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Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147)


PART A. DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................ 1


- ETHIOPIA. ................................................................................................................................4

Part A2. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES ........................................................................................9

2.1 General Specifications ................................................................................................ 9
2.1.1 Scope of Services to be provided..................................................................................9
2.1.2 Description of the Project area .....................................................................................9
2.1.3 Description of the Road included in Contract............................................................. 10
2.1.4 Reference Information................................................................................................ 10
2.1.5 Service level for Maintenance (Routine) works...........................................................12
2.1.6 Self-Control Unit of Contractor....................................................................................12
2.1.7 Communications Equipment ...................................................................................... 13
2.1.8 Site Regulations and Work Procedures ...................................................................... 13
2.1.9 Functions of Key Personnel......................................................................................... 13
2.1.10 Specification of Service Quality Criteria ..................................................................... 14
2.1.11 Methods of Inspection of Service Levels .................................................................... 14 Formal Inspections of Service Levels .......................................................................... 14 Informal Inspections of Service Levels........................................................................ 15 Means used for Inspection .......................................................................................... 15
2.2. Specification for the Provision of Road Management Information ....................... 15
2.2.1. Monthly Statement..................................................................................................... 15
2.2.2. Program of Performance .............................................................................................21 Contractor’s Quality Assurance Plan ..............................................................................21 Health and Safety Management Plans ...........................................................................21 Emergency Procedures and Contingency Plan .............................................................. 22 Traffic Management Plan.............................................................................................. 22
2.2.3 Updating of Road Administration Databases ............................................................. 23
2.2.4 Handover Report............................................................................................................ 23
2.3 Specification of Service Level Criteria for Maintenance Works .............................. 24
2.3.1. Usability of the Road ....................................................................................................... 24
2.3.2 Road User Service and Comfort Measures.................................................................. 24
2.3.3 Durability measures .................................................................................................... 28 Road Roughness.......................................................................................................... 28 Road Deflection 28 Pavement Width and Lane Width .............................................................................. 29
2.3.4. Variations and gradual compliance with Service Levels ............................................. 29
2.3.5 Means used for Assessing of Service Levels ................................................................ 30
2.3.6. Methodologies and Procedures to Be Used for Measurement of Service Levels on
Paved Roads 30
2.4 Signage and Road Safety........................................................................................... 35
2.4.1 Service Levels Measures for Traffic Signage, Road Safety and Road Markings .......... 35
2.5 Drainage ..................................................................................................................... 41
2.5.1 Service Levels ............................................................................................................. 41
2.5.2 Variations and Gradual Compliance with Service Levels ............................................ 42
2.5.3 Procedures for Inspection........................................................................................... 42 Methodology for evaluation of conditions of drainages ............................................ 42
2.6 Vegetation ..................................................................................................................43
2.6.1 Service Levels .............................................................................................................. 43

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 2

2.6.2 Variations and Gradual Compliance with Service Levels ............................................46

2.6.3 Means used for Assessing Compliance with Service Levels ........................................46 Methodology for evaluation of conditions of vegetation ..........................................46
2.7 Structures ................................................................................................................... 47
2.7.1 Service Levels 47
2.7.2 Variations and gradual compliance with Service Levels .............................................48
2.7.3 Procedures for Inspection...........................................................................................48 Methodology for evaluation of conditions of structures ...........................................48
2.8 Slopes – Cuts and Embankments ..............................................................................50
2.8.2 Variations and gradual compliance with Service Levels ............................................. 51
2.8.3 Procedures for Inspection........................................................................................... 52 Methodology for evaluation of conditions of Slopes – Cuts and Embankments ....... 52
2.9. Road Property management; .......................................................................................... 52
2.9.2. Variations and gradual compliance with Service Levels ................................................ 53
2.10 Management Performance Measures:...........................................................................54
2.11 Data Collection Service .................................................................................................... 55
2.11.2. Variations and gradual compliance with Service Levels .............................................. 56
2.11.3. Procedures for Inspection ............................................................................................ 56
2.12 Horticultural Maintenance ........................................................................................ 57
2.12.1 Service Levels .................................................................................................................. 57
2.13 Payment Reductions and Liquidated Damages ........................................................... 57
2.13.1 Determination of Payment Reductions .................................................................... 58

PART- C: ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN........................................... 75

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 1
Annual Average daily traffic (AADT): The estimate of typical traffic on a Road segment for all
days of the week over the period of a year.

Asphalt Concrete (AC): A controlled mixture of asphalt cements and graded aggregate
compacted to a dense mass. Also, hot-mixed asphalt (HMA), hot mixed asphalt concrete (HMAC),
bituminous concrete (BC), plant mix (PM).
Asphalt Concrete Surface: Asphalt concrete used as a surface course. Also, dense graded asphalt
concrete, asphalt surface, asphalt carpet.

Base: layer of specified or select material of designed thickness placed on a sub base or subgrade
to support a surface course or binder.

Bill of Quantities means the priced and completed Bill of Quantities forming part of the
Contractor’s Bid.

CBR: California Bearing Ratio. Bearing capacity of one material compared with a standard well-
graded crush stone.
The Contractor: Any combination of companies that has inter-alia Construction capabilities,
Design capabilities, Financing capabilities, Asset and Data Management capabilities, etc. This
Entity may be composed of one or any number of groups, joined together as one single company,
or a JVA (Joint Venture Association), or a Partnership.

Contractor’s Bid is the completed bidding document submitted by the Contractor to the
Contract Price is the price stated in the Letter of Acceptance and thereafter as adjusted in
accordance with the provisions of the Contract.

Days are calendar days; months are calendar months.

Deflection: Vertical deformation of a pavement under an applied load.

Design life of pavement: The length of time for which a pavement structure is being designed.

Drawings include calculations and other information provided by the Contractor for the
execution of the Contract.

Employer is the party who employs the Contractor to carry out the Works and Services.
Equipment is the Contractor’s machinery and vehicles brought temporarily to the Site to
construct the Works and to carry out the Services.

EMAP Environmental Management Action Plan.

Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD): Non destructive equipment used to measure the
deflection bowl or basin of a given pavement structure. Indicator of the structural condition of
the Road.

International Roughness Index (IRI): A pavement roughness index computed from a longitudinal
profile measurement.

Intervention (type): The type of intervention to be carried out on a Road Section, based on the
current condition (structural and functional).
Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services
OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 2
Package: Division of the Project based on an adequate size for OPRC Contracts, in terms of the
number of Road-km and type of intervention.

Maintenance: The preservation of the entire Roadway, including surface, shoulders, Roadsides,
structures, and such traffic control devices as are necessary for its safe and efficient utilization.

Pavement condition: A quantitative representation of pavement distress at a given point in time.

Pavement performance: Measure of accumulated service provided by a pavement. Often

referred to the record of pavement condition or serviceability over time or with accumulated
Pavement structure: A combination of sub base, base course, and surface course placed on a sub
grade to support the traffic load and distribute it to the Roadbed.

Performance Period: Period of time that an initial pavement structure will last before it needs

Project Manager is the person named in the PC who is responsible for the overall administration
of the Contract on behalf of the Employer. He is responsible for the supervision of works and
services to be performed there under. The Project Manager may delegate through a written
instrument some of his functions to any other competent person, retaining however the overall
responsibility for the actions of that person. The Project Manager may not delegate the overall
administrative control of the Contract.

Reliability: the probability that serviceability will be maintained at adequate levels from a user’s
point of view, throughout the design life of the Road. Probability that a pavement Section
designed using the process will perform satisfactorily over the traffic and environmental
conditions for the performance period.

Right of Way: Land authorized to be used or occupied for the construction, operations,
maintenance, and termination of a project or facility passing over, under, or through such land.
Roadbed: The graded portion of a highway between top and side slopes, prepared as a
foundation for the pavement structure and shoulder.

Road means the Road or network of Roads for which the Works and Services are Contracted
under the Contract

Road Management Office is the location indicated by the Contractor from which the Road
Manager operates, and where the Contractor shall receive notifications.

Road Manager is a person appointed by the Contractor who is in charge of managing all activities
of the Contractor under the Contract. He is also the Contractor’s Representative for the purposes
of this Contract.

Road Section: Minimum portion (1 km) of the total length of the Road to measure level of service
for approval and payments purposes.

Road Surface Profiler (RSP): Equipment Class 1 measuring the IRI.

Maintenance works: maintenance activities that are carried out on a regular basis, usually to be
undertaken each week, month, quarterly or yearly maintain the service levels in a routine
Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services
OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 3

Service Levels are the minimum performance standards for the level of quality of conditions of
the Road defined in the Specifications which the Contractor shall comply with.
Serviceability: It is the ability of the pavement to serve the type of traffic which uses the facility
during the performance period.

Specifications means the Specifications of the Works and Services included in the Contract and
any modification or addition made or approved by the Project Manager.

Sub base: The layer or layers of specified or selected materials of designed thickness placed on a
sub grade to support a base course.

Subcontractor is a person or corporate body who has a Contractual agreement with the
Contractor to carry out certain activities related to the services to be provided under the
Contract, which may include work on the Site.

Sub grade: the top surface of a Roadbed upon which the pavement structure and shoulders are

Traffic growth rate: A factor used to describe the annual growth rate of traffic volume on a

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147)


This preface summarizes the concept of Output- and Performance-based Road Contracts
(OPRC). For legal purposes the text of the main body of this document is binding and takes
precedence over this preface.

1. Output- and Performance-based Contracting for Roads is designed to increase the efficiency
and effectiveness of Road asset management and maintenance. It should ensure that the
physical condition of the Roads under Contract is adequate for the need of Road users, over
the entire period of the Contract, which is normally several years. This type of Contract
significantly expands the role of the private sector, from the simple execution of works to the
management and conservation of Road assets.

2. In traditional maintenance Contracts, the Contractor is responsible for the execution of

works, which are normally defined by the Road Administration or the Employer and the
Contractor is paid on the basis of unit prices for different work items, i.e. a Contract based on
“inputs” to the works. The results of traditional Road Contracts are in many cases less-than-
optimal. The problem is that the Contractor has the wrong incentive, which is to carry out the
maximum amount of works, in order to maximize its turnover and profits. Even if the work is
carried out according to plan and considerable money is spent, the overall service quality for
the Road user suffers from deficiencies in the original design, aggravated by inadequate

3. The OPRC addresses the issue of inadequate incentives. During the bidding process,
Contractors compete among each other by essentially proposing fixed lump-sum prices for
bringing the Road to a certain service level and then maintaining it at that level for a relatively
long period. It is important to understand that Contractors are not paid directly for “inputs”
or physical works (which they will undoubtedly have to carry out), but for achieving specified
Service Levels laid down in the Contract, i.e., by Maintenance (Routine)/Improvement to pre-
defined standards, all may be representing outputs/outcomes or some of these may
represent inputs. Amonthly lump-sum remuneration paid to the Contractor or a combination
of Lump Sum and Unit rate payment, as stipulated in the Contract provision, will cover all
physical and non-physical Maintenance Services provided by the Contractor, except for
unforeseen emergency works, which are remunerated separately. The scheduled works such
as Improvement Works, which have been explicitly specified by the Employer in the Contract
are quoted on the basis of measurable “input” quantities and paid as performed. In order to
be entitled to the monthly lump sum payment for Maintenance Services, which include works
related to Routine maintenance, the Contractor must ensure that the Roads under Contract
comply with the Service Levels, which have been specified in the bidding document. It is
possible that during some months he will have to carry out a rather large amount of physical
works in order to comply with the required Service Levels and very little work during other
months. However, his monthly payment for Maintenance Works remains the same as long as
the required Service Levels are complied with.

4. In case of OPRC, the Contractor is responsible for carrying out the works, services and actions
he believes are necessary in order to achieve and maintain the Service Levels stated in the
Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services
OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 5

Contract. The Service Levels are defined from a Road user’s perspective and may include
factors such as average travel speeds, riding comfort, safety features, etc. If the Service Level
is not achieved in any given month, the payment for that month may be reduced or even

5. Under the OPRC, the Contractor has a strong financial incentive to be both efficient and
effective, whenever he undertakes work. It makes necessary for the Contactor to have a
good management capacity. Here, “management” means the capability to define, optimize
and carry out on a timely basis the physical interventions which are needed in the short,
medium and long term, in order to guarantee that the Roads remain above the agreed
Service Levels. In other words, for Maintenance works within the Contract limitations and
those required to comply with local legislation, technical and performance specifications,
environmental and social regulations, the Contractor is entitled to independently define:

(i) what to do,

(ii) where to do it,
(iii) how to do it, and
(iv) when to do it.
The role of the Road Administration and of the Employer is to enforce the Contract by
verifying compliance with the agreed Service Levels and with all applicable legislation and

6. Maintaining a Road network means attending to the Maintenance works, this includes both
routine and periodic tasks. Routine maintenance consists of many different tasks frequently
necessary to maintain the function of the Road (such as pothole repairs, cleaning of drainage,
sealing of cracks, cutting of vegetation, etc.). Periodic maintenance consists of predictable
and more costly measures of a less frequent nature designed to avoid Road degradation
(such as grading, drainage work, resurfacing for roughness correction etc.). Intelligent
management, the timeliness of interventions and the adequacy of technical solutions are
critical. It is expected that Contractors exposed to Output- and Performance-Based Contracts
will unleash significant efficiency gains, and stimulate innovation in comparison with
traditional Road administration practices.

7. Minimum Road conditions and Service Levels are defined through output and performance
measures, and these are used under the OPRC to define and measure the desired
performance of the Contractor. In the OPRC, the defined performance measures are thus the
accepted minimum thresholds for the quality levels of the Roads for which the Contractor is

8. The performance criteria cover all aspects of the Contract and take account of the fact that
different sub-areas within the Contract area might require different Service Levels. Criteria
can be defined at three levels (although simpler Contracts may not use all of the criteria
stated below);
a) Road User Service and Comfort measures, which can be expressed in terms such as:
 Road Roughness
 Road and lane width
Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services
OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 6
 Rutting
 Skid resistance
 Vegetation control
 Visibility of Road signs and markings
 Availability of each lane-km for use by traffic
 Response times to rectify defects that compromise the safety of Road users
 Drainage off the pavement (standing water is dangerous for Road users)
b) Road Durability measures, which can be expressed in terms such as:

 Pavement strength
 The extent of repairs permissible before a more extensive periodic maintenance
treatment is required
 Degree of sedimentation in drainage facilities

c) Management Performance Measures: It defines the information the Employer, requires

both to govern the asset during the term of the Contract and to facilitate the next
tender round. Requirements to include:
 Delivery of regular progress reports to the Road Controlling Authority
 Inventory updates and other data sharing requirements
 Maintenance history (so enable subsequent tenderers to price the work).
9. Under the terms of the Contract, the Contractor will also be responsible for the continuous
monitoring and control of Road conditions and Service Levels for the Project Road included in
the Contract. This will not only be necessary to fulfill the Contract requirements, but it is an
activity, which will provide him with the information needed to be able (i) to know the degree
of his own compliance with Service Level requirements, and (ii) to define and plan, in a timely
fashion, all physical interventions required to ensure that service quality indicators never fall
below the indicated thresholds. Under the OPRC modality, the Contractor will not receive
instructions from the Employer concerning the type and volume of Road maintenance works
to be carried out except for the works to be carried out under Improvement works. For
Maintenance works all initiative rests with the Contractor, who must do whatever is
necessary and efficiently to achieve the quality levels required. This concept is expected to
lead not only to significant efficiency gains, as mentioned earlier, but also to technological
10. The beneficiaries of the concept of the OPRC are expected to be the Road users, the Road
Administration, and the Contractors. In a wider sense, future generations will be able to
benefit from a better preservation of past investments in Roads. Road users will be able to
know the Service Level they can expect in return for the payments they make for the use of
the infrastructure (tolls, tariffs, user fees, taxes, etc.). The Road Administrations should
benefit by obtaining better overall Road conditions at the same levels of expenditure. For
Contractors, the new type of Contracts should open up new business opportunities, in which
longer Contract periods provide a more stable business environment and for the
establishment of true Public-Private Partnership relations. However, it may be the future

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 7

generations, who will perhaps benefit most, since they will not have to pay for the
reconstruction of Roads destroyed because of a lack of maintenance today.
11. Some Emergency Works should always be foreseen. Those are meant to remedy unexpected
damage, which occurs as a result of extraordinary natural phenomena, and which affect the
normal use of the Road network, or the safety and security of the users. For emergency
works, the Contract limits the responsibility of the Contractor, establishing that the Employer
will approve execution of services and separate remuneration based on specific amounts
proposed by the Contractor for each case, on the basis of volume of works estimated at each
time and on unit prices included in the bid. A provisional sum is normally set aside by the
Employer for Emergency Works.

12. Bidders will present their financial offer for:

(i) The Maintenance Works/services (Routine) in the form of the amount of the monthly
lump-sum payment per Kilometer length demanded by the bidder according to the
conditions of Contract (this will be a monthly amount applicable throughout the
duration of the Contract); There shall also be a price adjustment clause applicable to
all prices and activities in order to compensate for increases in cost indices.
(ii) The Improvement works in the form of unit rates demanded by the bidder according
to the conditions of Contract (BOQ will be provided in the Contract); There shall also
be a price adjustment clause applicable to all prices and activities in order to
compensate for increases in cost indices.
(iii) The Emergency Works in the form of unit rates demanded by the bidder according to
the conditions of Contract for day works (BOQ will be provided in the Contract); The
Works will be carried out only on receiving the approval of the Employer. There shall
NOT be any price adjustment clause applicable to the prices and activities carried out
under Emergency Works.
13. The agreed monthly payment for Maintenance Works and services will be made to the
Contractor if he has complied, during the month for which the payment is to be made, with
the agreed Service Levels on the Road network under the Contract. Together with his
monthly invoice, the Contractor will report the result of his own evaluation of compliance
with the required Service Levels, based on his own monitoring system which is mandatory.
His statement will then be verified by the Employer or his representative (Project Manager)
through inspections. If the Service Levels are not met, payments will be reduced, based on
the schedule given in the Contract. Payments may even be suspended, and the Contract
cancelled, if the Contractor fails during an extended period to achieve certain minimum
thresholds values of Service Levels. The Contract describes the formulas used to calculate
payment reduction and potential Contract suspensions.

