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JMJ Marist Brothers

Notre Dame of Marbel University

Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences



This chapter contains the background of the study, statement of the

problem, significance of the study, and scope and delimitation.

Background of the Study

Hydatidiform mole, also known as molar pregnancy, is a category of

gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) that begins in the placenta and can

spread to other parts of the body. The tumor arises from gestational tissue rather

than maternal tissue, which makes it unusual. Hydatidiform mole (HM) is a

noninvasive type of gestational trophoblastic disease that can be categorized as

a complete or partial mole. (Ghassemzadeh S, Kang M. 2021). According to

Iftikhar, N. (2019), it occurs sometimes because of a genetic DNA mix-up.

Thousands of eggs are carried by most women. It is possible that some of these

would not form properly. Molar pregnancy may also happen when a sperm

fertilizes an incomplete (empty) egg or when an incomplete or multiple sperm will

fertilize a healthy egg. Amenorrhea, hyperemesis gravidarum, doughy uterus,

vaginal bleeding, uncontrolled passage of grape-like vesicles, and elevated

serum and urinary human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels are all symptoms

of Hydatidiform Mole.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

According to Mulisya, O., et al. (2018), partial hydatidiform moles are

triploid conceptuses with a paternally derived extra haploid set of chromosomes.

According to Sarapuddin, S. (2016), Asia has a higher incidence of hydatidiform

mole (Taiwan has 1 case in 125 pregnancies and 2 in 1000 pregnancies in

Southeast Asia and Japan). The national prevalence rate in the Philippines is 2.4

per 1000 pregnancies. It is generally assumed that the prevalence is highest in

developing countries. The incidence is higher in women below the age of 20 and

above the age of 40. It is also higher in nulliparous women, low-income patients,

and women whose diets are deficient in protein, folic acid, and carotene.

(Mulisya, O. et al. 2018). According to Moore, L. (2020), the present mortality

rate for molar pregnancy is practically zero and gestational trophoblastic

malignancies are mostly curable.

The result of this study will be beneficial to every woman, especially the

childbearing ones, to help them understand the condition and determine what

actions need to be taken to reduce these pregnancy complications. For future

researchers, this study will serve as their guide towards making their research

study and to have a deeper understanding and background about hydatidiform

mole. Also, for nursing students, this study will answer their curiosity about why

and how a molar pregnancy occurs.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to understand and analyze the occurrence of G3P2 PU

Hydatidiform Mole, Partial.

Specifically, the study aims to:

1.) gather data about patient's personal information by collecting

information for demographic data, conducting past and present health

history taking and perform a complete cephalocaudal physical


2.) review articles and journals related to the case and to make these as


3.) assess patient’s activities in daily living before and during


4.) interpret and refer data based on the laboratory results;

5.) conduct a drug study for each medication that were ordered by the


6.) determine the pathophysiology of the disease, its predisposing and

precipitating factors, and medical and surgical management;

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

7.) formulate a nursing care plan and determine the top 3 problems that

need to be prioritized; and

8.) provide health teachings to the patient and her family with regards to

the improvement of the patient’s well-being and effective coping strategies

emotionally, physically, and mentally.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on Gravida 3 Para 2 Pregnancy Uterine Hydatidiform

Mole, Partial, an obstetrical case. The researchers aimed to understand and

analyze the occurrence of G3P2 PU Hydatidiform Mole, Partial. This study was

conducted at a Tertiary Hospital in General Santos City on April 26, 2021.

This study is limited to only one case of G3P2 PU Hydatidiform Mole,

Partial. Primary data were obtained from patient A.B. by the researchers through

an interview on April 26, 2021 during their 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM shift. The data and

information that were obtained from the doctors through an interview and the

patient’s hospital records and charts were used by the researchers as their

secondary sources.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences



This chapter includes review on related literature from articles, journals,

books and publications regarding the anatomy and physiology of the reproductive

system. This chapter also forms the theoretical and empirical basis upon which

the study is conducted. The chapter therefore considers the academic theories

and the various views expressed by scholars on the topic.

Reproductive System

The female reproductive system composes the internal and external sex

organs that are concerned with reproduction. In people, this system starts as an

immature system at birth and further develops to become mature during the

puberty stage. The reproductive system is responsible for menstruation,

conception, and pregnancy.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

Figure 1. Phases of Menstrual Cycle

Menstruation commonly happens during the puberty stage, which starts at

9 years old. This process starts with the first phase, the menstrual phase,

wherein development of primary follicles happens. An egg from the previous

cycle is not fertilized which causes estrogen and progesterone hormone levels

drop, since pregnancy has not taken place. What happens in this phase is that

the thickened lining of the uterus sheds through a woman’s vagina which leads to

bleeding. Second Phase is called the Follicular phase. It starts when the pituitary

gland is signaled to release follicle stimulating hormone, also known as FSH,

which would stimulate the ovaries to produce at most 20 follicles, wherein each

contains an immature egg. Among these immature eggs, only the healthiest egg

will mature, and the rest will be reabsorbed to a woman’s body. This will then set

off a surge in estrogen that causes the lining of the uterus to become thick.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

Due to the rise of estrogen levels, the release of luteinizing hormones by

the pituitary gland is triggered which then indicates the start of the third phase,

the ovulation phase. The mature egg is released by the ovary in this phase. It

then travels down to the fallopian tube toward the uterus and waits to be fertilized

by a sperm cell. Ovulation phase is only the time when a woman can get

pregnant. Finally, the luteal phase; After the follicle releases its matured egg, it

changes into corpus luteum. This structure releases progesterone and estrogen,

thus keeping the uterine lining thick and ready for a fertilized egg to implant. If a

woman gets pregnant, the body will produce the hormone that pregnancy tests

detect which is called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). If a woman is not

pregnant, the corpus luteum will shrink and be reabsorbed by the body leading to

decreased levels of progesterone and estrogen, which causes the onset of the

period. After this the cycle will go along and will only change when the egg is

being fertilized, that will lead to conception or pregnancy

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

Figure 2. Conception

Conception only happens when a woman is fertile and if there happened

to be sexual intercourse between a man and a woman. A man can ejaculate 40-

150 million of sperm cells which start to swim and race towards the fertilized egg

that waits in the fallopian tube during the woman’s ovulation phase. For a sperm

cell to successfully fertilize an egg, it would take, most likely, 24 hours to do it. As

soon as a single sperm cell penetrates the egg, the surface of the egg cell will

immediately change that will not allow other sperm cells to enter. At this time of

fertilization, the fetus’ genetic makeup and its gender is now complete. To

continue, the fertilized egg will start to grow fast which causes it to divide into

many cells. It will then leave the fallopian tube and will now enter the uterus 3 – 4

days after fertilization. The uterus is the female reproductive organ where the

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

fertilized egg is implanted, which is called the process of implantation, and will

allow the egg to grow and form a baby.

Figure 3. Parts of the Female Reproductive System

Female reproductive systems are in charge of developing gametes (also

known as eggs or ova), certain sex hormones, and retaining fertilized eggs as

they form into a mature fetus and are ready for delivery. The fertile years of a

female are between menarche (the first menstrual cycle) and menopause

(cessation of menses for 12 consecutive months). During this time, ova are

cyclically expelled from the ovary, with the ability to be fertilized by male gametes

(sperm). This cyclical egg removal is a normal part of the menstrual cycle.

(Rosner et. al., 2020)

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences


Female gonads, the ovaries are the site of gametogenesis and sex

hormone secretion. Follicular growth takes place in the outer cortex of each

ovary, while blood vessels and connective tissue are found in the inner medulla.

Gamete (egg cell, oocyte) formation takes place in the ovaries. The ovarian

follicles provide an area for the developing egg cell (or oocyte). Follicles are

made up of a variety of cell types and numbers depending on their maturation

level, which is defined by their size. A surge of luteinizing hormone (LH) secreted

by the pituitary gland triggers follicle rupture and oocyte release after oocyte

maturation is achieved. Ovulation is the process of an oocyte developing and

being released. The follicle stays active and turns into a corpus luteum, which

secretes progesterone to ready the uterus for embryo implantation. Each month,

each ovary usually takes turns releasing eggs. This alternating egg release, on

the other hand, is completely random. The other ovary will begin to release eggs

each month whether one ovary is missing or inactive. (Rosner et. al., 2020)

Fallopian Tube

The fallopian tubes allow oocytes to pass from the ovaries into the uterine

cavity. The fimbriae are finger-like projections that help move the extracted

oocyte deeper into the tube—the fimbria transfer into the ampulla, the portion of

the tube with the widest lumen. When the lumen narrows and projects into the

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

uterus, the ampulla transforms into the isthmus. The tube then enters the uterus

and becomes the interstitial part. (Foti et. al., 2016)


The uterus, commonly known as the "womb," is a hollow organ that

receives, retains, and nourishes a fertilized embryo. It is situated in the pelvis

between the urinary bladder and the rectum. It's about the size and form of peach

for people who have never been pregnant. The uterus grows enormously in size

during birth, and pregnant women can feel it just past the umbilicus in the later

stages (Marieb & Keller, 2018).

The broad ligament suspends the uterus in the pelvis and anchors it

anteriorly. Additionally, it attaches posteriorly with the round ligament, made up of

fibro-muscular connective tissue. The circular ligament begins at the cornu of the

uterus and crosses the pelvis through the deep inguinal ring, then traverses the

inguinal canal and reaches the labia majora, where its fibers merge into the mons

pubis. The uterosacral ligament is connected to the uterine cervix anteriorly.

They are bound to the sacral vertebrae from behind (Chaudhry & Chaudhry,


JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

The uterus performs its role as the embryo grows inside the uterus during

pregnancy. It also plays a role in sexual response since it controls blood supply

to the external genitalia and pelvis. The uterus' reproductive function involves

accepting an already fertilized ovum from the fallopian tube to travel through the

utero-tubal junction. It then undergoes implantation into the endometrium, where

it grows solely by obtaining nourishment from blood vessels. The process

continues with developing the placenta bonding to the uterus' walls where the

embryo grows before childbirth.

Physiologic Changes in the Uterus

The uterus' shape varies dramatically in response to different factors such

as estrogen intake, menstrual cycle changes, and contractions. In terms of

menstrual cycle improvements, the uterine endometrium steadily thickens during

menstruation and is thickest throughout the secretory process. The outer

myometrium's signal strength improved during the secretory process, with the

peak signal intensity found in the mid-secretory phase, likely due to the

edematous myometrium. T2WI reveals a distinct presence in people using oral

contraceptives (OCs). (Kido & Togashi, 2016)

In comparison to the thinning of the endometrium, which can be seen on

ultrasound, the junctional region thickens, while the myometrium thickens and

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

shows a brighter signal on T2WI relative to standard uterine photographs.

