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A Gateway to English Literature  S M Shamim Ahmed

S.T. Coleridge Gi weL¨vZ Dw³

Source (Drm) Quotation (Dw³)

The Rime of the Ancient  “Water, water, every where, Nor any drop to drink.” (cvwb, cvwb,
Mariner Pvicv‡k ïay cvwb, ‡MvUv‡bv me cvUvZb; cvwb cvwb meLv‡b ïay cvwb, cvb Kievi †bB
GK ‡dvuUv cvwb)
N.B. It is an example of alliteration.
 “Alone, alone, all, all alone, Alone on a wide, wide sea.” (GKv, GKvKx,
cy‡iv mxgvnxb GKv, GKv GB mxgvnxb mgy‡`ª)
N.B. It is an example of alliteration.
 “He prayeth best who loveth best.
All things both great and small.”
(Rx‡e †cÖg K‡i †hBRb, †mBRb †mwe‡Q Ck¦i -¯^vgx we‡eKvb›`)

John Keats Gi weL¨vZ Dw³

Source (Drm) Quotation (Dw³)

Ode on a Grecian Urn  “Heard melodies are sweet ; those unheard are sweeter.”
(‡kvbv myi e‡ovB gayi wKš` bv †kvbv myi gayiZi/hvi nv‡Zi ivbœv LvBwb, †m eo ivuaywb ;
hv‡K Kfz †`wLwb, †m eo my›`wi / gvbyl ARvbv‡K Rvb‡Z Pvq)
 “Beauty is truth, truth beauty.”
(my›`iB mZ¨; mZ¨B my›`i)
Endymion,” Book I  “A thing of beauty is a joy forever:”
(my›`i wRwbm wPiKvjB Avb›`vqK / Avb‡›`i)
Ode to a Nightingale  “My heart aches and a drowsy numbness pains. My sense, as though
of hemlock I had drunk.” (‡e`bv KvZi ü`q Avgvi, wSwg‡q co‡Q Amvo
‡e`bvq, fvwe ‡hb PygyK w`‡qwQ ‡ngj‡Ki ‡cqvjvq|)
To George and Georgiana  “Nothing ever becomes real „till it is experienced,”
Keats (bv AvuPv‡j wek¦vm nq bv|)

P.B.Shelley Gi weL¨vZ Dw³

Source (Drm) Quotation (Dw³)

Ode to the West Wind  “If winter comes, can spring be far behind ?” (‡gN ‡`‡L ‡KD Kwim‡b fq
Avov‡j Zvi m~h© nv‡m|
fvev_© : AÜKvi †K‡U wM‡q Av‡jvi c„w_ex f‡i DV‡eB )
 “Oh! Lift me as wave, a leaf, a cloud!
I fall upon the thorns of life” (In! Avgv‡K Zi½, GKwU cvZv, GKwU †gN
wn‡m‡e D‡Ëvjb Kiæb)
 Drive my dead thought over the universe. (‡gvi RbvRxY© fvebv‡K Qwo‡q wek^
Ry‡o )
Ode To A Skylark  “Our sweetest songs are those that tell of the saddest thought.”(‡gv‡`i
gayi m½xZ¸‡jvB Zv, hv †e`bvi K_v e‡j / wei‡ni MvbB n‡jv gayi Mvb|
 “We look before and after, And pine for what is not” (Avgiv AZxZ
fwel¨‡Zi w`‡K ZvKvB, Avi Kx Avgv‡`i †bB Zv wb‡q ïay nvq ûZvk Kwi)
Ozymandias  “My name is Ozymandias, King of King.” (Avgvi bvg ARvBg¨vbwWqvm,
ivRvi ivRv)
A documentary book on Engish Literature for BCS & other competitive Exams
A Gateway to English Literature  S M Shamim Ahmed

A Defence of Poetry  “Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world” (KweMY n‡jb
we‡k^i A¯^xK…Z AvBb cª‡YZv)
 “Poetry is a mirror which makes beautiful that which is distorted.”
(Kve¨ n‡jv †mB `c©Y hv Amy›`i wRwbm‡K my›`ifv‡e Dc¯’vcb K‡i)
Queen Mab  “Fear not the future, weep not for the past.”(fwel¨Z wb‡q fq K‡iv bv,
AZxZ wb‡q `ytL K‡iv bv)
 “The more we study, the more we discover our ignorance.”(Avgiv hZB
Aa¨qb Kwi, ZZB wb‡R‡`i AÁZv‡KB †hb Avwe®‹vi Kwi)
 “Soul meets soul on lovers lips.” (‡cÖwgK-‡cÖwgKvi Pz¤^b †h‡bv `ywU AvZ¥vi
wgjb )