14. The requirements of Improvement Works indicated in the bidding document has been
determined on the basis of Engineering analysis by visual inspection, surveys, and
investigations and testing carried out very recently on the Roadway. Based on the
requirements, a bill of quantity, which covers the estimated quantities of various items, is
appended with the bidding document. The basis of payment for such works will be the actual
quantities of work ordered and carried out, as measured and verified by the Project Manager
Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services
OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 8
where applicable multiplied by the unit rate given in priced BOQ. The output of such work will
confirm the service levels indicated in the bid document.

15. For Emergency works hypothetical and provisional quantities on day works basis have been
given in the Bill of quantity. Actual quantities for Emergency work will be specified in Work
Orders, issued by the Project Manager. The basis of payment for emergency works will be
the actual quantities of work ordered and carried out, as measured and verified by the
Project Manager.

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 9


2.1 General Specifications

2.1.1 Scope of Services to be provided

Notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 7 of the Contract, the services to be provided by the
Contractor include all activities, physical or others, which the Contractor needs to, carry out, in
order to comply with the Service Levels and other output and performance criteria indicated
under the Contract, or with any other requirements of the Contract. In particular, they include
management tasks and physical works associated with the following Road-related assets and
 Pavements (paved Roads)
 Road surface (unpaved areas of Roadway)
 Signage and Road safety furniture
 Drainage structures
 Vegetation control
 Slopes (cuts and embankments)
 Structures
 Road property management: It includes identification of encroachments and ribbon
developments, liaising with the relevant authorities for removal of encroachments and
ribbon developments.
 Incident Management: It includes the Road patrolling, surveillance, first aid, basic
automobile assistance, tow away cranes, communication facilities and Traffic
 Data Collection: This includes data collection related to traffic, roughness, pavement
strength and pavement & bridge condition.
 Horticultural maintenance
 Inspections Services

2.1.2 Description of the Project area

The project Road from Chancho- Fiche (75 km length) has been recently upgraded to Asphalt
concrete and is situated in the Northern part of Ethiopia, starting at Chancho, approximately 28
km northern of the capital city, Addis Ababa, in Oromiya Regional state of the Federal Republic of
Ethiopia. The start point is at the end of Chancho town. The Road terminates at the end of Fiche
Town at km 102km. The prominent human settlements and towns, which the project Road
serves, are Chancho, Muketuri, Debre Tsige and Fiche. The length of the Project Road Section is
75+000 km. The entire Section of the Project passes through agriculturally rich and fertile land of
the Region. The economy of the Region is sound because of high yields from agricultural

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 10

Salient features relating to climate and geography of the Region are given below:
Contract Area Latitude Longitude Max. Min.
(Mean) (Mean)
Chancho- 472669.613N Chancho-1028060.956E
Chancho- Fiche 27.50 C 4.70 C
Fiche- 470446.394N Fiche - 1080618.109E

Terrain per year Humidity Seismic Zones
Chancho- Zone
Chancho- Tropical-
Flat, Rolling and Mountainous 918-1567 4 and
Fiche Humid
Fiche –Zone 2

Transportation network:
Transportation network in the Region is totally dependent on the Road network. The Road
network is the only link between all the important towns’ viz. Chancho, Muketuri, Debre Tsige
and Fiche. The traffic mix in between Adama and Assela is mixed in nature. The motorized
vehicular traffic plying on this Road comprise of cars, land rovers, bus and heavy vehicles.. This
corridor caters for the transportation needs of several villages and towns located in its vicinity.
The Road network of the Region is well developed.

2.1.3 Description of the Road included in Contract

The Road Section included in the Contract is Chancho- Fiche Road.

The start point of the Section is located in Chancho City at a distance of km 28+700 from Addis
Ababa (Capital of Ethiopia) and the project corridor terminates at the end of Fiche Town at km
102+700km. The Road pavement is 10m wide comprising of 7 m main Carriageway and 1.5 m wide
paved shoulders on either side of Carriageway in rural Sections and 7.0/14.0m wide carriageway
with 2.5m wide shoulders/parking lanes on either side in town/urban Sections. Project Information board

The Contractor shall install at his own cost at least three project information boards within one
month from the start date. The placement of these boards shall be; one at the starting point of
the project road, one at the end of the project road and one near the Engineers/Contractors
camp area. The board shall contain information such as Project name, Contractors name, Client
name, Consultants name, funding agency and Project details such as length of road section,
project cost, project duration etc. All information to be displayed shall be got approved from the
Project Manager beforehand.

2.1.4 Reference Information

As a general reference, the information shown below is provided to the Bidder. The Employer
provides this information to the best of his knowledge, but does not guarantee its correctness,

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 11

and the Contractor is not entitled to make any claims based on potential errors or omissions in
the information provided.
Traffic composition- Traffic composition for the Road Section in July 2010 is as given below
(Source: Ethiopian Roads Authority, Traffic Survey):

Number of
Vehicle Type
Car 60
L/Rovers 299
Chancho To Fiche Road S/Bus 433
segment L/Bus 149
S/Truck 218
M/Truck 180
H/Truck 160
Truck & Trailer 179

The Traffic Growth Rate for the Road segments based on studies conducted and available traffic
data from Ethiopian Roads Authority is given in the table below:

2015-2024 2025-2034
Car 8% 7%
L/Rovers 8% 5%
S/Bus 7% 5%
ChanchoTo Fiche Road
L/Bus 7% 7%
S/Truck 7% 6%
M/Truck 7% 6%
H/Truck 7% 6%
Truck &
7% 7%

Technical information of Road, such as original design, previous works executed, etc.

This Section of the Road has been very recently upgraded under the Second Phase of the Road
Sector Development (RSDPII) with the loan assistance provided by the International
Development Association (IDA).

Salient Design features of the Roadway are:

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services
OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 12

Design Speed 60-100 kmph

Type of Pavement Flexible
Design Life of Pavement 20 Years
Two Lane (7.0 m Wide) plus 1.50 m wide paved shoulders
on either side of CW
Paved Shoulders 1.50 m wide with Double Surface Treated on curves and
gradients > 7%
Pavement Layer Thickness (mm)
Asphalt concrete 12
Crushed Stone base course 250
Composition of Pavement
Granular Sub-base 300

Sub-grade CBR 10% to 12%

Typical Cross Sections of Roadway Appended as ANNEXURE-1

Location Map – Appended as ANNEXURE-2

Other Annexures
Bride & Culvert Inventory – Appended as ANNEXURE-3

2.1.5 Service level for Maintenance (Routine) works

Pavement - If the roughness level of pavement in a Section covering a length of 1000 m exceeds
3.5 International Roughness Index (IRI), a minimum 30mm thick Asphalt Concrete roughness
corrective course/resurfacing course shall be laid over the existing pavement surface after laying
profile corrective course.

Drainage system- Drainage system if required will be designed in accordance with ERA Drainage
Design Manual -2002.

2.1.6 Self-Control Unit of Contractor

In conformity with sub-clause 25.2 of the GC, the Contractor is obliged to establish, within his own
organizational structure, a specific Unit staffed with qualified personnel, whose task is to verify
continuously the degree of compliance by the Contractor with the required Service Levels. The
Self Control Unit is also responsible for undertaking the quality control testing required for
Routine maintenance works and Emergency works.
The Unit is responsible for the generation and presentation of the information needed by the
Contractor for the documentation required for the Monthly Statement. In general terms, the Unit
will be responsible to maintain at all times a detailed and complete knowledge of the condition of
the Roads or Road Sections included in the Contract and to provide to the management of the
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OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 13

Contractor all the information needed in order to efficiently manage and maintain the Roads
included in the Contract. The Self-control Unit is also obliged to carry out, in close collaboration
with the Project Manager, the formal and scheduled inspections of Service Levels which will take
place regularly.
The compliance (non-compliance) of the Contractor with service level requirements will be
reported by the Self-Control Unit to the Project Manager in the form of tables as specified in

2.1.7 Communications Equipment

The Contractor is obliged to provide, operate and maintain in operation permanently the
following communication equipment:
 Cellular phones for all Contractors’ key personnel - as required as per site exigencies
 Cellular phones for Project Manager’s staff- 3 no.
 Computers with E mail access – Project Manager and Road Manager’s office.
 Fax machine with phone connection - Project Manager and Road Manager’s office.
2.1.8 Site Regulations and Work Procedures

The Contractor shall fully comply with applicable laws in Ethiopia relating to Environment, Safety
and Labour. Relevant Codes for safety of Road users and project workers.
The Contractor will also comply with the Environment Management Action Plan attached.
(Attach EMAP).
The Contractor will comply with the sub clause 17.2 of GC, ERA STS and Technical Specification for
Road maintenance works 2nd edition-2003 in connection with Methodology and sequence of
2.1.9 Functions of Key Personnel

No. Position Responsibility

Shall be in charge of the day-to-day management of the works and
services to be provided under the Contract on behalf of the
1 Road Manager
Contractor, and shall have legal and all other capabilities to take all
necessary decisions related to the execution of the Contract.
Highway / Highway /Pavement Engineer will be responsible for all technical
2 Pavement aspects of Roadway, identification of defects and their repair,
Engineer execution of rehabilitation works.
Quality Assurance QA & Material Engineer will be responsible for Quality of works and
3 and Material ensuring that the materials used in work are in conformity with the
Engineer specifications.
Drainage / Structural Engineer will be responsible for all technical
Drainage /
aspects of all minor and major structures, identification of defects
4 Structural
and their repair, preparations of necessary proposal for
rectification/remedial measures etc.
5 Road Management of traffic, safety and implementation of EMAP

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Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 14
No. Position Responsibility
Construction /
Safety Engineer

2.1.10 Specification of Service Quality Criteria

The service levels which will be applicable shall be in accordance with the specification clause
2.3.1, 2.3.2 and 2.3.3.

2.1.11 Methods of Inspection of Service Levels Formal Inspections of Service Levels

Formal inspections are those scheduled in advance by the Project Manager, and carried out by
the Contractor (through his self-control Unit) under the supervision of the Project Manager. The
main purpose of the formal inspections is to enable the Project Manager to verify the information
presented in the Contractor’s Monthly Statement and to issue the Interim Payment Certificate.
The Project Manager must inform the Contractor of his intention to carry out a formal inspection
at least 48 hours in advance, indicating the exact date, hour and location where the formal
inspection is to begin. The Contractor is obliged to be present at the date, hour and location
specified by the Project Manager, providing the physical means needed for the inspection as
indicated further below. Formal inspections will normally, but not necessarily, be scheduled to
begin within less than five (5) days after the presentation by the Contractor of the Monthly
Statement to the Project Manager; and they should normally be completed within a maximum of
three (3) days. The formal inspections allow the comparison of the information on compliance
provided by the Contractor in the standard tables which are part of his Monthly Statement, with
actual measurements taken in locations to be determined by the Project Manager. During the
formal inspections, the Project Manager will prepare a brief Memorandum describing

(i) the general circumstances of the site visit, including date, Road Sections visited, persons
present, etc.,
(ii) any non-compliance which may have been detected, and
(iii) the time granted by the Project Manager to the Contractor to remedy the detected
defects. Based on the outcome of the formal inspection, the Project Manager will
immediately correct any possible errors or misrepresentations in the Contractor’s
statement, countersign it and present it to the Employer for payment, and to the
Contractor for information.
Formal inspections will also be scheduled for the follow-up site visits, whose purpose is to verify
if the Contractor has remedied the causes of earlier non-compliance, within the time frame
granted by the Project Manager and specified in the Memorandum.

The Employer may carry out a Formal Inspection once in every quarter during the project duration
for the comparison of the information on compliance provided by the Contractor in the standard
tables which are part of his Monthly Statement, with actual measurements taken in locations. The

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OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 15

Employer may decide the schedule of the inspection and inform the Project Manager as well as the
Contractor. Informal Inspections of Service Levels

The Project Manager may carry out informal inspections of Service Levels as part of his general
mandate given to him by the Employer. He may do so on his own initiative, at anytime and
anywhere on the Roads included in the Contract. He must use his own means for those inspections.
If he detects any Road Sections not meeting the Service Level criteria, he is obliged to inform the
Contractor within 24 hours in writing, to take remedial action duly indicating a time frame for
compliance. The results of informal inspections may not be used by the Project Manager for
purposes of correcting the Contractor’s monthly statements or applying penalties or liquidated
damages, except for cases in which the Road has been completely damaged to breach the criteria
of Road Usability. Means used for Inspection

For the formal inspections compliance with service quality levels, the Contractor’s Self Control
Unit will work in close collaboration with and under supervision of the Project Manager. The
physical means and facilities needed for inspections will be provided by the Contractor; they are
the same which are normally used by the Self Control Unit for the continuous self-evaluation of
the Contractor’s compliance, in particular:

 The In-charge of the Self Control Unit plus adequate number of helpers.
 All equipment, tools, and instruments needed for inspections and testing.

2.2. Specification for the Provision of Road Management Information

The following Service Level criteria will be applied to all the deliverables required for the ongoing
management of the Contract and the Road network.
2.2.1. Monthly Statement

The Monthly Statement to be submitted in accordance with sub-clause 49.1 shall have the
following format:
The compliance (or non-compliance) of the Contractor will be reported by the Self-control Unit to
the Project Manager in the form of tables for which a mandatory standard format is adopted.
There is one table for each Road or Road Section. The Tables are part of the Contractor’s Monthly
Statement, and they may be complemented by comments for which a specific format is not
required. The format of the mandatory standard Table is as follows:

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 16

Monthly Statement for Contract Contract Name

Road or Road Section:
Required Service Level Good Contract Month:
Length of Road at required service level (km)

Required Payment
Actual Compliance Non-compliance
Service Level Compliance Reduction
Criteria Total length Length of non- % Payment
Target Km Compliance Criteria Km
compliant compliant reduction
Narrow cracks
Wide Cracks
Shoving/Localised plastic movement
Road User Edge break
Service and Rutting
Comfort Depressions & Settlement
Measures Cleanliness of the pavement surface and
paved shoulders
Shoulders drop-off
Earthen shoulders
Paved shoulders
Cleanliness of Earthen shoulders
Roadway structures
Litter within ROW
Maximum IRI for any one-km Road Section
Durability of existing pavement
Maximum IRI for newly paved surface

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 17

Required Payment
Actual Compliance Non-compliance
Service Level Compliance Reduction
Criteria Total length Length of non- % Payment
Target Km Compliance Criteria Km
compliant compliant reduction
Average IRI entire Road
Pavement width and lane width
Informatory signs
Mandatory/regulatory signs
Cautionary/Warning signs
Signage and
Reflectorized Road marking/Thermoplastic
Road Safety
retro/reflective paint
Kilometer and guide post
Guard rails/Crash barrier
Ditches (Lined/Unlined)
Drainage appliances
Tree branches within clearway
Grass and vegetation within Roadway
Bridge Deck
Bridge Bearing
Expansion joint
Retaining walls , Gabion and Bridge Sub-
Bridge Foundation
Concrete structures
Embankment slopes
Removal of slides (Emergency or Non-
Slopes - Cuts and Embankments
Management Inception Report
Performance Maintenance monthly report
measures Improvement works monthly report

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 18

Required Payment
Actual Compliance Non-compliance
Service Level Compliance Reduction
Criteria Total length Length of non- % Payment
Target Km Compliance Criteria Km
compliant compliant reduction

Data collection report


Length in km for payment at this service level for

the month
Rate per km
Total Payment due for the month

Note: For the month in which durability criteria like roughness and deflection is due to be taken care of and compliance had not been reached for the
percentage of the length for that month, an amount of ETB ___________and ETB __________ per Kilometer per day of delay is to be deducted for the total
payable amount of that month.

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OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 19


Contract No. :…………………….. Date of inspection: ………………… MONTH OF ………………….20…….
Contractor :…………………….. Persons present: …………………..
Road Section :……………………..
From To Complied with Not complied with Complied with Not complied with

[specify sub-
[insert cross "X" or [insert cross "X" or [insert cross "X" or [insert cross "X" or
[specify] [specify] criterion not
leave empty] leave empty] leave empty] leave empty]
complied with]

Usability of the Road: ………………. [insert "complied with" or "not complied with"] Traffic Speed: ……….……. [Insert "complied with" or "not complied
…. … [insert average speed measured, if available]

Prepared by Contractor’s Self-Control Unit Certified by Employer or his


Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 20

………………………………….………. [Signature]
………………………………………………. [Signature]

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 21

2.2.2. Program of Performance

In accordance with clause 17.2 of the General Conditions (GC), the Contractor shall submit a
Program of Performance within twenty-eight (28) days after the signing the Contract Agreement.
The Program shall include, but not be limited, to the following items: Contractor’s Quality Assurance Plan

The purpose of the Contractor’s Quality Assurance Plan is to integrate the requirements of the
Contract and the Contractor’s quality assurance systems to deliver the Services.
The Contractor’s Quality Assurance Plan describes the methods and procedures which the
Contractor will apply for the execution of the Contract, including how the Contractor will:

(a) identify the quality requirements specific to the Contract,

(b) plan and execute the work to satisfy those requirements
(c) inspect and/or test the work to ensure compliance with the quality requirements
(d) record and monitor the results as evidence of compliance, and
(e) ensure that prompt action is taken to correct non-compliance.
The Quality Assurance Plan must clearly describe the systems, procedures and methods that will
be used to deliver and monitor compliance of the Services.

