Religious Drama in The Philippines

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Religious Drama in the Philippines

Pangangaluluwais a Filipino practice, now mostly seen only in the

provinces, during which a group of people stop by different houses on
the night of All Saints’ Day (November 1st), singing and asking for alms
and prayers. The people represent the souls stuck in purgatory, asking for
prayers from the living to help them get to heaven.

Senakulo(from the Spanish cenaculo) is a Lenten play that depicts

events from the Old and New Testaments related to the life, sufferings,
and death of Christ. The senakulo is traditionally performed on a
proscenium-type stage with painted cloth or paper backdrops that are
called telon. It takes at least eight nights - from Palm Sundayto Easter
Sunday- to present the play. Christ is presented traditionally as meek and
masochistic, submitting lamblike to his fate in obedience to authority.

Tibag– the word tibag means to excavate. This ritual was brought here
by the Spaniard to remind the people about the search of St. Helena for
the Cross on which Jesus died.

The Salubong(or Panubong) - The Salubong is an Easter play that

dramatizes the meeting of the Risen Christ and his Mother. It is still
presented in many Philippine towns.

TheSantacruzan(Spanish for "sacred cross") is the ritual pageant held

on the last day of Flores de Mayo. It honors the finding the True Cross
by Helena of Constantinople (known as Reyna Elena) and Constantine
the Great.

TheMorionesis an annualfestivalheld on Holy Week on the island of

Marinduque, Philippines. The "Moriones" are men and women in
costumes and masks replicating thegarb of biblical Roman soldiers as
interpreted by local folks.
Panunuluyan –this is presented before 12:00 on Christmas Eve. This is a
presentation of the search of the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph for an inn
wherein to deliver the baby Jesus.

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