Alexander Pope Gi weL¨vZ Dw³

Source (Drm) Quotation (Dw³)

An Essay on Criticism  “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.” (KZ nvwZ †Mj Zj, gkv e‡j KZ
 “A little learning is a dangerous thing.”( Aíwe`¨v fqsKi )
 “To err is human, to forgive is divine.” (gvbyl gvÎB fz‡ji Aaxb; Avi ¶gv
An Essay on Man  “An honest man is the noblest work of God.” (GKRb fv‡jv gvbyl ¯ªóvi ‡kÖô
 “Charms strike the sight but merit strikes the heart.”(‡mŠ›`h© †PvL Ryovq,
Ávb AvZ¥v‡K)
 “The proper study of mankind is man.” (gvbeRvwZ wb‡q M‡elYv KivB
gvby‡li cÖavb KvR)
 “Hope spring eternal in the human breast.” ( gvbyl nZvkvi gv‡SI me©`v
Avkvi Av‡jv LyuR‡Z cv‡i)
 “Order is heaven‟s first law.” (myk„•LjZv ¯^‡M©i cÖ_g K_v )

John Milton Gi weL¨vZ Dw³

Source (Drm) Quotation (Dw³)

Paradise Lost  “It is better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven.” (¯^‡M© `vmZ¡ Kivi
†P‡q bi‡K ivRZ¡ Kiv †kÖq /nvZxi †jR nIqvi †P‡q mvnmx wccov nIqv ‡kÖq )
 “Death is the golden key that opens the place of eternity.” (g„Zz¨i gva¨‡g
gvbyl AgiZœ jvf K‡i)
 “Give me liberty, to know, to utter, to argue freely, according to
conscience above all of my liberties.” (Avgv‡K ¯^vaxbZv `vI, Rvb‡Z, D”PviY
Ki‡Z, ¯^vaxbfv‡e ZK© Ki‡Z m‡ev©cwi Avgvi Dc‡ii mKj ¯^vaxbZvq)
Paradise Regained  “Childhood shows the man as morning shows the day.” (mKv‡ji
m~h© †hgb w`e‡mi cÖwZ”Qwe, †Zgwb GKRb wkï GKRb cwic~Y© gvby‡li cÖwZ”Qwe)
Thomas Gray Gi weL¨vZ Dw³

Source (Drm) Quotation (Dw³)

Elegy Written in a Country  “Full many a flower is born to blush unseen, and waste its sweetness
Churchyard on desert air.” (c‡_i av‡i bvg bv Rvbv kZ dzj †h dz‡U; dzj`vwb‡Z Zv‡`i Kq

A documentary book on Engish Literature for BCS & other competitive Exams
A Gateway to English Literature  S M Shamim Ahmed

R‡bi ¯’vb Ry‡U?/

Òfvev_© t GB c„w_exi c‡i
KZ dzj †dv‡U Avi S‡i,
†m K_v wK †Kvbw`b
KL‡bv Kv‡iv g‡b c‡o?Ó)
 “The paths of glory lead but to grave.” (‡MŠi‡ei c_¸‡jv Kei e¨ZxZ Ab¨
†Kv_vI avweZ K‡i bv )
Ode on a Distant Prospect  “Where ignorance is bliss, it is folly to be wise.” (g~L©ZvB †hLv‡b cig myL
of Etone College (Avkxe©v`), †mLv‡b Ávbx nIqvUvB †evKvwg)

John Donne Gi weL¨vZ Dw³

Source (Drm) Quotation (Dw³)