Patients who take gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) analogs have a

reduced uterus, indicating myometrial and endometrial atrophy. As the GnRH

analog is consumed, the signal amplitude of the myometrium decreases as well.

Following NACT, both the uterine and ovarian sizes, as well as the signal

strength of the myometrium, decline to levels close to those observed in post-

menopausal women.

Another form of myometrial contraction known as uterine peristalsis

occurs in a non-gravid myometrium. On the ultrasound, uterine peristalsis is

defined as rhythmic and subtle wave-like endometrial motions consistent with

inner myometrium contractions. The frequency, height, and orientation of the

peristaltic waves have been observed to change during the menstrual cycle or in

response to hormonal changes. During the mid-cycle, for example, contractions

are normally retrograde (cervix to fundus) and anterograde (cervix to fundus)

during menstruation.


The vagina is a fibromuscular tubular structure that runs from the vulvar

vestibule to the uterine cervix and is flexible. The introitus is the distal vagina.

The anterior vagina touches the posterior bladder wall, while the anterior rectum

touches the posterior vagina. (Rosner et. al., 2020)

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences


The labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, vulvar vestibule, urethral meatus,

and vaginal orifice are all parts of the external female genitalia that make up the

vulva. The mons pubis is formed by the labia majora and minora fusing anteriorly

(a layer overlying the pubic symphysis). The urethra and vaginal openings are in

the vulvar vestibule, which is situated medial to the labia minora. Bartholin’s

glands open lateral to the vaginal opening. (Rosner et. al., 2020)


The cervix is the uterus's lower third. It forms the uterus' neck and opens

into the vaginal canal (which is also called the endocervical canal). The cervix is

about an inch long and an inch wide. It is mostly made up of muscle tissue and

plays only a small role except during pregnancy or when a medical condition

arises. The os refers to the narrow opening of the cervix. During menstruation,

the cervical os helps the flow of menstrual blood out of the vagina. Cervical

mucus is produced from the cervix. Through the menstrual period, the cervical

mucus changes consistency. The cervix develops a lot of clear mucus during the

period of greatest fertility, which aids in pregnancy. (Cornforth, T. 2020)

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

Normal trophoblast cell development

Fetal trophoblast cells are important for embryo implantation into the

uterus and are major components of the placenta that maintain proper fetal

growth and development. During placental growth, the trophectoderm quickly

spreads and begins to divide into both villous cytotrophoblasts and invasive extra

villous trophoblast (EVT) and syncytiotrophoblasts. Proliferating cytotrophoblasts

produce columns to bind to the maternal decidua at the tips of anchoring villi, and

differentiating EVT cells penetrate the maternal tissues, across the decidua, and

as far as the inner third of the myometrium. As trophoblast cells differentiate from

villous to extravillous, they continue to express HLA-G inside the trophoblast cell


EVT cells invade the maternal tissues through two major pathways:

interstitial and endovascular, though there is some evidence for endoglandular

invasion as well. Endovascular EVT cells infiltrate the spiral arteries, retrograde

to flow, and block the artery openings, resulting in a hypoxic condition for the

developing embryo and placenta for the first 10 weeks of gestation. Interstitial

EVT cells move into the myometrium by breaking down the extracellular matrix

and passing into the cleared spaces in a strongly controlled manner. One of the

most important roles of invading interstitial EVT cells is to remodel the uterine

spiral arteries, enabling sufficient blood flow to the maternal–placental interface.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

Interstitial EVT cells can also terminally distinguish by becoming noninvasive

multinucleated giant cells, though the process by which these cells form remains


In addition to differentiating into EVT cells, cytotrophoblast cells combine

with the syncytiotrophoblast to replenish expended nuclei and organelles that are

shed as apoptotic bodies known as syncytial knots, though the extent with which

this happens is debatable. The syncytiotrophoblast is needed for the exchange of

gas and nutrients through the placenta to and from the developing fetus. (Ning et

al., 2019)

Role of Placenta in Pregnancy

In research from Weinberg (2021), The placenta is essential for the fetus's

health and growth, as it transports oxygen and nutrients, facilitates waste

disposal, and acts as a buffer against pathogens and other hazardous

substances in the maternal bloodstream. When these mechanisms fail to operate

normally, pregnancy complications including preeclampsia and fetal growth

restriction may occur.The placenta is the developing fetus's heart, lungs, kidneys,

and immune system, and it plays an important role in the development of the

pregnancy. The placenta guarantees that the fetus gets enough oxygen and

nutrients, eliminates waste, and modifies the maternal immune system to prevent

the fetus from being rejected. It functions as a pathogen shield and reacts to the

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

maternal environment. Failure of the placenta to perform these functions results

in negative, often life-threatening consequences. Whereas the placenta is

discarded once the birth is over, the effects of placental dysfunction will be felt by

both mother and child for a long time. The placenta's primary purpose is to

ensure that a constant flow of maternal blood is carried into close proximity to the

fetal blood, allowing for effective oxygen, nutrient, and waste exchange between

the fetal and maternal circulations. The forming placenta must do three things to

accomplish this exchange: (1) implant into the uterine wall, (2) modify the

incoming maternal spiral arteries so that blood flow delivery is enhanced to

improve capacity but decrease flow rate, and (3) create specialized structures

called villous trees to increase the surface area for exchange to occur.

Furthermore, the placenta must be able to double in size during

pregnancy to meet the fetus's growing needs. The placenta acts as a buffer

between the maternal and fetal circulations, regulating the flow of circulating

molecules by transporters at the placenta-blood interface. The placenta is more

than just a passive channel for transmitting oxygen and nutrients from the mother

to the fetus and eliminating waste products; it is an active participant in

pregnancy. The placenta derives information about the maternal physiologic

state from circulating molecules in the maternal blood, as well as sending

information in the form of placental hormones and growth factors.The placenta

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

also emits molecules into the maternal and fetal circulations, such as cell-free

DNA and RNA, as well as a number of vesicles containing cargo including

microRNAs which can act at a distance.


Chromosomes are in the nucleus (the center) of the body's cells. In the

form of genes, they bear genetic material. Most of the cells in the body have 46

chromosomes grouped in 23 pairs. Each pair of chromosomes has one

chromosome inherited from your mother and the other chromosome inherited

from your father. Our genetic code is made up of 46 chromosomes. This code

decides our appearance, how our body works, whether we become male or

female, and whether we inherit and develop certain diseases. Reproductive cells,

such as eggs (ova) in women and sperm in males, have only 23 chromosomes.

This is so that when a sperm fertilizes an egg during natural conception, the

resulting infant has 46 chromosomes in each cell, 23 from their mother and 23

from their father. The fertilized egg (ovum) contains all the genetic material

required for reproduction. Any cells from the fertilized ovum (called trophoblast

cells) mature into the placenta and membranes that surround the developing

baby after fertilization. The embryo, from which the baby develops, is formed by

other cells. The trophoblast cells develop into and bind to the lining of the womb

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

(uterus) as the placenta grows, causing the fetus to implant in the uterus.

(Harding, 2016).

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences



This chapter presents the discussion on the research design of the study,

the respondents, the locale of the study, research instruments, and procedure of

data collection that were used for accurate data analysis and interpretation.

Research Design

The researchers utilized the descriptive method using a qualitative

approach to determine and analyze the respondent’s case. The researchers

opted to use a descriptive method to obtain first-hand data from the respondent

and to describe the nature of Gravida 3 Para 2 Pregnancy Uterine Hydatidiform

Mole, Partial concerning the respondent’s case. The use of the qualitative

approach is advantageous as it is flexible and involves the collection and

analysis of non-numerical data to understand concepts and formulate in-depth

insights into a problem (Bhandari, 2020).

Respondents and Locale

The respondent of the study was identified through the scope of the study

whose diagnosis falls under Gravida 3 Para 2 Pregnancy Uterine Hydatidiform

Mole, Partial. The study was conducted at a Tertiary Hospital in General Santos


JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

Research Instruments

In gathering the primary data and information relevant to the study, the

researchers observed and interviewed the respondent using a structured

interview form and performed a complete cephalocaudal assessment to the

patient. Secondary data were obtained from the doctors through interviews, and

through the patient's hospital records and charts.

Data Collection

The researchers' nursing program coordinator and clinical instructors

facilitated the request for permission in the hospital to conduct a research study.

A consent form was given to the respondent and the doctors which served as a

document proving that they have given their permission to participate in the

study. After signing the informed consent, data collection started by taking the

past and present health history of the patient. This was followed by a

cephalocaudal assessment to obtain the patient’s signs and symptoms and to

determine the patient’s overall condition. During the patient’s stay, the

researchers conducted an interview and direct observation to obtain subjective

data and recorded the answers by note-taking.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences



This chapter presents, analyzes, and interprets the Initial Data Base and

Nursing Health History, which consists of the patient's past and present health

records and activities of daily living. Also, this chapter presents the patient's

Physical Assessment, Pathophysiology of the disease, and Medical and Nursing

Management that was given during the hospital stay.

Initial Database

Demographic data

Name Patient A.B.

Age 41 years old

Birthday February 21, 1980

Place of Birth General Santos City

Address Polonuling, Tupi, South Cotabato

Sex Female

Civil Status Married

Religion Roman Catholic

Occupation Government Employee

Nationality Filipino

Educational Attainment College Graduate

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

Date of Admission April 25, 2021

Time of Admission 6:41AM

Chief Complaint Vaginal bleeding, nausea and vomiting,

abdominal discomfort

Admitting Diagnosis G3P2 PU Threatened Abortion vs.


Final Diagnosis Gravida 3 Para 2 Pregnancy Uterine

Hydatidiform Mole, Partial

Nursing Health History

A. Past and Present Health History

Past Health History

Patient A.B. was born on February 21, 1980, via normal spontaneous

vaginal delivery at General Santos City. She was the oldest among four siblings.

Her family was originally from Polonuling, Tupi, South Cotabato but in the year

2000, she moved and stayed in General Santos City because she went to

college there. Their family’s source of living was her father’s farm. Since their

home was close to the sea, her mother worked as a fish vendor.

