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Project Work and VIVA B.Com

(ACCA and CMA) - 2019-22 Batch


The objective of this project work is to provide the students an opportunity to identify and work on a
project work problem in their area of interest within an organization. Students should use this as a platform
to understand the issues/problems faced by the business and provide feasible solutions to such problems by
evaluating the alternatives.
Project Work should be carried out within an organization in Bangalore /home town.

Choosing a Topic
Choosing your topic for the project work is the first step. The project work guide may suggest a topic
and/or area for research. Sometimes the company may also suggest a topic for research.

During the project work period, the student will be under the supervision of a faculty guide identified by the
institute. The project work will provide guidelines on how the student should execute the project work
report. The student will be required to report to the faculty guide immediately on allocation. The project
work topic and plan of execution should be finalized before the end of the present term. The mode and
frequency of communication during the project work period should be decided in consultation with the
guide. Be in regular contact with your guide during the duration of the project. You should meet the guide
frequently and apprise him/her of the progress made by you.
Each student shall maintain a ‘Project Diary’ in which he/she shall record the activities carried out
on a daily basis. The record shall be emailed to the faculty guide on a weekly basis with signature
from the industry guide. Sample of it is attached.

Project work Report

To fulfill the academic requirements, you are required to submit a Project Report following the
specifications outlined in this guidelines.

Structure of the Report
Project Report should consist of three main sections: the preliminaries, the main text and the end material.

Title Page
Company Certificate
Declaration of the student
Project Completion Certificate
Plagiarism report
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Graphs

Main Text
Chapter I Introduction
Chapter II Industry and Company
Profile Chapter IIIResearch Methodology
Chapter IV Data Analysis
Chapter V Findings, Conclusion & Recommendations

End Material

The Title page introduces the report by listing information like project work title; student’s name;
guide’s name etc., (See the sample title page)

The Company Certificate page should be signed by any authorized person of the company. (It should
mention the duration for which the project work was undertaken)

The Declaration page is signed by the student and thereby confirming that the project work is an original
study. (See the sample declaration page)

The Project Completion Certificate page is signed by the faculty guide. (See the sample
certificate page)

The Plagiarism report is a certificate submitted by the student after ensuring that the similarity index of the
compiled final project report is less than 20%.

The acknowledgment page should not exceed more than one page. Here you have the opportunity to thank
various people who have been of help during your Project work.

The Executive Summary is the most important part of your report. It summarizes the report in around two
pages by outlining its scope, purpose and major findings, highlighting the key conclusions and

The Table of Contents lists all sections and sub-sections and uses the same numbering system as in the
report. (See the sample content page)

The list of tables and list of graphs page should provide the table/graph number, title and page number. (See
the sample page)

Chapter I – Introduction
The Introduction defines the subject of the Project work. Here you can outline the topic and/or industry
related to the project work area. You must give a broad introduction to the topic under review and types of
issues it raises. It should include Statement of the problem Scope of the study Objectives of the study.

Chapter II – Industry and Company Profile

This chapter should briefly introduce the company. All major operations/ departments should be covered.

Chapter III – Research Methodology

This chapter includes among others the project work problem, need for study/significance of the research,
objectives, hypotheses, methodology – scope, sample design, sources of information, tools and techniques
of analysis, structure of the study with sound justifications/explanations. The following order is mandatory
to be adhered to–
Hypothesis of the study
Data collection Selection of
sample Plan of analysis
Limitations of the study

Chapter IV – Data Analysis

This is the main body of the research. The main body of the project work report must take the reader
logically through a variety of linked arguments, relating theory and practice, concepts and concrete
observations. You should ensure that you have covered all the major issues pertinent to the project work by
the end of the main body.

