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Doc Jose Macatangay

OVERVIEW Philippine Literature at a Glance-3

Argument on the Definitions of Literature
Module 1 covers three important topics related to the
study of Philippine Literature: Definitions of
1.Literature is a Latin word „litera‟ which means
Literature, Literary Standards/Values, and Introduction
Writing. Argument: Saying that literature is any written
to Philippine Literature / History of Philippine material is too limiting because literature may be both oral
Literature. Your engagements in this module are by and written forms. Twenty-first century literature that
reading and viewing, participating in an online considers the influence and prominence of technology goes
discussion, and answering formative assessment. beyond the meaning of text as more than just words on page.

Lesson 1: The Difficulty of Defining Literature- What are the flaws of these definitions of Literature?
1. Literature is literally “an acquaintance with letters.”
2. As a common noun, the word „literature‟ can refer to any
Literature has a plethora of definitions. Have you ever
form of writing, such as essays or poetry. As a proper noun,
questioned the inadequacy of a definition for literature refers to a whole body of literally work, worldwide
Literature? Is there a definition that will cover the or relating to a specific culture (Wikipedia, 2008).
broad spectrum of Literature? This lesson provides you 3. Literature is a body of written works of a culture,
with some definitions of Literature and the arguments language, people or a period.
raised for a particular definition. The readings and
videos will help you internalize the meaning of Something to ponder upon
Literature. By the end of the lesson, you should be able
to find a definition of Literature from a reliable source Can we consider a history book literature?
given by an author, agree or disagree with the How about a cookbook or the manual of your I-phone? Can
we consider a Mathematics book literature? Think of a
definition, and formulate your definition of Literature.
Mathematics formula? Does it express a language “worth
calling as literature?
To accomplish the objectives intended for this lesson: ”What about YouTube videos, blogs, and podcasts?

1. Read the PPT on The Difficulty of Defining Why are these definitions of literature narrow in scope
Literature.pdf according to Benson?
The lesson presents and summarizes some definitions 1.Scylar(1998: 83) defines literature as “ any writing on a
provided for Literature and the arguments for them. subject: the body of published work concerned with a
particular subject.”
2. Refer to the following links for the lesson enhancement:
2.Pollanen(1997) says that “literature refers to published
a. Why Literature has Many Definitions writings in a particular style on a particular subject.”
Can you use this working definition of literature?
b. What Literature Can Teach Us
Encarta (2009) defines literature as “the use of well-chosen
3. Watch the following short videos to understand more words to tell a story through narrative, involving characters
about Literature and its significance. in conflict, or to express an emotion or idea through artfully
arranged images.”
a. An Adjunct Explains Why Literature Matters Why is this view about literature contradicts the concept that
literature is “anything written”?
b. How Books Can Open Your Mind
The purpose of literature is to entertain and instruct (or to
PPT1-The Difficulty of Defining Literature delight and enlighten) the reader through the use of the
imagination. Literature can also shock, amaze, or provide
The Difficulty of Defining LiteratureLesson adapted from readers with an escape from reality for a while.
the article “Why Literature has Many Definitions” available
at What are the qualities of “good literature” according to this
Hancock (2006) defines literature as “being written works
“Why Literature has Many Definitions? of fiction and non fiction in which compositional excellence
” The essay written by Sitwe Benson defines literature and and advancement in the art of writing are higher priorities
“brings out the inadequacies attached to the definitions.”The than are considerations of profit or commercial appeal.”
essay concludes that the presence of the different genres of Davids(1983) says that “literature is a creative writing of
literature makes it difficult to have one working definition artistic value.”
attached to it.

Doc Jose Macatangay
Summing up is written. The people that subscribe to this notion believe
that any written material qualifies to be called literature,
Why is Literature difficult to define? 1.The body of hence mathematical figures are also literature. However, this
literature is encompassing and has many forms. definition has recently faced a lot of criticism because some
2.Some definitions of literature do not consider the “orature” scholars believe that a piece of art does not need to be
component. written for it to be called literature. Such people extend their
3.Other definitions limit themselves to literature being argument by saying that this definition is very narrow
written or published. because it leaves out orature or oral literature. This is to say
4.The purposes of literature may be too broad or too that literature exists in many forms, therefore saying that
specific. literature is any written material is being narrow minded
5.The 21stcentury literature does not limit the meaning of because literature as it is known today exists in many forms
literature to anything printed on a page. which are both in oral and written form.

