17). These people are very happy to In the end, only one soil gave any
hear the Bible. They put up their crops to the farmer. Many people
hands and say that they want to be will hear. Sometimes, many people
? Notes will say they are Christians. It makes
Christians. But what happens when
it becomes difficult? Why? us sad when only a few grow to be
• Mark 4:3. ‘Sower’ or farmer This
^ Main point like Jesus. Only a few are really
farmer sowed his seed in his fields.
• The thorns (weeds) (Mark 4:7, saved. Jesus tells us to expect this.
God’s word only saves some people He scattered seed with his hand as
18-19). These people also start to
who hear it. But those people give a he walked. 2. There will be a big harvest
grow. God’s word begins to change
big harvest. (Mark 4:20). We must not be too
them. But they are more interested
in the things of this life. They do sad! Only one soil gave any crops.
not pull up the ‘weeds'. What are However, that soil gave a big crop!
these weeds? Only one person may become a
true Christian, but that person will
• The good soil (Mark 4:8, 20). bring a lot of praise to God. When
Are you saying: ‘Lord, make me like we sow God’s seed, it is hard work.
this! I want God to have a big It can be very disappointing. But
harvest in my life. I want to bring never give up. In the end, there
God praise. I want to help others will be a big harvest.
come to know Jesus.’ Galatians 6:9.

42 43
y STUDY: Mark 4:21-25 P PREACH: Mark 4:21-25

15 SHARE GOD’S TRUTH! Mark 4:21-23

X Tell a story or act it out. It is

Mark 4:24-25

X Imagine a rich man or woman

dark. One person has a lamp or with a big lake of pure water. No
< Background main point is very clear. It is a very
torch. But he does not want to one else has any water, because
important message. We do not want
Jesus has just told the parable of the share it with the other people. He there has been no rain. Everyone
to confuse people.
sower. It is a parable about the wants to keep all the light for comes to this person and asks for
teaching of Jesus. The other parables himself. So he hides the light some water. Will he measure out
in Mark 4 follow on from the under a blanket or mat! Now a little water in a cup? Or will he
parable of the sower. There are two ? Notes nobody has any light! How silly! give a big bucket or can?
more seed parables (Mark 4:26-32).
• Mark 4:22. We do not hide Jesus, the Light of the world, has
They also teach about the way that g Jesus says: ‘Be generous! Give
something forever. The reason to come. Without Jesus, everyone is in
we hear Jesus’ words. lots!’ These parables are about
hide something is to keep it safe the dark. Did Jesus keep the truth how we hear God’s word. When
The two parables in Mark 4:21-25 for the right time. Then we will let to himself? Of course not! The light we hear God’s word, we must give
are also about how we hear Jesus’ people see what we hid! God ‘hid’ must shine. The truth must come it away again! We are like
words. If we are good soil, what do the good news about Jesus for a out. God’s word must be shared. So someone with a big lake of water.
we do with Jesus’ words next? We long time. He gave us clues in the Jesus taught God’s truth. Everyone is thirsty. They need to
must share God’s word with other Old Testament. But now it is time
know God’s truth. Will you keep it
people. to bring out the message for Do you have the light of Jesus?
all to yourself? Will you only
everyone to hear! Imagine a Christian who does not
share a little bit in a cup? Or will
want to share his light. Perhaps he
^ Main point • Mark 4:24. ‘With the measure you you be like a big bucket. Will you
is scared what others will think. So
use, it will be measured to you – and share lots of God’s word?
We must share God’s word with he tries very hard not to let any
even more’ (NIV). GNB translates it light out. How does he do that?
other people. Then what happens? Mark
like this: ‘The same rules you use to How do you do that sometimes?
judge others will be used by God to 4:25. The more we have, the more
judge you.’ The first translation is we get. If we put God’s word into
@ Something to work on g Jesus called John the Baptist a practice, we become strong. If we
better. The word Jesus uses is a ‘bright and shining light’. Is that
‘measure’, like a spoon or a jug. I give it away to other people, we
It is hard to work out exactly what true for you? Will you pray that it
think Jesus is talking about how we become rich. Think of Christians
Jesus means in these two parables. will be true? Who do you want to
share his words. Do we use a small you know. Jesus’ words are so true!
Read Mark 4:1-34 many times and share God’s truth with this week?
spoon or a big bucket to give out And what happens to people who
pray to understand. How do the
God’s words? He wants us to be hear God’s word and do nothing
parables in Mark 4:21-25 fit in?
generous when we share his words. with it? They go away from God. In
In your talk, make sure that the And he will be generous to us. the end, they lose everything.

44 45
y STUDY: Mark 4:26-34 P PREACH: Mark 4:26-34


16 SEED GROWS! Mark 4:26-29
I have heard of people who talk to
their plants to make them grow!
Mark 4:30-32

[Tell the story. Something that is so

small grows so big! What a surprise! A
< Background ? Notes How silly! seed that the birds might eat grows
Jesus tells two more parables about • Mark 4:26,30. ‘The kingdom of X Imagine a farmer who cannot get into a tree that the birds sit in!]
seeds. Remember that he wants to God is like…’ Jesus means ‘let me to sleep because he is worried
about his seeds. It is cold. There It is like that with God’s words.
teach his disciples. Jesus wants tell you something about the
is no sun. So he gets out of bed Maybe you tell people about Jesus
them to become teachers like him. kingdom of God.’ Jesus often used
to help his seeds to grow… How and the cross, and they have no
He wants them to understand how these words to begin his parables.
silly! The farmer just needs to interest. You go home and feel sad.
the seed of God’s word grows. Jesus Jesus’ parables show how different
wait. The seed will grow without You think that it is no use. The
does not want the disciples to give God’s kingdom is from the world.
any help. God gives the sun and seed seems too weak and it will not
up when nothing happens. So he The ‘kingdom of God’ is where
the rain, and the plant grows. change anyone. However, someone
tells them two stories to help them. God rules. We belong to the
has listened. The seed grows. All his
Mark 4:26-34 kingdom of God if Jesus is our Praise God for that miracle! Every sins are forgiven. All his life
King. year, little seeds grow into crops for changes. He tells many people
^ Main point us to eat. A seed looks too small to about Jesus. He has eternal life.
• Mark 4:26-29. Jesus does not
do anything! But in that seed is life. God’s word has become a big tree!
Trust God’s word to grow. mean that there is nothing for the
In the seed is everything that it
farmer to do, after he has sown the
needs to grow into a big plant.
seed. Jesus does not mean there is
@ Something to work on g Trust God’s word to grow. Do
nothing for a Christian to do, Jesus says that it is like that with
not decide that it has done nothing,
after he has taught God’s word. We his words. They seem very small.
We must make the parables talk to when it seems like that. We may
must pray. Often we must tell They do not seem important or
our people. Tell stories which are not see much happen, but
more of God’s word. But the point powerful. But they have life. God’s
like Jesus’ parables. Tell stories remember that tiny things can grow
is that we cannot make the seed words grow in our lives. They grow
which are like real life to them. Can very big.
grow. into crops.
your people remember the time they
went away, came back, and found Trust God’s word to grow. Do not
g Trust God’s word to grow. When
that something (or someone!) had try to change the seed because it
you teach God’s word, do not worry
grown tall? Do your people know a looks so small! Do not make it look
about the seed. It has a life of its
tiny seed like the mustard seed, bigger or better to attract people!
own. God, not you, makes it grow.
which grows into a tree? Or other Trust the message about God and
Just keep on sowing God’s word.
things which began very small, and sin, Jesus and his cross.
Then, one day, you will see how
became very big? Use the things the seed has grown.
that they know. See Isaiah 55:10, 11.

46 47
y STUDY: Mark 4:35-41 P PREACH: Mark 4:35-41

WHO IS THIS? the sea can do this. But the disciples

17 WHO IS THIS? Mark 4:35-41

First, Jesus does not seem to care.

do not see yet that Jesus is God.]

He is asleep, while the boat sinks!
< Background @ Something to work on He is their Teacher, but he does Mark 4:40
So far in Mark… Fear or faith? Some people think nothing to help his disciples!
The disciples were afraid when
• Jesus has come to preach the good that they do not need to trust Jesus Jesus did nothing. Now they are
news about God’s kingdom. or be afraid of his power. Be careful g Do you feel like that, sometimes?
afraid when he makes the sea go
• Jesus has shown his power over to show that we have to take Jesus’ You are in trouble. Jesus did not
calm! There is no wind, no waves.
people, disease, and sin. power seriously. If we do not trust help you. He let you get into
Jesus has saved them. Yet, they are
• Many Jews hate Jesus and want to him to save us, we should be very trouble. You know that he has
even more afraid!
kill him. afraid. power to do something. But Jesus
• Jesus has left these people and seems to be asleep! It feels as if They are afraid of Jesus’ power,
called disciples to be the ‘new ? Notes he does not care. Never believe because they do not know who
Israel’. that! (Isaiah 43:1-3) Jesus is.
• Mark 4:39: Usually, waves take
• Jesus has taught in parables, to hours to go calm after the wind They should have seen that Jesus is
help the disciples understand stops. This miracle shows Jesus’ Then, Jesus shows who he is. their God and Saviour! He saved
about his kingdom. great power.
X Imagine that you are in a boat. them from the sea! They have
However, the disciples still do not A storm comes. You tell everyone nothing to fear!
understand who Jesus really is… ‘don’t worry, I will stop it!’ You
shout ‘Stop, wind! Be still, g Jesus is God. He has all power
This is the big question of Mark 1-8.
waves!’ What happens next? over us. He can do what he likes to
Mark wants us to answer their
Nothing. Your friends think that us. One day he will be our Judge.
question: ‘Who is this?’
you are crazy. They are right! Are you afraid of him?

• So why can Jesus talk to the wind g Jesus is Saviour. If you will
^ Main point
and waves like this? Why do they trust him, you do not need to be
The winds and waves obey Jesus. We obey Jesus immediately? Who is afraid of his power. Jesus came to
should put our faith in him. this? Who alone could have such save us from our sins.
power? John 3:16-18, 31
[‘Who is this?’ You may decide not to
g Then his power is for us, not
answer that question. Your people may
against us. Then it does not matter
need to work it out for themselves. The
how big the storm is, because Jesus
disciples do not know the answer yet.
will look after us.
We know that only the God who made

48 49
y STUDY: Mark 5:1-20 P PREACH: Mark 5:1-20


Mark 5:1-13

[Use Mark 5:3-5 to describe this man.

Mark 5:14-20

How strange! Mark 5:15, 17.

His terrible strength, his many devils, The man is now at peace, but the
< Background @ Something to work on his own great pain. Everyone is afraid people are afraid! Jesus has saved
The big question in Mark 1-8 is: If you look at our notes on Mark of him.] them from this frightening man,
‘Who is Jesus?’ Now we have 4:35-41, you will see that we have but they want Jesus to go away!
reached Mark 5, we know that Jesus • So what does Jesus do when this
given you the same talk headings!
has power to: frightening man runs towards Why is this? Because they are afraid of
The stories are different, but they
him? Jesus’ power. They are afraid of what
• heal the sick (even people with teach the same important things
Why does Jesus not run away? Jesus might do to them.
leprosy) and cast out demons. about Jesus. Ask God to show your
Who is afraid in Mark 5:6-10?
• forgive sin. people these big lessons. They need g Are you afraid of Jesus’ power?
to see who Jesus really is, and trust The reason that this man is afraid Are you afraid to follow Jesus,
• teach with God’s power and call him completely. of Jesus is that he knows who because you know that he has
Jesus is (Mark 5:7). The disciples power over you? Maybe you do not
• tell the sea to obey him. are still blind, but the devils in this want him to have power over you.
However, the disciples still ask the ? Notes man see! (James 2:19) The man is Think carefully. Jesus is the only
question ‘Who is this?’ (Mark 4:41). so afraid, but he has to bow down Saviour. It is very wrong to want
They still do not trust Jesus to be the • Mark 5:1. See a Bible map if you to the Son of God. The devils in the Jesus to go away.
Son of God. In Mark 5, Jesus again have one. This area was the side of man know that Jesus has power to
shows who he is. Will the people the lake where mostly Gentiles do to them what he wants. They Now the man was so different! He
believe – or be afraid of his power? (not Jews) lived. can only ask for mercy. had faith. Mark 5:18-20. He
Mark 5:1-43. trusted Jesus because Jesus had set
• Mark 5:13. Do not feel sorry for
g If we know the Son of God, we him free. He wanted to be with Jesus.
the pigs! We know that Jesus is not
cruel. We know that Jesus is fair. never need to be afraid of
But see that Jesus had a job for him
The important thing is the harm evil spirits! The evil spirits are
to do. He did not only tell his
^ Main point these demons did to the man. afraid of Jesus, because Jesus
family. He told everyone he could
Jesus set him free from demons has power over them.
Jesus has power over demons. We find about how much Jesus had
who wanted to take him to hell. done for him.
should put our faith in him and tell g Are you still afraid of evil
everyone what he has done for us! • Mark 5:20. ‘Decapolis’ is an area spirits? Remember that Jesus
will judge them. Trust Jesus, the g How much has Jesus done for
of 10 cities. Notice how the man you?
told many more people than Jesus Son of God, and do not be
How much will you tell others?
said! afraid.

50 51
y STUDY: Mark 5:21-34 P PREACH: Mark 5:21-34


Mark 5:22
These two people knew that nothing
else could help them. The woman
had tried many doctors. Jairus knew
Jairus was a very important man. that his daughter was nearly dead.
< Background @ Something to work on
But he knows that Jesus is far more Jesus was their only hope.
So far in Mark, we have not seen The stories tell us about faith in important! So he bows before Jesus.
much faith in Jesus. Jesus has to Jesus. These people trusted Jesus to g Is Jesus your only hope? Jesus is
question why the disciples do not help them in their need. We need g If we have true faith in Jesus, the one person in the world who
trust him. Mark 4:40. Jesus too. We need Jesus, most of all, we will be very humble. We will has power to make you clean from
to save us from our sin. These stories not think how good we are. We will your sin. Only Jesus can save you
Now Mark shows us two people who help us to see how to trust Jesus to think how good Jesus is. We will from death and hell. Do not trust
come to Jesus with faith. They trust save us from our sin. Pray that your come and worship Jesus, and ask anything else. Go to Jesus only.
Jesus’ love and power to help them. people will see that this is their him to show mercy to us.
Mark 5:21-43 – and see how
Mark puts the two stories together.
biggest need. Help them to see that FAITH IN JESUS DOES NOT
it is very safe to trust in Jesus.
He does this because both stories MAKE US ASHAMED
teach the same lesson.
? Notes
FAITH IN JESUS Imagine Mark 5:21, 22. Suddenly
We have divided the section into
COMES FROM A someone pushes through the
• Mark 5:22. Jarius is an important
two talks, because there is so much Jew. He teaches people in the GREAT NEED crowd. He is not polite, he does not
care what people think. This man
to learn. synagogue. See how different he is
Mark 5:23, 25-26 needs Jesus, now!
from other Jewish leaders who we
have read about! Imagine Mark 5:33. The woman is
These people trusted in Jesus
afraid at first. She knows how cruel
because they needed to! [Describe
^ Main point • Mark 5:25. The bleeding makes
their great need. Show that what they
people are to an ‘unclean’ woman.
the woman ‘unclean’ by Old But now she trusts Jesus. She is not
Have faith in Jesus, like Jairus and needed was not a small thing. It was
Testament laws. This means that ashamed to say what he has done
the woman. the most important thing in their life.]
she cannot go to worship God for her.
with other people. She feels
separated from everyone. She is g We can ask Jesus to help us with g If you have faith in Jesus, you
afraid of what people think of her. small things, but Jesus came to help will not be ashamed. Perhaps you
us with our biggest need. We have are like the woman. You want to be
sin that is killing us. We are in secret. You want just to reach out to
danger of hell. Go to Jesus with Jesus and hope that no one sees.
your biggest need. Ask Jesus to save But Jesus does not want us to be
you. ashamed of him.

52 53
y STUDY: Mark 5:35-43 P PREACH: Mark 5:35-43


Imagine that you are Jairus. Your
daughter is dying. Jesus is coming,
Mark 5:36
< Background ? Notes but he is so slow. Then he stops to
See the BACKGROUND for the last speak to a woman. Oh no! Then Jairus hears two things. ‘Your
• Mark 5:39. Jesus says that the girl
talk. you hear the bad news. ‘Your daughter is dead’ and ‘Do not be
is ‘asleep’. Everyone knows that
daughter is dead.’ afraid’. Is it safe for him to trust
Remember how Mark has shown us she is dead. Jesus knows that she is
Jesus’ words? Of course! It is not
the power of Jesus. Jesus has control dead. However, Jesus means that it Jairus had to wait. How did that easy, but Jesus never lies.
over disease, evil spirits, sin, the sea, is not a problem for him. Jesus has help him? Waiting feels like a bad
everything! such power that he can ‘wake up’ thing, but really it is good. Jesus g When do you find it hard to trust
Notice Jesus’ power again in Mark 5. a dead person. makes Jairus’ faith stronger. Jesus’ words? Will you trust what
See how calm Jesus is. See how he John 11:11-14. you feel like, or what Jesus says?
stops to talk to the woman, when g We do not like to wait - but we Which one is safe? [X Find a word
• Mark 5:43. Jesus often told people must trust Jesus. He sometimes
he is on the way to a dying girl. See picture to help. For example, Jesus’
to be quiet about his miracles. seems so slow to come and help
how the woman only needs to words are like a big rock. The waves
Jesus did not want the crowds to you - but you need to trust Jesus.
touch Jesus’ clothes to heal her. See of the sea crash around you, but it is
get excited about miracles. He Things may have got worse for you
how Jesus talks to a dead girl and always safe to stand on the big rock.]
wanted the miracles to show who - but you must trust Jesus.
makes her completely better. he is. This is important for us
today. Miracles are not the main FAITH IN JESUS
^ Main point
thing. People need to know Jesus, FAITH IN JESUS IS WILL NEVER
more than they need him to heal
Have faith in Jesus, like Jairus and them. They need to trust Jesus, the
the woman. Son of God, the only Saviour. FEAR Mark 5:42
Mark 5:35,36
Remember that this girl is dead. Her
@ Something to work on ‘Your daughter is dead!’ It looks as body is cold. Yet Jairus still trusts Jesus to
if Jesus is too late. But what does raise her from the dead! Was he
We have given you some lessons disappointed? Immediately the girl is full
Jesus say?
about faith. These lessons come of life, and ready to eat a good meal!
from the story about Jairus. Try to
g [Ask your people to think about
make the story come to life as you their fears.] What does Jesus say to g Nothing is too hard for Jesus. We can
teach the lessons. Help your people us (Mark 5:36)? trust him with impossible things. If Jesus
to imagine how Jairus feels. has promised, he will not disappoint us.
1 John 5 v 14, 15.

54 55
y STUDY: Mark 6:1-6 P PREACH: Mark 6:1-6


away. They may not want Jesus to Mark 6:2-3 Mark 6:3, 6
< Background
be Lord over them. They may not What do they know about Jesus? Mark tells us why these people did
Mark 5 showed us three people who trust Jesus to be their Saviour. not believe in Jesus. They did not
had faith in Jesus. However, most • Jesus' teaching and wisdom want to! They knew Jesus! They
people will not believe in Jesus. Pray that God will give your people surprises them. hated to think that Jesus was better
They want his miracles, but they faith as you teach them.
• They know about his miracles. than they were. They did not want
will not believe that Jesus has come
the carpenter to tell them how to
from God to save them. • They have been with him as he live!
? Notes grew up as a ‘carpenter’ (person
In Mark 6, we see that the people in
who makes things out of wood). They could see that Jesus was very
Jesus’ own town do not want him. • Mark 6:1. Jesus’ home town was special. But they did not love him
Mark has shown us this before. Nazareth, where he grew up. They do not find anything bad and believe in him. Instead, they
Mark 3:20, 21, 31-35. about Jesus. It is all good. hated him.
• Mark 6:5, 6. Jesus ‘could not do
Luke tells us more about Jesus’ visit Everything they know about Jesus
miracles’ there because of their
to Nazareth. Luke tells us that, in is good. Yet still they will not g Are you like these people? You
‘lack of faith’. Jesus did miracles to
the end, they try to throw Jesus off accept him (Mark 6:3). believe everything about Jesus, but
help people believe in him. If they
a cliff. Luke 4:16-30. would not believe, then Jesus you do not want him to be your
g What do you know about Jesus? Lord? Why is that?
would not do miracles. Is it all good?
Is there anything about Jesus that Do you need to ask Jesus to forgive
^ Main point • Mark 6:6. Jesus was ‘amazed’ or
makes you afraid to trust him? your surprising lack of faith?
‘surprised’. Jesus is fully God, but
These people, who know Jesus well, If not, why will you not accept
he is also fully human. As a
do not want him. him? Are you shocked when people
human on earth, he did not know
know so much about Jesus, but do
everything. He is surprised here by The more we know about Jesus, the not want him? The reason is that
Nazareth. These people know so more we should believe in him.
@ Something to work on they do not want Jesus the
much about Jesus, and still they [Tell your people many reasons to carpenter to tell them how to live.
do not believe. Jesus is surprised believe in Jesus.] We know so many
How might we be like the people of They do not want Jesus to be their
that their hearts are so hard. good things about Jesus. Why will
Nazareth? Our people probably will King.
not say bad things about Jesus. But you not trust in him?
they may have the same lack of
faith. They may know so much
about Jesus, but still push Jesus