According to Patient A.B., her father was on dialysis for two years and

died last 2010 due to Renal Failure. Her mother was diagnosed with Lung

Cancer after her father’s death and died last 2012. Patient A.B. claims that both

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

of her parents had high blood pressure and her father had diabetes which was

the cause of his kidney stones. Also, the second-born and third-born child in their

family has diabetes and high blood pressure, respectively. She stated that there

was no one in their family member who had cancer except for her mother.

Moreover, her mother had vices. Back then, her mother was a smoker as

evidenced by her verbalization, “Mga isang pack siguro sa isang araw. Bata pa

lang ako naninigarilyo na siya. Huminto siya noong nagcollege na ako”.

Patient A.B had her first menstruation when she was in fifth grade. She

was ten years old at that time. She claimed that she did not have any other

health issues besides heavy and irregular menstruation. She changed her

sanitary napkins about three times per day during her menstruation cycle and

doubled the sanitary napkin to prevent the menses from passing through. Her

menstrual cycle was inconsistent; her menstruation was delayed for about two

weeks up to two to three months. However, she did not seek any medical

attention from an OB-Gyne and just endured the abdominal pain during her

menstrual period.

According to Patient A.B, she loved to eat vegetables. She and her family

only eat meat every weekend because it was expensive. She also liked sweets.

Whenever there are birthdays, and other events, she drinks soft drinks.

Moreover, patient A.B claimed that she had no vices as evidenced by her

verbalization, "Wala naman. Dati, before ako ikinasal, umiinom lang ako kaunti.",

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

she drank a small amount of alcoholic beverages around two to three cups once

or twice a month occasionally.

Patient A.B completed her bachelor's degree in Marketing Management at

the age of 24. Right after she graduated her uncle employed her as a Local

Government Employee in Tupi. She got married in September 2014. Her

husband’s blood type is O+. Her husband originally lived in General Santos City,

but because no one else lives in their house in Polonuling, Tupi, they had

decided to stay there with their children for good. Patient A.B have two children.

On December 23, 2016, her oldest child was born, and her second child was

born on January 18, 2018, both at St. Elizabeth Hospital, Inc. Patient A.B stated

that in her first delivery she was admitted to the hospital one month prior to her

expected date of delivery (EDD) due to elevated blood pressure and she was

diagnosed with diabetes, so her doctor M.G., M.D. opted to deliver the baby via

cesarean section. According to Patient A.B., her doctor, M.G., M.D., informed her

that if she became pregnant again, it would still be through cesarean section.

Doctor M.G. then gave her an antihypertensive medication. She claimed that she

took her drug maintenance on a regular basis, which include Losartan 50mg 1

tab PO OD in the morning and Metformin 500mg 1 tab PO OD at night. Patient

A.B. had no history of allergies in dyes or shellfish and no blood reaction.

Right after her delivery, Patient A.B. stated that her menstrual cycle was

regular after her delivery than it had been in the past. However, she claimed that

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

three times a year her menstruation was delayed by two to three months.

Furthermore, she said that the abdominal pain only occurred once every two

months, yet it was painful within the first two days of menstruation.

Her last menstrual period (LMP) was on March 14, 2021, which was six

weeks prior to her admission. According to her she never suspected that she was

pregnant assuming that she was only delayed given that in her younger years

she was used to having delayed menstruation. She did not also notice that her

stomach had grown as evidenced by her verbalization, “Hindi talaga, kasi akala

ko delayed lang ang menstruation ko. Hindi ko rin napansin na lumalaki ang tiyan

ko kasi mataba na ako dati pa”.

Two weeks prior to admission, Patient A.B once felt nauseated upon

waking up. A week later, it happened once every two days. She claimed that she

was unable to seek the doctor last week because she did not have time. On April

25, 2021, the patient woke up at 5:45 AM nauseated and with abdominal

discomfort. When she got in the toilet, she saw that she had been bleeding

vaginally, with “dark, circular fragments or clots” coming out with the blood,

hence admission. On April 25, 2021, at 6:30 AM, she and her husband decided

to go to a tertiary hospital in General Santos City.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

Present Health History

On April 25, 2021 at 6:30 AM, Patient A.B was admitted to a Tertiary

Hospital in General Santos City with a chief complaint of vaginal bleeding,

nausea and vomiting, and abdominal discomfort. When she was asked about the

characteristics of her vaginal discharges, patient A.B. stated that when she got in

the toilet, she saw that she had been bleeding vaginally, with “dark, circular

fragments or clots'' coming out with the blood.

She underwent laboratory and radiologic tests such as chest X-ray PA,

HBsAg (qualitative), Blood Typing/Rh Typing, B-hCG, Urinalysis, and Complete

Blood Count. At 6am, vital signs were taken every 2 hours with ongoing IVF of #4

D5LR 1L at 25gtts/min, which will be due at 7:50AM later. The doctors also

ordered routine medication of Cefuroxime 750mg IVTT qH and Ketorolac

(Dyrolac) 30mg IVTT. At 6:50am, blood samples were drawn in the ER,

underwent chest x-ray and stat ultrasound of the whole abdomen before

transferring patient A.B to Obstetrical Ward. At 7am, lochia rubra is noted as well,

with fragments and mucus. Upon palpation, the fundus is 3 inches below the

umbilicus and feels firm. Patient’s lips and mucous membranes are pinkish but

dry, blood capillary refill is less than 2 seconds. Patient verbalized, “Masakit ang

likod ko sa may bandang baba.” Pain scale was 5/10. “Sumasakit kung

gumagalaw ako pero nakakaya ko rin naman ang sakit.”

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

At 9:15 am, the patient verbalized that she wanted to go to the comfort

room, but she still felt dizzy. The doctor also ordered an increased intake of liquid

to decrease her blood pressure. The doctor stated that her hCG levels still must

be checked to determine if the hCG levels are still high. If this is indeed high,

there is a possibility of malignancy. Otherwise, the physician declared a good

prognosis. If she will have her regular HCG and follow-up checkups after

discharge, malignancy, if there are any, may be detected immediately.

B. Activities of Daily Living

Date of Interview: April 26, 2021

1. Health Perception/Health Management

Before Hospitalization

The patient did not get sick but every time she felt pain due to

dysmenorrhea, she drank Buscopan to ease the pain. She could not go to the

hospital even when she was vomiting due to lack of time and she also did not

feel that she was pregnant. No one monitored her blood pressure at home, but

she still took her maintenance drugs such as Losartan 50mg 1 tab OD and

Metformin 500mg 1 tab OD.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

During Hospitalization

The patient took every medication that was given to her especially when the

nurse explains the purpose and use of these drugs.

2. Nutrition and Metabolism

Before Hospitalization

Sometimes, patient A.B cannot take her breakfast when she is at work.

She was fond of eating vegetables, especially ampalaya and kangkong that she

always bought in the office canteen. They usually eat meat such as pork and

chicken for dinner. Usually, when they are busy at work, she states that she can

just finish one and a half-liter of water, and in line with this, she does not drink

any soft drinks or juices.

During Hospitalization

Patient A.B eats what she can tolerate as indicated on the doctor’s order that

the patient is on DAT.

3. Elimination

Before Hospitalization

The patient does not experience pain when urinating and the urine was

usually light in color. She urinates every break time. Sometimes, she felt pain

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Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

when eliminating waste, especially when there was pain in her abdomen, and

she only eliminates waste once every two days as verbalized by the patient.

During Hospitalization

She does not feel any pain when urinating and she is not used to wearing

a diaper. She could not go to the comfort room as she still feels dizzy, and the

doctor also ordered for bed rest.

4. Activity and Exercise

Before Hospitalization

Since Patient A.B. had worked as a Local Government Employee at Tupi

and was busy during her spare time, she did not exercise at home. She was the

one who prepared food for their children in the morning and took care of

household responsibilities such as washing dishes, doing laundry, and ironing.

She did not get tired easily. After doing household chores, she would watch

movies or visit their next-door neighbor to chat.

During Hospitalization

Patient A.B. is on bed rest.

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Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

5. Sleep and Rest

Before Hospitalization

Patient A.B. slept around 10:00 or 11:00 in the evening and woke up at

4:00 in the morning, attaining approximately 6 to 7 hours of sleep during working

days. During the weekend she woke up at 5:30 in the morning, attaining

approximately 7 to 8 hours of sleep. She often slept for 1 or 2 hours after doing

household chores. Their home was humid, so she would turn on the air

conditioner to sleep comfortably.

During Hospitalization

Patient A.B was able to sleep last night due to the side effect of

anesthesia, the side effect is that she was exhausted. She is not at ease

because she had a lot of tubes hanging from her body. She only wakes up when

the nurse comes to her room. She also cannot sleep with the lights turned on.

6. Cognition

Before Hospitalization

Patient A.B could see clearly without eyeglasses. She could speak and

understand Tagalog, English, Bisaya, and Ilonggo.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

During Hospitalization

Patient A.B, can talk and is focused as evidenced by her verbalization,

““Ako si A.B. Andito ako sa hospital, sa OB ward. Ang oras ngayon ay 11am.”,

“Naiintindihan ko naman ang ineexplain sa akin ng doctor at mga nurse.”

7. Self-Perception and Self-Concept

Before Hospitalization

Patient A.B.’s goal in life was to provide her children a decent life. If she

suspected that her children were having issues, she spoke to them right away.

Similarly, whenever a problem arose in their household, she immediately sought

out his husband to resolve the situation. They fought sometimes, but they

eventually found a solution to resolve their family problem.

During Hospitalization

Patient A.B. is unable to decide on her own in terms of medical matters

and depends on her husband as evidenced by her verbalization, “Nahihirapan

akong gumawa ng desisyon kung medical na ang pinag-uusapan, kaya talagang

kailangan ko munang kausapin ang asawa ko”.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

8. Roles and Relationship

Before Hospitalization

Patient A.B. had a lot of friends, and she was close to her office staff and

even her children. If her colleagues, coworkers, or children had an issue or

problem, she was the one they run to. She had a successful relationship with

both her children and husband because whenever there was an issue or problem

that may arose in their family, they resolved it immediately. She was a serious

individual who also knew how to socialize with her friends, office staff, and she

was familiar with most of the residents in Polonuling, Tupi because she grew up

there. Moreover, whenever she had the time, she went to her neighborhood

which is her college best friend to chat.

During Hospitalization

Patient A.B. claimed that before she entered the OR her neighbor and co-

office staff visited her. Her children were unable to visit her in the hospital

because they were not allowed yet, after her operation, they were able to talk via

videocall. Only her husband was watching over her.