Search. Agree/Disagree. Define In addition, literature is literally “an aquaitance with letters”
as in the first sense given in the oxford English Dictionary
Search for a definition of Literature from a source. (from the latin litera meaning ‘an individual character
Ideally, a definition is given by a credible author or (letter). The term has generally come to identify a collection
provided by a reliable source. Write the definition and the of texts. The word ‘literature’ as a common noun can refer
source in the box. to any form of writing, such as essays or poetry. ‘Literature
as a proper noun refers to a whole body of literally work,
Definition of Literature: world wide or relating to a specific culture (Wikipedia,
Do you agree or disagree with the given definition? The above definition is in line with Hancock (2006) who
Explain your points for agreeing or disagreeing in a believe that literature is a body of written works : the body
paragraph of three-five sentences. Write your paragraph of written works of a culture, language, people or a period of
in the box. time. This definition means that literature is something that
is written and excludes possibilities of oral literature. One’s
Agreement/Disagreement with the given Definition of analysis of this definition further shows that historical facts
Literature that exists in written form qualify to be called literature. To
This time, formulate your definition of the word this end, one can assume that a history text book about the
Literature guided from the source/author. If you agree history of Europe is literature. While this may be accepted
with the author's definition, you may paraphrase and as true following the original meaning of the word litera, it
enhance it. If you disagree, you may define Literature is important to note that this definition has an number of
based on the weakness of the given definition and the flaws. As earlier eluded, it excludes orature which is a
strength of your disagreement. Upon formulating your weakness on its part. Secondly, it is common knowledge
definition, you are supposed to have an appreciation and today that literature follows certain basic elements. For
ownership of it. Simplify your definition in one sentence example, the language used in literature is poetic, hightened
only. and very tense. In this view, a mathematical text book can
not be described as being literature. On can argue that 2x +
My Definition of Literature 4y does not express any language worth calling as literature.

WHY LITERATURE HAS MANY DEFINITIONS In addition, scylar (1998: 83) defines literature as “ any
Posted on October 30, 2011 by Sitwe writing on a subject: the body of published work concerned with a particular subject.” A similar definition to this scholar
many-definitions/ was coined by Pollanen (1997) which says that ‘literature
refers to published writings in a particular style on a
particular subject. The term is also used to show if the item
has been published in a book, catolog raisonne, museum
exhibition or news letter. This definition is quite interesting
WHY LITERATURE HAS MANY DEFINITIONS yet narrow in scope. It holds that literature is any form of
writing, of course agreeing with the ones discussed above
This essay attempts to define literature and bring out the and the etymological meaning of the word literature. While
inadequacies attached to these various definitions. It will this view is worth noting, it should be noted that the
also be established that the word literature is a very argument that literature should be a published work is very
difficulty concept to define from one perspective. This is narrow. It ignores oral literature because orature can not be
because the current understanding of literature has departed published. Orature is a type of literature that is handed down
from the etymological understanding of the term literature. from one generation to the next by word of mouth. This
In order to achieve this purpose, this essay will give several means that this definition does not encompass or does not
definitions of literature and argue for both its strengths and recognise oral literature which is today a very important for
weaknesses thereby showing how one definition is not of literature. In addition, to take literature as being any form
enough to describe the scope of literature. of writing, then is to say that something becomes literature
To begin with, according to Bwalya .L (2006) the term the time is written whether such a piece of work is published
literature is a latin word ‘litera’ which means Writing . From or not. Its important to distinguish between a book and
this background, it is believed that literature is anything that literature. Literature is any written piece of work. The