56 57
y STUDY: Mark 6:6-13 P PREACH: Mark 6:6-13


Mark 6:7,12
because their King had come. The • Mark 6:6: Jesus goes to the villages. Mark 6:11
< Background
people should welcome the • Mark 6:7: Jesus sends his Do not think that it is easy to tell
Mark 6:1-29 tells us what happens
disciples because they brought this disciples to the villages. people about Jesus.
when people do not want the
good news. For us, many people
message of Jesus. Jesus shows his disciples what to If people will not even welcome
who we speak to do not know very
• Mark 6:1-6 tells us happened to do, and then he sends them to do Jesus, then they will not always
much. We need to be patient.
Jesus in his home town. it! Like Jesus, they had power to welcome Jesus’ disciples! Many
• It is the same because Jesus told heal and cast out evil spirits. people do not want to repent of
• Mark 6:14-29 tells us what his church to go into the world Everyone must know that Jesus is their sin and believe in Jesus. They
happened to John the Baptist, and preach the good news. the Saviour from God. The people may tell us to go away or they may
when he told Herod to repent. Everyone needs to know about must repent (turn from their sins) hurt us.
• In the middle is Mark 6:6-13. This Jesus. When we tell people about
and believe in Jesus.
shows what may happen to the Jesus, we do need to trust Jesus to • So should we change the message
be with us. But we do not need to Jesus’ main work is to die for our to make it easier?
12 disciples, when they tell people
go without food or money. sins and rise again. The work that
to repent and believe in Jesus. • Should we stop telling people
Jesus gives to us (his disciples) is to
about Jesus because they do not
tell everyone about Jesus.
want to know?
^ Main point ? Notes
All the Jews needed to know that
• Mark 6:7. Jesus gave them power No! Remember that people came to
We need to tell everyone the good their Saviour had come. Everyone
over evil spirits to prove that they our town or village to tell people
news about Jesus. But do not expect in the world needs to know that
told the truth about Jesus. It is about Jesus. It was not easy, but
everyone to like it! the Saviour has come.
different for us because we have they did not give up. So, today, we
the Bible. We can show people know about Jesus. [Tell a true story
@ Something to work on what God says about Jesus. g Does everyone in your town or about this.]
village know about Jesus? Does
Some things in this section are • Mark 6:11. Jews used to shake off In Mark 6:11 Jesus tells the disciples
everyone in the villages near you
important for us today. Other things the dust when they came out of a to leave any villages that do not
know about Jesus? Do they know
were just for the 12 disciples then. non-Jewish town. It showed what want him. It is always very wrong
the truth about Jesus?
How can we tell which things are they thought of non-Jews. But to say no to Jesus. But the people
for us today? It helps to remember here it shows what God thinks of g They need to know about Jesus! who we speak to are different from
that our mission (job) is different Jews who will not believe the Who are the best people to tell these Jews. They do not know what
and the same! good news about Jesus. God wants them? Matthew 28:18-20 is true. We must be patient. We
• One reason that it is different is to show them that they are not his must be ready for them to hurt us.
that the disciples spoke to Jews. people any more.
They told the people to repent

58 59
y STUDY: Mark 6:14-29 P PREACH: Mark 6:14-29


1. Herod liked to listen, but he
did not want to change!
Mark 6:17-18
< Background @ Something to work on Mark 6:20
Mark 6:1-29 tells us what happens Many people may not know this X Tell a true story about a We can be sure that John told
when people do not want the story about Herod. Think how you Christian who died for Jesus. Herod many things about Jesus.
message of Jesus. can help them to understand it. You Why did the Christian die? It Herod liked to hear these things.
could ask different people to read was because he told the truth! But he did not want to give up
• Mark 6:1-6 tells us what happened the Bible verses for John, Herod, He did not change the message Herodias, his brother’s wife. He did
to Jesus in his home town. Herodias and Herodias’ daughter. to save his life! not want to believe in Jesus,
Before they read, you could talk John the Baptist died because he because he did not want to change.
• Mark 6:6-13 tells us what may
happen to the 12 disciples when about what kind of person each told the truth. [Tell the story.
they tell people to repent and one is. Imagine how hard it was to tell King g Are you like that? You like to hear
believe in Jesus. Herod that he did wrong! (Mark 6:18) about Jesus. You come to church. But
Imagine John in prison. He longs to what sin do you love? What keeps
• Mark 6:14-29. tells us what ? Notes get out! He knows that Herod will call you from following Jesus?
happened to John the Baptist, him again soon. If John says nice
when he told Herod to repent. It is • Mark 6:16: Herod was afraid!
things, maybe Herod will let him go!] 2. Herod liked John, but he still
also about what happened to He knew that he had done wrong.
But John will not change the killed him! Mark 6:27
Herod, after he refused to repent. Also, why did Herod not know
that Jesus did the miracles? We message. He tells Herod that he is Why did Herod kill John? If Herod
can be sure that John told him wrong and that he must repent. In had listened to John’s message,
about Jesus. When we turn away the end, that is why Herod cuts off would he have killed John? What
from Jesus, we become blind to John’s head. happens when we choose our sin
^ Main point
the truth. Follow Herod’s story instead of Jesus?
Be ready to suffer. Be like John the (Luke 23:8-12; Acts 12:23). g Does this story make you feel Herod’s heart became so hard that
Baptist! afraid? Or does it help you to be he killed God’s prophet!
• Mark 6:17. This long story about
Be quick to repent. Do not be like John the Baptist happened months Do you know people who said that
Herod! before. Mark puts in this story If we change the message, people they believed in Jesus? Years ago,
because it is another example of a will not hurt us. But also, they will they came to church, but they did
faithful preacher. It is not easy to not hear the truth about Jesus. And not want to leave their sin. Do they
tell people to repent! Jesus will not be pleased with us. love Jesus now? Do they listen to
Matthew 5:10-12. God’s word now?
Do not be like Herod!

60 61
y STUDY: Mark 6:30-44 P PREACH: Mark 6:30-44


Mark 6:34
Jesus does not just give them what
they want. He gives them what
Study John 6 carefully to • By the end of the day, the people
< Background they need.
understand this miracle better. need food! There is no way to get
enough food. So Jesus does this • Jesus gives them food. He cares
Mark 6:1-29 tells us what happens
Talk more about Jesus than about wonderful miracle. that they are hungry!
when people do not want the
the loaves and fish, because this • Jesus gives them teaching.
message of Jesus. • However, the people need much
miracle is about who Jesus is. Mark 6:34. They need to
more than food. What does Jesus hear the truth.
Now the disciples have come back
see when he looks at this crowd
from their preaching trip. • Jesus gives them a special miracle.
of people? Mark 6:34.
Mark 6:7, 30. ? Notes This miracle is not just to fill their
They are like lost sheep. They do stomachs. It is not just to make
It looks like the trip was very • Matthew, Mark, Luke and John all not know where to go in life. They them excited. It is to make them
successful. Many people want to see tell about this miracle. This shows have no Shepherd to tell them the see who Jesus is. It is a sign to
Jesus. Jesus and the disciples try to how important it is. true way to follow. They follow teach them. It is like a road sign.
find a quiet place to rest. But each other. They follow the latest
• Mark 6:31. The disciples needed it points the lost sheep to Jesus.
thousands of people run miles exciting thing. And the latest
round the lake to find Jesus. some rest. However, the crowds
exciting thing is an astonishing This miracle makes the people
Mark 6:30-33. had greater needs…
man who does miracles. think of another miracle in the
• Mark 6:34. A shepherd is a farmer What do they need? They need to Bible. Jesus gives them food from
What do they want? Do they want
who looks after sheep. A shepherd know who Jesus really is. They heaven like the children of Israel in
the message of Jesus? Or do they
leads the sheep so that they do need to know that Jesus is ‘the the desert. When John tells this
just want the miracles?
not get lost. Way, the Truth and the Life’ (John story, he tells us what Jesus says
14:6). They need to know that Jesus afterwards. Jesus says: ‘I am the
• Mark 6:37. Jesus has many lessons bread of life’. John 6:32-36.
^ Main point is the Good Shepherd, who will
to teach his disciples. He wants
give his life for the sheep.
Jesus is not just a miracle-maker. them to see that only he can feed g Miracles can never satisfy us.
He came to meet our real needs. this big crowd. Will they trust They are like the bread. Soon we
g Are you like those people? Do
Jesus better after this miracle? will be hungry again. But Jesus
you follow the crowd? Do you
Read on! Mark 6:45-52. follow the latest exciting teaching? came to meet our real needs. We
@ Something to work on Do you want miracles? You need need him. He is the Bread of life.
to know the real Jesus. [Talk He satisfies us for ever.
This section is hard to teach,
because Jesus speaks by his actions about Jesus, the Saviour of sinners,
as well as by his words. The miracle and the Lord over our lives.]
means something (Mark 6:52).

62 63
y STUDY: Mark 6:45-56 P PREACH: Mark 6:45-56


25 HARD HEARTS Mark 6:50

Jesus has left the crowds (who do

Mark 6:52

< Background @ Something to work on not understand who he is). Jesus • Why did they think Jesus was a
has left the disciples (who do not ghost? Why did they not think it
In Mark 3, Jesus calls his 12 It is difficult to see when our hearts was Jesus?
understand who he is). Jesus prays
disciples. Jesus teaches them many are hard. Like the disciples, we think
alone with his Father (who
things. He wants them to that we love Jesus. We like to come They did not see it was Jesus,
understands everything). Then he
understand who he is. He sends to church. But if we do not trust because they did not understand.
goes back to the disciples, to teach
them (in Mark 6) to tell others to Jesus to be our Saviour, then our They knew about the time when
them yet again who he is.
repent because the Christ, their hearts become hard. [X Find a word Jesus told the waves to be still.
Messiah, has come. picture to explain what a hard heart is. On the lake, it is hard work for the They knew that Jesus had just fed
It means that we do not change when disciples... [Tell the story.] 5,000 people with five loaves and
Mark has shown us that many God’s word speaks to us.] two fish. But they did not
leaders of the Jews are against Jesus. understand who Jesus really is. So
The crowds love Jesus, but most they did not think Jesus could walk
• Did they need to be afraid? Why
only want his miracles. And even on the water.
? Notes were they afraid?
the disciples are very slow to
believe in Jesus. They were afraid because they did Mark tells us something shocking.
• Mark 6:48. ‘Fourth watch.’
not see that it was Jesus. ‘Their hearts were hard.’ They had
Mark 4:35-41 and Mark 6:45- Between 3 and 6 in the morning.
seen so many things that showed
52. Again, the disciples are afraid. • Mark 6:49. ‘Ghost.’ A spirit that who Jesus is. But they still had not
Even now, they do not understand looks like a dead person. believed. And now they just cannot
who Jesus is. Mark 6:52 tells us why. g When Jesus is with us, we do see. Their hearts are too hard.
• Mark 6:52. ‘Their hearts were not need to be afraid! When are
hardened (had become hard).’ you afraid? When you are afraid,
^ Main point Some Bibles say: ‘their minds do you think about Jesus – or have g We can be like the disciples. We
could not grasp (understand) it.’ you forgotten him? can know so much about Jesus, but
We can know a lot about Jesus, but still not trust him. Then what
still have hard hearts. We need to • Mark 6:53-56. Jesus is very g Isaiah 43:1-3. Jesus happens? Our hearts become hard.
trust Jesus for ourselves. popular. Many people want him to promises to be with his people. We We hear many things, but nothing
heal them. Jesus shows them his are always safe when Jesus looks changes us. Turn to Jesus today!
power. But they are like the after us! David said to God: ‘When Hebrews 3:12-15.
disciples. They do not understand I am afraid, I will trust in you.’
who Jesus really is. They do not (Psalm 56:3). Can you say that?
see why he has come. They just
want him to heal them.

64 65
y STUDY: Mark 7:1-13 P PREACH: Mark 7:1-13


Mark 7:6
These Jews thought that God was Mark 7:8
< Background ? Notes
very pleased with them. They
We have seen that the Pharisees hate • Mark 7:1-4. In the market place, X Do you like it when your child
thought that they were the best!
Jesus. He does not keep their rules. He the Jews mixed with Gentiles. They pretends to obey you? He makes
These Jews thought that they kept
is too popular. He shows the people thought that this made them you think that he obeys you. But
all God’s laws, and many more as
‘unclean’ (dirty) before God. They really he has his own plans. He
what the Pharisees are really like. well! They thought that the
thought that if they then ate food, does not really want to obey
So now, some Pharisees come from they would become ‘unclean’ disciples were the bad people,
you. [Think of an example.]
Jerusalem. We will see what happens! inside. So they washed their hands because they did not wash their
in a religious way to stop this. This hands in the proper way! [Explain The example Jesus chose, showed
Mark 7:1-23. This is a very
teaching did not come from the this example from Mark 7:1-4.] the truth about these Jews. They
important section. It shows us what Old Testament. (It is good to wash cared about their rules, because it
is wrong with the Pharisees and the our hands before eating. This is • So why does Jesus say hard things made them look good. But they did
Jewish leaders. And it shows us what different, a religious custom.) against them? Why does he say not care about God’s commands,
is wrong with men and women that they are ‘hypocrites’?
• Mark 7:5. ‘Tradition of the because they did not love God.
everywhere. It shows us the heart of elders/ancestors.’ The ‘elders’ [Explain the ‘Corban’ example Mark
our problem. (leaders) made up rules or These Jews wanted to look good
7:9-13.] They keep their rules
‘traditions’ to help the Jews keep on the outside. But God wants us
^ Main point (Corban) because it looks good.
God’s law better. It is always to be good on the inside.
They do not keep God’s law
God wants true worship. He does not dangerous to add to God’s laws!
Think of all the things we do that (honour your parents) because they
want us just to say the right things. Our laws and traditions can
become more important to us than look good on the outside. [Go to do not love God.
He wants us to love him from the
God’s laws (Mark 7:8). church… sing praise… say prayers…
heart. g Mark 7:8. Jesus’ words are very
• Mark 7:6. ‘Hypocrites.’ A hypocrite say nice things about someone…]
strong. Does he speak to you? Do
@ Something to work on is someone who pretends. That When is God pleased with these
you love God’s laws? Or do you only
means he seems different from things? When is he not pleased
Work through the notes carefully. keep them when other people see
what he really is. These people with them?
Your people must understand that you? [Give some examples.]
seemed to follow God, but they did
God’s laws and our rules can be not really love him. Inside, they Do you want other people to see that
g Jesus hates it when we pretend.
different. Are there rules in your loved themselves, not God. you are a good Christian, but really
He sees us on the inside. He hears
church. which do not come from the you do the things that make you
• Mark 7:11. A Jew has some money. what we say in our hearts. He sees
Bible? Are you very concerned about His parents need help. He does not happy? Do you make sure that you
what we do when no one else is
your church traditions, but you do want to give his money. So he says keep all the church traditions, but
not worry if people lie or hate or it is ‘Corban’. This means that he let go of God’s commands?
gossip? has promised to give it to God. So • Is Mark 7:6 true about you? [Give some examples.]
he cannot help his parents.

66 67
y STUDY: Mark 7:14-23 P PREACH: Mark 7:14-23

Mark 7:15,18-19
XIn some countries, people do not
Mark 7:20-23
Think of different sorts of sin. Where
< Background @ Something to work on like dirt to come into their clean does each one start? Sin starts inside.
Jesus’ teaching is very important. homes. They ask you to take your It starts with bad thoughts. The first
Mark 7:1-13. Jesus has shown
Many people think that they must shoes off when you come from sin in Jesus’ list is ‘evil thoughts’
the Pharisees that they have a big
be good only on the outside. They outside. However, inside their (Mark 7:21). We are bad inside. [Talk
problem. They pretend to be holy,
try to do good things. They try to homes are many ‘dirty’ things. about the sins in Jesus’ list. Show that
but really they want to please
live as a Christian. However, they are Bad words, bad feelings, bad they all come from inside. Show that
themselves. They say they love God,
like the Pharisees. They need a new programmes on television. The every sin is really against God.]
but really they love themselves.
heart. Pray that God will show your real dirt is inside the home. [You
They keep many rules on the [Use examples. You want to be a
people that their sin is deep inside. may need to change this word
outside, but they do not obey God’s Christian, so you stop stealing things.
picture to help your people.]
commands in their hearts. But you still want to steal things. When
? Notes
The Pharisees thought that sin no one can find out, you still steal things.
Now Jesus shows them the root of • Mark 7:14,17. The Pharisees did
not understand. Neither did the came from outside. They washed in People think that you have changed. But
that problem. They are worried that
crowds and the disciples. They this religious way so that they did inside you are still just as bad. Your heart
sin will come into them from
also needed to see that sin comes not eat anything ‘unclean’. But wants to steal.]
outside. However, Jesus says that we
from our hearts. Jesus says that this is silly. Food
already have sin inside. Food from
goes into the stomach and out the g Has God spoken to you today?
outside cannot make us ‘unclean’ in • Mark 7:19. Food cannot make us
other end! This has nothing to do Do you see how bad your heart is?
God's eyes. Sin coming from our dirty in God’s eyes! The Old T food
with sin! The real dirt is inside Then tell God about it. Say how bad
hearts makes us unclean (dirty). laws were like pictures for Israel, to
them already. you are. Say how sorry you are.
Mark 7:14-23. teach them about their holy God.
But Jesus shows us here that those • What other things are outside Who can make you clean inside?
The heart is where the problem of
food laws have finished. God is not things, which have nothing to do
sin comes from. • You cannot change your heart. You
worried what comes into our with sin?
In the Old Testament, God promised can try to be good, but you will still
stomachs. God cares about what be bad inside.
to give his people a new heart. He We must not let sinful things come
comes out of our hearts.
promised to send a Saviour, to into our lives from outside. Sinful • God can change your heart. Jesus is
change us from the inside. • Mark 7:21. Find out what these things can come into our hearts and the doctor who came for people
Ezekiel 36:26, John 3:3. words mean if you can. There are make us even worse inside. who are bad inside (Mark 2:17). His
bad things we do (like ‘adultery’ –
blood is the only thing that can
^ Main point sexual sin), bad things we say (like g 1 Samuel 16:7. Do you clean dirty hearts. That is why he
Sin comes from deep inside us. ‘deceit’ – telling lies) and bad things try to look like a Christian on the came to die on the cross. Will you
Therefore, we need God to change we think (like ‘pride’ – we think outside, but inside you still have a trust Jesus to clean your heart?
us inside. that we are better than others). bad heart? 1 John 1:9

68 69
y STUDY: Mark 7:24-30 P PREACH: Mark 7:24-30

A GENTILE WOMAN SHOWS GREAT NEED help me.’ She knows that Jesus can

Mark 7:24-28
Jesus always accepts people who
need him!
drive out the demon. She begs
Jesus, because only Jesus can do

< Background @ Something to work on • See how she keeps on asking.

• See how desperate this woman is. When Jesus tests her faith, she
The Jews think they are ‘clean’. Jesus It was hard for the disciples to see
She does not wait for Jesus to does not give up. She does not
told them that they are not clean, Jesus go to Gentile towns. Your
come out of the house. She must mind being a ‘dog’, if she can
because sin comes from inside. people need to understand this.
see him now! have the crumbs from the table!
Mark 7:1-23. Does your tribe or country have old
enemies? Do you look down on Jesus wanted to be alone with his
Now Jesus turns away from the Jews • See how she accepts what Jesus
some people? Jesus came for these disciples. But he did not tell the
and goes to a Gentile area. ‘Gentiles’ says (Mark 7:29). She is happy to
people as well as for you. woman to go away. He always has
(or ‘Greeks’) are not Jews. The Jews go home, because she trusts Jesus.
time for people who need him.
thought that the Gentiles were not She expects to find her daughter
clean. However, Jesus wants to show • See how humble this woman is. well.
? Notes
that Gentiles are the same as Jews. She does not mind when Jesus says
• Mark 7:24. Jesus went to Tyre, a Remember that the disciples are
Both Jews and Gentiles need God to Mark 7:27. She does not say: ‘I am
Gentile town. Jesus did not go to watching Jesus. They have not
change them inside. as good as any Jew!’ She knows
look for the Gentile people. They often seen Jews believe like this!
that she does not deserve anything
Imagine what the disciples (who came to find him! Jesus’ work was But this Gentile woman believes!
from Jesus. Are you like her?
were Jews) thought when Jesus went to show the Jews who he is. He
to a Gentile town. Remember, the told us to take the good news to g It does not matter who you are. It
g It does not matter who you are. does not matter if other people do
Jews thought that God had no the rest of the world. It does not matter how bad you are.
interest in Gentiles. not want you. Jesus accepts anyone
• Mark 7:27. This sounds unkind, It does not matter if you do not
who trusts in him. Will you be like
Mark 7:24-8:10. Some stories but Jesus is never rude. Jews come from a Christian family.
this woman? Will you bring your
are like those we have already read sometimes called Gentiles ‘dogs.’ It
If you know that you need great need to Jesus? Will you beg
in Mark. The big difference is that meant that they had no place in
Jesus, Jesus will not send you him to save you? Will you believe
Jesus now shows the Gentiles who God’s kingdom. We know that
away. his promise?
he is. Jesus will show his love to the
woman. So his words probably John 6:35

^ Main point
mean ‘You know what the Jews GREAT FAITH
think of you. So why have you g Jesus is willing to accept anyone
Jesus always accepts people who who wants to trust him. How about
Jesus accepts anyone who trusts in come to me?’ Jesus does not want put their trust in him! you? Do you look down on some
Him. to put off the woman. He wants to
• See how she ‘begs’ Jesus. (‘Beg’ people or think they are no good?
bring out her faith in him.
means ‘ask very strongly’.) She We must welcome anyone and
does not say: ‘Perhaps you can everyone.

70 71
y STUDY: Mark 7:31-37 P PREACH: Mark 7:31-37


Mark 7:34
Jesus is sad about the deaf man.
Jesus is always sad when we are in
g A deaf person cannot make
himself hear! We cannot make
ourselves believe. We need God’s
miracle. It is not enough to hear
really harder than all his other ones. trouble. Jesus is sad about the about Jesus. We need Jesus to open
< Background
So why does Jesus make this miracle disease and pain in the world. our ears so that we can understand.
Jesus is now in a Gentile area. The However, he is more sad when
seem like a big thing? Why does We need Jesus to open our mouths so
Jews have not understood who Jesus people do not believe in him.
Jesus sigh? Why is he sad? that we can tell people who Jesus
is. Will the Gentiles understand? [Explain how this man is like a picture really is.
Jesus sees that the people and his
Even the disciples do not really of the disciples, and us, when we do
disciples are like this deaf man. It is Will you ask Jesus to do that?
understand. It is like they are deaf. not ‘hear’ who Jesus really is.]
like they are deaf to God’s truth. Ask for yourself. Ask for your friends.
Jesus teaches them, but they still do
They too need a miracle. They need g When Jesus looks at you, does he
not believe that he is the Son of
God (Mark 7:18).
a miracle to change their hearts. sigh? Is he sad because you know so JESUS IS WONDERFUL!
Think how you can explain this to much about him, but it does not go Read Mark 7:34
Mark 8:1-10. This is like the your people. into your heart? These people told everyone about
last time they had no food. But the
g Would you like to be deaf ? Of Jesus. They thought he was
disciples have forgotten what
course not! But it is much worse to wonderful.
happened! Mark 8:17-18, 21. ? NOTES
be ‘deaf’ to Jesus’ words (spiritually • Should they have told people
The miracle in Mark 7:31-37 is not • Mark 7:31. ‘Decapolis’ or ‘Ten
deaf). Do you care about that? about Jesus? Or should they
just another miracle. It is a miracle towns’ was a Gentile area.
have kept quiet?
with a message. It teaches the Mark 5:20.
disciples, who are deaf in another • Mark 7:34. ‘Deep sigh’/’groan.’ JESUS DOES A They did not really love Jesus. They
did not obey him. If we love Jesus,
way. Jesus is very sad and upset. Why? MIRACLE we will obey him.
It is not just because the man is Mark 7:33-35
deaf. The big problem is that the First Jesus shows that he can heal
^ Main point g If you think that Jesus is
people do not believe in him this man. The man cannot hear, so
We need a miracle too! We need (Mark 8:12). wonderful, then first you must
Jesus does things that he can see.
Jesus to open our ears so that we can obey him. Do not tell people how
• Mark 7:36. Jesus did not want He puts his fingers in the man’s ear
believe. We need Jesus to open our good Jesus is, if you will not do
people to speak about his miracles. and touches his tongue. Now the
mouths so that we can tell people what Jesus says.
He did not want them to give the man knows that Jesus will heal him.
about him. g When Jesus saves us and changes
wrong message about him. Jesus is Next Jesus shows the man that he
not just ‘the man who does us, he does not tell us to keep quiet.
needs God’s miracle. So Jesus looks
miracles’! If they really knew who Now he wants us to tell others the
@ Something to work on up to heaven. Then he tells the
Jesus was, they would obey him. truth about our wonderful Jesus.
This miracle is like a picture to teach man’s ears and tongue to open.
the disciples. The miracle is not And they do!

