GPB Dragonflies of Sri Lanka 1st Ed 2006 05

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Gehan's Photo Booklet

Dragonflies of Sri Lanka

and Southern India
YS% ,xldfõ iy ol=Kq bkaÈhdfõ n;al+rka
,yq;ifapYk; njd; ,e;jpahtpYKs;s Jk;gpfs;

Matjaž Bedjaniè, Karen Conniff, Gehan de Silva Wijeyeratne

ueÜcdia fnâcksla" lefrdka fldks*a" f.ydka o is,ajd úf–r;ak
kl;[h]; ngl;[dpf;> fnud; nfhdpg;> nf`hd; b rpy;th tpN[auj;d

A Conservation Project

The key used for the status in Sri Lanka is as follows.

C = Common R = Resident
U = Uncommon M= Migrant
S = Scarce E = Endemic
H = Highly as in Highly Scarce V = Vagrant
(Very Scarce is not used as V is already used to denote vagrant)

As can be seen from the table above, an indication of abundance on the

left column combines with an indication of status on the right hand
column, to indicate the overall status of a species.

Thus HSR means Highly Scarce Resident, CR means Common Resident

and so on. Juveniles (Immatures) are shown as "Juv".

fuu iqÑfhka rg;=, ;;ajh fmkakqï lrhs'

C = iq,N R = ksjeis
U = iq,N ke;s M= ksyeß$ixpdrl
S = ÿ¾,N E = wdfõksl$;ekaje;s
H = b;d V = wdhdf,a hk

by; oelafjk j.=fjys jï ;Srefõ úfYaIfha iq,N;djh;a ol=Kq ;Srefõ rg;=, ;;ajh;a fmkakqï

WodyrKhla jYfhka HSR hkq b;d ÿ¾,N ksjeisfhls" CR hkq iq,N ksjeishla jYfhks'
ksyeô$megjdf.a ;;ajh "Juv" u.ska fmkakqï lrhs'
,t;tl;ltiz ehl;bYs;s epiyikia fhl;Lk;

C = nghJthdit R = cs;@u;
U = mUikahdit M= Gyk;ngau;git
S = mw;Gjkhdit E = Fwpg;ghdit
H = mjpmw;Gjkhdit V = miye;Jjpuptd

NkNy cs;s ml;ltizapypUe;J mwpe;Jnfhs;sf;$baJ vd;dntdpy;> tyJgf;f

$l;bDs; Vwpj;Jf;fhl;lg;gl;L;sitAld; ,lJgf;f $l;by; Fwpj;Jf;fhllg;gl;litia
,izj;J xl;Lnkhj;j ,dq;fspdJk; juhjuj;ijf; Fwpj;Jf; fl;LjyhFk;.

Cjhuzkhf HSR vd;gJ mjpmG+u;t cs;@u;. CR vd;gJ nghJthd cs;@u;>

Antidy;]; vd;gJ "Juv" vdf; fhl;lg;gl;Ls;sJ.

Front Cover - Pied Parasol (Neurothemis tullia) by Gehan de Silva Wijeyeratne

Back cover - Left to right, Crimson Dropwing (Trithemis aurora), Pied Parasol (Neurothemis tullia),
Pruinosed Bloodtail (Lathrecista asiatica) by Gehan de Silva Wijeyeratne

Jewelwings Calopterygidae Plate 1

Jewels Chlorocyphidae Plate 1

Gossamerwings Euphaeidae Plate 2

Spreadwings Lestidae Plate 2

Bluets Coenagrionidae Plate 3

Featherlegs Platycnemididae Plate 6

Forest Damsels Platystictidae Plate 7

Threadtails Protoneuridae Plate 8

Clubtails Gomphidae Plate 9

Hawkers Aeshnidae Plate 11

Chasers Libellulidae Plate 12

Emeralds Corduliidae Plate 21



Mannar Sri Lanka



National Park


A9 National Park

Wasgamuwa Eravur
National Park

Chilaw A9
Sand Spit A6


Matale A4

Peradeniya A26
KEGALLE Mawanella Meegasvatta
KURUNEGALA Hunnasgiriya

Ginigathena BADULLA Pottuvil

Kithulgala HakgalaA5
COLOMBO Talangama
Welimada A4
Adam's HATTON A16
A4 Pattipola
Bellanwila A4 Horton A4
Plains Bandarawela
Attidiya Ingiriya
Peak Wilderness
Rassagala Beragala Wellawaya
Panadura A8 HORANA Bodhinagala A4 A4
Kalawana Madampe
A18 Yala
Veddala Rakwana Uda Walawe (Ruhunu)
Kudawa National Park Tanamalwila National
Sinharaja Park
A17 Wirawila
Kanneliya Weligatta Kirinda
Nonagama Bundala
Hungama National Park
A17 A24 TANGALLE Kalametiya