Doc Jose Macatangay
definition also argues that literature is concerned with a Therefore, scholars have failed to come up with one
particular subject, the question that follows is: what subject? definition that will embrace all the types of literature in their
This question is valid because there are alot of literally texts varying forms and degrees. Wikipedia (2009) provide
or simply what people call literature yet the publication or evidence this argument by mentioning the various forms of
the written piece is on several subjects. This definition can literature. Some types of literature are poetry, short stories,
not stand as a working definition for literature because it is songs, novels, folktales and essays. Within each of these
very narrow and lacks detail and sound justification. types or forms there are different genres. In poetry these
genres include epics (Stephen Vincent Benet’s John
Another definition that is widely held upon is according to Brown’s Body), lyrics (Robert Frost’s “Birches”), and
Encarta (2009) which says that Literature is the use of well- dramatic monologues (T. S. Eliot’s “The Love Song of J.
chosen words to tell a story through narrative, involving Alfred Prufrock”). Fiction genres include the psychological
characters in conflict, or to express an emotion or idea (Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse), naturalistic
through artfully arranged images. (Theodore Dreiser’s Sister Carrie), and proletarian (John
Steinbeck’s In Dubious Battle). Some essay genres are the
The purpose of literature is to entertain and instruct (or to personal and the informative; famous essayists include
delight and enlighten) the reader through the use of the Ralph Waldo Emerson, who penned “Self-Reliance,” and E.
imagination. Literature can also shock, amaze, or provide M. Forster, who wrote Two Cheers for Democracy.
readers with an escape from reality for a while. This
definition is broad although it does not encompass The existence of the different types of literature have made
everything. The first point to note is that this definition is it difficult for scholars to come up with one working
slightly divergent from the tradition notion which holds that definitions for literature. Each of the definitions that exist
literature is anything that is written. It holds that for a piece now all have deficiencies. This is so because the body of
of work to be called literature, it should not just use words literature is wide, has many forms. Literature exists both in
anyhow. This is so because according to the proponents of written and oral form. Any definition that may be deemed
this view point, literature has its own writing style and wholistic is one that will embrace all the genres, forms in
words are carefully selected and used in order to fulfill its their varying degrees.
The above definition also means that literature serves many
purposes some of which are to entertain and to instruct. In Bwalya L (2005) Oral Literature: Study Material. UNZA.
addition, this view holds that people or characters or writers
Encarta (2009).
use literature in order to express emotions. While this is true,
it does not apply to every piece of literature. This is because Davids M (1983) Undersdtanding Literature. Michigan: Michigan
there are several texts that are written purely for education press.
or to inform. The other point is that, there is no piece of
writing where words are used anyhow, every piece of Hanconck P (2006) What is Literature. Sydney: Australia.
writing selects words carefully but does not mean that any
piece of writing in which the author uses words carefully online encyclopedia.
qualifies to be called literature.
In addition to the above, the definition also says that
literature has characters. This contradicts with the original What Literature Can Teach Us
meaning of the word literature. For the sake of emphasis, the Communication and research skills—and how to be a better human
word literature refers to writtng. Originally, this means that being
any written piece whether it has characters or not, it will still
be called literature and there are several pieces of writing Literature is a term used to describe written and sometimes spoken
that do not have characters. material. Derived from the Latin word literature meaning "writing
formed with letters," literature most commonly refers to works of
the creative imagination, including poetry, drama, fiction,
Hancock (2006) also defines literature as being written nonfiction, and in some instances, journalism, and song.
works of fiction and non fiction in which compositional
excellence and advancement in the art of writing are higher
priorities than are considerations of profit or commercial What Is Literature?
appeal. Similar to this definition is the one by Davids (1983) Simply put, literature represents the culture and tradition of a
whilch says that literature is a creative writing of artistic language or a people. The concept is difficult to precisely define,
value. These two definitions seem to suggest that literature though many have tried; it's clear that the accepted definition of
does not follow the ordinary conventions of writing. literature is constantly changing and evolving.
Therefore, literature is that which follows a creative writing
and has the element of compositional excellence. This leads For many, the word literature suggests a higher art form; merely
to the the notions of bad and good literature. It appears that putting words on a page doesn't necessarily equate to creating
good literature is one that uses or has all or many of the literature. A canon is the accepted body of works for a given
creative aspects while bad literature is one that lacks or has author. Some works of literature are considered canonical, that is,
few creative aspects. culturally representative of a particular genre (poetry, prose, or
Kafimbwa (2005) argues that the difficulty in defining
literature lies in the fact that literature exists in many forms. Literary Fiction vs. Genre Fiction