The Canonization  “For God‟s sake, hold your tongue and let me love.” (‡`vnvB †Zv‡`i
GKUzKy Pzc K‡i, fv‡jvevwmev‡i †` ‡gv‡i Aemi)
The Good Morrow  “I wonder by my truth, what thou and I did till we love?” (Avgvi
wek^v‡mi Kmg, mwZ¨B Avwg AevK nB Zzwg Avwi Avwg wK K‡iwQjvg GK Aci‡K
fv‡jvevmvi Av‡M?)
 “For love, all love of other sights control and make a little room and
everywhere.” (‡Zvgvi fv‡jvevmvi Z‡i, wemR©b w`‡Z cvwi Ab¨ mKj fv‡jvevmv, Avi
†QvÆ iæ‡g Mo‡Z cvwi wek^ PivPi(‡cÖ‡gi Avcb f~eb)
A Valediction: Forbidding  “If they be two, they are two so,
Mourning As stiff twin compasses are two.” (‡Zvgvi Avi Avgvi fv‡jvevmv †fRvj weewR©Z
wbðqB ZvB Ggb †cÖg †eu‡P _v‡K AbšÍKvj, wbišÍi †cÖiYvi Drm n‡q)
The Sun Rising  “She‟s all states and all princesses I
Nothing else is” (Avgvi wcªqZgvB mKj ivóª, Avi AvwgB mKj ivRKzgvi Avi‡Zv wKQz
 “Love, all alike no season knows, nor clime
Nor hours, days, months, which are the rags of time.” (‡cÖg, Bnvi bvB
†Kvb Kvj, †bB †`k, N›Uv †bB, w`bÿY †bB, gvm †bB, GmeB‡Zv gnvKv‡ji wQbœ †bKov)
fvev_© t mgq ev Amgq
GLb bv ZLb
dv¸b, kvIb ey‡S †cÖg Av‡mbv|
‡m mgq KL‡bv ‡ev‡S bv
‡cÖg, mgq KL‡bv ‡ev‡S bv|
 This bed thy centre is,these walls they sphere.(GB weQvbvUv †Zvgvi ‡K›`ª;
GB †`qvjUvB †Zv †Zvgvi Kÿc_ )

Lord Alfred Tennyson Gi weL¨vZ Dw³

Source (Drm) Quotation (Dw³)

Morte D‟ Arthur  “The old order changeth, yielding place to new.” (G‡m‡Q bZzb wkï, Zv‡K
†Q‡o w`‡Z n‡e ¯’vb)
 “More things are wrought by prayers than this world dreams of.”
(cvw_©e wPšÍvi †P‡qI A‡bK wRwbm cÖv_©b vq †g‡j)
 “Authority forgets a dying king.” (cªvwaKvi fy‡j hvq gyg~l©y Aaxk¦i / wmsnvmb bv
gv‡b Ck^i)
A documentary book on Engish Literature for BCS & other competitive Exams
A Gateway to English Literature  S M Shamim Ahmed

Locksley Hall  “Knowledge comes but wisdom lingers.”(Ávb mn‡RB Av‡m wKš` eyw× ‡`wi‡Z
nq )
Ulysses  “I will never rest from travels,
I will drink life to the lees.” (Avwg Avgvi Rxe‡bi cwicÖgY †_‡K weiwZ †be bv,
Avgvi meUzKy kw³ w`‡q Rxeb‡K Dc‡fvM Ki‡ev)
 “Who are wise in love, love most, say least.” (evP‡b bq; K‡g©B m‡ev©”P
ewntcÖKvk N‡U)
Lotus Eaters  “Death is the end of life, Ah! Why should life all labour be”(g„Zy¨B †Zv
Rxe‡bi mgvwß| Zvn‡j GZ cwikÖg K‡i Kx jvf?)
In Memoriam  “It is better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.” (G‡Kev‡i KL‡bvB bv cvevi †P‡q fv‡jvevmv
†c‡q nviv‡bv fv‡jv)

 “Sorrows are the best educators”( `ytL- `y`©kv gvby‡li me©‡kÖô wkÿv¸iæ)
 “A man can see farther through tear than a telescope” (K‡ji ‡P‡q µ›`b
A‡bK `~i c_ ‡`Lvq )

G.B.Shaw Gi weL¨vZ Dw³

Source (Drm) Quotation (Dw³)