Jewelwings (Calopterygidae) [{nty;tpq;];

© Gehan dSW
© Karen C
Oriental Green-wing (Neurobasis chinensis), CR Oriental Green-wing (Neurobasis chinensis), CR
Tßhkag,a .%k
S -a úka.a xwpaz;ly; fpwPd-; tpq;; Tßhkag,a .%k
S -a úka.a xwpaz;l
; y; fpwPd-; tpq;
© Gehan dSW

© Matjaz B
Black-tipped Flashwing (Vestalis apicalis), CE Black-tipped Flashwing (Vestalis apicalis), CE
í,ela-ámaâ *e,eYaúx gpshf;-bg;l; gpsh~;tpq;]; í,ela-a ámaâ *e,eYaúx gpsf; bg;l-; gpsh~;tpq;];

Jewels (Chlorocyphidae) [{nty;];

© Gehan dSW

© Karen C

Adam's Gem (Libellago adami), CE Adam's Gem (Libellago adami), CE

wevïia fcï mlk;]; n[k;; wevïia fcïa mlk;]; n[k;;

Jewels (Chlorocyphidae) [{nty;]; Contd.

© Anoma A
© Matjaz B
Ultima Gem (Libellago finalis), SE Green's Gem (Libellago greeni), SE
w,aáud fcï my;bkh n[k; .%k
S i
a a fcï fpwPd]
; ; n[k;;

Gossamerwings (Euphaeidae)
; ;

© Gehan dSW
© Karen C

Green's Gem (Libellago greeni), SE Shining Gossamerwing (Euphaea splendens), CE

S i
a a fcïa fpwPd]
; ; n[k;; Ihskxs f.diu¾úka.a irapdpq; nfh]nku;tpq;];

Spreadwings (Lestidae) ];gpnwl;tpq;];

© Gehan dSW

© Anoma A

Shining Gossamerwing (Euphaea splendens), CE Scalloped Spreadwing (Lestes praemorsus), CR

Ihskxs f.diu¾úka.a irdpq; nfh]nku;tpq;]; ialef,dmaâ iafm%â
a úka.a ];nfyg;l; ];gpnwl;tpq;

Spreadwings (Lestidae) ];gpnwl;tpq;]; Contd.

© Gehan dSW

© Matjaz B
Scalloped Spreadwing (Lestes praemorsus), CR Mountain Reedling (Indolestes gracilis), CE
ialef,dmaâ iafm%â
a úka.a ];nfyg;l; ];gpnul;tpq; ujqkga ka ßä,sk.
a a kTd;ud; wPbypq;

Bluets (Coenagrionidae) G@l;];

© Anoma A
© Matjaz B

Mountain Reedling (Indolestes gracilis), CE Wandering Wisp (Agriocnemis pygmaea), CR

ujqkga ka ßä,sk.
a a kTd;ud; wPbypq; fjkavßka úiama ntd;lwpq; tp];g;

© Anoma A
© Matjaz B

Wandering Wisp (Agriocnemis pygmaea), CR Marsh Dancer (Onychargia atrocyana), UR

fjkavßka úiama ntd;lwpq; tp];g; udIa vdkai¾ kh~; lhd;ru;

Bluets (Coenagrionidae) G@l;]; Contd.

© Anoma A

© Matjaz B
Marsh Dancer (Onychargia atrocyana), UR Malay Lilysquatter (Paracercion malayanum), UR
udIa vdkai¾ kh~; lhd;ru; uef,a ,s,i
s fa ldg¾ kNy ypyp];nfhl;lu;
© Matjaz B

© Matjaz B
Dawn Bluetail (Ischnura aurora), CR Dawn Bluetail (Ischnura aurora) CR
fvdaõka í¨fÜ,a Nlht;d; GSnlapy; fvdaõka í¨fÜ,a Nlht;d; GSnlapy;
© Matjaz B

© Matjaz B

Common Bluetail (Ischnura senegalensis) CR Common Bluetail (Ischnura senegalensis), CR

flduka í¨fÜ,a nfhkd;; GSnlapy; fldukaa í¨fÜ,a nfhkd;; GSnlapy;

Bluets (Coenagrionidae) G@l;]; Contd.