Doc Jose Macatangay
Some definitions also separate literary fiction from so-called for their thesis from the text and scholarly criticism, and it takes
"genre fiction," which includes types such as mystery, science organizational skills to present their argument in a coherent,
fiction, western, romance, thriller, and horror. Think mass-market cohesive manner.
Empathy and Other Emotions
Genre fiction typically does not have as much character Some studies say that people who read literature have more
development as literary fiction and is read for entertainment, empathy for others, as literature puts the reader into another
escapism, and plot, whereas literary fiction explores themes person's shoes. Having empathy for others leads people to socialize
common to the human condition and uses symbolism and other more effectively, solve conflicts peacefully, collaborate better in
literary devices to convey the author's viewpoint on his or her the workplace, behave morally, and possibly even become involved
chosen themes. Literary fiction involves getting into the minds of in making their community a better place.
the characters (or at least the protagonist) and experiencing their
relationships with others. The protagonist typically comes to a Other studies note a correlation between readers and empathy but
realization or changes in some way during the course of a literary do not find causation. Either way, studies back the need for strong
novel. English programs in schools, especially as people spend more and
more time looking at screens rather than books.

(The difference in type does not mean that literary writers are Along with empathy for others, readers can feel a greater
better than genre fiction writers, just that they operate differently.) connection to humanity and less isolated. Students who read
literature can find solace as they realize that others have gone
Why Is Literature Important? through the same things that they are experiencing or have
Works of literature, at their best, provide a kind of blueprint of experienced. This can be a catharsis and relief to them if they feel
human society. From the writings of ancient civilizations such as burdened or alone in their troubles.
Egypt and China to Greek philosophy and poetry, from the epics of
Homer to the plays of William Shakespeare, from Jane Austen and Quotes About Literature
Charlotte Bronte to Maya Angelou, works of literature give insight Here are some quotes about literature from literature giants
and context to all the world's societies. In this way, literature is themselves.
more than just a historical or cultural artifact; it can serve as an
introduction to a new world of experience. Robert Louis Stevenson: "The difficulty of literature is not to write,
but to write what you mean; not to affect your reader, but to affect
But what we consider to be literature can vary from one generation him precisely as you wish."
to the next. For instance, Herman Melville's 1851 novel "Moby Jane Austen, "Northanger Abbey": "The person, be it gentleman or
Dick" was considered a failure by contemporary reviewers. lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably
However, it has since been recognized as a masterpiece and is stupid."
frequently cited as one of the best works of Western literature for William Shakespeare, "Henry VI": “I’ll call for pen and ink and
its thematic complexity and use of symbolism. By reading "Moby write my mind.”
Dick" in the present day, we can gain a fuller understanding of
literary traditions in Melville's time.

Debating Literature Lesson 2: Literary Standards and Values

Ultimately, we may discover meaning in literature by looking at
what the author writes or says and how he or she says it. We may
interpret and debate an author's message by examining the words Literature is represented by texts, but is there a way of
he or she chooses in a given novel or work or observing which knowing if a text is Literature? And if it passes the test of
character or voice serves as the connection to the reader. being called Literature, is it a "good" text? What is the basis
of your former Literature teacher for asking you to read a
In academia, this decoding of the text is often carried out through text class? The literary standards determine what may
the use of literary theory using a mythological, sociological, qualify for a literary text. An analogy is, a woman sets
psychological, historical, or other approaches to better understand
standards among her suitors to determine a potential partner.
the context and depth of a work.