The Delivery Time for the Quality Assurance Plan shall be not later than 60 days after the Start
Date. Health and Safety Management Plans

If required in the Special Conditions of Contact (PC) the Program of Performance shall include a
Health and Safety Management Plan.
The purpose of the Health and Safety Management Plan is to foster a responsible attitude
towards occupational health and safety and to comply with the provisions of the Ethiopia Labour
Proclamations and other relevant health and safety acts in Ethiopia.
Because of the nature of the Services, the Contractor may occasionally be exposed to hazardous
situations which could involve risk of various degrees of harm, to the Contracting staff and/or the
Situations will arise when it is not practical to eliminate or isolate significant hazards. In these
situations the hazards must be minimized by ensuring planned protection systems (e.g.
equipment, clothing) are actually used.
The Health and Safety Management Plan must be complied with by the Contractor’s personnel
and all Subcontractors at all times.
The Health and Safety Management Plan shall, when implemented in accordance with the plan
(a) Ensure the systematic identification of existing and new hazards on the work

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OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 22

(b) Ensure the minimization of significant hazards, where elimination and isolation
are both impractical
(c) Ensure the provision and use of appropriate protective measures
(d) Include emergency procedures for dealing with accidental spillage, pollution or
imminent danger
(e) Ensure regular review and assessment of each hazard identified and monitor
employees exposure to these hazards
(f) Ensure reporting and recording of work site safety incidents so health and safety
problems can be addressed quickly and regularly. It is a requirement of this
Contract that any such incident be advised promptly to the Project Manager.
The Delivery Time for the initial Health and Safety Program shall be not later than 60 days after
the Start Date. Emergency Procedures and Contingency Plan

If required in the Particular Conditions (PC) the Program of Performance shall include Emergency
Procedures and Contingency Plans which shall establish the roles, practices and procedures
during specific types of emergency events identified and associated with closure of roads. The
Emergency Procedures and Contingency Plans must be developed by the Contractor and agreed
with the Project Manager and any other stakeholder, the Project Manager may identify.
The purpose of the Emergency Procedures and Contingency Plans is to ensure the safety of the
Contractor’s personnel and Road users in the case of emergency and/or Road closure. It should
• an effective communication and event recording system
• the name, contact number and specific duties of the Contractor’s personnel
nominated to respond to an emergency event
• the contact number of other parties who need to be notified in cases of emergency
events, e.g. police
• detailed response procedures for all emergency events
• possible detour routes in the event of Road closure
The Delivery Time for the initial Emergency Procedures and Contingency Plans shall be not later
than 60 days after the Start Date. Traffic Management Plan

If required in the Particular Conditions (PC) the Program of Performance shall include a Traffic
Management Plan. The Traffic Management Plan establishes the practices for traffic
management at work sites. The Traffic Management Plan must be developed by the Contractor
and agreed to with the Project Manager.
The objectives of the Traffic Management Plan are to:
I. clearly define and document the responsibilities and chain of command for the
development, implementation and management of traffic control measures and

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 23

II. establish the minimum requirements for temporary traffic control

III. establish the minimum geometric, cross Section and surfacing standards for
temporary works
IV. provide appropriate transitions and enable safe and efficient traffic flow into,
through and out of work sites
V. protect the Contractor’s personnel at all times
VI. protect the Assets and the Contractor’s resources at all times.
VII. meet the operational requirements for the Road
The Traffic Management Plan must include the following:
 A documented process for preparation, review and approval of the Traffic
Management Plan
 A document tracking and control system to ensure that only the latest operative copy
of the Traffic Management Plan is in circulation
 Contact details for Contractor, Principal, emergency services and other stakeholders
 Layout diagrams, method statements etc for implementation of traffic control while
undertaking each aspect of the Services (including site specific layout diagrams and
method statements if the Services require traffic control measures not covered by
standard codes of practice)
The Delivery Time for the Traffic Management Plan shall be not later than 60 days after the
Start Date.

2.2.3 Updating of Road Administration Databases

The Road Administration currently operates the following data associated with the assets being
maintained under this Contract, electronically and on paper.
 Benkelman Beam Deflection/FWD
 Road Condition Data
 Roughness Data
 Traffic Data
The Contractor shall supply all information necessary to maintain this data in a condition of
accuracy, currency and completeness appropriate to the users for which the data is intended.
The Contractor shall provide hard and electronic copies of the information to the Road
Administrator as reasonably requested.
 Benkelman Beam Deflection/FWD – Three times in the Contract period (during 15th
September to 15th October) in the 1st, 3rd and 5th year of the Contract.
 Road Condition Data – Every month
 Roughness Data – Once in a year after monsoon.
 Traffic Data – Three times in a year (During February, July and November)
2.2.4 Handover Report

Immediately prior to the Filed Completion Certificate is issued as stated in the Annexure-A
Handing Over Procedure the Contractor shall prepare a Handover Report. The purpose of the
Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services
OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 24

Handover Report is to provide a smooth transition to the next Contract and ensure that the next
Contractor is aware of any outstanding issues. The Report will:

(a) Summarize any unresolved issues;

(b) Include the most recent complete set of data on the Roads covered by the Contract,
(c) Provide the following details:
(i) A schedule of outstanding defects and liabilities,
(ii) Any unresolved issues, especially those that may impact on the next Contractor,
(iii) Details of any sensitive issues,
(iv) Any ongoing special monitoring/maintenance needs,
(v) As built drawings will be updated to capture the most accurate situation of the

2.3 Specification of Service Level Criteria for Maintenance Works

This Section specifies the Service Levels to be complied with in the case of paved Roads for the
works carried out under Maintenance services. There are four overall criteria:
 Road Usability
 Road User Service and Comfort Measures
 Durability Performance Measures
 Management Performance Measures
2.3.1. Usability of the Road

The Contractor will have to ensure that the Road is open to traffic and free of interruptions at all
times. Permitted exceptions are:

 Road blocks during severe accidents- 3 to 6 hrs as per severity of accident

 Floods during rainy seasons 48 hrs as per site condition
 Road Sections subjected to landslides 48 hrs as per severity of landslide

2.3.2 Road User Service and Comfort Measures

The service level criteria for Road user service and comfort on paved Roads are defined as

Pavement, Roadside slopes and clearway

Time allowed for
Measurements repairs or
Item Service Quality
/Detection tolerance
Potholes < 5 nos./Km of Visual inspection
diameter < 150 mm Rulers, measuring Within 3 (Three)
Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services
OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 25

Pavement, Roadside slopes and clearway

Time allowed for
Measurements repairs or
Item Service Quality
/Detection tolerance
tape. Measure the days after
depth, count the detection
number of potholes,
and measure the
diameter of the
pothole in a length of

Patches :
 Shall be square or Visual Inspection
rectangular. A ruler or straight
 Shall be level with edge to check if level Correction of non
surrounding pavement with surroundings compliant patches
Patching  Shall be made using pavement and a small within 3 (Three)
materials similar to those transparent ruler with days after
used for the surrounding millimetre gradation detection
pavement, and or crack gauge to
 Shall not have cracks wider check the crack width
than three (3) mm.

Visual assessment of
the affected surface
Or Within 28 (Twenty
Narrow crack Index cracking < 5% per km Will be measured using Eight) days after
Crack measuring gauge detection
or small transparent
ruler with mm

Visual assessment of
the affected surface
Will be measured using
Wide cracks Crack measuring gauge Within 28 (Twenty
(Crack width or small transparent Eight) days after
Wide Structural Crackings 0 %
more than ruler with mm detection
3mm) gradations
For isolated cracks,
“cracked area”
0.5 m on each side of
Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services
OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 26

Pavement, Roadside slopes and clearway

Time allowed for
Measurements repairs or
Item Service Quality
/Detection tolerance
crack, multiplied by
length of the crack
0.5 m at each end.
Height of bulge should not more
Shoving than 20mm continuously in 10 m Visual Inspection and
length per Kilometer Place a 1.5m
/Localized Within 28 (Twenty
straightedge over the
plastic With maximum length of affected area and Eight) days after
movement shoving not exceeding 100 m measure height of detection
(Bulging) (cumulative) on the entire bulge.
project Road.

No raveling exceeding 5% of Visual inspection and Within 28 (Twenty

Raveling paved area in a Kilometer length measuring tape and Eight) days after
of the Roadway. rulers detection

Visual assessment of
the affected surface Within 28 (Twenty
Edge Break Edge Break < 1 Sq.m/Km area confirmed with a Eight) days after
ruler or measuring detection

Visual inspection and

Not more than 15mm in depth measurement
continuously in 10 m length per confirmed by using a
Kilometer 1.5m- long straight Within 28 (Twenty
Rutting With maximum length of rutting edge placed across- Eight) days after
not exceeding 100 m wide placed cross- detection
(cumulative) on the entire wide the pavement
project Road. above the deformed

There shall be no detrimental

Visual inspection and Within 28 (Twenty
Depressions & depressions or/and settlements
Straight Edge, ruler Eight) days after
Settlements greater than 25 mm in a length
and measuring tape detection
of 10m on the Roadway.

Cleanliness of 90% of paved area in a Kilometer

Within 14
the pavement length shall be clean and free Visual Inspection and
(Fourteen) days
and paved from soil, debris, trash, dead measuring tape
after detection
shoulders animals and other objects

Shoulders (paved and unpaved) and verges ( Road side slopes)

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 27

Pavement, Roadside slopes and clearway

Time allowed for
Measurements repairs or
Item Service Quality
/Detection tolerance
Visual inspection and
confirmed by Placing a
straightedge along the
transverse direction
Shoulder drop- The edge of paved or unpaved on the edge of the
off /Height of shoulders shall be even with or pavement, and Within 15 (Fifteen)
shoulder Vs have no more than 15 mm drop measure the days after
Height of off to the adjacent earthen difference in elevation detection
Pavement shoulder extension. (h) between the
shoulder and the
pavement. by ruler or
measuring tape with
scale in mm

No high shoulders which

prevents water to drain from
Visual inspection and Within 15 (Fifteen)
Earthen Carriageway. No rutting, channel
Straight Edge, ruler days after
shoulders formation, deformities and /or
and measuring tape detection
rain cuts on earthen shoulder
Must always be sealed to avoid
water penetration without
deformations and erosions. Within 28 (Twenty
Visual inspection Eight) days after
shoulders Free of potholes, raveling, detection
rutting, erosions or any kind of

90 % area of shoulders shall be

Cleanliness of Within 15 (Fifteen)
clean and free of debris, soil,
the Earthen Visual inspection days after
trash, dead animals and other
shoulders detection


Should be free from any kind of
(Kerbs &
defect or damage or Within 15 (Fifteen)
deterioration and the surfaces Visual Inspection days after
must be clean from any kind of detection
footpaths and
under pass)

Litter within The Roadside outside of the Within 15 (Fifteen)

Visual Inspection
Roadway edge of pavement must be clear days after

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 28

Pavement, Roadside slopes and clearway

Time allowed for
Measurements repairs or
Item Service Quality
/Detection tolerance
of litter, trash, debris and rock detection

2.3.3 Durability measures Road Roughness

The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that the Road roughness is below the threshold value
as given below;

Time allowed for

Item Service Level Measurement/Detection
Measured with calibrated
Average value for any
Maximum IRI for equipment (Bump
one-km Road Section of Within 30 (Thirty)
any one-km Integrator or any other
existing pavement must days after
Section of existing more sophisticated
be less than the threshold detection
pavement equipment better than
value of IRI 3.5 m/km
Bump Integrator).
Average value for any Measured with calibrated
Maximum IRI for one-km newly paved Road equipment (Bump Within 30 (Thirty)
newly paved Section must be less than Integrator or any other days after
surface the threshold value of IRI equipment better than detection
2 m/Km Bump Integrator).
Measured with calibrated
Average value for entire
Average Pavement equipment (Bump Within 30 (Thirty)
Road must be less than
roughness for Integrator or any other days after
the threshold value of IRI
entire Road equipment better than detection
3.0 m/km
Bump Integrator). Road Deflection

The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that the Road deflection shall be measured during the
scheduled period as given in the table below:

Schedule of
Item Service Level Measurement/Detection

Characteristic Measured with Benkelman Pavement

Deflection as There is no beam or FWD every 100 Deflection to be
determined according threshold value meters in accordance with measured in
to ERA Pavement for deflection ERA Pavement Rehabilitation alternate years
Rehabilitation and and Asphalt Overlay Manual i.e. 1st year, 3rd

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 29

Schedule of
Item Service Level Measurement/Detection

Asphalt Overlay Manual 2002 and Threshold value is year and 5th
2002 average for Sections of 1000 year between
meters 15th September
to 15th October. Pavement Width and Lane Width

The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that the pavement width is at least as wide as
specified below;

Time allowed for

Item Service Level Measurement/Detection
Pavement width must be at
least 7.0 m wide in 2 lane
Sections and 14 m wide in 4
Pavemen lane Sections and at
Manual measurement
t Width junctions and other using a metallic measuring Within 3 (Three) days
and Lane locations as specified in the after detection
Width Contract drawings.
Lane width must be at least

2.3.4. Variations and gradual compliance with Service Levels

In order to respect the Contractor’s initial mobilization period, compliance with any of the service
level criteria is not expected until: 60 days.

The following table shows the timetable of compliance with service level requirements


Timetable of compliance with Service Level requirements
Usability of the Road Durability of the Road
No. of Road User Comfort
Compliance required Compliance required
months since Compliance required on
on on
beginning of (%of total length of Roads
(%of total length of (%of total length of
Contract under Contract)
Roads under Contract) Roads under Contract)
1 No minimum set No minimum set No minimum set
2 No minimum set No minimum set No minimum set
3 100 15 5
4 100 30 15
5 100 45 25
6 100 60 35
7 100 75 45
8 100 90 55
9 100 100 65
Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services
OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 30

Timetable of compliance with Service Level requirements

Usability of the Road Durability of the Road
No. of Road User Comfort
Compliance required Compliance required
months since Compliance required on
on on
beginning of (%of total length of Roads
(%of total length of (%of total length of
Contract under Contract)
Roads under Contract) Roads under Contract)
10 100 100 75
11 100 100 85
12 100 100 95
13 100 100 100
14 100 100 100
15 and till the
end of 100 100 100

Note: During rainy season i.e. from the month of July to September, compliance required on
percentage of length of Road for Road User Comfort and Durability can be taken 75% of the
compliance mentioned for that month.

2.3.5 Means used for Assessing of Service Levels

For the formal inspections of compliance with Service Levels, the Contractor’s Self-control Unit
will work in close collaboration with, and under supervision of the Project Manager. The physical
means needed for the inspections will be provided by the Contractor; they are the same which
are normally used by the Self-control Unit for the continuous self-evaluation of the Contractor’s
compliance, in particular:
(a) Custom built inspection Vehicles for highway and bridge inspections – 2 nos.
(b) Qualified and support staff: Road Inspector – 1, Bridge Inspector -1 , Helper – 4
(c) All equipments, tools and instruments needed, as indicated in the paragraphs describing the
methodologies for inspection.

2.3.6. Methodologies and Procedures to Be Used for Measurement of Service Levels on Paved
Roads Methodology for Road Usability

The Road usability will be detected by inspection carried out visually by patrol units. Methodology for Road User Service and Comfort Measures

Potholes: A pothole is a type of disruption, disintegration or deficiency in the paved surfacing of
the Roadway where a portion of the surfacing material has been broken away leaving a bowl
shaped hole of irregular size, even at that time the base course material may be intact. In other
words loss of surfacing material constitutes a pothole.

The method for determination of the existence of a pothole is by simple visual observation by
walking or driving at less than 5 km per hour along the edge of pavement viewing outward to the
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OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 31

centerline. Any potholes detected as defined above will then be confirmed by walking to the
location and standing directly over the location and measuring the dimensions and to determine
that the base course is indeed exposed.
This process is to be repeated on the opposite side of the Road so that both lanes stands
inspected. For pavements where paved shoulders have been constructed contiguously with the
main carriageway, the shoulders are to be included as part of the pavement in this inspection
process as well and the intactness of the edge of the pavement or paved shoulder.

Patching: Patching is defined the well prepared, filled, and compacted repair of a surface
distresses such as a potholes and similar with bituminous/aggregate materials similar to the
surrounding pavement which has been approved for use by the Project Manager. The method of
determination of compliance with the patching service quality criterion is similar to that for
pothole criterion compliance and may be performed simultaneously. Any patch suspected of
being noncompliant on the walk through/drive through inspection shall be closely inspected and
measured for compliance as detailed for this criterion in service level table above.

Cracks in Pavement: Cracks in pavement are defined as linear fissures, openings, openings in the
pavement surfacing materials that have not been filled level full with an appropriate bituminous
material and method approved by the Project Manager that may allow water to penetrate or
seep through to the base course material and thus lead to potholing and other pavement
distresses. The method of determination of compliance for this service level criterion is similar to
that for pothole criterion compliance and may be performed simultaneously. Any crack in the
pavement surface suspected of being non-compliant on the walk through/drive through
inspection shall be closely inspected and measured for compliance as detailed for this criterion in
specified service level.

Shoving: Localized plastic movement (Bulging) of the Road surface generally parallel to the
direction of traffic. This type of distress occurs in areas where there is frequent braking or
acceleration. Transverse shoving may arise with turning movements. The method of
determination of compliance for this service level criterion can be done by place a 1.5m
straightedge over the affected area and measure height of bulge. Any shoving in the pavement
surface suspected of being non-compliant on the walk through/drive through inspection shall be
closely inspected and measured for compliance as detailed for this criterion in specified service

Raveling: It is characterized by the progressive disintegration of the surface due to failure of

binder to hold the material together. The process starts from the surface downwards or from the
edge inwards. The raveling is detected visually by walk over survey or driving at 5 kmph speed in
a vehicle. The affected area is measured using a measuring tap.

Edge Break: It is phenomenon of breaking or deformation of edges of bituminous pavement in

irregular way on account of cracking, spalling or other causes resulting in significant loss of
carriageway/pavement width. The broken edges can be detected through visual inspection while
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Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 32

walk over survey or driving at a speed of 5 kmph. The affected area is measured using tape and

Rutting: It is longitudinal depression or groove in the wheel track usually of the width of a wheel
path. It is detected by visual inspection through walk over or driving in vehicle at a speed of 5
kmph. Rutting depth is measured using a 1.5m straight edge when placed perpendicular to the
direction of travel & ruler, whereas the length and width are measured through measuring tape.

Depressions and settlement: Depressions and settlement are defined as any pavement defect
that has caused there to be more than a 25 mm gap when measured under a 3 meter straight
edge when laid parallel or perpendicular to the direction of travel. Method of correction must be
approved by the Project Manager. The method for determination of the existence of depressions
or settlement is the same as for potholes and should be done at the same time. When a suspect
depression or settlement is detected, a three meter straight edge will be laid across the location
in the direction that caused the greatest gap under the straight edge, and then the gap is
measured with a millimeter ruler or more appropriately with an indexed wedge.