© Gehan dSW

© Anoma A
Common Bluetail (Ischnura sengalensis) CR Painted Waxtail (Ceriagrion cerinorubellum) CR
flduka í¨fÜ,a nfhkd; GSnlapy; fmkagâ jelaifa Ü,a nga;dl
; l; tf;]n
; lapy;
© Gehan dSW

© Matjaz B
Painted Waxtail (Ceriagrion cerinorubellum) CR Painted Waxtail (Ceriagrion cerinorubellum) CR
fmkagâ jelaifa Ü,a nga;dl
; ; tf;]n
; lapy;> fmkagâ jelaifa Ü,a nga;dl
; ; tf;]n
; lapy;
© Gehan dSW

© Karen C

Yellow Waxtail (Ceriagrion coromandelianum) CR Yellow Waxtail (Ceriagrion coromandelianum) CR

fhf,da jelaifa Ü,a naNyh tf;]n
; lapy;> fhf,da jelaifa Ü,a naNyh tf;]n
; lapy;

Bluets (Coenagrionidae) G@l;]; Contd.

© Anoma A
© Matjaz B
Malabar Sprite (Pseudagrion malabaricum), SR Blue Sprite (Pseudagrion microcephalum) CR
u,nd¾ iamh
% Üs kyghu; ];gpiwl; í¨ iamh
% Ü
s G@ ];gpiwl;>;

© Gehan dSW
© Matjaz B

Blue Sprite (Pseudagrion microcephalum) CR Sri Lanka Orange-faced Sprite CE

í¨ iamh
% Üs G@ ];gpiwl; (Pseudagrion rubriceps) YS% ,xld Tf¾ka–-f*aiâ
a iamh
% Üs
=yq;fh xNwd;[-; Nt];l; ];gpiwl;,

Featherlegs (Platycnemididae) ngju;nyf;]; © Anoma A

© Karen C

Sri Lanka Orange-faced Sprite (Pseudagrion CE Yellow Featherleg (Copera marginipes) CR

rubiceps) YS% ,xld Tf¾ka–-f*aiâ
a iamh
% Üs fhf,da f*o¾f,.a naNyh ngju;nyf;;
=yq;fh xNwd;[-; Nt];l; ];gpiwl;
Featherlegs (Platycnemididae) Forest Damsels (Platystictidae)
ngju;nyf;]; Contd. Nghnw];l; lhk;nry;];

© Anoma A

© Matjaz B
Yellow Featherleg (Copera marginipes) CR Fraser's Shadowdamsel (Drepanosticta HSE
fhf,da f*o¾f,.a naNyh ngju;nyf;; fraseri) f*ai
% ¾a ia Iefvdveïfi,a*,
a hs gpNw]u;];
© Matjaz B

© Matjaz B
Fraser's Shadowdamsel (Drepanosticta HSE Dark-shouldered Cornuted Shadowdamsel SE
fraseri) f*ai
% ¾a ia Iefvdveïfi,a*,
a hs gpNw]u;]; (Drepanosticta tropica) vdlafYda,v
a â fldakgâ
~Nlh lhk;nry;, Iefvdveïfi,a lhu;f-; N~hy;ll; NfhKll; ~Nlh
© Gehan dSW
© Matjaz B

Dark-shouldered Cornuted Shadowdamsel SE Dark Forestwraith (Platysticta apicalis), SE

(Drepanosticta tropica) vdlafYda,v
a â fldakgâ vd¾la f*dfriaÜf¾;a lhu;f; Nghnw];lNwj;
Iefvdveïfi,a lhu;f-; N~hy;ll; NfhKll; ~Nlh
Forest Damsels (Platystictidae)
Nghnw];l; lhk;nry;]; Contd. Threadtails (Protoneuridae) jpnwl;nuapy;];

© Anoma A
© Matjaz B
Blurry Forestwraith (Platysticta maculata), SE Two-spotted Threadtail (Elattoneura bigemmata) HSE
í,ß f*dfriaÜf¾;a Gswp Nghnw]lNwj; gq-iafmdgâ f;frâfÜ,a ^-];nghl;ll;
© Matjaz B

© Matjaz B
Two-spotted Threadtail (Elattoneura bigemmata) HSE Jungle Threadtail (Elattoneura caesia), SE
gq-iafmdgâ f;frâfÜ,a ^-];nghl;ll; cka.,a f;frâfÜ,a [q;fps; jpnwl;nuapy;
© Matjaz B

© Matjaz B

Dark-glittered Threadtail (Elattoneura centralis) R Red-striped Threadtail (Elattoneura tenax) E

vd¾la-.a,gs ¾â f;frâfÜ,a lhu;f-; f;yplu;l; frâ-iagh
% m
s â
a f;frâfÜ,a nwl;-];iwg;l;
jpnwl;nuapy;]>; jpnwl;nuapy;>;

Threadtails (Protoneuridae) jpnwl;nuapy;]; Contd.