Whatever critical paradigm we use to discuss and analyze it, This lesson presents and defines to you the seven literary
literature is important to us because it speaks to us, it is universal, standards in World literature. A Filipino author, Paz
and it affects us on a deeply personal level. Latorena, called the three standards as literary values. You
should answer an assignment applying the literary standards
School Skills to a given text by the end of the module.
Students who study literature and read for pleasure have a higher
vocabulary, better reading comprehension, and better Your engagements in this lesson are by:
communication skills, such as writing ability. Communication
skills affect people in every area of their lives, from navigating
interpersonal relationships to participating in meetings in the 1. Reading the PowerPoint Presentation with the given
workplace to drafting intraoffice memos or reports. sources: Literary Standards and Values.pdf

When students analyze literature, they learn to identify cause and 2. Watching the short video: Universal Theme: Definition
effect and are applying critical thinking skills. Without realizing it, and Examples
they examine the characters psychologically or sociologically.
They identify the characters' motivations for their actions and see
through those actions to any ulterior motives. PPT2-Literary Standards
When planning an essay on a work of literature, students use
problem-solving skills to come up with a thesis and follow through The 7 Literary Standards The criteria to determine whether a
on compiling their paper. It takes research skills to dig up evidence text is literary or not is developed by William J. Long in

Doc Jose Macatangay
1909 in his book “English Literature: Its History and Its ”Emotional Value refers to what appeals to the emotions
Significance for the Life of the English-speaking World.” being the “distinguishing mark of any literature.” Emotions may be pleasant or unpleasant.

The seven literary standards determine whether a piece of Moods, feelings,, and attitudes may be synonymous to
work is considered literary, but there is no set of guidelines emotions.
or standards when it comes to determining if a piece of
literature is “good.” Ethical Value refers to “the morality of the work or the side
effect of immorality in a work.”
There are seven literary standards:
Which is the correct concept of literature? Is it didactic (for
1. Universality- is the appeal of a literary piece to every instruction) as Plato claims or is it aesthetic (for pleasure) as
reader regardless of “culture, race, gender, and time.” Aristotle holds? Horace believes that literature both teaches
According to Andrew Sedillo“some of the more common and delights.
universal themes found in literature include individual
struggle towards a personal goal, a person's struggle with Useful Sources
humanity, falling in love, life cycles, karma, coping with The 7 Literary Standards
tragedy, adolescence and discovering the world around us.” What Are the Seven Literary Standards?
Universal Theme: Definition and Examples
Lopez, (2009). Views: Between Borders, Beyond Barriers
Understanding Peoples and Cultures Through World Literatures:
Philippines: UST, Publishing House.
2. Artistry A literary piece appeals to our “sense of beauty.”
A literature that is aesthetically appealing “reveals hidden Lesson 3: Philippine Literary History vis-a-vis Genres-4
truth and beauty.”
The final lesson for Module 1 aims to trace the development of
3. Intellectual Value It refers to the power of literature to Philippine Literature from pre-colonial to contemporary times,
make us think critically as the language of literature needs to describe the predominant themes and genres of each era of
Philippine literary history, and relate how the themes of Literature
be read between and beyond the lines.
of the various eras contributed to the growth of Philippine
Literature. After your lesson engagements, you will take a quiz by
4. Suggestiveness refers to the emotional power of literature answering some questions for each literary era.
“to definesymbolism, nuances, implied meanings, images
and message, giving and evoking visions above and beyond To enhance your understanding of the lesson,
the ordinary life and experiences.”
1. Read the PowerPoint presentation (ppt) Literary Periods of
5. Spiritual Value refers to the power of literature to inspire Philippine Literature.pdf
readers to elevate their spirit as they read various genres of
2. Read the following supplementary sources about the lesson:
a. Survey of Philippine Literature
6. Permanence is “determined by a written work’s ability to
stand the test of time.” b. Bienvenido L Lumbera on Revaluation: The National Stages
Tangereand El Filibusterismowere written long time ago, of Philippine Literature and its History (Links
but they remain relevant. That is the test of permanence. to an external site.)