Arms and the Man  Nine soldiers out of ten are born fools. (AwaKvsk ˆmwbK Rb¥MZfv‡eB
†jL‡Ki g‡Z: ‰mwbKiv wb‡Ri Rxeb‡K wecbœ K‡i jovB K‡i| GUv‡K ‡m
‡evKvwg e‡j‡Q| A_©vr, ‰mwbK wn‡m‡e ‡hvM ‡`IqvUvB ‡evKvgx| hviv Rb¥MZfv‡e
‡evKvivB ZvivB ‰mwbK wn‡m‡e ‡hvM ‡`q|)
 “It is our duty to live as long as we can.” (Avgiv hZÿY cvwi ZZÿY ‡e‡uP
_vKvUv Avgv‡`i `vwqZ¡)
Man and Superman  There are two tragedies in life: One is not to get your heart‟s desire,
the other is not to get it. (Rxe‡b `yÕai‡bi Kó Av‡Q: GKwU AšÍ‡ii Kvw•LZ e¯`‡K
jvf Kivi Avi Ab¨wU Zv nviv‡bvi)
Saint Joan  “God is on the side of big battalions.” (fvev_©: Ck^i _v‡Kb f`ª cjøx‡Z)

Aristotle Gi weL¨vZ Dw³

Source (Drm) Quotation (Dw³)
Aristotle  “Man is by nature a political animal. (gvbyl Rb¥MZfv‡eB ivR‰bwZK Rxe|)
 ÒPoverty is the parent of revolution and crime.”(`vwi`ªZv wecøe I Aciv‡ai
m„wóKvix )
 “A friend to all is a friend to none.”(‡h mK‡ji eÜz †m Avm‡j Kv‡iviB eÜz bv )
 “A true friend is one soul in two bodies.”(cÖKzZ eÜz n‡jv `yB †`‡n GK cÖvY )
 “Happiness depends upon oursleves.”(myL Avg‡`i wb‡R‡`i Dci wbf©i K‡I )
 “We make war that we may live in peace.”(Avgiv kvwšÍ‡Z _vKvi Rb¨ hy×

Charles Dickens Gi weL¨vZ Dw³

A documentary book on Engish Literature for BCS & other competitive Exams
A Gateway to English Literature  S M Shamim Ahmed

Source (Drm) Quotation (Dw³)

Great Expectations  “Charity begins at home and justice begins next door.” (e`vb¨Zv ïiæ nq
Ni †_‡K, Avi b¨vqwePvi kyiæ nq ci †_‡K )
 “The success is not mine, the failure is not mine, but the two together
make me.”(mvdj¨ Avgvi bq, e¨_©ZvI Avgvi bq Z‡e G `y‡q wg‡j Avwg )

Gladstone Gi weL¨vZ Dw³

Source (Drm) Quotation (Dw³)

Legal Maxim  “Justice delayed is justice denied.” (wej‡¤^ wePvi wePv‡ii bv‡g cÖnmb|)
 “Justice hurried is justice buried.”( Zvovû‡ov K‡i wePvi Kiv gv‡b
b¨vhwePvi‡K Kei †`Iqv|)
Matthew Arnold Gi weL¨vZ Dw³

Source (Drm) Quotation (Dw³)

Sohrab and Rustum  “Truth sits upon the lives of dying man.” (g„Zz¨c_hvÎx e¨vw³i †Vv‡U mZ¨
mvIqvi nq)
The Study of Poetry  “Even silence will appear incomplete without poetry.” (Kve¨ we‡b
weÁv‡KI Am¤ú~Y© †`Lvq / g‡b nq )

Lord Byron Gi weL¨vZ Dw³

Source (Drm) Quotation (Dw³)

Don Juan  “Love is of man's life a thing apart

'Tis woman's whole existence,” (‡cÖg cyiy‡li Kv‡Q Rxe‡bi GKwU Ask we‡kl
Avi bvixi Kv‡Q mgMÖ Aw¯ÍZ¡ )
 “ Sweet is revenge – especially to women.” (cÖwZ‡kva MÖnY gayi- we‡kl K‡i
bvixi Dci )
Delphi Complete Works of  “Man's conscience is the oracle of God.” (gvby‡li we‡eK Ck¦‡ii hvRK|)
Lord Byron

George Eliot Gi weL¨vZ Dw³

Source (Drm) Quotation (Dw³)

Silas Marner  “Nobody can be happy than we are.” (Avgv‡`i †P†q †KD myLx n‡Z cv‡i bv )
 “Nobody could be happier than we are.” (Avgv‡`i †P†q Avi †KD myLx n‡Z
cvi‡Zv bv )
Wit and Wisdom of  “No man can be wise on empty stomach.” (ÿzavZ© D`‡i Ávbx nIqv hvq bv )
George Eliot

