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Islamophobia being inhumane and peculiar.

Islamophobia arises because of the continuous

discrimination towards Muslims all over the world. However, Islamophobia is not just about people who
have this phobia being inhumane, but it is also ironic how society sees Islam as a different religion
compares to other religions. American society retains on producing misleading pieces of information
towards Islam, before-mentioned as the Islamic religion having monotheistic faith and being tough on
taking the realities of the society, they are also trying to prove that Muslims support terrorism and
general violence in the society. American society gives a different interpretation and meaning towards
Muslims, which leads to the increasing number of people having this phobia towards Islam. Not just the
way Muslims live, but Islamophobia also distinguishes the faith they are having by associating Islamic
religion with violence that it can also consider as religious discrimination.

The manifestations and implications of Islamophobia to our society made the life of Muslims
hard. The continuous discrimination towards Muslims also affected how they will live and in finding
work as well. Islamophobia caused people to see also Islam by how American society describes them.
However, Islamophobic people are not totally as critical as it seems because they have their reason as to
why they see Islam strange compared to the familiar way of religion. Their experience from a terrorist
attack that happened in the United States a long time ago made their relationship with Muslims
controversial. As they saw how damaging it is, it was all directed to Muslims internationally.

In conclusion, Islamophobia might be discriminating against Muslims by being inhumane and

ironic, but it can be lessened by not giving false information about their religion. It should stop giving
Muslims different meanings and interpretations just because they live differently. Government and non-
Muslims people should at least treat them equally without discrimination. They should first solve the
war against religious discrimination and avoid precipitate generalization regarding Islam being a

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