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INTRODUCTION ● They believed that the

● Magellan’s Expedition- earth was flat
lasted for 2 years, 11 ● Prince Henry the Navigator-
months a Portuguese prince, took
● Animism- worshipping the risk and started an
spirits, animals, objects exploration. Sailed from
(paganism) Portugal to India, then to
● Southern Philippines- the Moluccas
already has a sultanate to ● Portugal knew the route to
propagate Islam) India first
● Ancient Silk Road- trade of ● Magellan, Portuguese Navy-
wool, salt, olive oil first people to bring
(EUROPE) for silk, spices, Blacks to Europe as slaves
porcelain, tea, and ● Magellan arrived at
gunpowder (CHINA) Malacca, won, and was able
● China has a surplus supply to acquire 1 Malay slave
of silk (delivers through a (named him “Enrique”, in
caravan)- to central Asia, Portuguese “Henry)
Persia (Iran), Turkey, ● Magellan was hit on his
India, and back to southern left knee by an arrow at
China the battle in North Africa
● Salt-salario or form of (which made him retire from
money back in the day used being a navy)
to pay Roman Soldiers; ● Magellan went to King
makes their food palatable Manuel I and offered his
● Java, Indonesia- supplier proposal to sail to the
of spices Moluccas, but the king
● Traders- Chinese didn’t trust his plan
(which made him renounce
MUSLIM TURKS his Portuguese citizenship)
● Islam founded in Saudi ● Magellan went to Spain
Arabia (married María Caldera
● AD 1095- Jerusalem became a Beatriz Barbosa)
Muslim territory
● Crusade (Middle Ages)- SPAIN
mission to reclaim the holy ● Christopher Columbus-
land offered his service to find
● The emergence of the Muslim a way to go to India
Turks in the central part ● Caribbean- first
of Asia came the end of the destination (fake India)
Silk Road ● Treaty of Tordesillas-
● They raided the Chinese divided the world into two
Merchants (demarcation line)
● Chinese explored the ● East - Portuguese
southern part of China ● West - Spain
(Southeast Asia) after the ● The United Kingdom also
Silk Road started its own exploration
● Gold was found in the in Eastern America
Philippines ● France also colonized
● Mindoro was once called Ma- Canada
i (Land of Gold) ● King Charles I- the king
● Filipinos traded gold with whom Magellan proposed his
porcelain products plan to, and accepted the
● Victoria, San Antonio,
Trinidad, Concepcion, and
Santiago- Ships financed
● 265 men, Magellan was the
PORTUGAL Captain-General

● Juan Sebastian Elcano- one

of the crew
● Antonia Pigafeta- an
Italian man appointed by
the king to write
everything he sees
● August 10, 1519- started
the expedition from Port
● Santiago was wrecked, some
men died due to starvation
● Magellan killed the rebels
within the crew
● 1 ship went back to Spain
● 1520- reached the Pacific
Ocean, Mar Pacifico; was
named because when they
went there it was calm
● 1521- Reached the
● March 16, 1521- Magellan
sighted the island of Samar
and named it “St. Lazarus”
● Enrique became the
interpreter of the natives
and Magellan
● April 27, 1521- Magellan
was killed by Lapu-Lapu
● Lead by Juan Sebastion
Elcano, they continued
sailing to the Moluccas
● Concepcion was burned along
Bohol coast
● Trinidad and Victoria was
the only 2 left and
separated ways
● Trinidad was caught by the
● Antonio and Juan Sebastian
survived on the Victoria
● Pigafeta studied Visayas
● Hence, after the entire
stay, Antonia Pigafetta’s
readings were made into a
book (1969), namely, the
First Voyage Around the

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