© Matjaz B
© Karen C
Stripe-headed Threadtail (Prodasineura sita) CE Stripe-headed Threadtail (Prodasineura sita), CE
% m
s -a fyvâ f;frâfÜ,as ];iwg;-n`nll; iagh
% m
s -a fyvâ f;frâfÜ,a ];iwg;-n`nll;;
jpnwl;nuapy; jpnwl;nuapy;

Clubtails (Gomphidae) f;sg;nlapy;];

© Matjaz B

© Karen C
Stripe-headed Threadtail (Prodasineura sita) CE Transvestite Clubtail (Cyclogomphus gynostylus) UE
% m
s -a fyvâ f;frâfÜ,a ];iwg;-n`nll; g%dkaifa jiaÜõ la,ífÜ,a whs;]v
; t];iuw;
jpnwl;nuapy; f;sg;nuapy;"
© Matjaz B

© Matjaz B

Sri Lanka Sabretail (Megalogomphus HSE Sri Lanka Sabretail (Megalogomphus HSE
ceylonicus) • ,xld fiaíßfÜ,a =yq;fh ceylonicus) • ,xld fiaíßfÜ,a =yq;fh
rhg;wpnuapy;" rhg;wp;nuapy;"

Clubtails (Gomphidae) f;sg;nlapy;]; Contd.

© Gehan dSW
© Matjaz B
Brook Hooktail (Paragomphus henryi) fykaßia CE Wall's Grappletail (Heliogomphus walli) HSE
nqrela yqlfa Ü,a GW}f; `{f;nuapy;" fjda,i
a a .%em,afÜ,a Nths;]; f;whgy;n
; uapy;"

© Matjaz B
© Karen C

Sri Lanka Forktail (Macrogomphus lankanensis) UE Wijaya's Scissortail (Microgomphus wijaya) HSE
; uapy;"
YS% ,xld f*(dalfa Ü,a =yq;fh Nghu;fn úchia isißfÜ,a tp[ah]; spNshu;nuapy;

© Gehan dSW
© Matjaz B

Rivulet Tiger (Gomphidia pearsoni), SE Rapacious Flangetail (Ictinogomphus rapax) CR

ßjq,Ü ghs.¾ wpTnyl; ilfu; /fmaYia *e,ekafÜ,a nwgarpa]; t;yhq;nuapy;

Clubtails (Gomphidae) f;sg;nlapy;]; Contd. Hawkers (Aeshnidae) `tf;fu;];

© Gehan dSW

© Matjaz B
Rapacious Flangetail (Ictinogomphus rapax), CR Fiery Emperor (Anax immaculifrons), CR
/fmaYia *e,exfÜ,a ungrpa]; t;yhq;nuapy; *shß tïmr tpawp vk;ngwu;

© Matjaz B
© Matjaz B

Vagrant Emperor (Hemianax ephippigier) CR Elephant Emperor (Anax indicus), SR

je.arkaÜ tïmr ntf;wd;u; vk;ngwu; t,s*kaÜ tïmr vypgd;l; vk;ngwu;

© Matjaz B
© Karen C

Indian Duskhawker (Gynacantha dravida), CM Dark Evehawker (Anaciaeschna donaldi), R

bkaÈhka vialfa ydl¾ ,d;bad; l];f`
; ntfu; vdla bõfydl¾ lhu;f; ,tp`ntfu;

Chasers (Libellulidae) Nr]u;];

© Anoma A
© Matjaz B
Yerbury’s Elf (Tetrathemis yerburii), HSE Sombre Lieutenant (Brachydiplax sobrina), CR
hnrsia t,a* agwP]; vy;t; fidïn¾ ¨fjkkaÜ nrhk;gpwp nyt;bdd;l;

© Gehan dSW
© Matjaz B

Sombre Lieutenant (Brachydiplax sobrina), CR Pale-faced Forestskimmer (Cratilla lineata) UR

fidïn¾ ¨fjkkaÜ nrhk;gpwp nyt;bdd;l; fma,-a f*diaâ f*driaÜialu
s ¾ Ngy;-Ng];l;

© Gehan dSW
© Karen C

Pruinosed Bloodtail (Lathrecista asiatica), CR Pruinosed Bloodtail (Lathrecista asiatica), CR

mSf% kdiaÜ í,âfÜ,a g;wN
P eh];l; gpyl;nuapy; mSf% kdiaÜ í,âfÜ,a g;wN
P eh];l; gpyl;nuapy;

Chasers (Libellulidae) Nr]u;]; Contd.