Chapter V – Findings, Conclusion & Recommendations

Your findings need to be drawn demonstrably from your own observations and grounded in an
authoritative set of ideas. They should not be anecdotal. Conclusions and recommendations are often
confused but they are not the same. Conclusions are derived from project work outlined in the main body
and do not introduce new material. They may be presented in a sequence of two or three sentence

The conclusion should specifically answer the questions raised in the introduction or conclude how the
goals or objectives stated in the introduction have been met.

Recommendations are proposed plans of action for the future. They are suggestions following logically
from the conclusions. Remember that conclusions deal with the present, recommendations with the future.
Your Recommendations should be feasible, practical and must place your conclusions within a concrete and
practical framework. You need to consider your recommendations in the context of their possible human,
financial, political, managerial, etc, implications. Your recommendations should be justified.

A bibliography is a list of materials used in creating a report. A bibliography provides an alphabetized list of
all of the sources that were used. By citing your sources at the end of your report, you are letting your
readers know where they can go to verify your project work or find more information; you are also
acknowledging the project work and ideas of others and protecting yourself from accusations of plagiarism.
Follow the APA style for referencing.

An appendix is used for additional or supplementary materials, which has not found place in the main text.
The materials that can be included here are original interview schedules, questionnaire, financial statements,
print advertisement, distribution network, HR policies, company report etc., and any other material of
considerable reference value. The appendices are identified by numbers or letters. Do not include appendices
that have not been cited in the report.

Format of the Project Report

There should be consistency of style in terms of margins, page numbers, paragraphs, bulleted lists,
numbered lists, font used in hierarchical headings and so on.
Paper – A4 size bond paper
Margin – 1 inch on top, bottom and right side, 1.5 inch on left side
Font – Cambria Font color – Black Line Spacing – 1.5
Font size – 14 point for heading (bold face); 12 point for sub-heading (bold face) and 12 point for the body
text (normal)
Text alignment – Center for headings; Left for sub-headings; Justify for running matter Indent - No indent
should be applied to first line of first paragraph under any Heading/Sub- Heading. First line of every
subsequent paragraph should be indented.
Figures and Tables – Centered placed
Numbering – Chapter, headings and sub-headings should be numbered sequentially as shown in Annexure
4. Titles and headings used for tables, graphs and other illustrations should be standardized also be
numbered sequentially. The first digit should refer to the chapter number and the second digit to the
table/chart number (ex: Table 1.4)

Page number – Position: Bottom of page; Alignment: Right
Do not use any header and footer.

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation of Project work

S. No. Evaluation by Criteria Marks
1. Guide Frequency of 50
contact/ Depth of report and
Quality of research/
Formatting & Timely
Report Presentation
2. External Examiner 50
Viva-voce Examination (25 + 25)
3. Internal Examiner
Total Marks 100

General Instructions
Project work topics selected by all students will be displayed on the institute notice board. It is
the responsibility of the student to identify duplication, if any, of the topic.

No two students can do the project work on the same topic. It can be the same
organization but the topics have to be different.

If the company is the same, the industry profile and company profile information can be the same
but it has to be presented differently.

Project work Report should be between 75 to 100 pages.

Chapters Description No. of Pages

Chapter I Introduction 10 to 15 pages
Chapter II Industry and Company Profile 10 to 15 pages
Chapter III Project Methodology 5 to 10 pages
Chapter IV Data Analysis 50 to 60 pages
Chapter V Findings 8 to 10pages

Being accurate is part of being professional. Verify your figures, information and facts.
Check spelling and definitions in a dictionary. Search for more accurate words in a
thesaurus. Be consistent in tense, person and presentation. If you quote, provide a
reference; plagiarism is unacceptable.

Plagiarism test will be done by the institute and no direct copying from the internet or some
other project will be permitted.