72 73
y STUDY: Mark 8:1-10 P PREACH: Mark 8:1-10


g Do you want Jesus to be your
Mark 8:1-3 Saviour? Do you want Jesus to be
AGAIN! Do you care a lot about some
people, and not so much about
the Saviour of those you do not

< Background @ Something to work on other people? Maybe you would

Mark can only tell us a few stories The story is almost the same as in
not mind if some people were THE SAME REACTION
hungry. Perhaps you do not like Mark 8:4-10
about Jesus. So why does he include Mark 6. This is what Mark wants us
them. Or perhaps you think they
two stories about bread from to see! Do not just tell the miracle in The disciples were the same as
have little value.
heaven? Mark 6:30-44 and the same way as last time. Show before.
Mark 8:1-10. See how many things why Jesus feeds the Gentiles, as well Jesus shows the same love for these
Gentile people as for his own Mark 8:4. No one said: ‘Why
are the same. as the Jews.
people. He cares just as much that not give them food from heaven,
Remember that Mark does not just like last time?’ They think that it is
they are hungry. He feeds 4,000
want to tell us what happened. impossible to feed this crowd! This
? Notes Gentiles in the same way as he fed
He has a message for us. It is Mark’s is because they still do not see who
• If you have a Bible map, try to 5,000 Jewish people in Mark 6.
‘gospel’ (good news). So why does Jesus is. Mark 8:21.
follow Jesus’ journey through the [Talk more about this. Show Jesus’
he tell us about bread from heaven
Gentile area. He went to Tyre care for these people. Show how it is The people were the same as before.
(Mark 7:24), then to Decapolis like the miracle in Mark 6.] Mark 8:8,9. They were all full.
Remember that now Jesus is in a (Mark 7:31). Then Jesus went back • Imagine what the disciples They were happy that Jesus had fed
Gentile (non-Jewish) area. He wants to Dalmanutha (Mark 8:10) on thought of this. Remember that them. However, they were happy to
to teach the disciples who he really the Jewish side of the lake. they did not respect the Gentiles. go away from Jesus. They were just
is. He wants to show them that he is
• Mark 8:8. The word Mark uses for They thought that God only cared like the 5,000 Jews who Jesus fed.
Saviour. He is Saviour of the world,
‘basket’ is different from Mark about the Jews. Imagine what they They liked the miracle. But they did
not just of the Jews. Mark
6:43. This is because the Gentiles thought when they had to serve not see who Jesus was. They did not
8:11-21. This shows that Jesus wants
used a different kind of basket these Gentile people (Mark 8:6). think: ‘If Jesus makes bread and fish for
them to understand the miracle. He
from the Jews. us, he must be God. He must have come
wants them to see who he is.
for us!’ Therefore, they did not follow
g Jesus wants the disciples to
So Jesus does the same miracle for Jesus. They just went home.
understand who he is. Do you
the Gentiles. This is to show the
understand who Jesus is? He is the
disciples who he is.
Saviour who cares about every g We hear many things about
kind of person. He cares for the Jesus. We like to hear them.
^ Main point people that you do not like. He
cares for the children and the old We believe the stories. However, do
Jesus is the Saviour who has come for we really see who Jesus is? If we
people. He cares for the women as
everyone, not just Jews. do, then how will it show?
much as he cares for the men.

74 75
y STUDY: Mark 8:11-21 P PREACH: Mark 8:11-21


Mark 8:11-15
We can become like the people
close to us!
Mark 8:16-21
The disciples did not understand
Jesus. They thought that he was
< Background @ Something to work on • Who have you become like? talking about bread! Jesus asks two
Soon the disciples will see who Jesus It is difficult to think that we can be Perhaps your husband or wife? questions;
is; Mark 8:29. At last they will like people who hate Jesus. But Jesus Your parents or your friend? We 1. ‘Do you not remember?’
understand! So how will they warns his disciples not to be like the can start to think like them and Mark 8:18-20
understand? Pharisees and Herod. The disciples talk like them. Of course the disciples remembered
Mark shows us that the disciples do not hate Jesus, but they do have
Jesus says: ‘Be careful! Watch out!’ what happened! But they had not
need a miracle. In Mark 8:11-21, the same hard hearts as Jesus’
The disciples knew that the learnt the lesson. They still did not
they still cannot see who Jesus is. enemies.
Pharisees hated Jesus, but there was believe who Jesus was!
Their hearts are still hard. They do What about our hearts? Are we the still danger. The disciples have
not believe. Notice how they are like same as people who have no time started to think like the Pharisees. g Do you remember the things that
the Pharisees! Mark 3:5; 6:52; for Jesus? Help your people to see you have learnt about Jesus? And
• Who are the people who think
7:17, 18. that they need a miracle to change does that change you? Do you trust
wrong things about Jesus? (People
Now read Mark 8:11, 12, 15, their hearts. in Jesus now?
on the television or radio,
17, 18, 21. politicians, teachers, friends?)
? Notes Have you started to think like 2. ‘Do you still not understand?’
^ Main point them about Jesus? Mark 8:18-20
• Mark 8:15. People use ‘yeast’ to
Like the disciples, our hearts are bake bread. It makes the bread rise. How did the Pharisees think? No, they did not understand. They
hard. We too need a miracle so that A little yeast spreads through all Mark 8:11, 12. Jesus was sad, were like blind men, or deaf men.
we believe in Jesus. the bread mixture. This is a because he saw how hard their They had seen Jesus do so much, they
picture. Jesus tells the disciples ‘Be hearts were. They did not want to had heard Jesus say so much. But
careful! The ‘yeast’ of the Pharisees believe in him. They just wanted to they still did not understand. Their
will spread to you. You will get the test Jesus. They wanted to turn hearts were still hard. They needed a
same hard hearts.’. people against Jesus. miracle.
• Mark 8:15:.‘Herod.’ Herod was the g Jesus says: ‘Be careful of that g Perhaps you know much about
Roman Ruler of the region. The yeast!’ It can easily spread to us. Jesus. But has Jesus done a miracle in
Romans did not believe in the God We can be like the people around your heart?
of the Jews. So they did not us. We can have hard hearts.
believe in Jesus. Has Jesus changed you inside and
We can be very slow to believe
given you faith to believe in him?
in Jesus.
If not, ask him now!

76 77
y STUDY: Mark 8:22-30 P PREACH: Mark 8:22-30

Mark 8:23,27,29
Mark 8:29

< Background wants to keep this miracle quiet. It X We all like to see! How do you ‘I can see!’ Those are the best words
is a miracle for the disciples to feel if you cannot see something? a blind man ever said! From now
The disciples are still blind. They
think about. Imagine how much a blind person on, his whole life changes.
cannot see who Jesus is. They need a
• Mark 8:23-25. Why does Jesus wants to see.
miracle. ‘You are the Christ!’ Those are the
touch the man’s eyes twice? It is not Jesus has done a miracle. This
The next thing we read is a miracle! best words Peter ever said! Now he
because Jesus’ miracle did not work blind man starts to see. Then Jesus
Mark 8:22-26. A blind man knew that it was true. And he knew
well the first time. Jesus meant to asks him an important question.
sees. It is another miracle with a that it was important. God had sent
do the miracle in two parts, because ‘Do you see anything?’ He was so
message (like Mark 7:31-35). the Saviour, and Peter believed in
the miracle has a message. excited – he began to see people!
Straight after this miracle, Peter him. Other people say different
shows that he now sees! He sees that This man is like the disciples. Very Jesus asks the disciples an important things about Jesus, but Peter knows
Jesus is the Christ, the Saviour. soon, they will see – but they will question. So far, they have been the truth. And Peter is not afraid to
Mark 8:27-30. only half see! Peter sees that Jesus is blind. Now do they see? Are they say it.
the Christ, but he does not see that like all the other blind people, who
Mark 8:29 answers the big question
Jesus must die. (Mark 8:31, 32). do not see who Jesus is? g Do you believe that Jesus is the
of Mark 1-8. ‘Who is Jesus?’ Jesus is
Peter is like the man in Mark 8:24. Mark 8:27, 28. Christ, God’s Saviour? And is it
the Christ!
For the rest of Mark, the disciples important to you? Is it so
Or are they different now – do they
The rest of Mark answers another are still half-blind. Jesus teaches important that it changes your life?
see at last? Mark 8:29.
big question. ‘Why did Jesus come?’ them, but they do not see very well. Is it so important that you are
They do not completely understand happy to tell others? And, because
WHO JESUS IS WHY JESUS CAME until Jesus rises from the dead. g Jesus asks us the same question Jesus is the Saviour, you will trust
today. Other people have many him and follow him, like Peter.
Mark chapters 1-8 Mark chapters 9-16 • Mark 8:29. Peter sees that Jesus is ideas about Jesus, but Jesus asks
the Christ (Messiah), who God you. What do you say about Jesus? g Perhaps you are like Peter. You
^ Main point promised in the Old Testament. He Has Jesus opened your eyes yet? Do only half-see. There are still many
sees that God has sent Jesus to you see things now that you did not things that you do not understand.
Peter says that Jesus is the Christ.
save his people. understand before? When someone Start with the things that you do
• Mark 8:30. They must not tell asks you, what will you say? understand. Do not be afraid to tell
? Notes people yet, because people have others that you believe in Jesus the
• Mark 8:23,26. Jesus takes the man the wrong idea about ‘the Christ’. Saviour. And, as you follow Jesus,
out of the village. Jesus does not They first need to see what the he will help you to see more and
want him to go back to the village Christ came to do. more.
afterwards. This is because Jesus

78 79
y STUDY: Mark 8:31-38 P PREACH: Mark 8:31-38


Mark 8:31-33
X Who do you want to be like?
Mark 8:34-38
There is only one kind of true
< Background Christian life. They hope that Jesus Christian. A Christian follows Christ.
Who is your hero? Who do you
will give them many nice things. Christ went to the cross. Jesus tells us
The disciples now see who Jesus is. think is great?
They want to follow Jesus in their what that means for us. [Think of word
Peter has said: ‘You are the Christ.’ We want to follow someone who is
own way. Jesus says that they are pictures for each point. Think what these
But they only half see. They do not wrong. There is only one way to be strong, someone who will win. No things meant for the disciples. Think what
understand what ‘the Christ’ came a Christian, and that is Jesus’ way. one follows a man who people hate these things mean for us, in real life.]
to do. They imagine that Jesus will and kill! We are like the disciples. • Jesus not self; Mark 8:34.
• How can you make this clear to
now lead the Jews against the The disciples wanted to help King When I say yes to Jesus, I say no to
your people?
Romans. They think that Jesus will Jesus rule the world. They did not myself. I do not become a Christian
set himself up as their King in This section is very important. You want to go to the cross with him. because it will be better for me! I
Jerusalem. They hope that they will can do more than one talk on it.
Can you understand Peter? He sees follow Jesus, whatever it costs me.
have important jobs in Jerusalem. that Jesus is God’s King, the • The cross, not life; Mark
But they are wrong. They need to ? Notes ‘Christ’. So how can Jesus fail? 8:34, 35. I give up my life to Jesus.
listen to Jesus. And they need to How can Jesus die? Peter thinks I do not hold on to my time, my
• Mark 8:31. Jesus calls himself the
follow ‘the Christ’ in the path that that is impossible! needs, my family, my life. Because
‘Son of Man’. He does not just
he leads them on. Jesus is a different kind of king, a I belong to Jesus, I am willing to
mean that he is a man! Jesus
The second half of Mark will show different kind of hero. Because suffer. Because Jesus went to the
means that he is the powerful ‘Son
us what Christ came to do. Jesus let people kill him on a cross, cross, I am willing to die for him.
of Man’ who Daniel spoke about.
he is great. Because Jesus died for • The gospel, not the world;
Daniel 7:13, 14. Jesus will
our sins, we follow him. One day Mark 8:35, 36. When I follow
go to the cross, but remember this.
^ Main point we will all see that Jesus is King. Jesus, I do not want to have a big
Jesus is God’s powerful King. And
A true Christian follows Christ in Jesus will come back as a powerful house or lots of money. These things
he will rule over everything!
the way of the cross. King (Mark 8:38). But first, people are not important because Jesus has
• Mark 8:33. Jesus calls Peter ‘Satan’ saved my ‘soul’ (the real me that
reject him (push him away). They
because he speaks against God’s lives for ever). What matters now is
will not have Jesus as their king.
@ Something to work on plan. Peter is thinking like Satan, to tell people the gospel. Everyone
They kill him on the cross.
not like God. Peter needs to accept needs to know about Jesus.
Many people like to say that they
God’s plan for Jesus. Jesus must go g Will you follow this Jesus? Will
are Christians. Jesus shows us that
to the cross and Peter must not try you follow Jesus, who people hate? g Are you this kind of Christian?
we are only Christians if we follow There is no other kind. If we do not
to stop him. Jesus ‘rebukes’ Peter When people say bad things about
Jesus in the way of the cross. People follow Jesus in this way of the cross,
(tells Peter that he was wrong). Jesus, will you say ‘Jesus is my
do not want to believe this. Many what will he feel about us?
people want to have an easy Saviour and king?’
Mark 8:38

80 81
y STUDY: Mark 9:1-13 P PREACH: Mark 9:1-13

JESUS REALLY IS He is the King, and one day we will


Mark 9:2-7
X Have you ever been to a special
see him shining bright. Do you
believe these things about Jesus?

< Background ? Notes show or festival? [Think of an

Mark 9:7-10
The disciples at last see that Jesus is • Mark 9:1. Something will happen example.] You saw some wonderful
the Christ, the Son of God. Now, in to show the disciples Jesus’ power. things. You enjoyed it so much. • Who do you listen to? Who do you
the second half of Mark, Jesus shows Jesus may mean that they will see Jesus took three of his disciples to a believe? Who do you trust?
them that the Christ must die. He his power when he rises from the special Show. It was more
also shows them that they must be dead, or when he sends the Holy The disciples were slow to believe
wonderful than any show we have
willing to give up their lives. He has Spirit, or when he judges Jesus. Peter even argued with him
been to! But Jesus did not do this
told them this in Mark 8:31-38. Jerusalem in AD70. We do not and told him off! (Mark 8:32) Now
for fun. It was to help the disciples
Now Jesus will teach them more. know. The point is that they will God tells them from heaven: ‘Listen
understand two things.
see Jesus’ power. Now Jesus will to my Son!’ Elijah and Moses are
Here is the first lesson for three 1. Jesus will die on the cross. there too. It is as if God says to the
help three of them to believe that.
disciples. Jesus will show them his 2. Jesus is God’s Son. disciples: ‘The Old Testament agrees
That is why he takes them up the
power and glory. Jesus’ plan to go Jesus wanted the disciples to believe with Jesus.’ The disciples believe the
to the cross is not a big mistake. both things together. Old Testament. But they are not
Jesus is God’s Son. He has power! He • Mark 9:2-3. Christians sometimes • How did what happened on the ready to believe everything that
will be King in God’s kingdom, after call this event ‘The Transfiguration’. mountain teach them this? Jesus says.
the cross. Mark 9:1-13. This means that Jesus changed
At first they did not understand They must believe Jesus when he
what he looked like. He shone so
much. They were so frightened that says that he will die. They must
^ Main point brightly that it hurt to look at him.
they said the wrong thing. believe Jesus when he says that he
Jesus is God’s Son. He has power to Mark 9:5, 6. But they did
• Mark 9:4. Elijah and Moses will rise from the dead. That is
overcome death and rise again. So hear what God said from heaven.
represent the prophets and the hard. It is so different from what
listen to him! Trust what he says! Mark 9:7. And they would
Law. It is as if the Old Testament they think.
stands there with Jesus. Elijah and never forget Jesus’ glory and power.
@ Something to work on Moses agree with Jesus. He shone so white, so bright. What g We too must always believe
Remember – the disciples are afraid. Peter had said (Mark 8:29) must be what Jesus says in the Bible.
They do not understand what Jesus • Mark 9:11-13. In the Old right – Jesus is the Christ, the King,
has said about the cross. Jesus wants Testament, Malachi says that the Son of God. g Remember God’s voice from
them to believe what he says, but it Elijah will come before the Christ. heaven! Listen to God’s Son! One
does not make sense to them. Help Jesus says that Elijah has come. g Jesus wants us to believe these day Jesus will come back. He will
your listeners to see that we must Jesus taught that John the Baptist two things. 1. He did die a terrible shine like the sun. And he will want
always believe the Bible. Think was the ‘Elijah’ who Malachi spoke death on the cross. 2. And he really to know if you listened to him.
about when this is hard for them. about (Matthew 11:14). is the Son of God. [Challenge your listeners with this.]

82 83
y STUDY: Mark 9:14-29 P PREACH: Mark 9:14-29

Mark 9:14-19
g Many of us do believe in Jesus.
But sadly, we forget to put faith in
him. Then we have no power in our
lives. We are like a radio without a
Jesus has just been up the battery, or a television without
< Background @ Something to work on
mountain. Three of his disciples electricity. We need to pray, and to
The main thing Jesus wants to teach 1. Only Jesus has the power to heal. have seen his great power. Now trust Jesus’ power. Mark 9:29.
his disciples is this – their Messiah Only Jesus has the power to tell they come down the mountain.
must die. Mark 8:31. Jesus evil spirits to go. We can ask Jesus What do they find?
says it again in Mark 9:31 (and Mark to heal or tell an evil spirit to go. FAITH IN JESUS,
10:33, 34). We cannot do this ourselves. It looks as if the devil is in control.
Mark 9:29. The boy has a terrible evil spirit, the HEALED BOY!
How does Mark 9:14-29 fit? How other disciples can do nothing, and Mark 9:20-29
does it teach the disciples to believe Do you need to explain this to your the crowds argue! This poor father does not know if
Jesus? listeners?
Jesus has enough power! Of course
The disciples have no power against
Jesus has just shown three disciples 2. Sometimes people tell us that we Jesus does! But does the father have
the evil spirit, because they have no
his power. need big faith. This father shows enough faith in his power?
faith in Jesus. Mark 9:18, 19.
us that the important thing is Mark 9:22, 23.
They must listen to Jesus and trust Jesus’ power. Always help your The problem is that they do not • How much faith does the man
his plan. Mark 9:1-13. listeners to look to Jesus, not at believe Jesus. He told them that he have to show? Mark 9:24.
themselves. will die and rise from the dead. But
Now Jesus comes down the The father may not believe
they do not believe him. If we do
mountain to find the other completely, but Jesus is glad to see
? Notes not believe in Jesus’ death and
disciples. How have they done his faith. Straight away, Jesus tells the
• Mark 9:17, 18, 20. This man has resurrection, we can have no power.
without him? Mark 9:14-29. evil spirit to go, and the boy is well.
an evil spirit. This is not the same Jesus’ death and resurrection is the
They have not put their faith in
as the illness we call epilepsy. only power that defeats the devil!
g Do you feel that your faith is
Epilepsy can look similar to Mark
weak? Do you feel like this man?
9:18. We must not think that a
g The devil wants to be in Do not be afraid. Say sorry to Jesus
person has an evil spirit when he control of your life. He does not
^ Main point that your faith is weak. And begin
has epilepsy. Epilepsy needs often come inside people like this to put your weak faith in your
We can do nothing without faith in medicine. poor boy, but he does control us in strong Jesus. Do not think a lot
other ways. [Explain these ways. about how weak you are. Think a
Examples: fear of sorcery, love of lot about Jesus. Trust his great love
money.] If you do not have faith and his great power. He will hear
in Jesus, you can have no power you! Then his power will work in
against the devil. your life.

84 85
y STUDY: Mark 9:30-41 P PREACH: Mark 9:30-41

IS JESUS BIG OR ‘last’ and ‘servants’. Like him. [Talk


Mark 9:30-32
We know that Jesus is the greatest
about how that will show.]

< Background It is hard for these people to accept
person ever! However, Jesus became
Jesus’ words. Pray that God will help
The disciples have seen that Jesus is
you to preach the truth. Ask him to
little. Jesus let everyone think that he LITTLE PEOPLE?
the Christ. Now Jesus wants his was nothing. Even one of his own Mark 9:36-41
help you to be gentle. Pray that God
disciples to know what kind of disciples gave him away to the enemy
will help ‘big’ people to become Like the disciples, we can make
Christ he is. So… (‘betrayed’ him). Jesus let people hate
‘little’ people. plans to become important. But
him and kill him on a cross. He
• Jesus tells them again about his Jesus does not want this. He does
Perhaps you too need to learn this became that kind of Christ.
plan to die. Mark 9:30-32. not want us to think about
lesson. If we preach God’s word, we ourselves. He wants us to care for
are God’s servants. We are not g Do you love Jesus for that?
• Jesus teaches them again about the people who matter to him.
important. We want people to love Praise Jesus that he became nothing.
what they must be like. If they will Who is that?
follow Christ, they must be like Jesus. We must not put ourselves up
If we are ‘little’, like Jesus, we will
him. They must be willing to be above our people. ARE WE BIG OR welcome ‘little’ people. [Explain that
little. Mark 9:33-41.
? Notes LITTLE? Jesus does not just mean children.]
This is the background for Mark 8, 9 Mark 9:33-35 The disciples thought that Jesus was
and 10. Both these points are hard • Mark 9:36, 37. Jesus does not love far too important to notice
children more than adults. He uses • When you read about the
for the disciples to understand. They children! But Jesus wants us to
the children to teach a lesson. disciples, how do you feel?
are so different from what the notice everyone. He wants us to
disciples expect. Jesus has to teach Jesus wants us to welcome anyone Jesus had just told them how ‘little’ welcome the ‘little’ people.
these things many times. who is happy to be little. A ‘little he was going to become. Now the
Mark 8-10. child’ means a person who is like a disciples wanted to become ‘big’. g Think of people who no one
little child. He does not mind How sad Jesus felt! cares about. Jesus cares about
^ Main point what people think of him. Jesus them! He wants us to tell them
The disciples wanted to be
welcomes people like this to the good news. We must welcome
Jesus calls Christians to be servants, important people in Jesus’ kingdom.
belong to him. We are like Jesus if them to Jesus.
to be little, to be last. They wanted the best jobs. They
we welcome ‘little’ people to Jesus.
wanted everyone to know that they
Jesus says it is like welcoming him! Do you understand John in Mark 9:38?
@ Something to work on were special. We can be just the
Mark 10:13-16. John knows that he has not welcomed
same. [Talk about the ways in which
This is hard to preach about. In
we can be like this.] this man – and John thinks that he is
most churches, there are people who
right! John wants to keep the power
think that they are important. Often
g Do you want to please Jesus for himself. But Jesus wants us to
they are people who have money or
most? Then he says we must become welcome anyone who serves him.
land. Or they are elders or deacons.