Pavement Cleanliness: Pavement cleanliness is defined as the absence of traffic hazards such as
sand, loose gravel, rocks, tree branches, dried mud, tire fragments, vehicle wreckage or pieces, or
any other debris, rubble, garbage, etc. that is not an engineered part of the pavement surface.
Material washed unto the Road or shoulder from slopes in a cut Section of Roadway (Road lower
than adjoining Roadside), or earth or mud slides, are included in this criterion. Businesses such a
petrol stations , fruit stands and the like that have encroached onto the pavement or shoulder or
close enough to pose a hazard in the opinion of the Project Manager are included in this criterion.
Mud tracked onto the pavement by trucks and left to build up is a particular problem, as well as
rocks and tree branches left behind after a vehicle has broken down but repaired and left the
scene. All foreign materials left on the pavement surface are a hazard to other Road users. Some
as can be intuitively seen is more hazardous than others. The method of determining that the
pavement is clean and free of foreign materials such as described above is by simple visual
observation. This inspection may be accomplished at the same time as inspecting for potholes,
depressions and settlement, and pavement edge evenness. If an object that can be picked up and
properly disposed of is encountered, then it should be, and recording of non-compliance for that
particular item is then not necessary. If it is not cleared from the pavement, then it must be
recorded as non-compliance for this criterion for that inspection Section. This would be the case
for gravel that must be swept from the Road surface and dried on mud that must be scraped or
washed from the surface, etc. Businesses encroaching too closely to the Roadway shall be
recorded and reported to Project Manager for appropriate action to be taken, but not recorded
as being in non-compliance for this criterion.

Edge Drop off: Edge drop is defined as the comparison of elevation between the edge of
pavement and the earthen, gravel, or grassed area adjoining the pavement edge. Surface water
must be able to drain away from the edge of pavement, but the drop off must not be so great as
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Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 33

to be a traffic hazard. The comparison of elevation shall be such that the adjoining edge outside
the pavement edge is no more than 15 mm below the pavement or paved shoulder edge. In
addition the adjoining edge outside the pavement edge shall never be above the pavement or
paved shoulder edge. The method for determining compliance with this criterion is the same as
for potholes, depressions and settlement, that is, initial detection by visual observation while
walking or very slowly driving down the side of the Road while also making observations for
detection of potholes, depressions and settlement. When non-compliance is suspected a straight
edge, (the 3 meter straightedge for measuring depressions and settlement shall be used) is
placed on the edge of pavement or paved shoulder perpendicular to the direction of travel and
extended past the edge by at least one (1) meter. A millimetre graduated ruler shall be used to
determine that the earthen, gravel, or grassed area directly adjoining the pavement edge is even
with or no more than 50 mm below the edge of pavement or paved shoulder. If the height of
earthen, gravel, or grassed area adjoining the edge of pavement or paved shoulder does not
allow the straight edge to lie flat on the pavement, this is also non-compliance.

Cleanliness of Earthen Shoulders: The same as cleanliness of pavement.

Roadway structure: Roadway structures includes kerbs, channels, medians, islands, sidewalks,
cattle underpass, pedestrian underpass, foot over bridges, and any other structures but other
than drainage structures. Deficiencies in Roadway structures may be detected while conducting
walkover inspection or while driving in a vehicle at a speed of 5 kmph. Debris and/or sand
accumulations over channels, sidewalks, walkways, floors of underpasses and foot over bridges
will be thoroughly checked to determine compliance.

Litter within Roadway ROW:

Litter is defined as paper, plastic, trash, garbage, debris, rock or other such material larger than 5
cm in any dimension that may have been thrown from a passing vehicle, improperly dumped
along the Road, or windblown onto the clearway from any source. The method of determining
compliance is by visual observation for litter while conducting the inspection for the pavement
and embankment items, etc. If any litter is found, on the Roadway within ROW, a violation of
conformance for this criterion shall be taken as non compliance. Methodology for Durability Performance Measures

The methodologies to be used for inspections of Service Levels are as follows:

Roughness shall be measured using Response type meters such as TRL Bump integrator mounted
on a vehicle and connected with hardware interface and a ROMDAS, which yields an estimate of
the Road roughness directly from the movement of the vehicle along the Road. These need to be
calibrated against a reference roughness. The outputs should be expressed in International
Roughness Index (IRI in m/km) and BI units. The procedure for measurements and analysis will be
in accordance with the guidelines supplied by the manufacturer of the equipment. Roughness
measurement data will be recorded on the entire length of the pavement.

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Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 34

The reporting interval for the roughness data should be such that it is both sufficiently long to
include all the wavelengths of Road profile that make up roughness, but also sufficiently short
that the maintenance Contractor can identify the discrete defects that are adding to the overall
roughness. The data acquisition interval shall be 100m.

Device for measurement of roughness must be calibrated/validated over the range of Road
conditions and vehicle speeds reasonably expected during the surveys. Such
calibration/validation should be undertaken during the data collection phase as per the
manufacturer’s recommendations and from observations during previous use.


The deflection of a Road is taken to be an indication of its load carrying capacity. The deflection is
measured using a BBD frame. Under this system a weight is applied to the Road and then the
resulting deflection of the Road surface measured. The magnitude and shape of the deflections
at various distances from the load are then used to infer the structural capacity.

The interval of testing shall be at 100 m. The BBD measurement test shall be carried out in
accordance with ERA Pavement Rehabilitation and Asphalt Overlay Manual 2002.

Moisture and other factors can play a significant part in the deflections measured and hence in
determining the remaining life of the pavement. It is necessary to document what methodology
will be utilized to normalize results from one survey to the next. This is particularly so when
bonus/penalty payments are at risk based on the estimated remaining life of the pavement. Procedures for Inspection

The formal inspections of Service Levels on paved Roads will be carried out following the
procedures presented in this Section.

(a) Usability of Road

There is no particular testing method for the usability of a Road, other than driving on the Road in
a normal manner, utilizing a custom built inspection vehicle. The condition is not complied with if
the Road is interrupted at any point. The condition is however complied with if it is possible to
continue to drive on the Road, and without the vehicle suffering any damage caused by the bad
condition of the Road.
(b) Road User Comfort Measures and Pavement Width

Procedures for the inspections of operation measures and pavement width aspects of the Road
shall be in accordance with Clause Clause 2.3.2

(c) Road Roughness

Every year after monsoons and each time a pavement has been modified through overlay,
resurfacing or similar works, the Road roughness will be measured by the Contractor under
supervision of the Project Manager. The methodology to be used for measurement is explained
in the Section above.

If the measurement reveals that the Road roughness is above the threshold established, the
Project Manager will establish a time frame for the Contractor to take the measures necessary
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Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 35

correct the defect. That time frame should normally ensure that the corresponding works are
completed within four months and before the next measurement is due to be carried out. The
Project Manager may however grant a longer period if, in the opinion of the Project Manager, the
circumstances warrant such longer period.

The criteria for “Road User Service and Comfort” will be checked at Road Sections selected by
the Project Manager based on visual appearance. On visual appearance if the Project Manager
observes that the roughness value at the particular Road Section exceeds the specified maximum
value the Kilometer Section in which the defect occurs will be judged non-compliant. However, if
the Contractor disagrees with the findings of Project Manager, the Contractor may carry out at
his own cost the roughness measurements using bump integrator in accordance with the
methodology explained above on the specified Section of the Road as confirmatory measures. If
confirmatory measurements reveal that the roughness is within the threshold limits the specified
Section will be judged as compliant.
The liquidated damages for non-compliance with the Service Level requirement on Road
roughness, beyond the time limit determined by the Project Manager, is set at ETB 1,000,000.00
per day per Kilometer length.
(d) Road Deflection

The Contractor is required to guarantee that the pavement deflection of the Roads under
Contract is below the threshold values indicated in the Technical Specifications, at a certain point
of time during the Contract. That point of time is: In 1st, 3rd and 5th Year during 15th September to
15th October.

The methodology to be used for measuring Road deflection shall be in accordance with ERA
Pavement Rehabilitation and Asphalt Overlay Manual 2002.

2.4 Signage and Road Safety

2.4.1 Service Levels Measures for Traffic Signage, Road Safety and Road Markings

The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that all horizontal and vertical signs, as well as
guardrails and other Road safety devices fully comply with:

 Relevant Sections of ERA Standard Technical Specification 2002, ERA Geometric Design
Manual 2002 and AASHTO/BS/COLTO Standard Technical Specification for Roads & Bridge
works (latest version) would apply.
The Service Level requirements for signage and Road safety devices are as shown in the
following table:
Time allowed for
Item Service Level repairs or Tolerance
All signs have to be present,
Missing, defective
complete, clean, legible,
Visual signs must be replaced
Informatory signs structurally sound and clearly
Inspection within 14 (Fourteen)
visible at day and night
The signs shall be adequately

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Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 36

Time allowed for

Item Service Level repairs or Tolerance
reflectorized, erect and
correctly located.
Signs must comply with latest
Geometric design manual
All signs have to be present,
complete, clean, legible,
structurally sound and clearly
visible at day and night
Missing, defective
The signs shall be adequately
Mandatory/ Visual signs must be replaced
reflectorized, erect and
regulatory signs Inspection within 14 (Fourteen)
correctly located.
Signs must comply with ERA
Geometric design manual
All signs have to be present,
complete, clean, legible,
structurally sound and clearly
visible at day and night Missing, defective
Cautionary/Warning The signs shall be adequately Visual signs must be replaced
signs reflectorized, erect and Inspection within 14 (Fourteen)
correctly located. days
Signs must comply with ERA
Geometric design manual
All Delineators and Road studs
have to be present, complete,
clean, legible, structurally
sound and clearly visible at day
and night Missing, defective
Delineator, Road The Delineators and Road Visual signs must be replaced
Stud studs shall be adequately Inspection within 14 (Fourteen)
reflectorized, erect and days
correctly located.
Delineator to comply with
Geometric design manual
Have to be present and firmly
adhered to the pavement.
Reflectorized Road Glass Beads must be firm and Visual Faded Road markings
Marking / visible. inspection and must be repainted
Thermoplastic retro- There shall not be more than measuring within 28 (Twenty
reflective paint 10 continuous meter length tape Eight) days
within any continuous
Kilometer where the
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Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 37

Time allowed for

Item Service Level repairs or Tolerance
pavement markings are not
visible from a distance of
 No Kilometer Post is
 Distance message should
be legible, visible and
readable during day &
Night conditions on all
Missing, defective
Kilometer and Guide Visual signs must be replaced
 Posts are truly vertical, free
posts Inspection within 28 (Twenty
from distortion, damages
Eight) days
and clearly visible from a
distance of 150m to the
 Enamel paint of the body
of posts and script is
uniform and not faded
Have to be present, clean
without any significant
damage; Corrosion should not Damaged by accidents
Guard Rails /Crash exceed more than 5% of the Visual must be replaced
barriers surface. Thickness of the Inspection within 7 (Seven) days
planks should be more than
2.4 mm. Minimum pole
thickness should be 3.5 mm.
All the safety measures as
proposed in sub-clause
hereunder shall be taken care
of before starting
maintenance, improvement, No activity shall
or emergency works. commence unless
 Passage of Traffic along a traffic safety measures
Safety measures for part of the Existing Visual are taken care of.
traffic during Carriageway under Inspection Any shortcomings
construction Improvement/ observed shall be
maintenance rectified within 24
 Passage of Traffic along a hours.
Temporary Diversion
 Traffic Safety and Control
 Maintenance of Diversions
and Traffic Control Devices

2.4.2. Variations and gradual compliance with Service Levels for Signage and Road Safety

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Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 38

In order to respect the Contractor’s initial mobilization period, compliance with any of the service
level criteria shall be in accordance with the timetable for Road User Service and Comfort Levels.
2.4.3 Procedures for Inspection

The visual inspection will be undertaken as part of the Formal and Informal inspections. The
criteria for Signage and Road Safety will be checked at Sections selected by the Project Manager
based on visual appearance. The Project Manager shall be the sole judge of compliance. If a
specified criterion is not meet, the one-Kilometer Section in which the deficit occurs will be
judged non-compliant. Methodology for evaluation of conditions of signage and Road safety

Traffic Signs – Traffic signs are defined as any sign, information, mandatory/regulatory,
cautionary/ warning, delineators, Road stud, and route markers or otherwise, that is required on
the Roadway.

The method of determining compliance is by visual observation and Km readings and comparing
sign positions along the Road way to those shown on the as-built drawings, if available, but at
minimum to the positioning, design, and dimension of the sign of the latest ERA Standard
Technical Specification-2002 and AASHTO for delineators and route markers. The sign face shall
be retro-reflective which can be determined by close observation in daylight, however if there is
any question as to retro-reflectivity the sign or signs in question shall be observed after dark
under normal low beam head lamp lights of any vehicle and must be fully visible and the symbols,
numbers, or lettering have the same legibility by the same person at the same distance as during
daylight, but no less than 50 meters. To be in compliance with this criterion the signs in the test
Section must all be in place and undamaged, meet the latest ERA specifications and be retro
reflective as described above. Otherwise this test Section will be marked as non-compliant for
this criterion. Absence of any requisite sign as according to the latest ERA STS and ERA Geometric
Design Manual does not absolve the Contractor from placing/replacing and maintaining all
appropriate sign.

Pavement Markings – Pavement Markings are defined as those longitudinal paint or

thermoplastic markings on the pavement surface which give guidance as to the outer edge of the
carriageway and the centerline of the Road and well as give guidance as to whether overtaking is
not allowed. Pavement markings also include transversely positioned pedestrian crosswalks, stop
bars, raised rumble strips and any other pavement marking shown on the Road Sections as
existing at site or necessary to meet the ERA STS standards.
The method of determining compliance is by visual observation while walking or driving along a
test Section to determine if the markings are in place, fully visible, intact, and firmly attached to
the pavement surface and of the dimension, color, and retro-reflectivity shown on the as-built
drawings as well as that detailed in the ERA standards. Glass spheres must be readily visible and
retro-reflectance shall be proved by viewing the test Section’s pavement markings after dark
under normal low beam head lamp lights of any vehicle and must be clearly visible to a distance
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Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 39

of 50 meters. Any missing, obliterated, unsound, improperly dimensioned, or not properly retro-
reflective marking found within the test Section will cause that Section to be marked as non-
compliant. Absence of any requisite pavement marking as according to the latest ERA STS and
ERA Geometric Design Manual does not absolve the Contractor from placing/replacing and
maintaining all appropriate pavement markings.
Kilometer and Guide posts:
Kilometer posts are those Road-side markers that are placed to assist the Road user (and Road
maintenance agency) of their linear location along the Road and distance to and from nearby or
distant villages, cities, etc. Guide posts are used to delineate the Road curvature and outer edge
of the Roadway, where the Road designer found them necessary to improve safety. These
Kilometer and guide posts shall be present, undamaged, lettering and numbering clearly
viewable from 50 meters, and in their proper position as per the Road Sections as-built drawing
and shall also meet the latest ERA STS Standards and ERA Geometric Design Manual for
placement, dimensions, colors, and markings. The method of determining compliance is by visual
observation while walking or driving along a test Section to determine if the kilometer posts and
guideposts meet the above conditions. If any of the above described conditions are not met, this
test Section shall be marked as non-compliant for this criterion.

Guardrails/Crash barriers:
Guardrails/crash barriers are defined as those metal and/or concrete, safety devices placed along
the Road side to assist in preventing vehicles from going far off the Road and over a steep
embankment or the like. Guardrails shall be in place, located, and dimensionally and materially
detailed existing at site and meet any applicable.

Latest ERA Standard Technical Specification & ERA Geometric Design Manual and shall not be
significantly damaged, loose, or corroded. Any required paint or zinc coating shall be intact. Any
reflective disks or as required
By the latest ERA Geometric Design Manual shall be in place. The method of determining
compliance is by visual observation while walking or driving along a test Section to determine if
the guardrail is properly in place and not significantly damaged as to prevent it from serving its
intended purpose. All reflectors shall in place and the surface coating intact and no significant
corrosion shall be present. If any of these conditions are not met, this test Section shall be
marked as non-compliant for this criterion.


 General

The Contractor shall at all time carry out work on the project road in a manner creating least
interference to the flow of traffic while consistent with the satisfactory execution of the same.
For all works involving improvements to the existing road, the Contractor shall, in accordance
with the directives of the Project Manager, provide and maintain, during execution of the work, a
passage for traffic either along a part of the existing carriageway tinder
improvement/maintenance or along a temporary diversion constructed close to the project road.
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OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 40

The Contractor shall take prior approval of the Engineer regarding traffic arrangements during
 Passage of Traffic along a part of the Existing Carriageway under Improvement /

For improvement/maintenance of existing carriageway where part width of the existing

carriageway is proposed to be used for passage of traffic, treated shoulders shall be provided on
the side on which work is not in progress. The treatment to the shoulder shall be decided in
Consultation with the Project Manager but the surface shall be maintained throughout the period
during which traffic uses the same to the satisfaction of the Project Manager. The continuous
length, in which such work shall be carried out, would be limited normally to 500 m at a place.
However, where work is allowed by the Project Manager in longer stretches passing places at
least 20 m long with additional width of 2.5 m shall be provided at every 0.5 km interval.
After obtaining permission of the Engineer, the treated shoulder shall be dismantled, the debris
disposed of and the area cleared as per the direction of the Project Manager.
 Passage of Traffic along a Temporary Diversion

In stretches where it is not possible to pass the traffic on part width of the carriageway, a
temporary diversion shall be constructed with 7 m carriageway and 1.0 m earthen shoulders on
each side (total width of roadway 9 m) with minimum of 200 mm (compacted) granular sub-base
as road crust in the 7 m width.
The alignment and longitudinal section of diversion including junctions and temporary cross
drainage provision shall be as approved by the Project Manager.
 Traffic Safety and Control

The Contractor shall take all necessary measures for the safety of traffic during
improvement/maintenance and provide, erect and maintain such barricades, including signs,
markings, flags, lights and flagmen as may be required by the Project Manager for the
information and protection of traffic approaching or passing through the section of the Project
road under improvement/ aintenance. Before taking up any construction, an agreed phased
programme for the diversion of traffic on the highway shall be drawn up in consultation with the
Project Manager.
The barricades erected on either side of the carriageway/portion of the carriageway closed to
traffic, shall be of strong design to resist violation, and painted with alternate black and white
stripes. Red lanterns or warning lights of similar type shall be mounted on the barricades at night
and kept lit throughout from sunset to sunrise.
At the points where traffic is to deviate from its normal path (whether on temporary diversion or
part width of the carriageway) the channel for traffic shall be clearly marked with the aid of
pavement markings, painted drums or a similar device to the directions of the Project Manager.
At night, the passage shall be delineated with lanterns or other suitable light source.
One-way traffic operation shall be established whenever the traffic is to be passed over part of
the carriageway inadequate for two –lane traffic. This shall be done with the help of temporary
traffic signals or flagmen kept positioned on opposite sides during all hours. For regulation of

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Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 41

traffic, the flagmen should be wearing reflective jacket and shall be equipped with red and green
flags and l anterns/lights.
On both sides, suitable regulatory/warning signs as approved by the Project Manager shall be
installed for the guidance of road users. On each approach, at least two signs shall be put up, one
close to the point where transition of carriageway begins and the other 120 m away. The signs
shall be of approved design and of reflectory type, if so directed by the Project Manager.
 Maintenance of Diversions and Traffic Control Devices

Signs, lights, barriers and other traffic control devices, as well as the riding surface of diversions
shall be maintained in a satisfactory condition till such lime they are required as directed by the
Project Manager. The temporary travelled way shall be kept free of dust by frequent applications
of water, if necessary.

