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Presented by Madan Raj Bhandari

 Meaning and definition of …

 socialization,
 adaptation,
 cooperation,
 competition,
 conflict,
 globalization.
 In simple meaning ,socialization is the process
of learning group norms, values, habit and
ideas through imitation, suggestion,
identification and language.
 It is a continuous process of learning which
begins at birth and continues until the death
of individual.
 Socialization is the social training of an
individual to be social being.
 In every stage of our life, we continue learning
new things, ideas and gain new experiences.

 Literally,socialization is the process by which
individuals know and learn the traditional
rules, norms and values of the society. So it is
the moulding and shaping process of
personality from infant to other stages.
 When a baby is born, he is only biological
being made of flesh, bones and skin and he
gradually molded into social beings and
learns social acting, feeling and pattern of
social behavior through the culture in which
he belongs and through outer environment.
 Michael Haralambos “ the process by
which individuals learn the culture of
their society is known as socialization”

 H.M. johnson “ socialization is learning

process that enables the learner to
perform social role”
 Family
 Neighborhood

 School

 Peer and other group

 Religion
 Sociologists have divided the stage of
socialization into four stages which are as
I) stage of childhood: It begins from the
birth and continues up to 12-13 years.In
this stage an individual learn many social
norms, values and practices to be a social
 a) Oral stage: this stage remains up to one
and half years.An infant learn weep,
laugh, eat.

b) Anal stage: This stage remains up to 3-4
c) Oedipal stage : from 4yrs and remains up
to 12 years. Son attaches to mother and
daughter to father.
d) Adolescence stage
ii) Stage of adulthood
iii) Stage of middle age
iv) old stage
 Eg. The people living in the cold region
adopt the culture of wearing thick cloth and
drink inquior. If there is lack of food to feed,
people adopt polyandry marriage.
 Why we use cooler or fan in Terai?

 Why mountain people have more tea in a

 Adaptation is a biological or physical
 In this process people adopt new social
norm,value,belief,fashion, arts language etc.
 It is the most fundamental form of social change.
 It is a natural result of the universal struggle for
 It is not only for bread but for luxurious, power,
social position, fame, and any other things which
are of high value but not sufficient.
 Competition is not inborn tendency rather it is a
social phenomenon. It takes place only the
desired thing is in short supply.
 Mainly, competition can be seen at racial, social,
cultural, political and economic level.
 Horton and Hunt “competition is the
struggle for possession of rewards which
are limited in supply, goods, status,
power, love.
 Bogardus “ competition is a contest to
obtain something which does not exist in a
quantity sufficient to meet the demand”
 Biesanz “competition is the striving of two
or more persons for the same goal which is
limited so that all cannot share”
 Competition is universal.
 Competition is dynamic.

 It can be both personal and impersonal.

 Competition always governed by norms.

 Competition may be both constructive and

 Scarcity can be the cause of competition.
 Disagreement or clash between ideas,
principle or people
 It is a such process which seeks to possess a
reward by weakening or eliminating all
 It always conscious activities.

 It mostly, brings negative results but in some

cases, it brings positive result.
 Social conflict may arise due to social,
economic, cultural, racial, religious or due to
any interests vested in individual or groups.
 Racial conflict
 Personal conflict

 Cultural conflict

 Caste conflict

 Religious conflict

 Political conflict

 International conflict
 Conscious action
 Universal phenomena

 Continuous process

 Vested interest

 Individual or group activity

 Violent and non-violent

 Both latent and manifest

 Frustration and insecurity promote conflict

 Conflict both negative and positive result

 Globalization is a process of integration of the
world as one market.
 It is a free movement of goods, services, people,
capital and information across. national
 It is a process by which an activity or
undertaking becomes world wide in scope.
 Economic Globalization.
 Cultural Globalization.

 Political Globalization.

 Environmental Globalization.

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