86 87
y STUDY: Mark 9:42-50 P PREACH: Mark 9:42-50

DO NOT HURT MY will go to hell. They are in great


Mark 9:42
danger. The disciples still want to
be the most important people in
Jesus’ kingdom. They need to cut
this out. If you want to be
X Think how animals get very
< Background ? Notes important, then you cannot enter
angry if you attack their babies.
• Mark 9:42. People used a Jesus’ kingdom. This means that
The disciples want to be ‘big’
millstone to make flour from Jesus is like that with his ‘little you go to hell.
people. Jesus wants them to be
‘little’. The disciples must not think grain. It was a heavy stone. ones’. Every person who believes in
that they are at the top of Jesus’ him is precious and special. Jesus is g What do you think? Is it better
• Mark 9:43-47. This is a picture of very angry if we hurt them. to become nothing than to go to
kingdom. Jesus wants them to see
how strong we must be against hell? Is it better to lose a leg or an
that everyone is important to him. Have you ever tripped or pushed
sin. Jesus wants us to do eye than to go to hell? Is it better
Jesus even cares about little someone, and made them fall over?
everything possible to stop sin. Sin for people to hate you than to go
children. Mark 9:33-41. What things can do that to a young
is very dangerous. It leads to hell. to hell?
The way that the disciples think is Christian? What things make them
Jesus does not want us to hurt
very dangerous— fall into sin? Or what things turn
ourselves. If we cut off our hand, it [Talk about what hell is like.
Mark 9:42-50. them away from Jesus? (Answers –
will not stop us doing wrong. Jesus Mark 9:48. Be gentle but
we can be a bad example, we can be
teaches that sin comes from serious. Do not shout. Show your
unkind, gossip…)
inside, from our hearts. listeners that you love them and do not
^ Main point Mark 7:21. Why did Jesus warn the disciples? want them to go to hell. Hell is a fire
Make sure that you do not go to The disciples think that they are that never stops burning. Hell is pain
hell. It is better to lose everything • Mark 9:49. ‘Everyone will be
too important. They will not that never stops hurting. It is like a
than to go to hell. purified (made clean) by fire as a
welcome Jesus’ little ones. This will worm that eats you inside.]
sacrifice is purified by salt’ (GNB).
keep the little ones away from
God is like a fire. He is pure and Mark 9:50. We need to be
Jesus. If the disciples do not
holy. We can only be ready to face real Christians. It is no good to
@ Something to work on change, Jesus will be very angry! It
God if Jesus has made us clean. look like salt if you have no salt
We do not want to make a true would be better to drown in the sea
than to make Jesus angry. flavour. Everyone may think that
Christian afraid. A true Christian • Mark 9:50. A lump of salt can lose
you are a Christian, but you need
will not go to hell. But we need to all its salt flavour! The rain washes
to be a Christian on the inside.
warn other people. Some people out the salt and leaves rubbish. We
think that they have been can be like that. We can look like DO NOT GO Or else you will go to hell.
‘salt’ but have no salt in us. We
Christians for many years. However,
can look like a Christian, but not
TO HELL! g Think and pray. What stops
they will go to hell unless they Mark 9:43-50 you from being a real Christian?
change the way they think. be like Jesus at all.
What needs to be ‘cut out’? It will
The disciples still have the wrong
be painful, but do not go to hell!
idea. If they do not change, they

88 89
y STUDY: Mark 10:1-12 P PREACH: Mark 10:1-12

WE MUST HATE SIN Jesus’ words are not hard to

38 DO NOT DIVORCE! Mark 10:1-5

• Some Christians think like this:
‘Jesus will forgive me, so it does not
understand. Do you find them hard
to accept? The disciples found it
hard. They asked Jesus about it
again. Mark 10:10. Jesus says
< Background changed. We must not make matter if I do this sin’. that we must keep God’s word. If
excuses. We must keep our marriage How would you answer them? we want to be a Christian, we must
Jesus wants to teach the disciples.
promises. Jesus hates sin just as much as his follow what Jesus says.
He wants them to understand who
the Christ is. And he wants them to Think how you can help the people Father does! Jesus is God. People who
[your listeners may have questions. It
understand how to follow the to value what God says about this. follow Jesus must hate sin. We must
is important to answer them. Here are
Christ. not be like these Pharisees. We must
some examples:]
? Notes not try to avoid God’s commands.
We have seen that they must learn We must not make excuses. • What if I have lost my love for
• Mark 10:2. This was a question to
to be little. Mark 9:33-50. my husband/wife? This is no
trap Jesus. The Pharisees did not • What does Jesus say is wrong with
Jesus will teach them this lesson reason to divorce. Try hard to
really want to know the truth. the Jews? Mark 10:5
again. Mark 10:13-16. love. Show love in practical ways.
• Mark 10:3, 4. Deuteronomy g We do not want to have hard Pray for God’s help.
We have learned that sin is very
24:1-4. They must not change hearts! Ask God to help you to
serious. Mark 9:42-48. No one • What if my husband/wife has
what Moses meant! Moses did not love his commands. All God’s
who follows Jesus can be careless slept with someone else? Jesus
accept divorce! But divorce commands are good – they help us
about sin. says that you may divorce (and
happened. God, through Moses, to live in the best way.
allowed divorce to stop worse marry again). But, if you can, try
So what about sin in marriage?
things. God’s clear words about to make your marriage good
Mark 10:1-12.
marriage are in Genesis 2:24.
^ Main point Mark 10:6-12
Mark 10:7, 8. • I have sinned. I have divorced
Jesus wants Christians to obey God’s Jesus says, ‘Do not divorce’ because
• Mark 10:11, 12. God does not my husband/wife. Will God
laws. God does not want us to God has always said ‘Do not
accept divorce. If we end our forgive me? Yes! He forgives all
divorce. divorce.’ Jesus never changed any of
marriage and marry someone else, sin. Try to please Him now. Do
God’s laws, because they are perfect.
we break the seventh not marry again. If you have
@ Something to work on • What is God’s plan for man and married again, try hard to make
commandment. This is because we
We are like the disciples. We can woman? Mark 10:6-8. this marriage good.
sleep with another person.
listen too much to what other (Matthew 19:9. If our husband or • What command do we break if we
• I have two wives. What shall I
people say and do. Other people get wife has slept with someone else, divorce and marry again?
do? This is a difficult question. It
divorced, so we (wrongly) think that then we can marry again.) Mark 10:11, 12.
is wrong to have two wives. But
we can end our marriage too. Jesus
• So what does Jesus tell us? you must provide for both wives.
teaches us that God’s word has not
Mark 10:9. You have made promises to them.

90 91
y STUDY: Mark 10:13-16 P PREACH: Mark 10:13-16


< Background ? Notes Mark 10:14 Mark 10:15

What kind of person enters God’s • Mark 10:13. The disciples Think of some different people in Proud people cannot get to heaven.
kingdom? What kind of person ‘rebuked’ or ‘scolded’ the people. your village. People with different People who think they are important
follows Jesus? So far, the disciples That means that they were not jobs, adults and children, men and cannot get to heaven. We must be
have not understood. happy with the people, so they women. Who do you think is most like children to get to heaven.
told them off. However, Jesus tells important? Who do you think is How do we get to heaven? Look at
Mark 9:33-37. Look at Mark off his disciples! not very important? the word Jesus uses in Mark 10:15.
9:37. Now think about Mark 10:13.
• Do people want to be the ‘Accept,’ or ‘recieve’. We must
• Mark 10:14. When Jesus talks
What was wrong with the way the important ones? accept a gift like a child accepts a
about ‘little children’, he is using a
disciples thought? We see their • What do important people think gift. That is how to get to heaven.
picture. We must be like little
wrong thinking many times in children. ( See Mark 9:42) of less important ones? Think how children accept gifts.
Mark. Mark 9:35. Children, like all people, are They are not proud. They do not
• Mark 10:13. How do the
important to Jesus. important people think about think that they are too bad to get a
children? Mark 10:14. gift. They take it quickly! They do
^ Main point What does Jesus say? not try to pay for their gift. They
just take it. They have a happy
If you want to get to heaven, you • So who does Jesus think is smile. They say thank you!
must be like a child. You must important?
accept God’s gift.
g Jesus knows that everyone is g The only way to heaven is to
equal. He does not like us to think accept everything God gives us. We
that we are better than children – must be like children.
@ Something to work on
or anyone else. Do people in your What does this mean?
God thinks that children are as village or church think that they • The least important child in the
important as adults. How can we are better than other people are? village can accept God’s gift.
help people understand this? Why do they think this way? • The worst person can accept
People like to think that they are God’s gift.
important. However, Jesus wants us • Our knowledge, or good works, or
to become like the least important baptism can never buy God’s gift
people. Pray that God will help your to us.
listeners to become like children. We are all the same. We all need to
accept a free gift from God.

92 93
y STUDY: Mark 10:17-22 P PREACH: Mark 10:17-22

A RICH MAN WHO THINKS THE MAN’S only reach the top if you come

Mark 10:17-20
The man’s problem is not that he is
down to the bottom!’. You would
never believe him!
The man is like that. He thinks that
he is almost at the top. Jesus tells
< Background ? Notes too rich. His worst problem is that him: ‘I will tell you how to reach
Jesus has just told us how to enter • Mark 10:18. Jesus wants the man he thinks he is so good. heaven. You have to sell everything!’
heaven. Mark 10:14-15. Is the to understand how hard it is to be Mark 10:18. See how Jesus That will not take him up to the top!
rich man like a little child? ‘good’! Jesus does not mean that questions the man. He does not It will take him right down to the
Mark 10:17-22. he was not good. Jesus does not know what ‘good’ means. The man bottom of the ladder! He will
mean that he was not God! thinks that he is almost good become like a child. Then no one
Later, Jesus teaches about rich enough for God. He thinks that he will think that he is important!
people. Can they enter heaven? • Mark 10:21. Jesus knows that this has kept God’s commands.
man is not as good as he thinks. So he will never do that. However,
Mark 10:23-31. Mark 10:31 is
However, he is not sure. Perhaps he that is how to reach heaven.
how Jesus finishes this teaching. So Jesus gives the man a test. This
has missed something out. So he People thought that it was very
will show him his sin. It will show
runs to Jesus and asks what else he important to be rich. They thought
him that he loves his money and
must do to have eternal life. that if someone was rich, God must
his position as a rich man. Jesus
^ Main point
does not mean that the man is have blessed them. This man would
Some people think that they are g Many people think like this
nearly perfect! Jesus does not never let go of all that and become
nearly good enough for God. Jesus man. They talk about all the good
mean that the man only had one last. Mark 10:31.
shows them that they are wrong. things that they have done. If we
thing wrong with him!
think that we are almost good Summary: It seems as if Jesus tells
enough, we are a very long way the man the one last thing he needs
from God. to do to become perfect. In fact,
@ Something to work on
Remember Mark 10:14-15. Jesus shows the man how proud he
What does God think of our good is. If we want to enter God’s
points? How can we help people
understand that we cannot reach
JESUS’ ANSWER kingdom, we need to see our sin.
Mark 10:21-22 We must not think we are good.
God’s standards?
Jesus knows that the man is only
g Are you ready to come down to the
good on the outside. So he finds a
bottom of the ladder? Or are you still
way to show him what is wrong
proud of all your good things?
with him.
X Imagine! You are climbing a ladder God gives eternal life to people who
or tree to reach something you want know that they have done nothing good.
very much. You are nearly at the God gives eternal life to people who are
top. Then a friend shouts: ‘You can humble and accept what he gives.

94 95
y STUDY: Mark 10:23-31 P PREACH: Mark 10:23-31

ARE YOU WILLING A CAMEL CANNOT Peter has not earned a place in

Mark 10:23-27
heaven because he followed Jesus!
He must not think like the rich
man! Mark 10:31.

< Background Are we like them too? In what ways g Do you think that you have
can we have wrong thinking like Do you agree with Mark 10:25? done very well for Jesus? You have
Mark 10:17-22. The rich man
this? done this... and this… surely you
needs to become like a little child to Of course Jesus is right. But why is must be one of his best people!
enter heaven. it ‘impossible’ (Mark 10:27) for a No! Who does Jesus put first?
Mark 10:32-34. This is the ? Notes rich man to be saved? (Mark 10:31)
third time Jesus tells the disciples • Mark 10:25, 27. Jesus’ picture
Remember the rich man in Mark
that He is going to die. They must makes us laugh. It is impossible of • But did the disciples do
10:22. He loved himself more than
learn to follow Jesus down a road of course! A camel is like a big horse. something good when they
he loved God. And he loved his
pain. They must be willing to be last People ride camels in the desert. followed Jesus? Mark 10:28.
money more than he loved God.
(Mark 8:31-38 and Mark 9:30-35).
• Mark 10:30. What does Jesus’ • What things do your listeners Yes, they have done something good.
Mark 10:23-31. promise mean? He does not mean love more than they love God? Mark 10:29, 30. The disciples
Do you see how all this joins together? that Christians will become rich Teach them that this stops them have left everything and followed
with money! If we give up our from being saved. Jesus. Jesus will look after anyone
home for Jesus, he will not give us who trusts him like this. We deserve
^ Main point 100 actual houses. But many [As you teach them, remember Mark nothing, but Jesus is still pleased.
Christian homes will welcome us 10:27! Ask God to change people.]
If you want to follow Jesus, you
must be ready to be last – in! And Jesus blesses us in very g Encourage the Christians! They
many ways. We feel so rich when may suffer a lot (Mark 10:30
Mark 10:31.
we have Jesus. James 2:5,
PEOPLE WHO promises trouble!), but Jesus will
Philippians 3:7, 8. FOLLOW JESUS always care for them. They will

@ Something to work on • Mark 10:30. ‘Persecution.’ This NEED TO BE LAST gain more than they lose.

means that people will try to hurt Mark 10: 28-31

1. Always look for verses like Mark
us because we follow Jesus. Jesus does not mean that Christians
10:31 that are like a key to open In Mark 10:26, the disciples ask will be rich and comfortable. We
the chapter. Look back to Mark ‘Who then can be saved?’ Here is follow Jesus, who did not even have
9:35. one answer: people who do not think a home! [Make sure your listeners
they are good or important! understand this – see ? Notes.]
2. The disciples had left everything,
but they were still like the rich • So does Peter think that he Think about all the good things
man. They wanted to be first. deserves a place in God’s Jesus has given Christians, and
kingdom? Mark 10:28. praise him!

96 97
y STUDY: Mark 10:32-45 P PREACH: Mark 10:32-45

JESUS CAME TO DIE thought. Jesus was King – and they

42 WHY JESUS CAME Mark 10:32-34, 45

Imagine Mark 10:32! Jesus walks
ahead. Jesus knows what will
wanted to sit next to him. They
wanted to rule over others too
(Mark 10:35-41).

happen at Jerusalem, but he is But this King was different. King

< Background ? Notes
ready. The disciples are behind Jesus came to serve. He did not
Soon Jesus will go to Jerusalem – to • Mark 10:38. ‘Drink the cup’, come for himself, he came for other
Jesus. They are afraid; they do not
die. Mark 10:32-34. ‘baptism’. Jesus uses these pictures people. He came to give his life for
want to go to Jerusalem.
to speak about his death. He will them. So Jesus has a lesson for all
The disciples still think that they drink the terrible cup of God’s So Jesus stops to talk to the the disciples. Mark 10:42-45.
will go to Jerusalem to rule! They anger. He will be ‘baptised’ in the disciples. He wants them to know
imagine that they will become floods of God’s judgement. Jesus did not come to receive
that he came to die! When people
important people. They think that honour, but pain. Jesus did not
kill Jesus, it is not a mistake. It is all
they will be rulers in Jesus’ kingdom. • Mark 10:39-40. The disciples give come to have servants, but to serve.
God’s plan. And Jesus will not die as
the wrong answer. Of course, they Were his disciples willing to be
One more time, Jesus tells them the a hero. He will die as a bad person.
cannot suffer what Jesus has to. like Jesus?
truth. He tells them that they need However, Jesus warns them that
to become like him. They must be they will suffer! Jesus cannot g Jesus knows that people will spit
g Jesus does not want us to be
ready to be last, not to be first. on him. He knows that they will
promise them the best places, but important. He wants us to serve
Mark 10:31. They must be laugh at him and curse him. Even
he can promise them pain! other people. He does not want us
ready to serve, not to rule. so, Jesus says yes to the cross. That
to be above other people. He wants
Mark 10:35-45. • Mark 10:45. This is the third time is because the cross is the only way
us to be below them. Do you love
(in Mark) that Jesus says why he to save us. Do you love Jesus
Jesus because he served you? So will
came. He came to preach the because he said yes to the cross?
you be a servant too? How will this
gospel (Mark 1:38). He came to Will you say yes to the cross too?
^ Main point show in your life?
call sinners (Mark 2:17). Now Will you follow this lovely Saviour,
Jesus came to serve, to die for his Jesus says that he came to serve even when it is hard?
people. So they also must be willing and die.
to serve.
• Mark 10:45. ‘Ransom’ or ‘redeem’.
JESUS CAME TO Mark 10:45
@ Something to work on You pay a ‘ransom’ when you pay SERVE Jesus came to give his life for people
There are two powerful messages in money to set a slave free. Jesus Mark 10:45 like us! He paid the price to set his
this section. We want to show how came to set sinners free. He paid
Kings do not serve, do they? Kings people free! He died so that we could
wonderful Jesus is, so that people the price – his own blood.
sit on high seats. Kings tell people live! Do you love Jesus because he
will love and trust him. And we gave so much? So will you receive
to serve them!
want Christians to learn to serve, his free gift? Will you receive his
like Jesus. That is what James and John love, his forgiveness, his life?

98 99
y STUDY: Mark 10:46-52 P PREACH: Mark 10:46-52


Mark 10:46-50
Mark 10:51-52

< Background something. Try to make the talk X If you need something very much, Bartimaeus asked the right person!
very easy, so that everyone can who do you ask? You ask someone Jesus did not tell him to be quiet.
In Mark 8-10 Jesus teaches the
understand. who is kind and will listen to you. Jesus did not say: ‘I am not
disciples. He wants them to
You ask someone who can give you interested in a poor, dirty, blind
understand that he will die. They
? Notes what you need. man’. Instead, Jesus asked him this
must not want to be important.
• Mark 10:46. A blind man could great question:
They must be willing to suffer, Bartimaeus knew that Jesus was the
not work, so he had to sit in the
because Jesus will suffer. right person! He believed that Jesus ‘What do you want me
street and ask (‘beg’) for money.
was God’s King. He believed that to do for you?’
So why does Mark now tell us this However, Bartimaeus knew that
Jesus could make a blind man see.
story? Mark 10:46-52. Jesus could give him something Jesus never disappoints people who
He believed that Jesus would listen.
much better than money. trust in him! The blind man sees!
The blind man teaches the disciples So he shouted! And he would not
be quiet until Jesus answered him. And what does he do then?
an important lesson. The disciples • Mark 10:47. Bartimaeus calls Jesus
Mark 10:52.
still do not see why Jesus came. The ‘Son of David’. He understands
Jesus came to give. Mark
blind man sees more than they do! that Jesus is the King (Messiah)
10:45. Jesus came to give his life for g What do you want Jesus to do
He does not want to be important, who God has sent. He asks Jesus to
people like you and me. Jesus came for you? Of course, Jesus can still
like the disciples. He just wants Jesus have ‘mercy’ (pity) on him because
to give us his love and forgiveness. heal us. But Jesus came to give us
to show him love! Think about he has great need and Jesus has
He came to pay the price for our something far more important.
Mark 10:15, 23. great love.
sins. [Explain clearly who Jesus is. Tell Jesus came to give his life on the
the people why he came to die on the cross. Do you want to receive his
^ Main point
cross. Mark 10:33, 34.] gift of free forgiveness? And are
Jesus came to give. Will we receive?
you ready to follow Jesus, like the
blind man? Then ask, and you
@ Something to work on g If Jesus came to give, what do
will receive, like the blind man!
This talk is good for people who are we have to do? Ask! We need to be
Matthew 7:7-8.
not Christians. Tell everyone to like the blind man. We need to
invite their friends. want Jesus very much. We need to
cry out to Jesus until he answers [You may like to talk about
Remember that we all like to do us. We need to ask Jesus to show Mark 10:36, 37. That time
something to make us good us his kindness. Jesus did not give what James and
Christians! Help people to see that
John asked for. What is the wrong
we only have to ask Jesus
kind of thing to ask?]