2.5 Drainage

2.5.1 Service Levels

In general terms, the Contractor must ensure that all drainage elements and structures are
without any obstructions which may reduce their normal cross-Section and impede the free flow
of water.
The Service Level requirements for drainage structures or devices are as shown in the following

Time allowed
Measurement/ for repairs or
Item Service Level
Detection Tolerance
 No inoperative drains and
must be
ditches. cleaned
 No obstructions that are immediately.
Ditches ( Lined & preventing the free flow of Damage
Visual Inspection
Unlined) water. must be
 Without any significant repaired
damage of the Lining if within 28
Eight) days.
 Not more than 10% of
volume of any drainage
to be cleaned
Drainage appliances structure is filled with immediately.
(Culverts, sumps, silt/debris. Visual Inspection Damage
catch pits , water  No significant structural and measuring tape must be
spouts , chutes,
damage and ruler repaired
manholes and catch
 Must be firmly contained by within 28
surrounding soil or material
Eight) days.
and be free of scour.

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 42

2.5.2 Variations and Gradual Compliance with Service Levels

In order to respect the Contractor’s initial mobilization period, compliance with any of the service
level criteria shall be in accordance with the timetable for Road Durability Criteria specified in
Clause 2.3.3.

2.5.3 Procedures for Inspection

The cleanliness and condition of drainage structures (including ditches, Irish crossings and all
other types of drainage devices) is part of the criteria for the “Durability of the Road”. It is
verified on a regular basis, in particular before and during the rainy season. The drainage
structures to be verified are determined by the Project Manager. Inspection is done visually.

The basic principle used to determine the cleanliness of drainage structures or devices is “the
percentage of the theoretical cross-Section of the structure or device which is unobstructed”.
This percentage is specified in the Summary Table above. For a one km Road Section, the
cleanliness of drainage ditches must be verified at least on two subsections of 50 meters each.
For any one km Section of the Road, compliance with this criterion requires that (i) all drainage
structures are clean in the sense defined above; (ii) all structures and devices are structurally
sound, based on the judgment of the Project Manager. Methodology for evaluation of conditions of drainages

Ditches (lined and unlined) – Ditches are defined as engineered waterways built alongside the
Roadway that are intended to carry surface water from the Road along and away from the
pavement structure and embankment without causing significant erosion or danger to the
public, as well as to intercept the groundwater table to prevent groundwater from entering the
pavement sub-base or base in all but significant flood conditions. Ditches may be earthen,
grassed, or lined with pre-cast or cast in place Portland cement concrete or asphalt concrete.
Ditches may have weirs or other devices to slow water flow speeds.

The method of determining compliance is by visual observation while walking or slowly driving
along the side of the Road at the same time as when pavement conditions and other items are
being surveyed for compliance. Ditch lining, if present, must be clean and free of mud, grass
clumps, rocks or other obstructive debris not purposefully engineered to be there and must meet
the tolerance as described in the criterion or be found non-compliant. Any damage to the ditch
lining which may cause water to not remain contained within the lining shall be deemed as non-
compliance. An unlined ditch will be surveyed similarly, however grass and other vegetation is
allowable, but must meet the criterion for allowable grass/vegetation height. The principal issues
with Road side ditches is the maintenance of water flow through limiting obstructions and
maintaining proper depth to assure protection of the pavement structure under normal
conditions. If the obstruction tolerance is violated or if in the opinion of the Project Manager the

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 43

depth of the ditch has filled in so that the pavement structure in no longer protected, than this
test Section will be marked as non-compliant.

Drainage appliances (Culverts, sumps, catch pits , water spouts , chutes, manholes and catch
basins ) – Drainage appliances are defined as any type of pipe of any diameter, single or multi-
bore, box-type culverts, single or multi-bore, constructed of any type of material, and any other
type construction which is design to carry/route water from the lateral ditch on one side of the
Road to the other side, or similar, and to carry/route water under a side Road or driveway
entrance. The method of determining compliance is by visual observation while walking along the
side of the Road and looking into the opening of the culvert. The condition of culvert headwalls
must also be observed. The full culvert bore, or any single bore of a multi-bore culvert shall not
exceed the 10% obstruction tolerance, as well as the headwalls being intact and function, or this
criterion shall be marked as non-compliant.

2.6 Vegetation

2.6.1 Service Levels

This Section specifies the Service Levels to be complied will in the case of vegetation growing
within the Road right-of-way:

Vegetation is to be controlled to the heights, at the locations and with the restrictions as set out
in the table and diagram below.

allowed for
Item Service Level repairs or
Detection Tolerance
Tree branches
within Visual inspection
Must be
clearway Measuring tape and
There will not be any Branches of trees in cleared
(Vegetation 5 m long pole with
height less than 5 m over the Roadway within 7
free zone from marks at every 0.10 (Seven) days
side or top; see m
Height of grass and vegetation (except
trees) must be:
25 - 75 mm on Urban area shoulders,
medians, traffic islands and highway
Grass and Visual Inspection, Must be
Less than 250mm in non urban areas,
vegetation measuring tape & cleared
highway verges and surface water
within Ruler or marked within 7
channels with longitudinal gradient more
Roadway stick (Seven) days
than or equal 3%
No Vegetation allowed around:
 Edge marker posts
 Signposts
 Bridge end and culvert markers

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OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 44

 Guardrails
 Sight rails
 Bridge abutments
 Culvert ends
 Culvert headwalls
 Side drains
 Culvert waterways
 Surface water channels with gradient <
3% (except where nominated for
mowing in the specific Contract
 Kerb and channel
 Lined channels
 All sealed surfaces
 Bridge decks.

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 45

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OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 46

2.6.2 Variations and Gradual Compliance with Service Levels

In order to respect the Contractor’s initial mobilization period, compliance with any of the service
level criteria shall be in accordance with the timetable for Road User Service and Comfort
Measures specified above in Clause 2.3.3.

2.6.3 Means used for Assessing Compliance with Service Levels

The height of vegetation, and its clearance above the Road surface, is part of the criteria for the
“Road User Comfort”. They will be measured at Road Sections selected by the Project Manager
based on their visual appearance. The height is measured by using a ruler; it is defined as the
vertical distance between the ground and the highest point of the vegetation. Clearance is also
measured with a ruler; it is defined as the distance between the lowest point of the tree (or other
plant) above the Road surface.

The average height of vegetation in a one km Section will be equal to the average of five values
measured in at Sections selected by the Project Manager.
For any one km Section of Road, compliance with this criterion requires that the average
vegetation height measured within the Section of one km is below the maximum value stated in
the Contract. Methodology for evaluation of conditions of vegetation

Tree Branches: Tree and bush branches must not infringe on the user space of the Roadway.
This is defined as a vertical clearance from any part of the pavement surface of Five (5) meters to
the nearest branch. The method of determining compliance is first by visual observation for
suspect violations of this criterion while conducting the inspection for the pavement and
embankment items, and then confirming a violation with the use of a Five (5) meter pole marked
at the center to denote 0.10 meters.

Confirm vertical violations by holding the Five (5) meter pole vertically plumb and one end
against mark) and sight it over the edge of pavement or shoulder holding the pole perpendicular
to the direction of travel and waist high and then over your head. A second person will sight
across the end.

Grass/Vegetation within ROW – The grass/vegetation criterion is defined as follows: Grass and
vegetation of any kind (except for trees), alive or dead, must be kept cut so as to not exceed
specified heights so as to maintain a good line of sight for Road users as well as maintaining
general neatness.

The method of determining compliance is first by visual observation for suspect violations of this
criterion while conducting the inspection for the pavement, embankment, and tree branch items,
and then confirming a violation with the use of a one (1) meter ruler marked prominently at 20
cm. From the edge of pavement or paved shoulder to the toe of the embankment slope or
outermost edge of a lateral drainage ditch the grass or vegetation (except for trees) shall be no
higher than 50mm in urban Sections and 250mm in rural Section holding the one meter ruler
vertically and plumb with one end against the ground at any location within the described area.

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 47

2.7 Structures
The Contractor is responsible for the routine maintenance of all bridges and similar structures
along the Roads and Road Sections included in the Contract. In particular, he will be responsible
for the correct functioning of the structures (wearing surface, guard railing or crash barriers,
expansion joints, bearings) and the safety and comfort of Road users while using the structures
at normal speeds. Nevertheless, the reconstruction and improvement of bridges and similar
structures is excluded from the Contractor’s obligations, unless specified elsewhere in the
Technical Specifications.
2.7.1 Service Levels

The Service Level requirements for bridges and retaining walls and similar structures are as
shown in the following table:
Measurement/ Time allowed for repairs or
Item Service Level
Detection Tolerance permitted
Bridge parapets/guard rail/ railing Damaged Parapet/Railing
must present and not in Visual Inspection must be repaired within 14
deformed or damaged condition. (Fourteen) days.
Bridge Deck should be clean and
deck material shall be fully intact. Should be cleaned
Bridge decking including without immediately.
limitation Bridge Decking, Kerbs, Loose and/or missing deck
gutters, sidewalks, footpaths and Visual material shall be corrected
Bridge Deck
approach slabs will be a safe, Inspection within 7 (Seven) days.
durable and free draining Decks and deck drainage
condition. system shall be cleaned
Drainage systems/scuppers shall within 7 (Seven) days.
be clean and fully operational
Should be cleaned
immediately. Damages &
Bearing shall be clean, lubricate, Defects must be repaired /
realign and repair bearings and replaced with 14 (Fourteen)
Bridge maintain in good working days.
Visual Inspection
Bearings condition and the abutment/pier Contractor to notify Project
cap should be free from Manager immediately in
vegetation/dust/debris etc. case of any other condition
which threatens structural
integrity of bridge
Should be cleaned
For each bridge expansion joints
should not be mis-aligned
Damage and defects must
cracked, worn out, shrivelled,
be repaired within 7 (Seven)
Expansion leaking, and shall be separated
Visual Inspection days.
Joint from joint wall to make them
fully functional And should be Contractor to notify Project
free from vegetation/dust/debris Manager immediately in
etc. case of any other condition
which threatens structural

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 48

Measurement/ Time allowed for repairs or

Item Service Level
Detection Tolerance permitted
integrity of bridge
Clean immediately.
Retaining Damage and defects must
walls, be cleaned repaired within
Must be free from damages,
Gabions and 28 (Twenty Eight) days.
cracks, exposed reinforcement,
Bridge Sub Visual Inspection Contractor to notify Project
out of plumb, weep holes must
structures Manager immediately in
be clear and functional
(Abutments case of any other condition
& piers) which threatens structural
integrity of bridge/structure
Visual Inspection
Damage and defects must
Bridge Must be free from scouring and & Pole or other
be cleaned repaired within
Foundations structural damage. depth measuring
14 (Fourteen) days.
Damage and defects must
be cleaned repaired within
Guardrails must be present and
14 (Fourteen) days.
painted. Beams and all other
Contractor must
Concrete structural parts must be in good
Visual Inspection immediately notify Project
Structures conditions and fully functional.
Manager in case of any
Drainage system in good
condition which threatens
condition and fully functional
structural integrity of the

2.7.2 Variations and gradual compliance with Service Levels

In order to respect the Contractor’s initial mobilization period, compliance with any of the service
level criteria is not expected until 60 days.

2.7.3 Procedures for Inspection

The visual inspections will be undertaken as part of the Formal and Informal Inspections. The
criteria for Structures will be checked at points selected by the Project Manager based on visual
appearance. The Project Manager shall be the sole judge of compliance. If a specified criterion is
not meet, the one-kilometer Section in which the deficit occurs will be judged non-compliant. Methodology for evaluation of conditions of structures

Super Structure – The super structure is defined as those parts or members of a bridge or similar
structure on and above the deck across which vehicles, motorbikes, carts, or pedestrians travel.
This includes barriers, parapet, guard rails, railing or curbing separating walkways, the main
bridge, as well as the functional supporting components of bridge.
The method of determining compliance is by visual observation while walking across a bridge
looking for deformation, damages, cleanliness, drainage condition and wearing course condition.

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 49

Bridge Deck – A bridge deck is defined as the surface across which vehicles, motorbikes, carts, or
pedestrians travel, including separated or non separated walkways. A bridge deck is typically
surfaced with asphalt concrete or Portland cement concrete.
The method of determining compliance is by visual observation while walking across a bridge
looking for any loose or missing areas of deck surfacing material. The deck surfacing material
must be fully intact. The Deck should be clean and its drainage system is fully operational. Any
violation what-so-ever of the preceding items and the bridge deck shall be marked as non-
compliant with this criterion.

Bridge Bearings - Bridge bearing is an element of the bridge that provides an interface between
the superstructure and the substructure. They transmit load (horizontal and vertical) from super
structure to the sub structure, permit longitudinal movement and allow rotational movement.
The maintenance service includes all activities related to cleaning, lubrication, and repair to
bridge bearing components. The method of determining compliance is by visual observation
while walking across a bridge looking for any baring that is not properly functional, intact, clean,
or filled as the case may be, and will in any way be detrimental to its proper and intended
function and near-term life (will it function until the next monthly survey) of the bearing. Any
violation of the preceding items on any one bearing on a bridge shall be marked as non-compliant
with this criterion.
Bridge Expansion Joints – Expansion joints are defined as those specifically engineered
transverse joints on a bridge deck that allow for thermal and other expansion and Contraction of
longer span bridges. There are a variety of types of expansion joints ranging from steel
intermeshing fingers to rubber-type membranes to clear gaps. In other cases the joints may be
simple saw cuts in AC surfacing that has been filled with a joint compound. The expansion joints
shall be firmly attached as applicable on their fixed sides, and clean, intact, and free to properly
function as intended. The joints should not be misaligned, cracked, worn out, shrivelled or
separated from the wall. The joints should be fully functional.

The method of determining compliance is by visual observation while walking across a bridge
looking for any expansion joint that is not properly attached, aligned, intact, clean, or filled as the
case may be, and will in any way be detrimental to its proper and intended function and near-
term life (will it function until the next monthly survey) of the joint. Any violation of the
preceding items on any one joint on a bridge shall be marked as non-compliant with this criterion.

Retaining walls, abutment and bridge sub-structure – These items are defined as follows:
Retaining walls are those vertical or near vertical or stepped walls constructed of cast in place
concrete, pre-cast and placed blocks, gabions, reinforced earth, or other materials used for
similar purposes to form bridge abutment walls and protect them from erosion and scouring.

The bridge substructure is all those components below the deck including, supporting girders,
beams, bearing shelves, bearings, abutments and all pier components.
The method of determining compliance is by visual observation while walking around and under
the bridge to determine if anything is damaged, defective or amiss that has any potential for
Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services
OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 50

being detrimental to the bridge’s immediate structural integrity or long-term performance. Any
detected damage or defects involving retaining walls and abutment & pier shall be marked as
non-compliance for this criterion. Other described items found to be damaged or defective shall
be reported and fully described to the Project Manager, who will then take appropriate action.
These other items need not be marked as non-compliant for this Contracted maintenance

Bridge Foundations - Bridge foundations transfer the loads of the bridge structures to the
ground bearing strata. The method of determining the deficiencies in foundations is by visual
inspection and soundings. Any scour observed in foundation shall be repaired thoroughly.

Concrete structures - Work under this activity includes maintenance of concrete structures as
required for Bridges, culverts, flyovers, ROB, RUB, underpasses, retaining walls, parapet walls
and all structures built with concrete. The concrete structures shall be repaired and maintained
that have deteriorated to a condition that constitute or has potential to create and unsafe
condition for the travelling public. It includes repair to
 cracked structures,
 exposed reinforcing bars
 damaged structures
The method of determining compliance is by visual observation while walking around and under
the structure to determine if anything is damaged, defective or amiss that has any potential for
being detrimental to the structure’s immediate structural integrity or long-term performance.
Any detected damage or defects in concrete structure shall be marked as non-compliance for this
criterion. Other described items found to be damaged or defective shall be reported and fully
described to the Project Manager, who will then take appropriate action. These other items need
not be marked as non-compliant for this Contracted maintenance services.

