Draft Resolution 1.1 - ECOSOC

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FPCI UI Model United Nations ECOSOC/DR/2021


Committee: United Nations Economic and Social Council

Topic: Guidelines for Post-Pandemic Recovery

Sponsors: Republic of Portugal, Swiss Confederation

Signatories: Republic of Zimbabwe, Arab Republic of Egypt, Japan, Kingdom of Saudi

Arabia, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Ethiopia, Republic of Panama, Islamic Republic
of Iran, Republic of Latvia, French Republic, Republic of Canada, Kingdom of the
Netherlands, Commonwealth of Australia, Kingdom of Thailand, Republic of Austria,
Kingdom of Norway, People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Bolivia.

Draft Resolution 1.1

The Economic and Social Council,

Alarmed by the current pandemic situation in the world, by rising the amount of infected and
variant strains,

Convinced that necessary action must be taken to mitigate the rise of poverty, unemployment,
wealth inequality, and various economic decline,

Realizing the toll that has been taken on the global economic condition due to the Covid-19

Guided by the United Nations Charter article 62-66 that mandate of ECOSOC council
includes coordinating, reviewing policies, creating recommendations on economic, social,
and environmental issues,

Understanding that global economic cooperation is key to alleviating economically stricken


Taking into consideration of the public anxiety caused by the COVID-19 pandemic,
Recognizing that each country has different policies and capability to provide a global action

Taking Note of the locally enacted recovery plan successes and failures of member states
around the globe,

Draws to attention the importance of foreign investment in infrastructure and Economic

development for developing countries through multilateral programs,

Noting with deep concern the inefficiency of government and employment programs,

Enhancing a capacity from limitedness transparency of support in countries that were lacking
in economic growth,

Guided by the Sustainable Development Goal number One, Three, Eight and Sixteen,

Having examined the UNDS “Five pillars of the socio-economic response”,

Reaffirming General Assembly resolution 2021/17 of 25th of June 2021 about strengthening
of the coordination of emergency humanitarian assistance of the United Nations,

Acknowledging the need for funding of the ECOSOC programs,

Fully aware of each country's economic capabilities in combating the problem.

Article 1
General Measures

1. Emphasize on the Economic and Social Council mandate and responsibility

comprehensively with consistent implementation and application of framework to
promote a robust multilateral response and policy guided by global solidarity through:
a. Building forums of discussion;
b. Encouraging partnerships;
c. Ensuring fiscal space as the pandemic response;
d. Promote collective actions;

2. Proclaims the set up of “The Recovery Commission”, which will:

a) Work on the basis of reviewing national recovery plans, which need to
i. Protection of well-defined property rights, Green policies in tackling down
the climate change, Safety label for tourism, Improvement of the healthcare
b) Monitor and evaluate each country’s recovery plan with the cooperation with
the cooperation of ECOSOC, focusing on the implementation and fulfilling
the basic requirements;
c) Contain 6 permanent members:
i. based on the 6 largest donors in the world
d) Contain all temporary members of the Economic and Social Committee;

3. Suggests to all members, that are delivering more than 50 percent of their
contribution to the international community by bilateral agreements, to prioritize
using multilateral agreements, oversaw by the ECOSOC, by the means of:
a) Funding national covid recovery plans;
b) Funding programs that are committed to helping ease the covid situation in
countries, such as but not limited to COVAX, ACT-A, GHRP;
c) Allocation of the remaining money for The Global Fund to:
i. Create a Global Relief Fund for future pandemics;
ii. To be used as a last effort in mitigating the crisis;

4. Supports the creation of “CLEAN AND SAFE INITIATIVE” with the cooperation
with UNWTO, to:
a) Label an establishment that has consciously committed to comply with the
safety concept:
i. Every small and medium-sized business that join the initiative will be
examined for each country’s Safety concept;
ii. When the examination is successful and the establishment comply with
governmental concept, it will be rewarded by the “Clean and Safe label”;
iii. Any successful establishment can use this label in their advertisement as a
cooperation with the UN;

b) Label a part of country that is committed to comply with the safety concept:
- the part will be safe to travel to;
- only places that are described as “tourist destinations”, which are places with
inherent or an exhibited natural or cultural value, historical significance, natural
or built beauty, offering leisure and amusement may join the initiative;

Article 2
Theoretical Framework

1. Recommends the establishment of Economic Recovery Assistance (ERA) program,

which serves to help the society by:
a) Developing Digital Transformation in Essential Sectors;
- Developed Countries: Various sectors, including but not limited to,
banking, education, and fiscal transaction, to further increase economic
resistance and general interaction reach;
- Developing Countries: Prioritizing essential sectors such as, but not
limited to, logistics, administration, communications, and otherwise
sectors that are important to the stability of the national government;
b) Adopting skill acquisition for employees affected from workplace
closures as to provide them jobs that recruits past worker who are facing
forced unemployment as this will also increases job opportunity;
c) Identifying partners to be involved in the programmes such as NGO who
will support the community projects and microfinance schemes;
d) Providing equal access to resources to farmers and industrial sector in all

2. Suggests that all nations to devote their national recovery plan to the Anti-Poverty
programme which works on the basis of:
a) Focusing on getting people into work by improving individual
capacities and helping mitigate information and other private
sector-oriented market constraints;
b) Helping the younger generations to seek a job, by providing the quotas
in public and private sectors employment;

3. Reaffirming the government to strengthen penalties for the spread of fake news,
in order to accelerate vaccination and recovery from COVID 19.

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