Important Dates /Instructions:

IMPORTANT DATES: (All the date on or before pointing the date)

Description Date
Issue of letters from college to Companies for Project work Before 31.05.2021
Organization to be finalized 30.06.2021
Submission of “Initial Information Report”(IIR) 01.07.2021
Approval & Commencement of project work 01.07.2021
Chapter 1 & 2 Submission 30.07.2021
Chapter 3 &4 Submission 15.08.2021
Chapter 5 31.08.2021
Submission of Final Report 15.09.2021
Last date of project work 30.09.2021
VIVA VOCE – Internal First week of Oct
VIVA VOCE – External Second week of Oct
B.Com 2018 - 2021

Name of the student:

Enrollment No.: Faculty

Guide: Topic:

Name of the Organization:

Name & Designation of the

Company Guide :

Telephone Number of the Company Guide:

Email id of the Company Guide:

Work Timings at the Organization:




Project work Report submitted to Dayananda Sagar University in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the award of

Bachelor of Business Administration

Submitted by

XXXXX Pandey

Under the guidance and supervision of

Dr. / Prof. XXXXXXX M.B.A., Ph.D


BENGALURU – 560 078
Dec 2021

I, XXXXX (USN: XXXXXX) hereby declare that the project work

entitled “A Study of Economic Value Added (EVA) as a tool for
measuring Corporate Performance” submitted to Dayananda Sagar
University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of
B.Com, is a record of independent project work work carried out by
me under the supervision and guidance of Prof. xxxxxxxx, Assistant
Professor, School of Commerce and Management Studies, Dayananda
Sagar University, Bengaluru. This work has not formed the basis for
the award of any Degree and has not been submitted previously to any
other College/University.

u Date:

Prof. xxxxxxx
Assistant Professor – School of Commerce and Management Studies Dayananda Sagar University
Bengaluru – 560 078.


tial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of B.Com, is a record of independent project work work ca

Place: Bengaluru
Date: XXXX

Certificate of Originality

Name of the Student : XXXXXXXXXX

Registration Number : XXXXXXXXXXX
Title of Dissertation/Project : “A Study of Economic Value Added (EVA) asa
tool for measuring Corporate Performance.”
Name of Guide : Dr.
XXXXXX Similar Content (%) Identified : 10%
(Acceptable maximum limit of 10%)

The dissertation report has been checked using PLAGIARISM CHECKER X anti- plagiarism
software (Attached first page of originally report as ANNEXURE) and found within limits as per
plagiarism Policy and instructions issued by the UNIVERSITY.

We have verified the contents of the dissertation report, as summarized above and certified that the
statements made above are true to the best of our knowledge and belief.

Signature of the Student Signature of the Guide Signature of the Dean

Annexure – 4

Contents Page No.

List of Tables I
List of Graphs II
Chapter I Introduction 1 – 10
1.1 Evolution and Growth of Corporate Entity
1.2 Corporate Performance Measurement
1.3 Value Based Management
1.4 Performance Measurement Framework
1.4.1 Traditional Performance Measures
1.4.2 Shortcomings of Traditional Measures

Chapter II Industry and Company Profile 11 –20

Chapter III Research Methodology 21 – 24
3.1 Statement of the Problem
3.2 Scope of the study
3.3 Objectives of the study
3.4 Hypothesis of the study
3.5 Methodology
3.5.1 Data collection
3.5.2 Selection of Sample
3.5.3 Plan of Analysis
3.6 Limitations of the study
Chapter IV Data Analysis 25 – 75
Chapter V Findings, 76 –100
Conclusions &


Sl. No. Table Title of table Page No.

1 3.1 EVA values of companies
2 3.2 Analysis of EVA values – Annual basis
3 3.3 Classification of companies based on EVA


Sl. No. Title of graph Page No.
1 3.1
2 3.2
3 4.1
4 4.2

Project Work
Internship Weekly Report – Project Dairy

Name of the Student


Name of the Company

Name of the Reporting Manager

Weekly Report No

Week Duration (Date) From: To

Day & Date Assigned Tasks Completed Tasks Remarks from the
Reporting Manager





Name and Signature of the Student

Name and Signature of the Reporting Manager

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