2.8 Slopes – Cuts and Embankments

The Contractor is responsible for the maintenance of all embankment and cut slopes along the
Roads Sections included in the Contract. In particular he is responsible for ensuring they are
stable, without deformations and erosions. Nevertheless, the reconstruction and major
improvements to retaining structures and slope stabilization is excluded from the Contractor’s
obligations, unless specified elsewhere in the Technical Specifications.
2.8.1 Service Levels
The Service Level requirements are shown in the following table.
Measurement/ Time allowed for repairs
Item Service Level
Detection or Tolerance Permitted
Repairs must be
Without deformations, completed within 28
Embankment slopes breaches, and erosion Visual inspection (Twenty Eight) days after
or channel formation the detection of the

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 51

Measurement/ Time allowed for repairs

Item Service Level
Detection or Tolerance Permitted
If the Contractor
intends to invoke
the Contract
Slides of slope material
provisions for
with its quantity above If not treated as
emergencies, he
100 m3 onto the Road emergency works Traffic
estimates the
are considered as flow to be re-established
quantities and
Emergency, if the slide within a maximum of 24
Removal of slides immediately
blocks all the lanes, (Twenty Four) hours.
(Emergency or Non- informs Project
drains and the Road
Emergency) Managers, who
traffic is completely Period for removal of
then verifies.
interrupted. other slide material is set
The work shall be
Else quantities less by Project Manager as
treated as
than 100 m3 are to be specified under provisions
Emergency work
covered under the for emergencies.
only upon getting
lump sum payment.
formal approval of
the Project
Fallen slope material must
be removed
Quantities below 50 m3:
 from pavement within 4
(Four) hours after
Slopes in cuts must be detection
stable and/or adequate  From shoulders within
retaining walls and 48 (Forty Eight) hours
Visual inspection
slope stabilization after detection.
Slopes & cuts (Non- for slope material
measures must be in Between 50 m3 and 100 m3
Emergency) on shoulders or
place.  from pavement within
Drains and Road 24 (Twenty Four) hours
shoulders must be free after detection
of slip material  from shoulders within
72 (Seventy Two) hours
after detection
Note: For landslides
classified as “emergency”
different rules apply.

2.8.2 Variations and gradual compliance with Service Levels

In order to respect the Contractor’s initial mobilization period, compliance with any of the service
level criteria shall be in accordance with the timetable for Road Durability Criteria specified above
in Clause 2.3.3.

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 52

2.8.3 Procedures for Inspection

The visual inspection will be undertaken as part of the Formal and Informal inspections. The
criteria for Slopes will be checked at Sections selected by the Project Manager based on visual
appearance. The Project Manager shall be the sole judge of compliance. If a specified criterion is
not meet, the one-kilometer Section in which the deficit occurs will be judged non-compliant. Methodology for evaluation of conditions of Slopes – Cuts and Embankments

Slopes–Cuts and Embankment: Cut and Embankment Slope erosion / deformation / channel
formation is defined as any gully or furrow or the like that has formed from surface water runoff
or otherwise on the Roadside slopes of both cut and fill Sections of Roadway that is wider than 15
cm or deeper than 10cm at any point from the top to toe of the slope for fill (embankment)
Sections or from side ditch inverts to the limits of the ROW.
The method of determining compliance is first by visual observation for suspect violations of this
criterion while conducting the inspection for the pavement items, and then confirming a violation
with the use of two regular office-type rulers. One ruler can easily be used if the eroded gully is
not wider than 15 cm and two rulers together to measure depth, one used as a straight edge held
perpendicularly across the gully and the other to measure the depth of the gully.

Removal of slides: If the quantity of materials is > 100 cum and /or landslides blocks all the lanes
and the traffic is completely interrupted and quantity is above 50cum, such cases of landslides
shall be reckoned as Emergency services. The quantities will be measured using a measuring

2.9. Road Property management;

The Contractor shall ensure the maximum availability and efficient utilisation of the assets for the
Employer. This shall also include the protection of the right of way from encroachments and
other unauthorized activities.

The Contractor is responsible for Road property management within the right of way of the
Roadway included in the Contract. In particular he is responsible for watch & ward of the
property within the Right of way of the Roadway and identifying the encroachment and ribbon
developments on the Roadway property if any take place during the Contract period.

For this purpose, the Contractor shall draw up a comprehensive asset register detailing the
condition of the entire existing Road and building assets. This asset register shall be maintained
and continually updated after any additions to the infrastructure and after each of the required

Un-authorized Encroachments

The Contractor’s enforcement of the requirements of the Employer shall be a significant

obligation under the Contract. The Employer shall define the Right of Way and their requirements
with respect to un-authorized accesses, encroachments and the like.

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OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 53

The Contractor shall be required to detect report and use its best endeavours to remove all un-
authorized encroachments within the right of way as soon as possible. The Contractor shall be
required to record all such encroachments and seek any assistance from Police, local authorities
and the ERA as it deems fit, in order to ensure that all such encroachments are removed.

At the commencement of the Contract, the Contractor shall be required to determine all
encroachments and un-authorized accesses to the highway, existing at time being granted access
to site. The Contractor shall list the encroachments with a description, location and extent of
each encroachment, draw up a method statement and programme for the removal of the
accesses or encroachments for approval by the Project Manager. All existing encroachments
shall be removed, and un-authorized accesses closed within three (3) months of the Contractor
being granted access to site. The Contractor would also provide necessary assistance in the form
of manpower, equipment and materials for removal of encroachment and ribbon development.
Nevertheless, removal of encroachment and ribbon development without obtaining prior
approval from the competent authority and without police protection is excluded from the
Contractor’s obligations but any damage to the existing road asset in whatsoever manner has
occurred shall be rectified by the Contractor at his own cost.
2.9.1. Service Level:

Time allowed for

Item Service Level repairs or Tolerance
There shall not be any
encroachment or
Inform in writing to
Encroachment ribbon development at
Project Manager
/Ribbon site at any point of
Visual inspection within 24 (Twenty
Development time which has not
Four) hrs of
been reported to
Project manager and
concerned authorities.
Assistance in Provide manpower,
removal of materials and Within 48 (Forty Eight)
As per direction of
encroachment & equipment for removal hrs of getting Project
Project Manager
Ribbon of encroachment and Manager’s orders
development ribbon development

2.9.2. Variations and gradual compliance with Service Levels

In order to respect the Contractor’s initial mobilization period, compliance with any of the service
level criteria shall be in accordance with the timetable for Road Durability Criteria specified above
in Clause 2.3.3.

2.9.3. Procedures for Inspection

The visual inspection will be undertaken as part of the Formal and Informal inspections. The
criteria for Road Property management will be checked based on visual appearance. The Project

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 54

Manager shall be the sole judge of compliance. If a specified criterion is not meet, the one-
kilometer Section in which the deficit occurs will be judged non-compliant.

2.10 Management Performance Measures:

Management activities will help to control and to monitor the fulfilment of all requirements
included in the performance of all service levels mentioned before. The service level
requirements for Management Performance Measures are presented in the following table;

Time allowed
for repairs or
Item Service Level nt/Detectio
Submission six week after the start date of Final copy to
Revision and
Contract including work plan, environmental be submitted
Approval of
strategies, social strategies and safety strategies within 7
Inception Project
and QA for all stages. (Seven) days
Report Manager
Report to be submitted in paper copy and after the
electronic copy in number of copies as required comments are
by the Project Manager. received
Submission and approval of monthly report Final copy to
Revision and
summarizing activities carried out, difficulties, be submitted
Approval of
Maintenance among other. This report must be submitted within 7
monthly within the first week of each month of works. (Seven) days
report Report to be submitted in paper copy and after the
electronic copy in number of copies as required comments are
by the Project Manager. received
Submission and approval of Improvement works
monthly report summarizing activities carried
Final copy to
out, difficulties, among other. This report must Revision and
be submitted
Improvemen be submitted within the first week of each Approval of
within 7
t works month for the period when the improvement Project
(Seven) days
monthly works are scheduled to be carried out as per the Manager
after the
Report Contract. and/or
comments are
Report to be submitted in paper copy and Employer
electronic copy in number of copies as required
by the Project Manager.
Data Submission and approval of Data collection
Collection report summarizing activities carried out, results,
Report analysis of the data collected etc.
(Traffic Reports to be submitted in paper copy and Revision and Final copy to
Volume electronic copy in number of copies as required Approval of be submitted
by the Project Manager. within 7
counts, Project
(Seven) days
Roughness Report Submission period Manager
after the
of Traffic Before end of Mayruary, July and/or
comments are
pavement, volume and November every year Employer
Pavement count (3 during the Contract period
strength reports in a
survey, year)
Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services
OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 55

Time allowed
for repairs or
Item Service Level nt/Detectio
Inventory Roughness Before end of October
survey of Pavement month every Year
report) report
Pavement Once a year - In the 1st, 3rd and
strength 5th year of the Contract
survey period during before end of
Inventory At the end of every Quarter
survey during the Contract period
This Report will address all aspects of the
maintenance work implementation,
improvement work implementation, as well as
Emergency work implementation, including
financial summaries, suggestions and
recommendations after the transfer to the
Final copy to
Employer, detailed residual life of the pavement, Revision and
be submitted
technical specifications followed, changes in Approval of
Final within 7
Contract conditions and recommended routine Project
Completion (Seven) days
maintenance practices. A set of “As-built” Manager
Report after the
drawings containing all the works carried out and/or
comments are
during the Contract period. Report will be Employer
prepared and submitted to the Project Manager
and the Employer within 8 weeks of the project
Report to be submitted in paper copy and
electronic copy in number of copies as required
by the Project Manager.

2.11 Data Collection Service

The Contractor is responsible to collect data periodically regarding traffic volume, roughness of
pavement and the structural strength of pavement.
Traffic Volume counts: The Contractor shall conduct twelve (12) hours classified traffic count
made on each day from 6.00 AM to 6.00 PM for Seven (7) days, supplemented by full twenty four
(24) hours traffic count to determine a factor for “night” flow for two (2) of the weekdays for
minimum of three (3) times in a year i.e. in the month of Mayruary, July and November in
accordance with the ERA Guidelines at minimum such number of locations in consent with the
Employer. The exact locations of traffic count stations shall be duly approved by the Project

Pavement strength survey:

The Contractor is responsible to evaluate the Structural strength of the pavement by conducting
Benkelman beam deflection (BBD) test on the Road pavement. The BBD test will be conducted in
Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services
OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 56

accordance with guidelines given in ERA Pavement Rehabilitation and Asphalt Overlay Manual
2002. The BBD test will be conducted in the 1st Year, 3rd Year and 5th year of the Contract period
during 15th September to 15th October.

Roughness of Pavement:

The Contractor is to measure Roughness of the pavement using TRL Bump Integrator mounted
on a vehicle and connected with hardware interface and a ROMDAS following the procedure for
measurements and analysis in accordance with the guidelines supplied by the manufacturer of
the equipment.
Roughness measurement data will be recorded on the entire pavement once a year preferably
after the monsoons. The data will be recorded in 100m sampling interval. The Roughness
measurement will be expressed in IRI in mm/km.

1.11.1 Service Level

Item Service level Measurements Frequency & time

3 times in a calendar
Visual count system or
Traffic Volume In accordance with ERA year i.e. in the month
electronic counting
Count survey. Guidelines. of Mayruary, July and
Benkelman Beam Once a year - In the 1st,
Evaluation of In accordance with ERA
Deflection test 3rd and 5th year of the
Structural Pavement Rehabilitation
equipment, truck, Contract period
strength of and Asphalt Overlay
measuring tape or during 15th September
pavement. Manual 2002.
FWD method. to 15th October.
According to manufactures
TRL Bump integrator Once a year after
guideline at 100 m sample
mounted on a vehicle closure of monsoon
Road Roughness interval expressed in
and connected with between
Measurements. International roughness
hardware interface 15thSeptember to 15th
unit (IRI) in mm/km.
and ROMDAS. October.

2.11.2. Variations and gradual compliance with Service Levels

In order to respect the Contractor’s initial mobilization period, compliance with any of the service
level criteria shall be in accordance with the timetable for Road Durability Criteria specified above
in Clause 2.3.3.

2.11.3. Procedures for Inspection

The Data collection services will be performed by the Contractor and before starting the activity
at site should intimate the Project Manager and the Employer officially stating the detailed
programme for data collection along with the documentation proof for the calibration of the
equipment in case of bump integrator, FWD or Benkelman Beam used for Roughness and
pavement Deflection respectively. The Project Manager shall be the sole judge of compliance. If a

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Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 57

specified criterion is not meet, the one-kilometre Section in which the deficit occurs will be
judged non-compliant.

2.12 Horticultural Maintenance

The Contractor shall maintain all existing trees, plants, shrubs and other suitable vegetation in
the median (if any) and right of way strictly according to the desired density and ensure the
conservation of all trees, shrubs and similar vegetation, in the median and within the right of way
while promptly replacing the casualties . The Contractor shall also take adequate and appropriate
measures, during the various seasons, to ensure the survival of the vegetation

2.12.1 Service Levels

a) Watering of plants & shrubs

For the period from November to June [period may be changed by Project Manager depending
on site condition] Contractor shall prepare monthly plan for deployment of water tankers in
consultation with Project Manager and shall submit the same eight days prior to next month. It is
obligatory on Contractor to deploy the number of water tankers as per plan.

(i) If Project Manager observes numbers of water tankers deployed (as per plan) are not
being sufficient as per site condition, he shall instruct to increase in water tanker. Project
Manager’s decision shall be final.
(ii) If Contractor fails to deploy the water tankers as per Project Manager’s instructions and as per
monthly plan each incidence of non deployment shall imposed penalty of ETB 1,000.00 / day /
(iii) The methodologies suggested vide (i) to (ii), shall not relive Contractor from his obligation of
non-wilting of any hedge / shrub / flowering trees of median. If any existing hedge, shrub,
flowering tree etc. got dead it should be replaced by Contractor at his own cost. Project
Manager’s decisions in this context is final
(iv) Deployed water tanker shall be fitted with red electric blinking signal and red flag at top of
LHS back end. The safety measures as per relevant ERA guidelines shall be taken while
(v) The Contractor shall maintain log books of each deployed water tankers and submit the
Xerox copy’s along with each monthly statement of work done.

b) Trimming of plantation and application of insecticides / pesticides

i) Trimming of hedges and flowering trees shall be done as and when required and
as ordered by Project Manager.

ii) Supplying and application of insecticides / pesticides shall be done as and when
required and as ordered by Project Manager.

iii) Each incidence of failure of trimming and application of insecticides / pesticides

shall be penalized at the rate of ETB 1,000.00/ Km /incidence. Project Manager’s
decision shall be binding on the Contractor
2.13 Payment Reductions and Liquidated Damages
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OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 58

In accordance with the relevant clauses of the GC, Payment Reductions are applied in case of
non-compliance with Service Level requirements, while Liquidated Damages are applied in the
case of non-compliance with required strengthening and resurfacing and Improvement Works.

2.13.1 Determination of Payment Reductions

The results of each formal inspection of the Service Levels and other performance criteria will be
recorded by the Project Manager in the form of a Memorandum. The Memorandum will state the
type and location of any non-compliance detected, in particular those non-compliances already
shown in the standard tables provided by the Contractor as part of their monthly statement. For
each individual case of non-compliance, the Project Manager will determine a date by which the
Contractor must have completed the necessary measures in order to remedy the cause of the
non-compliance. A follow-up site visit is therefore necessary at the date fixed by the Project
Manager, or soon thereafter, in order to verify that the Contractor has indeed remedied the
cause of non-compliance.

If at the date indicated in the Memorandum, the Contractor has not remedied the cause for non-
compliance, independent of the reason given for their failure to do so, the Contractor is subject
to Payment Reductions in accordance with the relevant clauses of the GC.