7. Style is the “author’s distinct way of expressing his/her

thoughts in his/her writings.” Readers need to know the style PPT3- Literary Periods of Philippine
of writers to interpret the literary text based on how it is Literature
writtenby a particular author.
What is Philippine Literature? It is the writings of Filipino authors within the pre-historic, post colonial and modern
periods.Philippine literature refers to “all literature from the
Philippines, written in Spanish, English, Tagalog, and a
Educating the Literary Taste by Paz Latorena variety of other Philippine languages.”
In her essay, “Educating the Literary Taste,” Paz Latorena,
identified the three literary values that should serve as The Philippine Literary History
literary standards.
According to Lumberaand Lumbera, the different literary
These are:1.Intellectual value 2. Emotional value 3. Ethical periods in Philippine literature are:
value 1.Oral lore from PrecolonialTimes (-1564)
2.Literature under Spanish Colonialism (1565-1897)
Literary Values Intellectual Value a literary composition 3.Literature under US Colonialism (1898-1945)
makes the reader think “to some purpose so that his mental 4.Literature under the Republic (1946-1985)
life is enriched and enlarged as a result of reading. 5.Literature after EDSA (1986-1995)

Oral Lore from PrecolonialTimes (-1564)

Doc Jose Macatangay

The simplest forms of oral literature were poems, proverbs, (1986-1995)

and songs using the language of daily life.Prose narratives
were myths, hero tales, fables, and legends used to “explain Foci of writings during this period:
natural phenomena, past events, contemporary beliefs, and 1.Writings about peasants, workers, and guerillas
entertain the early Filipinos.”Folk epics were considered the 2.Migrant workers both as “a subject matter and authorial
most significant pieces of oral literature. According to voice.”
Lumbera& Lumbera, even before the Spanish conquest, 3.Gay and lesbian as content
“Filipinos had a culture that linked them with the Malays of 4.Writing from the regions (Introduction of regional
Southeast Asia.” literature in schools)After EDSA, the New Criticism had
lost its prestige with the presence of post-structuralism and
Literature under Spanish Colonialism (1565-1897) post-modernism critical discourses.

AngMahalnaPassion niJesuChristongMahal, a Christian

narrative poem “intended to replace the epic poems of the 21st-century Literature
pagan past. Genres of 21stLiterature according to Katrina Melissa Cruz
”Awitand koridowere the narrative poems during the
Spanish colonialism. Awitwas the poetic genre of Francisco 1.Creative nonfiction
Baltazar(Balagtas) who wrote “Floranteat Laura. 2.Hyper poetry
3.Mobile phone text tula
”Ninay, the first Tagalog novel authored by a native 4.Chick lit
Filipino, Pedro Paternowho also had a collection of his 5.Speculative fiction
Spanish poems with the title “Sampaguitas” that marked the 6.Flash fiction
beginning of national consciousness among the Filipinos. 7.Blog
Jose Rizal, our National hero was one of the writers who 8.Graphic novels
raised the Filipino consciousness with his notable works: the
novels “NoliMe Tangereand El Filibusterismo. Sources: Lumbera, B. & Lumbera, C. (1997). Philippine
Literature Revised Edition, Philippines: Anvil. Philippine
The essay through the pages of La Solidaridadbecame the Literature during the American Period
21stCentury Literature from the Philippines and the World
“significant contribution of the Spanish to the Philippine
literary history.”

Literature under Spanish Colonialism (1565-1897)

According to Lumbera& Lumbera:Philippine Literature had

become aware of its distinct role as the “product of
colonized people struggling the rule of a foreign power.”The
Spanish Colonialism brought the “self-conscious literature
that marks the beginning of a truly Filipino literature.”

Literature under US Colonialism (1898-1945)

According to Lilia Quindoza-Santiago, the weakness of this

literary period is on the lack of collaboration of writers of
various languages “to come together, share experiences, and
come to a conclusion on the elements that constitute good
writing in the Philippines.”According to Lumbera&
Lumbera, at the end of US Colonialism, Philippine literature
“had attained its identity as national literature as a result of
the patriotic and resistance literature during the early years
of American rule.”

Literature under the Republic (1946-1985)

When freedom was gained from religious censorship,

printing presses bloomed as businesses. Literary forms
during this period were essays, novels, narrative poetry,
allegorical drama, and poetic verse. This period gave birth to
free verse in poetry, modern short story, and critical
essay.The revival of Philippine theater and playwriting
raised political awareness of the masses. Championed by
Jose Garcia Villa (Doveglion), New Criticism as a critical
theory became influential. New Criticism assumes that a
literary work is “a verbal construct” and that a literary piece
could be studied autonomously, devoid of its author.

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