100 101
y STUDY: Mark 11:1-11 P PREACH: Mark 11:1-11


Mark 11:1-6
Mark 11:7-11
The crowds are so excited. They
many people do not really want Jesus needs a donkey. He is going to
< Background throw their clothes on the ground
Jesus to be their King. They want a ride into Jerusalem. He wants the
The second half of Mark is about people to say that he is God’s King. for Jesus. They cut branches from
hero, not a Saviour. They want
why Jesus came. In Mark 8-10, Until now, Jesus has not wanted to trees to welcome the King. They
someone to help them, not a King
Jesus talked a lot to the disciples. attract crowds of people. Now it is shout and sing. They praise God for
to serve. They want to feel good.
He told them that he had come to time for the people to say who he Jesus. At last, God has sent the King
They do not want people to hate
die. is. Many people are on their way to to save them.
them. They do not want a King who
comes on a donkey and goes to the Jerusalem, because it is a special They are right! Everyone should
Now it is time for action. In Mark
cross. time (Passover). These people will praise God for King Jesus. He is the
11, Jesus enters Jerusalem one week
welcome Jesus as King. Saviour who God has sent. We all
before he will die on the cross. The
people have a last opportunity to ? Notes need Jesus so badly.
So Jesus needs a donkey to ride on.
believe in their King. However, they • Mark 11:2. The ‘colt’ was a young He does not want a horse. He wants However, do they really want a
will refuse him and kill him. donkey. A donkey is smaller than a a young donkey. In the Old King who rides on a donkey? We
horse. Ordinary people sometimes Testament, the prophet Zechariah
In Mark 11, the people welcome know that a week later the King of
rode on a donkey. But kings rode said that God’s King will come on a
Jesus. He is the King who God has the Jews will die on the cross. Now
on horses! Jesus is a different kind donkey. God’s King is a humble
promised. They are very excited. they praise Jesus – soon they will kill
of King. He is a King on a donkey. King. He has not come for war.
They think that the time has come. him. He is God’s King but they do
He is a humble King who brings He has come to bring peace.
At last, they will have a King in not want him. He is not the kind of
peace. He is the kind of king that
Jerusalem! Mark 11:1-11. The King needs a donkey. Notice hero King that they want to follow.
God said he would send;
Zechariah 9:9-10. that the King knows where to find
the donkey. And the King has the g Think carefully about what you
• Mark 11:8. They did this to know about Jesus. [Talk about what
^ Main point right to tell people to let him take
welcome Jesus as their King. we have learned from Mark.] Is
Jesus is God’s King. But is he the the donkey. King Jesus is in
Jesus really the kind of king that
King that we want? complete control as he goes
• Mark 11:9, 10. ‘Hosanna’ means you are willing to follow?
towards his death!
‘save’ or ‘praise’. The people use
the words of a psalm about God’s g It is right to sing songs about
@ Something to work on Messiah (King). Psalm g Jesus is certainly God’s King! He Jesus. It is good to praise Jesus, and
118:25, 26. They see that Jesus is makes everything happen as God say that he is King. But will you truly
It is very easy to be like the crowds.
God’s King. They praise God. They said in the Old Testament. But do welcome Jesus as King over your life?
It is easy to sing praise to Jesus, and
want God’s King to come and save you want a King who is humble Will you follow the King who rides
say that we are Christians. However,
them. like Jesus? on a donkey and goes to the cross?

102 103
y STUDY: Mark 11:11-19 P PREACH: Mark 11:11-19


Mark 11:11-14
Mark 11:15-19

good, but it was no good. Jesus • What does King Jesus want to
< Background
judges the tree (Mark 11:14). He g If Jesus walked into our meeting find when he comes to his
The people have welcomed King today, what would Jesus want to temple?
does this to show that he will
Jesus into Jerusalem. They have find?
judge the temple.
praised God. God has sent their • What does he find?
Would Jesus look at things on the
Saviour. Mark 11:1-11. • Mark 11:15. Jesus is perfect. He
outside? How many meetings we
never sinned when he was angry.
God’s King is not only the Saviour. have? How nice our clothes are? It is all on the outside! They
Jesus was right to be angry. The
He is also the Judge. When God’s How loudly we sing? pretend to worship God. They
King came to his temple and
King comes to God’s temple, what Or would Jesus look inside us? For sacrifice the animals to God. They
found it full of sin.
will he find? And what will he do? love and faith and holy lives? The make Passover a special time for
Mark 11:12-19; Malachi 3:1-2. • Mark 11:15, 16. It was a special Bible calls these inside things fruit. God. It all looks good. But Jesus
time for the Jews, called ‘Passover’. sees that there is no real fruit. There
They came to the temple to King Jesus walks towards his temple is no love, no real prayer, no true
sacrifice animals to God. It was in Jerusalem. Will he find that worship.
^ Main point
not wrong to change their money God’s people love and worship God
King Jesus is not happy when we King Jesus is right to be angry. The
so they could buy an animal. But there? Will he find fruit?
pretend to follow him. He wants to King will not accept false worship
they were using the temple to
see ‘fruit’, real faith and love. On his way, Jesus sees something. in his temple.
cheat people and get rich! They
did not care about God. They He sees a fig tree. It is full of leaves,
but it has no fruit. It looks good, So what do the leaders think about
wanted to make money for
but it is no good to eat. It is like what Jesus did? Are they sorry for
? Notes themselves.
what happens at the temple! what they have done wrong – or do
• Mark 11:11. ‘Temple.’ God told they hate God’s King?
• Mark 11:17. The main problem is
the Jews to worship him there. Jesus curses the fig tree. Mark Mark 11:18.
not that people cheated each
There they must kill animals as 11:14. This also has a message
other. The Jews robbed God. They
‘sacrifices’ to God. The temple in about the temple. Jesus will judge
only pretended to worship him in g Jesus is the Saviour from God.
Jerusalem was the centre of their the false worship of many Jews. He is also the Judge from God.
his house. Really, they cared about
worship. Jesus looks for fruit in our lives.
• Mark 11:13-14. Jesus sees the fig g Jesus does come to our meetings! Jesus is angry with us when we only
tree as a picture of the temple What fruit does he find in your look like Christians on the outside.
worship. The tree had lots of life? Is Jesus sad and angry because Will you ask Jesus to forgive you
leaves, but no fruit. It looked it is all on the outside? and change your heart?

104 105
y STUDY: Mark 11:20-25 P PREACH: Mark 11:20-25

HAVE FAITH IN we can ask God, and he will do it!


Mark 11:22
Soon Jesus will go from the disciples.
• Does Jesus say that we can only
ask God for things that are a little
bit too hard for us? Does it matter
not his will! He will not give us how impossible it is? Why?
< Background He will not be there to do great
things that are not good for us!
Jesus has just shown his great power. miracles. And they will face many Of course, Jesus does not want us to
Think about 1 John 5:14-
He has the right to judge the big problems. How will they feel? move real mountains! He uses a
15; 1 John 3:22; John 15:7.
temple. He is in control. picture to help us see that nothing
When we want God’s will, then Have faith in God! Jesus wants
Mark 11:15-19. is too hard for God! No problem is
nothing is too difficult for God to them to know that God’s power is a problem to God.
Next day, when Peter sees the dead give us. there for them. They must learn to
fig tree, he is very surprised. Jesus trust God. Now they follow Jesus,
2. We must not think that this g When you have a problem, what
has again shown his great power. and ask Jesus for what they need. will you do? Will you worry? Or get
promise is not for us! It is not just
Mark 11:20-21. Soon they must live by faith in upset? Or give up? Or will you have
for special people. Jesus says that
God, and ask him for all they need. faith in God?
Jesus wants the disciples to know anyone can ask. We do not need
where this power has come from. big faith, because we have a big • Often, we do not really have faith
Soon, he will go from them, but God. We only have to trust that in God. Why is this?
they can put faith in God’s power. God means what he says. • Why is it safe to trust in God?
Matthew 17:20-21. Mark 11:23-24
Mark 11:22-25. What is God like?
Often we do not know what God’s
will is. We must trust God to do
^ Main point ? Notes NOTHING IS TOO whatever is right. Sometimes we do

Have faith in God. Then anything is • Mark 11:20. In one day, the fig HARD FOR GOD! know what God’s will is. So we can
tree became dry and died. Jesus Mark 11:23-24 believe that God will answer. When
has God’s power to judge. we have faith in God, he answers!
[X Tell a story about this. Tell a story
• Mark 11:25. Notice how about someone who you heard about. X It was nearly time for the speaker
important it is to forgive other Or, tell a story from the Bible. For to preach. The wind blew so loudly
@ Something to work on
people. Remember how much God example, Elijah. James 5:17- that no one could hear. The man
We must try not to make these two remembered this promise. He knew
has forgiven us. God will not hear 18; 1 Kings 17:1, 18:41-45.]
mistakes. that it was God’s will for the people
our prayers if we will not forgive
Many things are too hard for us. We to hear. So he asked the wind to
1. God does not promise to give us other people.
see a big problem. We know that we stop. He believed it would. As he
whatever we decide to ask for!
cannot do something. So we become stood up to preach, the wind was
Jesus says: ‘Have faith in God’.
sad. We give up. Often we forget silent. When he finished, the wind
God does not do things that are
that God can do it! If it is God’s will, started again!

106 107
y STUDY: Mark 11:27-33 P PREACH: Mark 11:27-33


Mark 11:27-28
X Imagine a little boy. He is very
Mark 11:29-33

Jesus does not answer their

< Background @ Something to work on angry with a big strong man. He question. Instead, he asks them a
The leaders of the Jews are angry. It is easy to say that we want Jesus hits the man as hard as he can. question! It is not just any
They have control over the people. to rule our lives. But do we really Suddenly, the boy is on the ground. question. It hits them very hard
If people believe in Jesus, these want him to? Even in Jesus’ church, He has not even hurt the man. The and wins the fight!
leaders will lose their control. we can want to do things our way! boy feels very silly.
What things do your listeners find • Why is Jesus’ question such a
The leaders are angry because the The leaders of the Jews are like the good one? Mark 11:29-32.
hard to give over to Jesus?
crowds welcomed Jesus as their little boy. They hate Jesus. They
King. Mark 11:8-10. want their question to hurt him.
But Jesus is far too strong. At the Everyone knew that John was a
The leaders are angry because Jesus ? Notes end, they feel silly. prophet from God. So they should
threw the people out of the temple. • Mark 11:29. Jesus will always believe what John says. And John
Mark 11:15-17. • They want to hear Jesus answer told people that Jesus is the King
answer an honest question. This
the question. But they know the from God! So, if John is from God,
Now they look for a way to kill time, Jesus knows that it is best
answer already. What is it? then Jesus is from God too!
Jesus. Mark 11:18. not to answer. It is best to show
these people that they are not Jesus has the right to do these If these Jews give an honest answer
So they ask Jesus a question. But honest. If they answer his things because God has sent him. to Jesus, then they answer their
they do not really want to know the question, they will know the God has sent his Son to be King. own question! So they say that they
true answer. They only want to get answer to their own question! The temple belongs to him. do not know. That is a lie! They
Jesus into trouble. If Jesus says that know the answer to Jesus’ question.
he is King, they can tell the Romans. But they do not want God’s King. But they do not want to say it.
The Romans control the country. They want control over the people
Caesar is king! No one else can and over the temple. So they hate
g Some people do not want to
claim to be king! Jesus.
follow Jesus. They ask questions,
Mark 11:27-33. but they do not want to know the
g Who has the right to rule your
life? Who has the right to tell you truth. They answer questions, but
how to live? You know the answer. they do not tell the truth. They do
^ Main point Jesus has that right. God says so. not want King Jesus to rule over
their lives. Are you like that?
We know that Jesus does have the
g But do you want to control your
right to do as he wants. Jesus is the
own life? Do you fight against what
King who should rule over our lives.
Jesus says?

108 109
y STUDY: Mark 12:1-12 P PREACH: Mark 12:1-12


Remember, God has sent him! It is
WHERE IS THE FRUIT? HIS SON very important. He demands fruit
from us. He tells us to turn away
Mark 12:6-8
from our sin and believe in him
Isaiah 5:1-7. Israel is the [Think how to tell the story (or act it (Mark 1:15). Do you say: ‘No, go
< Background
‘vineyard’ in the story. God has out), so that everyone understands it. away?’ Do you say: ‘I am too busy
The leaders of the Jews want to kill now’? Will you say no to God’s own
done everything possible for his Make sure that your listeners
Jesus. They want Jesus to say Son?
people. But there is no good fruit. understand what Jesus means by his
something which they can report to
Instead, Israel produces bad fruit. story. The owner = God. The farmers
Herod, the Roman ruler. Mark
(tenants) = leaders of the Jews. The
11:27-28; Mark 12:13-15. Jesus changes the story a little. In his servants = prophets. The son = Jesus.]
Jesus wants to show these leaders
story, he tells farmers (‘tenants’) to WHAT WILL GOD DO?
look after his vineyard. These tenants Mark 12:9
their sin. Jesus is the Messiah from
stand for the leaders of the Jews. In the story, the owner sent many
God. But they want to kill the King Will God say, ‘I do not mind if they
When God sends his servants (the servants first. However, the farmers
who God has sent! Mark kill my Son?’ Will God say, ‘Let
prophets) to look for fruit, the would not listen to the servants.
11:17-18; Mark 12:1-12. them have my fruit if they want it’?
tenants (leaders) attack them. (The The owner did not give up. At last,
last prophet was John the Baptist. Will God say, ‘They can choose
This story answers the question in the owner sent his own son. He
Did the leaders of the Jews listen to what they do with my Son?’
Mark 11:28. God’s Son has the right said: ‘Surely they will respect my
to do these things! him?) At last, God sends his Son. But son!’ Of course not! God is angry. God
the leaders want to keep the fruit. will punish the people who do not
^ Main point They are thieves ( Mark 11:17). • How much did the owner want to
want his Son. God will judge those
They want to keep control of the have his fruit?
God has sent his Son to find fruit. who will not give him his fruit.
people. So they kill God’s Son.
But they kill him. • Why did God send his Son?
(Jesus will be the most important
• Mark 12:7. ‘Heir.’ The owner’s stone in God’s new temple, his
? Notes son. The vineyard (farm) will
God sent Jesus for a very important
reason. Jesus came to be the King church. This is what the Old
• Mark 12:1. A ‘vineyard’ is where belong to the son. So they kill the
from God! Jesus came to demand Testament said.
people grow vines. Vines produce son to have the farm
what belongs to him! He said, ‘Give Mark 12:10-11.
fruit called grapes, which make (‘inheritance’) for themselves.
wine. me my fruit! Give me my people!’
• Mark 12:10. Jesus uses these g What will God do to us, if we
• Mark 12:1. ‘tenants.’ These are the And the leaders said: ‘No! We want
words from Psalm 118:22, 23. The say no to God’s Son? Remember
farmers in the story. They grow the fruit. Let us kill God’s Son.’
psalm tells what the Jews will do that he has risen from the dead and
the vines. Tenants do not own the to their Messiah. They ‘reject’ he is King. Our lives should belong
farmland. They look after it for the (throw away) the most important g What will we do with God’s to him. He will judge us if we steal
owner. stone in the building (God’s Son? the fruit for ourselves.
church). That stone is Jesus!
• Mark 12:1. The story comes from

110 111
y STUDY: Mark 12:13-17 P PREACH: Mark 12:13-17


Mark 12:13-17

[Explain this. The two groups come

together to get Jesus into trouble. Show
Mark 12:17

Their question is clever. But Jesus’

answer was better! Both groups know
< Background ? Notes how clever the question is. Then talk that what Jesus says is true. They
See < Background for • Mark 12:13. The ‘Pharisees’ are about Jesus’ wise answer.] must give taxes to Caesar because it
Mark 12:1-12. Jews who love their religion. The belongs to him. And they must give
‘Herod’ group do not care about to God what belongs to God!
Remember this. Everything we have God or religion. Both groups hate ‘Show me a Roman coin!’ The
read in Mark 11-12 happened in the Romans ruled over the Jews and the X We are like coins. We all show the
Jesus. They come together to kill
last week of Jesus’ life. At the end of Jews hated it. The Jews thought image of God. He made us. We
him. Mark 3:6.
the week, they will kill Jesus. that God’s people should not have belong to him. Therefore, we must
However, Mark 12 shows that Jesus • Mark 12:14-15. They pretend to to pay taxes to Caesar! give him whatever he asks for!
is in control. They can only kill say nice things about Jesus. They • What does God ask from us?
Jesus when he gives himself up to want Jesus to think that they However, they all used Roman ( Mark 12:29-31)
them! respect him. Jesus knows what coins. Jesus asks them to show him
one. And on every Roman coin was God sends his own Son to say ‘Give
they really want. They want to get
the face of Caesar. The coin to God what belongs to God’.
him in trouble. They want to use
belonged to him. So if Caesar wants However, these people will not
Jesus’ answer against him.
^ Main point them to pay taxes, they must pay! listen. They do not really love God.
Give to God what belongs to God. • Mark 12:15. It is a clever question. They do not want to give up their
If Jesus says yes, the ordinary Jews lives to God. So they try to kill
will turn against him. If Jesus says God’s Son.
‘no’, he will be in trouble with g You probably have to pay taxes
@ Something to work on to the government too. Perhaps the g Jesus says to us: ’Give to God
Herod, the Roman ruler.
Many Christians do not understand government does evil things, like what belongs to God’. Are you glad
that they belong completely to • Mark 12:16. Every coin of Roman Caesar did. Jesus wants us to pay to do that? Do you say: ‘My money
God. They give God a little money, money (‘denarius’) had a picture taxes! So do not complain – and do is God’s money, my time is God’s
a little time. And they please of Caesar’s face on it. Caesar (‘the not try to cheat! time, my life is all for God’?
themselves with the rest. emperor’) was king over a large Romans 13:1-7.
part of the world (the ‘Roman g We have all robbed God. We have
1 Corinthians 6:19-20; lived for ourselves. Remember, Jesus
empire’). The money even
Romans 6:13. came to pay all our debts on the
belonged to Caesar!
cross. He came to forgive us. And he
came to claim our lives, to have us
back. What do you need to give back
to God?

112 113
y STUDY: Mark 12:18-27 P PREACH: Mark 12:18-27

A QUESTION ABOUT God after we die in this life. This is


Mark 12:23
because we are not finished. Our
bodies will rise to life. [Explain Mark
12:26-27 – see ? Notes]

< Background very different from the Pharisees.

The Sadducees want to make Jesus
look silly. [Explain the story that the
Different groups of Jews come to
They only believed in the first five
books of the Old Testament, which
Sadducees told. Explain why they ABOUT US
Jesus to ask questions. They do not thought that it was a problem for Jesus.] Mark 12:24, 27
Moses wrote. They did not believe
want to know the answers. They are It was easy for Jesus to answer. Have we made a bad mistake like
that people will rise from death.
hard questions. They think that Mark 12:25. In heaven, we the Sadducees?
Jesus will not be able to answer • Mark 12:20. The Sadducees make will have real bodies. But they will Choose which one is the problem
them. They want to trap Jesus. They up a story. They do not believe in not be the same as our bodies on with the Sadducees:
want to make Jesus look silly. In the a resurrection day (when our dead earth. In heaven, we will have real
end, they want to kill him. bodies will be given new life). • Did they find the Bible hard to
friends. However, it will not be the
They think that their story makes understand?
same as on earth. We will not
The next group to test Jesus is the
resurrection look silly. A woman marry, or have children! • Or did they not want to believe
Sadducees. Mark 12:18-27.
marries seven times to brothers 1 Corinthians 15:35-44. the Bible?
who die, one after another. This is
^ Main point God loves to help us when we find
what the Old Testament says to g It is very important to believe
Do not make a bad mistake! Believe do. So, when they all rise from that one day our bodies will rise it hard to understand the Bible. Ask
what the Bible says! death, who will she be married to? from death. We will have real God to help you. Ask your teachers
They think that this is too hard for bodies, better bodies. If we believe to help you.
@ Something to work on Jesus to answer! in Jesus, we will live with him However, the Sadducees were wrong
It is easy to make the same bad forever. We may have many because they did not want to believe.
mistake as the Sadducees. We can • Mark 12:26-27. ( Exodus questions about it. What will it be They did not accept the Bible’s
hold on too strongly to what others 3:6). God made great promises to like? Do not worry. Believe what teaching. They did not like what the
say, or to what our traditions say. Or Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They God tells us in the Bible. Bible says. That is why they did ‘not
we can listen too quickly to new never received what God promised
know the Scriptures or the power of
teaching. The teaching may attract while they were alive on earth. But Jesus shows the Sadducees what the God.’ Jesus says: ‘This is a bad
us. It may promise good things. God keeps his promises! God is Old Testament teaches. It says that mistake. How wrong you are!’
Then we may not look carefully at still the God of Abraham, Isaac we will rise from death. The
what God says in the Bible. We may and Jacob. They are not dead and Sadducees only believed the parts of g Are you willing to believe
not want to believe what the Bible finished. Their spirits are alive. the Bible that Moses wrote. Jesus everything God says in the Bible? If
says. We become blind. They wait for resurrection day. teaches them from a book that you do not like something, what do
Their bodies will rise from the Moses wrote – Exodus. He shows you do? Do you ask God to help you
? Notes dead. Then they will receive the that God is a God for living people, accept it? [Talk more about this.] Do
• Mark 12:18. The Sadducees were promises which they believed. not for dead people! God is still our not make this bad mistake!

114 115
y STUDY: Mark 12:28-34 P PREACH: Mark 12:28-34

Mark 12:28
Mark 12:32-33

There are two kinds of people. X A man has two sons. He gives one
< Background ? Notes
Some people want to get away from son a hundred laws to keep. He tells
Jesus is in Jerusalem. It is the last • Mark 12:28. Most of the ‘teachers God’s truth and some people want the other son only to love him. Both
week before he dies. Many Jews of the law’ were against Jesus. to know it. Some people push God’s sons do what their father says.
want to kill him. However, they do Their job was to study and teach truth away and some people receive Which son pleases the father most?
not know how to do this. They ask God’s laws. They taught hundreds it. Which one are you?
clever questions to get Jesus into of little laws which are not in the This teacher of the law taught
trouble. Bible. They told people to keep all This teacher of the law (Mark hundreds of little rules. Now he
these little laws as well as God’s 12:28) wants to know God’s truth! sees that God really wants one
Now, someone else comes to Jesus commands. Other people have come to ask thing. God wants our love – not
with a question! It will be the last Jesus hard questions. But this man lots of sacrifices.
• Mark 12:28-30. Remember, the
one. Jesus gives such good answers. is different. He knows that Jesus
teachers of the law taught We can give all our money to God.
So no one is willing to ask any more can help him to find the truth.
hundreds of laws. So which one is We can go to church every day. We
the most important? Jesus does What happens when Jesus gives can pray all week. But these things
This man is different. He does not not give a new answer. He says the him a very hard answer? are nothing without love.
hate Jesus. He wants to learn. He words of Deuteronomy 6:4-6. The Mark 12:32-33. The man
truly wants to know the answer to teachers of the law knew these does not say, ‘It is too difficult’. He g How much love does God want?
his question. Mark 12:28-34. words well. They are important does not have excuses. He receives
words in the Old Testament. Jesus’ answer. He knows that Jesus g How well have you kept this
• Mark 12:31. Jesus adds a second is right. The man knows that he command? How easy is it?