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Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

9. Sexuality

Before Hospitalization

Patient A.B. did not use any forms of contraception. She assumed that

she is in the menopausal stage since her last menstrual period (LMP) was on

March 14, 2021, which was six weeks prior to her admission.

During Hospitalization

Patient A. B’s husband is present at her bedside to watch over her and

leaves only when it is necessary such as to buy their food or medications.

10. Coping and Stress Tolerance

Before Hospitalization

According to Patient A.B, despite having a lot of office workload, she

claimed that she still finds a way to finish their papers in the office within the day

because cramming would trigger her stress. She was stressed at home because

she was always the one who does the household chores. She tends to raise her

voice to her children at times, but she eventually understands them because she

knows they have their own needs that she needs to sustain.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

During Hospitalization

Patient A.B gives her full trust in the doctors and nurses, and she still

imagines her family by her side.

11. Values and Beliefs

Before Hospitalization

Patient A.B. was a Roman Catholic. They went to church in their barrio

every Sunday with her husband and children. She prayed every night and asked

God to bless her family. She constantly asks her children to pray first before


During Hospitalization

Patient A.B prayed hard to God before she was brought to the hospital.

Even now she still thanks God that nothing bad happened to her. While waiting

for the pending laboratory results, she believes that God will not leave her, and

everything will be okay.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

Physical Assessment

A. General Survey

Date: April 26, 2021

1. Appearance

Received lying on bed in semi-Fowler's position, awake, conscious, and

coherent. With an IVF of #4 D5LR 1L at 25 gtts/min hooked at the left metacarpal

vein, patent, and intact. IVF level of 90cc is noted. With Oxygen inhalation of

2L/min via nasal cannula. Lochia rubra is noted as well, with fragments and

mucus. Upon palpation, the fundus feels firm and is located 3 inches below the

umbilicus. Patient’s lips and mucous membranes are pinkish but dry, blood

capillary refill is less than 2 seconds. Patient verbalized, “Masakit ang likod ko sa

may bandang baba.” Pain scale was 5/10. “Sumasakit kung gumagalaw ako pero

nakakaya ko rin naman ang sakit.” Fingernails are clean and well-trimmed, but

the toenails are dirty and untrimmed. Skin is warm to touch and has good skin


2. Mental Status

Patient A.B. had a Glasgow Coma Scale score of 15. A score of 15 is

interpreted as in mild condition wherein the patient opens her eyes

spontaneously, scored as 4; when asked, she correctly stated her name, place,

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Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

and date as a verbal response, scored as 5; and obeys command as a motor

response, scored as 6.

3. Vital Signs upon Admission Date: April 25, 2021

Patient’s Vital Signs Results Normal Range

Temperature 37.2 °C 36.5°C-37.5°C

Pulse rate 113 bpm 60-100 bpm

Respiratory rate 23 cpm 12-20 cpm

Blood Pressure 130/90 mmHg Systolic: 84 - 120

Diastolic: 54 - 80

Oxygen Saturation 97% 96%-100%

4. Vital Signs upon Assessment Date: April 26, 2021

Patient’s Vital Signs Results Normal Range

Temperature 36.5 °C 36.5°C-37.5°C

Pulse rate 91 bpm 60-100 bpm

Respiratory rate 20 cpm 12-20 cpm

Blood Pressure 120/90 mmHg Systolic: 84 - 120

Diastolic: 54 - 80

Oxygen Saturation 99% 96%-100%

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

B. Cephalocaudal Assessment

Date: April 26, 2021

1. Skin

The patient’s skin is uniform in color, without the presence of any foul

odor. Skin returns to normal after pinching and no swelling found. Skin is warm to

touch. There is loose skin at the abdominal area and scar from caesarean

section found in the hypogastric region.

2. Hair and Scalp

The hair of the patient is black, thick, oily, and silky. Hair is evenly

distributed and there are no signs of infection and infestation observed.

3. Nails

Fingernails are clean and well-trimmed, but the toenails are dirty and

untrimmed. It is hard, firm, and smooth. Nail plates are firmly attached to nail

beds. Capillary refills in less than 2 seconds and skin returns to normal after

pinching. No lesions, bleeding, and pain was noted.

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Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

4. Head and Neck

The head of the patient is round; normocephalic and symmetrical. There

are no nodules or depressions and masses upon palpation. Her face is round,

smooth, and symmetrical. Temporal artery is nontender and elastic. Neck is

symmetric with centered head position without the presence of bulging masses

and lesions. Has a full range of motion of the neck, smooth, controlled, and with

no discomfort. Can resist when force is applied. Trachea is in the central midline

of the neck.

5. Eyes

The patient’s external eye assessment shows eyeballs are symmetrical in

size and position, eyeballs are in the same plane as eyebrow and maxilla, each

upper lid covers upper portion of cornea when patient is looking straight, eye

lashes span outwards, the edge of the lids are in apposition to eyeballs, small

lachrymal gland is recognizable, and hair distribution in eyebrows is in its entire

length. On PERRLA’s test, the patient’s eyes when light is flashed to the right

eye, the right eye constricted and when light is flashed to the left eye, the left eye


JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

6. Ears

Ears are equal in size bilaterally with no swelling and thickening upon

inspection. Skin is intact, smooth with no lumps, lesions, and nodules. The pinna

and tragus are firm, no pain felt, and when palpating the mastoid process is

painless. Auricles are symmetrical, aligned with the corner of each eye, and have

the same color with facial skin. No discharge, swelling, and redness.

7. Nose

Nose appears symmetric, smooth, straight, and uniform in color with the

facial skin, and proportion to the other facial features. There was no presence of

discharge and no nasal flaring is noted.

8. Mouth

Patient’s lips are pinkish but dry. The buccal mucosa of the patient

appeared as uniformly pale pink; moist, soft, and without exudates. Gums are

pink without swelling or redness. No retraction of gums. There are 32 yellowish

teeth present and the dental cavity was noted at the upper first molar. The

tongue is centrally positioned midline with no tremors. It is pink in color, moist

and smooth. Equal bilateral strength in tongue. The smooth palates are smooth

and pink in color while the hard palate has a more irregular texture. The uvula of

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Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

the client is positioned in the midline of the soft palate. Tonsillar pillars are pink

and symmetric.

9. Neck

Neck is symmetric with centered head position without the presence of

bulging masses and lesions. Has a full range of motion of the neck, smooth,

controlled with no discomfort and can resist when force is applied. Trachea is in

the central midline of the neck. Thyroid glands are not visible but palpable when

swallowing. Lymph nodes are nonpalpable. No enlargement and inflammation


10. Chest and Lungs

The patient had no history of smoking, anterior and posterior chest have

intact skin and equal chest expansion. Resonance is percussed and auscultated

in the posterior and anterior thorax. Lesions, masses, and abnormal inspiratory

retraction of the interspaces are not observed as the thorax is inspected. Chest

excursion is noted to be symmetrical without lag and no adventitious sounds

noted. Skin color is the same with upper limbs and neck and sternum is midline.

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Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

11. Axillae

No inflamed lymph nodes, lumps or masses noted upon palpation.

12. Peripheral Vascular System

Patient’s peripheral pulses are all present and strong. No masses, no

tenderness, heart sounds are clear and strong. There were no reports of

shortness of breathing and chest pain. Veins are visible in the feet and varicose

veins are noted at the interior part of the calf.

13. Abdomen

Scar from caesarean section is noted in her hypogastric region and loose

skin from her previous pregnancy. Upon palpation, fundus is halfway the

symphysis pubis and umbilicus.

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Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

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Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

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Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

A molar pregnancy, otherwise called a Hydatidiform mole — is an

uncommon complication of pregnancy described by the unusual development of

trophoblasts, the cells that usually develop into the placenta. As the cells

degenerate, they are filled with liquid and show up as clear liquid-filled, grape-

sized vesicles. With this condition, the embryo fails to create a primitive start.

Such structures should be recognized because they are related to

choriocarcinoma, a rapidly metastasizing malignancy (Molar Pregnancy -

Symptoms and Causes, 2017). The rate of gestational trophoblastic sickness is

roughly 1 in every 1,500 pregnancies (Bruce & Sorosky, 2020).

In Patient A.B.'s case, one of the predisposing factors is her gestational

age, wherein women older than 35-year-old are at risk for this condition.

Furthermore, Patient A.B. is a 41-year-old woman, which makes her susceptible

to this disease. The patient also has an Asian heritage (Filipino). Although molar

pregnancy has no racial or ethnic preference, some studies show that Asian

countries have a 15 times higher rate of developing molar pregnancy than the

U.S. (Bruce & Sorosky, 2020). Furthermore, the patient experienced low protein

intake during her younger years because she only ate vegetables during

weekdays since meat is expensive. She also mentioned that her menstruation is

usually irregular. According to a research by Johnson (2019), irregular cycles can

lead to infertility if not checked by a physician or healthcare provider since this

might mean that a woman is not ovulating. Patients can be susceptible to

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

diseases that lead to health complications, including molar pregnancy. Although

molar pregnancy is a rare condition, there is still a possibility that a pregnant

woman can acquire this. Pregnancy is considered a precipitating factor because

hydatidiform moles cannot form without sperm cells penetrating the egg cell

through fertilization. Also, the patient's blood type is A. Some researchers state

that women with blood type A are more likely at risk for developing gestational

trophoblastic diseases, but the reason is still unknown (Gestational Trophoblastic

Disease - Risk Factors, 2021).

Fertilization has four stages, and the first is sperm preparation. During

this stage, the penetration of sperm into the egg occurs. Next is the sperm-egg

recognition binding. As the sperm penetrates the egg, it notices that the eggs are

empty, which makes it nonviable, leading to the entrance of multiple sperms. In

natural sperm-egg recognition binding, an egg needs only one sperm that should

bind to it. After that, a sperm-egg fusion and fusion of sperm and egg pronuclei

and activation of the zygote happens. In this stage, the two sperms fertilize the

egg. Typically, each sperm and egg cell contributes 23 (DNA pieces that hold our

genes) to produce a cell with 46 chromosomes (Gundersen & Shapiro, 2018).

When two sperm cells simultaneously fertilize an egg cell, the result is a partial

hydatidiform mole.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

Instead of the typical two sets of chromosomes, the fertilized egg has three

groups (69 chromosomes). An embryo with three sets of chromosomes cannot

develop naturally into a baby. Apart from that, a malformed fetus is born, along

with some typical placental tissue and a partial hydatidiform mole. Then,

trophoblastic development happens wherein excess trophoblast tissue grows into

abnormal masses that are usually benign but can sometimes become cancerous.

