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JMJ Marist Brothers

Notre Dame of Marbel University

College of Arts and Sciences
Nursing Department

Name: Juan Dela Cruz Attending Physician: Dr. Santos
Age:  75yo                          Ward/Bed Number:          N/A Impression/Diagnosis: ARF type II sec to asp. pneumonia

Dosage, Route Special Nursing

Name of Drug Mechanism of Action Indication Adverse Reactions
Freq., Timing Precautions Responsibilities
Propofol is -indicated to my patient Blood clot, -this can be -monitor Mr. Dela
Generic: Dosage: an intravenous (IV) sedative since he is subjected or seizures, cardiac toxic to patient Cruz’s LOC
Propofol 5ml/cc or -hypnotic agent that can be scheduled for intubation. arrest, apnea if he is allergic
50mg used for initiation and Intubation is painful thus; lasting for 30- to it. However, -assess if patient
Brand: maintenance of
this promotes an easier 60seconds, it can still be manifests the side
Monitored Anesthesia Care
(MAC) sedation, combined
insertion of the tube. Also, hypotension, renal administered effects especially the
Diprivan sedating the patient allows toxicity, and ensuring that adverse effects and
sedation and regional
anesthesia, induction the mouth and airway to bronchospasm vital signs and report to physician for
Route: IV relax for a faster and safer close necessary
of general anesthesia,
maintenance of general insertion. monitoring of interventions.
anesthesia, and intensive patient’s
care unit (ICU) sedation of reaction to the -administer slowly
Classification intubated, mechanically Contraindications Side Effects drug. since a fast
STAT or now ventilated patients. -if my patient has seizures. Rashes, phlebitis, administration may
Functional:   And if Mr. dela Cruz is itching, arrhythmia, cause seizure to the
General allergic to its components and bradypnea patient
Anesthetics Timing: as this may alter its effects.
hypnotic agent
Student’s Name: Joevence Carl G. Cuaresma References: Cunha, J. (2021). Rxlist.com
Clinical Instructor: ________________________________

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