Payment Reductions are variable over time. If the Contractor fails to remedy a cause of non-
compliance for which a payment reduction has already been applied, the amount of the payment
reduction increases month by month for that particular cause of non-compliance, without a
ceiling being applied, until compliance is established.
The calculation of the initial (first month) amounts of payment reductions, and the formula for
their adjustment over time, is to be based on the following rules:

The following table applies:

to Technical
UNIT RATES FOR Specificatio
(Paragraph (Paragrap
No.) h No)
Environmen Enforcement of 1% of the monthly 2.1.11 Part D of
tal Environmental Management lump sum for entire Section VI
Manageme Plan. road and all other OPRC
nt Plan road/areas affected Specificati
in the vicinity of the on
project road for
each day of non-

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 59

to Technical
UNIT RATES FOR Specificatio
(Paragraph (Paragrap
No.) h No)
Road Interruption of motorized 10% of monthly lump 2.3.1
Usability traffic (light and/or heavy sum for the entire
vehicles) anywhere along a Road and all other
new Road or Road Section. affected Roads
included in the
Contract for each
day of non-
Road User Potholes (maximum): For one- 12.5% of the monthly 2.3.2
Comfort km Section lump sum for one km
I. The permitted maximum applied for each one
dimension of any single km length of Road
pot hole: 150mm which does not
II. The permitted maximum comply
number of accumulated
potholes with an
equivalent diameter
greater than 100 mm in
any continuous 1,000m
Section: 5 Nos.
Patching: For one-km Section: 2.5% of the monthly
Patches lump sum for one km
(i) shall be square or applied for each one
km Section of Road
(ii) shall be level with
which does not
surrounding pavement,
(iii) shall be made using
materials similar to those
used for the surrounding
pavement, and
(iv) shall not have cracks
wider than three (3) mm.
Narrow cracks: For one-km 1.5% of the monthly
Road Section index cracking < lump sum for one km
5% applied for each one
km Section of Road

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OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 60

to Technical
UNIT RATES FOR Specificatio
(Paragraph (Paragrap
No.) h No)
which does not

Wide Cracks (maximum): For a 2.5% of the monthly

one-km Section there shall not lump sum for one km
be any
applied for each one
Cracks more than 3 mm wide.
km Section of Road
which does not
Shoving/Localised plastic 0.75% of the monthly
movement (Bulging): For one- lump sum for one km
km Section applied for each one
(i) Height of bulge should not km Section of Road
be more than 20mm which does not
continuously in 10m length comply
(ii) With maximum length of
shoving not exceeding
100m (cumulative) on
entire project Road
Raveling: No raveling 1.5% of the monthly
exceeding 5% of paved area in lump sum for one km
one-km length of Road applied for each one
km Section of Road
which does not
Edge break (maximum): The 5% of the monthly
maximum area of lump sum for one
loose/broken pavement edges km, applied to each
should not exceed 1 Sqm in one km Section
one km Section. which does not
Rutting (maximum For one-km 1.5% of the monthly
Section lump sum for one
(i) Not more than 15mm in km, applied to each
depth continuously in one km Section
10m length which does not
Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services
OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 61

to Technical
UNIT RATES FOR Specificatio
(Paragraph (Paragrap
No.) h No)
(ii) With maximum length of comply.
rutting not exceeding
100m (cumulative) on
entire project Road
Depressions & Settlement: For 1.75% of the monthly
one-km there shall not be any lump sum for one km
detrimental depression or/and applied to each one
settlements greater than km Section which
25mm in length of 10m does not comply
Cleanliness of the pavement 0.75% of the monthly
surface and paved shoulders: lump sum for one km
For one-km 90% of the paved applied to each one
area in a kilometer length km Section which
shall be clean and free from does not comply
soil, debris, trash, dead
animals and other objects.
Shoulders drop-off (Height of 0.75% of the monthly
shoulder Vs Height of lump sum for one
pavement): For one-km Road km, applied to each
Section The edge of paved or one km Section
unpaved shoulder shall be which does not
even with or have no more comply.
than 15mm drop off to the
adjacent earthen shoulder
Earthen Shoulders: For one-km 0.25% of the monthly
Road Section no high lump sum for one
shoulders which prevents km, applied to each
water to drain from one km Section
carriageway. No rutting which does not
channel formation, comply.
deformities and/or rain cuts
on earthen shoulder surface.
Paved Shoulders: For one-km 0.25% of the monthly
Road Section lump sum for one

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 62

to Technical
UNIT RATES FOR Specificatio
(Paragraph (Paragrap
No.) h No)
(i) the paved shoulders must km, applied to each
be always be sealed to one km Section
avoid water penetration which does not
without deformations and comply.
(ii) Free from potholes,
ravelling rutting or any
kind of defect
Cleanliness of Earthen 0.25% of the monthly
Shoulders: For one-km Road lump sum for one
Section minimum 90% of km, applied to each
earthen shoulder area should one km Section
be clean and free from debris, which does not
spoil, trash, dead animals and comply.
other objects.
Roadway structures (Kerbs & 1% of the monthly
Channels, sidewalks, medians, lump sum for one
footpaths/walkway and under km, applied to each
pass): For one-km Road one km Section
Section Roadway structures which does not
should be free from any kind comply.
of defect or damage or
deterioration and the surfaces
must be clean from any kind
of dirt.
Litter within ROW: For one-km 1% of the monthly
Road Section the Roadside lump sum for one
outside the pavement must km, applied to each
be clear of litter, trash, debris one km Section
and rock etc. which does not
Durability Maximum IRI for any one-km 2.5% of the monthly 2.3.3
measures Road Section of existing lump sum for one
pavement: Average value for km, applied to each
any one-km Road Section of one km Section

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 63

to Technical
UNIT RATES FOR Specificatio
(Paragraph (Paragrap
No.) h No)
existing pavement must be which does not
less than the threshold value comply.
of IRI 4.0 m/km.
Maximum IRI for newly paved 15% of the monthly
surface: Average value for any lump sum for one
one-km Road Section which is km, applied to each
newly paved with roughness one km Section
corrective course or structural which does not
overlay must be less than the comply.
threshold value of IRI 2.0
Average IRI for entire Road: 10% of the monthly
Average value for entire Road lump sum for one
Section of existing pavement km, applied to each
must be less than the one km Section
threshold value of IRI 3.0 which does not
m/km. comply.
Pavement width and lane 2.5% of the monthly
width: For one-km Road lump sum for one
Section Pavement width must
km, applied to each
be at least 7.0 m wide in 2 lane
Sections and 14 m wide in 4 one km Section
lane Sections and at junctions which does not
and other locations as comply.
specified in the Contract
Lane width must be at least
Signage and Informatory signs: For one-km 1.25% of the monthly 2.4 2.4.3/
Road Safety Road Section lump sum for one
1. All signs have to be km, applied to each
present, complete, clean, one km Section
legible, structurally sound which does not
and clearly visible at day and
night comply.
2. The signs shall be
adequately reflectorized,
erect and correctly located.

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 64

to Technical
UNIT RATES FOR Specificatio
(Paragraph (Paragrap
No.) h No)
3. Signs must comply with
latest ERA STS
Geometric design manual
Mandatory/ regulatory signs: 1.25% of the monthly
For on-km Road Section lump sum for one
1. All signs have to be km, applied to each
present, complete, clean, one km Section
legible, structurally sound which does not
and clearly visible at day and
night comply.
2. The signs shall be
adequately reflectorized,
erect and correctly located.
3. Signs must comply with
Geometric design manual
Cautionary/Warning signs: For 1.25% of the monthly
one-km Road Section lump sum for one
1. All signs have to be km, applied to each
present, complete, clean, one km Section
legible, structurally sound which does not
and clearly visible at day and
night comply.
2. The signs shall be
adequately reflectorized,
erect and correctly located.
3. Signs must comply with
Geometric design manual
Delineator and Road Stud: For 0.75% of the monthly
one-km Road Section lump sum for one
1. All Delineators and Road km, applied to each
studs have to be present, one km Section
complete, clean, legible, which does not
structurally sound and
clearly visible at day and comply.

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 65

to Technical
UNIT RATES FOR Specificatio
(Paragraph (Paragrap
No.) h No)
2. The Delineators and Road
studs shall be adequately
reflectorized, erect and
correctly located.
3. Delineator to comply with
Geometric design manual.
Reflectorized Road Marking / 5% of the monthly
Thermoplastic retro-reflective lump sum for one
paint: For one-km Road km, applied to each
Section one km Section
1. Have to be present and which does not
firmly adhered to the comply.
2. Glass Beads must be firm
and visible.
3. There are not more than
10 continuous meter lengths
within any continuous
Kilometer where the
pavement markings are not
visible from a distance of
Kilometer and Guide posts: For 0.25% of the monthly
one-km Road Section lump sum for one
1. No Kilometer post is km, applied to each
missing one km Section
2. Distance message should which does not
be legible, visible and comply.
readable during day &
night conditions on all
3. Posts are truly vertical,
free from distortion,
damages and clearly visible
from a distance and clearly
visible from a distance of
150m to the motorist
4. Enamel paint of the body
Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services
OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 66

to Technical
UNIT RATES FOR Specificatio
(Paragraph (Paragrap
No.) h No)
of posts and script is
uniform and not faded.

Guard Rails /Crash barriers: For 0.75% of the monthly

one-km Road Section all the lump sum for one
guard rails/crash barriers km, applied to each
should have to be present, one km Section
clean without any significant which does not
damage; Corrosion should not comply.
exceed more than 5% of the
surface. Thickness of the
planks should be more than
2.4 mm. Minimum pole
thickness should be 3.5 mm.
Safety measures for traffic 0.75% of the monthly
during construction lump sum for one
All the safety measures as km, applied to each
proposed in sub-clause
one km Section
hereunder shall be taken care
of before starting which does not
maintenance, improvement, comply.
or emergency works.
 Passage of Traffic along a
part of the Existing
Carriageway under
 Passage of Traffic along a
Temporary Diversion
 Traffic Safety and Control
Maintenance of Diversions
and Traffic Control Devices
Drainage Ditches ( Lined & Unlined): For 0.75% of the monthly 2.5 2.5.3/
one-km Road Section lump sum for one
1. No inoperative drains and km, applied to each
ditches. one km Section
2. No obstructions that are which does not
preventing the free flow of
water. comply.

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 67

to Technical
UNIT RATES FOR Specificatio
(Paragraph (Paragrap
No.) h No)
3. Without any significant
damage of the Lining if
Drainage appliances(Culverts, 1 % of the monthly
sumps, catch pits , water lump sum for one
spouts , chutes, manholes and km, applied to each
catch basins ): For one-km one km Section
Road Section which does not
1. Not more than 10% of comply.
volume of any drainage
structure is filled with
2. No significant structural
3. Must be firmly contained
by surrounding soil or
material and be free of
Vegetation Tree branches within clearway 0.25 % of the monthly 2.6.1 2.6.3/
(Vegetation free zone from lump sum for one
side or top; see diagram): For km, applied to each
one-km Road Section there
will not be any Branches of one km Section
trees in height less than 5 m which does not
over the Roadway comply.
Grass and vegetation within 0.25 % of the monthly
Roadway : For one-km Road lump sum for one
Section vegetation/grass km, applied to each
height (maximum) measured one km Section
anywhere in a one-km Section which does not
is above the threshold value comply.
Structures Superstructures: For each 0.75% of the monthly 2.7.1 2.7.3/
bridge parapets/guard rail/ lump sum for one
railing etc. must present and km, applied to each
not in deformed or damaged one km Section
condition. which does not

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 68

to Technical
UNIT RATES FOR Specificatio
(Paragraph (Paragrap
No.) h No)
Bridge Deck: For each bridge 0.75% of the monthly
1. Bridge Deck should be lump sum for one
clean and deck material km, applied to each
shall be fully intact. one km Section
2. Bridge decking including
without limitation Bridge which does not
Decking, Kerbs, gutters, comply.
sidewalks, footpaths and
approach slabs will be a
safe, durable and free
draining condition.
3. Drainage
systems/scuppers shall be
clean and fully operational
Bridge Bearings: For each 0.25% of the monthly
bridge all the bearings should lump sum for one
be clean, lubricate, realign and km, applied to each
repair the bearings and one km Section
maintain in good working which does not
condition and abutment/pier comply.
cap should be free from any
kind of vegetation/dust/debris
Expansion Joint: For each 1.5% of the monthly
bridge the expansion joints lump sum for one
should not be mis-aligned km, applied to each
cracked, worn out, shrivelled, one km Section
leaking, and shall be which does not
separated from joint wall to comply.
make them fully functional
and should be free from
vegetation/dust/debris etc.
Retaining walls, Gabions and 2.5% of the monthly
Bridge Sub-structure lump sum for one
(Abutment & Pier): Every km, applied to each
structure at each location one km Section
must be free from any which does not

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 69

to Technical
UNIT RATES FOR Specificatio
(Paragraph (Paragrap
No.) h No)
damage, cracks, exposed comply.
reinforcement, out of plumb,
weep holes must be clear and
Bridge Foundations: For each 1.5% of the monthly
foundation location must be lump sum for one
free from scouring and km, applied to each
structural damage. one km Section
which does not
Concrete Structures: For each 2.5% of the monthly
bridge Guardrails must be lump sum for one
present and painted. Beams km, applied to each
and all other structural parts one km Section
must be in good conditions which does not
and fully functional. Drainage comply.
system in good condition and
fully functional
Slope-Cuts Embankment slopes: For one- 1.25% of the monthly 2.8.1 2.8.3/
and km Road Section all the lump sum for one
Embankme embankment slopes must be km, applied to each
nt without deformations, one km Section
breaches, and erosion or which does not
channel formation comply.
Removal of slides (Emergency 1.25% of the monthly
or Non-Emergency): For one- lump sum for one
km Road Section km, applied to each
1. Slides of slope material one km Section
with its quantity above 100 which does not
m3 onto the Road are comply.
considered as Emergency, if
the slide blocks all the lanes,
drains and the Road traffic is
completely interrupted.
2. Else quantities less than
100 m3 are to be covered
under the lump sum
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OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 70

to Technical
UNIT RATES FOR Specificatio
(Paragraph (Paragrap
No.) h No)

Slopes in cuts (Non- 1.25% of the monthly

Emergency): For one-km of lump sum for one
Road Section km, applied to each
1. Slopes in cuts must be one km Section
stable and/or adequate which does not
retaining walls and slope comply.
stabilization measures must
be in place.
2. Drains and Road
shoulders must be free of
slip material
Manageme Inception Report: It should be ETB 3000 for each 2.10 2.10
nt submitted according to the day of delay.
requirements presented
e measures
Maintenance monthly report: ETB 5000 for each
It should be submitted day of delay.
according to the requirements
presented before.
Improvement works monthly ETB 3000 for each
Report: It should be submitted day of delay.
according to the requirements
presented before.

Data Collection Report (Traffic ETB 3000 for each

Volume counts, Roughness of day of delay.
pavement, Pavement strength
survey, Inventory survey
report): It should be
submitted according to the
requirements presented
Final Completion Report: It
should be submitted

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 71

to Technical
UNIT RATES FOR Specificatio
(Paragraph (Paragrap
No.) h No)
according to the requirements
presented before.

Note: (i) The Unit Rates of payment reductions (“PRu) shown in the above table are
applicable during the first 30 days of non-compliance.
(ii) If non-compliance has not been remedied within thirty days, liquidated damages
for periods beyond 30 days are calculated based on the following formula:
PR = 2n PRu
Considering: J = number of days of non-compliance, and
 J  1
n=   rounded up to full number (without decimals)
 30 
For paved Roads, there are two types of Payment Reductions:
(i) Payment Reductions for non-compliance with Road User Service Comfort Measures: For
the Road, the Employer may reduce the monthly lump-sum payment by the percentage of
non complying kilometers as determined by the Project Manger each month. [Clause]. The payment will therefore be the basic lump-sum multiplied by the ratio of length
of complying Road to the total length of the network.

(ii) Payment Reductions for non-compliance with Road roughness criteria: Calculated based on
the provisions shown in Section (c) of the Technical Specifications. The amount of the
reduction is to be deducted by the Employer from the monthly lump-sum payments due to
the Contractor.
For payment reductions, there are three stages to influence and condition the Contractor. The
first stage consists on the application of the payment reductions for non compliance of level of
service required. Those reductions are applicable during the first 30 days of non compliance after
official notification.
If the non compliance has not been remedied or repair within the first thirty days, a second stage
is presented where another thirty (30) days may be given to the Contractor as “grace period” to
repair the no compliances after official notification and deduction of payments will be calculated
using the formula mentioned before.
If the non compliance has not been remedied or repair within the first sixty (60) days after
notification, the third and last stage application of liquidated damage as specified in Section (c) of the Technical Specifications.
In addition, from the day 61 after notification to the date of Compliance of Service levels by the
Contractor, the non-compliance formula presented before will be applied.

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 72

Part-B: Specifications for Emergency Works

List of Contents

Part C1 Specifications for Emergency Works

1. Definition of “Unforeseen Natural Phenomena”

2. Technical Specifications for works to be executed under Emergency category
3. Procedure for requesting Emergency Works
4. Remuneration of Emergency Works
5. Provision for Emergency Works
6. Obligations of Contractor during Emergencies and Emergency Works
7. Minor repairs made necessary by “Unforeseen Natural Phenomena”

1. Definition of “Unforeseen Natural Phenomena”

Emergency Works are designed to repair those damages to the Roads under Contract which are
caused directly by unforeseen natural phenomena with imponderable consequences occurring
either in the area of the Roads or elsewhere, but with a direct impact on the Roads. “Unforeseen
Natural Phenomena” are defined as follows:

Rainfalls and winds of an extraordinary intensity and /or duration.

Floods during which water level rise above 0.25 m above finished Road level.

However, the normal damages such as tree falling on the Road, minor erosion of Road and
embankment and damages caused by traffic accidents must be remedied by the Contractor as a
part of his normal obligations under the Contract.
Without being limitative, the following is a list of damages requiring Emergency Works
(i) complete destruction of a culvert as a result of exceptional rainfall quantities, which lead
to an interruption of Road traffic,
(ii) interruption of a Road following washouts equivalent of more than 100 (one hundred)
cubic meter of material on a Road Section of 500 meters length,
(iii) submersion of the Road along more than 100 meters provided that the submersion is not
the result of deficiencies in the drainage system or of insufficient maintenance of
drainage structures, etc.

1. Technical Specifications for works to be executed under Emergency category

The Contractor shall construct and complete all emergency work described hereinafter in
accordance with the Technical specifications of ERA’s Standard Technical Specification 2002

2. Procedure for Requesting Emergency Works

If damages clearly caused by “Unforeseen Natural Phenomena” result in a reduction of Service

Levels below the normal threshold values specified in this Contract, the Contractor may make a
formal request to the Project Manager to carry out Emergency Works designed specifically to
remedy those damages. If the Contractor decides to make a request for Emergency Works, he
must (i) immediately inform the Project Manager of his intention to do so, by telephone, radio or
Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services
OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 73

other means, (ii) document the circumstances of the Force Majeure event and the damages
caused, through photographs, video and other suitable means, (iii) prepare a written request,
stating the type of works he intends to carry out, their exact location and the estimated
quantities of Labour, Machinery and Material requirement along with the costs, including
photographic documentation. In any case, a request for Emergency Works must be made
immediately after the Contractor gains knowledge of the existence of damages caused by
“Unforeseen Natural Phenomena”.
The Project Manager, upon receipt of the request and not later than 24 hours thereafter, will
evaluate the request made by the Contractor based on a site visit, and issue an order to carry out
the Emergency Works. The order will specify the type of works, their estimated quantities, the
remuneration to be paid to the Contractor, and the time allowed for their execution. The order
may indicate a requirement for an engineering/geotechnical assessment of the options for the
permanent repairs to the site.

1. Remuneration of Emergency Works

Emergency works are remunerated by the Employer on Day works items for each work order
established on the basis of estimated quantities, the unit prices being stated in the Bill of
Quantities, and in accordance with the relevant clauses of the GC. The work items and the unit
prices to be applied are specified in Section IV (Bidding Forms - Bills of Quantities) of this bidding
For Emergency works hypothetical and provisional quantities are given in the priced Bill of
quantity. Actual quantities for Emergency work will be specified in Work Orders, issued by the
Project Manager. The basis of payment for emergency works will be the actual quantities of
work ordered and carried out, as measured and verified by the Project Manager where applicable
multiplied by the unit rate given in priced BOQ. There shall not be any price adjustment clause
applicable to all prices and activities in order to compensate for increases in cost indices.
4. Provision for Emergency Works

The total Contract amount includes all the Day works items for provisional quantities of
Emergency Works during the Contract period, in accordance with the bidding data. The actual
payments for Emergency Work will be based on the priced unit rates.