In the case of Patient A.B., she was diagnosed with partial hydatidiform

mole wherein the fertilized egg contains the normal maternal DNA but double the

number of paternal DNA. This is because the embryo only partially develops and

does not become a viable fetus. In partial hydatidiform mole, some chorionic villi

are formed. Because this is a partial molar pregnancy, there is a fetal tissue

development, unlike with the complete hydatidiform mole where fetal tissue is

absent. In this condition, there is no infant development because it is miscarried

early in the pregnancy. With Patient A.B.'s case, the fetus did not survive

because of incomplete implantation and a high hCG level of 240,516 mIU/ mL.

Typically, the hCG level in her status should only range from 1,080-56,500


Before admission, the patient experienced some signs and symptoms of

Partial Hydatidiform Mole. These are pelvic pain, vaginal bleeding, elevated

blood pressure caused by vaginal bleeding, and nausea and vomiting due to an

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Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

abnormal rise in hCG levels. Her bleeding also led to anemia and its signs and

symptoms. On the other hand, her red blood cells count in the laboratory test are

within the normal range. That is why it cannot be a call for concern. During the

initial assessment, the patient rated her pelvic pain with a pain scale of 5/10, and

her blood pressure was 130/80 mmHg. Because of early diagnosis and proper

treatment, Partial Hydatidiform Mole (Molar Pregnancy) can be curable and has a

lesser chance of developing into malignancies.

With the rare chance of developing into malignancy or death, non-

pharmacologic and pharmacologic measures are administered to the patient to

attain an excellent prognosis. Partial Hydatidiform Mole is managed through non-

pharmacological interventions: Chest X-ray, HBsAg test, blood typing, Beta-hCG

test, Complete Blood Count, Urinalysis, Antigen swab, Pelvic ultrasound,

Pregnancy test (serum), Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (aPTT), Partial

Thromboplastin Time (PTT) with INR, Biopsy, Direct Anti-globulin Test, and

Dilatation and Curettage.

For the Pharmacologic Interventions: Cefuroxime 750mg IVTT, Ketorolac

30mg IVTT, Losartan, Metphormine 500 mg/tab, FeSO4, Nalbuphine,

Diphenhydramine, Paracetamol, Methylergonovine Maleate were administered

as ordered by the physician. Since the patient was feeling good and there were

no complications during and after the medical procedures, the physician noted

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Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

that the patient’s prognosis was good. Also, because it was detected earlier and

interventions were administered on time, partial hydatidiform mole can be easily


If it is not appropriately cured and discovered late in pregnancy,

Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia can transpire where there is a constant

growth of abnormal placental tissue. Also, it can turn into an invasive mole where

molar cells spread to other organs. Lastly, it can be cancerous and turn into

Gestational Choriocarcinoma, leading to the patient's death if complications


Medical Nursing Management

A. Medical Management

The patient arrived via wheelchair from Tupi, South Cotabato to a tertiary

hospital at General Santos City. She was admitted at the Obstetric Ward with an

initial diagnosis of G3P2 PU Threatened Abortion vs. Hydatidiform mole.

Chest X-Ray

The posteroanterior (PA) chest view examines the organs, tissues, and

bony structures of the thoracic cavity. It is used to diagnose conditions relating to

organs of the thoracic cavity. Also, it is used to detect pneumoperitoneum or

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Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

intraperitoneal gas in patients with acute abdominal pain as it serves as the most

sensitive plain radiograph (Er, A. et al., 2020).

HbsAg (Qualitative) Test

HbsAg qualitative test detects the presence of hepatitis B surface antigen

in human serum or plasma. HbsAg is present on the surface of a causative agent

(hepatitis B virus) of hepatitis B. HbsAg test is done to patients who undergo

blood transfusion as they are at risk of hepatitis B infection. It is also done to

patients who will undergo surgery (Abbott Laboratories, 2010).

Blood Typing/Rh Typing

Blood typing is a method which determines a person's type of blood and is

grouped according to the ABO blood typing system. Rh typing is done to identify

if the surface of RBCs contains Rh factor. These are done to ensure that the

person can safely donate a blood or receive a blood transfusion (Bethesda,


Beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (Beta-HCG) Test

Beta-Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (Beta-HCG) Test measures the level

of beta HCG present in the blood. Beta HCG is normally produced by the cells of

the developing placenta during pregnancy however high levels of beta HCG can

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Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

also be seen in certain tumors. This is done for the diagnosis of gestational

trophoblastic disease (Betz & Fane, 2020).

Complete Blood Count

Complete blood count evaluates the level of blood components such as

red blood cell, white blood cell, platelets, hematocrit, and hemoglobin. Abnormal

increase or decrease in level may indicate underlying medical conditions such as

anemia and infection (Complete blood count (CBC), 2020).


Urinalysis is a diagnostic test that detects the presence of diseases.

Urinalysis includes inspection of the color, clarity, specific gravity, and pH of the

urine and presence of glucose and albumin in the urine (Urinalysis, 2019).

Antigen Swab Test

Antigen swab test is a diagnostic test for viral infection. It is an

immunoassay which detects the presence or absence of viral proteins (Centers

for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2020).

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Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

Pregnancy Test (Serum)

Serum pregnancy tests measure human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

which is produced after implantation by placental synctiotrophoblasts. Positive

result indicates that the woman is pregnant however there are cases of false-

positive result which may indicate a woman has hCG-producing tumor (Betz, D.

& Fane, K., 2020).

Pelvic Ultrasound

Pelvic ultrasound is a noninvasive procedure which assesses the

structures and organs within the female pelvis. It produces images which allows

visualization of uterus, ovary, and other pelvic organs and structures (John

Hopkins Medicine, N/A).

Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (aPTT)

Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time is a screening test that determines

the number of seconds a clot is formed in a sample of blood after an activator

(reagents) are added which speeds up the clotting time and results in a narrow

reference range. It is also used to determine the patient’s response to heparin

therapy (Prothrombin Time and International Normalized Ratio (PT/INR), 2019).

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Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

Partial Thromboplastin Time with International Normalized Ratio

The partial thromboplastin time is a test that evaluates a person’s ability to

appropriately form blood clots. The PTT assesses the amount and the function of

certain proteins in the blood called coagulation or clotting factors that are an

important part of blood clot formation. It may be ordered along with an

international normalized ratio to monitor individuals who are being treated with

the blood-thinning medication (anticoagulant) warfarin (Prothrombin Time and

International Normalized Ratio (PT/INR), 2019).


Biopsy is a procedure where cells or tissues are removed from the body to

be analyzed in the laboratory to check for damage or disease (Bethesda, 2017).

Direct antiglobulin test

The direct antiglobulin test is used primarily to determine if the antibodies

attached to RBCs are the cause of hemolytic anemia and to investigate a blood

transfusion reaction (Karp, J., et al., 2020).

Dilatation and Curettage

Dilation and curettage is a medical procedure wherein the cervix is dilated

and endometrial lining is scraped to diagnose and treat abnormal or excessive

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Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

uterine bleeding (Todd, 2020).

B. Laboratory Results

1. RADIOLOGIC REPORT – 4/25/21- 7:00 AM

Chest PA

The patient is free from any problems in the lungs and heart. No other

significant findings.


• Essentially negative chest radiograph


I. HbSAg (qualitative)- 4/25/21- 6:50 AM

Result: Nonreactive

No hepatitis B surface antigen was found.

II. Blood Typing/ Rh Typing- 4/25/21 6:50AM



JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

III. B-HCG (stat)- 4/25/21- 6:50AM

Result: 240,516 mIU/ mL

The B-HCG result of the patient is higher compared to the normal result in

her case which is 1,080-56,500 mIU/ml. This is also one of the bases why the

patient is diagnosed with H-mole because high B-HCG means that there is a

molar pregnancy.

IV. Complete Blood Count

Table 1
Complete blood count upon admission on April 25, 2021 (6:50AM)



Hemoglobin 11 g/dl 11.6 – Low hemoglobin count indicates

15.8 that the body's tissues have an

(g/dL) insufficient oxygen supply.

Hematocrit 35.2% 36% - The hematocrit level of the patient

48% is slightly below the normal range.

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Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

Erythrocytes 4.0 4.5 – 5.5 Low RBC count may trigger a

vitamin B6, B12, or folate

deficiency. Internal bleeding, renal

failure, or malnutrition (when a

person's food lacks adequate

foods to satisfy their body's needs)

signify low RBC count.

RBC Indices

MCV 82 fL 78 – 90 fL MCV is within the normal range

MCH 29.3 pg 27 – 32 The MCH is within the normal

pg range

MCHC 32.7 g/dL 30 – 38 The patient’s MCHC is within the

g/dL normal range

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

Leukocytes 9.78×103/uL 3.6 - 9.0 The leukocytes of the patient are

(WBC) (×103/uL) higher than the normal range and

increased White blood cells

indicate an infection or due to the

physiologic stress induced by the

pregnant state.



Segmented 0.80 2.0 – 7.0 The neutrophils of the patient are

Neutrophils x109 low and low neutrophils can

indicate the presence of an


Lymphocytes 0.07 1.0 – 3.0 The lymphocytes of the

x109 patient are low. Low lymphocyte

levels indicate that the body has a

problem in fighting off infection.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

Monocytes 0.11 0.2 – 1.0 The monocytes of the patient are

x109 within the normal range.

Eosinophil 0.01 0.02 – 0.5 The patient's eosinophil count is

x109 low, and this can indicate that an

illness or infection is not

adequately isolated or controlled.

Basophil 0.02 – 0.1


Platelet 297.00(×109/uL 120 – 400 The patient’s platelet count is

Count (×109/uL) within the normal range.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

V. Complete Blood Count

Table 2
Complete blood count on April 25, 2021 (11:40PM), Post-BT



Hemoglobin 11.8 g/dl 11.6 – The patient’s hemoglobin count is

15.8 within normal limits. This indicates

(g/dL) that her body has enough oxygen.

Hematocrit 35.7% 36% - A hematocrit that is lower than

48% normal can signify a lack of healthy

red blood cells (anemia)

Erythrocytes 4.2 4.5 – 5.5 Low RBC count may trigger a

vitamin B6, B12, or folate

deficiency. Internal bleeding, renal

failure, or malnutrition (when a

person's food lacks adequate foods

to satisfy their body's needs)

signify low RBC count.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

RBC Indices

MCV 83 fL 78 – 90 fL MCV fluctuates in proportion to

the total size of red blood cells.

