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Primary Sources

1. Diary

The President’s Daily Diary is a day-by-day record of Ronald Reagan’s eight years as
President. It chronicles such activities as meetings, briefings, press conferences, telephone calls,
photo sessions, meals, travel, and recreation. Presidential Diarist Ellen Jones (McCathran), a
National Archives employee detailed to the White House, had chief responsibility for creating
the Diary, based on documents provided by various White House units.

The primary Diary document for most days is a log, entered on a standard form. The logs
list starting and ending times for activities, brief descriptions for activities which require
explanation, and information on persons or groups involved. Some log entries refer to
appendices which provide full participant lists, and other additional information, for certain
meetings, air travel, and social affairs.

The Daily Diary originally contained several gaps, up to three weeks in length, which
usually corresponded to President Reagan’s trips outside the Washington, DC area. The Diary
also stopped completely in October 1988, apparently because the Diarist fell behind in compiling
it. In order to fill the gaps, the Reagan Library has transferred to the Daily Diary selected
documents from other collections within the Office of the Presidential Diary. The transferred
materials consist of draft versions of logs and appendices, plus other documents containing the
types of information generally found in the Daily Diary. With the additional materials, there are
only a few days which are totally missing from the Daily Diary. However, documentation for
many days, especially those which President Reagan spent at Camp David or Rancho del Cielo
(his California ranch), remains sketchy. Furthermore, the Diary does not provide a complete list
of participants for every event, and sometimes refers the reader to appendices which were never
2. Interviews

Interviews ABC News’ Diane Sawyer’s interview with President Obama on the 2012
Presidential Election.


3. Autobiography

I AM MALALA is the remarkable tale of a family uprooted by global terrorism, of the fight
for girls’ education, of a father who, himself a school owner, championed and encouraged his
daughter to write and attend school, and of brave parents who have a fierce love for their
daughter in a society that prizes sons.

I AM MALALA will make you believe in the power of one person’s voice to inspire change
in the world.
4. Government publication

Arrival of Sinovac vaccine, a big step in overcoming pandemic, says President Duterte
February 28, 2021.

The helicopter carrying President Rodrigo Roa Duterte flies past the Chinese military
plane preparing to offload the crates of Covid-19 vaccine CoronaVac (SINOVAC) at the
Bulwagang Kalayaan in Villamor Air Base, Pasay City on February 28, 2021. KING
5. Oral History

An oral history of John Florio, a 1934 graduate of the University of Illinois , was record on
this audio cassette tape in January 2001. This oral history, in which Florio reminisces about his
days as an Illini athlete and student, was taken as part of a project of the UIUC Student Life and
Culture Archives to preserve the recollections of students who attended UIUC just before and
during the Great Depression.

Primary sources are documents, images or artifacts that provide firsthand testimony or
direct evidence concerning an historical topic under research investigation. As an example The
Raegan diaries by the author itself, Ronald Raegan. It is about his daily diary, a day-by-day
record of his eight years as a president. Second, is an example of Diane Sawyer Interviews
President Obama. It has a video confirming that an interview took place between Diane Sawyer
and President Obama during the 2012 Presidential Election. Third, is an example of personal
memoir, the title of the book is I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai with Christina Lamb. It is
about the life of the girl who stood up for Education and was shot by the Taliban. Fourth, is an
example of government publications. It is about the arrival of sinovac vaccine, a big step in
overcoming pandemic says President Duterte. This is a documents and information produced by
government and central government organization. Lastly, is an example of oral history. An oral
history of John Florto, a 1934 graduate of the University of Illinois, was record on the audio
cassette tape in January 2001. It is the accounts given by a person of events earlier in their life.
Secondary Sources

1. Biographical works

The First Filipino: by Leon Ma. Guerrero

2. Bibliography
3. Scholarly books

4. Articles from School magazines

5. Encyclopedia or Dictionary

Chen, J. Q. (2003). Intelligence: Multiple intelligences. In J. Guthrie (Ed.), Encyclopedia of

education (pp. 1198-1201). New York, NY: Macmillan.

Goethals, G. R., Sorenson, G. J., & Burns, J. M. (Eds.). (2004). Encyclopedia of leadership.
Thousand Oaks, Ca: Sage Publications.

Moore, C. (1992). Mass Spectrometry. In Encyclopedia of chemical technology (4th ed., Vol. 15,
pp. 1071-1094). New York, NY: Wiley.

VandenBos, G. R. (Ed.). (2007). APA dictionary of psychology. Washington, DC: American

Psychological Association.