5. Obligations of Contractor during Emergencies and Emergency Works

Given the nature of this Contract and the fact that Emergency Works are remunerated
separately, the Contractor will, during the execution of Emergency Works, continue to be
responsible for assuring the normal Service Levels on all Roads included in the Contract. In
particular, the Contractor will do everything reasonably possible in order to ensure the normal
use of all the Roads under Contract, including the Sections affected by emergencies.
If Road traffic has been interrupted because of an emergency, the Contractor will take the
measures necessary (i) to reopen the Road to traffic in the shortest time possible, and (ii)
maintain the Road open during emergency works, without being entitled to a specific
compensation for those measures. This is valid specifically for trees or other objects which may
have fallen on the Road, damage to access ramps to bridges, erosion of embankments, collapse
of slopes, traffic accidents, flooding, etc.
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Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 74

6. Minor repairs made necessary by “Unforeseen Natural Phenomena”

If the works necessary to remedy damages caused by an “Unforeseen Natural Phenomena” are
below certain threshold values, the Contractor will carry out those works as part of his normal
obligations and without having the right to invoke the provision of the Contract concerning
emergencies and the remuneration of emergency works. In these cases the consent of the
Project Manager is not needed and the Contractor will simply carry out the works on his own
initiative. He will nevertheless inform the Project Manager of the damages occurred and the
remedial measures taken.

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Pilot Project: _________________________ Road
Section VI- OPRC Specifications for Works and Services 75


The Environmental & Social Mitigation Plan (E.S.M.P.) deals with the implementation procedure
of the guidelines and measures recommended minimizing and mitigating environmental impacts
of the work. A specific plan, which provides a comprehensive, formalized and integrated
approach, has been prepared for the implementation of project work taken up under this work.
The E.S.M.P. suggests measures that will be adopted to mitigate the identified adverse impacts.
The E.S.M.P. is a plan of action for mitigation/ management / avoidance of the negative impacts
on the work, which is to be carried out by ERA and implemented by the Contractor at the time of
execution. The Environmental Mitigation measures are built in respective Sections of the clauses
of the ERA STS. It is therefore, mandatory on the part of implementing agency, of the
programme, to enforce the Environment Management Plan as laid down below thoroughly. No
separate payment to the Contractor for enforcement of the environment management plan is to
be made, as all these measures are specific requirements of Sections / clause of the ERA STS but
reduction in payment for inaction by the Contractor for taking necessary mitigation measures
shall be determined by the supervision agency as per sub-clause 2.13.1 of PART A2 OPRC
Specifications. The environment management plan is narrated below in abstract to facilitate the
supervising agency for effective enforcement during implementation of programme.
Table 1: The Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
Reference to
Environmental Mitigation Measures/ Performance
the Contract Location
Impact/Issue Indicators
5.1. SOIL
In stretches where the earthen shoulders, ERA STS 2102 Throughout the
Loss of Topsoil Road side slopes support batter and (c) Corridor and all
productive soils, the topsoil shall be stripped ERA STS borrow areas.
to a specified depth of 150mm and stored in Division 4500
stockpiles of height not exceeding 2m. Such ERS STS
stockpiled topsoil will be returned to cover Clause 4208
the disturbed area and cut slopes. Residual ERA STS
topsoil will be distributed on Clause 9608
adjoining/proximate barren/rocky areas as
approved by the Engineer in a layer of
thickness of 75mm – 150mm.
Borrowing of Borrowing within the R.O.W. is prohibited All borrow areas.
Earth under this Contract. Arrangement for locating ERS STS
the source of supply of material for Clause 4302
embankment and Sub grade as well as (a)
compliance to environmental requirements in
respect of excavation and borrow areas as
stipulated, from time to time by the
Environmental protection Authority (EPA)
and the local bodies, as applicable, shall be
the sole responsibility of the Contractor. ERA STS
The Contractor shall facilitate inspection of all Division 4400
borrow areas by the EMU and satisfy the

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 76

Reference to
Environmental Mitigation Measures/ Performance
the Contract Location
Impact/Issue Indicators
Engineer of the environmental compliance.
Any non-compliance shall be made good by
the Contractor at his own cost.
Degradation of Borrow pits shall not be dug continuously. All borrow areas.
Borrow Areas The location, shape and size of the ERA STS
designated borrow areas shall be as Clause 4302
approved by the Engineer. No borrow area
shall be opened without permission of the
Borrow pits shall be re-developed as per ERA STS
Environmental protection Authority (EPA) Clause 4304
guidelines. Spoils shall be dumped with an
overlay of stockpiled topsoil (as per EMP
clause 5.1.2), in accordance with compliance
requirements with respect to Environmental
protection Authority (EPA) guidelines.
Soil Erosion In borrow pits, the depth of the pits are so Throughout the
regulated that the sides of the excavation will ERA STS Corridor.
have a slope not steeper than 1 vertical to 4 Clause 4303
horizontal, from the edge of the final Section (d)
of bank.
Contamination Vehicle/machinery and equipment Throughout the
of Soil by Fuel maintenance and refuelling shall be carried ERA STS Corridor, all
and Lubricants out in such a fashion that spillage of fuels and Clause 1610 access Roads,
lubricants do not contaminate the ground. sites temporarily
acquired and all
borrow areas.
Contamination All waste material shall be completely ERA STS Throughout the
of Soil by disposed as desired and the site shall be fully Clause 2203 Corridor, all
Construction cleaned before handing over. The Engineer (b) access Roads,
Wastes will certify in this regard. ERA STS sites temporarily
Clause 1609 acquired and all
borrow areas.
Quarry The Contractor shall obtain materials from All quarries to be
Operations quarries only after consent of the concerned ERA STS used in the work.
authorities and only after development of a Clause 4303
comprehensive quarry’ redevelopment plan,
as per the applicable law in FDRE.
Alternatively the Contractor shall acquire the
required material from quarries licensed by
the concerned authorities in FDRE.
5.2. WATER
Contamination The discharge standards promulgated under Throughout the
of Water from the Environmental Protection Act in Ethiopia ERA STS Corridor, all
Construction shall be strictly adhered to. All waste arising Clause 1605 access Roads,
Wastes from the project is to be disposed off in a sites temporarily
manner that is acceptable to the EPA and the acquired and all
Engineer. borrow areas.

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OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 77

Reference to
Environmental Mitigation Measures/ Performance
the Contract Location
Impact/Issue Indicators
Contamination The work shall be carried out in such a Throughout the
from Fuel and manner that pollution of natural ERA STS Corridor, all
Lubricants watercourses, ponds, tanks and reservoirs is Clause 1605 access Roads,
avoided. Vehicle, machinery & equipment sites temporarily
maintenance and refuelling shall be done in a acquired and all
manner as specified in the E.M.P. Section borrow areas.
concerning `Contamination of Soil by
Construction Wastes’ to prevent pollution to
water. Waste pollution products must be
collected, stored and taken to approve
disposal sites in compliance of EPA guidelines
or any other relevant laws, and to the entire
satisfaction of the Engineer.
Generation of (a) All vehicles delivering materials to the site ERA STS Throughout the
Dust shall be covered to avoid spillage of Clause 1610 (b) Corridor, all
materials. ERA STS access Roads,
(b) The Contractor shall take every Clause 1606 sites temporarily
precaution to reduce the level of dust (a) acquired and all
emission from the hot mix plants up to the borrow areas.
satisfaction of the Engineer.
(c) All existing highways and Roads used by ERA STS
vehicles of the Contractor, or any of his sub- Clause 1606
Contractors or supplies of materials or plant
and similarly Roads that are part of the works
shall be kept clean and clear of all dust/mud
or other extraneous materials dropped by
such vehicles.
(d) Clearance shall be effected immediately Throughout the
by manual sweeping and removal of debris, Corridor, all
or, if so directed by the Engineer, by ERA STS access Roads,
mechanical sweeping and clearing Clause 1606 sites temporarily
equipment, and all dust, mud and other acquired and all
debris shall be removed completely. borrow areas.
Additionally, if so directed by the Engineer, ERA STS
the Road surfaces shall be hosed or watered Clause 1606(b)
using necessary equipment.
(e) Plants, machinery and equipment shall be
so handled (including dismantling) so as to ERA STS
minimize generation dust. Clause 1606
(f) The hot-mix plant be sited at least 500m (a)
from the nearest habitation. However, new
plants shall not be put up within any notified,
protected or reserved forest areas. The hot-
mix plants shall be fitted with dust extraction
units in order that the exhausts comply with
the requirements of the relevant current
emission control legislation.

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 78

Reference to
Environmental Mitigation Measures/ Performance
the Contract Location
Impact/Issue Indicators
Emission from (a) The hot-mix plant be sited at least 500m ERA STS All Hot-mix
Hot-Mix Plants from the nearest habitation. However, new clause 1606 (a) Plants.
plants shall not be put up within any notified,
protected or reserved forest areas. The hot-
mix plants shall be fitted with dust extraction
units in order that the exhausts comply with
the requirements of the relevant current ERA STS
emission control legislation. clause 1606
(b) The exhaust gases shall comply with the (a), 1610 (d)
requirements of the relevant current
emission control legislation. All operations at
plants shall be undertaken in accordance with
all current rules and regulations protecting
the environment.
Emission from (a) The discharge standards promulgated Throughout the
Construction under the Environment Protection Act in Corridor, all
Vehicles, Ethiopia shall be strictly adhered to. All access Roads,
Equipment and vehicles, equipment and machinery used for sites temporarily
Machinery construction shall confirm to the relevant ERA STS acquired and all
Ethiopian Standard (IS) norms. Clause 1610 (d) borrow areas.
(b) All vehicles, equipment and machinery
used for construction shall be regularly
maintained to ensure that pollution emission
levels comply with the relevant requirements
of EPA and the Engineer.
Pollution from (a) All crushers used in construction shall ERA STS All Aggregate
Crusher conform to relevant dust emission control Clause 1610 (d) Crushing Plants.
as legislated. Clearance for sitting shall be ERA STS
Clause 1606
obtained from the EPA or concerned
authorities. Alternatively, only crushers
already licensed by the EPA or concerned
authorities shall be used.
Noise from (a) The plants and equipment used in ERA STS Throughout the
Vehicles, Plants construction (including the aggregate Clause 1606 Corridor, all
and Equipment. crushing plant) shall strictly conform to the access Roads,
applicable noise standards. ERA STS sites temporarily
(b) All vehicles and equipment used in Clause 1610(g) acquired and all
construction shall be fitted with exhaust borrow areas.
silencers. ERA STS
(c) Maintenance of vehicles, equipment and Clause 1610(g)
machinery shall be regular and proper, to the
satisfaction of the Engineer, to keep noise
from these at a minimum.
(d) In construction sites within 150m of the
nearest habitation and 500m of protected
and reserved forests, noisy construction work ERA STS

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 79

Reference to
Environmental Mitigation Measures/ Performance
the Contract Location
Impact/Issue Indicators
such as crushing, mechanical compaction, Clause 1610(g)
etc., will be stopped between 2100 hours to
0600 hours. In silence zone (areas up to 100m
around such premises as hospitals,
educational institutional and courts) no hot-
mix or aggregate crushing plant will be
allowed. No construction shall take place
within 100m around hospitals from 2100
hours to 0600 hours.
(e) Workers in vicinity of strong noise, and
workers working with or in crushing,
compaction, or concrete mixing operations
shall be provided protective clothing’s and
Loss of Access (a) At all times, the Contractor shall provide ERA STS All through the
safe and convenient passage for vehicles, Clause 1502(d) work.
pedestrians and livestock to and from side
Roads and property accesses connecting the
project Road. Work that affects the use of
side Roads and existing accesses shall not be
undertaken without providing adequate
provisions to the prior satisfaction of the
(b) The works shall not interfere
unnecessarily or improperly with the
convenience of public or the access to, use
and occupation of public or private Roads,
railways and any other access footpaths to or
of properties whether public or private.
Traffic Jams (a) Temporary diversion will be constructed ERA STS All through the
and Congestion with the approval of the Engineer. Clause 1509 work.
(b) The Contractor shall ensure that the ERA STS
running surface is always properly Clause 1509(a)
(c) The temporary traffic detours shall be ERA STS
kept free of dust by frequent application of Clause 1513
water, if necessary.
Traffic Control (a) The Contractor shall take all necessary ERA STS All through the
and Safety measures for the safety of traffic during Clause 1503 work.
construction. Also provide, erect and
maintain such barricades, including signs,
markings, flags, lights and flagmen as may be
required by the Engineer for the information
and protection of traffic approaching or
passing through the Section of the highway
under improvement. ERA STS
(b) All signs, barricades, pavement markings Clause 1503

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 80

Reference to
Environmental Mitigation Measures/ Performance
the Contract Location
Impact/Issue Indicators
shall be as per the ERA STS. Before taking up
construction on any Section of the highway, a
traffic control plan shall be devised to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.


Risk from The Contractor is required to comply with all Special All through the
Operations the precautions as required for the safety of condition of work.
the workmen as per the International Labour Contract
Organisation (ILO) Convention No. 62 as far Building other
as those are applicable to this Contract. The Construction
Contractor shall supply all necessary safety Act and
appliances such as safety goggles, helmets, Factory Act.
masks, etc., to the workers and staff. The
Contractor has to comply with all regulation
regarding safe scaffolding, ladders, working
platforms, gangway, stairwells, excavations,
trenches and safe means of entry and egress.
Risk at (A) All workers employed on mixing asphaltic Part A; All through the
Hazardous material, cement, lime mortars, concrete etc., General work.
Activity will be provided with protective footwear Specification
and protective goggles. Workers, who are Clause
engaged in welding works would be provided
with welder’s protective eye-shields. Stone-
breakers will be provided with protective
goggles and clothing and will be seated at
sufficiently safe intervals.
(B) The use of any herbicide or other toxic ERA STS
chemical shall be strictly in accordance with Clause 1610(a)
the manufacturer’s instructions. The Engineer
shall be given at least 6 working days notice
of the proposed use of any herbicide or toxic
chemical. A register of all herbicides and
other toxic chemicals delivered to the site
shall be kept and maintained up to date by
the Contractor. The register shall include the
trade name, physical properties and
characteristics, chemical ingredients, health
and safety hazard information, safe handling
and storage procedures, and emergency and
first aid procedures for the product.

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 81

Reference to
Environmental Mitigation Measures/ Performance
the Contract Location
Impact/Issue Indicators
First Aid At every workplace, a readily available first Special All through the
aid unit including an adequate supply of condition of work.
sterilized dressing material and appliances Contract,
will be provided as per the Factory Rules in Building other
Ethiopia. Workplaces remote and far away Construction
from regular hospitals will have indoor health Act and
units with one bed for every 250 workers. Factory Act.
Suitable transport will be provided to
facilitate take injured or ill person(s) to the
nearest applicable hospital. At every
workplace an ambulance room containing the
prescribed equipment and nursing staff shall
be provided as prescribed.
Conservation of (a) All necessary and adequate care shall be ERA STS All through the
Religious taken to minimize impact on cultural Clause 1607 work.
Structures and properties. Such as cultural sites and remains,
Shrines places of worship including temples,
mosques, churches and shrines, etc.,
graveyards, monuments and any other
important structures as identified during
design and all properties/sites/remains
notified under the Ancient Sites and Remains
Act. No work shall spill over to these
properties, premises and precincts.
(b) All conservation and protection measures
will be taken up as per design. Access to such
properties from the Road shall be maintained
clear and clean.
Redevelopment Redevelopment plan for borrow areas, camp ERA STS All through the
of borrow areas sites, and any other area temporarily Clause 4304 work.
and camp areas acquired/used by the Contractors should be
prepared and implemented by the Contractor
and Engineer will approve this. The cost of
the development will be incidental to the cost
of civil works.

Precautions required before a borrow area is ERA STS

permitted by the engineer: Clause 4303(a)
Productive top layer (15 cm) of the soil should
be stripped and stored in stock piles (height
not exceeding two meter) ERA STS
Should not be located on or near sensitive Clause 4302(a)
environmental elements
Preservation of vegetation / trees if any
located in side the area. ERA STS
Preventive measures for leaching, mosquito Clause 4304

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 82

Reference to
Environmental Mitigation Measures/ Performance
the Contract Location
Impact/Issue Indicators
breeding, Water run-off/contamination and
any other environmental degradation
Redevelopment Plan of a borrow or camp
In borrow pits, the depth of the pits are so
regulated that the sides of the excavation will
have a slope not steeper than 1 vertical to 4
horizontal, from the edge of the final Section
of bank.
The borrow pit in a dry Region will act as
ground water recharger.
Borrow areas, if converted to ponds or water
retention structures or for ground water
recharge, should have adequate protection
against bank erosion; and periphery
All other borrow areas and camp sites should
be brought to the original condition; the area
should be cleaned of any construction and
fuel waste, levelled and covered with the
15cm top soil reserved by striping and
stockpiling as described above.
Any enhancement design proposed should be
workable, maintenance free and preferably
worked out in consultation with the
Redevelopment Attempts will be made to reuse the spoils and ERA STS All through the
of Spoil and construction waste materials for making Clause 2203(b) work.
Construction access Roads to farms, villages and schools
Waste Disposal etc. Proper records will be maintained on
location and quantity of wastes disposed off.
The location and method of disposal will be
approved by the engineer.
The disposal of waste materials shall be:
500m away from the settlements and water
Site selection for disposal of waste materials:
Preferences should be given to barren area/
waste land
Residual spoils shall be used, as directed by
the Engineer, to fill up the low lying areas
within the stretch available all along the
Bituminous materials and construction waste
shall be dumped in the pits dug within the
stretch, available all along the corridor with
an overlay of stockpiled topsoil in a layer of
thickness of 75mm – 150mm. The materials

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

OPRC Project: Addis Ababa – Gohatsion Road Upgrading and Overlay Project,
Contract 3: Fiche – Gohatsion Road Overlay project (km 102+000 – 177+147) 83

Reference to
Environmental Mitigation Measures/ Performance
the Contract Location
Impact/Issue Indicators
disposed off as directed by the engineer.

Part 4: OPRC Specifications for Works and Services

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