Submarinos - Grupo Naval

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Pericia Innovación Compromiso Noticias y conocimientos Carreras Grupo

Hogar Pericia Defensa naval Submarinos

Escuchar sin ser escuchado. Ver Multiplicación de tensiones, contribuyentes y amenazas regionales: mientras que el mar
confirma su condición de pilar de la soberanía, los submarinos desempeñan un papel
sin ser visto. Impresionantes,
fundamental para proteger las zonas económicas, ejercer la disuasión, recopilar
sigilosos y escalables, los
inteligencia y marcar la diferencia en las operaciones entre aliados.
submarinos del Grupo Naval se Entre los sistemas más complejos jamás construidos, los submarinos varían en tamaño y
han ganado su reputación en los misión, las piedras angulares de las fuerzas oceánicas estratégicas.
océanos del mundo. Ellos
imponen respeto y son el mejor
activo de las armadas para
garantizar la soberanía en el mar.

Design, construction, maintenance and crew training: Naval Group offers a complete range of
services to submarine fleets. The group designs and builds a whole range of submarines:
conventional submarines (ship subsurface conventional), conventional attack submarines or nuclear-
powered submarines or ship subsurface ballistic nuclear submarines.

With the highest standards of excellence, operational performance and innovation, Naval Group
submarines are renowned for their stealth, acoustic discretion and superiority in combat. Their
scalability is another key feature, and they are all fitted with state-of-the-art equipment and leading
digital systems. Lastly, to ensure the operational superiority of navies, the redundancy of on-board
equipment is a prerequisite for Naval Group.

As a system designer and integrator, we also provide an integrated cybersecurity architecture from
the design phase. Crews benefit from an excellent real-time surveillance capability to independently
prevent and manage cyber threats and thus ensure resilience at sea. Faced with the intensification of
cyber challenges, Naval Group has created the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT), a
team of 13 high-level engineers whose role is to better understand cyber threats: analyse, respond,

Transfer of Technology is essential for exercising sovereignty and is part of our mission. In whole or in
part, the industrial submarine construction programs are carried out with local industrial partners, with
a twofold advantage: on the one hand, the assurance that the ships meet the requirements of their
users, and on the other, the guarantee of a positive socio-economic impact for local communities.

Lastly, training, which combines ultra-realistic simulator courses and exercises, is part of the support
delivered by Naval Group, permanently committed to navies over the long term.

The bridge of the future

Transfer of technology

Our underwater weapon


Naval Group has an effective offer in terms of conventional

and nuclear-powered submarines (note: nuclear
technologies are dedicated to the French Navy).


Stealthy and easy to manoeuvre, the Scorpène® submarine sets new standards on the
high seas and in shallow waters.


Barracuda: French excellence

The French Navy’s new nuclear attack submarine is versatile, mobile, enduring and quick to
deploy. Missions: all areas of warfare, support for deterrence, deep strikes, extended area
surveillance, deployment with a naval aircraft force, cooperation within coalitions, special


Conventional barracuda: the world of silence

Diseñado para Australia, un submarino extremadamente silencioso, poderoso, versátil,

discreto y duradero que se puede desplegar a largas distancias durante largos períodos.


Buque Submarino nuclear balístico subsuperficial

El mejor desempeño para la disuasión nuclear. Invulnerable porque indetectable.




PODER EN EL MAR Accesibilidad CERT Sistema de denuncias Avisos legales Protección de datos personales © 2020 Grupo Naval. Reservados todos los derechos.

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