© Gehan dSW

© Gehan dSW
Spine-tufted Skimmer (Orthetrum chrysis), SR Asian Skimmer (Orthetrum glaucum), CR
iamhsk-a g.agâ ialu
s ¾ ];igd;-ut;ul; ];fpk;ku; taIh
s ka ialu
s ¾ V~pad; ];fpk;ku;
© Gehan dSW

© Anoma A
Asian Skimmer (Orthetrum glaucum) CR Marsh Skimmer (Orthetrum luzonicum), CR
s ka ialu
s ¾ V~pad; ];fpk;ku; ud¾Ia ialu
s ¾ khu;~; ];fpk;ku;
© Gehan dSW

© Matjaz B

Marsh Skimmer (Orthetrum luzonicum), CR Pink Skimmer (Orthetrum pruinosum) CR

ud¾Ia ialu
s ¾ khu;~; ];fpk;ku; mskl
a a ialu
s ¾ gpq; ];fpk;ku;

Chasers (Libellulidae) Nr]u;]; Contd.

© Gehan dSW

© Karen C
Pink Skimmer (Orthetrum pruinosum), CR Green Skimmer (Orthetrum sabina), CR
a a ialu
s ¾ gpq; ];fpk;ku; .Sk
% a ialu
s ¾ fpwPd; ];fpk;ku;
© Gehan dSW

© Matjaz B
Green Skimmer (Orthetrum sabina), CR Triangle Skimmer (Orthetrum triangulare), CR
% a ialu
s ¾ fpwPd; ];fpk;ku; g%hw
s eka.,a ialu
s ¾ l;whq;fps; ];fpk;ku;
© Gehan dSW

© Gehan dSW

Blue Pursuer (Potarmarcha congener), UR Asian Pintail (Acisoma panorpoides), CR

í¨ m¾iqj¾ G@ gu;Rau; taIh
S ka mskfa Ü,a V~pad; gpd;nlapy;

Chasers (Libellulidae) Nr]u;]; Contd.

© Gehan dSW

© Gehan dSW
Asian Pintail (Acisoma panorpoides), CR Asian Groundling (Brachythemis contaminata) CR
S ka mskfa Ü,a V~pad; gpd;nlapy; taIh
s ka .%jk
q â
a ,sk.
a a V~pad; fpwTd;ly
; pq;>
© Gehan dSW

© Karen C
Asian Groundling (Brachythemis contaminata) CR Indian Rockdweller (Bradinopyga geminata) CR
s ka .%jk
q â
a ,sk.
a a V~pad; fpwTd;ly
; pq;> bkaÈhka frdlafvfj,¾ ,e;jpad; nwhf;ln
; ty;yu;
© Gehan dSW

© Gehan dSW

Oriental Scarlet (Crocothemis servilia), CR Oriental Scarlet (Crocothemis servilia), CR

Tßhkag,a iald¾,Ü xwpad;uy; ];fhnyl; Tßhkag,a iald¾,Ü xwpad;uy; ];fhnyl;

Chasers (Libellulidae) Nr]u;]; Contd.

© Anoma A
© Matjaz B
Oriental Scarlet (Crocothemis servilia), juv CR Black-tipped Percher (Diplacodes nebulosa), CR
Tßhkag,a iald¾,Ü xwpad;uy; ];fhnyl; í,ela-ámaâ m¾p¾ gpsf;-bg;l; gu;rr
; u;

© Gehan dSW
© Matjaz B

Black-tipped Percher (Diplacodes nebulosa), CR Blue Percher (Diplacodes trivialis), CR

í,ela-ámaâ m¾p¾ gpsf;-bg;l; gu;rr
; u;; í¨ m¾p¾ GS gu;rr
; u;
© Gehan dSW

© Gehan dSW

Blue Percher (Diplacodes trivilais), CR Sociable Glider (Tramea limbata),

í¨ m¾p¾ GS gu;rr ; u;> fidIshn,a .a,v
s ¾ Nrh~gps; f;ypl;lu;

Chasers (Libellulidae) Nr]u;]; Contd.

© Gehan dSW

© Gehan dSW
Light-tipped Demon (Indothemis carnatica), HSR Restless Demon (Indothemis limbata), SR
,hsÜ-ámaâ äuka yapl;-bg;l; bnkhd; friaÜ,i äuka nw];ln
; y]; bnkhd;
© Gehan dSW

© Gehan dSW
Pied Parasol (Neurothemis tullia), CR Pied Parasol (Neurothemis tullia), CR
mhsâ merfid,a ga;l; gwnrhy; mhsâ merfid,a ga;l; gwnrhy;
© Gehan dSW

© Gehan dSW

Spine-legged Redbolt (Rhodothemis rufa), juv CR Spine-legged Redbolt (Rhodothemis rufa) CR

iamhsk-a f,.aâ frâfnd,aÜ ];igd;-nyf;l; iamhsk-a f,.aâ frâfnd,aÜ ];igd;-nyf;l;
nwl;nghy;l; nwl;nghy;l;

Chasers (Libellulidae) Nr]u;]; Contd.