Secondary sources provide background information on literary texts, such as a text’s

reception by critics on its publication, or events in the author’s life that may have influenced the
text like our example, The First Filipino the author is Leon Guerrero, who also translated the
widely-acclaimed translations of Rizal's novels, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. This is a
standard text in Rizal studies and has been continuously in print since its first publication in
1962. The second example if the reference is a book this is a secondary source. That's why the
bibliography is a secondary source and a list of references. Third, is The Humanities of Diliman
this one an example of scholarly books. There are promotes scholarship in the arts and
humanities in the Philippines, as well as international synergies, especially with scholars on
Southeast Asia. They are intended for academic study and research. They are published by
academic or university presses. The fourth example is school magazine one of the secondary
sources of a regularly published collection of articles. And if you aim to analyze the school
policy, a school article about a new policy is a secondary source. Lastly, encyclopedia or
dictionary entries are secondary sources because the content is written by an academic for an
academic audience.
2. Article: Rage and fury over cop's killing of mother and son: ‘No license to kill’

The police killing of a mother and her son in Paniqui, Tarlac, on Sunday, December 20,
sparked anger online as Filipinos prepared for their Christmas week.

Police Senior Master Sergeant Jonel Nuezca shot dead Sonya Gregorio and Frank Gregorio
over an argument with Frank.

Nuezca's daughter also witnessed the killings, as the video showed. Nuezca is officially
assigned in Parañaque but is from Paniqui.

The video triggered anger and calls to end police brutality. #StopTheKillings,
#JusticeforSonyaGregorio, MY FATHER IS A POLICEMAN, and #PulisAngTerorista top
Philippine Twitter trends on Monday morning, December 21.

Calls for justice were amplified even outside the Philippines. With almost half a million
tweets, the hashtag #StopTheKillingsPH was among the top trends in Singapore and Dubai as of
1 pm. #JusticeForSonyaGregorio ranked third in Singapore trends with 265,000 tweets.

“Who do you call when the police murders?” Filipino netizens ask – a question that resonates
with many parts of the world that have suffered from police brutality and are campaigning to
reform, defund, or completely abolish the police force. (READ: Why not abolish the PNP?)

Many connected the crime to the climate of fear and impunity under the "bloodstained
administration," blaming President Rodrigo Duterte himself. Allegations of human rights abuses
and killings hound the Duterte regime, and the police have been at the forefront of a bloody war
on drugs.

Contributing to the climate of fear, Duterte’s rhetoric “may have incited violence and may
have had the effect of encouraging, backing or even ordering human rights violations with
impunity,” said the United Nations Human Rights Office in a recent report.

Many netizens are saying that the police shooting in Tarlac is not an isolated case, but a
reflection of lawlessness. (READ: More killings feared if UN Human Rights Council fails to act
vs impunity in PH)
This is the content of the video.

A policeman from Parañaque kills a mother and son in Tarlac after an argument over an
improvised noisemaker. The shooting of Sonya Gregorio, 52, and her son Frank, 25, by police
senior master surgeant Jonel Nuezca, was captured on video and goes viral on social media.

Police say Nuezca went to the Gregorio's house to investigate who was shooting boga, an
improvised canon made of bamboo used to make noise during new year celebration. When
Nuezca, tried to arrest Frank, who appeared drunk, his mother Sonya intervened. Nuezca ended
up shooting both. Nuezca's daughter was beside him when he shot the Gregorios. Tarlac
province police chief renante Cabico says Nuezca surrendered to authorities an hour after the
incident. Nuezca was "off duty" at the time and was visiting his hometown from his assignment
at the Parañaque City police crime laboratory. Policemen carry their guns off-duty due to a 2017
order from President Rodrigo Duterte. Just a week ago, police chief Debold Sinas said there was
no need to seal the muzzle of cop's gun during the holidays. Meantime, Presidential Spokesman
Harry Roque says the President 'will not protect' Nuezca. He says the cop cannot involve his job
as defense because he was off-duty at that time. #StopTheKillingsPH and
#JusticeForSonyaGregorio go viral Monday morning, triggering online users to call for an end to
police brutality. The hashtags also top the trending lists in Singapore and Dubai. Contrary to
what police officials say, online users reiterate the shooting is not an isolated case, but a
reflection of lawlessness. Meantime, a list of Nuezca's administrative cases show he faced two
cases of grave misconduct involving homicide - one on May 9, 2019 and another on December
29, 2019. Both were dismissed due to lack of evidence. But on Monday, Tarlac prosecutors file
two counts of murder against Nuezca. No bail was recommended in the charge sheets.

As we can see or read in the article there is some information that we can see or watch in
the video which we cannot see or read in the article. The age of the two victim are not in the
article that we can see in the video. There is half a million tweets, hashtag that top trends in
Singapore and Dubai. The article also did not include the cause of the fight between the police
and the mother and her son. Although there are many differences between article and video,
there is only one thing it wants to convey. If we have information not found in the article that can
be seen in the video, it will help us to increase our knowledge. The video is the primary source
and the article is the secondary, these two help us what we really want to know.

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