O‟Henry Gi weL¨vZ Dw³

Source (Drm) Quotation (Dw³)

A documentary book on Engish Literature for BCS & other competitive Exams
A Gateway to English Literature  S M Shamim Ahmed

Hearts and Hands  “ My butterfly days are over.” (Avgvi †Rv”Pzwii w`b †kl )
 “Money is not everything.” (A_©B mewKQz bq )

Ab¨vb¨ weL¨vZ †jL‡Ki Dw³

Dw³Kvixi bvg Quotation (Dw³)

John Dryden  They think too little who talk much.( ‡h gy‡L D‡V K_vi So, K`vwPZB _v‡K
†m_v wPšÍvi Ni)
Samuel Butler  “Self preservation is the first law of nature.” (PvPv Avcb c«vY evuPv|
g~j A_© : wec‡` cÖ_‡g wb‡R‡K evuPv‡bvB cÖK…wZi AvBb|)

Rousseau  “Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains.”( gvbyl ¯^vaxb n‡Z
Rb¥jvf K‡i wKš` me©ÎB †m k„•Lje×|)
Martine Luther King Jr.  “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” (‡h †Kvb ¯’v‡b
msNwUZ AwePvi, me©ÎB b¨vq wePv‡ii Rb¨ ûgwK ¯^iæc)
Gautama Buddha  “Pain is the outcome of sin.” (hš¿Yv n‡jv cv‡ci dj|)
Voltaire  “ I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to death your right
to say it. (Avwg †Zvgvi K_vUv MÖnY bv Ki‡Z cvwi, Z‡e Avwg Avg„Z¨y †Zvgvi G K_vUv
ejvi AwaKv‡ii Rb¨ jovB K‡i hv‡ev)
 “Common sense is not so common.” (mvavib Ávb GZUv mvavib bq)
Thomas Jefferson  “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” (¯^vaxbZv AR©‡bi †P‡q i¶v Kiv
Henry Ward Beecher  “Riches are not end of life, but an instrument of life.” (m¤c`B Rxe‡bi
j¶¨ bq , Rxebavi‡Yi GK DcKiY gvÎ)
Abraham Lincoln  “Democracy is a Government, of the people, by the people, for the
people” (MYZš¿ n‡jv RbM‡bi Øviv RbM‡bi Kj¨v‡Y cwiPvwjZ miKvi e¨ve¯’v)
 If you want to test man‟s character give him power. ( hw` †Kvb gvby‡li
PwiÎ hvPvB Ki‡Z PvI, Z‡e Zv‡K ÿgZv cÖ`vb K‡iv )

Socrates  “Know thyself.” (wb‡R‡K Rv‡bv|)

 “The unexamined life is not worth living” (AcixwÿZ Rxeb emev‡mi
 “I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance.” ( Avwg Avgvi AÁZv
Avi wKQzB Rvwbbv )
 “To find yourself, think for yourself.” ( wb‡R‡K Luy‡R ‡c‡Z, wb‡R‡K wb‡q
Plato  “Love is a serious mental disease.(fv‡jvevmv n‡jv GK ai‡bi gvivZ¥K gvbwmK
e¨vwa )
Henrik Ibsen  “The strongest man in the world is he who stands most alone.” †mB
c„w_ex‡Z me‡P‡q †ewk kw³ai, ‡h e¨w³ wb‡Ri Dci me‡P‡q †ewk wbf©ikxj)
Christoper Marlowe  “There is no sin but ignorance.” (AÁZv Qvov †Kvb cvc †bB)
 “Make me immortal with a kiss.” (Avgv‡K †Zvgvi GK Pz¤^‡b Agi K‡i `vI )
Samuel Johnson  “Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.”
(gnr KvR kw³Øviv bq eis Aa¨emvq Øviv cwiPvwjZ nq)
Benjamin Franklin  “Honesty is the best policy.” (mZZvB m‡ev©Ëg cš’v)
 “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man health, wealthy & wise”
(iv‡Z ZvovZvwo Nygv‡Z hvIqv Ges mKvj mKvj Nyg †_‡K DVv GKRb gvbyl‡K mv¯’¨evb,
A documentary book on Engish Literature for BCS & other competitive Exams
A Gateway to English Literature  S M Shamim Ahmed

cÖvPzh©evb I cÖvÁ K‡i †Zv‡j)