© Gehan dSW

© Matjaz B
Spine-legged Redbolt (Rhodothemis rufa), CR Red-veined Darter (Sympetrum fonscolombii),
iamhsk-a f,.aâ frâfnd,aÜ ];igd;-nyf;l; frâ-fõkaâ vdg¾ nwl;-ntapd;l; lhu;lu;

© Gehan dSW
© Matjaz B

Red-veined Darter (Sympetrum fonscolombii), SR Crimson Dropwing (Trithemis aurora), CR

frâ-fõkaâ vdg¾ nwl;-ntapd;l; lhu;lu; lsï
% ika fv%dmaúka.a f;wpk;rd; l;nwhg;tpq;;
© Karen C

© Karen C

Crimson Dropwing (Trithemis aurora), CR Indigo Dropwing (Trithemis festiva), CR

% ika fv%dmaúka.a f;wpk;rd; l;nwhg;tpq;; bkaäf.d fv%dmaúka.a ,d;bnfh l;nwhg;tpq;;

Chasers (Libellulidae) Nr]u;]; Contd.

© Gehan dSW
© Matjaz B
Indigo Dropwing (Trithemis festiva), CR Dancing Dropwing (Trithemis pallidinervis), UR
bkaäf.d fv%dmaúka.a ,d;bnfh l;nwhg;tpq;; vdkaik
s a fv%dmaúka.a lhd;rpq; l;nwhg;tpq;;
© Matjaz B

© Matjaz B
Aggressive Riverhawk (Onychothemis SR Aggressive Riverhawk (Onychothemis SR
tonkinensis) wef.%iõ
s ßj¾fydla mf;Nwrpt; tonkinensis) wef.%iõ
s ßj¾fydla mf;Nwrpt;
wptu;`tf;> wptu;`tf;>
© Anoma A

© Karen C

Blue-based Flutterer (Rhyothemis trianglularis) SR Variable Flutterer (Rhyothemis variegata), CR

í¨-fíiaâ *,Ür GS-Ng];l; t;yl;lwu;;" fõßhn,a *,Ür Ntwpvgps;; t;Yl;luu;

Chasers (Libellulidae) Nr]u;]; Contd.

© Gehan dSW

© Matjaz B
Variable Flutterer (Rhyothemis variegata), CR Wandering Glider (Pantala flavescens), CM
fõßhn,a *,Ür Ntwpvgps;; t;Yl;lhu;; fjdkavßka .a,hsv¾ nthd;lwpq; f;spl;lu;
© Matjaz B

© Matjaz B
Bermeister's Glider (Tramea basilaris), CR Foggy-winged Twister (Tholymis tillarga), CR
n¾úhsiga ¾ia .a,hsv¾ gu;nka;]n
; lu;]; f;spl;lu; f*d.s-úka.â
a Üúiag¾ nthf;fp-tpq;l; Ltp];lu;
© Gehan dSW

© Matjaz B

Foggy-winged Twister (Tholymis tillarga), CR Dingy Duskflyer (Zyxomma petiolatum), CR

a Üúiag¾ nthf;fp-tpq;l; Ltp];lu; äka.s vial*
a ,
a h¾ bq;fp l];fg
; pisau;

Chasers (Libellulidae) Nr]u;]; Contd.

© Gehan dSW

© Gehan dSW
Elusive Adjutant (Aethriamanta brevipennis) HSR Scarlet Basker (Urothemis signata), CR
b¨isÜ-weâcgkaÜ ,Yrpt; ml;[l;ld;l>; iald¾,Ü ndial¾ ];fhnyl; gh];fu;
© Gehan dSW

© Gehan dSW
Scarlet Basker (Urothemis signata), CR Sri Lanka Cascader (Zygonyx iris), CE
iald¾,Ü ndial¾ ];fhnyl; gh];fu; YS% ,xld leiaflav¾ = yq;fh fh];flu;

Emeralds (Corduliidae) vnkwy;];

© Matjaz B

© Matjaz B

Sri Lanka Cascader (Zygonyx iris), CE Sri Lanka Cruiser (Macromia zeylanica),
YS% ,xld leiaflav¾ = yq;fh fh];flu; YS% ,xld lgi¾ = yq;fh f;W}]u;
Other publications by

de Silva Wijeyeratne, G. (2006) Gehan's Photo Booklet: Butterflies of Sri Lanka

and Southern India. 28 pages. Jetwing Eco Holidays: Colombo.

de Silva Wijeyeratne, G. (2006) Gehan's Photo Booklet: Birds of Sri Lanka and
Southern India. 44 pages. Jetwing Eco Holidays: Colombo.

de Silva Wijeyeratne, G. (Ed.) 2004. Leopards and other wildlife of Yala. Compiled
& Edited by Gehan de Silva Wijeyeratne. Photography by Gehan de Silva
Wijeyeratne. 232 pages. A Jetwing Publication: Colombo.
ISBN 955 - 1079 - 00 - 0.

de Silva Wijeyeratne, G. and Perera, L. (2004) Shorebirds, an artist in the field.