^ Main point command. This one is from needs to keep this command.
This man saw the truth – do you?
Leviticus 19:18. Jesus knows that if
Receive God’s truth like this man! God tells us to love him, and other
you love God, you will also love
Understand that love is the way to g What do you say when God’s people, with all our heart. But we
other people. The two things
keep God’s commands. word is hard? ‘I cannot do that!’ cannot do it! We cannot begin to
belong together. They also sum up
‘I am better than other people are!’ do it! We love ourselves too much.
the Ten Commandments.
‘God does not really mean it!’ So we are in trouble with God.
@ Something to work on • Mark 12:34. The man is ‘not far [Talk about more excuses.]
from the kingdom of God’. This is g This is why we need Jesus. He
Rules are quite easy to keep. But
because he sees an important truth. came to forgive people who have
God wants all our love! This is
We must keep God’s laws in our failed to love God. Jesus was on his
impossible for us! Think how to
hearts. Of course, he cannot do this! way to the cross, to die for our sins.
show your listeners this.
Now he needs to believe in Jesus. Ask Jesus to be your Saviour!

116 117
y STUDY: Mark 12:35-44 P PREACH: Mark 12:35-44
listen to a famous teacher. But does
Mark 12:35-40
he want to honour God? Or does he
want money? Does he want
everyone to think how good he is?

notices the person who gave a tiny • A teacher may tell good stories. He g What will happen to people like
< Background
bit! Jesus teaches here about a giving may make us laugh. He may have this? Mark 12:40.
Different people have come to Jesus come from a big church. But how
to ask difficult questions. They want can we tell if he is a bad teacher?
to get him into trouble and kill him.
Now it is Jesus’ turn to ask them a
? Notes
1. He does not teach all the truth.
difficult question!
• Mark 12:35-37. When Jesus came
to Jerusalem last Sunday, the
Mark 12:35-37. SOMEONE WHO
Jesus wants to show the people that people sang ‘Hosanna to the Son [Explain these verses – see ? Notes]. GIVES EVERYTHING!
these teachers are wrong. They are of David’. The teachers of the law The teachers of the law did not Mark 12:41-44
wrong about Jesus. They are also were angry. They did not want want to accept what the Bible says!
• How is this widow different from
wrong in the way they live. They people to call Jesus ‘Son of David’. They made the Bible say the things
the teachers of the law?
take things for themselves. They do That means Jesus is ‘the Christ’ or that they wanted to say.
not care about other people, or even ‘Messiah’. X God had saved many people in this
God. g Do not accept teachers who do
• Now Jesus teaches them what place. Everyone wanted to hear the
not want to follow God’s word.
their scriptures say about ‘the preacher. Someone asked him, ‘Why
It is much better to be like the poor They (and we) must be willing for
Christ’. He is even more do you have so much success?’ The
widow. She wanted to give the Bible to change us.
important than they thought. The preacher said ‘Look over there and
Christ is not just a man, because you will see.’ An old woman went
2. A bad teacher only cares about
Mark 12:35-44 David calls him ‘Lord’. So these slowly past, into the church. ‘She
himself. Mark 12:38-40.
teachers of the law should call comes every day to pray.’
^ Main point The teachers of the law looked very
Jesus something even better than
That woman was like the widow in
Watch out for bad teachers, who ‘Son of David’! They should good. They prayed a lot. They were
Mark 12. She gave everything. The
want things for themselves. Be like honour him as Lord and God! at all the important meetings. They
widow gave all her money. This
the widow who truly loved God and wanted everyone to know how good
• Mark 12:40. The teachers of the woman gave all her time to God. She
gave everything. they were. However, it was all for
law look very holy. The truth is did not want anyone to notice her.
themselves. They were greedy. They
@ Something to work on that they are greedy and cruel. She loved God. So she loved to give.
wanted power. They wanted money.
They take money from widows And they did not care about people
The widow in Mark 12:41-44 is a
who need help. We do not really in need, like widows. g Jesus knows who really loves
powerful example. But be careful!
know what they did, but Jesus him. Other people notice the great
The main point is not to make
thinks that it is stealing! g Some Christian leaders are like preachers. But Jesus sees the person
people give more money. Jesus
this. Be very careful! We all like to who loves to give.

118 119
y STUDY: Mark 13:1-8 P PREACH: Mark 13:1-8


Mark 13:2, 7
Mark 13:7
Of course trouble makes us feel sad!
< Background Romans will destroy the temple X Do you have a nice strong church
building that will last for many But Jesus does not want us to go
At the end of the week, Jesus will and all Jerusalem in the year 70
years? Perhaps you helped build it. wrong when trouble happens.
die on the cross. Then he will return (70 years after Jesus was born). 2)
The end of the world, when You are proud of it. Then someone X Imagine someone asks you to hold
to heaven. Jesus knows that many
Jesus will come to judge the says: ‘Soon it will be a pile of broken something. He tells you that it will
painful things will happen in the
whole world. pieces!’ What would you think? get hot, but do not let go! If you
world. His friends must know that
The Jews thought that their temple let go, it will break. Jesus tells us
these are not a mistake. Jesus Sometimes, in Mark 13, it is not clear
was the most important building. that painful things will happen, but
promises that these hard things will which one Jesus means. The two
The temple was the centre of all do not let go of the truth! Do not go
happen. They must trust Jesus. They events are similar. God’s judgement
their worship. And it was so big and wrong!
must wait for Jesus to come back to on Jerusalem is a picture of God’s
judge the world. Mark 13. judgement on the world. Jesus wants so beautiful! The stones were strong When big trouble happens, Jesus
his people to be ready for both. and it should last for ever. Now tells us two things we must not do.
^ Main point Jesus says that it will all be gone.
Be ready for trouble. Do not let go This seems very bad, terrible! 1. We must not think that the end
? Notes
of God’s truth. Trust that Jesus is in of the world has come (Mark 13:7).
• Mark 13:4. Matthew 24:3. Jesus wants us to be ready for
control. The disciples think that the temple terrible things.
will be destroyed at the end of the g [The ? Notes will help you
@ Things to work on world, when Jesus comes back. So explain this.] Jesus wants us to
g What terrible things have
1. Mark 13 is difficult to understand. carry on with our Christian lives.
Jesus’ answer is about both events happened in your country or village?
Matthew 24 may help you. Bible Terrible things will happen, but they
1) and 2).
teachers explain some parts in g What are you afraid may happen? do not mean that the end of the
different ways. We must study • Mark 13:7-8. When big trouble world has come. Keep calm. Pray.
carefully. Then we must ask God happens in the world, some people Remember that Jesus says that See how you can help.
to help us teach the main things think that it is the end of the trouble will come. The temple will
clearly. We do not want to world. Jesus tells us this is wrong! It not be there, but Jesus’ plan is still 2. We must not believe wrong
confuse our people. Jesus has is like when you have a baby. The there. Someone may burn down your teaching (Mark 13:5).
some very important messages for first pains tell you that you must be church building, but Jesus is still in
us. Pray that we will all listen to ready! But it will be a long time control! Wars and earthquakes, g Always ask this question – ‘Is this
these clear messages. before the baby comes out. Wars floods and famine will all happen. what the Bible says?’ Some people will
and disasters tell us to be ready for Jesus has said so. None of these say strange and exciting things. Jesus
2. Jesus talks about two different things changes the truth about Jesus. warns us that they will ‘deceive’ many
the end of the world. But they do
events in this chapter. 1) God’s Do not think that God’s plan has people (many people will believe their
not mean that the end has come.
judgment on Jerusalem. The gone wrong. Trust him. lies). Only believe what the Bible says!

120 121
y STUDY: Mark 13:9-13 P PREACH: Mark 13:9-13

KEEP ON TELLING PEOPLE WILL We must not let anyone stop us.


Mark 13:9, 12, 13
We may be afraid, but everyone
must hear about Jesus. This is Jesus’
plan. Even when rulers or police try
to stop us, they too need to hear
We want everyone to love us! We
< Background ? Notes about Jesus (Mark 13:9).
want people to think that we are
Jesus wants to prepare his disciples • Mark 13:10. The disciples good people! We never want to
for the future. After Jesus has gone, expected Jesus to come back very g Who can you or your church tell
make them hate us! So we try not
they will face a lot of trouble. They soon. However, before Jesus about Jesus? Think of people who
to say things that they will not like.
must not think that the end has returns, God’s people have work to do not hear about Jesus.
• But what does Jesus say?
come. People will hate them. They do. All the different groups of
will say: ‘Keep quiet about Jesus!’ people around the world need to Many Christians have found a way 2. DO NOT WORRY!
However, the disciples must be hear the good news. to avoid difficulty. They talk about Mark 13:11
ready to keep speaking out about Jesus with their Christian friends.
• Mark 13:11. Usually God wants But they do not tell other people Jesus will look after us when we
us to think carefully before we that they are Christians. They keep suffer for him! He has promised to
• What things does Jesus want us speak. We must not think that the quiet about Jesus. Then people will give us the right words to say. Jesus
to do when trouble comes? first thing that we think of is from not hate them. does not want us to worry. He
Mark 13:9-13. God! However, here Jesus promises • But what does Jesus say? wants us to speak out. Trust him!
special help in times of great
^ Main point trouble (‘when you are arrested’). g How much do you love Jesus? If 3. KEEP ON TO THE END!
We must tell the good news to When we stand up for him, he someone wants to beat you, will Mark 13:13
everyone. Do not let anyone stop will certainly help us. We do not you say that you love Jesus? If your
you! need to worry. family will hate you, will you still It is hard, but do not give up! Jesus
love Jesus? will help you through to the end.
• Mark 13:13. Christians can say [X You could use a word picture of a
@ Something to work on
that Jesus has already saved them g This is so hard! Ask Jesus to help journey with many difficulties.]
Your listeners may face real danger, at the cross. That means we are you!
just as it says here. Help them not to safe, because we trust in Jesus.
hide their faith. Pray that this However, Jesus also says that we g What things make you feel like
section will give them courage. giving up?
need to keep on to the end. Then
we will be saved. Salvation is like a WHAT JESUS g How do Jesus’ words give you
Or, it may be easy for your listeners
to say that they believe in Jesus.
journey that begins at the cross TELLS US TO DO courage and strength to keep going?
and ends in heaven. People who
Help them to care for Christians in 1. EVERYONE MUST HEAR
trust in Jesus need to trust him
other places who do suffer for Jesus. ABOUT JESUS!
until the end of their lives. Then
How can they find out? How can Mark 13:10
they will go to be with Jesus.
they help?

122 123
y STUDY: Mark 13:14-23 P PREACH: Mark 13:14-23

DO NOT BELIEVE A TERRIBLE TIME OF • If someone says he is the Messiah,

Mark 13:19-20
should we believe him?
• If someone says he is a prophet,
should we believe him?

your talk, be careful to keep to what • Why does Jesus warn of great • If someone does a miracle, should
< Background
the Bible says. Keep to Jesus’ main trouble? we believe him?
Before Jesus returns, there will be a
point. He wants us to be ready
time of very great trouble. Jesus Jesus wants us to keep strong when We must test everything by the
when great trouble comes.
wants to prepare us for this. terrible things happen! Christians Bible. Jesus warns us that false
look forward to Jesus’ return. teachers will come. He tells us that
Also, in the year AD 70, there would ? Notes
However, we must be ready first to some teachers will say: ‘Jesus has
be a time of very great trouble. Jesus • Mark 13:14. Daniel talks about go through very hard times. come back’. You may think that
wanted to prepare his disciples for this terrible event in the temple they are good people. They may do
this. This happened in their lifetime. (Daniel 11:31). A foreign king will Mark wrote to Christians who faced
miracles. They may tell good
come to worship idols in God’s terrible times in their lifetime. The
stories. They may tell you that the
This section describes both of these temple. When this happens, Roman army would destroy
Christian life is easy. But they
times. God’s judgement of Jerusalem Christians in Jerusalem must run Jerusalem. Many Christians would
‘deceive’ people. That means they
70 years after Jesus was born is a for their lives! die for Jesus. Perhaps they thought
make people believe lies.
picture. It is like God’s judgement of that there would be no Christians
the world, when Jesus returns. • Mark 13:15-18. This section is left. But God looks after his people [This is very important. Many
about what would happen in (his ‘elect’, NIV). He has chosen Christians are too quick to believe
Mark 13:14-27. What things Jerusalem in the year 70. This them and he will keep them. things. Teach your listeners how to
does Jesus warn of? would be in 40 years from then. know when teaching is wrong. You
The Roman army would come to g We must remember that too. could talk about the wrong teaching
^ Main point
destroy the temple. This was God’s Terrible times will come, but God is that your listeners may hear. Ask them
There will be a time of great trouble judgement. (The Jews did not in control. He has told us that big if these things are what the Bible says.]
before Jesus returns. believe in their Messiah. Instead, trouble will come before Jesus
they kept to their old religion.) comes back. We must keep on to
Do not believe everything you hear g Mark 13:5, 23. Jesus tells
However, God did not want to the end.
about the end of the world! us to watch out. There is real
judge the Christians in Jerusalem!
So Jesus told them to run away fast! danger. When terrible times come,
@ Something to work on Jesus wants us to keep on to the
When we talk about the end of the • Mark 13:19-20. Jesus is probably DO NOT BELIEVE end. He does not want us to believe
talking about what will happen
world, some people are very excited.
They have many ideas about what just before the end of the world.
EVERYTHING! lies. He wants us to trust him, even
though it is hard.
Mark 13:21-23
may happen. Then they can miss This is what he speaks of next
what Jesus wants us to learn! In (Mark 13:24; Matthew 24:29 – • How do you know if a teacher is
‘immediately after…’) true or false?

124 125
y STUDY: Mark 13:24-31 P PREACH: Mark 13:24-31


g This is much better than that!
JESUS WILL COME BACK Your best Friend is coming! Think
about it! Look forward to that great
g Jesus will come back. What do
you think about that? Are you day! Pray for Jesus to come!

< Background The devil wants us to forget that frightened? Do you want him to

Jesus wants his disciples to be ready

Jesus will come back. How can you come soon? LEARN FROM THE
help your listeners to remember?
for the terrible events of the year
AD 70. Mark 13:28-31
Jesus wants all Christians to be • Mark 13:24-25. This shows that Mark 13:24-26. These things • What do people say when the fig
ready for the end of the world. Jesus will come to judge. These are very frightening. Jesus will tree starts to grow leaves?
words are like words in the Old return to judge the world. He will
We must not be too afraid when The fig tree does not lie. The leaves
Testament. The prophets say that come with all his power and glory.
terrible things happen. They do not mean that summer will soon come.
God will come like this. They Everyone will know that Jesus is
mean that the end of the world has show that God will come to judge. We do not know when Jesus will
King. Everyone will fall on their
come. We must not believe people For example: Isaiah 13:9-11; come back (Mark 13:32). However,
knees to worship him. Then it will
who say things like that. We must Joel 2:10, 31. we can tell when things start to
be too late to ask Jesus to forgive
keep on with our Christian lives. We change. Jesus wants us to watch
us. Revelation 6:12-17.
must trust Jesus. • Mark 13:26. This is like Daniel out. He wants us to be ready.
7:13-14. Jesus will come as the
So how do we know when Jesus will g Are you ready for that day? Ask It will be like it was for the first
King and the Judge. Everyone will
come back? Jesus now tells us what Jesus now to forgive you. Serve him Christians, before Jerusalem was
worship him.
will happen; Mark 13:24-37. now as your King. destroyed in the year AD 70. Christ-
• Mark 13:30. Jesus promises that ians will suffer more. False teachers
^ Main point these things will happen soon. 2. HE WILL COME BACK FOR will say many strange things. They
Jesus has promised! He will come The disciples will still be alive. HIS PEOPLE will do miracles. Then we will
back. Jesus must mean all the events of know that Jesus will come soon.
Mark 13:26-27. If you know
the first judgement, in the year Jesus, you do not need to be afraid! Remember, Jesus does not lie!
@ Something to work on AD 70. Great trouble will come He has not come to punish you! He Mark 13:31. We may think
soon. He wants his people to be will come for his chosen people that Jesus will never come. But he
It is hard to believe that Jesus may
ready for it. (‘elect’, NIV). He will take them certainly will.
come soon. It feels as if he will
never come. We think that we will home with him! [You could talk about the Flood. No
die first! Even if we do die, we need one believed Noah. But the judgment
to be ready for him. X What do you look forward to? came and the people were not ready. 2
(Example: birthday, visit of a Peter 3:3-9 helps us to see why Jesus
friend…) How do you feel when you has been a long time.]
think about it?

126 127
y STUDY: Mark 13:32-37 P PREACH: Mark 13:32-37


57 BE READY FOR JESUS Mark 13:32-35

X Imagine that your boss gives you a big

job to do. Then he goes away. He
Mark 13:35-37

< Background ? Notes promises to return one day to see how Jesus wants us ready and awake like
well you have worked. However, after a security guard. If anything
See < BACKGROUND for Mark • Mark 13:32. Jesus is God.
one week he has not come back. You happens, a guard will see it. So
13:24-31. However, while Jesus was on earth,
begin to work less hard. After one what does this mean for us?
he did not know everything, like
Jesus wants us to learn one big God. He chose not to know month, he still has not returned. • Think and pray about Jesus’
lesson in Mark 13. He wants us to everything, so that he could be a Somebody said that he would come return.
be ready for him. This last section real human too. While Jesus was tomorrow. But he did not come. So
is the main point of Mark 13. on earth, he did not know when now you only work when the weather • Remember what Jesus says will
he would return. is good. After one year he still has not happen.
Mark 13:32-37. Jesus says a
come. You think that he will never • Be ready for great difficulty.
lot more about this in Matthew. • Mark 13:36. ‘sleeping’ (asleep). Of come back. So now you rest and play
Jesus wants us to be ready for him! course, we all need to sleep at games. You do not work at all.
What does this mean? night! Jesus uses sleep as a picture Suddenly your boss comes back. What
Matthew 24:36-44. (Matthew of our Christian lives. If we forget 2. WORK!
will he say to you?
25 is also about this.) about Jesus, we are ‘sleeping.’ If we Mark 13:34
make things in this life too This is like Jesus’ story. If we knew
when Jesus will return, then • What work has Jesus given
important, we are ‘sleeping.’ If we
perhaps we would be ready. But we Christians to do?
^ Main point are lazy for God, we are ‘sleeping’.
do not know when he will come. • What work do you do for Jesus?
Jesus will come back. Be ready for
We become tired. We think that he Do you work well for him?
will never come.
[You could tell Jesus’ story in Matthew
But he will come. And he wants us 25:14-30.]
@ Something to work on to be ready.

Jesus tells us to ‘watch’ for his

g No one knows when Jesus will g Are you ‘asleep’? Have you
return. Jesus does not mean us to
come! So what about the people forgotten that Jesus will come back?
stop work! He wants us to wait for
who say that they do know? Jesus Are you busy with your own things?
him, but he does not want us to do
says that they are wrong. Then wake up! Watch and work! Be
nothing! Jesus has work for us to do
ready for Jesus.
before he comes back. He wants us No one knows when Jesus will
to take the good news to everyone come. Therefore, we must always
in the world (Mark 13:10). be ready. Are you ready today?

128 129
y STUDY: Mark 14:1-11 P PREACH: Mark 14:1-11


Mark 14:1-2, 10-11
Mark 14:3-9
Jesus is ready to die. Look how he
• Do you know anyone who loves
< Background ? Notes talks about his death. Mark
money more than they love Jesus?
It is nearly time for Jesus to die. It is • Mark 14:1. ‘Feast of Passover and 14:8-9. We do not like to talk about
Unleavened Bread.’ This feast helped • Do you know anyone who said death, but Jesus does not mind! He
Wednesday. Jesus will die on Friday.
the Jews to remember how God that he was a Christian, or a calls it the ‘gospel’, the good news!
The disciples still do not believe that
saved them from Egypt. Then they pastor, because that way he could
Jesus will die. In Mark 14, Jesus
had to kill a young sheep and put its get more money? g Now we sing about Jesus’ death –
helps them to prepare for his death.
Mark 14:1-42. blood over the door. God’s angel we know that it is good news. We
Judas was never a true believer
killed Egyptian boys, but ‘passed love Jesus because he died for us and
(John 13:10-11). Judas pretended to
Mark 14:1-11. How do the over’ the houses that had blood on. rose again. This is the best thing
love Jesus. He seemed like all the
different people prepare for Jesus’ Jesus is like the Passover lamb. He Jesus did. [Sing some songs to praise
other disciples. However, he loved
death (The Jewish leaders, the died (at Passover time) to save us Jesus (at the end of the talk).]
money, not Jesus. So when the
woman, Judas)? from God’s anger (Exodus 12:1-30).
woman poured all her perfume over
• Mark 14:3. ‘A woman.’ John tells Jesus, he was very angry. What a Most of Jesus’ friends are not
(Mark loves to put different things
us that she was Mary, who lived waste of money! ready for Jesus to die. They do not
together to make us think. See how
in Bethany, with Martha and understand why he must die. But
Mark 14:1-2 is like Mark 14:10-11.
Lazarus (John 11:1-2, 12:1-7). Then Judas thought of another, Mary understands a little. She
In the middle is Mark 14:3-9. See
terrible way to earn some money. knows that she must show her love
how different it is.) • Mark 14:4-5. John tells us that
Judas said this. Probably he was Mark 14:10-11. for Jesus while she can.
^ Main point the first to speak. Judas looked • How much did Mary love Jesus?
Jesus’ death is good news! How after the money, and he was a
g Judas was willing to kill Jesus I think that I may have poured a
much do you love Jesus? thief! (John 12:4-6)
for money. What are you willing little perfume over Jesus. I would
• Mark 14:3, 8. The woman did to do? Would you cheat to get save the rest for myself. But Mary
@ Something to work on something very special. People put more money? Would you try not did not care how much the perfume
We would not have wanted Jesus to ‘perfume’ on to make them smell to pay taxes? Would you only give cost. Jesus was everything to her.
die! We are not like Judas! But perhaps nice. This perfume cost a year’s a little money for Jesus? Are you
we are. There are many people like wages! Probably she believed that sure that you love Jesus more than g We know much more than Mary
Judas. They look like Christians, but Jesus was going to die. She wanted money? Do not pretend to be a did. We know that Jesus died on the
are not Christians inside. They love to show her big love for Jesus Christian, like Judas! cross to take away our sin. We should
while she could. Nobody would be love him even more than Mary!
money, or something else, more than
able to put perfume on Jesus’ body
they love Jesus. Ask God to help you
when he died. But Jesus said that g Are you ready to love Jesus? How
to talk about this.
Mary had already done that! much? How will it show?