 “Admiration is the daughter of ignorance.” (fw³ n‡jv AÁZvi Kb¨v;
AÁZvB fw³ K‡i )
 “Love your enemies, for they tell you your faults.” (kÎæ‡K fv‡jvev‡mv,
KviY †mB †Zvgvi †`vl¸‡jv awi‡q †`B )
 “ No gains without pains (Kó bv Ki‡j ‡Kó ‡g‡j bv )
Thomas A Kempis  “Man proposes but God disposes” (gvbyl Pvq GK wKš` †Lv`v K‡i Av‡iK)
Thomas Carlyle  “Speech is great but silence is greater.” (K_v ejv fv‡jv wKš` Pzc _vKv AviI
AwaK fv‡jv)
Robert Frost  “But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep.”(wKš` Avgvq kc_ iÿv Ki‡Z n‡e, †h‡Z n‡e
AviI eû`yi, ‡kl we`v‡qi Av‡M)
A.P. J Abdul Kalam  “Dream is not that, which you see while sleeping; it is something that
will not let you sleep.” (gvbyl hv Nywg‡q †`‡L Zv ¯^cœ bq, ¯^cœ Zv hv gvbyl‡K Nygv‡Z
†`q bv)
Nelson Mandela  “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to
change the world.” (wkÿv n‡jv me‡P‡q kw³kvjx A¯¿ hv Avcwb wek^ cwieZ©‡b
e¨envi Ki‡Z cv‡ib)
 Life is a course with endless obstacles to hurdle.(AšÍnxb evavwecwË AwZµg
Kivi c‡_i bvgB Rxeb )
Albert Einstein  “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”( Áv‡bi †P‡q Kíbvkw³
†ewk ¸iæZ¡c~Y©) )
 “ Scinece without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.”
(ag© Qvov weÁvb c½y ; Avi weÁvb Qvov ag© AÜ )
 “ Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep balance you must keep
moving.” (Rxeb n‡jv wØPµhvb Pvjv‡bvi g‡Zv fvimvg¨ iÿv Ki‡Z †Zvgv‡K Aek¨B
MwZkxj ivL‡Z n‡e )
Karl Marx  “ Religion is the opium of the people.” (ag© gvby‡li wbKU Avwdg ¯^iæc )
 “Men make their own history.”(gvbyl wb‡RivB Zv‡`i BwZnvm ˆZwi K‡i)
Faequser  “Necessity is the mother of invention.” (cÖ‡qvRbxqZvB D™¢ve‡bi RbK)
Virginia Wolf  “You cannot find peace by avoiding life.” (Rxeb‡K D‡cÿv K‡i kvwšÍ Lyu‡R
hvqbv )
Napoleon Bonaparte  “Give me a good mother; I will give you a good nation.” (Zzwg Avgv‡K
GKwU wkwÿZ gv `vI, Avwg †Zvgv‡K GKwU wkwÿZ RvwZ w`‡ev)
 “Impossible is a word to be found in the dictionary of fools.” (Am¤¢e
kãwU ïay †evKv‡`i Awfav‡bB cvIqv hvq)
Thomas Hardy  “The Greater the sinner, the greater the saint.” (hZ eo cvcx, ZZ eo
Nicolas Chamfort  Success makes success, like money makes money.(mvdj¨B mvdj¨ Av‡b,
†hgb K‡i UvKvB UvKv Av‡b )
Robert Browning  “Ignorance is not innocence but sin.” (AÁZv wbg©jZv bq, cvc)
Oliver Goldsmith  “Handsome is that handsome does.” (iƒ‡c Kv‡jv ¸‡Y fv‡jv)
Francis Bacon  “Knowledge is power.” (ÁvbB kw³)
Ben Jonson  “Riches are in fortune a greater good than wisdom is in nature.” (fv‡M¨
cvIqv abm¤ú` cªK…wZ‡Z cvIqv Áv‡bi †P‡q fv‡jv)
Abraham Cowley  “Life is an incurable disease.” (Rxeb n‡jv GK `~iv‡ivM¨ e¨vwa)
Dylan Thomas  “Time let me hail and climb
A documentary book on Engish Literature for BCS & other competitive Exams
A Gateway to English Literature  S M Shamim Ahmed