2004. 48 pages. Jetwing Eco Holidays: Colombo. ISBN 955 - 1079 - 03 - 5

de Silva Wijeyeratne, G. (2005). Sri Lanka National Parks and Reserves. Eco
Holidays, Colombo. 36 pages. ISBN 955-1079-05-1 A thirty six page overview
of the key sites for eco-tourism in Sri Lanka with brief details on logistics.

Other useful publications on Natural History

de Silva Wijeyeratne, G., Warakagoda, D. and de Zylva, Dr T.S.U. (2000) A

Photographic Guide to the Birds of Sri Lanka. 144 pages. New Holland: London.
ISBN 185974-511-3 Descriptions and photographs of 252 species of birds,
covering the endemics and those likely to be seen on a short visit. It has sold
over 10,000 copies.

de Fonseka, T. The Dragonflies of Sri Lanka (2000). Wildlife Heritage Trust:

Colombo. 304 pages. ISBN 955-9114-19-0
A compilation of the literature on Sri Lankan dragonflies. 20 Colour plates.

Master Naturalists Deepal Warakagoda & Lester Perera work exclusively with Jetwing Eco Holidays. Writer and
Photographer Gehan de Silva Wijeyeratne is the CEO of Jetwing Eco Holidays.
Matjaž Bedjaniè
Matjaž graduated in Biology with
his thesis “An attempt of the
analysis of the dragonfly fauna of
Sri Lanka (Insecta, Odonata)”. His work on the
topic is continued in the frame of his PhD project

© Lester Perera
with the general title “Dragonfly Fauna of Sri
Lanka”. Matjaž has been employed at the
Institute for Nature Conservation of the Republic
of Slovenia, where he works on the protection of
animal species and their habitats. His main “free
time” interests include taxonomy, biology,
zoogeography and protection of dragonfly fauna
of South-east Asia, especially Sri Lanka, nature
protection of freshwater ecosystems, fieldwork
Photography: The photographs are the copyright
and nature photography. His odonatological field
of the individual photographers. Under no
experience in South-east Asia comprises of Sri
circumstances can the images in this publication
Lanka (three times), South India, Indonesia and
be used without the permission of the
Karen Conniff
Gehan dSW - Gehan de Silva Wijeyeratne
Matjaz B - Matjaž Bedjaniè
Karen Conniff has a Ph.D. in
Karen C - Karen Conniff
Agricultural Science. She taught
Anoma A - Anoma Alagiyawadu
basic entomology to agriculture
(Lighthouse Hotel & Wildlife
students in Lesotho Africa, has trained farmers in
Conservation Society of Galle)
Nepal on pesticide use, began a pesticide
Published by: Jetwing Eco Holidays, Colombo. residue-testing program in Nepal, and has been
an amateur insect collector and observer for
First Edition, 1st Print: March 2006.
many years. She enjoys observing and
Production coordinator: Ayanthi Samarajewa documenting dragonflies and damselflies in Sri
Citation: Bedjanic, M., Conniff, K. & de Silva
Wijeyeratne, G. (2006) Gehan's Photo Booklet: Gehan de Silva Wijeyeratne
Dragonflies of Sri Lanka and Southern India, (
Jetwing Eco Holidays, Colombo. Averaging weekly media appearances, Gehan
has emerged as a wildlife and tourism celebrity in
Acknowledgements Sri Lanka. He is using his activities as a writer,
The Directors and staff of Jetwing, especially photographer and tourism personality towards
Hiran Cooray, support the efforts of Jetwing Eco the creation of a million wildlife enthusiasts in Sri
Holidays to use tourism as a force for Lanka by the year 2025. He graduated in
conservation. Engineering from Imperial College and qualified
The Eco Holidays team (Chandrika Maelge, as a Chartered Accountant with Deloittes
Ayanthi Samarajewa, Ajanthan Shanthiratnam, Touche Tohmatsu. He worked at LIFFE,
Shehani Seneviratne, Aruni Hewage and L de S. Sumitomo Finance International and Abbey
Gunasekera) assisted in numerous ways to make National in London before returning to Sri Lanka
this publication a reality. Many staff of Jetwing after fifteen years in the UK. He has lead
Hotels also assisted in field work. Several authored and/or photographed several books
naturalist guides, safari jeep drivers and trackers including A Birdwatchers Guide to Sri Lanka
have also assisted in the field. This publication (Oriental Bird Club, UK), A Photographic Guide to
would not have been possible without the the Birds of Sri Lanka, Magic of Sri Lanka and
expertise of Matjaz Bedjanic and Karen Coniff Portrait of Sri Lanka (New Holland, London),
and the contributions from the photographers Leopards and other Wildlife of Yala and
whose images are individually credited. Shorebirds an artist in the field. His work also
appears regularly in newspapers and magazines,
Gehan uses FujiFilm for his images on locally and internationally.
transparency film and Canon equipment for his
digital stills.
The Gehan's Photo Booklet series published by Jetwing Eco Holidays provides portable and
affordable photographic guides to Sri Lanka's fauna and flora. It is hoped that the series will
be a first step towards learning the identification at species level.