MCH 28.4 pg 27 – 32 The patient’s MCH result is within

pg normal range.

MCHC 33.5 g/dL 30 – 38 The patient’s MCHC is within

g/dL normal limits.

Leukocytes 10.21×103/uL 3.6 - 9.0 Increased White blood cells

(WBC) (×103/uL) indicate an infection or due to the

physiologic stress induced by the

pregnant state.



Segmented 0.81 2.0 – 7.0 Low neutrophils can indicate the

Neutrophils x109 presence of an infection.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

Lymphocytes 0.08 1.0 – 3.0 Low lymphocyte levels indicate that

x109 the body has a problem in fighting

off infection.

Monocytes 0.11 0.2 – 1.0 Low monocytes show that the body

x109 has a decreased overall white

blood cell count.

Eosinophil 0.01 0.02 – 0.5 Eosinophils fight diseases linked

x109 with allergens and infectious

microorganisms. Low eosinophil

count can indicate that an illness or

infection is not adequately isolated

or controlled.

Basophil 0.02 – 0.1


Platelet 263.00(×109/uL 120 – 400 Platelet count is within normal

Count (×109/uL) range.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences


Table 3
Urinalysis result on April 25, 2021 (7:02AM)



Urine Amber Yellowish The urine color is within the normal range

Color yellow to amber

Urine Clear Clear The urine clarity is within the normal range.


Glucose Negative Negative There is no glucose noted in the urine of the

patient which is a normal finding

Albumin Negative Negative No albumin was noted which means that the

patient’s kidney is healthy.

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Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

Mucus Few Few The mucus threads are within the normal

Threads range.

Sq. Rare Rare There is a rare squamous epithelial cell seen

Epithelial in the urine which means that the result is

Cells normal.

Red 2-5/HPF 4 HPF There are 2-5 HPF RBC noted in the

Blood patient’s urine which means that there is a

Cells possible infection l,m[because RBC

shouldn’t be seen the urine except only if the

patient is having menstruation and in the

case of our patient, she is experiencing

vaginal bleeding which means that RBC in

the urine is a normal finding.

White 2-5/HPF 2-5/HPF The WBC of the patient is in the normal

Blood range.


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Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

pH 5.5 4.5-8 The result shows a slight increase in the

amount of time that the blood can clot e pH

level of the patient’s urine is within the range

which is 5.5 in which the normal range can

vary from 4.5-8.

Specific 1.005 1.005 The patient’s specific gravity is within the

Gravity normal range.

VII. Antigen Swab- 4/25/21- 6:50AM

Result: Negative

The patient is negative from SARS-CoV-2 virus.

VIII. Pelvic ultrasound (stat) - 4/25/21- 7:00AM


• Fetal demise (crowd rump length: 7mm) with placental hydropic change

and fetal hydropic regeneration.

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Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

• Greatly enlarged placenta relative with the size of the uterine cavity.

IX. Pregnancy Test (serum) - 4/25/21- 6:50AM



Table 4
Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time result on April 25, 2021 (9:15AM)

Examination Result Interpretation

Control time 30.2 This is the reference range of the patient’s APTT


Patient time 31.1 The result shows that there is a delay in the clotting

seconds factor of the patient’s blood

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Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences


Table 5
Partial Thromboplastin Time with INR result on April 25, 2021 (9:15AM)

Examination Result Interpretation

Control time 11.3 This is the reference range or baseline data of the

seconds patient’s PTT with INR

Patient time 11.4 The result shows a slight increase in the amount of

seconds time that the blood can clot

95.9% The % activity of the patient is within the normal

range which is 85%-100%.

% Activity

INR 0.98 The result for INR is within normal limits with a

normal range of 0.8-1.1.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

XII. B-HCG – 4/25/21- 9:25AM

RESULT: 96,463 mIU/m

The B-HCG decreased in the second test at 9:25. Although it is not yet in

the normal range, it still decreased.

XIII. Biopsy- 4/25/21- 1:40 PM

Specimen: uterine tissue

Gross Examination:

• Fetal/embryonic tissue: Present

• Hydropic swelling of villi: Focal

• Trophoblastic hyperplasia: Focal

• Implantation-site trophoblast: mild atypia

• Karyotype: Triploid


This is a case of a partial hydatidiform mole as it has a karyotype of

triploid genotypes derived from a haploid ovum which is fertilized by two sperm,

mild trophoblastic atypia and focal trophoblastic hyperplasia, focal chorionic

swelling, with the presence of embryonic tissue is also noted.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

C. Drug Studies

Date Doctor’s Order

April 25, 2021 Cefuroxime 750mg IVTT now then q8H ANST

April 25, 2021 Ketorolac (Dyrolac) 30mg IVTT q8H (1st dose given) x

3 doses then PRN for pain

April 25, 2021 Diphenhydramine 50mg IVTT pre-BT

April 25, 2021 Paracetamol (Naprex) 300mg IVTT pre-BT

April 26, 2021 Losartan 50mg/tab 1 tab PO OD qAM

April 26, 2021 Metformin 500mg/tab 1 tab PO OD qPM

April 26, 2021 FeSO4 1 tab OD now then OD ac AM

April 26, 2021 Nalbuphine (Nubain) 2mg SIVP q8 PRN for

breakthrough pain >7/10 or itchiness

April 26, 2021 Methylergonovine maleate (Methergine) 1 tab

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

1. Cefuroxime

Table 6
Drug study on Cefuroxime

Date ordered April 25, 2021 (9:10AM)

Doctor’s order Cefuroxime 750mg IVTT now then q8H ANST

Generic name Cefuroxime

Trade name Ceftin, Zinacef


Therapeutic: Anti-infectives

Pharmacologic: Second Generation Cephalosporins, Pregnancy

Category B

Actions Cefuroxime, like the penicillins, is a beta-lactam

antibiotic. By binding to specific penicillin-binding

proteins (PBPs) located inside the bacterial cell

wall, it inhibits the third and last stage of bacterial

cell wall synthesis. Cell lysis is then mediated by

bacterial cell wall autolytic enzymes such as

autolysins; it is possible that cefuroxime interferes

with an autolysin inhibitor.

Indications For the treatment of many different types of

bacterial infections such as bronchitis, sinusitis,

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

tonsillitis, ear infections, skin infections, gonorrhea,

and urinary tract infections.

Contraindications Contraindicated with allergy cephalosporin or

penicillin. Use cautiously with renal failure, lactation,


Interactions Tab: Lower bioavailability of drugs that reduce

gastric acidity. Lower estrogen reabsorption &

reduced efficacy of OCs.

Adverse effects CNS: seizures (high doses).

GI: Pseudomembranous colitis, diarrhea,

cramps, nausea, vomiting.

Derm: rashes, urticaria.

Hemat agranulocytosis, bleeding (increase with

cefotetan and cefoxitin), eosinophilia, hemolytic

anemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia.

Local: pain at IM site, phlebitis at IV site.

Misc: allergic reactions including anaphylaxis and

serum sickness, superinfection.

Nursing responsibilities 1. Before initiating therapy, perform skin

testing and obtain a history to determine

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

previous use of and reactions to penicillin or


2. Administer every 8hrs to maintain serum

levels and to prevent drug resistance.

3. Have vitamin K available in case

hypoprothrombinemia occurs.

4. Discontinue if hypersensitivity reaction


5. Instruct the patient to report signs of


Rationale Cefuroxime is given since the patient will undergo

dilation and curettage procedure and the patient is

at risk of infection. This medication is used to treat

or prevent bacterial infections.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

2. Ketorolac (Dyrolac)

Table 7
Drug study on Ketorolac

Date ordered April 25, 2021

Doctor’s order Ketorolac (Dyrolac) 30mg IVTT q8H (1st dose

given) x 3 doses then PRN for pain

Generic name Ketorolac

Trade name Dyrolac


Therapeutic: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Pharmacologic: Pyrrolizine carboxyclic acid

Actions Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity; inhibits

prostaglandins and leukotriene synthesis.

Indications Short-term management of pain of moderate to

severe acute post-op pain following the surgical

procedures associated with low risk of hemorrhage.

Contraindications Hypersensitivity to ketorolac, aspirin or other

NSAIDs. History of stroke (CVA), heart attack (MI),

CHF NYHA class II-IV, CABG, uncontrolled HTN.

Previous or active peptic ulceration. As prophylactic

analgesia before surgery & for intraoperative use;

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

post-op with high risk of hemorrhage.

Interactions Not be given in patients receiving anticoagulants or

requiring prophylactic anticoagulant therapy

including low-dose heparin. Increased risk of

ketorolac associated bleeding with other NSAIDs,

aspirin & oxypentifylline. Increased t1/2 & plasma

concentration with probenecid.

Adverse effects CNS: headache,dizziness, somnolence,

insomnia, fatigue, dizziness tinnitus,

ophthalmologic effects

Respiratory: rhinitis, hemoptysis, dyspnea.

GI: GI pain, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea

CNS: dizziness, fatigue, insomnia, headache

Hematologic: neutropenia, leukopenia,

decreased Hgb or Hct, bone marrow depression.

Dermatologic: sweating, dry mucous membrane,


Nursing responsibilities 1. Administer every 8 hours to maintain serum

levels and control pain.

2. Keep emergency equipment readily available

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

at time of initial dose, in case of severe

hypersensitivity reaction.

3. Before administering the drug first assess the

patient history (e.g., allergies, renal impairment,

etc.) and physical condition of the patient.

4. Monitor signs of GI bleeding, including

abdominal pain, vomiting blood, blood in stools,

or black, tarry stools. Report these signs to the

physician immediately.

5. Assess dizziness and drowsiness that might

affect gait, balance, and other functional activities.

Report balance problems and functional limitations

to the physician and caution the patient and

family/caregivers to guard against falls and trauma.

Rationale Ketorolac is given to manage moderate to severe

acute post-op pain since the patient undergoes

dilation and curettage procedure. This medication is

used to reduce pain and control swelling and


JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

3. Diphenhydramine

Table 8
Drug study on Diphenhydramine

Date ordered April 25, 2021

Doctor’s order Pre BT med: Diphenhydramine 50mg IVTT

Generic name Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride

Trade name


Therapeutic: Antihistamines

Pharmacologic: Histamine H1 antagonist

Actions Diphenhydramine acts as an inverse agonist at the

H1 receptor, thereby reversing effects of histamine

on capillaries, reducing allergic reaction symptoms.