Golden in the heydays of his eyes,” (mgq gš¿Yv w`Z Av‡ivnY Kivi, ‡mvbvwj
†mB w`b¸‡jv hw` wd‡i cvIqv †hZ )
Nathaniel Hawthorne  “ There is no good on earth and sin is but a name.”( G wek^ eªÿv‡Ð fv‡jv-
g›`, cvc-c~Y¨ e‡j wKQzB †bB, Gme †KejB bvg )
Saul Bellow  “ The past is no good to us. The Futute is full of anxiety . Only the
present is real- the here –and now.” (AZx‡Z ‡bB †Kvb g½j wbwnZ| fwel¨Z
†hb `ytwPšÍvq cwic~Y©| eZ©gvbB ‡Kej k^vkZ mZ¨- )
Stephen Hawking  “ Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.”(eyw×gËv n‡jv
cwieZ©‡bi mv‡_ mv‡_ wb‡R‡K Lvc LvIqv‡bv )
Roosevelt  No man is above the law and no man is below it‟( ‡Kvb gvbyl AvB‡bi D‡aŸ©
bq, Avevi Gi wb‡PI bq)

weMZ mv‡ji cÖkœ mgvavb I m¤¢ve¨ cÖkœ

1. „Where are the songs of spring? Ay, where are they? Think not of them, thou hast thy music
too.‟- who wrote this? (40 Zg wewmGm)
a. William Wordsworth b. Robert Browning
c. John Keats d. Samuel Coleridge
2. „To be, or not to be — that is the question.‟ — is a famous soliloquy from, — . (39 Zg wewmGm)
a. Hamlet b. Macbeth
c. King Lear d. Othello
3. Where do the following lines occur in? (3Zg wewmGm)
„Alone, alone, all, all alone,
Alone on a wide, wide sea ....‟
a. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner b. Kubla Khan
c. The Nightingle d. The Dungeon
4. „For God‟s sake hold your tongue and let me love.‟ This line is written by —. (38Zg wewmGm)
a. Emily Dickinson b. T. S. Eliot
c. Mathew Arnold d. John Donne
5. „Child is the father of man‟ is taken from the poem of — . (36Zg wewmGm)
a. W. Wordsworth b. S. T. Coleridge
c. P. B. Shelly d. A. C. Swindurne
6. „Frailty, thy name is woman‟ is a famous dialogue from. (36Zg wewmGm)
a. Christopher Marlowe b. John Webstar
c. W. Shakespeare d. T. S. Eliot
7. Who Wrote the following lines: “all at once I saw/a crowd, a host of golden daffodils”?
a. Wordsworth b. Herrick
c. Shelley d. Keats
8. „A litte learning is a dangerous thing‟ is quotation from- (35Zg wewmGm)
a. Oscar Wilds b. Alexander Pope
c. Alfred Tennyson d. Voltaire
9. „To be or not to be, that is the- . (29Zg wewmGm / PÆMÖvg wek^we`¨vjq (B-BDwbU) AvBb : 2011-12)
a. meaning b. question
c. answer d. issue
10. “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?” These lines were written by-
a. Keats b. Frost

A documentary book on Engish Literature for BCS & other competitive Exams
A Gateway to English Literature  S M Shamim Ahmed

c. Eliot d. Shelley
11. Who wrote „Beauty is truth, truth beauty‟?
a. Shakespeare b. Wordsworth
c. Keats d. Eliot
12. „Justice delayed is justice denied‟ was stated by-
a. Disraeli b. Emerson
c. Gladstone d. Shakespeare
13. Who is the speaker of this quote? „ No man is above the law and no man is below it‟ (12g
we‡RGm cÖv_wgK cixÿv : 18)
a. Franklin b. Dickens
c. Doughles d. Roosevelt
14. Who wrote this famous line, „Our sweetest songs are those that tell of the saddest thought?
a. P.B.Shelley b. Shakespeare
c. John Keats d. Robert Frost
15. „Judges like Caesar‟s wife should be above suspicion‟ [10g we‡RGm cÖv_wgK cixÿv : 16]
a. Bowen LJ b. Sir William Blackstone
c. Francis Bacon d. Lord Denning
16. „Corruption wins not more than honesty‟ Dw³wU Kvi? [10g we‡RGm cÖv_wgK cixÿv : 16]
a. William Shakespeare b. Seneca
c. Niccolo Machiavelli d. Plato
Answer Key
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
c a a d a c a c b d c c d a a a