This booklet includes photographs of 78 of Sri Lanka's 117 described species of dragonflies
and damselflies. Advanced users may also find the colour plates convenient for use in the
field to complement the more advanced books which are too cumbersome to be carried into
the field.

The series is an initiative of wildlife populariser Gehan de Silva Wijeyeratne who together
with Jetwing and the tourism industry is on a mission to create a million wildlife enthusiasts
in Sri Lanka by the year 2025. He has enlisted the support of many people to produce these
booklets so that the message for conservation can be taken to a wide audience.

f.ydkaf.a PdhdrEm fmd;a fm," Jetwing Eco Holidays úiska t<solajk ,o YS% ,xldfõ Ydl iy i;aj PdhdrEm iys;
myiq ñ,lg ,nd.; yels m%ldYkhls'

YS% ,xldfõ yuqjk n;al+rka yd veïi<hska úfYaI 117 la w;=ßka úfYaI 78 l PdhdrEm fuu fmdf;ys wvx.=fõ' fuys we;=,;a jk
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fuu PdhdrEm fmd;a fm< f.ydka o is,ajd úf–r;ak úiska Jetwing wdh;kh yd YS% ,xldj ;=, jir 2025 jk úg
iajNdjO¾uh ms<sn| Woafhda.S jkakka ñ,shkhla ìys lsÍug lghq;= lrhs' fuu fmd; t<soelaùfï oS úúO mqoa.,hkaf.a
iyfhda.h ,enq w;r tu.ska ijNdjO¾uh ixrCIKh lsÍfï msKsjqvh ish¿ fokd w;r m%p,s; lsßuhs'

n[l;tpq; ,Nfh n`hypNl]; (Jetwing Eco Holidays) ];jhgdj;jpdhy; ntspaplg;gLk; jpU. nf`hdpd;
epow;gl Gj;jfj; njhluhdJ> ,yq;ifapYs;s tpyq;fpdq;fisAk; jhtu tiffisAk; mwpe;J nfhs;s
topfhl;bahfTs;s RygkhdJk; kypTtpiyapy; fpilf;ff;$baJkhd gpuRukhFk;.. ,j;njhlu; ,dq;fspd;
epiyikapid ,dq;fhZjy; gw;wpa gbg;gpw;F Kjw; gbahFk;.
,g;Gj;jfj;jpYs;slf;fg;gl;Ls;s epow;glq;fspd; njhifahdJ ,yq;ifapYs;s 78 l;wfd;gpis];]{k;
tpgupf;fg;gl;l 117 lnk];gpis]{k; mlq;fk;. fs epiyikfs; njhlu;ghd tpupthd mwpitf;
nfhz;ltu;fSf;Fk; kw;Wk; tpupthd tpguq;fisf; nfhz;l gpuRuq;fistpl
vLj;Jr; nry;tjw;F ,yFthdJ
2025 Mk; Mz;lstpy; tdrPtuhrpfis gpugyg;gLj;Jk; nf`hd; b rpy;th
tpN[auj;d> Rw;Wyh JiwAlDk; n[l;tpq;FlDk; ,ize;j kp~d; %yk;
,yq;ifapy; gj;J ,yl;rksT tdrPtuhrpfspd; Neau;fis cUthf;Fjw;fhd
Muk;g epiyahf ,g;Gj;jfk; cs;sJ. ,g;Gj;jfj;njhlupid ntspapl MjuT
ey;fpatu;fspd; gl;baiy jd;dfj;Nj nfhz;Ls;shu; mj;Jld; tdrPtuhrpfs;
ghJfhty; nra; j pahdJ gue; j mstpy; tpyq; f pdq; f spd; g hy;
Neaq;nfhz;ltu;fis nrd;wila Ntz;Lk;.


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