130 131
y STUDY: Mark 14:12-26 P PREACH: Mark 14:12-26


X You have a test or exam. Or perhaps
you have an interview for a job.
Mark 14:22

Jesus is ready to die. He must die

alone. Only Jesus can take our sins.
< Background that had blood on. Jesus is like the However, Jesus wants his disciples to
What do you do before it happens?
Passover lamb. He died (at join in. His death is for them. So
It is now Thursday. Jesus knows that You prepare! You know that you
Passover time) to save us from they must share this ‘death’ meal
he will die the next day. The disciples need to be ready.
God’s anger. Exodus 12:1-30. together. Jesus is saying: ‘I will die,
need to know that his death is for
them. They need to know that it is • Mark 14:12-16. These careful It is so much harder for Jesus. Jesus and it is for you. Take my ‘body’
God’s plan. The Passover meal instructions are probably because must go through the most difficult, and ‘blood’. Join in with my death.’
becomes the Lord’s Supper. Jesus’ life is in danger. Jesus wants painful test ever. And he is ready.
[Talk about the Passover. Say how the
Mark 14:12-26. to meet in secret with his disciples. Israelites had to join in. They had to
• He is ready to eat the Passover
• Mark 14:21. Judas was not saved meal with his disciples (Mark eat the lamb. The lamb’s blood was
^ Main point 14:12-16). over their door. They were safe because
in the end. Jesus says how terrible
Jesus is ready to die. Each of us it will be for him (John 17:12). they joined in.]
needs to trust in his death, in a • He is ready for Judas to give him
personal way. • Mark 14:22-24. Jesus often speaks away (‘betray’ him) (Mark 14:17-
g We must join in! We believe that
in pictures. He does not mean 21).
Jesus died. But that is not enough.
@ Something to work on that the bread is his physical body. Jesus’ death does not save everyone.
• He is ready to share a meal that is
Christians often share in the Lord’s He does not mean that the wine is We must take his death for
about his own death! (Mark
Supper. The bread and wine are very his physical blood. But he does ourselves. We must trust Jesus to
familiar to us. But do we truly want us, by faith, to take the gift save us. We are only safe if Jesus is
understand what Jesus means here? of his death for ourselves. [Talk more about these three things. our ‘Passover Lamb’. [Explain that
What does Jesus want his disciples Jesus is in control. He is ready to go ‘just we must not take the Lord’s Supper
• Mark 14:24. ‘Covenant’ – an as it is written about him’ (Mark
to understand? important promise. ‘Blood’ shows until we have trusted Jesus in this
how serious it is. Jesus’ death brings personal way.]
? Notes
in the new covenant that the Old When Christians have the Lord’s
• Mark 14:12. ‘Feast of Passover and g We are often like the disciples.
Testament promised. Jesus’ blood is Supper, we must be careful. It must
Unleavened Bread.’ This feast We are weak and afraid. We find it
God’s sure promise that he will save not just be a habit. We must think
helped the Jews to remember how hard to trust God’s word. But our
everyone who trusts Jesus’ death. what it means. As we eat and drink,
God saved them from Egypt. Then Saviour was so ready to die for us!
• Mark 14:25. Jesus wants the He was willing to take all that pain. we trust Jesus’ death to take away
they had to kill a young sheep
disciples to know that his death is Love him! our sins. We remember that Jesus’
(‘lamb’) and put its blood over the
not the end! They will eat and blood shows God’s ‘covenant’ – he
door. God’s angel killed Egyptian
drink with him in heaven. promises to save us and to bless us.
boys, but ‘passed over’ the houses

132 133
y STUDY: Mark 14:27-42 P PREACH: Mark 14:27-42

JESUS SAYS YES TO would suffer. And he still said yes!


Jesus really wanted not to have the
pain. But he wanted even more to
please his Father. Jesus must finish
the plan to save us.
always pain when we follow Jesus. Mark 14:33-36
< Background
Mark 8:34-35. Every day we g Thank Jesus that he was willing
The time has come for Jesus to die. X Imagine having to drink strong,
choose. Will we take the hard way, to face so much pain. Love Jesus!
Jesus has prepared his disciples, but bitter poison. It tastes very bad and
like Jesus, or ‘sleep’ like the Praise Jesus! [Talk more about this.
are they ready? Mark shows us the as hot as fire. And you must drink
disciples? [Think of examples for Help the people to understand how
difference between the disciples and it all – a big cup!
your people.] much he has done for us. You could
Jesus has to drink something much have some time to sing or pray.]
Mark 14:27-31. The disciples ? Notes worse than that. He is going to the
say that they are ready for anything • Mark 14:35-36. Mark has shown cross. For Jesus, the cross is like a
– even death. us how ready Jesus is to die. Many cup full of God’s burning anger. A THE DISCIPLES
Mark 14:32-42. Jesus prays, so
times, Jesus has said that he has cup full of God’s curse. A cup full of SLEEP
come to die. Jesus has not the punishment of hell. This is Mark 14:37-42
that he is ready for the cross. changed his mind here. But it is so because Jesus will take on our sins.
painful! So he cries out for some He will take the punishment that The disciples do not want to fail!
This talk will be on Mark 14:32-42.
other way. However, most of all, we deserve (1 Peter 2:24). Like Jesus, they also want to do
We will come back to Mark 14:27-31 God’s will. However, they are very
later, when we see what happens to Jesus wants to do his Father’s will.
• How does Jesus say he feels? weak.
Peter. Mark 14:66-72. • Mark 14:36. ‘Cup’ or ‘cup of
Jesus feels pain just as we feel pain. • How does Mark show us how weak
suffering’. Psalm 75:8. We all the disciples are?
^ Main point So he tells his Father how he feels.
deserve to drink God’s cup of anger. He cries out in his pain and fear. The
Jesus chooses his Father’s will and Now Jesus must drink the cup of cross is so terrible that Jesus longs g Do you want to follow Jesus? Do
takes up his cross. What will we God’s anger against our sin. For for some other way. you want to do God’s will? That is
choose? Jesus, the most painful thing about not enough, because you are weak.
the cross is his Father’s anger. 2. JESUS SAYS YES
@ Something to work on Mark 14:36 When do you find it hard to do what
• Mark 14:38. ‘The spirit is willing’ Jesus wants? When the tests come,
This section is about Jesus. We want
– the disciples want to keep with X Do you sometimes say ‘yes’ because we need to:
to praise and love Jesus. He was you did not really think about it?
Jesus (Mark 14:31). ‘But the • pray. Every morning, pray that
willing to take all that pain for his Afterwards you wish that you had
body/flesh (human nature) is you will be ready to do hard things
people! said ‘no’!
weak’ – they need to pray because for Jesus.
However, Mark also wants to show they need God’s help. (In Mark • put our faith in Jesus, who said
Jesus saw how bad the cross would
us the disciples. That makes us ask 14:42, the time has come and the yes to the hardest thing ever.
be. He knew everything that he
if we are ready for pain. There is disciples are not ready!)

134 135
y STUDY: Mark 14:43-52 P PREACH: Mark:14:43-52

JUDAS GIVES Mark 14:27. Jesus knows


Mark 14:43-45
[Paint a picture in words. Help your
what the Old Testament says about
him. In Zechariah 13:7, it says that
God will strike the Shepherd. Jesus
knows that this is God’s will. (Jesus
< Background ? Notes listeners to imagine the scene.] This is is the Good Shepherd. He is glad to
It is late on Thursday night. Jesus is • Mark 14:44. Judas kissed Jesus to all very wrong. The Jewish leaders give his life for his sheep.
ready to go to the cross. He has give Jesus away. There must be no have paid money to Judas. And John 10:11, 14-18.
prayed. He has tasted the ‘cup’ of mistake. It was dark. Perhaps not they have paid money to bad
suffering and said yes. The disciples all the crowd knew Jesus. people. They come at night to g How do you feel about this
say that they are ready to go with arrest the innocent Jesus. They hate wonderful Jesus?
• Mark 14:47. John 18:10 tells us Jesus so much that they are willing
Jesus. But they are weak. They have g If you are not yet following Jesus,
that this man was Peter. The to do anything. He must die!
not prayed (Mark 14:27-42). how does this help you to trust him?
disciples were not cowards. They
Jesus is ready for them. He is even
Now Jesus gets up to go to his were ready to fight. However,
death. Mark 14:41-52. when Jesus did not fight, they ran
willing for Judas to kiss him. What THE DISCIPLES
a terrible thing for Judas to do!
away. They were not ready to give
up their lives for nothing!
g We should not be surprised when Mark 14:50-52
^ Main point • Mark 14:48. They treat him like religious people do very bad things! None of us wants to be like Judas.
Jesus gives himself up to die. The an outlaw, a bad person who leads We should not even be surprised He gave away his best friend! But
disciples save their lives, and run a revolution! when some Christian leaders do very are we happy to be like the other
away. bad things. Why does this happen? disciples? What were they like?
• Mark 14:49. They did not arrest
• They were willing to fight – but
Jesus in the temple, or in the day.
Mark 12:12 says that they were
JESUS GIVES Jesus did not want them to.
@ Something to work on afraid of the crowd. HIS OWN LIFE • They had promised to stay with
Remember that the disciples still Mark 14:46-49 Jesus, but they ran away.
• Mark 14:49-50. The Old Mark 14:29, 31.
had the wrong idea. They still We know that Jesus is ready to go.
Testament Scriptures said that all
hoped that Jesus would become a He has even gone to meet this bad
great king. They were willing to stay
this would happen. Jesus knows g Are you frightened of the cross, like
crowd! We know that he has power
this. Mark 14:27 (Zechariah the disciples? When other people
with Jesus and fight! However, they to stop these people, or to call
13:7). John 18:1-11. This laugh at you, will you stay with Jesus?
were not willing to follow someone angels to kill them. Their swords
shows that Jesus was in control of Or do you run away from any trouble?
who failed. They were not ready for and sticks can do nothing against
his own arrest!
Jesus to go to the cross. Think how Jesus’ power! There is no need for
Remember Mark 14:27! The
we can be like them. the big crowd of rough people.
sheep will run, because Jesus must
Jesus gives himself to them. He lets take our sins on his own. But Jesus
them take him and tie him up. does still die for those scared sheep!

136 137
y STUDY: Mark 14:53-65 P PREACH: Mark 14:53-65


62 NOT GUILTY! Mark 14:55-61
In many countries people hate
Christians, just as these Jews hated
Mark 14:61-65
There is one thing that Jesus is
happy to say. He is the Christ.
< Background • We want to be ready to meet Jesus Jesus. People will make up lies • Why should Mark 14:62 make the
The leaders of the Jews have arrested the Judge. about Christians, to put them in high priest very afraid? (See ? Notes)
Jesus. They want to kill him. prison, or to kill them. [Use a true
? Notes story if you can.] Praise God that But the high priest is not afraid! He
However, the Jews have no right to
• Mark 14:55. ‘Sanhedrin’ or Jesus knows how it feels! And pray is glad to have a charge against
kill him, because the Romans rule
‘Council’. This was the most for God’s help. Pray for his people Jesus. Jesus has said things that
the country. So now the Jews have
important Jewish court. to keep faithful to him. only God can say. He is guilty! He
to find Jesus guilty of doing
must die! So they take away the Son
something wrong. They must show • Mark 14:58. John 2:19. Jesus They could find nothing wrong! of God, they spit on him, they hit
the Roman ruler, Pilate, that Jesus had not said that he would [Talk about Jesus’ life. It was so him, they make fun of him.
should be put to death. Mark destroy the temple. Anyway, Jesus beautiful, so perfect. Every thought,
14:55-65, 15:1-5. every word, every action was good.] Mark 14 shows clearly who truly is
meant himself. They would kill
guilty. These men judge Jesus, but
him and he would rise again in These Jews tried very hard. Some
Mark also wants us to notice Peter. they are guilty. And one day they
three days. people came to tell lies about Jesus.
Jesus will be accused, and Peter will must face their Judge – Jesus!
be accused too. See how different Some people changed the words
• Mark 14:62. Daniel 7:13-14.
Jesus and Peter are – Jesus said (Mark 14:58). But it was g What Jesus says in Mark 14:62 is
Jesus often called himself the ‘Son
Mark 14:53-54, 66-72. clear that none of their stories were true. He is the Christ. He is the Judge.
of Man’. Now he clearly shows
true. Everyone knew that Jesus had We will all see him when he comes
what that means. He is the Christ,
^ Main point done nothing wrong! again. He will judge every one of us.
the Messiah. He will sit at God’s
No one can find anything wrong • What did Jesus say to all these
right hand and come to judge the
with Jesus. Jesus goes to his death g So what will you do with Jesus?
world. things? Mark 14:60-61.
because he says that he is the Christ And what will he do with you?
Jesus did not need to say anything.
(Messiah). • Mark 14:63. The high priest tore
Everyone knew that he was innocent.
his clothes to show that he was All this time, Peter watches (Mark
@ Something to work on This also reminds us why Jesus went
very unhappy at what Jesus said. 14:53-54). What will Peter do when
Try to teach three kinds of lessons to the cross. It was for sinners. We are
He thought that Jesus had spoken they start to ask him about Jesus?
from this section. guilty, and Jesus was willing to suffer
‘blasphemy’. Jesus had said things And what about us, when people
in our place. Isaiah 53:6-7.
• We want to love Jesus for what he that only God could truly say. hate our Saviour? Are you glad to
did. (Inside, the high priest is very say that you follow Jesus? When
pleased! At last, they have some g How do you feel about Jesus you have done nothing wrong, are
• We want to be like Jesus when we when you see him here? How does
reason to put Jesus to death!) you happy to suffer for Jesus? Later,
have to suffer for him. (However, that help, when people blame you Peter wrote these words. 1
that does not mean that it is for something that you did not do? Peter 2:20-23.
always wrong to speak up!)

138 139
y STUDY: Mark 14:66-72, 27-31 P PREACH: Mark 14:66-72, 27-31


Mark 14:54
Jesus never calls his people to
Mark 14:72

• Why did Peter cry? Because he

had been proud (Mark 14:29-31).
< Background ? Notes follow him a little bit. Peter Because he had not listened
Earlier in the evening, Jesus had • Mark 14:27. Jesus uses some thought that he was close enough when Jesus warned him. Because
warned his disciples that they would words from Zechariah 13:7 in the to still be with Jesus. He also he had been ashamed of Jesus,
leave him. Peter did not believe it! He Old Testament. They show that thought that he was far enough who he loved…
promised to stay with Jesus, even if everything will happen as God away to be safe. Was he right?
he had to die! Mark 14:27-31. planned. God will ‘strike’ (hit) the g Have you cried, like Peter, because
Shepherd (Jesus). And the sheep g Are you like Peter? Perhaps you you made Jesus sad? Or are you still
Now the Jews have arrested Jesus. (the disciples) will run for their like to call yourself a Christian. But more worried about what other
The disciples have run away. Peter lives. you are afraid of what people will people think of you?
has come back to see what will think about you. Perhaps you try to
happen to Jesus. He watches the • Mark 14:28. Jesus has warned that Like Peter, all Christians have failed
be like everyone else. Jesus is
high priest question Jesus. they will run from him. But they Jesus. We are all so weak and afraid
watching you. He knows if you are
Mark 14:53-65. will come back to him after he at times. But remember why Jesus
ashamed of him.
rises from the dead. He wants went to the cross. He went to die
Now it is Peter’s turn to answer them to know that his death is not for sinners, for weak people who
some hard questions. the end. PETER SAID THAT cannot save themselves. Jesus
Mark 14:66-72 watched Peter fail. And Jesus knew
• Mark 14:68. ‘Denied.’ This means HE DID NOT KNOW that his death will pay the price of
that Peter said it was not true. JESUS Peter’s sin. Peter said some terrible
^ Main point Look back to Mark 14:30-31. Peter Mark 14:66-71 things, but Jesus forgave him. Jesus
said that he would never ‘disown’ had great work for Peter to do. In
Not even Peter is strong enough to • Why did Peter say that he did not
Jesus (say that he did not know the end, Peter even died for Jesus.
follow Jesus. We all need Jesus’ know Jesus?
death on the cross to save us! • What was Peter afraid of?
g As you ask Jesus to forgive your
• Mark 14:72. ‘Cock crows.’ This is
[Help your listeners to think what they sin, ask him to teach you lessons.
the loud noise that a male chicken
might be afraid of. When do we try to Ask him to change you. Ask him to
@ Something to work on makes – usually early in the
hide what we think about Jesus? Why?] make you strong as he made Peter
Fear of other people is very strong. strong.
We fear what they may do or say.
We need to help each other with g In the end, Peter cursed and
this. These Bible passages will help: swore to show that he did not know
Proverbs 29:25; Jesus. What have you done to hide
Matthew 10:28; 1 Peter 3:13-17. your love for Jesus?

140 141
y STUDY: Mark 15:1-15 P PREACH: Mark 15:1-15

Mark 15:13-14
X Tell a story about an innocent
Mark 15:6-12
Think how Barabbas was so different
< Background better? What do we do with Jesus
person. The court finds him guilty. from Jesus. (Jesus had healed people,
today? Why do most people still not
Through Thursday night, the Jewish Everyone knows that he is innocent. Barabbas was a killer. Jesus was
want Jesus?
leaders said things against Jesus. But he still goes to prison. Why did innocent, Barabbas was guilty…)
They tried to find something which this happen? [Explain how Pilate wants the crowds to
? Notes
they could punish Jesus for. At last, Everyone knows that Jesus has set Jesus free.] The people have a
• Mark 15:1-5. Again, Jesus is silent.
Jesus said that he is the Christ, the done nothing wrong. choice. Will they ask for Jesus, who
He will not say that he is innocent
Son of God. The Jews said that this has done so much good? Or will they
(has done nothing wrong). He will Pilate knows very well why they
is blasphemy. They said that Jesus choose Barabbas, who is a bad man?
say that he is the Christ, the King have brought Jesus to him.
should die for this.
of the Jews (see Mark 14:60-62). Mark 15:10. Pilate knows It is hard to believe what they say.
However, now they must go to they have made up lies against Be shocked! They know that Jesus
• Mark 15:6-10. Pilate is afraid of Jesus (Mark 15:3-5). Jesus says that has done nothing wrong. But they
Pilate, the Roman ruler. Only Pilate
the Jewish leaders. So he is afraid he is the King of the Jews, but hate Jesus so much that they will
can give the order for Jesus’ death.
to let Jesus go. He hopes that the Pilate is not worried. He knows that kill him. Why?
What crime will they accuse Jesus of?
crowds will do this for him. Surely, Jesus has done nothing against the
Jesus has said that he is the Christ, they will want Jesus to go free! At Romans. So Pilate tries to set Jesus g It was as if the whole world put
which means King. But Pilate is the Passover time, Pilate always sets free (Mark 15:9, 12, 14). Jesus is Jesus on the cross. The Jewish
ruler of the Jews! The Jews want one prisoner free. Barabbas is a innocent – but Pilate still hands leaders, the Roman ruler and the
Pilate to believe that Jesus is a bad and dangerous man. He has him over to be killed on a cross. ordinary people all agreed. But are
problem to him. If Jesus is a King, made trouble on the streets and Mark 15:15. Pilate is afraid of the you really any different?
perhaps he will lead the Jews against killed someone. Pilate thinks that crowds and the Jewish leaders! They chose Barabbas, not Jesus. This is
Pilate! Mark 15:1-15. the crowds will want Jesus, not
The crowds also know that Jesus is because they loved evil and not good.
Barabbas, to go free.
innocent. Mark 15:14. No one Are you any better when you choose to
^ Main point
• Mark 15:13. ‘Crucify him!’ That can say what crime Jesus is guilty of. sin? You did not put Jesus on a cross,
Jesus has done nothing wrong – and but do you push him away from you?
means ‘kill him on a cross!’ They just shout louder for Jesus to die.
they kill him on a cross. Barabbas is Perhaps you do not want Jesus, because
guilty – and they let him go free. People today know that Jesus did
• Mark 15:15. Mark says very little you do not want to change. So are you
not deserve to die. People say that
about the terrible pain Jesus better than these people?
@ Something to work on Jesus was a good person.
suffered. A Roman death was
Jesus did nothing wrong! But he died
It is hard to understand why the painful and slow. But this is not
g Jesus was innocent, but we are in the place of bad people like
crowds hated Jesus so much. It is the main thing that Mark wants us
not innocent. Jesus died because of Barabbas and us. Will you ask Jesus
hard to think that we would have to think about. The main thing is
our sin. to forgive you and be your Saviour?
shouted, ‘Kill him!’ But are we any why Jesus was on the cross.

142 143
y STUDY: Mark 15:16-32 P PREACH: Mark 15:16-32

THE SAVIOUR WHO NO ONE WANTS laughed at him. This was how to be

[Describe how the different groups
make fun of Jesus. In what ways do
their Saviour!

Think again about what they

shouted at Jesus. Perhaps their
insults were true!
< Background ? Notes they show what they think of Jesus?
Remember how Mark tells his story. • Mark 15:17. The soldiers dress What does Jesus have to suffer?] • ‘King of the Jews!’ Mark
Jesus up as a king, so that they can 15:18, 26. The soldiers had great
• Mark 1-8 is about who Jesus is. • The soldiers. Mark 15:16-20 fun as they laughed at Jesus. But
laugh at him. They make the
king’s ‘crown’ with a plant that • The people who passed by. Jesus really is the King who God
• Mark 9-16 is about why Jesus
has sharp thorns, to hurt Jesus’ Mark 15:29-30. promised. He is the King of the
head. Jews. And he is the King of
Jesus has told us many times that he • The Jewish leaders. everyone else too.
came to die for sinners. Now, as we • Mark 15:21. This tells us that Mark 15:31-32.
see this happen we are sad, because Jesus is now too weak to carry his g Many of us bow and worship
cross. He has already suffered a lot. • The two thieves. Jesus as our King! We know that it
everyone is so unkind. Jesus suffers
Mark 15:27, 32. is true and we love him! What
so much. But we are also glad, • Mark 15:23. ‘Myrrh.’ This was
because Jesus is doing what he about you? You may have sung
probably to stop some of the pain. Jesus only did good things. But no
came for. Jesus carries out God’s many songs to Jesus. But have you
However, Jesus was willing to take one here has a good word for Jesus.
perfect plan on the cross. Praise truly worshipped the King yet?
all the pain. They all want to do away with him.
him! Mark 15:16-32. No one wants their Saviour.
• Mark 15:26. They wrote what the
• ‘He saved others, but he cannot
‘crime’ was, for everyone to see. g Is that true today? What kinds save himself!’ Mark 15:31.
They put Jesus on a cross because of people laugh at Christians?
^ Main point That is true too! Jesus, the Saviour
he was ‘the King of the Jews’. What kinds of people want nothing
Jesus is the Saviour. But nobody cannot come down from the cross.
to do with Jesus? What do people
wants him. • Mark 15:29, 32. They ‘hurled’ or But only because he must save his
think of a Saviour who dies on a
‘heaped’ insults. This means that people from their sin. The cross is
cross? What about you?
@ Something to work on they said rude things. the only way to save us. [Talk more
This section is very serious. Pray for about this. Show how Jesus paid the
those who do not want the Saviour. price for sin (Mark 10:45). Talk about
JESUS REALLY IS his great love.]
Try also to encourage the
Christians. We want to praise and THE SAVIOUR
As he hung on the cross, Jesus g Can you say: ‘Jesus did not save
love Jesus. He saved us when we did
knew what we all thought of him. himself because he died to save
not want him! He loved us when we
But he still loved us. He still loved me’? Will you praise Jesus because
hated him!
the people who hit him and he is the Saviour, your Saviour?