Lastly, diphenhydramine acts as an intracellular

sodium channel blocker, resulting in local anesthetic

properties. Has atropine-like, antipruritic, and

sedative effects.

Indications Relief symptoms associated with perennial and

seasonal allergic rhinitis; vasomotor rhinitis; mild,

uncomplicated urticaria and angioedema; allergic

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

reactions to blood or plasma; adjunctive therapy in

anaphylactic reactions.

Contraindications Contraindicated if patient is allergic to

antihistamines, third trimester of pregnancy and if

patient is lactating.

Drug-drug: Possible increased and prolonged

anticholinergic effects with MAOIs. Risk for

increased sedation with alcohol, CNS

depressants; avoid this combination.

Drug-food: Increased risk of hepatotoxicity with


Adverse effects
CNS: Drowsiness, sedation, dizziness, disturbed

coordination, fatigue, confusion, restlessness,

excitation, nervousness, tremor, headache,

blurred vision, diplopia

CV: Hypotension, palpitations, bradycardia,

tachycardia, extrasystoles

GI: Epigastric distress, anorexia, increased

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

appetite and weight gain, nausea, vomiting,

diarrhea or constipation

GU: Urinary frequency, dysuria, urinary retention,

early menses, decreased libido, impotence

Hematologic: Hemolytic anemia, hypoplastic

anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia,

agranulocytosis, pancytopenia

Respiratory: Thickening of the bronchial

secretions, chest tightness, wheezing, nasal

stuffiness, dry mouth, dry nose, dry throat, sore


Others: Urticaria, rash, anaphylactic shock,

photosensitivity, excessive perspiration.

Nursing responsibilities 1. Monitor patient response, and arrange for

adjustment of dosage to lowest possible

effective dose

2. Instruct patient to report if there is DOB,

hallucinations, tremors, loss of coordination,

bleeding or bruising, visual disturbances, and

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Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

cardiac arrhythmias.

3. Educate patient that if drowsiness, dizziness,

constipation, stomach upset or blurred vision

may occur or worsen, report it right away to

the NOD or to the physician

Rationale Diphenhydramine is administered in the majority of

blood transfusions as a prophylaxis against fever.

This can also reduce the occurrence of FNHTR

(Febrile non-hemolytic transfusion reaction) to the


JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

4. Paracetamol (Naprex)

Table 9
Drug study on Paracetamol

Date ordered April 25, 2021

Doctor’s order Pre BT med: Naprex 300mg IVTT

Generic name Paracetamol

Trade name Naprex


Therapeutic: Analgesics and Antipyretics

Pharmacologic: Non-opioid analgesics and antipyretics

Actions Paracetamol exhibits analgesic action by peripheral

blockage of pain impulse generation. Reduces fever

because it produces antipyresis by inhibiting the

hypothalamic heat-regulating center. Its weak anti-

inflammatory activity is related to inhibition of

prostaglandin synthesis in the CNS.

Analgesic-antipyretic in patients with aspirin

allergy, hemostatic disturbances, bleeding

diathesis, upper GI disease, gouty arthritis

Arthritis and rheumatic disorders involving

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Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

musculoskeletal pain (but lacks clinically

significant antirheumatic and anti-inflammatory


Common cold, flu, other viral and bacterial

infections with pain and fever.

Unlabeled use: prophylactic for children receiving

DTP vaccination to reduce incidence of fever and


Contraindications Contraindicated if the patient is allergic to its

components and ingredients. Severe hepatic

impairment or active liver disease (IV).

Drug-drug: Decreased absorption with

cholestyramine. Decreased serum

concentrations with rifampicin and some

anticonvulsants (e.g., phenytoin, phenobarbital,

carbamazepine, primidone). Enhances the

anticoagulant effect of warfarin and other

coumarins with prolonged use. Increased

absorption with metoclopramide and

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

domperidone. Increased serum concentration

with probenecid. May increase serum

concentration of chloramphenicol.

Drug-food: Increased risk of hepatotoxicity with

alcohol. Decreased serum concentration with St

John’s wort.

Adverse effects
CNS: Headache

CV: Chest pain, dyspnea, myocardial damage

when doses of 5-8g/day are ingested daily for

several weeks or when doses of 4g/day are

ingested for 1 year

GI: Hepatic toxicity and failure, jaundice

GU: Acute renal failure, renal tubular necrosis

Hematologic: Methemoglobinemia-cyanosis;

hemolytic anemia-hematuria, anuria;

neutropenia, leukopenia, pancytopenia,

thrombocytopenia, hypoglycemia

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Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

Hypersensitivity: Rash, fever.

Nursing responsibilities 1. Discontinue drug if hypersensitivity reaction


2. Instruct patient to report rash, unusual

bleeding, or bruising, yellowing of the skin or

eyes, changes in voiding patterns.

3. Evaluate patient response to drug.

4. Patient should be cautioned not to take any

other products containing paracetamol

5. Instruct patient to report paleness,

weakness, and heartbeat skips.

6. instruct patient to report abdominal pain,

jaundice, dark urine, itchiness, or clay-

colored stools.

7. instruct patient to report pain that persists for

more than 3-5 days.

8. Instruct patient to report N&V. cyanosis,

shortness of breath and abdominal pain as

these are signs of toxicity.

Rationale The most common approach to reducing the

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

occurrence of FNHTR (Febrile non-hemolytic

transfusion reaction) and allergic reactions to blood

products is premedication with acetaminophen

which is also known as paracetamol.

5. Losartan

Table 10
Drug study on Losartan

Date ordered April 26, 2021

Doctor’s order Losartan 50mg/tab 1 tab PO OD qAM

Generic name Losartan

Trade name Cozaar


Therapeutic: Angiotensin II receptor antagonist

Pharmacologic: Antihypertensive

Actions It blocks vasoconstrictor, aldosterone-secreting

effects of angiotensin II, inhibiting binding of

angiotensin II to AT1 receptors.

Indications Losartan is widely used to treat hypertension and

heart failure, and to protect your kidneys if you have

both kidney disease and diabetes. It helps to

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

prevent strokes, heart attacks and kidney problems.

Contraindications Hypersensitivity to losartan, hypotension, mild to

moderate kidney impairment, hypovolemia,

hyperkalemia, pregnancy, renal failure.

Interactions 1. Taking losartan with other drugs that work in

the same way may increase your chance of

hypotension, hyperkalemia, and kidney


2. Using losartan with NSAIDs raises your risk

of kidney damage. NSAIDs may also reduce

the blood pressure-lowering effects of


3. Taking losartan with drugs that contain

potassium, potassium supplements, or salt

substitutes with potassium, can increase

your risk of hyperkalemia.

4. Risk of hypotension is increased if you take


Adverse effects Hypotension, tachycardia, diarrhea, stomach pain,

muscle cramps, dizziness, headache, sore throat,

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

fever, cough.

Nursing responsibilities 1. Monitor blood pressure, renal function (BUN

and serum creatinine [SCr]), and potassium


2. Monitor CBC, electrolytes, liver & kidney

function with long-term therapy.

3. Monitor daily patterns of bowel activity, stool


Rationale Losartan was given for its vasodilator effect which

causes a decrease in systemic vascular resistance

(SVR) and an increase in blood flow, resulting in a

reduction of blood pressure.

6. Metformin

Table 11
Drug study on Metformin

Date ordered April 26, 2021

Doctor’s order Metformin 500mg/tab 1 tab PO OD qPM

Generic name Metformin

Trade name Apo-Metformin, Fortamet, Glucophage, Glucophage

XR, Glumetza, Glycan, Riomet

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences


Therapeutic: Biguanide antihyperglycemic

Pharmacologic: Antidiabetic agent

Actions Decreases hepatic production of glucose;

Decreases intestinal absorption of glucose,

improves insulin sensitivity.

Indications Metformin lowers blood sugar levels by improving

the way the body handles insulin. It's usually

prescribed for diabetes when diet and exercise

alone have not been enough to control blood sugar


Contraindications Hypersensitivity to metformin, chronic heart failure,

metabolic acidosis, diabetic ketoacidosis, severe

renal disease, abnormal creatinine clearance

resulting from shock, myocardial infarction,


Interactions 1. Cationic medications (e.g., Digoxin,

Morphine, Quinine, Ranitidine, Vancomycin)

may increase concentration/effects.

2. Furosemide may increase concentration.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

Adverse effects Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea,

constipation, anorexia.

Nursing responsibilities 1. Monitor urine or serum glucose levels

frequently to determine effectiveness of drug

and dosage.

2. Assess for adverse reactions during therapy.

3. Assess for signs of hypoglycemia (tremors,

dizziness, anxiety, headache, tachycardia,


Rationale Metformin was given since the patient has a history

of diabetes. Metformin lowers blood sugar levels by

improving the way the body handles insulin.

7. FeSO4

Table 12
Drug study on Ferrous Sulfate

Date ordered April 26, 2021

Doctor’s order FeSO4 1 tab OD now then OD ac AM

Generic name Ferrous Sulfate

Trade name Slow FE, Fer-In-Sol, Feratab, Iron, Mol-Iron, Feosol


JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

Therapeutic: Antianemics

Pharmacologic: Oral Iron Bivalent

Actions Ferrous sulfate facilitates oxygen transport via

Hemoglobin concentration (Hb). It is used as an iron

source as it replaces iron found in Hb, myoglobin

and other enzymes.

Indications This medication is an iron supplement used to treat

or prevent low blood levels of iron (such as those

caused by anemia or pregnancy).

Contraindications Haemochromatosis, other iron overload syndromes.

Blood disorders (e.g., paroxysmal nocturnal

hemoglobinuria, hemolytic anemia, hemosiderosis,

other anemias); active peptic ulcer, regional

enteritis, and ulcerative colitis. Patient receiving

frequent blood transfusions. Concomitant parenteral

iron therapy.

Interactions 1. May decrease the absorption of

tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones (e.g.,

ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, ofloxacin),

bisphosphonates, levodopa, methyldopa,

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Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

penicillamine, entacapone and levothyroxine.

2. Reduced absorption with antacids, products

containing zinc, magnesium, calcium,

phosphorus, and trientine. Cholestyramine

binds iron to the gastrointestinal tract thus

preventing its absorption.

3. Delayed plasma clearance with


4. Decreased absorption with tea, coffee, milk,

eggs, and whole grains.

Adverse effects Gastrointestinal disorders: Gastrointestinal irritation,

nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, diarrhea,

constipation, blackening of stool, tooth

discoloration, abdominal discomfort.