17. „The smile that win, the tints that glow‟__Who wrote this line? (XvKv wek^. ÔP' BDwbU 2028-19)
a. D.H. Lawrence b. Emily Dickinson
c. Niccolo Machiavelli d. Plato
18. „A litter learning is a dangerous thing‟ is quotation from- (PÆMÖvg wek^. ÕOÕ BDwbU 2009-10)
a. Oscar Wilds b. Alexander Pope
c. Alfred Tennyson d. Voltaire
19. Who said „Man is born free , and everywhere he is in chains.‟? - (PÆMÖvg wek^. ÕOÕ BDwbU 2007-08)
a. Rousseau b. Keats
c. Lord Masefield d. Stuart Mill
20. „Know thyself ‟ is writte by ___? - (PÆMÖvg wek^. ÕOÕ BDwbU 2007-08)
a. Aristotle b. Plato
c. Socrates d. Homer
21. Better three hours too soon than a minute too late‟ was said by-(Bmjvgx wek^we`¨vjq (wm-BDwbU):15-16)
a. William Shakespeare b. William Wordsworth
c. O‟ Henry d. Edgar Allan Poe
22. „How can the bird that is born for joy‟ __ What is the next line ? (Bmjvgx wek^we`¨vjq (wm-BDwbU):15-
a. Sit in a cage and sing b. But drop his tender wing
c. And forget the youthful spring d. By sorrow and care‟s dismay
23. „Hold fast to dreams‟ __. Who wrote the line? -(Bmjvgx wek^we`¨vjq (we-BDwbU): 2016-17)
a. John Keats b.John Donne
c. Langston Hughes d. D.H. Lawrence
24. „All people dream, but not equally.‟__Who wrote this line? -(Bmjvgx wek^we`¨vjq (we-BDwbU): 2016-17)
a. Langston Hughes b. D.H. Lawrence

A documentary book on Engish Literature for BCS & other competitive Exams
A Gateway to English Literature  S M Shamim Ahmed

c. John Keats d. John Donne

25. „A thing of besuty is a joy for ever.‟ was stated by __.
a. John Keats b. William Shakespeare
c. Milton d. Bacon
27. He prayeth best who loveth best. Both man and bird and beast „__ who told it ? ( _vbv wkÿv
Awdmvi-1996 )
a. Coleridge b. Bernard Shaw
c. Morley d. Browning
28. „Poets are the unacknowledged legislature of the word‟ who told it? (_vbv wkÿv Awdmvi : 96/hye
Dbœqb Awa`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK : 94)
a. Browning b Tennyson
c. Shelley d. Byron
29. Better three hours too soon than a minute too late‟ was said by- [Rvnv½xi wek^we`¨vjq (wm-BDwbU):
a. William Shakespeare b. William Wordsworth
c. O‟ Henry d. Edgar Allan Poe
30. „Come live with me and be my love,
And we will all the pleasures prove,
That Valleys, groves, hills, and fields,
Woods, or steepy mountain yields.‟ These are a few lines of a poem of a great poet. Who is
the poet? [evsjv‡`k †ijI‡q mnKvix Kgv‡ÛU : 00]
a. J. Webster b. C. Marlowe
c. W. Shakespeare d. Lord Byron
31. Who believed „Man is the maker of his fate‟? [evsjv‡`k cwjø Dbœqb I mgevq wefvM gvV Kg©KZ©v : 13]
a. Franklin b. Dryden
c. Carlyee d. Marlowe
32. Who wrote „Fertilizer does no good in a heap but a little spread around works miracles all
a. Franklin b. Dryden
c. Carlyee d. Sheridan
33. „Good face is the best letter of recommendation‟ was stated by- [ewnivMgb cvm‡cvU© Awa`߇ii
mnKvix cwiPvjK : 00]
a. Queen Victoria b. Queen Elizabeth
c. Queen Anne d. Queen Marry
34 . “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Who said? [PÆMÖvg wek^we`¨vjq
(B-BDwbU) : 08-09]
a. Lord Acton b. Confucius
c. Alexander Pope d. Voltaire
e. Karl Marx
Answer key

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
c b a c a a c b a a a c a b d d b a

A documentary book on Engish Literature for BCS & other competitive Exams

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