144 145
y STUDY: Mark 15:33-39 P PREACH: Mark 15:33-39

g You have not yet asked Jesus to
THE WAY TO GOD GOD’S ANGER take your sin. God is still angry with
you. You are in great danger of hell. It
Mark 15:33-34
is time to ask Jesus to be your Saviour!
X Think of someone you are afraid of.
< Background • Mark 15:34. This cry shows that
Imagine that person is very angry
Mark tells us at the beginning of his God’s anger is on Jesus. Jesus knows
with you. Imagine that person does
that God has left him. (‘Forsaken’ or
book that Jesus is the Christ, the Son
of God. Mark 1:1. It was a long ‘abandoned’ means ‘left’) This is
what he wants to you. THE WAY
like hell for Jesus. God’s anger is on We have done wrong. God should Mark 15:37-39
time before Peter and the disciples
really believed this; Mark 8:29. Jesus. God punishes Jesus for the punish us. [Talk more about this.] We
X What happens if paper gets close to
sins of his people. need to find peace with God. Or,
Now, as Jesus dies, even a Roman fire?
• Mark 15:35-36. They do not one day, God’s full anger will come
soldier can see the truth. Mark We can never get close to God. He
understand what Jesus is saying. Or down on us.
15:39. Here, at the cross, is where is so holy and we are so sinful. He
we too see the truth about Jesus. perhaps they still make fun of him. Think about Jesus on the cross. He is like a fire that will burn us up.
They pretend that Jesus calls for always pleased His Father. His Father
^ Main point Elijah, the great prophet. This shows has loved him perfectly, forever. Now [Talk about the temple and the
Jesus died under God’s anger, to how blind many people still are. the sky has gone dark. Imagine how curtain. You could draw it, or make a
bring us to God. • Mark 15:38. The temple was in frightening that feels for the crowds. model of it. You need to show how
another part of Jerusalem. Mark But Jesus knows why it is dark. God’s people could never get close to God.]
@ Something to work on wants us to see what happened in anger points at him. It is like going Jesus came to change all that! When
People who are not Christians need the temple at the time Jesus died. to hell. He cries out in great pain: he died, Jesus opened the way for
to understand why Jesus died. This The temple curtain was very high ‘Why have you left me?’ sinful people to come to God! God
talk will help them. You could have and very thick. Only God could tore the temple curtain into two
a special meeting to invite people to tear that curtain from the top. Jesus knew the answer. God’s anger parts. This was a sign. It was like God
hear this talk. You could ask a came down on Jesus because of our
What did this mean? The curtain shouting, ‘The way to God is now
Christian to tell the story of how sin. God was angry at our sin. Jesus
stopped people from going into the open! Come to me through Jesus!’
they trusted in Jesus’ death. took the punishment that we
‘Most Holy Place’. God’s presence Our sin is the reason that we cannot
was here. God is too holy for us. deserved. [Use a word picture to explain
? Notes this. Talk about Jesus’ wonderful love.] come to God. But Jesus came to take
• Mark 15:33. ‘Sixth hour’ means Sinful people cannot come close to
away that sin! His death on the cross
midday. It was dark for three hours him. (Only the High Priest, on Where does that leave you today? opened up the way to God.
in the middle of the day. This Atonement Day, could ever go There are two answers:
cannot be an eclipse. In an eclipse, through that curtain into the ‘Most
Holy Place’.) But when Jesus died, g You have trusted Jesus to g Jesus’ death is the best news for
the moon hides the sun for a few people like us! It has opened up the
God tore the curtain. Now the way take your sin. He has taken your
minutes. God made the ‘whole
to God is open. Jesus is the way for punishment. You are free! God’s way to God. God now calls us to come
land’ dark to make people think.
sinful people to come to God! anger will never come down on you. to him, through Jesus! Will you do
In the Bible, darkness often means
(1 Peter 3:18) You love Jesus so much. that? Or will you stay away from God?
that God is angry (Isaiah 13:9-10).

146 147
y STUDY: Mark 15:40-47 P PREACH: Mark 15:40-47

g These women encourage us. We
THEY SAW, THEY CARED WAS DEAD do not read that they say anything.
But they show their love to Jesus.
• Who was there to see that Jesus They stay with him when everyone
really died? else leaves Jesus. Do you love Jesus
< Background ? Notes
They all knew for sure that Jesus like that? How can you show it
Jesus has died. The way Jesus died • Mark 15:42. The next day was the more?
was dead. He had died quickly, but
made the Roman officer sure that Sabbath (Saturday). Sabbath
there could be no mistake. So
‘this man was the Son of God’. started on Friday evening. They
Joseph lovingly buried the body.
Mark 15:39. needed to bury Jesus now, before JOSEPH
the Sabbath began. (The Sabbath Some people may like to believe Mark 15:43-46
In Mark 16, we read how Jesus rose was the day of rest.) that Jesus never died. If so, he never
from the dead. But first, Mark shows [See ? Notes to find out more about
truly rose from the dead! But Mark
us that there was no mistake. Several • Mark 15:43. Matthew Joseph from Matthew, Luke and John.]
carefully shows that several people
people saw that Jesus was truly 27:57-60; Luke 23:50-54; John
saw the dead body of Jesus. • When do you find it hard to say
dead. Mark 15:40-47. 19:38. Joseph was an important
Jewish leader. All the other leaders that you believe in Jesus?
had wanted to kill Jesus. It was g Christians never need to be afraid
of the facts. People may ask us Joseph found it very hard! He only
hard for Joseph to stand against
^ Main point difficult questions. But they need to believed in Jesus in secret. The other
them. He was brave to care for
Not everyone left Jesus when he face the truth. Jesus did die and rise Jewish leaders hated Jesus, and
Jesus’ body.
died. These people were important from the dead. Those facts mean Joseph was too afraid to speak out.
witnesses. They knew that Jesus • Mark 15:44. The ‘centurion’ (army that everyone should believe in Jesus.
Now that has changed. Jesus’ death
truly died. officer) was the soldier in charge.
made the disciples afraid. But it
He had probably seen many
made Joseph brave! He knows that
people die. He saw the way Jesus PEOPLE WHO CARED he must show his love for Jesus.
died. He knew that Jesus really was THREE WOMEN
@ Something to work on The other leaders will hate him.
dead. Mark 15:40-41, 47
We can learn important lessons They may try to kill him. But it is
from the women and Joseph. Pray The other disciples ran away. Only time for Joseph to show what he
that it will encourage Christians John came to the cross. But these believes. [Talk more about what
who are shy or afraid. Perhaps some women had followed Jesus and Joseph does.]
of your listeners believe in Jesus, but cared for him. Now, as Jesus died,
they have not yet said so. Or they they would not leave him. They g As you think about Jesus’ death
have not yet been baptised to show stayed right to the end. They were for people like us, does it make you
that they follow Jesus. Perhaps you there as Joseph buried Jesus. They love him? Does it make you brave?
can offer Bible studies to help them wanted to know where Jesus was, so Is it time to show everyone that you
think more about this. that they could come back. believe in Jesus?

148 149
y STUDY: Mark 16:1-8 P PREACH: Mark 16:1-8


68 JESUS HAS RISEN! Mark 16:6-7
X Some things are very hard to
believe. [Tell a story about this.
Mark 16:8

These women have seen the empty

< Background X [You could use this word picture. Perhaps you thought that something
tomb. An angel has told them that
Your house is on fire. You know that was impossible. You would not
Mark has shown that – Jesus has risen. But they are still
the door is the way to safety. You believe it. Then many things
afraid! They still do not know
• Jesus is the promised Christ, the believe in the door. But you love your showed you that it happened. In the
whether to believe it!
Son of God. house too much. You do not go out end, you had to believe the facts.]
through the door. What happens?]
• Jesus died on the cross, as he Everyone knows that dead men do g Are you like these women? You
promised. not come back to life! These women want to believe but you are afraid?
did not even hope that Jesus would Jesus is very kind. He will help you
• His disciples understand that Jesus ? Notes to believe.
rise from the dead. They came to
is the Christ. But they cannot • Mark 16:1. This is how the care for his dead body.
understand that he has to die. The disciples do not yet believe.
women show their love for Jesus.
And they do not expect Jesus to The facts are clear. These women do not fully believe.
On Friday, there had not been
rise from the dead! However, Jesus has a message for
much time. They could not care • Someone has rolled away the
them. Mark 16:7. He wants
Mark 16:1-8. (Some people for Jesus’ body as they wanted to. large stone.
to show them that he has risen. It
believe that Mark ended his Gospel • Mark 16:5. This was an angel. • The tomb is empty. really is true! And he wants to see
at Mark 16:8. Probably, someone Matthew 28:2-5. Peter. Peter is ashamed. He has said
• An angel tells them that Jesus has
added Mark 16:9-20 many years that he does not know Jesus.
later.) • Mark 16:7. ‘just as he told you.’ Perhaps Peter thinks that Jesus will
See Mark 14:28. • Jesus had told them that this
never forgive him. But he will!
^ Main point would happen.
• Mark 16:7. Peter had said that he
Jesus rose from the dead, as he said. g Perhaps you have been slow to
did not know Jesus. But Jesus is
g Jesus has risen from the dead. believe. Perhaps you have said bad
willing to forgive him. The women
@ Something to work on God wants us to be sure about the things about Jesus, like Peter. It is
must tell Peter. Jesus wants Peter truth. Jesus has proved that he is
Most of your listeners believe the not too late to believe! The risen
to be there in Galilee. (Galilee, by the truth. He has risen! This means
facts. They know that Jesus has Jesus will forgive you. Come to him
the lake, is where Jesus first called that –
risen. But some still do not trust in now.
Peter to follow him.)
him! How can you show them that • Jesus is the only way to God.
this does not make sense? • everyone should trust in Jesus.

Think – what will happen to people

who will not believe the facts?

150 151
y STUDY: Mark 16:9-20 P PREACH: Mark 16:9-20
Now imagine that your good news
69 BELIEVE AND TELL! Mark 16:9-14
X [Tell a story like this.] You have
some good news. You tell people,
will affect many people. Perhaps
you found a good medicine for
AIDS. Would you keep it secret?
That would be so wrong!
< Background ? Notes but they do not believe you! How do
Jesus tells the disciples to go and tell
you feel?
Mark probably did not write Mark • Mark 16:14. The disciples should the world about him! The disciples are
16:9-20. There are many good reasons have believed those who had seen • How many times in this section do the beginning of Jesus’ church. So this
to think this. However, Mark 16:8 Jesus. So Jesus tells them off we read that people did not believe? command is for us today. The world
does seem a strange place to end! (‘rebukes’ or ‘scolds’ them). still needs to hear the good news.
The disciples are so sad that Jesus is
Perhaps Mark was not able to finish. Who, in your country, does not know
• Mark 16:16. Baptism does not dead! They cannot believe that he
Probably, someone added Mark 16:9- the truth about Jesus? What other
save anyone. Baptism does not is now alive!
20 many years later. (Many people countries need to hear about Jesus?
even help to save anyone. • What does Jesus think about this
who love God’s word say this.) What does your church do to help tell
However, someone who believes in (Mark 16:14)? the world the good news?
However, this section is part of our Jesus will show that they believe.
It is very sad when we will not
Bible. We can still learn from it. The Bible says that they should be
believe. Jesus has gone through all g We can have many excuses.
Most of Mark 16:9-20 is in the other baptised to show their faith. Perhaps we are afraid, or busy, or
that pain for his disciples. He has
Gospels. We should be careful about lazy. We find it hard, because people
• Mark 16:17-18. Jesus promises died for their sins on the cross. He
the parts that are only found here do not want to know about Jesus. The
many gifts to his people. However, has risen from the dead. He has
(see ? Notes on Mark 16:17-18). disciples did not find it easy! Some
the rest of the Bible does not say done all this for them and they will
that Jesus’ people will be able to not believe that it is true! people hated them and killed them!
This ending shows that the disciples
were slow to believe. But Jesus still pick up snakes or drink poison. It
g If you love the good news, you will
has a job for them! They must go and does say that we should not do g Are you like these disciples? How
want to tell other people. If you love
tell the world about the good news. dangerous things to put God to many times have you heard about
Jesus, you will want to obey him.
the test (Matthew 4:5-7). Jesus? You know all the facts. You
Think and pray about how to do this.
^ Main point know that the Bible tells you the
• Mark 16:17, 20. ‘Signs’
truth. But you still will not believe
At last, the disciples believe! Now (‘miracles’). Notice that these were
in Jesus. What does Jesus think Mark 16:20. Jesus, in heaven,
they must tell the world. not just miracles. They were
about that? Mark 16:16. ‘worked with them’. Jesus did his
miracles to show that the
@ Something to work on great work. He came to die and rise
message was from God. This is
again. Now his people must do the
Mark tells his good news so that what ‘sign’ means. A sign tells us
people will believe. Mark 1:1, something. (Why was there a
TELL THE GOOD NEWS! work he has given them. And Jesus
Mark 16:15 works with us! We are not alone.
15. As you finish Mark, pray that special need for these signs? Why
As we tell the good news, Jesus
everyone will see how important might it be different today? When X When you have good news, do you
gives eternal life. Praise him!
this is (Mark 16:16). might God do special miracles to keep it quiet? No, you tell everyone!
show that his word is true?)

152 153
E. How to use Preaching Mark
Worked Example
Before you preach you need
to study hard and pray. Ask
y STUDY: Mark 2:13-17
God to help you understand
this Bible section. THE KIND OF PEOPLE WHO
The first thing to do is to < Background that they are bad. You want them to
ask Jesus to make them good.
Read Mark 2:13-17. In Mark 2:1-12 Jesus shows that he
? Notes
has the power to forgive sins. So
Remember the story so far. now, Jesus shows that he did not • Mark 2:14. ‘Levi’ is another name
come for good people. He came for for Matthew.
Think how Mark 2:13-17 fits sinners. Jesus came for people who
• Mark 2:14. ‘Tax collectors.’ These
need him to forgive their sins.
were Jews who collected taxes for
into the story. The Mark 2:17 is the second time that the Romans. Most people hated
Jesus tells us why he came. (See tax collectors, because they worked
Background notes will help Mark 1:38.) for the other side. They thought
you think about this. that a true Jew would never help
the Romans. Most tax collectors
^ Main point
were also cheats. They became rich
Jesus did not come for good people.
because they kept too much
He came for sinners.
Notes money for themselves.
• Mark 2:15. ‘Sinners.’ We know
These will help you to @ Something to work on
that everyone is a sinner. But the
People still think that Jesus chooses Jews called only some people
understand difficult things good people! Most people think that ‘sinners’. These were people who
they are good people! They think lived a bad life. For example, the
in the section. You may need that Jesus is pleased with them Jews called prostitutes ‘sinners’. Tax
because they are good people. This collectors and ‘sinners’ were often
to explain some of these section teaches that this is wrong. friends. The Jews hated them all.
You need to think and pray how to
things to the people. say this.
• Mark 2:16. ‘Pharisees.’ They were
people who tried very hard to keep
You want bad people to see that God’s laws. They were very strict.
Jesus came for them! You want They thought that they were good
Main point them to ask Jesus to save them from
their sin.

Read the section again and Some people think that they are
already good. You want them to see
again until you understand
it all. Try to understand the
main thing that it teaches.
This will be the main point Something to work on
of your talk. Try to understand why it is People still think that Jesus chooses
very important for your people. Pray good people! Most people think that
that they will understand it clearly. they are good people! They think that
• Do you understand why it was a shock Jesus is pleased with them because
for Jesus to call Levi? they are good people. This section
• How does this connect with Mark 2:17? teaches that this is wrong. You need to
So the main point of the section is this: think and pray how to say this.
Jesus did not come for good people. You want bad people to see that Jesus
He came for sinners. came for them! You want them to ask
Jesus to save them from their sin.

154 155
YOUR TALK In this section, there are three Jesus has forgiven us, we will
You are now ready to prepare your important truths to teach. These truths want to tell others about Jesus.
talk in your own language. The ideas all help to explain the main point. They So what kind of people will we P PREACH: Mark 2:13-17
that we give you will help you. You show how Jesus came for sinners. tell? Will we only tell nice JESUS CALLS SINNERS [Also, show why ‘good’ people do not
want Doctor Jesus. They think that they
must make it your own talk that people, or people who go to Mark 2:17 are good already! They do not need him
Are you the kind of person Jesus to forgive their sins.]
comes from your heart. Ask God to 1. JESUS CALLS SINNERS church? Or will we tell people calls? Are you a sinner? [Talk about X Tell a story about a healthy
the surprise of what Jesus says. Jesus
help you. Write some notes in your who we think are bad? came for sinners!!]
woman who visits the doctor. She
tells him all about how well she is!
own language. Mark 2:17 • This is good news for bad people! She does not let the doctor
Everyone hated all these ‘sinners’ and examine her. She does not need
tax collectors. But Jesus came for the that! She just wants him to be
worst people! He loved them! pleased with her! Of course, the
Starting your talk • Are you the kind of person Jesus calls? 2. WHY JESUS CALLS • This is bad news for good people! doctor will not waste his time with
See who Jesus did not come to call healthy people! Jesus did not come
Think how to start your talk so that SINNERS (Mark 2:17). ‘Righteous’ people are for ‘good’ people, because they do
good people. The Pharisees think not need a Doctor.
people understand what it is about. • Are you a sinner? that they are good enough already.

Mark 2:17 They are not happy for Jesus to eat WHAT JESUS CALLS
Help them to see why it is important with bad people (Mark 2:16)!
for them. Here is one idea: Talk about the kind of person Levi was. • This is important for saved
Mark 2:14
people! If Jesus has forgiven us, we
Talk about the group Jesus was happy to The Pharisees found this hard to will want to tell others about Jesus. Levi loves money. Jesus calls him
So what kind of people will we tell? away from his money. He follows
Do you like surprises? [Give some eat with. Try to imagine it in your town understand. How can a teacher Will we only tell nice people, or Jesus. [Show the people how this is a
people who go to church? Or will we complete change of life for Levi.]
examples.] Jesus often surprises us! In or village. Notice what Mark 2:17 says. like Jesus choose to go to the bad tell bad people?
Jesus calls us to leave behind our

today’s Bible section Jesus did the opposite It does not say that Jesus looked down people? Perhaps we too find it WHY JESUS CALLS wrong way of life. He calls us to
leave our sins. He calls us to turn
on these people. It says that Jesus came hard to understand. Surely, Jesus
SINNERS round and follow Jesus.
to what everyone expected. Some people Mark 2:17
loved it! Other people hated it! I wonder if especially for them. likes best the nice people who go Jesus explains why he came for g Tell a story about a person who
sinners. It is because they need him! does not take the medicine which the
Jesus will give you a good surprise today. to church and are kind to their [Use Jesus’ picture of a doctor to help doctor gives her. Will she get better?
your people understand this.] Only sick
This is good news for bad people! No neighbours? g Will you take the medicine that
people go to the doctor. Jesus can make
Jesus gives? Will you ask him to
all our sins better. He died on the cross to
Or perhaps it will be a hard shock. one else cared about Levi! Everyone hated do this. Ask Jesus to forgive all your sin
forgive you and leave your wrong
way of life?
and make you well.
all these ‘sinners’ and tax collectors. But Jesus explains why he came for
Imagine that you were in the crowds that Jesus came for the worst people! He loved sinners. It is because they need 29

day. In that crowd were many people who them! Talk more about this. him! Use Jesus’ picture of a
wanted to hear Jesus. You all listened to doctor to help your people well she is! She does not let the doctor
Jesus teaching, by the lake. But Jesus did This is bad news for good people! Notice understand this. Show how only sick examine her. She does not need that!
not call any of you to follow him and be who Jesus did not come to call (Mark people go to the doctor. Tell your people She just wants him to be pleased with
his special disciple. Then Jesus saw 2:17). ‘Righteous’ people are good people. about Jesus, who can make all their sins her! Of course, the doctor will not spend
someone who was very busy. He was too The Pharisees think they are good enough better. Tell them how he died on the his time with healthy people! Jesus did
busy to come to hear Jesus. What was he already. They are not happy for Jesus to eat cross to do this. They must ask Jesus to not come for ‘good’ people, because they
doing? He was making lots of money! But with bad people! Mark 2:16. forgive all their sin and make them truly do not think that they need a doctor.
Jesus stopped and said: ‘Follow me!’ What good people.
a surprise! What a shock! Why did Jesus Talk more about this. People today, You may add something else to your
want someone like Levi! who think they are good, will look Also, show your people why ‘good’ story. Two months later, the woman
down on bad people. They do not like people do not want Doctor Jesus. They died. She had a disease inside. She was
You can talk more about Levi and about it when Jesus says that he came for think they are good, so they do not want not truly well. She needed the doctor to
why people hated him. Imagine how sinners. him to forgive their sins. Tell them a examine her. Now it was too late. Good
disappointed people were that Jesus story about a healthy woman who visits people do really need Jesus. They are
chose this bad person! This is important for saved people! If the doctor. She tells him all about how sinners too. Ask your people to go to

156 157
Doctor Jesus for a health check. They to be with sinners. He came to save us
must ask Jesus to show them their sin. from our sin. He came to change our lives.
Use a word picture like this one:

3. WHAT JESUS CALLS Imagine that you go to your doctor. He tells

SINNERS TO DO you what is wrong. He gives you the medicine
to take. Then you put the medicine away. You
Mark 2:14 do not take it. Will you get better? Of course
you will not!
Imagine you are Levi. The one thing you care
about is money. You have lost all your Jesus gives us the medicine. It is free! He says:
friends for money. You have spent your life ‘I will forgive your sins.’ He says: ‘leave your
cheating people for money. Now Jesus says sins and follow me’. Will you take the
‘Follow me!’ That is a very big thing to ask! medicine?
But what does Levi do? He leaves his life
behind and follows Jesus. That is a change of Finish your talk
direction. Levi was going one way and now he • What do you want people to remember?
turns round and goes the other way!
• What do you want them to do?
Jesus calls us to leave behind our old life. He
calls us to leave our sins. He calls us to turn • Tell them again the main point.
round and follow Jesus.
• Perhaps they need some time to pray
It is important for your people to quietly.
understand this. Jesus did not come just

158 159

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