Immune system disorders: Hypersensitivity

Nursing responsibilities 1. Give on an empty stomach if possible

because oral iron preparations are best

absorbed then (i.e., between meals).

Minimize gastric distress if needed by giving

with or immediately after meals with

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Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

adequate liquid.

2. Monitor Hb and hematocrit during therapy.

3. Monitor bowel movements as constipation is

a common adverse effect.

4. Inform patient of the side effects such as iron

preparations cause dark green or black

stools and may cause constipation.

Rationale FeSO4 is given to the patient to raise erythrocytes

level since the RBC lab results revealed to be 4.2

which are still low even after the PRBC


8. Nalbuphine (Nubain)

Table 13
Drug study on Nalbuphine

Date ordered April 25, 2021

Doctor’s order Nalbuphine (Nubain) 2mg SIVP q8 PRN for

breakthrough pain >7/10 or itchiness

Generic name Nalbuphine

Trade name Nubain


JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

Therapeutic: Opioid Analgesic

Pharmacologic: Morphinan derivative opioids

Actions The exact mechanism of action is unknown but is

believed to interact with an opiate receptor site in

the CNS (probably in or associated with the limbic

system). The opiate antagonistic effect may result

from competitive inhibition at the opiate receptor but

may also be a result of other mechanisms.

Indications Nalbuphine is indicated for the relief of moderate to

severe pain.

Contraindications 1. Significant respiratory depression

2. Severe or active bronchial asthma

3. Known or suspected gastrointestinal

obstruction including ileus

4. Hypersensitivity to nalbuphine or any other

ingredients in the injection.

Interactions 1. Do not drink Alcohol

2. Benzodiazepines and Other Central Nervous

System (CNS) Depressants evidence shows

that in nondependent patients it will not

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

antagonize an opioid analgesic administered

just before, concurrently, or just after an

injection of nubain.

3. Serotonergic Drugs may result in serotonin


4. Muscle Relaxants may enhance

the neuromuscular blocking action of skeletal

muscle relaxants and produce an increased

degree of respiratory depression.

5. Diuretics can reduce the efficacy of diuretics

by inducing the release of antidiuretic


6. Anticholinergic Drugs may increase risk of

urinary retention and/or severe constipation,

which may lead to paralytic ileus.

7. Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs) may

manifest as serotonin syndrome or opioid

toxicity (e.g., respiratory depression, coma).

Adverse effects Central nervous system: Nervousness, depression,

restlessness, crying, euphoria, floating, hostility,

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

unusual dreams, confusion, faintness,

hallucinations, dysphoria, a feeling of heaviness,

numbness, tingling, or unreality.

Cardiovascular: hypertension, hypotension,

bradycardia, or tachycardia.

Gastrointestinal: cramps, dyspepsia, or bitter taste.

Respiratory: depression, dyspnea, or asthma.

Dermatologic: itching, burning, or urticaria.

Allergic Reactions: anaphylactic, anaphylactoid, or

severe hypersensitivity reactions have been

reported with nalbuphine use, and care should be

given providing immediate supportive medical

treatment should they occur.

Nursing responsibilities 1. Assess respiratory rate before drug


2. Monitor ambulatory patients; nalbuphine may

produce drowsiness.

3. Monitor patients closely for respiratory

depression, especially within the first 24 to

72 hours of initiating therapy with and

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

following dosage increases of nubain.

4. Avoid abrupt termination of nalbuphine

following prolonged use, which may result in

symptoms similar to narcotic withdrawal:

nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps,

lacrimation, nasal congestion, piloerection,

fever, restlessness, anxiety.

Rationale Nalbuphine (Nubain) is given to manage moderate

to severe pain. Also serves as preoperative

sedation analgesia and as a supplement to surgical


9. Methylergonovine maleate (Methergine)

Table 14
Drug study on Mathylergonovine

Date ordered April 26, 2021

Doctor’s order

Methylergonovine maleate (Methergine) 1 tab PO


Generic name methylergonovine maleate

Trade name Methergine

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences


Therapeutic: Ergot alkaloids

Pharmacologic: Ergolines

Actions Methergine (methylergonovine) is

an ergot alkaloid that affects the smooth muscle of

a woman's uterus, improving the muscle tone as

well as the strength and timing of uterine


Indications Following delivery of placenta, for routine

management of uterine atony, hemorrhage and

subinvolution of the uterus. For control of uterine

hemorrhage in the second stage of labor following

delivery of the anterior shoulder.

Contraindications Hypertension; toxemia; pregnancy; hypersensitivity

to the drug, threatened spontaneous abortion,

prolonged use, and uterine sepsis.

CYP3A4 Inducers -Drugs (e.g., nevirapine,

rifampicin) that are strong inducers of CYP3A4 are

likely to decrease the pharmacological action of


JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

Beta-blockers - caution should be exercised when

Methergine is used concurrently with beta-

blockers. Concomitant administration with beta-

blockers may enhance the vasoconstrictive action

of ergot alkaloids.

Anesthetics- Anesthetics like halothan and

methoxyfluran may reduce the oxytocic potency of


Glyceryltrinitrate And Other Antianginal Drugs -

Methylergonovine maleate produces

vasoconstriction and can be expected to reduce

the effect of glyceryl trinitrate and other antianginal


Caution should be exercised when Methergine

(methylergonovine maleate) is used concurrently

with other vasoconstrictors, ergot alkaloids, or


Adverse effects GI: Nausea, vomiting (especially with IV doses).

CV: Severe hypertensive episodes, bradycardia.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

Body as a Whole: Allergic phenomena

including shock, ergotism.

Nursing responsibilities 1. Monitor vital signs (particularly BP) and uterine

response during and after parenteral

administration of methylergonovine until partum

period is stabilized (about 1–2 h).

2. Assess calcium levels because drug

effectiveness may decrease with hypocalcemia.

3. Assess extremities for color, warmth, movement,

pain. Report chest pain promptly. Provide

support with ambulation if dizziness occurs.

4. Notify physician if BP suddenly increases or if

there are frequent periods of uterine relaxation.

5. Instruct the patient to report severe cramping for

increased bleeding.

Rationale Methylergonovine belongs to ergot alkaloids. It

works by increasing the rate and strength of

contractions and the stiffness of the uterus muscles.

Since the patient suffers from vaginal bleeding,

these effects help to decrease bleeding.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

D. Problem List

1. Acute pain related to abnormal proliferation of trophoblastic cells.

2. Impaired mobility related to pain as evidenced by limited range of motion,

slowed movement and the pain scale of 5/10.

3. Risk for Injury r/t elevated blood pressure.

4. Disturbed body image related to physiologic changes of the uterus

associated with false pregnancy.

5. Readiness for enhanced health management related to understanding of

health teachings.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences
JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences



This chapter presents the summary, conclusion and recommendations of

the prognosis and discharge plan.


Hydatidiform Mole is a growth of an abnormal fertilized egg or an

overgrowth of tissue from the placenta. Women appeared to be pregnant, but the

uterus enlarged much more rapidly than in normal pregnancy. The patient was

diagnosed with Gravida 3 Para 2 Pregnancy Uterine Hydatidiform Mole, partial,

and underwent operations such as Dilatation and Curettage. The patient had her

laboratory tests and radiologic tests, and she also had a pelvic examination.

During the clinical encounter on April 26, 2021, they conducted a physical

examination as well as an interview regarding the past and present health history

of the patient and her activities of daily living before and during hospitalization.

Pain interventions are also given during the encounter before discharge. The

patient was admitted last April 25, 2021 and was discharged last April 27, 2021.

Molar pregnancy is common in tertiary health institutions. It has also

remained as the cause of maternal morbidity and mortality. In general, after the

patient underwent operations such as Dilatation and Curettage, the health and

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

state of the patient was in good state. Complete blood count and b-HCG is

needed for the patient’s follow-up check up to ensure that the patient is

recovering and in good state.

Based on the study that was conducted by the researchers, here are

some recommendations that can be implemented; to have urine tests and blood

tests 4 weeks later to check the level of HCG.To follow certain home medication

and instructions that the physician ordered such as FeSO4 1 tab PO OD ac am,

Methergine 1 tab PO TID x 7 days, and Cefurex 500mg/tab 1 tab x 5 days. The

physician also advised the patient to have perineal care since the patient is still

experiencing spotting.


Partial or Complete Hydatidiform Mole is a rare case among pregnant

women, which happens when the tissues assigned to form the placenta for the

baby grow abnormally that could, anytime, build a tumor that spreads around the

mother’s uterus. Based on the case presented, the patient is diagnosed with

G3P2 PU Hydatidiform Mole, Partial, wherein she underwent biopsy, dilatation,

and curettage to determine the extent of her condition and for the purpose of

giving interventions.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

According to the patient’s physician, the patient’s prognosis was good.

The patient was feeling good during the doctor’s rounds. There were also no

complications during and after the medical procedures but feels slight pain in her

lower back and fundus because of the procedures. Furthermore, biopsy and

repeat b-HCG results were ensured and relayed to the physician, since it will tell

if the HCG levels are high which may mean that there is a malignancy.

Fortunately, the HCG levels were at a normal level. Before allowing the patient to

be discharged, the doctor has reminded her to be in touch with regards to her

HCG and follow-up checkups in order to detect any malignancy. It can be

concluded that H-Mole is a condition that is easily treated as long as it is

detected earlier and that the patient is responsible enough to follow the doctor’s


In general, as soon as a patient with Hydatidiform Mole, either partial or

complete, undergoes procedures or operations, such as dilatation and curettage,

the prognosis is good. All treated H-mole cases end well, including the tendency

of recurrency. It should just be ensured that the patient will have her follow-up

checkups in order to immediately detect arising or recurrent conditions for urgent


Based on the case study conducted by the researchers, here are some

recommendations that can be suggested: The nurses should strictly remind the

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Alunan Avenue, City of Koronadal
College of Arts and Sciences

patient to attend her follow-up checkups since these are vital to know whether

she experiences recurrency of the condition. Recurrent Hydatidiform Mole

happens because of the gene mutations that resulted from the production of

proteins with impaired functions. When this happens, oocytes will not develop

normally which results in an undeveloped pregnancy. Addition to this, the

researchers should also ensure that the patient is still allowed to get pregnant

without experiencing this condition again. Since the mother has experienced

such a condition, it can be suggested that as soon as she experiences early

signs, immediately go to the doctor for verification and interventions. For the

future researchers, a case study about complete hydatidiform mole is advised to

have knowledge about the realistic difference between a partial and complete

hydatidiform mole condition.


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